There is a row of messages in the location. Game locations

With the spread of computer technology in our lives, it has become increasingly multitasking. One of the purposes of computers is entertainment. For this purpose many things have been created special programs, including computer games. Their main difference is the genres, of which there are quite a few. Each of them has its own distinctive features.

There is quite a large group computer games, in which the player controls a pre-designed or created character. In general, they can be called role-playing. Among them are such genres as RPG, MMORPG, quests, arcade and 3D shooters, strategies and action games. The main similarity between these genres is that each game has its own developed world, characters, history and plot. During the passage, the player meets many characters and visits various places. In the terminology of these genres you can find such a word as location. This plays a role in a lot of games, so it's worth explaining what it is.


A location is a separate part of the game world, which has its own characteristics - buildings, NPCs, terrain and nature. It allows the player to perform certain actions that are performed to complete the story, extra-plot tasks, or just for fun. It can never be separate or isolated (with the rare exception of secret or bonus ones), because the location is the game world. Depending on its significance for the plot, a location can have parts such as cities, settlements, be an arid desert or a dense and blooming forest. In a word, how real world, the game is also diverse, and the locations bring a lot of variety.

Creating locations in the game

Since a location is a three-dimensional space that must live a certain life and react in one way or another to the actions of the characters, a number of programs are used to create it. These are not only texture and character generators, they are also scripts, simulators of weather conditions, life and natural processes and, of course, processes and operations whose task is to create interactivity and interaction.

Meaning and features

Moreover, the game world itself may have a different number of locations. Their number depends on how powerful the hardware will be used to create the game, as well as on the graphical requirements and plot. Very indicative in this regard is one of the world's largest MMORPGs - World of Warcraft, which has a large and developed world with 5 continents, each of which has up to 20 locations. At the same time, the game runs perfectly even on weak computers.

Locations are also present in a slightly modified form in other games that do not have such an emphasis on plot or history. These are logic games, various strategies, casual and indie projects. In them, the location can be present in the form of a playing field, a background, or be the place where the actions are taking place at the moment.

Games with beautiful and atmospheric locations

As a successful development of locations by the creators of the game, we can recall such a legendary game as S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Her world, based on a rethinking of the Chernobyl accident, amazes with its detailed elaboration and the Soviet motifs of everyday life that are so familiar to many adults. In the game “Stalker”, the locations not only demonstrate the style of the game itself, but also allow you to feel its essence and exciting plot, as well as the Soviet legacy that remains in Chernobyl. In addition, with good graphics and a variety of objects and design, they can claim very good reviews.

Another game that amazes with the beauty and splendor of its places is Skyrim. Like a universe that already has several parts, the branched mythology of the world and the plot oblige the places in which the saga takes place to be beautiful, reflect the flavor of a particular ethnic area and at the same time give the player the opportunity to roam freely around the world. It must be said that in the game "Skyrim" the locations cope with this task successfully, and in many ways this is why it leaves a pleasant impression.

Good morning! Please tell me which preposition should be used before the word "location" (meaning the place where something is located) - the preposition "on" or the preposition "in"? What is the correct way to say or write: “on location” (a data processing center is located in the Moscow location of this organization) or “in location” (a data processing center is located in the Moscow location of this organization)?

Question No. 279576
Good afternoon

Please tell me how to correctly form an adjective from the word “relocation”? Relocated employee or relocated employee?

Thank you!

Russian help desk response


Question No. 275195
Good afternoon You often hear the expression: “place of deployment.” Question: is it correct to say this, since dislocation is a place? Or is it still possible?!

Russian help desk response

Dislocation is placement. Correctly: location, location (for) dislocation.

Question No. 230196
I asked a question about the spelling of the word "Allocation" (one or two "l"), which is derived from the English "Allocation". Is there any rule in Russian spelling about writing such derivatives? In the literature that I come across, there are spellings with both one and two “l”. Please kindly respond. Best wishes! Anatoly.

Russian help desk response

There is no clear rule regarding such cases. Since this word, according to sources, is derived from _Latin Al "about" and Locatio "placement"_ and in most cases is written with two _l_, we recommend the spelling _allocation_.
Question No. 210224
What does the prefix "di" mean? For example, the word "director"

Russian help desk response

The prefix _di-_ does not exist. The root of the word _director is director_.
N.I. Bereznikova clarifies our answer:
This prefix really does not exist in Russian. But in Latin it stands out. And there are already two such consoles! Well, strictly speaking, one is in borrowings from Greek. _Diptych, dilemma, diphthong_... Means "double". And the second is actually the Latin dis-, di- and it roughly corresponds to the Russian prefix “raz-”, both with the meaning of a turn in different directions, and with the meaning of the beginning (unfolding in time). There are plenty of examples. I give those that are included in Russian: _version - diversion, rector - director, course - discourse, location - dislocation, position - disposition, station - distance_.

Shooting outdoors gives you more room to let your imagination run wild than shooting in a studio, but finding the right location to bring your idea to life can be a real challenge. To make the search process easier for you, we have written this article.

Of course, it all starts with an idea

Work through it, carefully draw out its details in your head. And around then you will be presented with a place that is suitable for realizing your plans. This option is difficult, since you have to look for it.

If you notice a good place for shooting, then the idea will be born by itself

Write down its coordinates, at least take a photo with your phone, just to see this location. Go back there again, study the place and try to place all the details on it: model, objects (mentally for now).

If a place is found, that's not all. The following details are important.

Explore the place

At least a couple of days. Why? You can simply be disturbed by people passing by. Plus, no matter how hard you try to avoid people in the background, when you return home, you will still find someone's head, legs, and other body parts caught in the . Concentration on shooting and the absence of extraneous factors will greatly reduce the processing time of images in the future. Therefore, if it is a crowded place, choose a time when there are fewer people.

Determine the time

Selection of clothes

This is also important. From the stories of professional photographers about unsuccessful photos due to the wrong clothes, how do you like this?

“One of my friends completely ruined a photo shoot because his model went to high heels along the pebble beach and strained her legs unnaturally. For many, such seemingly small details are obvious, but for some it is quite the opposite.

Even before the shoot, you should discuss this topic with the model and recommend appropriate outfits. If you're shooting on a beach in some thorny bushes, make sure your subject is dressed in a way that matches the theme without causing serious injury to themselves. If you're filming in a river, make sure you're both not wearing dangerously slippery flip-flops. In any case, always take a first aid kit with you to the shoot.”

We talked about absolutely free locations. If you are ready to invest a certain amount in a photo shoot, then you may be interested in other places. For example:

  • miniature cafes or restaurants with original and unusual interiors
  • rooms equipped for placing decorations
  • recreation centers, nature reserves, zoos, attractions
  • special pavilions for filming
  • The roof of a tall building is always a great option

Remember that a properly selected shooting location can harmoniously connect all the elements of your photo.

    - (from Latin locatio placement, position) determining the location of something. There are sound, optical, sense of location in animals. In technology, various devices are used that are used in industry, ... ... Wikipedia

    - (from Latin locatio placement, distribution) sound, determining the direction to an object and the distance to it by the sound it creates. field (passive L.) or by the reflection from it of sound created by special. devices (active L.). When active... ... Physical encyclopedia

    Noun, number of synonyms: 3 location (2) light location (1) echolocation (2) ... Dictionary of synonyms

    LOCATION- determination, with the help of (see), the location of various objects in any space (space, air, water) by the signals emitted by them or reflected from them. Depending on the nature (see) of the signals, L. is distinguished: sound, thermal, ... ... Big Polytechnic Encyclopedia

    location- 2.39 location (location, computed): A method for determining the location of an AE source, based on an algorithmic analysis of the difference in the time of arrival of a signal to various sensors. Source: GOST R ISO 12716 2009: Non-destructive testing. Acoustic... ... Dictionary-reference book of terms of normative and technical documentation

    I Location (from Latin locatio placement, distribution) determination of the location of an object. Depending on the methods, there may be sound location (see Sound location, Hydrolocation), Optical location, Radar. Many people have this property... Big Soviet encyclopedia

    - (from Latin locatio placement, distribution), detection and recognition of distant objects, determination of their coordinates and speed using electronic devices. mag. (optical ranging and radar) and sound waves. Sound L. uses the object generated... Natural science. Encyclopedic Dictionary

    - (lat. locatio placement) determination of the location of an object by a signal emitted by this object or a signal (wave, ray) reflected from the object; there is l. sound, optical, radar, etc. New dictionary foreign words... Dictionary of foreign words of the Russian language

    Location- (from Latin locatio placement) determining the location of an object by the signal it emits or by the signal reflected from it. There is radar, sound location, hydroacoustic, etc... The beginnings of modern natural science

    Location- determination of the location of targets (objects) by signals (for example, sound, electromagnetic waves) emitted by the targets themselves (passive laser) or signals reflected from them sent by special devices (active laser). There are sound... Glossary of military terms


  • Archipelago. Six in pirate latitudes, Andrey Vasiliev. Fireroll is an incredible cocktail of chance, intrigue and pirates. This is an online RPG. There are no laws and rules here?!!! No matter how it is! The Pirate Code has not yet been abolished, nor has the thirst for money and power. And... audiobook
  • Organization of multidirectionality of hierarchical ascent (descent) and location according to the structure of heterogeneous knowledge, L. S. Bolotova. The article discusses the features of heterogeneous knowledge that are reflected in the construction of models in the field artificial intelligence, and a description of the location mechanism based on their structure is proposed.…

To choose a rational method that will be proposed below, we will consider several more methods of locating air objects such as:

  • 1. Optical ranging
  • 1.1. Active optical location.

It can be carried out using incoherent (searchlight) and coherent (laser) optical signals.

  • 1.1.1. Spotlight location. Used during the first and second world wars. The reflected visible signals were observed visually. The searchlights provided greater radiation energy, but its incoherence reduced the possibilities of angular concentration. Infrared (IR) spotlights are used in modern night vision systems containing converters of IR received images into visible ones.
  • 1. Laser ranging. Appeared in the early 60s as a result of the creation of sources of optical coherent laser radiation. Laser ranging has a number of important features.

Firstly, the coherence and short wavelength of laser radiation made it possible to obtain narrow radiation patterns (from a few to tens of arcseconds) even at small sizes emitters (units of decimeters). With a radiation divergence equal to one arcsecond (in this case 1"~ 5x10-6rad), the transverse size of the irradiated area at a distance of 200 km is 1 m, which allows separate observation of individual target elements.

Secondly, the temporal and spatial coherence of laser radiation ensures frequency stability at a high spectral power density. The latter, as well as the highly targeted nature of laser radiation, determine the high noise immunity of laser ranging devices from the effects of natural radiation sources.

Thirdly, a high oscillation frequency leads to large Doppler frequency shifts during mutual movements of the target and the locator. This provides high accuracy in measuring the radial velocity of target elements, but requires expanding the bandwidth of receiving devices.

Block diagram and design features of a laser locator. The block diagram of the laser locator is shown in Fig. 1 The main element of the transmitting device is a laser. The spectral line of radiation of the laser working fluid determines the carrier frequency of the locator.

In modern location lasers are used: a) carbon dioxide CO2; b) on neodymium ions; c) on a ruby; d) copper vapor, etc. Gas CO2 lasers have high average output powers (up to tens of kilowatts), high monochromaticity (spectrum width of several kilohertz), high efficiency (up to 20%), operate in both continuous and pulsed modes , compact. Solid-state neodymium and ruby ​​lasers are used mainly in pulsed mode (repetition frequency 0.1...100 Hz); the energy of their radiation per pulse is up to units of joules; efficiency unit percent. Copper vapor lasers provide high repetition rates (up to tens of kilohertz) with an average power of up to 100 W.

The required distribution of the probing (laser) radiation flux in space is provided by the forming optical system (FOS). It may include a system of uncontrolled mirrors (3), lenses and controlled deflectors (D), which ensure the movement of the beam. Laser signals reflected from targets are concentrated by a receiving telescope (RT) on photodetectors. The combination of transmitting and receiving systems of laser locators, unlike radars, is rarely used due to overloads of photoreceiving devices and an increase in the level of interference. Both the transmitting and receiving optical systems of promising laser locators are currently implemented in an adaptive version to compensate for distortions of signal wavefronts in the atmosphere and environments of laser generators.

In contrast to radars, laser locator photodetectors practically do not use signal amplification at the carrier frequency. This complicates the design and makes it difficult to view the space. Only direct amplification of video signals is used, and with heterodyne reception - intermediate frequency radio signals. Video frequency amplification is used primarily in the visible and ultraviolet (UV) ranges. For this range, there are low-noise receivers with an external photoelectric effect (i.e., with the knocking out of electrons by optical radiation quanta from the photocathode). Radio frequency amplification is used in the IR range, in which the external photoelectric effect is not realized due to insufficient energy of the radiation quantum, but heterodyne reception reduces the significance of the internal photoelectric effect noise.

Features of heterodyne reception. A laser local oscillator and a mixer in the form of a translucent mirror or beam splitting prism are introduced into the photodetector device. In this case, in the case of mutual coherence of the radiation of the laser local oscillator and the transmitting device, coherent processing of the received signal is possible. Therefore, heterodyne reception is used not only to suppress internal noise in the IR range, but also to extract information from the phase structure of the received field in the visible and UV range.

Features of interferometric reception. At the input of the photodetector, the fields from two or more spatially separated points (regions) of the receiving aperture plane are summed up. Based on the result of the interference of the fields, their mutual coherence and phase relationships are determined.

Based on a set of measurements at different spacing of receiving points, the spatial distribution of the amplitude and phase of the received field can be reconstructed. Interferometric reception is used in the absence of a local oscillator to extract information from the phase structure of the received field, as well as to increase angular resolution and synthesize the aperture.

Application areas of laser locators:

measurement of range and angular coordinates of moving targets of ships, aircraft, artificial earth satellites, etc. (laser rangefinders, locators such as MCMS, PAIS, etc.);

high-precision measurements of target movement speeds and flows of liquids and gases (laser Doppler speed meters and anemometers);

obtaining non-coordinate information about targets: surface parameters (roughness, curvature), vibration parameters and movement around the center of mass, images, etc. (multifunctional laser locators such as KA-98, Lotaws, etc.);

high-precision guidance of weapon systems (laser locators for target illumination, space surveillance and target distribution);

ensuring docking of spacecraft, landing of aircraft, navigation (laser navigation systems); f) elements of technical vision in automatic and robotic systems (range measurement systems, image formation, target selection and recognition, etc.);

diagnostics of parameters and measurement of variations in characteristics environment, including the atmosphere, as well as control of its pollution by products economic activity human (lidars such as DIAL, etc.; Lidar - LIghtDetectionAndRanging - light detection and ranging).

2. Semi-active optical ranging.

Uses the phenomenon of secondary radiation (reflection) by targets of optical waves from a source of natural intense primary radiation. Most often this source is the Sun. Semi-active location devices based on this principle are called optical-electronic stations. Biological visual systems can also be classified as means of semi-active optical location. Neglecting the factor of using secondary radiation, optical-electronic stations are often classified as means of passive optical location.

3. Passive optical ranging.

Uses its own optical radiation from heated areas of the target surface or ionized formations in its vicinity. It is known that the maximum radiation of a completely black body at temperature T (Kelvin) occurs at a wavelength of ~ 2898/T µm. The wavelength at which the maximum emission from real targets occurs is usually in the infrared region of the spectrum (only at T ~4000 K does the maximum coincide with the red region, and at T ~5000 K does it coincide with the yellow region of the visible spectrum). Passive optical location devices therefore usually operate in the near-infrared range. Such means include IR direction finders, thermal imagers, thermal homing heads, passive night vision devices, etc.

Currently, night vision devices (NVDs), designed for observation at dusk and at night, have become widespread. And in some cases - even with reduced transparency of the atmosphere. NVDs based on electro-optical converters (EOCs), low-level television systems (LTVS), and thermal imaging (TPV) devices are known. They all have their drawbacks and, accordingly, limited opportunities applications. In this regard, it seems appropriate to create multichannel NVGs (MCNVs), consisting of individual channels based on known types of NVGs and other devices in such a way that the disadvantages of some channels are compensated by the advantages of others. This ensures round-the-clock and all-weather operation of the MPNV.

MPNVs are used to search for victims during natural disasters, provide exploration, extraction and transportation of minerals, construction and installation, repair work and driving vehicles of all types in difficult conditions of visibility, environmental control, ensuring work law enforcement agencies, observation, aiming, etc.

General features of optical location.

Determined by the frequency range used. The high directivity of the probing radiation and the narrow fields of view of the receiving channels significantly limit the capabilities of optical location devices to survey space. Therefore, the search and detection of a target by optical location means is carried out in most cases using external target designation, for which they are interfaced with radar systems. In the process of receiving weak signals, the quantum nature of electromagnetic waves manifests itself. Quantum signal noise limits the sensitivity of an ideal optical receiver in the absence of interference at the energy level of even a single photon. In the optical range, it is easier to obtain non-coordinate information about the target, its size, shape, orientation, etc. Upon receipt, the polarization and photometric characteristics of scattered radiation are used and the target image is recorded. Obtaining non-coordinate information is often the main task of optical location aids. Creating intentional interference for optical location is possible, but more difficult than for radar.