The meaning of the alphabet in our life. Children's research project “Why do people need letters? VI

Lyudmila Makarova
Children's research project “Why do people need letters?”

Hello, my name is Dima Somov and I am 6 years old. Theme of my project(Name): « Why do people need letters? My goal project - find out, how did the alphabet appear and why can’t people do without it?

When I was even younger, it was not clear to me (it is not clear how people read books, navigate using maps (understand maps, write text messages to each other. But later, having matured a little, I realized that they succeed in all this because they know letters. I also wanted to quickly become smart and grown up, and then I started studying the alphabet. But where did it come from, and who invented it?

While I was preparing mine study, from the Internet I found out that the very first alphabet (Slavic) for Russian people they came up with two educated (literate) brothers Cyril and Methodius. They came up with letters names and pictures. But in their alphabet there were as many as 43 letters! But that was a very, very long time ago and a lot has changed among people since then. (changed). Therefore, now there are only 33 in our alphabet letters. Well, what is the alphabet, I asked our speech therapist Lyudmila Aleksandrovna. She explained to me that the alphabet is the order letters. After all, everything that surrounds us in life should have its own order, so letters, each has its place and meaning. By the way, everyone letters The alphabet is now familiar to me!

But I didn’t stop there. I began to notice where and how adults use letters. For example, when my grandmother and I went into a store, I paid attention to the products; each of them had something written on it. On the milk carton, I read - "Milk", on the box of oranges I read - "Oranges". So I realized that the order on the shelves in the store is associated with the alphabet.

You know, there are such books, these are very smart books, they are called reference books, dictionaries, encyclopedias. Without an alphabet, everything would be jumbled and incomprehensible. But with the help alphabetical index, even books have order. For example, my last name is Somov and in the telephone directory we need to will look for it among surnames that begin with letter"WITH"- try it very simple. And, if all the names were mixed up, then you would be looking for my phone number all day.

More letters are found on my parents' smartphones, my mother said that they are called a keyboard and she needed people to ask questions on the Internet or write SMS (messages) to your loved ones or friends. Obtained using letters make it easier for us to communicate.

And one day, when my dad and I were bored, he invited me to play an interesting game with him called "Battleship". Just to play it need to know letters(at least from A to K). We had a lot of fun, it turns out that letters They also help with fun. What about crosswords or puzzles? We are often in a circle "ABVGDeyka" we solve them without letters these games simply wouldn't exist.

Now I am convinced that without letters to live to man it would be boring and lonely. After all, now that I know the alphabet, I can read a book myself, the name of a street, sign a postcard, write a message to a friend. That's why I say that I letters will be very useful in life!

You know, my mother and I worked hard and created our own alphabet. Every letter We decorated it in a special way.

I hope you enjoyed listening to me! Thank you for your attention!

Publications on the topic:

Lesson summary “Different letters are needed, all kinds of letters are important. Sound [H]. Letter H"“We need different letters, all kinds of letters are important.” Sound "Ch". Letter "C". Goals: *correctional and educational: -consolidation of knowledge about consonants and vowels.

Objectives: to introduce preschoolers to the function of the skeleton; through knowledge of oneself, the parts of one’s body, to cultivate respect and respect for.

In order to familiarize children with the meaning of hands for a person through play and experimentation, our group held another educational event.

Summary of a conversation on introducing children to the world around them in the second junior group “Why do people need hands?” Conversation-reasoning “Why does a person need hands?” PROGRAM OBJECTIVES: - to foster respect for your hands, - to promote the formation of skills.

“It is important for a person to know his roots - an individual, a family, a nation - then the air we breathe will be healing and tasty, more valuable.

Alphabetis a system of sacred symbols that allows you to consciously control the Rays of Light that form events in the Hologram of the manifested world. We know the symbols of the alphabet under the name Letters, so let’s immediately give a definition of the word letter.

Letters- these are plasma volumetric forms that influence the direction of movement of a ray of Light passing through them.

Each letter, when pronounced, has its own sound vibrations, which determine its color and smell, as well as the reaction of genes inside human DNA. Letters have the ability to change the direction of light and its qualitative characteristics when a ray of light passes through them.

Alphabet Knowledgecarry the basis of the “All Light Literacy” about the structure, life of man and the entire Universe. By studying the components of the Alphabet - letters, a person gains partial knowledge about the construction of speech, about managing his states, the events of his life in creating new structures of thought for its materialization.

All sounds on the plane are formed by symbols, that is, notes, letters, numbers and drawings with different semantic content of the images they create.

Combinations of letters are called words. Those letter combinations that the Lord introduced into human genes make up the correct words.

The letters of the planetary Alphabet, with which human genes are written, compiled in a certain sequence, form the human gene ethics, from which the word genetics comes.

Words that correspond to gene ethics, when pronounced and when read, evoke various images with which he operates in his life. Initially, there were 9 million of them in humans. 600 thousand and they form the root basis of the first language of humanity on the planet, from which, after the Babylonian Pandemonium in Mesopotamia, all the existing languages ​​of the world and dialects originated. The Alphabet of planetary humanity is based on about 1600 letters. They create the root basis of a single language, the sound palette of the planet.

When a person knows all the letters, their meaning, learns the correct pronunciation of letters and words, then he will have the opportunity to immediately materialize his thoughts.

This knowledge is called “All the World Diploma”. The ill-wishers of humanity know this and therefore, through the efforts of insane politicians, they divide peoples.

The meaning of the word "crazy" means without the ability to think correctly, since the rules for constructing thoughts are not known to him, and he does not know the consequences of his actions either for himself or for his children and grandchildren.

Words that do not have a root base in genes are false and, when sounded, lead the body's cells to internal discord, since genes do not understand their sound and cannot create an image corresponding to them.

The sounds of words, which have vibrations similar to the created images, help to connect the mental image with the Primary Matter of the planet's honeycomb screen, facilitating its materialization. Therefore, letters and words are tools of creation and destruction!

All letters and words composed of them must be considered from the position of Ray, light and energy interactions in the Hologram of the living river of Time.

Almost all existing Alphabets for writing and communication between people on planet Earth are made up of images of letters denoting the movement of energies with certain sound frequencies and having their own colors. Many letters are distorted and do not fulfill their function of forming directed flows of energy for the materialization of things and events. The correct sound of letters and words composed of them make a person God, as they make it possible to materialize an image of thought with the sounding words of one’s speech.

This is the only reason why the meaning of words and their pronunciation are deliberately distorted or forgotten.

From the letters of the ALPHABET, enclosed in spheres, a crystal-cube is formed on Earth, containing, according to the law of similarity, the symbols of the Universal Alphabet.

A person contains the same crystal, but the letters in it do not glow, because the person does not use most the right words, in his speech, thereby narrowing his creative possibilities.

Now this set of letters is fragmented into various languages ​​and the completeness of sounds for the materialization of mental images created by the human Mind is not in any of the existing alphabets of the peoples of the planet.

The simpler the alphabet of the language used, that is, the fewer alphabetic symbols it contains, the fewer sound phonemes it contains that allow a person to influence his reality in the form of the state of the body and the events taking place. IN English There are only 22 letters, so it is being diligently introduced by robotizers of humanity for general use, making a biorobot out of a person.

Today, the correct pronunciation of most words has been deliberately distorted or forgotten.

The letters are most fully and correctly represented in the surviving Russian alphabet and Sanskrit, but the Russian alphabet, after the emasculation of 11 vowel sounds from it in 1917 by decree of Vladimir Blank-Ulyanov-Lenin, lost its former strength.

A person who correctly uses a large number of correctly composed words from the letters of the Alphabet of the Whole World of Literacy when forming words in his speech will always be harmonious and healthy. This best way prevention of your health. It is only for this reason that prayers in churches are read in the ancient, Slavic - Russian language, not distorted by the simplification of 1917.

Experience shows that in any Orthodox prayer, which has retained the correct spelling and construction of phrases, has a “healing component” that helps, by combining sounds in its pronunciation, to restore harmony in a person, and therefore his health.

Comparing the statistics of diseases of schoolchildren during the times of compulsory reading of prayers before classes at school and before meals with what is happening now, during the rampant violence against the MIND from TV screens and computer games showing violence, then one can understand the severity of the crime committed by adults against children. Previously, under the tsarist regime, 96% of healthy children were born, but today, in the midst of democracy, only 2% of healthy children are born.

Such numbers can make even a stupid person think, and only people without intelligence can continue to persist in the satanic reforms of the Russian and other alphabets and languages, since they lack the ability to think correctly. I really don’t want to think that only crazy people rule society.

Then this power is not from the Father and they will lose it if insight does not come! The legitimacy of any power lies in the honor of its bearers!

To preserve the health of the population, it is necessary to instill in them at any age respect for parents, the Motherland and their native language, and whoever does not accept this does not serve the Almighty Father, no matter what verbal and other clothes he dresses up in.

Returning Russians to their native language will significantly reduce the cost of medical care among the population and reduce crime in society.

A person has records in his genes made by the Almighty Father, it is written there about what he must be. You must not allow the egg to become square or the square to become round. This absurdity is equal in significance to what is done with the divine language.

Initially, apparently, the Bible was written in a common planetary language, but we will not see this text, since then we will have to cross out the false story about Rus' and its illiterate people.

Many texts, even reprinted from primary sources of knowledge for mankind, have intentional and unintentional changes during translation, forming anagrams.

Anagram . A text in which words are rearranged and distort the meaning embedded in the text. There can be a great variety of them.The Bible in today's edition and many textbooks for schools and universities are similar examples.

Words incomprehensible to genes destroy a person, his cosmic Essence from the inside, depriving him of divine qualities. We need to return to the basics of our language and ALPHABET, cross out the false history about Rus' and its people.

The whole power of a person lies in the correct sound design of his thoughts through speech. Human speech is a powerful tool of creation and destruction.

Understanding this, pay attention to what and how you say; if you don’t know the meaning of the words, free your speech from them, since they do not always contribute to your well-being.

If we now begin to speak correctly, from the position of the laws governing the movement of information and energies in the surrounding Space, then follow the commandment: “Read and speak the language in which your genes are written, and for this, study your alphabet!”

Anikina Elena
Research work student "Disappeared letters of the Russian language"



1. Theoretical part.

2. Practical part.



I. Introduction.

Russian the alphabet is the beginning of great things Russian language. Perhaps its wealth is explained by the fact that in its origins it keeps centuries-old secrets. A Russians Since time immemorial, writers have been trying to use it to understand a mystery that has not yet been solved by anyone Russian soul.

As we see, language performs a lot essential functions, without which there would be no truly educated society. Language carries history from ancestors to contemporaries. This is an invaluable gift that was passed on to us by our great ancestors - the Slavs.

In class of the Russian language we got acquainted with the letters the ancient Slavic alphabet, and in the lesson of the surrounding world we studied the history of the emergence of ancient Slavic writing. Looking at the ancient Slavic alphabet, I saw that letters had different names and there were more of them than in the modern alphabet. I was wondering what letters are lost and why so I set a goal for my research: identify where in modern in the Russian language you can find missing letters Old Slavic alphabet.

Object research: alphabet Russian language.

To achieve this goal, I have determined the following tasks:

Compare Old Russian alphabet and alphabet of modern Russian language and identify the missing letters of the Russian alphabet;

Find out the reason letters disappearing;

Consider proverbs and sayings that use missing letters of the Russian alphabet.


1. Study scientific literature on the topic research;

2. Watch scientifically educational films on this topic;

3. Study sources on the Internet.

Hypothesis: If , then they were not important.

The relevance of my research is determined by the topic, What Old Russian language was and remains an important historical source for the study of the social system and social relations, material and spiritual culture Old Russian people and their ancestors. The history of the development of society can be traced in connection with the history of its development language and vice versa: language studied in connection with the study of the history of the people.

Knowledge of the past is the key to understanding the present. It is extremely important to hear the voice of our ancestors, to feel like a part of a historical stream that has not been interrupted for centuries and millennia.

The Slavs are a special people with a unique historical path, who perceive the surrounding reality in all its manifestations in a completely different way, which is reflected in their language. It turns out to be the most durable, meaningful and rich historical memory of the Slavs.

II. Main part.

1. Theoretical study.

Recently in the textbook Russian language I saw a drawing with the image letters Old Slavic alphabet. I counted them and found that the alphabet consisted of 49 letters, majority styles letters look like letters modern alphabet, but their names were more complex and clearly had meaning. For example the letter A was called"az", B- "beeches", IN - "lead", G - "verb", E- "There is", AND- "live", L- "People", M- "think", N – "our", ABOUT- "He", P- "peace", WITH- "word", T - "firmly", F- "fert" and so on. Letters, which have retained their spelling in the modern alphabet, I counted 29, although the spelling of some of them has changed slightly. So, for example, the outline letters C, Ш, Ш was a little different, and they were called "tsy", "worm", "shta", but to denote one sound (h) served two signs "zelo" And "Earth". Some the letters have completely disappeared from the modern alphabet, for example, "omega", "yat", "yus small". "yus big", "US small iotized", "yus big iotized", "xi", "psi", "fita", "Izhitsa" and others.

I watched a scientific documentary about how writing appeared in Rus'. From the film I learned that in history Old Russian language two stand out period: preliterate – until the 10th–11th centuries. and written. I learned that there were ancient Slavic alphabets, which are called Glagolitic and Cyrillic. The creation of one of them is attributed to a Christian preacher of the 9th century. Kirill and all those who have come down to us Old Russian the texts are written in Cyrillic. We know very little about the use of the Glagolitic alphabet (for example, inscriptions on interior walls Novgorod St. Sophia Cathedral).

I was interested to know why letters The Cyrillic alphabet is so strange for modern man names, and then I started looking for information on the Internet.

I found out that Russian alphabet, which was in use until 1918, is a set of graphic signs denoting semantic IMAGES (not simple sounds). The alphabet signs were called « drop caps» . Each drop cap carried a separate semantic concept. For example: first initial letter of the Russian alphabet"AZ" conveys the sound [a] and has a meaning-image "I, man, the beginning..."; drop cap"Buki" conveys the sound [b] and carries a meaning-image “God, be, will be...”. And so - all the signs Russian alphabet

The most interesting thing is that the Old Church Slavonic alphabet can be considered from the point of view of numbering. That is, each letter is also a number. And that's all letters-numbers are arranged in ascending order. So, letter A -"az" corresponds to one, B - 2, G - 3, D - 4, E - 5, and so on up to ten. WITH letters To begin with tens, which are listed here similarly units: 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 70, 80 and 100.

Vedi is the most interesting letter Old Church Slavonic alphabet, which has a numerical value of 2. This letters there are several values: to know, to know and to own. Knowledge is the highest divine gift. If you put Az, Buki and Vedi into one phrase, you will get a phrase that means “I will know!”.

Verb – letter, the meaning of which is the performance of some action or the pronunciation of speech. Synonyms letters-words Verb are: verb, speak, conversation, speech, and in some contexts the word verb was used in the meaning "write". The verb was always used only in a positive context, and its numerical value was the number 3.

What kind of semantic meaning did they carry? missing letters? Let's look at some examples letters.

Zelo – letter, which is a combination of two sounds [d] and [z]. The main significance of this letters for the Slavs it was in words "firmly" And "strongly". Numerical content letters Zelo is a six.

Earth is ninth letter Old Church Slavonic alphabet, the meaning of which is represented as "Earth" or "country". Sometimes in sentences letter-the word Earth was used in such meanings as "edge", "country", "people", "Earth" or this word meant the human body. This number 7 is seven, seven, week.

Izhe – letter, the meaning of which can be expressed in words "if", "If" And "When". The meaning of these words has not changed to this day, just everyday life modern Slavs use synonyms Izhe: if and when. The number 10 corresponds to the same.

Oak - another one letter in the alphabet, which today has transformed into letter U. It is, of course, difficult for an ignorant person to understand what this word means, but the Slavs knew it as "law". Oak was often used in the meaning "decree", "to fasten", "lawyer", "to indicate", "fix" etc.

Firth. This one is unusual letter-the word means nothing more than glory, peak, top, gives glory to eternity. The numerical value of Firth is 500 – five hundred.

Yat is letter, to which the synonym is most suitable "accept". Yu [y] – letter of sorrow and sadness. Its root meaning is a bitter lot and an unhappy fate.

Two more interesting ones letters Old Slavonic alphabet Yus small and Yus large.

The small jus is shaped like tied hands. The most interesting thing is that the root meaning of this the letters are"ties", "fetter", "chains", "nodes".

Yus the Great was a symbol of a dungeon or prison, as a more severe punishment for atrocities committed by a person.

Having examined part of the alphabet, we can state the fact that it is Cyril’s secret message to his descendants. “Where is this visible?”- you ask. Now try to read everything letters knowing them true meaning. If we take several subsequent letters, then the phrases are formed - edification:

Vedi + Verb means "learn the doctrine";

Firmly + Oak can be interpreted as "strengthen the law".

Each letter- the word is formed into a meaningful phrase followed by a subsequent one, which can mean a non-random pattern that was invented to quickly memorize the alphabet.

Having studied the ancient Slavic alphabet, I was able to conclude that missing letters once occupied an equal position among others letters in the alphabet

Cause the disappearance of these letters in that, that they performed a meaning-distinguishing function only in writing, and misunderstanding arose between people, since letters had different spellings, but almost the same sound.

Let me give you an example. Words that sound the same but are different meaning:

Peace is a state without war;

Mir – universe;

Mir – community;

Mgro – fragrant oil;

Мръ is a measure of time.

In the process of developing and improving our writing, the names also changed letters. Old Cyrillic names of the remaining letters of the alphabet“az”, “buki”, “vedi”, etc., which did not coincide with their sound, in the 18th century. were eliminated and instead the names “a”, “be”, “ve”, etc. were adopted, as in the Latin alphabet. This made writing and reading much easier Old Russian language, since the title letters now pointed to the sound corresponding to this name.

I read in the encyclopedia that the very first disappeared"yus small" And "yus big". In 1718, Peter 1 seriously took up the improvement of the alphabet; he abolished letters, which denoted the same sounds. But the alphabet underwent the following transformations in 1917, and began to have a modern look.

Although today letters-words have disappeared from our everyday life, yet they continue to live in Russians proverbs and sayings. For example, the expression "start with the basics", means nothing more than "start from the beginning". Although in reality letter"az" stands for "I".

2. Practical part.

Having considered the reasons and ways letters disappearing ancient Slavic alphabet, it seemed interesting to me to identify cases of using these letters in modern Russian. I contacted research proverbs and sayings, because, as Mikhail Alexandrovich said Sholokhov: “ none of the forms linguistic the creativity of a people does not manifest itself with such strength and in such a multifaceted way, its national history is not so crystalline, social order, life, worldview, as in proverbs.”

In the Dictionary Russians Dahl's proverbs collected 53 proverbs and sayings. They use 23 letters of the Old Russian alphabet. Here, for example, are some proverbs about missing letters:

1) Stand with a ferret, prop yourself with a ferret (both hands at sides).

2) There I am (Napoleon, I’ll walk around the lady, prop myself up on my sides with the ferret.

3) Fert doesn’t walk around screaming with a plow (ploughing).

5) Damn it, they fell from the mountain, damn it, no one can pick it up.

6) Er Egorka fell into the lake rko: he himself did not drown and did not stir up the waters.

7) Do it on time.

8) Her mouth is fit.

9) The fit made my stomach ache.

10) Fita is a school literate, a scribbler.

11) Fita is not glorious, but the thing is glorious.

12) Fita, Izhitsa is approaching the rod.

13) Xi, psi and phyto smelled full.

14) Don’t poke your nose, Izhitsa across the az.

15) Fita and Izhitsa - the whip is approaching the lazy one.

16) From az in the eyes, and pokes people with izhitsa.

17) From aza to Izhitsa.

Each letter is a set of specific signs: sound value, numerical value, style, place in the alphabet.

When used in proverbs and sayings, their different characteristics are emphasized.

It should be noted that proverbs and sayings of the Slavic alphabet represent a special group among others, being a great cultural heritage Russian people.

Having finished my work, I wondered if other children knew about the existence of the lost letters?

I conducted a survey among my friends on the following questions:

Did you know that in the ancient Slavic alphabet there was more letters?

Result: out of 16 guys, 5 people knew about it (31%, 11 people didn’t know (69%) .

How much more?

Result: the guys guessed different numbers, no one answered correctly (0%) .

What alphabet do you think is modern or Old Russian easier to use?

Result: everyone answered that the modern alphabet is easier to use (100%) .


From Russian alphabet since its inception 16 letters disappeared. Having done research work, I see that the sounds of these letters are still preserved in some words, proverbs and sayings Russian language. Russian the people created and preserved them, this shows that the common people understood what a treasure was given to them in the ancient Slavic alphabet.

Probably, these proverbs existed in both peasant and urban, more educated environments, and, perhaps, among seminarians. This gives us confidence that it has not yet been forgotten. Old Russian language that's still great cultural heritage Russian people.

Conclusion: Based on the theoretical and practical parts, we can conclude that my hypothesis confirmed: letters disappeared from the Russian alphabet, because they lost their significance and only began to complicate the understanding of the meaning of what was written, which means they were not important.

Few of them modern people knows about the influence of the words they use and what their meaning is on our common reality. Let’s start this topic by understanding what the Alphabet and letters are, then a lot will become clearer. Therefore, let us immediately determine the meaning of words that are important to us.

Alphabet is a system of sacred symbols that allows you to consciously control the Rays of Light that form events in the Hologram of the manifested world. We know the symbols of the alphabet under the name Letters, so let’s immediately give a definition of the word letter.

Letters- these are plasma volumetric forms that influence the direction of movement of a ray of Light passing through them.

Each letter, when pronounced, has its own sound vibrations, which determine its color and smell, as well as the reaction of genes inside human DNA. Letters have the ability to change the direction of light and its qualitative characteristics when a ray of light passes through them.

Knowledge about the Alphabet carries the basis of the “All Light Literacy” about the structure, life of man and the entire Universe. By studying the components of the Alphabet - letters, a person gains partial knowledge about the construction of speech, about managing his states, the events of his life in creating new structures of thought for its materialization.

All sounds on the plane are formed by symbols, that is, notes, letters, numbers and drawings with different semantic content of the images they create.

Combinations of letters are called words. Those letter combinations that the Lord introduced into human genes make up the correct words.

The letters of the planetary Alphabet, with which human genes are written, compiled in a certain sequence, form the human gene ethics, from which the word genetics comes.

Words that correspond to gene ethics, when pronounced and when read, evoke various images with which he operates in his life. Initially, there were 9 million of them in humans. 600 thousand and they form the root basis of the first language of humanity on the planet, from which, after the Babylonian Pandemonium in Mesopotamia, all the existing languages ​​of the world and dialects originated. The Alphabet of planetary humanity is based on about 1600 letters. They create the root basis of a single language, the sound palette of the planet.

When a person knows all the letters, their meaning, learns the correct pronunciation of letters and words, then he will have the opportunity to immediately materialize his thoughts.

This knowledge is called “All the World Diploma”. The ill-wishers of humanity know this and therefore, through the efforts of insane politicians, they divide peoples.

The meaning of the word “mad” means without the ability to think correctly, since the rules for constructing thoughts are not known to him, and he does not know the consequences of his actions either for himself or for his children and grandchildren.

Words that do not have a root base in genes are false and, when sounded, lead the body's cells to internal discord, since genes do not understand their sound and cannot create an image corresponding to them.

The sounds of words, which have vibrations similar to the created images, help to connect the mental image with the Primary Matter of the planet's honeycomb screen, facilitating its materialization. Therefore, letters and words are tools of creation and destruction!

All letters and words composed of them must be considered from the position of Ray, light and energy interactions in the Hologram of the living river of Time.

Almost all existing Alphabets for writing and communication between people on planet Earth are made up of images of letters denoting the movement of energies with certain sound frequencies and having their own colors. Many letters are distorted and do not fulfill their function of forming directed flows of energy for the materialization of things and events. The correct sound of letters and words composed of them make a person God, as they make it possible to materialize an image of thought with the sounding words of one’s speech.

This is the only reason why the meaning of words and their pronunciation are deliberately distorted or forgotten.

From the letters of the ALPHABET, enclosed in spheres, a crystal-cube is formed on Earth, containing, according to the law of similarity, the symbols of the Universal Alphabet.

A person contains the same crystal, but the letters in it do not glow, because a person does not use most of the correct words in his speech, thereby narrowing his creative possibilities.

Now this set of letters is fragmented into various languages ​​and the completeness of sounds for the materialization of mental images created by the human Mind is not in any of the existing alphabets of the peoples of the planet.

The simpler the alphabet of the language used, that is, the fewer alphabetic symbols it contains, the fewer sound phonemes it contains that allow a person to influence his reality in the form of the state of the body and the events taking place. There are only 22 letters in the English language, so through the efforts of humankind’s robotizers it is being diligently introduced for general use, turning a person into a biorobot.

Today, the correct pronunciation of most words has been deliberately distorted or forgotten.

The letters are most fully and correctly represented in the surviving Russian alphabet and Sanskrit, but the Russian alphabet, after the emasculation of 11 vowel sounds from it in 1917 by decree of Vladimir Blank-Ulyanov-Lenin, lost its former strength.

A person who correctly uses a large number of correctly composed words from the letters of the Alphabet of the Whole World of Literacy when forming words in his speech will always be harmonious and healthy. This is the best way to prevent your health. It is only for this reason that prayers in churches are read in the ancient, Slavic - Russian language, not distorted by the simplification of 1917.

Experience shows that in any Orthodox prayer that has retained the correct spelling and construction of phrases, there is a “healing component” that helps, by combining sounds in its pronunciation, to restore harmony in a person, and therefore his health.

Comparing the statistics of schoolchildren's illnesses during the times of compulsory reading of prayers before classes at school and before meals with what is happening now, during the rampant violence against the MIND from TV screens and computer games showing violence, one can understand the severity of the crimes committed by adults against children. Previously, under the tsarist regime, 96% of healthy children were born, but today, in the midst of democracy, only 2% of healthy children are born.

Such numbers can make even a stupid person think, and only people without intelligence can continue to persist in the satanic reforms of the Russian and other alphabets and languages, since they lack the ability to think correctly. I really don’t want to think that only crazy people rule society.

Then this power is not from the Father and they will lose it if insight does not come! The legitimacy of any power lies in the honor of its bearers!

To preserve the health of the population, it is necessary to instill in them at any age respect for parents, the Motherland and their native language, and whoever does not accept this does not serve the Almighty Father, no matter what verbal and other clothes he dresses up in.

Returning the Russians to their native language will significantly reduce the cost of medical care for the population and reduce crime in society.

A person has records in his genes made by the Almighty Father, it is written there about what he must be. You must not allow the egg to become square or the square to become round. This absurdity is equal in significance to what is done with the divine language.

Initially, apparently, the Bible was written in a common planetary language, but we will not see this text, since then we will have to cross out the false story about Rus' and its illiterate people.

Many texts, even reprinted from primary sources of knowledge for mankind, have intentional and unintentional changes during translation, forming anagrams.

Anagram. A text in which words are rearranged and distort the meaning embedded in the text. There can be a great variety of them. The Bible in today's edition and many textbooks for schools and universities are similar examples.

Words incomprehensible to genes destroy a person, his cosmic Essence from the inside, depriving him of divine qualities. We need to return to the basics of our language and ALPHABET, cross out the false history about Rus' and its people.

The whole power of a person lies in the correct sound design of his thoughts through speech. Human speech is a powerful tool of creation and destruction.

Understanding this, pay attention to what and how you say; if you don’t know the meaning of the words, free your speech from them, since they do not always contribute to your well-being.

If you now start speaking correctly, from the position of the laws governing the movement of information and energies in the surrounding Space, then follow the commandment: “Read and speak the language in which your genes are written, and for this, study your alphabet!”

In the middle of the third millennium BC, the alphabet was invented. Today the Russian alphabet includes thirty-three letters. But at first, when the Cyrillic alphabet appeared, there were many more symbols in it. Was taken as a basis greek alphabet, letters were added to it that conveyed specific sounds used in Slavic speech.

Why do we need an alphabet?

Long before a child goes to school, modern parents begin to teach him letters. This happens during play to keep the child interested. Letters can be written on cubes in bright colors, or there can be other toys. For older children there are magnetic alphabets. This is how the first acquaintance with the alphabet occurs.

When a child goes to school, there he continues to learn the alphabet. The orderly arrangement of letters in it gives us the opportunity to learn all the letters. Each letter has its own sound. These letters make up the words we use in our lives. From the very first lessons at school, the teacher explains what the alphabet is for. And as a result, children begin to understand that studying it is mandatory. The alphabet represents all the letters of the language in a convenient form; words are built from letters, and phrases and sentences are built from words.

Through writing and speaking, man became educated. He can teach other people, pass on his knowledge to other generations and long distances. This means that the alphabet is an integral factor of civilization and culture. In modern society, the alphabet helps human communication.

Where is the alphabet used?

Why do you need to know the alphabet? Today, when we come to the library, we see that the literature catalog is organized alphabetically. And this is very convenient for visitors and library workers themselves. After all, it is very easy to find the right book at the right time. Medical cards are arranged alphabetically on the shelves of clinics. The cards are arranged according to the first letter of the patient's last name. Every day, when we open our diaries and phone books, we see that the letters of the alphabet are printed on the edges of the pages. This makes it easier to take notes and find the information you need. Also in our mobile phones The phone book list is arranged alphabetically. Various kinds of reference books and dictionaries are developed according to the same principle. And remember again the first grade, the teacher also compiled the list of students in alphabetical order.

We can give many examples where we use the alphabet. Each country has its own alphabet, but the principle of using it is the same. It is difficult to imagine a situation if we did not have an alphabet or did not know how to use it.