Dishes in glass dishes in the oven: recipes for cooking meat and vegetables, apple pie. Glassware for different types of stoves What to cook in heat-resistant glassware recipes


Are you wondering what kind of dishes are prepared in glassware in the oven? Their recipes are varied. You can cook delicious pilaf, bake meat, make a casserole. And of course, bake an apple pie for dessert.

Chicken is prepared simply and fairly quickly in the oven in a glass container. Before preparing this dish, find out the optimal cooking time for pilaf. The recipe is a classic one, perhaps every housewife has it in her piggy bank. We invite you to bake delicious pilaf with chicken.


  • chicken meat – 0.7 kg;
  • rice cereal – 0.3 kg;
  • carrot root vegetable;
  • onion - head;
  • mustard - two tables. spoons;
  • salt;
  • blend of spices.


Note! Similarly, you can prepare vegetable pilaf, with seafood or pork.

Unusual “French” meat

This dish is a version of the French meat we know. The meat turns out tender, juicy and tasty.


  • pork tenderloin – 0.4 kg;
  • hard cheese – 150 g;
  • mayonnaise – 100 ml;
  • potatoes – 0.8 kg;
  • onion - three heads;
  • salt - one table. spoon;
  • black pepper.

Advice! Beat the pork, covering it with cling film. Then the pieces will not break and fly all over the kitchen.


Advice! You can complement the dish with sprigs of herbs.

Spicy casserole

Potato casserole can become a real culinary masterpiece if you add a couple of secret ingredients to it. Interested? Then let's cook!


  • potatoes – 0.6 kg;
  • sweet potatoes – 0.6 kg;
  • soft butter - two tablespoons. spoons;
  • garlic cloves – two pieces;
  • milk – 100 ml;
  • cream – 100 ml;
  • cheese – 150 g;
  • thyme - two tables. spoons;
  • salt;
  • black pepper.


  1. Peel the potatoes and wash them.
  2. Cut the tubers into slices eight millimeters thick.
  3. Peel and chop the garlic cloves.
  4. Grate the cheese on a coarse grater.
  5. Preheat the oven to two hundred degrees.
  6. In a saucepan, combine the cream with milk, add soft butter, as well as garlic mass.
  7. Bring the ingredients, stirring, on a low burner to a boil.
  8. The sauce for the casserole is ready.
  9. We will “treat” the glass refractory mold with oil.
  10. Spread half of the potato wedges in an even layer.
  11. Sprinkle the potatoes with thyme, salt, and pepper.
  12. Spread half of the cheese shavings on top.
  13. Next, lay out the remaining potatoes, sprinkle them with spices, salt and cover them with cheese shavings.
  14. Add the sauce. It should completely cover the workpiece.
  15. Cover the mold with a bag and place it in the refrigerator for five to six hours.
  16. Then remove the bag and cover the workpiece with a sheet of foil.
  17. Bake the dish for thirty minutes.
  18. Then remove the foil and continue cooking the casserole until it turns golden and the sauce is almost all absorbed.
  19. Before serving, steep the casserole for ten to fifteen minutes. Ready!

Apple Pie

For dessert, bake the pie in a glass pan in the oven. The recipe is simple, the main thing is to beat it well egg whites and their yolk part.


  • flour (pre-sifted) – 0.3 kg;
  • eggs - three pieces;
  • soft butter – 65 g;
  • granulated sugar – 250 g;
  • milk - one glass;
  • apples – 0.7 kg;
  • lemon;
  • baking powder - one teaspoon. spoon.


Could our grandmothers imagine that we would bake dishes in the oven using glassware? In their times, this material was too fragile and sensitive to temperature changes. And to this day, not all housewives are ready to exchange tried-and-true metal baking sheets, cast-iron frying pans and ceramic pots for glass products. To do this, you need to evaluate all the advantages of transparent forms and personally verify their exclusivity.

PosudaMart In portioned glassware you can not only prepare dishes, but also serve them at the table

Features of heat-resistant glassware

At first, heat-resistant glass products were used only in microwave ovens. They are now called the best of the best oven roasting containers because they:

1. Environmentally friendly, as they are made from natural materials and by definition cannot contain harmful human body impurities.

2. Withstands heat over 300 degrees.

3. They do not affect the taste and aroma properties of food.

4. Can be used for cooking, serving, and storing food in the refrigerator.

5. Do not allow food to burn.

6. Allows you to easily control the cooking process.

7. Keep contents warm for a long time due to thick walls

8. Have a high degree of durability. Time has virtually no effect on their aesthetic appearance.

9. Demonstrates stain resistance.

10. They are easy to wash by hand and in a dishwasher; they can withstand contact with abrasive detergents without any problems.

To be fair, there are a couple of disadvantages worth mentioning. Firstly, even heat-resistant glass remains glass - it must be handled with care, avoiding shocks and other mechanical influences. Secondly, glass ovenware can crack due to sudden temperature changes. Use it correctly:

  • heat and cool the mold gradually;
  • Make sure that the outer surface of the product always remains dry;
  • add a little oil;
  • place glassware in a cold or lukewarm oven;
  • do not pour cold liquids into a heated form and do not place cold foods;
  • use dry oven mitts to remove the pan from the oven;
  • do not place hot dishes on a wet or cold surface;
  • Do not scrape the glass with a knife.

Observing simple rules, you can count on your heat-resistant glass product to serve you for decades.

PosudaMart Follow the rules for use and care, and glassware will serve you well for many years

Choosing glassware for the oven

The main advice is don't save money. Due to its excellent characteristics, a product from a well-known brand will pay for itself very quickly.

Pay attention to the surface of the mold to make sure there are no foreign inclusions, air bubbles, irregularities, depressions, cloudy islands, roughness or scratches. The glass must be transparent, uniform, without clouding.

Heat-resistant cocotte makers, braziers, cauldrons, cauldrons and tagines are provided with marks indicating their heat resistance. If there are no such icons, refrain from purchasing.

©PosudaMart, 2018

Usually, various shapes and metal pans are used to prepare dishes in the oven. This type of cookware is durable and strong. But many housewives prefer glassware. What are the features of such utensils and how to choose the right product, let’s look at it in more detail.


Glassware for oven uses very popular among culinary enthusiasts. But many modern housewives are still afraid to use it for baking in the oven, believing that it is too fragile and unsafe. But in reality this is not the case. The glass form can withstand heating temperatures above 300°C.

Heat-resistant glassware is great not only for oven, but also for microwave ovens. This, of course, attracts many modern consumers, thanks to which such products have gained recognition not only among housewives, but also among professional chefs.

Glassware Perfect for cooking meat and fish dishes. In addition, you can easily prepare a variety of casseroles, including vegetable ones. You can also bake pies and various desserts.

Dishes made from special heat-resistant glass can be very different. These can be square, rectangular, oval or round baking dishes. Molds with low sides are perfect for preparing casseroles or open pies, while versions with high sides can be used for preparing meat, fish or biscuits.

In addition, capacious braziers are made from glass, which come with a special grill. As a rule, such a product has a rectangular or square shape. This roasting pan is convenient for baking fish, meat or vegetables.

Duck pans are also made from durable heat-resistant glass, which are equipped with convenient lids. Typically, such a product has thicker walls than a roasting pan or baking dish. Thanks to this The dish is perfectly baked inside such a duckling and turns out especially tasty.

Anyone who likes to prepare portioned meals may also find a suitable glass option. These can be small molds for baking muffins and cupcakes. In such molds it is also convenient to prepare portioned meat, vegetable dishes or complex omelettes.

Pros and cons

Fireproof ovenware certainly has its advantages. Due to the fact that the dishes are completely transparent, you can easily observe the cooking process, which is very convenient. The finished dish can be served directly in the baking dish. Various multi-layer casseroles look especially beautiful on the holiday table. And if part of the meat dish or sweet pie is left, then it can be stored in the refrigerator directly in a glass container. By the way, reheat the dish in microwave oven possible in the same form. It's very convenient.

It is worth mentioning separately that any dish prepared in such a container long time stays hot. And all this thanks to the thick glass walls of the product. In addition, such products are easy to wash, because food residues practically do not burn or stick to such dishes.

Heat-resistant glassware is completely environmentally friendly and safe for human health. She doesn't highlight any harmful substances during cooking, due to which all products retain their original taste qualities. In addition, this cookware does not have any coating, so cracks, scratches and chips will not form on it.

Glassware can rightfully be called not only strong, but also durable. It is easy to clean and does not form scale or soot.. In addition, any dishes made of heat-resistant glass do not deform over time, which is also a plus. If you take care of such cookware and follow certain operating rules, it will serve you for many years.

If we talk about the disadvantages of such products, it is worth mentioning that Heat-resistant glassware cannot withstand sudden temperature changes. For example, if you immediately place a mold with a dish in a very hot oven, or place the finished dish on a cold surface, it will simply crack.

Incorrect operation or simple carelessness can also render such dishes unusable. For example, if a mold falls from a height onto a stone floor, then despite the strength of the glass, it will still break. When purchasing such dishes, it is worth remembering that any glass product requires careful and careful handling.

Review of manufacturers

Today, there are many different brands that produce high-quality heat-resistant glassware. Here is a small rating of manufacturers so that you can make the right choice.

Products from Simax. All dishes are made of high-quality glass, which perfectly withstands high and low temperatures and is durable. The products of this brand are distinguished by their exquisite design, which attracts many. A wide variety of shapes and models is another advantage of this brand. All products are suitable for cooking in the oven and microwave.

Dishes from a Russian brand VGP She also managed to prove herself on the positive side. All products are made of heat-resistant and high-strength glass, which perfectly withstands chemical exposure And high temperatures. Most products of this brand can be used not only for baking in the oven or microwave, but also for cooking on a hob, including gas.

Smart Cooking is also famous for its durable and long-lasting products, which are made from high quality materials. Dishes from this brand are very practical and are not afraid of high and low temperatures. Any product can be washed in the dishwasher. This company produces dishes of different shapes and sizes.

How to choose?

If you decide to purchase a set of dishes or just one baking dish, then you will need expert advice.

  • When choosing a product for cooking, give preference to those brands that have proven themselves to be the best and always receive positive feedback from consumers.
  • The product you choose must be intact, without obvious flaws, chips or cracks. If you notice that the glass is opaque, a little cloudy, and there are small bubbles or inclusions, then it is better to refuse such a purchase.
  • The selected product must indicate that it is suitable for cooking in the oven and microwave. The seller must have everything necessary documents, confirming the quality of the product.

If you plan to cook not only casseroles or pies, but also meat dishes, then it is better to choose a capacious form with a convenient lid.

Terms of use

If you use glassware correctly, it will serve you for many years. Using a baking dish is easy; it is convenient to bake pies or roast meat in it. It is important to follow some rules.

  • Under no circumstances should you place dishes in a hot oven. If you put the dish directly into a hot oven, the mold will crack. You can only place dishes in a cold oven. Especially if you are using a gas stove.
  • After removing the finished dish from the mold, it should not be immediately soaked in water. The container needs to cool completely before it can be washed. If the mold does not have time to cool completely, then there is a high probability that cracks will appear due to temperature changes and the dishes will be damaged.
  • After finishing cooking, do not rush to immediately remove the mold. Let the dish sit in the oven for about 10 minutes. As soon as you remove the finished dish from the oven, do not place the dish on the stone countertop. Be sure to prepare a wooden stand in advance or just cutting board. It is also important to remember that the surface on which you place the hot glass pan must be dry.

The dishes need to be dried thoroughly and only then start cooking in them. If you put, for example, chicken in a mold, and the outside walls of the dish remain wet, then cracks will appear during baking.

Features of care

Recently, glassware with increased heat resistance has become very popular. In stores you can easily find baking trays, pans, and various forms for preparing dishes in glass. With the help of such utensils, modern housewives create dishes not only in the oven or microwave, but also on gas and electric stoves.

Photo by Shutterstock

Glassware in the kitchen and its benefits

One of the main advantages of glassware is its environmental friendliness. Unlike metal utensils, it does not rust and does not leave marks on it. body fat, moreover, it does not absorb various unpleasant odors. In addition, thanks to its transparency, you can keep the cooking process under control and prevent it from burning.

To prepare dishes you will need: - glassware; - flame breaker; - detergent; - sunflower oil.

Glassware is quite fragile and requires special handling. Under no circumstances should you drop it on the floor, hit it or place any heavy objects on it, as it may fail and break. If chips and cracks appear on the cookware, it is recommended to stop further use.

Thanks to your chemical properties Glassware has poor heat conductivity, which is why cooking on a gas or electric burner requires the use of round pans. In addition, when using a gas burner, you will need an additional flame divider, which will protect the dishes.

It is not recommended to use round or rectangular glassware for cooking on a gas or electric burner, as it will heat up quite unevenly. As a result, the material may become cracked and become unsuitable for cooking. It is best to use such dishes for preparing dishes in the oven or microwave, according to special recipes.

Before placing glassware in an oven, microwave or on a gas burner, make sure its surface is dry.

Glassware can be washed using a dishwasher or by hand. Under no circumstances should you use knives or scrapers to remove burnt pieces of food; it is best to soak the dishes in soft water. detergent, and then rinse it thoroughly.

Secrets of cooking in glassware

Do not place in heated glass containers cold water or frozen foods, otherwise it may burst due to temperature changes. If you need to add a little liquid to a dish, it is recommended to do this in several stages, and it is recommended to pour it into the center of the dish. After completing the preparation of the dish, it is recommended to place the glassware on a pre-prepared stand.

To prevent the dish from burning while cooking on a gas or electric stove, pour a little sunflower oil into the bottom of the dish. The dish should be cooked over low heat, and if using an electric stove, low power will suffice. In this case, the food must be stirred, especially if it is thick.

In bookstores and on the Internet you can find a huge number of recipes for cooking dishes in glassware. Most often, meat and potato dishes are prepared using such utensils, and housewives prefer to use the oven more often.

Features of the use and care of glassware for the oven, tips for choosing

On modern kitchen You can find cooking utensils made from various materials: metal, plastic, ceramics... And of course, glass utensils for the oven are not the least important. Previously, it was difficult to imagine that you could bake meat, vegetables or fish in a glass pan. But today this is a common thing.

Special heat-resistant glassware for the oven can withstand heat up to 300 degrees. But why is it more attractive than ordinary, more traditional kitchen utensils? Let's look at why housewives prefer glassware for ovens. We will also find out the features of choosing and caring for it.

Features of glassware for the oven

Such cookware is gaining increasing popularity both among professional chefs and ordinary housewives.

Benefits of Heat Resistant Glassware

At first, heat-resistant glass pans were used more often for cooking dishes in the microwave, but now some people call such utensils the best container for baking food in the oven. It has its advantages:

  • Transparency of the form. Thanks to this property, the cook can always see what stage of preparation the product is in and track the full cycle of the entire cooking process.
  • Thick glass walls can keep a dish hot for a long time due to the poor heat conductivity of the material.
  • The chemical passivity of heat-resistant glassware allows food cooked in it to fully retain all its taste and not cause harm to health. This is due to the fact that glass does not react with food.
  • Storage. You can not only cook food in the dishes, but also store cooked food for storage. Specialized tempered glass can easily withstand both high and low temperatures. But you should beware of sudden changes and place only cooled dishes in the refrigerator.
  • Aesthetics. In a heat-resistant glass baking tray, the housewife can safely place the dish on the table, and it will look beautiful.
  • Durability is also inherent in this type of kitchen utensil. No scale remains on the glass. This material is not destroyed by aggressive cleaning agents and does not corrode. Subject to certain rules, such pans and baking sheets can last for decades.

In addition, it should be noted that glassware is quite easy to care for, and food almost never burns. What makes such kitchen utensils especially attractive to housewives.

Are there any disadvantages to oven-safe glassware?

Of course there is. After all, perfect cookware simply does not exist. Although the glass is tempered, it does not withstand sudden temperature changes. Do not place cold foods in a heated pan or add cool liquids during the cooking process. Such actions will probably crack the glass. We must remember that glass is a fairly fragile material. Although glassware for the oven is made of impact-resistant material, it should be handled with care. Do not drop it, hit it or place heavy objects on top.

Quality like poor thermal conductivity glass is in many cases considered a disadvantage of ovenware. The glass heat-resistant baking tray heats up unevenly. Therefore, in order for the food to bake evenly and not burn, you need to add more oil or water (depending on the recipe). For the same reason, heat-resistant glassware is not suitable for cooking over an open fire (gas).

Proper care is the key to longevity of glassware

Glassware for the oven will last a long time if the owner uses it correctly and takes care of it. There are some rules to follow:

  • you need to heat and cool the baking sheets gradually;
  • the outer surface must always remain dry, and the inside of the mold must be sufficient quantity liquids or oils;
  • Do not pour cold liquids or place cold foods into a heated mold, as this may cause it to burst;
  • It is recommended to remove the glass form from the oven only with dry oven mitts;
  • It is strictly forbidden to place hot heat-resistant glass dishes on a cold or wet surface;
  • When cleaning, do not use abrasives or scrape the glass with a knife;
  • The glass form must be placed in a cold or slightly warm oven; they must be heated at the same time; glass cannot be placed in a hot oven.

Such forms are much easier to clean than baking trays made of other materials. Glass can be washed by hand or placed in dishwasher. If the dirt is strong, you should soak the mold with water and leave it for a while, and then wash it thoroughly with a soft sponge.

The nuances of choosing glassware for the oven

When choosing a glass heat-resistant oven dish in a store, you should pay attention to its surface. A high-quality product should not have visible defects: inclusions, air bubbles, scratches, roughness and unevenness. The glass itself should be uniformly transparent without clouding; this can be clearly seen in the light.

Heat-resistant glassware must have a mark indicating its heat resistance. If there is no special icon, then the bowl is not suitable for cooking. Practical buyers should choose forms with flat lids and handles on the sides. By purchasing such a pan, the housewife will receive two bowls at once: a standard size and a shallower one.

It turns out that housewives choose glassware for ovens for their versatility, beautiful appearance and ease of maintenance. After all, unlike other forms, food does not stick to glass baking sheets, and heavy stains only need to be soaked and waited for time. You should choose dishes without flaws, and handle them with care: do not drop them or scrape off any leftover food with a knife or a hard sponge. By following some simple operating rules, glass ovenware will last a very long time.

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