Strong medicine for asthma. Medication for bronchial asthma: drugs

Treatment of bronchial asthma includes a large number of schemes corresponding to the severity of the disease or the so-called stage of the disease. In the first three stages, when the asthma symptoms are not too severe and bother the patient moderately, inhaled drugs are predominantly used for therapy.

This means that the patient introduces all the drugs into his own body by inhaling them. Why, then, is someone prescribed pills for the treatment of bronchial asthma?

Some asthmatics suffer quite severely from their disease. Many of them require ongoing, systemic supportive therapy. It is the tablet forms of drugs that are suitable for such patients, since oral administration of the drug, that is, administration through the mouth, provides a fairly quickly onset systemic effect. The phrase "systemic effect" means that the drug acts on the entire patient's body, and not only on the area of ​​its direct administration.

Consider which pills are most often prescribed for patients with bronchial asthma.

The most common form of the disease is allergic bronchial asthma. At the heart of the obstruction of the respiratory tract with a similar form of the disease is the patient's contact with the allergen. Seasonal events such as pollen from flowering plants, for example, are often the culprit for allergies. In this case, the patient has to take pills for allergies in the spring and summer. However, allergens can also be common household allergens, such as dust or pet hair. In this case, it is desirable to exclude the allergen from the patient's life. However, it is not always possible to stop contacting the cause of the allergy. If the prevention of allergies without the use of medicines is impossible, then the patient is prescribed pills for allergies, which he must take on a regular basis. This will help prevent asthma attacks that are too frequent.

For the treatment of asthma allergies, pills such as:

This drug has an antihistamine effect. It not only blocks specific receptors, but also prevents the degranulation of mast cells - the release of the inflammatory mediator of histamine from their granules in response to the contact of the patient's body with the allergen.

The tablets contain 1.3 mg of the active ingredient, which is ketotifen fumarate, and only 1 mg of ketotifen in one tablet. Usually, ketotifen is prescribed in two doses with meals in the morning and in the evening, 1 tablet. However, if the effect of the drug is insufficient, you can try to double the dose, that is, take two tablets twice a day.

It is important that the drug can also be used in patients childhood... Starting from 3 years old, you can use ketotifen twice a day, also 1 tablet with meals. Treatment with ketotifen continues for at least 3 months, and the drug should be discontinued gradually, within 2-3 weeks.

Some inconvenience is that medicine dispensed only by prescription. However, for the patient it is rather a blessing: the possibility of using the medicine for other purposes and in incorrect doses is excluded.

Contraindications to the use of ketotifen are: pregnancy and breastfeeding, age up to 3 years, as well as an allergy to the drug itself.

With some restrictions and under the close supervision of a physician, the drug should be used by patients suffering from epilepsy or liver disease.

The most significant side effects when using ketotifen can be as follows:

  1. Lethargy, lethargy, fatigue, slowing reactions, drowsiness and headache.
  2. Nausea, vomiting, constipation, stomach pain, and increased appetite.
  3. Urinary disorder, weight gain, destruction of platelets - plates that act to clot blood and stop bleeding.
  4. Allergic manifestations: itching, redness, inflammation of the mucous membranes of the nose - rhinitis, eyes - conjunctivitis.

It is important to know that:

  1. Ketotifen is not used to relieve an attack of bronchial asthma.
  2. Should be used with caution by vehicle drivers and representatives of others.
  3. Professions that constantly require dynamic concentration of attention.
  4. If the patient, together with ketotifen, uses insulin preparations, he needs to control blood platelets.
  5. Ketotifen does not replace other anti-asthma therapy: if necessary, the abolition of other anti-asthma drugs should be carried out gradually and under the supervision of the attending physician.
  • Tinset or oxatomide.

The drug is also a histamine antagonist. It blocks histamine receptors and reduces the release of inflammatory mediators from mast cells.

1 tablet contains 30 mg of active ingredient. Adult patients are usually prescribed two doses of the drug, 1 tablet each. If the child's weight exceeds 35 kg, then he can be prescribed a two-time dose of half a tablet. If the patient does not notice an improvement in his condition a week after treatment with oxatomide was started, his daily dose of the drug can be doubled.

Contraindications to the use of oxatomide are allergic reactions to the drug itself.

The most significant side effects when using oxatomide can be as follows:

  1. Dry mouth, nausea and vomiting, increased appetite.
  2. Drowsiness, lethargy and fatigue, dizziness, muscle weakness.
  3. Hives, skin rashes, up to severe edematous allergic reactions.

It is important to know that:

  • oxatomide is not used during an attack of bronchial asthma;
  • treatment of children under 6 years of age with oxatomide should be done with great care
    in patients with hepatic pathology, it is better to start using the drug in a pediatric, half dose;
  • you should not abruptly stop using other anti-asthma drugs when prescribing oxatomide;
  • the drug is somewhat depressing nervous system: it is impossible to start treatment with them in persons who must have a constant increased concentration of attention and quick reactions, representatives of such professions as, for example, a driver or a doctor.

Anti-inflammatory therapy with glucocorticosteroids

To combat the chronic inflammatory process in the walls of the bronchi in bronchial asthma, hormonal drugs are often used - glucocorticosteroids or glucocorticoids. There are topical glucocorticoids that are inhaled, such as Beclomethasone.

In severe cases of bronchial asthma, local glucocorticosteroids are not enough to alleviate the patient's condition. Then the treatment is carried out in tablets, that is, in systemic forms. The classic option for asthmatics is prednisolone tablets containing 5 mg of the active ingredient.

Often, the calculation of the dose of the drug depends on many factors: the severity of the course of the disease, the weight of the patient, the reaction of the asthmatic's body to the administration of the drug.

Glucocorticoid tablets suppress the formation of pro-inflammatory mediators, that is, substances that cause the inflammatory process and contribute to its maintenance and enhancement with their constant release.

However, when prescribing such drugs, it should be remembered that treatment with glucocorticosteroids has a lot of negative sides - the most serious side effects. The most significant of them should be recognized as:

  1. Diabetes arising from insulin resistance during prolonged use of the drug.
  2. Ulcers of the stomach and intestines, arising from the irritating effect of the tablet on the mucous membrane of the gastrointestinal tract.
  3. Adrenal insufficiency: when adrenal hormones are injected from the outside, their own hormones are synthesized much less actively.
  4. Arterial hypertension, that is, increased blood pressure.
  5. Upper-type obesity, reflected mainly on the face, upper limbs, chest, abdomen.
  6. Bone destruction - osteoporosis.
  7. Amenorrhea in women: also due to the synthesis of their own hormones, in this case - sex hormones.
  8. Withdrawal syndrome, that is, an increase in the phenomena of inflammation and bronchial obstruction, with which the drug fights, with a sharp cessation of its intake.


Tableted forms of drugs for bronchial asthma should be used with caution. The fact is that the treatment with these drugs is quite long and therefore may be accompanied by the development of serious side effects.

In tablets, asthmatics are prescribed drugs for allergies and glucocorticosteroids - hormonal anti-inflammatory drugs.

Appointment of system dosage forms should take place according to clear indications. Their use should be monitored by the attending physician. You should not prescribe such serious drugs yourself.

It is better to get additional advice from a specialist and weigh the pros and cons with him. This is also important because the withdrawal of systemic drugs always takes time, and their effect on the body is too fast and strong to start such treatment spontaneously.

Video: Sores: Bronchial asthma

Bronchial asthma is a chronic inflammation of the trachea and bronchi. The disease occurs for three reasons: ingestion of an allergen, an infection in the respiratory tract, or a psychosomatic reaction to a life situation. The mechanism of the onset of an attack is the same: under the influence of unfavorable factors, the trachea and bronchi spasm, swell, the production of mucus increases, the respiratory passage narrows and it becomes difficult for a person to breathe. A distinctive feature of an attack is a difficult exhalation. Medicines for bronchial asthma are prescribed by a doctor. They prevent or stop (eliminate) the manifestations of the disease.

Without treatment, asthma attacks become more frequent and, over time, can progress to status asthmaticus: a complicated reaction in which the sensitivity to choking drugs is significantly reduced. The risk of death increases.

The bulk of asthma medications are used in the form of:

  • Aerosols delivered with an inhaler. This method is considered the fastest and most effective, since the active substance is delivered directly to the trachea and bronchi in seconds. It has a local effect, therefore, the impact on other organs and the risk of side effects are significantly reduced. Smaller doses are used in comparison with other types medicinal substance... Inhalation is indispensable for stopping an attack.
  • Tablets and capsules. They are used mainly for long-term systematic treatment.

The bronchi are healthy and with bronchitis

Inhalation devices

Inhalation is done using special devices:

  1. Inhalers. These are compact devices that asthmatics carry with them in case of an attack. The can contains a medicinal aerosol. When an attack occurs, it is turned over with the mouthpiece down, inserted into the mouth and, while inhaling, the valve is pressed. The medicine enters the respiratory system with air. For powder medicines, a special inhaler is used - turbuhaler.
  2. Spacers. This is a camera that fits over an aerosol can. The asthmatic squirts the medicine into the spacer, then inhales. Such a device excludes the possibility of incorrect use of the inhaler:
  • no need to monitor the simultaneity of injection and inhalation;
  • the speed of the aerosol stream does not interfere with breathing;
  • for convenience, you can put on a mask on the camera and inhale through it;
  • nebulizers. This is a stationary inhaler that is used at home.

It is preferable to use a spacer not only for children but also for adults.

List of medicines

The entire list of drugs for bronchial asthma can be divided into two large groups:

Medicines reduce the sensitivity of mucous membranes to the action of allergens
  1. To stop an attack. Bronchodilators are used. Asthmatic drugs of this group are useless for eliminating the disease, but are indispensable during an attack, instantly relieving life-threatening symptoms.
  2. For the treatment of the disease. Systematic drug therapy of bronchial asthma involves taking medications not only during exacerbations, but also during quiet periods. Medicines of this group are useless during an attack, since they act slowly, gradually reducing the sensitivity of the mucous membranes to the action of allergens and infections. Doctors prescribe the following remedies:
  • long-acting bronchodilators;
  • anti-inflammatory: stabilizers of mast cell membranes and hormones (glucocorticosteroids) in difficult cases;
  • antileukotriene;
  • expectorant and mucolytics;
  • new generation.

The names of all drugs are for informational purposes only! Do not self-medicate.

Bronchodilators (bronchodilators)

Bronchodilators relieve spasms by making breathing easier. Apply:

Teopec makes breathing easier
  • inhalation (aerosol) with substances of short ("Barotek", "Hexoprenaline", "Berodual", "Salbutamol") and long ("Formoterol", "Salmeterol", "Fenoterol", "Ipratropium bromide") action. In some situations, medications are combined. For systemic treatment for a long-term effect, use "Serevent", "Oxis";
  • tablets or capsules ("Euphyllin", "Teopek", "Teotard").

With the frequent uncontrolled use of bronchodilators, the sensitivity of the respiratory system to their active substances decreases. That is, during the next attack, the drug may not work, and the risk of death from suffocation increases. Asthma requires systematic treatment!

Anti-inflammatory drugs

Inflammation in the airways is responsible for the development of asthma, so its elimination is the goal of therapy. Anti-inflammatory medications are the main treatment for illness and prevention of seizures. Non-hormonal stabilizers of mast cell membranes and glucocorticosteroid drugs are used.

Mast cell membrane stabilizers

Mast cells are involved in development allergic reaction, throwing out histamine and other biologically active substances into the body. Mast cell membrane stabilizers inhibit their release, thereby preventing an attack. Most often used in the form of inhalation. Apply means:

Zaditen is used to treat asthma in children
  • with ketotifen (Astafen, Zaditen, Ketasma, Ketotifen, Stafen). Used to treat uncomplicated asthma in children and adolescents. They have antihistaminic properties;
  • with sodium cromoglycate (Intal, Kromogen, Cropos). Virtually no side effects, non-addictive;
  • with sodium nedocromil ("Tiled", "Intal"). They have a strong anti-inflammatory effect, reduce the sensitivity of the nerve endings of the trachea and bronchi to allergens.


Glucocorticosteroids (hormone-containing drugs) - medicines that have a powerful anti-inflammatory, antihistamine effect, reduce the sensitivity of nerve endings respiratory tract to allergic substances, reduce the production of phlegm. However, they are not used to stop an attack of suffocation.

For the treatment of the disease are used:

  • inhalation "Aldecin", "Budesonide", "Beklazon", "Pulmicort", "Flixotide". Funds go to the affected areas, so the effect on other organs is minimized. It is allowed to treat children from the age of three. To prevent side effects (oropharyngeal candidiasis, hoarseness, cough), rinse your mouth and throat with 2% soda solution after the procedures;
  • tablets and injections "Prednisolone", "Celeston", "Dexamethasone", "Metipred". These drugs for the treatment of bronchial asthma have an effect on the entire body, therefore they are used quite rarely when the patient refuses inhalation or there is no effect from other medications for status asthmaticus and severe attacks. Have serious side effects(from obesity to thromboembolism).

The peculiarity of taking such medications is a gradual dose reduction. Sudden interruption of glucocorticosteroid intake is not allowed. Long-term treatment - from six months.


Singular is involved in the development of inflammation

Leukotrienes are biologically active substances involved in the development of inflammation.

Antileukotriene drugs - new class medicines that are used to treat bronchial asthma in children from two years of age and adults.

The drugs are available in pill form.

Expectorants and mucolytics

To remove phlegm from the bronchi and trachea, two types of medicines are used:

  • expectorants (thyme, thermopsis, licorice roots, marshmallow, elecampane). Strengthen the contraction of the muscles of the respiratory tract, sputum is pushed out. Expectorant medicines activate the secretion of the bronchial glands, due to which the thickness of the sputum decreases;
  • mucolytic ("ACC", "Mukodin", "Mistabron"). Reduces the production and liquefies phlegm, making it easier to pass.

Drug dependence on asthma stages

The appointment of certain groups of drugs depends on the severity of the course of the disease. There are 4 stages of therapy.

Zyrtec is used for allergic asthma
  1. With occasional mild attacks, the patient needs bronchodilators to stop suffocation. Systematic treatment is not carried out.
  2. In mild cases, anti-inflammatory therapy with mast cell membrane stabilizers is recommended.
  3. The course of moderate asthma implies the appointment of an individual treatment regimen, since the manifestations of the disease are different. Most often it includes long-acting anti-inflammatory and bronchodilators.
  4. In severe cases, glucocorticosteroids are prescribed in the form of inhalation or tablets. In addition, mast cell membrane stabilizers are used.

The goal of therapy is to gradually come to the first stage, going down step by step.


Antihistamines (for allergies) are not often used, with an allergic form of asthma for prophylactic purposes. We recommend drugs of the second (Claritin, Semprex, Zyrtec) and third (Telfast, Seprakor) generations, which have fewer side effects.


Antibiotics are prescribed to eliminate a bacterial infection (in most cases of pneumococci) that occurs against the background of a primary infection (most often ARVI).

Sumamed eliminates bacterial infections

The features of their appointment for asthma are as follows:

  • drugs of the penicillin, tetracycline and sulfanilamide groups are not used, since they can cause an allergic reaction and do not have the desired effect;
  • it is necessary to identify the pathogen through sputum culture. Antibiotics are prescribed based on the sensitivity of bacteria to a particular active ingredient.

Prescribe "Tsefaklor", "Abaktal", "Sumamed", "Tseklor", "Tsiprolet", "Cephalexin" in tablets.

New projectors

New drugs in the treatment of bronchial asthma:

  • Antileukotriene group.
  • Combined. These asthmatic drugs combine bronchodilatory and anti-inflammatory (hormonal) properties (aerosol or powder "Seretid", powder "Symbicort", aerosols "Tevacomb" and "Zenheil"). New medicines are used as an alternative to increasing the dose of glucocorticosteroids in moderate to severe asthma. Effectively prevent seizures.

Medicines for children

Asthma therapy in children includes the same groups of drugs and principles as in adults. The main goal of treatment is to eliminate inflammation. Doses and medications are different, which are intended for different age groups. Apply "Intal", "Tiled", "Singular", "Akolat", "Flixotide", "Alsedin", "Pulmicort", "Salbutamol", "Eufillin", "Berodual", "Tevacomb".


Bronchial asthma is incurable chronic illness... With proper treatment, it is reduced to rare mild manifestations. During an attack, certain bronchodilators are taken, with systematic therapy - anti-inflammatory, bronchodilator, antileukotriene and combination medicines of a new generation. Be sure to see your doctor if you develop asthma symptoms. The doctor will tell you which remedies are suitable for your case. Follow the treatment regimen and your asthma will be under control.

Asthma medications are the mainstay of treatment for asthmatic patients of all ages. Their use makes it possible to alleviate the general condition of the patient by relieving symptoms.

Today there are many drugs for the treatment of bronchial asthma. However, more improved drugs are being developed to maximize the effect and reduce the negative effects on the body. In this case, the treatment regimen for each patient will be individual, depending on the degree of the disease. Every asthmatic person should know what medications he needs in case of exacerbation of asthma.

Definition of disease

Bronchial asthma is a disease characterized by periodic narrowing of the airways. It causes shortness of breath and wheezing. Asthma can develop at any age, but 50% of cases are diagnosed in children under the age of 10, and more in the male half of humanity. Asthma is mainly a familial disorder.

Smoking is the main risk factor for developing asthma. It is strictly forbidden to smoke for women during pregnancy, parents near children. Secondhand smoke is one of the main risk factors for children.

The disease occurs for 3 reasons:

  • Ingress of an allergen into the body;
  • Penetration of infection into the respiratory tract;
  • Psychosomatic reaction to a life situation.

The mechanism of the onset of seizures is the same: under the influence of unfavorable factors, the trachea and bronchi spasm, swell, the production of mucus increases, the respiratory passage narrows and it becomes difficult for a person to breathe. Feature attack - difficult exhalation. The drugs prevent or stop (eliminate) the manifestations of the disease.

Genetic predisposition and psychosomatics also matter as a response to stressful situations. Under the influence of negative factors, obstruction occurs, the release of a large volume of viscous hypersecretory, which leads to respiratory failure.

Without treatment, asthma attacks become more frequent and, over time, can progress to status asthmaticus, a complicated reaction in which the sensitivity to choking drugs is significantly reduced. The risk of death increases.


Symptoms of asthma can develop gradually, so the sick person may initially ignore them until the first asthma attack. So, contact with an allergen or a respiratory infection can cause initial symptoms, such as:

  • Wheezing;
  • Painless chest tightness;
  • Difficulty breathing out;
  • Dry persistent cough;
  • Feeling of panic;
  • Sweating.

These symptoms are sharply exacerbated at night and in the early morning hours.

In severe asthma, the following symptoms develop:

  • Wheezing becomes inaudible because too little air passes through the airways.
  • The patient cannot finish the phrase due to shortness of breath;
  • Lips, tongue, fingers and toes turn blue due to lack of oxygen;
  • Confusion of consciousness and coma.

If the patient develops a severe asthma attack or the symptoms continue to worsen, an ambulance should be called urgently.


Asthma medications target the following:

  • Inflammation control and prevention chronic symptoms(cough and choking).
  • Relief of asthma attacks when they occur (rapid relief of symptoms).

Basic principles of therapeutic asthma treatment:

  1. Compliance with preventive measures.
  2. Reducing the symptoms of the disease.
  3. Prevention of the development of an asthmatic attack during exacerbation.
  4. The ability to take the minimum amount of drugs without prejudice to the patient.
  5. Timely assistance in the normalization of respiratory function.

A treatment regimen using different groups of drugs can only be prescribed by the attending physician. Drug therapy involves the use of various drugs and inhalations that affect all organs of the patient.

We offer a list of the main drugs for the treatment of bronchial asthma

Basic medicines

These drugs are designed to relieve asthma symptoms and prevent attacks. As a result of the use of basic therapy, the patient feels a significant relief of symptoms.

This group includes antihistamines, corticosteroids, antileukotriene drugs, bronchodilators, inhalers. In rare cases, adults may be prescribed long-term theophyllines, as well as cromones (non-hormonal drugs).

Hormonal and non-hormonal agents

Price from 140 rubles.

This group includes:

  • Beklazon, Salbutamol (inhalers);
  • Budesonide, Pulmicort;
  • Tayled, Aldecin;
  • Intal, Berotek;
  • Ingacort, Bekotid.

Non-hormonal drugs:

  • Singular, Serevent;
  • Oxis, Formoterol;
  • Salmeter, Foradil.

How to use Cromones

This group provides for the use of drugs that include cromonic acid. These drugs are used to relieve inflammation. They have an anti-asthmatic effect, slow down the production of mast cells, which provoke inflammation and reduce the diameter of the bronchi. Let's list the main ones:

  • Nedocromil, Ketoprofen;
  • Sodium cromoglycate, ketotifen;
  • Nedokromil Sodium, Intal;
  • Cromohexal, Tayled, Cromolin.

Cromones are used in basic therapy, but such drugs are not recommended to treat an asthma attack during exacerbation, and they should not be prescribed to children under 6 years of age.

Anti-asthma antileukotriene drugs

These funds relieve bronchospasm in the inflammatory process. They are used as adjunctive therapy for bronchial asthma and are approved for the relief of attacks in babies.

Cost from 160 rubles.

These include drugs such as:

  • Montelukast;
  • Salmeterol;
  • Zafirlukast;
  • Formoterol.

Cromones and Antileukotriene agents should be used with caution in children, as there is a possibility of side effects.

Anticholinergics for asthmatics

They are used to quickly relieve an asthma attack. The most commonly used:

  • Atropine sulfate;
  • Ammonium is quaternary.

These drugs can cause many complications, so they are rarely used in the treatment of children.

Systemic glucocorticoids

Such medications are allowed only in extreme cases.

Systemic glucocorticoids include:

  • Dexamethasone;
  • Prednisolone.

Beta-2-adrenomimetics - new generation tablets for adults

Drugs in this group are used to relieve asthma attacks.

Price from 1000 r.

Combined beta-2 adrenergic agonists include drugs such as:

  • Seretide, Salbutamol;
  • Formoterol, Ventolin;
  • Salmeterol, Foradil;
  • Symbicort.

All combined agents neutralize bronchospasm and relieve acute inflammatory processes... The modern method of treating bronchial asthma classifies combined drugs as the basis of treatment for exacerbation.


Prescribed for exacerbation of the disease. In all patients, the bronchial passages are blocked by a viscous thick content that interferes with normal respiratory activity. You can forcibly remove phlegm if you use expectorants.

The most commonly used expectorants are:

  • Acetylcysteine ​​(, Mukomist);
  • Mercaptoethanesulfonate (Mmistabron);
  • Ambroxol (Ambrosan,);
  • Bromhexine (Bizolvon, Solvin);
  • Alkaline mixture with sodium bicarbonate;
  • Carboxymethylcysteine ​​(Mukopront, Mukodin, Carbocisteine);
  • Potassium iodide.

Bronchial asthma is a disease of the respiratory tract, most often of a chronic nature.

With it, the narrowing of the airways occurs due to external stimuli, as a result of which an attack of suffocation overtakes the person.

Excessive mucus production occurs, due to which optimal air movement is disrupted, and as a result, it becomes difficult for a person to breathe.

Asthma occurs due to hypersensitivity to certain external stimuli. Or the disease can be inherited.

The following irritants most often cause an attack:

  • allergens such as pet hair, food, dust, plants;
  • viral or bacterial infections- flu, bronchitis;
  • medications- quite often, ordinary aspirin can cause a severe asthma attack, as well as anti-inflammatory drugs containing non-steroids;
  • external negative influences- exhaust gases, perfume, cigarette smoke;
  • stress;
  • physical activity, with it most likely exacerbation if the patient plays sports in a cold room.

Depending on the type of disease, the symptoms observed in patients are different. Most often, symptoms begin to appear in people in early age, usually up to 10 years.

However, the course of the disease is often found only for about 40 years.

Asthma has varying degrees of complexity and frequency of attacks.

The main symptoms of the manifestation can be attributed as slight difficulty in breathing, cough, whistling when breathing.

So the attack can proceed more difficult - choking, a feeling of tightness in the chest.

At the slightest appearance of signs, it is necessary to urgently consult a doctor to determine the disease at the initial stage.

If the above symptoms do not disappear within 24-48 hours in a patient with an already established diagnosis, you should immediately go to an appointment with a specialist.

If the attack is due to suffocation, then it is advisable to contact an ambulance. medical care.

Like any disease, this problem can be treated different ways... It can like drug treatment and treatment using traditional methods.

Many patients actively use herbal therapy to combat the disease, which is an ecological method.

A good effect is observed with complex treatment using physiotherapy.

However, it should be understood that for different stages, types of the disease, with certain signs of the development of the disease, consultation with a specialist is necessary.

You cannot self-medicate. Since this disease has a high death rate.

Video: Night attacks


Asthma is divided according to the type of the reasons that caused this problem:

  • atopic (allergic) asthma;
  • infectious-dependent;
  • combined;
  • form of the disease resulting from physical activity;
  • neuropsychological;
  • aspirin.

Below is the description certain types diseases.


The reason for the development of this type of disease can be diseases caused by viruses and bacteria, loads from physical exercise, cold air of the environment.

The development of the disease occurs gradually, with complications in the form of bronchitis, pneumonia.

The following subspecies can be distinguished:

  • voltage form. With strenuous exercise, the main symptoms appear;
  • cough. Cough is a symptom of many diseases and is therefore the most difficult to diagnose. This asthma is caused by exercising while using the maximum capacity of the body. Also provoked by acute respiratory diseases;
  • professional. It is diagnosed in patients with certain activities. Most often it affects hairdressers, manicurists, artificial nails, artists and farmers. On weekdays, people experience profuse lacrimation, cough, runny nose, nasal congestion. And on weekends, all symptoms disappear;
  • nocturnal asthma. Unfortunately, it is quite widespread and with this type there is a high mortality rate. It can be provoked by any of the factors in which this problem develops. It often begins with an evening cough, the main attack occurs at night.


Allergic bronchial asthma is the most common form of the disease. It occurs in both children and adults.

The cause of development is usually the presence of an allergy to a certain irritant factor. This is what leads to complications in some cases.

With this form, strong reaction, which can cause a threat to human life - anaphylactic shock.

Basic rules of therapy

There are four stages of the allergic form, depending on the severity of the course of the disease.

  1. stage 1 - intermittent. Symptoms of the disease manifest themselves every seven days. Attacks at night are very rare in the patient, usually no more than 2 times a month. The periods of exacerbation are very short. But the physical condition of the patient is practically not affected;
  2. stage 2 - mild persistent. Symptoms appear several times during the week, but not more often than once every few days. Nighttime exacerbations occur at least 2 times a month;
  3. stage 3 - persistent, a state of moderate severity. Usually manifests itself in daily seizures, with nocturnal seizures occurring more often than once a week. The patient has a sleep disorder, decreased activity;
  4. stage 4 - severe persistent. Very frequent periods of exacerbation, both during the daytime and at night. Physical activity is greatly reduced.

Treatment is prescribed based on the above stages.

The stepwise system of treatment is the most common and effective treatment option for this problem.

It is based on the following principle - depending on the severity of the course of the disease, the dosage of drugs changes.

When the attack is severe and stronger in comparison with the previous one, then the dose of the drug increases - the so-called "step up".

When the attack is less and less intense, the disease is controlled by the patient, then the dose medication decreases - "step down".

The transition to the lower step should occur no more than once every three months. The decision to move should be made in conjunction with your doctor.

It is widely used for the rapid relief of seizures in intensive care.

It relies on significant doses of drugs such as prednisone and inhaled corticosteroids.

When suffocation during attacks becomes weaker and less frequent, then the intensity of treatment is reduced.

Compliance with a hypoallergenic diet is an important factor.

It is very important to exclude all possible potentially dangerous products that can aggravate the patient's condition.

Tactics for different forms

There are periods of exacerbation and periods of remission in the chronic course of the disease.

An exacerbation can be both one-time and occur from several days to several weeks.

During the period of remission, there is an improvement in well-being, cough and other symptoms do not bother.


The acute development of the disease proceeds in a severe form initially. Further it develops hard, often there are threats to life with regular attacks.

The disease is characterized by all the increasing attacks of exacerbation, and the effectiveness of drugs for expanding the bronchi is significantly reduced.

In some difficult cases, a hypoxic coma may develop.

With this form of the course of the disease, additional medications are prescribed in addition to the basic treatment.

Most often, doctors prescribe short-acting drugs that are highly effective.

Treatment should be performed under the supervision of a physician.

Inhalations are most often prescribed various drugs for example sulbutamol or salamol.


Chronic bronchial asthma is an almost incurable disease.

The main goal of therapy is to maintain normal functioning in conjunction with physical activity.

To treat and alleviate the condition, basic drugs are prescribed.

And also the patient is trained, which consists in an independent correct assessment of the condition in order to regulate the dose of drugs.

Help with exacerbation of an attack

If the patient has an acute attack, it is recommended to perform the following measures to help with the main treatment or while awaiting the arrival of a team of doctors:

  • provide a stream of fresh air, take off tight clothes, free the patient's chest from clothes;
  • in the absence of pulmonary diseases, it is recommended to wipe the patient's chest with a cool wet towel dipped in a solution of salt water with vinegar;
  • massage the upper body;

The complex of these measures has a weak effect, and is performed only in combination with the main actions, as well as in parallel with the intake of drugs prescribed by the doctor.

The nuances of treating bronchial asthma with drugs

There are two groups of drugs that can help fight the disease.

  • basic therapy drugs;
  • ambulance drugs.

Basic drugs are prescribed by a specialist with an anti-inflammatory purpose immediately for a long time.

They must be applied daily, regardless of the presence or absence of signs of the disease.

These funds are designed to monitor the patient's condition.

There is no course of treatment, they are taken for as long as necessary.

Ambulance drugs include:

  • bronchodilators;
  • bronchodilators;
  • bronchospasmolytics;
  • bronchodilators.

They are used to relieve acute symptoms or seizures. They are used as needed, and not as a course.

They have a relaxing effect on spasmodic smooth muscles of the bronchi in a few minutes after ingestion.

Due to this, the patency of the airways is restored, air begins to freely enter the bronchi during inhalation and exhaled during exhalation.

But they do not know how to influence the edema of the mucous membrane, the secretion of mucus. The effect lasts for about 3-6 hours.

Therefore, the more often a patient has to use an ambulance medication, the worse his illness is controlled.

List of drugs overview

Basic therapy for the treatment of bronchial asthma in adults includes the following drugs:

  1. inhaled glucocorticosteroids are intended to directly treat inflammation in the bronchi. The drugs of this group are the first in the world for the treatment of asthma.
  • based on the hormone beclomethasone- Beklazon, Bekotid;
  • based on the hormone budesonide- Pulmicort, Budenit-Sterineb;
  • based on the hormone fluticasone- Flixotide.
  1. antileukotriene drugs- this is Singular, Montelar (active ingredient Montelukast) and Zafirlukast (active ingredient Akolat). These drugs are in pill form. Their properties are now being actively studied. They are recommended to be used both independently and in conjunction with inhalation drugs, especially during acute respiratory and viral diseases.
  2. cromones- these include drugs with active ingredient Sodium cromoglycate (Intal, Cromhexal), as well as Nedocromil sodium (Tayled). They are used in the treatment of bronchial asthma in children in a mild form, with a decrease in therapy, as well as for the prevention of bronchospasm during physical exertion with cough asthma.

The following list can be attributed to ambulances:

  1. preparations with the active substance salbutamol (Ventolin, Salamol);
  2. preparations with the active substance Fenoterol (Berotek);
  3. aminophylline - in tablets and injections.

Everything medications appointed only by a specialist. Self-medication is contraindicated.

Urgent care

Sometimes there are situations when the patient needs to provide urgent emergency care.

In some severe cases, it is required to call an ambulance team, and in anticipation of it, provide quick assistance.

It is as follows:

  1. provide fresh air if the patient has an attack in the room. It is not recommended to transfer the patient to the supine state. The patient must sit, which greatly facilitates the discharge of sputum and improves breathing;
  2. it is advisable to free the chest from clothes if it squeezes it;
  3. give the patient an inhaler with a quick-acting drug to expand the bronchi;
  4. if possible, give the patient diphenhydramine;
  5. eliminate all possible allergens that could provoke an attack.

What should always be with you

With an established diagnosis, the patient always needs to carry with him bronchodilators, that is, sprays and inhalers that expand the bronchi and improve oxygen circulation in the lungs.

Metered dose inhalers are the most common option.

The drug is sprayed into the respiratory tract, from which 20-25% goes directly into the bronchi.

Effective folk remedies

Treatment of bronchial asthma in adults folk remedies Maybe.

The following recipes are most popular:

  1. tincture of ginger. Rub 400 grams of ginger root on a grater, put it in a glass container, pour it over with alcohol. Insist for two weeks, shaking occasionally. Then filter the infusion and drink a teaspoon twice after meals;
  2. plantain tincture. One tablespoon of dry herb is poured with a glass of boiling water and infused for 15 minutes. Strain and drink a tablespoon before meals 4 times a day;
  3. garlic oil. Rub 5 cloves of garlic on a grater, mix with vegetable oil with one hundred milliliters. Consumed with food.


The following physiotherapy methods are used to treat bronchial asthma:

  1. magnetotherapy. With its help, the patency of the bronchi, the immunobiological reactivity of the body is improved;
  2. low-frequency ultrasound. Helps to eliminate bronchial obstruction.

Natural ecological methods

Natural ecological methods are gaining more and more popularity, for example, such a method of treatment as speleotherapy.

An analogue of an ecological salt mine is being created in the room, where patients are brought in for a certain time, forcing them to breathe the air of the salt mines.

Competent treatment of colds

Treatment of colds in order to prevent complications of this disease is reduced to the following actions:

  1. strengthening immunity and general condition organism. This stage includes the use of immunomodulators (tincture of echinacea, Imunorm, Immunal, vitamins A and C). It is imperative to harden the body;
  2. avoid public places during exacerbations of viral diseases, it is advisable to wear a mask;
  3. do not self-treat colds, but nevertheless, as far as possible, contact a specialist in order to agree on a treatment path;
  4. it is advisable to use funds traditional medicine so as not to overload the body with drugs;
  5. do not start or prolong the disease, otherwise a prolonged cold may turn into a more severe form.


The main means of prevention for patients with an allergic form of the disease is the elimination of the allergen from its habitat.

  • frequent wet cleaning of the room;
  • if you have an allergic reaction to animal hair, refuse to keep pets;
  • do not use hygiene products and perfumes with harsh and strong fragrances;
  • in the presence of a professional allergy, a job change is desirable.


The disease is practically incurable.

Therefore, it is required to learn how to independently control the condition in order to take all the necessary measures in time to prevent acute attacks.

Today there are a lot of drugs created to fight diseases such as bronchial asthma. But, they are all conditionally divided into drugs for relieving acute symptoms and for daily use as curative therapy... Let's consider the most effective ones.

As already mentioned, all medicines for bronchial asthma aerosols, tablets and solutions for injections are divided into two categories:

  1. Preparations of the group of urgent medical care in the form of inhalers, injections, to relieve attacks of bronchospasm.
  2. Medicines used daily for basic long-term therapy, necessary to achieve long-term remission of the disease.
BasicDroperidol Isodrin Budesonide Terbutaline Salbutamol Alvesco
Hormonal agentsBudesonide Flixodite Theotard Berodual N Pulmicort Turbuhaler
CromonesKetoprofen Nedocromil Cromolin Intal Tiled Kromoglikad
Antileukotriene drugsZileuton Acolat Formoterol Salmeterol Montelukast Zafirlukast
AnticholinergicsAtrovent Platyphyllin Spiriva
Systemic glucocorticoidsDexamethasone Prednisalone Clenil Becodit
Beta-2-adrenergic agonistsDopamide Fenoterol Dobutamine Foradil Foster Salbutamol
ExpectorantsACC Amtersol Libeksin Ambroxol Stopussin phyto
Inhaled drugsPulmicort Ventolin Cyclosonide Easyhaler Beclomethasone Alvesco
Medicines for childrenBudesonide Fluticasone Belcomedazone Clenbuterol Ventolin Ipraterol-Nativ Salbutamol
AntihistaminesCetirizine Zyrtec Loratadine Terfenadit Suprastin
Preparations for relieving an acute asthmatic attackAlupent Ventolin Bricanil Fenoterol Novodrin
SympathomimeticsSalamol Eco Light Breath Berodual Salbutamol Turbuhaler
M-cholinergic receptor blockersCholinotheophilinad Platyphyllin Ditek Berodual Metacin


  • Suffocating pills, injections, and aerosols are prescribed prophylactically as supportive therapy.
  • Reduces the risk of seizures, strengthens the immune system.
  • As complementary drugs, they affect the penetration of ions of inhaled drugs recommended for daily prophylactic use.

The main task of basic treatment is to prevent and alleviate attacks of bronchial asthma.

Hormonal agents

Basic therapy drugs for treating, relieving symptoms and reducing the frequency of recurrence of bronchial asthma attacks. Hormones, according to public opinion, are prescribed when the patient can no longer think about a good course of the disease, the list side effects great. For this reason, for many, it sounds unreasonable like a sentence.

It is necessary to know that hormone-based drugs cause adverse reactions only when they enter the blood of a person. By modernizing natural hormones, preparations of the group of topical steroids have been created. Topical (local) steroid differs in that when it gets to the site of inflammation, it activates anti-inflammatory genes, but is not absorbed into the bloodstream, causing side effects.

For daily use, doctors rely on modern drugs, appoint topical steroids, in the form of inhalers delivering hormones directly to the bronchi to the focus of inflammation.


  • Preparations containing cromonic acid. They have anti-asthmatic properties, reduce inflammation in the bronchi, thicken the walls of mast cells, preventing the release of histamines.
  • It is possible to use cromones for a long time. They tend to accumulate in the body, giving a long-term healing effect.
    Cromones do not serve to relieve acute asthma attacks.

Antileukotriene drugs

Drugs that relieve long-term bronchospasm.
Used to relieve asthma attacks in children.
They have proven themselves well in basic therapy for relieving airway inflammation.


They have an antispasmodic effect and a decrease in the tone of the bronchial muscles. They are rarely used, according to vital signs, at the time of a severe asthma attack. By their structure, they belong to drugs that cause severe side effects. Children should not be used.

Systemic glucocorticosteroids

In the treatment of bronchial asthma, inhalation-type glucocorticosteroids are preferred. Thanks to their local application, it is possible to reduce side effects.

Since steroids used in pill form have a large number of severe consequences:

  1. uncontrolled weight gain
  2. increased blood pressure
  3. increased blood sugar
  4. gastritis and ulcers
  5. cessation of bone growth in children
    they are prescribed in tablet form in isolated cases when there are no other options.

Glucocorticosteroids that are part of inhalation drugs are prescribed to patients in moderate and severe conditions.

Beta-2 - andrenomimetics

Drugs that act directly on receptors of the same name, which are located on the surface of mast cells. Relaxing smooth muscle musculature in the bronchi, increase their patency. Used in inhalers to relieve bronchial spasms.


  1. children under 2 years old
  2. patients with cardiac arrhythmias
  3. with diabetes mellitus
  4. heart failure
  5. with an increase in blood pressure


Medicines designed to thin phlegm. Promote its rapid removal from the bronchi. As a result of their use, the bronchi are quickly freed from mucus and are saturated with oxygen. In bronchial asthma, mucolytic drugs are contraindicated due to their sedative effect.


Used to treat allergic bronchial asthma.
In the case of bronchial asthma, this is expressed by edema of the bronchial mucosa and filling of the respiratory tract with thick mucus.
It is antihistamines that block mast cells, preventing the release of histamine into the blood.

The drugs in this group are divided into the first and second generation of developments.

  • 1st generation - drugs developed for a long time ago, widely available in the price range, but having many side effects: drowsiness, retarded reaction, complications in the liver and urinary tract
  • 2nd generation - drugs produced on the basis of the latest developments related to drugs of rapid response.

Antihistamines can be used for a long time, have no side effects, have accumulative properties and retain their therapeutic effect in the body after the end of the intake for several more days.

The first from the second generation differs in the frequency of taking the medicine per day.

Antihistamines of the 2nd generation are taken once a day, regardless of food intake.

Drugs of the 1st generation, due to the presence of a sedative effect, can slow down the passage of sputum from the lungs.

Preparations for the relief of an acute asthmatic case

As a rule, it is impossible to drink pills during a coughing attack, and therefore inhalers remain the only means to relieve the attack.

Pocket inhalers are available in two types:

  • powder inhaler - convenient to use and allows you to enter a one-time required dose of the drug. Such inhalers are easier to use for treating children.
  • a liquid inhaler containing an aerosol is a commonly used dosage of medication among asthmatics of bronchial asthma in adults. The patient's task is
    make a simultaneous inhalation at the time of drug release.


Sympathomimetics reduce the permeability of the walls of micro-vessels in the bronchi, which as a result leads to a decrease in their edema.

Inhalation has worked well for patients who have asthma attacks after physical exertion. Their immediate bronchial dilating activity is used as an emergency aid in asthma attacks. Overdose may cause muscle tremors or restlessness.

M-cholinergic receptor blockers

  • It is used as a prophylactic agent for broncho-pulmonary insufficiency.
  • They prevent bronchial spasms by acting on the vagus nerves during asthma attacks of an allergic nature (tobacco smoke, frost, strong chemical odors).
  • They do not affect the nervous system, they cause palpitations.
  • With the use of inhalers, these asthma medications have no side effects.

Medicines for children

Analyzing the collected data, the doctor selects medicines for bronchial asthma, the list of which is individual for the child.
Inhalers are effective for relieving an attack. When using them, the drug is administered in a metered dose and enters the respiratory tract directly.

For children, the process of simultaneous inhalation at the time of drug release is practically impossible. To solve this problem, nebulizers have been developed.

These are nozzles for the inhaler, in which the drug particles are broken into the dispersion of the aerosol, it gets into the bronchi when the baby inhales. Powder-based inhalers are easy to use for children.

It should be remembered that the medicine for bronchial asthma in adults differs in composition and dosage, and is not used to treat children. Cromones are not recommended for children under 6 years of age. If a sick child is registered with a diagnosis of bronchial asthma, free medicines are issued in accordance with the list developed by the Ministry of Health.

Free medicines for bronchial asthma, list and properties

Bronchial asthma is included in the register of diseases for which free medications are prescribed by a doctor who supervises a patient on prescriptions with a stamp.

After a complete medical examination and registration, the doctor is obliged to familiarize the patient with the list of these drugs.

Ambroxol Bromhexine AtetilcysteineDrugs that thin phlegm and alleviate the expectorant effect.
Acid cromoglycic budesonideHypoallergenic drugs with anti-asthma direction
Beclomethasone Theophylline FormoterolRelieves inflammation in the bronchial tree and promotes the regeneration of the epithelium, reduces susceptibility to external stimuli.
AminophilusActivates blood oxygen saturation, relaxes the tone of the bronchial muscles.
Salbutamol SalmeterolUsed for emergency care at the time of an attack of bronchial asthma
NaphazolineNasal drops