The device of the gas stove burning. All about gas kitchen appliances

Repair gas stove requires not only certain skills and sufficient experience, but also the availability of professional equipment for the master. Do not attempt to repair a gas stove if you are not sure what you are going to do. It is always better to entrust this work to professionals.

Gas stove burner and its device

Modern gas burners in their device include:

  • burner cover
  • Divider
  • Base
  • Burners


Cuts the flame leaving the gas line through the nozzle into separate flames. Made from aluminum alloy. It has an anti-corrosion coating that is resistant to changes in humidity and temperature.

Damage is caused by both incorrect installation and careless maintenance. In the first case, the flame, having a larger size, acting on the coating for a long time, "burns" the protective layer of the alloy. For this reason, it is important to entrust the connection of a gas stove in St. Petersburg (St. Petersburg) to a professional master of an official service center, and not to an amateur from the street.

Burner cap - Reflector

The internal rough surface reflects the flame coming from the gas line through the nozzle to the divider, and ensures the uniformity of the flames on the divider channels and prevents the flame from “torch”, i.e. the formation of a plume of fire. Made of cast iron and finished in black enamel. For models with cast-iron gratings, a cast-iron reflector is provided. Dirty lid will cause uneven flame burning. Corrupt very often appearance in case of incorrect connection of the gas stove. The flame, having a larger size, acting on the coating for a long time, leads to peeling of the enamel in the form of “flakes” or the appearance of a fine network of cracks.

Grids for gas stoves and surfaces

The most widely used grills for gas stoves of two types:

  • Steel or enamel gratings
  • Cast iron grates.

Each type has its own characteristics. Enamelled steel grating is light compared to cast iron grating and consists of a minimum number of parts that do not have sharp edges, the surface is completely smooth.

The cast-iron grate for a gas stove or surface is particularly resistant to high temperature effects. Its surface looks massive and impressive, without sharp edges and practically does not change color over time.

Unfortunately, the cast-iron grate has one drawback, the cast iron is brittle and the grate can crack under strong mechanical stress.

Replacing these elements in a gas stove or gas hob is usually not difficult and can be done independently.

To purchase these parts, you should not contact the store, but you should contact the Authorized Service Center, where, according to the catalogs, you will be sold spare parts specifically for your stove.

Electric ignition or electric ignition

This feature allows you to light a fire without using matches or lighters. To do this, the gas stove, in addition to the gas line, will have to be connected to an electrical outlet. This is necessary so that the ignition unit can generate an electrical spark that ignites the gas. Some manufacturers of gas stoves have made it so that the fire can only be kindled in this way on burners. The oven will have to be kindled in the old "grandfather" way, with the help of matches.

Why this was done to me, to be honest, is not entirely clear, because. the cost of gas stoves with electric ignition only on burners and electric ignition on burners and in the oven is not very different. So, once a new detail has appeared in the design, then in theory it can fail. Unfortunately, although not often, the electric ignition system fails. You press the button, but there is no familiar spark. The already mentioned electric ignition unit or the so-called “spark plug” may be to blame. (This is such a small white column that sticks out next to the burner and a spark should beat from it to the edge of the burner. It is because of this spark that the gas should light up.)

I would like to draw the attention of some housewives that when you press the ignition button, the spark hits all the burners at once, and the gas lights up only where the gas supply valve is open. But this is so, by the way. So, no spark. If none of the burners has a spark, then the mentioned ignition unit is definitely out of order. (Of course, we consider that the electrical part of the entire stove is normal and the power ( electricity) approaches this very “ignition block”.) A similar defect is treated only by replacing this very “ignition block”. To do this, the upper part of the desktop is removed and one block is replaced inside the stove with another.

Sometimes it happens that the ignition “candle” is to blame. It was either broken when the stove was wiped, or it simply became so dirty that the electric current stopped passing through it. Here too, just a replacement. Manipulations for replacing the spark plug are similar to replacing the ignition unit. The desktop is removed and the inside of the plate is replaced.

Gas control system or "gas control"

A very necessary and useful feature. Helps to avoid gas leakage in the event of a sudden extinction of the flame, such as a draft. For simplicity, I will try to describe how it works. A metal column with a pointed top sticks out next to the burner. According to its design, it is a temperature sensor, which must be located directly in a burning flame. As soon as there is no flame, the temperature drops, the gas control system gives a “command” and the gas valve closes. Thus, even when the handle of the gas cock is turned, the gas does not pass.

Agree, the gas control system, or "gas control", is a really necessary function. Unfortunately, this is not forever. It happens that you have to replace the gas valve, which contains the gas shut-off solenoid valve, or the sensor itself, which I wrote about above. What are the symptoms of this malfunction? Everything is very simple. You press the ignition button, the gas lights up, burns for a while, but as soon as the hand is removed from the button, the gas goes out. Those. the gas control system is activated. The sensor does not sense the temperature and shuts off the flow.

Oven insulation and door

Thermal insulation has a thickness of 5 to 10 mm, is foil-coated on the outside, has low thermal conductivity, is an environmentally friendly stone wool type material and significantly reduces energy consumption for heating and heating the side walls.

Below is the view

The glazing of the oven doors of modern stoves is a complex structure. The number of oven glasses can reach up to 3 pieces. Slab door or oven includes at least the outer and inner glass of the oven. In some designs, the middle glass of the oven is also used, installed between two glasses

Unfortunately, glasses are broken by negligence or extremely rarely if there is an internal defect in the glass.

Then it becomes necessary to replace the glass of the oven. The outer glass is supplied as a single front wall of the oven door with a pattern already applied to it, the manufacturer's logo or decorative metal elements mounted on the left and right on the glass or along its perimeter. Holes for screws securing the oven handle are drilled in the upper part of the glass.

Often, the “cunning” oven glass fixing screw will need to be ordered, and the oven door handle can cost more than glass.

It is not very difficult to change the glass of the oven yourself. It requires accuracy and a little skill in working with screwdrivers.

Gas stove- a household appliance that runs on natural gas, a type of stove. For its operation, gas from the main gas pipeline or bottled liquefied gas is used.

For cooking on a gas stove, you can use almost any special utensils. Its burners are resistant to mechanical stress and temperature changes. Gas burners heat up and cool down fairly quickly. Modern models of stoves are equipped with composite gratings-stands. This makes it much easier to care for it, because these grids can be easily placed in the dishwasher.

Device and dimensions

Household gas stoves consist of a body, gas burners and a gas distribution device with taps, a hob with several burners (usually two to six) and an oven, although there are models without it. All parts of gas stoves are made of heat-resistant, corrosion-resistant, durable materials. details (except rear wall) and the hob are made of stainless steel or enameled (usually white).

There is usually a lid above the hob. It can be glass or metal. If the lid is open, it prevents splashes and drops from falling onto the wall - all this settles on it. When the lid is closed, it protects the hob from water and cleaning agents. To prevent sudden lowering of the lid, shock absorbers and a special mechanism are installed in the plates.

The height of the working table of gas stoves is 85 cm, the width is at least 50 cm, the standard distance between the centers of adjacent burners is 23 cm. The standards stipulate that the oven using burners should evenly heat up to a temperature of 285 - 300 C in 25 minutes, no longer .

Principle of operation

Gas stoves are equipped with special atmospheric burners, the removal of combustion products from which is carried out directly into the kitchen. Part of the air required for combustion enters the burners along with the gas, and the rest comes from the environment.

Possible gas leakage is the main disadvantage of gas stoves. To prevent leakage, modern stoves are equipped with a "Gas-control" system. If the flame suddenly goes out, then the gas supply to the burner will be automatically blocked by this system. This is due to a special temperature sensor.

Many models of modern gas stoves have an electric ignition system. Using it is much more convenient than using matches or a lighter. There are two types of electric ignition: automatic and conventional. With normal ignition, it is carried out by pressing a special button. With automatic, the gas in the burner lights up when the switch is turned, automatically.

Heating in the oven of a gas stove can be lower and upper, or only lower. However, please note that the lower and upper burners cannot operate at the same time. To turn on, for example, the upper heating, you will need to turn off the lower one.

Hob materials

The hob of the gas stove can be made of aluminum, enamelled or stainless steel or glass ceramics.

  • Aluminum alloy thanks to special processing does not grow dull and is not scratched. It requires minimal maintenance and is unpretentious in operation.
  • A cooker with an enameled steel panel is relatively inexpensive. It can be not only white, but also other colors. Such a surface also has high hygienic indicators.
  • A stainless steel panel is more expensive, but much easier to care for.
  • Glass ceramic looks impressive. It is easy to clean, but it requires special care. In addition, getting sugar-containing products on its hot surface can lead to damage to the coating.


When choosing a gas stove model Special attention it is necessary to pay attention to the size of the burners. Usually, gas stoves have burners of three different diameters. The burner of the largest diameter is designed for rapid heating. It is very useful in cases where large volume dishes are used and a large amount of food needs to be cooked.

Ovens of most models of gas stoves have two baking sheets: regular and deep. Some models have three trays, as well as a rotating spit.

In modern models of stoves, a timer is installed that supplies sound signal when the specified time expires. It can be electronic or mechanical.

To facilitate the process of washing the oven, many models of gas stoves have a catalytic self-cleaning function.

When using the "Gas-control" system, there is one important nuance: in order to sufficiently heat the temperature sensor of this system, it is necessary to hold the gas supply knob for several seconds after turning it, otherwise the "Gas-control" will extinguish the flame. Before buying a stove, you need to find out from the seller how this system works on the model you have chosen.

Models of gas stoves are very convenient in operation, the ovens of which are equipped with a drawer for baking sheets. It automatically "leaves" along with the opening of the oven door, so there is no need to reach in with your hands to get a hot dish.

To increase the degree of thermal insulation, oven doors in some models are made double or triple. Due to good thermal insulation, the glass door remains cold. This indicator will be especially important for families with small children.


  • Features of ceramic dishes, culinary portal

Despite the fact that in recent times the popularity of electrical cookers, gas still have a number of serious advantages. Fire does not have inertia, which allows you to instantly change the intensity of heating. When the gas is turned off, the heating stops instantly, which even the most expensive electric burners cannot boast of. In addition, on gas stoves, the cooking process begins immediately with the inclusion of the burner, that is, immediately, and heating occurs evenly and very quickly, while using electric stoves, you have to wait a long time until their working surface picks up desired temperature. These and many other advantages of gas stoves allow you to better control the cooking process. It should also be noted that for a gas stove you don’t have to buy new dishes with a perfectly flat bottom, because the flame evenly heats even the very uneven bottom of the old cast iron. And, most importantly, in view of the low prices for natural gas daily cooking on such a stove will be many times cheaper than if it were electric. Another advantage of using this type of equipment is the affordable repair of gas stoves, a huge selection of components on the home appliance market and the quick replacement of faulty parts.

In terms of design, all gas stoves produced today are generally similar to each other, with the exception of minor features of specific models. The top of the stove is called the worktop, and below it is the oven.


The cooking surface of the stove can be enameled, made of stainless steel or glass-ceramic. The most common and cheapest option is an enameled hob, but over time, chips and deep scratches can appear on such a surface. The working surface of enameled steel can be polished or matte, sometimes it is covered with decorative notches that mask the scratches that occur. The working surface of their glass ceramics is absolutely flat and devoid of burners, to be more precise, they are located under a sheet of glass ceramics. This panel is the most modern look hobs and has extended functionality. Any types of surfaces should be cleaned of dirt exclusively with non-aggressive detergents that do not contain abrasives.


Burners are one of the most important elements of any stove. In them, air and natural gas are converted into a special mixture that ignites at the outlet of the burner. Any burner consists of a metal socket-distributor, which ensures uniform combustion, and a lid that covers it from above. To facilitate the adjustment of the flame heating intensity, each burner is equipped with a rotary gas supply regulator, the handle of which is displayed on the front or panel of the stove. The number of burners in modern stove models varies from two to six, but four-burner models are in greatest demand. Some stoves are equipped with one oval burner, designed for dishes with an elongated bottom.

Hobs of different models may differ among themselves not only in the number of burners, but also in their power. There are burners of reduced, standard and high power.. Today, many stove models are equipped with four burners, of which two are standard power, one is increased and one is reduced. This feature of them is actually very convenient in everyday life, because it allows you not only to cook food, but also to do it if you wish, either very quickly, using a high-power burner, or carefully, using a low-power burner, which is very useful in cases where you need to boil milk or slightly warm food. The increase in power is ensured by the multi-level design of the divider, when there can be not one, but two or four circles of flame on one burner, with the possibility of switching on both together and separately. On such a burner, food does not burn, the bottom of the dishes heats up evenly, and the water in the kettle boils in a matter of minutes.

Electric ignition function

Today it has become almost a standard to produce gas stoves with an electric ignition function, which can be manual or automatic. Automatic ignition is triggered simultaneously with the gas supply, that is, when the burner control knob is turned. With manual ignition, simultaneously with turning the knob, you need to press the button located on the front panel to ignite the flame. In order to be able to use this convenient function, simply plug the stove into one of the sockets in the kitchen, while the energy consumption will be minimal.

Gas leak control

Also, most modern gas stoves of the middle and high price range are equipped with gas leakage monitoring system. If, when the burner is on, the flame suddenly goes out, for example, due to a draft or liquid spilled on it, a special sensor detects a sharp drop in temperature and sends a signal to the system, which automatically blocks the gas supply.

Dish stand

Located above the burners metal dish rack, which can be either solid or made of several separate elements. The main function of this element of the gas stove is the correct location of the dishes, at the optimum height in relation to the burner flame. The secondary function of the stand is to protect the burners from accidental impacts. It is made of steel or cast iron, and covered with a protective enamel that protects against corrosion. Almost all models of plates are equipped with transparent glass or opaque metal covers, which give an aesthetic completeness to the appearance of the product. When it is not necessary to use the stove, its closed lid can be used as a place to store dishes.


As for the oven, it is used for baking a wide variety of dishes. The oven can be either electric or gas, with or without lighting, equipped with a grill and with an increased volume. Popular these days gas working panel combination with electric oven when the speed of cooking on gas is in harmony with the versatility and safety of an electric oven. Traditional stoves with a gas oven have less functionality and are more dangerous to use, but on the other hand, they are significantly less expensive.

gas stoves are still popular with housewives, as they have a number of advantages over electric ones. The undoubted advantage is the speed of cooking on a gas stove, the difference in the cost of gas and electricity also has a great influence on the choice of housewives.

A bit of history

Gas stove was invented in 1826 in Great Britain. And already in 1836 the first gas stoves went on sale. But the price for them was quite high, the cost of gas was much higher than the cost of coal and firewood, so gas stoves were luxury items. Over time, the design of gas stoves was improved, prices became more affordable and stoves began to appear in the homes of people with an average income.

In the 40-50s, factories for the production of gas equipment appeared and it was from that time that gas stoves became most widespread.

What is a gas stove made of?

For all the years of its existence, the design of gas stoves has not undergone significant changes. As before, the stove has several gas burners (from 2 to 6), an oven, a gas distribution system and a body. The burner has the same structure as half a century ago: a nozzle, which, in fact, creates a flame and a flame diffuser.


As already mentioned, the design of the burners basically remained the same: a nozzle and a divider, nothing more. But recently, fast heating burners have appeared, with several rows of flame. These burners save time for the hostess and help to quickly heat large amounts of cooked food.

Has undergone a change in the appearance of the hob. If earlier the hob in most cases was covered with enamel, now gas stoves come with a stainless steel body, as well as with a tempered glass hob - gas on glass.

The most budget coating is enamel. But over time, scratches appear on the surface, the enamel is unstable to chips.

The stainless steel finish is matte and polished. Such a coating looks very impressive, it is easier to clean than enameled (but you need to use special tools), more durable and wear-resistant.

The most recent advance in technology to date is glass-ceramic surface, gas on glass. Big choice color options, up to the applied pattern, ease of cleaning, resistance to mechanical and thermal stress - all this makes hobs gas on glass in demand by buyers, despite the rather high price.

Modern gas stoves are equipped with electric ignition burners, which can be automatic or manual. The gas control system will monitor your burners and turn off the gas supply when the flame goes out. Composite grids not only make it easier to clean the stove, but it is also much more convenient to wash such grids.


Modern ovens are quite different from their predecessors. Built-in electric or gas grill, several heating modes, automatic spit, backlight, double or triple glass doors, electric ignition, obligatory gas control of the oven - these are not all the differences between modern ovens and their ancestors.

The special hollow design of the burners allows you to install a fan that evenly distributes heat throughout the entire oven space.

Retractable guides will help the hostess to check the cooking dish without the help of oven mitts - the baking sheet will simply move forward when the oven door is opened.

Now it is easy to find gas stoves with electric ovens. Electric ovens have more features than gas ovens. But when choosing a stove with an electric oven, be sure to consult with experts whether it is possible to connect it to your power supply system. An electric oven consumes quite a lot of electricity and increases the load on the electrical network, which can lead to overheating of the wiring.

The size

The depth of gas stoves varies from 50 to 60 centimeters. The width can be chosen in a much larger range: from 30 to 100 cm. The height of the plates is standard - 85 cm, many models are equipped with adjustable legs, which allows you to slightly increase or decrease the height of the plate.

Additional functions

Now manufacturers are trying to attract buyers with an expanded set of additional features. Of course, this slightly increases the price of the stove, but, you see, it's so nice to take advantage of the latest advances in technology.

The self-cleaning function of the oven will make cleaning the stove several times easier.
And the multifunctional clock with a timer will not let you forget that something is cooking on the stove.
Hinged guides in the oven allow not only convenient use of the stove, but also easily removed for cleaning.
The full glass oven door also makes it easy to clean the oven.

Every year manufacturers try to improve their products. Scientific laboratories work together with designers to develop the manufactured equipment. A wide range of gas stoves in our store will allow you to choose a purchase for every taste and budget.

Gas tables of the LUCE line (Hotpoint-Aristone)

The innovation of the LUCE line is the hobs with new absolutely
flat burners that provide significant time savings
and energy, thus ensuring excellent cooking results.

Direct Flame burners ensure that every dish is cooked to perfection thanks to its revolutionary burner design. Unlike traditional radial flame burners, which concentrate heat only on certain areas of the cookware, the micro-perforations of the Direct Flame burners spread the flame vertically, evenly distributing heat over the entire surface.

Excellent results in less time
Cooking on Direct Flame flat burners is faster and energy consumption (for the same amount of time) is lower due to even heat distribution.
Compared to traditional burners, Direct Flame saves up to 20% energy and time. That is why the LUCE range of hobs has been awarded the EcoTech label, a guarantee of environmental friendliness and energy efficiency.
The hobs of the LUCE line from Hotpoint-Ariston embody the perfect balance of form
and content through innovative design, practicality and versatility.
Excellent quality is determined by the materials from which the surfaces are made - this is
light and at the same time strong stainless steel or tempered glass. In addition, for
These surfaces are easy to care for as the Direct Flame cast burners can be easily removed for
washing (hand or dishwasher).