Yeast dressing for cucumbers and tomatoes recipe. Yeast feeding: tomatoes and cucumbers

Kira Stoletova

Fertilizing tomatoes and cucumbers with yeast has become a common method for many gardeners. This type of fertilizer is actively used by gardeners engaged in organic farming. Yeast for feeding tomatoes and cucumbers can be found in almost any store. Their main advantage is that they do not have such a negative effect on plants as chemicals. Many specialized stores that sell agricultural products often sell fertilizers containing toxic substances.

Along with useful substances and minerals, such products will contain a number of substances that are completely opposite to them. When growing food for home use, it is unlikely that anyone will want to eat vegetables grown with chemicals. Everyone wants to grow only healthy and environmentally friendly products for themselves and their loved ones. With these goals in mind, yeast-based supplements that do not contain harmful substances appeared. Yeast replaces chemical additives that stimulate rapid growth.

The use of yeast dates back to ancient times. At a time when there were no stores selling chemical additives. With their advent, the need to use traditional fertilizing disappeared, since chemistry gave a much stronger effect. Currently, modern gardeners prefer to grow vegetables using organic fertilizer. Tomatoes, cucumbers and peppers respond best to yeast feeding.

Types of yeast

Many people prepare yeast fertilizer for tomatoes and cucumbers on their own, since it is easy to do and does not require much time. To prepare organic fertilizer, you can use different types of yeast.

There are several types of yeast:

  • fast-acting;
  • fresh;
  • dry;
  • granular;
  • pressed.

In the absence of ready-made yeast, a nutrient similar in effect is made in liquid form. As components for the solution, you can use crackers, bread or other ready-made flour-based products. To enhance the effect, plant components in the form of tincture are used as an additive to yeast. To do this, use weeds, vegetable tops (for example, potatoes) or the foliage of a tree.

Pros and cons of yeast feeding

There are many options for fertilizing the most common vegetable crops: peppers, tomatoes and cucumbers. The main thing is not to overdo it, since an excess of fertilizers harms the plantings. There is no need to feed seedlings more than three times a season.

The use of fertilizer stimulates the plant to feed more actively, so it begins to require more and more nutrients each time it grows. This leads to soil depletion.

Another negative aspect of using fertilizing in the form of a yeast mixture is the increase in nitrogen content in the plant. It will promote rapid growth of the green part, while the fruits will not grow.

Common yeast feeding recipes

  • Recipe 1. 3 tsp. yeast, 2 tbsp. l. granulated sugar and 10 liters of water slightly warmer than room temperature are mixed and left to brew for 3 hours. The resulting mixture is diluted with a small amount of water (ratio 1:5).
  • Recipe 2: This recipe uses fresh yeast. Ingredients: 100 g yeast, water. First, the yeast is poured with water (0.5 l), stirred until completely dissolved, and water is added in large quantities (optimally - 5 l). The additive will be especially effective for tomatoes and flowers.
  • Recipe 3. This option will require fresh yeast (100 g), warm water (10 l), 0.5 kg of ash (only wood ash will be effective). The recipe is simple: you just need to mix the ingredients. It is best to apply fertilizing during the most active growth of vegetables.
  • Recipe 4. The most common use of this recipe is in large areas where tomatoes and cucumbers grow. The composition includes greens (about a bucket in crushed form), 500 g of yeast (as in several previous recipes, it is better to use fresh), 70 liters of water. All of the listed components must be mixed and allowed to brew for 24 hours for the mixture to ferment. The solution must be used simultaneously with watering, so it is best to water the plantings after sunset.

Yeast dressing with ash

Wood ash is a good nitrogen reducer due to its rich mineral content. Using ash together with a yeast solution is especially effective for growing cucumbers and tomatoes, as it prevents the greenery from growing. The richest in minerals is the ash produced by burning firewood from fruit plants. The lowest content of minerals is in old withered logs.

Ash must be used correctly: diluted with warm water and mixed with yeast fertilizer.

Yeast feeding with ash is really necessary for plants. After entering the soil, yeast enriches it with useful substances such as vitamins, phytohormones and auxins.

All this helps to increase the rate of cell division and differentiation, as well as increase the activity of microorganisms. Carbonic acid, phosphorus and nitrogen molecules begin to act actively. Thus, the soil receives almost the full complex of minerals that the plant needs so much.

It is most optimal to feed the soil in the spring, when it is already warm: in cold conditions the yeast will not work. If the harvest is in no hurry to appear or the plant itself is lethargic, re-feeding should be done.

Rules for fertilizing

For the first time, cucumbers or tomatoes are fed approximately 7 days after planting; before this, the soil is enriched with nitrogen. It makes no sense to fertilize before this time, since the plant has not yet taken root and cannot accept the additive.

When repeated application, the soil is enriched with phosphorus, and fertilizing is applied before flowering in order to increase the ovaries. In this case, the recipe used the second time should not differ from the first, only the volume is changed. If approximately 0.5 liters of fertilizer are used for the first time, the second time the amount increases 4 times. Choose a warm day for feeding.

The plant can be fed a third time, after the first harvest.

Fertilizing too much does not lead to anything good. This applies to both the amount of fertilizing and the volume of solution applied at a time. It is recommended to use a more diluted product, as this reduces the risk of damage to the plantings due to the high concentration. A similar effect can be obtained by using black bread crumbs. It is advisable to use them together with yeast or instead of them.

The most optimal recipe for feeding tomatoes and cucumbers is to mix 10 g of yeast with 500 g of ash and 500 g of droppings, add 10 liters of water and 5 tbsp. l. granulated sugar. This mixture should be used diluted in a ratio of 1:10, pouring the mixture not under the root system or onto the cucumbers, but around the plantings.

Yeast feeding has many advantages, and if you use the fertilizer according to all the rules, its effect will have a beneficial effect on the crops. The benefits of yeast-based nutrition are mainly that:

  • it replenishes the deficiency of various amino acids and microelements in plants;
  • the fertilizer is environmentally friendly, and vegetables can be eaten regardless of the time of its application;
  • fertilizing improves soil microflora;
  • fertilizer can be used at all stages of crop development.

Yeast dressing for cucumbers and tomatoes: recipe and proportions

There are many recipes for yeast supplements, which contain both yeast and other additives. To create the simplest fertilizer, pour two small briquettes of pressed yeast with a liter of water, leave for an hour or two in a warm place, then dilute the resulting concentrate in a bucket of water. This amount of solution is enough to feed 10 seedlings.

To create a more nutritious fertilizer, you need to pour a small packet of yeast (100 g) with five liters of weed infusion (fill half a bucket of grass to the top with water and leave for a day), add 100-150 grams of rye bread, then leave to infuse for three days. Before watering, the finished composition must be diluted with water one to five, respectively.

If you don’t have time to infuse yeast fertilizing for a long time, you can use the express option of preparing fertilizer: take 15 grams of dry yeast (two standard bags of 7-8 g each) and three tablespoons of sugar, pour these ingredients into a ten-liter bucket of water and leave in a warm place for an hour . After the specified time, you can already water the plants with the resulting composition.

It is becoming increasingly difficult for gardeners to get a good harvest from their plots. Various diseases, unfavorable weather conditions, depleted soil, and lack of crop rotation lead to the fact that summer residents have to resort to the use of a large number of agrochemicals. Some amateur vegetable growers don’t even realize that many fertilizers can be replaced with natural substances. One such natural stimulant is yeast. They are no less effective than chemical drugs. The best known yeast fertilizer is for cucumbers and tomatoes. We will tell you about feeding cucumbers and tomatoes with yeast in our article.

What can you feed with yeast?

Experienced flower growers and gardeners are trying to use more and more organic fertilizers in their suburban areas and resort to less and less chemicals. And sometimes quite unexpected products are used as fertilizer, the results of which are not long in coming. Have you ever tried feeding vegetables, garden or indoor plants with yeast? What do you feed with yeast? Almost any type of garden, vegetable or flower crops. After all, this gray, nondescript mass contains a large range of useful substances, minerals and vitamins. Any plants need fertilizing with mineral or organic fertilizers. One of the most useful and nutritious supplements is yeast, rich in Saccharomyces fungi.

The technology of fertilizing with yeast has been used for a long time. Back in the 70s, tomatoes and cucumbers were actively used by summer residents on private dacha farms. To this day, this procedure has not lost its relevance.

Vegetables respond best to yeast fertilizers. And the maximum result among them is shown by:

  • Cucumbers.
  • Tomatoes.
  • Peppers.
  • All melons.
  • Carrot.
  • Radish.

Well, if you don’t yet know how to properly fertilize tomatoes and cucumbers with yeast, we will help you with this and even suggest several recipes for making it yourself.

Types of yeast for feeding cucumbers and tomatoes

Many people prepare yeast fertilizer for tomatoes and cucumbers on their own, since it is easy to do and does not require much time. To prepare organic fertilizer, you can use different types of yeast.

There are several types of yeast:

  • fast-acting;
  • fresh;
  • dry;
  • granular;
  • pressed.

In the absence of ready-made yeast, a nutrient similar in effect is made in liquid form. As components for the solution, you can use crackers, bread or other ready-made flour-based products. To enhance the effect, plant components in the form of tincture are used as an additive to yeast. To do this, use weeds, vegetable tops (for example, potatoes) or the foliage of a tree.

How does yeast affect plants?

  1. Cucumbers and tomatoes quickly grow green mass and a powerful root system. And this, in turn, has a positive effect on the yield of cucumbers and tomatoes.
  2. Plants become more stress-resistant even under unfavorable growing conditions (this applies primarily to open ground).
  3. Immunity increases; when planted in the ground, cucumbers and tomatoes take root better.
  4. Diseases and pests are less bothersome to plants that have been fed with yeast.
  5. Solutions are prepared from dry, granulated or raw yeast (also called live). Like any fertilizer, this product requires correct proportions.
  6. Yeast contains beneficial bacteria, which, when placed in warm and moist soil, immediately begin rapid reproduction. Yeast as a fertilizer contains potassium and nitrogen, which enriches the soil. These microelements are necessary for cucumbers and tomatoes for normal development.

Fertilizing cucumbers with yeast

After using yeast feeding, cucumbers will begin to produce large and rich fruits, and the number of barren flowers will decrease significantly. To prepare universal bait, you will need:

  • 500 gr. yeast from a briquette;
  • 500 gr. bread crumb;
  • 500 gr. fresh green grass;
  • 10 liters of warm water.

The resulting mixture is infused for 48 hours, after which it can be watered.

You can feed cucumbers at least 7 days after planting in the ground, as well as after applying phosphorus fertilizers.

Do not skimp on fertilizer and water the seedlings generously, 0.5 liters for a young plant and 1 liter for an established bush.

Fertilizing tomatoes with yeast

The first time you need to apply yeast-based fertilizer is after the seedlings have taken root. Most often this happens 7-10 days after planting. The second time the soil needs feeding is during the flowering of vegetable crops. Thanks to yeast feeding, tomatoes will grow strong, with thick stems and fleshy leaves. It is enough to perform only two feedings to increase the yield of tomatoes.

To prepare a yeast nutrient mixture, you need to use the following recipes: Take 200 g of thawed raw yeast, add 1 liter of warm water. If the water is chlorinated, then it must be settled in advance. Chlorine has a detrimental effect on tomatoes. A container larger than 1 liter is ideal for preparing the product. The fact is that during the fermentation process the liquid will increase in size. 3 hours are enough for fermentation. Then pour the composition into a bucket and add 10 liters of water. The resulting solution will be enough to water 10 bushes.

Take 2 packets of dry yeast and 1/3 cup of sugar. Place everything in a bucket and add 10 liters of warm water. Due to the incoming sugar, rapid fermentation occurs. Before using the solution for irrigation, it must be diluted with water in a ratio of 1:5. For tomatoes, 1 liter of the finished composition is enough. The resulting solution activates root formation. In addition, the root system of such tomatoes will be strong and powerful.

To obtain the following composition, you need to use 10 g of wet yeast, 1/3 cup granulated sugar and 10 liters of water. Infuse the composition in about 3 parts. Before use, dilute with water in a ratio of 1:5.

You can get a mother solution by taking a bucket and filling it with 10 liters of warm water. Add 10 g of yeast and 1/3 cup of sugar there. To enhance the effect of yeast fungi, you can place 2 tablets of ascorbic acid and a handful of earth into the solution. Leave the composition to ferment for a day. At the same time, it needs to be stirred periodically. Before use, combine the mixture with water in a ratio of 1:5. If you use this solution to treat plants in the early stages of development, they will begin to stretch better and become hardier. In addition, the seedlings will tolerate picking much better.

So, you have learned how to feed plants with yeast. This simple but very effective remedy stimulates their growth, slows down the development of diseases and develops the root system. The main thing is not to overdo it with fertilizer. You need to know that yeast fertilizer for cucumbers and tomatoes contains nitrogen, and its high content in the soil manifests itself in abundant green mass, and fruits do not set. After fertilizing with yeast, you need to sprinkle the bed with wood ash. This will make up for the lack of calcium in the soil, which the yeast absorbs. Try to “treat” your plantings with a yeast “delicacy” and you will not regret it.

Today, summer residents, in pursuit of an environmentally friendly harvest, resort to growing vegetables on their plots without the use of chemicals, including refusing mineral fertilizers

But as the old Russian proverb says: “You won’t be satisfied with water alone, you also need food,” for plants this is nutrition. Even on well-fertilized soil, after a couple of weeks, not a trace of nutrients remains, since some of them are taken by plants, and some are washed away by rains and watering. One of the environmentally friendly and affordable fertilizers is yeast. This method cannot be called new, since it has been used for many decades. For yeast feeding to be effective, it is useful to become familiar with the rules for its implementation.

What is yeast and its chemical composition

Yeast is nothing more than single-celled fungi. Microscopic organisms are widespread in nature and are found absolutely everywhere where there are sugary substances (glucose, maltose, sugar, sucrose). There are several types of yeast, but ordinary baker's yeast is used to feed plants.

The elemental composition of yeast is very rich; it contains a huge amount of macro- and microelements and vitamins. Plants fed with this widely available product receive:

  • amino acids;
  • fatty acids;
  • copper;
  • zinc;
  • molybdenum;
  • iron;
  • sulfur;
  • potassium.

In addition to the fact that yeast itself carries a lot of nutrients, due to its unique composition it contributes to the activation of beneficial soil microorganisms. As a result, rapid mineralization of organic matter occurs with the release of large amounts of nitrogen and phosphorus. This promotes enhanced plant growth and increased yield.

Interesting! Back in the twentieth century BC, people actively used yeast for their own purposes and did not imagine that they were living organisms. It was only in 1680 that the Dutch scientist Leeuwenhoek examined a yeast cell under a microscope. The liquid he was studying was beer. It was this scientist who first described and illustrated yeast as a microscopic single-celled living organism.

Pros and cons of “live” fertilizer

The addition of various yeast-based formulations has the following positive effects on crops:

The undoubted advantage of such fertilizers is their environmental friendliness, low cost, availability and quick action.

The disadvantages of this fertilizer should also be noted. During the formation of nitrogen from the soil, potassium and calcium are absorbed in large volumes, which leads to soil depletion. Over time, you can end up with soil that is poor in organic matter, rocky and difficult to develop. In addition, an excessive amount of nitrogen leads to fattening of plants, when they activate the growth of leaf apparatus to the detriment of fruiting.

To get only positive results, it is necessary to add yeast in a certain form and at a certain time interval. We'll talk about this in the next section.

Important information! You cannot fertilize root vegetables with yeast starter: potatoes, onions, garlic, radishes, turnips, etc. This will cause unwanted growth of the above-ground part, to the detriment of the growth of the root part. In addition, this significantly worsens the taste of the fruit; they become grassy in taste and loose in consistency.

Frequency and effective recipes for feeding tomatoes and cucumbers

Yeast fertilizers are used for many vegetable crops, but the most beneficial effect is observed on tomatoes and cucumbers. The fruits of these plants are often consumed together, but the care and requirements differ significantly. Let's look at the features of yeast supplements for each of them separately.

Feeding cucumbers

Cucumbers growing outdoors are fed according to the following schedule:

  • after the formation of the first true leaf;
  • at the beginning of the flowering period;
  • after the first wave of harvest yield.

The first feeding will help strengthen the weak root system of plants and will promote rapid growth of vines. The second stimulates the formation of ovaries, and the third gives energy to grow and develop further to obtain an additional harvest.

Application timing in the greenhouse

Greenhouse cucumbers have the longest fruiting period and therefore need more nutrients. The following scheme is optimal for applying “live” fertilizers:

  • two weeks after transplanting into the greenhouse;
  • during the active flowering phase;
  • during the period of mass fruit set;
  • after each harvest wave.

The first feeding will help cucumber seedlings take root faster, the second will promote greater formation of ovaries, and all subsequent ones will prolong the growing season of the plant.

Recipes for feeding cucumbers

No. 1 Ash-yeast supplement

Fresh yeast in the amount of 100 grams is infused in a liter of slightly warmed water until a stable foam forms (2-3 hours). Then the yeast concentrate is introduced into a pre-prepared infusion of ash (1 glass of ash is poured with a liter of boiling water and left for 12 hours, then filtered and brought to 10 liters). Add 0.5 cups of well-crushed eggshells to the resulting ash-yeast solution. Consumption per cucumber bush is one liter of fertilizer.

No. 2 Milk-yeast foliar feeding

A hundred gram stick of yeast is dissolved in one liter of warm milk. Leave for 3-4 hours to ferment. Before use, dilute in ten liters of water. The resulting solution is sprayed onto cucumber vines.

No. 3 Simple yeast feeding

Dissolve 50 grams of yeast in warm water (1-2 liters) and add one tablespoon of sugar. After the composition has been infused for five hours, it is diluted in five liters of water at room temperature. The beds with cucumbers are watered with nutritious mash.

Feeding tomatoes

Timing for applying “live” fertilizer in greenhouses and open ground

The frequency of applying yeast-based fertilizers in the greenhouse and in the open ground for tomatoes is the same. Experts recommend starting such fertilizing as early as the first pair of true leaves appearing on tomato seedlings. This will significantly strengthen small seedlings; they will more easily withstand picking and will not stretch out even with insufficient lighting. In the future, you should adhere to the following scheme:

  • after picking seedlings into individual pots;
  • 12-14 days after transplanting the bushes to a permanent place;
  • during the period of ovary formation;
  • for indeterminate tomatoes thereafter every 20 days.

Foliar feeding in the greenhouse is carried out exclusively in the morning, and root feeding - in the afternoon. It’s good if the weather is cloudy, this will prevent the process of rapid evaporation and beneficial elements will get into the plants.

In open beds, foliar feeding is carried out only in the late afternoon, otherwise sunburn of the leaves cannot be avoided, and the nutrient solution will evaporate before it has time to be absorbed. Fertilizer is also applied at the root in the evening.

Recipes for fertilizing tomatoes

No. 1 Complex yeast fertilizer

In ten liters of water, dilute 10 grams of dry baker's yeast, ½ cup of sugar, half a liter of wood ash and the same amount of liquid chicken droppings. The resulting concentrate is diluted in a ratio of 1:10 before use. One adult plant needs 1.5 liters of liquid fertilizer.

No. 2 Yeast feeding with the addition of ash

10 grams of dry yeast are diluted in 500 ml of warm water. Leave to brew for two hours. Then the resulting solution is poured into a ten-liter bucket of clean water and 100 grams of granulated sugar and one glass of ash are added. Mix everything well and leave to ferment in a warm place for three days. Before use, one glass of the resulting infusion is diluted in 10 liters of water. Consumption per tomato plant – 2 liters.

No. 3 Milk-yeast fertilizer with added iodine

One hundred gram packet of yeast is diluted in warm whey (3 liters) and left to ferment in a warm place for 5-6 hours. Then the resulting volume is brought to 10 liters with clean water and 25 drops of iodine are added. The resulting mixture is sprayed onto tomato bushes.

Interesting! Gardeners have noticed that bees and bumblebees flock with pleasure to plants sprayed with yeast solutions with added sugar. Therefore, it is good to carry out such treatment during flowering; this greatly increases the chances of pollination of all flowers.

Rules for fertilizing

Regardless of the crop being fed and the place where it is grown, there are some general rules for working with fertilizers based on beneficial mushrooms:

Based on many years of experience using yeast as a fertilizer, the following useful tips have been compiled:

  • in order to speed up the fermentation process when preparing fertilizers, it is better to use iron containers;
  • It is better to choose warm days for applying fertilizers, since in well-warmed soil the effect of beneficial mushrooms is enhanced;
  • if you don’t have yeast on hand, you can replace it with yeast baked goods;
  • You cannot replace yeast with purchased kvass or beer;
  • if you soak tomato seeds in a yeast solution, they will hatch much faster, since yeast is an excellent biostimulant;
  • to compensate for the deficiency of potassium and calcium, add ash or eggshells to yeast solutions;
  • yeast must be fresh and compressed; granulated yeast, produced in sealed bags as fertilizer, is not suitable.

By adhering to the rules and advice on the use of baker's yeast as fertilizing, every vegetable grower can easily grow a good harvest on his plot, without the use of chemicals. After all, yeast not only saturates plants with all kinds of nutritional elements, but is also an excellent prophylactic agent in the fight against fungal diseases.

Everyone hears the phrase “grows by leaps and bounds,” but few perceive this phraseological unit as a guide for including “culinary” bacteria in the feeding schedule.

Meanwhile, the use of these microorganisms available to everyone can significantly increase crop endurance and yield. From my own experience, I will say that cucumbers and tomatoes are the most responsive to this kind of feeding.

The positive effect of yeast and their metabolic products on plants and soil is expressed in the whole complex of vitamins, proteins, amino acids, iron and other elements produced by bacteria, resulting in:

  • plants become stronger and more resilient;
  • the immunity of crops increases;
  • the rate of root formation accelerates;
  • cuttings and shoots of shrubs take root better;
  • the rate of vegetative mass gain in plants increases.

After using yeast fertilizing, the volume of beneficial bacteria in the soil increases, which actively decompose the organic matter present in it.

The resulting humus contains a high nitrogen content, which is necessary for the development of stems and the formation of fruits in cucumbers and tomatoes.

Yeast dressing recipes

Basically, yeast fertilizing is used at the beginning of the season, when seedlings are rooting and new shoots appear. This fertilizer helps the sprouts quickly adapt and gain strength.

To prepare a nutritious and healthy fertilizer, you can use both dry powder and compressed yeast, which you can purchase at any chain store:

  1. Dry yeast fertilizer. Buy a packet of dry baker's yeast (100 g) and pour it into a bucket of warm water. To feed the bacteria themselves, you need to add 2 tbsp to the liquid. l. Sahara. Then let the starter brew for 2 hours and dilute it with water 1:5. 60 liters of nutritional yeast fertilizer is ready.
  2. Top dressing from pressed yeast. Place a briquette weighing 1 kg in a bucket of warm water, helping the mass to disperse. To feed bacteria, add 2-3 tbsp. sugar and leave for 2 hours. Then dilute the starter to a volume of 60 liters.

It is important to know that yeast bacteria, during their life activity, take a lot of potassium from the soil, which is important for vegetable crops. To prevent this deficiency, many gardeners add a little chicken manure and 2 kg of wood ash to the fertilizer before applying it to the beds, or use these important fertilizers 1 week after the yeast.

Previously, in villages, garden crops were fertilized by infusing the remains of bread and yeast dough in buckets, as well as pouring sour kvass, milk or fermented milk products into them. The fermented liquid served as an effective and nutritious feed for all plants, flower beds and fruit bushes grown in the beds.

You can also add grass to yeast fertilizing recipes - the fermented liquid will become a rich source of micro- and macroelements useful for vegetable and fruit crops. You can use nettles, tops, hop vines, seedless weeds, etc. for nutritious fertilizer.

Method of application

Like any fertilizer, yeast fertilizer should be used in doses and according to a specific schedule. It is important to consider that it is a source of nitrogen for plants: this microelement is important for the growth of crops, but during the period of fruiting or preparing perennials and shrubs for autumn, its excess will be unnecessary.

Melons and nightshades respond especially well to yeast fertilizing. I will tell you how to use this fertilizer in beds with cucumbers and tomatoes, since these are the most popular crops growing in every garden.

Yeast fertilizers for cucumbers

Cucumbers constantly need nutritional feeding: it is used both during the growing season, when the first leaves appear, and during the fruiting period. Yeast fertilizer is applied to the beds from 2 to 5 times per season with a break between manipulations of 2 weeks. The number of waterings depends on what complexes you use, in addition to traditional methods.

If you did not add nitrogen-containing complexes before sowing or when planting seedlings in the bed, thoroughly water the soil around the sprouts and seedlings with ready-made yeast fertilizer, and “feed” the entire planting area through a divider. This watering technique will provide nutrition to the plants now and “store” important microelements in the soil for the future.

The result of the first watering will become noticeable after a few days - the sprouts will get stronger and begin to develop faster. Cucumbers really like this unique “cocktail” of vitamins, minerals and proteins. It even seems to me that in spilled plants the number of male flowers decreases, and the number of ovaries increases.

If you do not use chemical complexes, repeat nutritious watering of cucumbers every 2 weeks. If you feed crops with granules and certain elements, you can fertilize the bed with yeast a second time after adding phosphorus.

Yeast for tomatoes

Yeast fertilizer for tomatoes is used twice per season; it does not make sense to use it a large number of times, since a high nitrogen content will lead to thickening of tomato bushes to the detriment of their productivity. The nutrient liquid for this crop serves as an assistant for the adaptation, rooting and strengthening of plants.

You need to water the tomatoes with yeast fertilizer in 2 stages:

  1. A week after planting the seedlings in a permanent place, water both the plants themselves and the soil around them in several passes using a watering can with a divider. After such help, the tomatoes will recover faster and take root in the greenhouse or garden bed. It would be good to mulch the soil - this will create a favorable warm environment for bacteria and will not allow moisture to evaporate from the garden bed.
  2. The second and last time the tomatoes are sprayed with yeast fertilizer is when the rudiments of flower ovaries begin to appear on the bushes. Relatively mature plants at this stage need to be given about 2 liters of nutrient liquid each. Please note that tomatoes cannot be fed with this product during flowering.

Yeast feeding serves as an effective growth stimulator for tomatoes: the bushes quickly gain strength and the leaves become fleshy. You will learn more about the use of this fertilizer and the rules for watering different crops from the video:

The use of yeast feeding has its own nuances, based on the characteristics of bacteria and the preferences of garden crops:

  • Fertilizer should be applied to heated soil, because bacteria will not work in a cold environment;
  • yeast is a growth stimulator for plants, so it should be used no later than mid-summer;
  • Yeast feeding is contraindicated for onions, garlic and potatoes.

Do not forget that plants need a lot of useful elements that are not present in yeast nutrition, so fertilize the beds with mineral complexes.

If you don't want to use chemicals, use crushed eggshells and ash to replenish potassium and calcium in the soil.