Early version of the exam year in physics. When will the results of the early Unified State Exam in Physics be known?

Duration of the physics exam - 3 hours 55 minutes
The work consists of two parts, including 31 tasks.
Part 1: tasks 1 - 23
Part 2: tasks 24 - 31.
In tasks 1–4, 8–10, 14, 15, 20, 24–26 the answer is
whole number or finite decimal fraction.
Answer to tasks 5–7, 11, 12, 16–18, 21 and 23
is a sequence of two digits.
The answer to task 13 is a word.
The answer to tasks 19 and 22 are two numbers.
The answer to tasks 27–31 includes
detailed description the entire progress of the task.
Minimum test score (on a 100-point scale) - 36

Demo version of the Unified State Exam 2020 in physics (PDF):

Unified State Exam

Purpose of the demo product exam assignments is to enable any USE participant to get an idea of ​​the structure of the CMM, the number and form of tasks, and their level of complexity.
The given criteria for assessing the completion of tasks with a detailed answer, included in this option, give an idea of ​​the requirements for the completeness and correctness of recording a detailed answer.
To successfully prepare for passing the Unified State Exam I propose to analyze the solutions to prototypes of real tasks from the Unified State Examination.

Every year in Russia there is a state certification of schoolchildren completing final grades. The law provides for early and main delivery periods.

In 2016, the USE early period began at the end of March, and continues to this day. At the beginning of April, such events will take place exams, like . Since these subjects are not compulsory, students have the right to choose them independently.

Physical discipline for recent years has gained considerable popularity and many schoolchildren who want to get into physics and mathematics universities in the future apply to take this subject.

Schoolchildren have several opportunities to obtain final information on the exam, but you should know that results of the early Unified State Examination in physics 2016, will be available only after the end of the verification period.

There are several ways, but everything can be divided into two groups:

  • when a student personally contacts the organizers of state certification;
  • the ability to obtain results using passport data by accessing electronic resources on the Internet.

Each option is free and quite accessible to any student.

When will the results of the early Unified State Examination in physics be known?

As in chemistry, the exam in the physical discipline was passed April 2. Previously, data on the results of the test will be published on the portal of the Ministry of Education April 13.

According to the department's resolution, examiners and state certification organizers need to check finished works given no more than 10 days. In some situations the deadline may be extended up to 12 days, based on a separate order.

Some sites speculate on the need of schoolchildren to find out the results of the Unified State Exam, and offer them to receive the results the next day for a fee, but such actions are obviously fraudulent and you should not turn to such electronic resources.

All information is provided to children completely free of charge and strictly at the end of the period allotted for verification.

Where can I get results?

About how and where possible find out the results of the early Unified State Exam in physics there is a lot of information. Such information can be obtained in detail on the RCIO website. Lists of educational sites are published there, where data on the results is posted immediately after verification and is accurate. In turn, on FIPI official website you can find the hotline phone number for a specific region and get an accurate answer to this question there.

In general, there are several ways to find out the results:

  1. The teenager must contact the management of the school that conducted the test, submit an application and receive an official certificate using his passport. IN this document the upper and lower scoring levels and the score determined in accordance with the special rating are indicated. Subsequently, the school administration places the received information on a special stand. The disadvantage of this method is that the student cannot familiarize himself with the work itself and, if necessary, protest decision made and analyze the mistakes made.
  2. The next way to obtain information about passing the state exam is to contact the official electronic resource of the Ministry of Education. There you can find out about the number of points scored, the grade and see a scanned copy of the work itself.

1. The figure shows a graph of the projection of body velocityV x from time to time. Graph of the projection of the acceleration of this body versus timea xin the time interval from 8 to 10 s coincides with the schedule

2. Two forces act on the body: and, Based on the force and the resultant of the two forces = +, find the modulus of the second force (see figure).

1) 5 H

2) (H


4) (H

3. A block rests on an inclined plane forming an angle of 30° with the horizontal. The static friction force is 0.5 N. Determine the force of gravity acting on the body.

4. A body moves in a straight line in one direction. Under the action of a constant force directed along this straight line, in 3 s the momentum of the body increased from 5 kg m/s to 50 kg m/s. What is the modulus of force?

5. The figure shows the dependence of the amplitude of steady-state oscillations of the pendulum on the frequency of the driving force (resonance curve). The driving force frequency was initially equal to 0.5 Hz and then became equal to 1.0 Hz.

How many times did the amplitude of the steady-state change? forced oscillations pendulum?

6. A ball thrown horizontally from a heightH with initial speed, during flightt flew horizontal distanceL (see picture). What will happen to the flight time and acceleration of the ball if, at the same installation, with a constant initial speed of the ball, we increase the heightH ? (Neglect air resistance.) For each value, determine the corresponding nature of its change:

1) will increase 2) will decrease 3) will not change

Write down the numbers in your answer, arranging them in the order corresponding to the table:

Flight time

Ball acceleration

7. A body of mass 200 g moves along an axisOh , while its coordinate changes over time in accordance with the formulax( t) = 10 + 5 t – 3 t 2 (all quantities are expressed in SI). Match between physical quantities and formulas expressing their dependence on time under the conditions of a given problem.



A) kinetic energy of the body E K(t)

B) body movement S(t)





8. A certain vessel contains nitrogen and oxygen. Thermodynamic equilibrium of these gases will occur only when these gases become identical

1) temperatures 2) partial pressures 3) particle concentrations 4) densities

9. 1 mole of an ideal gas changes from one state to another. Which of the figures shows a graph of isobaric cooling of a gas?

10. How much work will be done per cycle by a heat engine that receives 800 kJ of heat from the heater, if its efficiency is 30%? Express your answer in kJ.

11. When studying isoprocesses, a closed vessel of variable volume filled with air and connected to a pressure gauge was used. The volume of the vessel is slowly increased, keeping the air pressure in it constant. How do the temperature of the air in the vessel and its density change?

For each quantity, determine the corresponding nature of its change:

1) will increase;2) will decrease;3) will not change.

Air temperature in the vessel

Air density in the container

12. The figure shows a diagram of four successive changes in the state of 2 moles of an ideal gas. In which process is the work of the gas positive and minimal in value, and in which process is the work of external forces positive and minimal in value? Match these processes with the process numbers on the diagram. For each position in the first column, select the corresponding position from the second column and write down the selected numbers in the table under the corresponding letters.



A) the work of external forces is positive and minimal

B) gas work is positive and minimal

1) 1

2) 2

3) 3

4) 4

13. Four balls of the same mass, the charges of which are equal in magnitude, are suspended on silk threads. The charges of the two balls are shown in the figure. To explain the deflection of the balls shown in the figure, it is necessary to assume that

1) balls A and B carry a positive charge

2) ball A carries a positive charge, and ball B carries a negative charge

3) balls A and B are carried negative charge

4) ball A carries a negative charge, and ball B has a positive charge

14. Point charges are placed at the three vertices of the square: −q , + q , − q ( q > 0) (see figure). Where is the Coulomb force directed, acting from these charges on the point charge +2q , located in the center of the square?

1) 2) 3) 4)

15. A direct current flows through a section of the circuit (see figure)I = 6 A. What is the current strength shown by the ammeter? Neglect the resistance of the ammeter.

16. The angle of incidence of light on a horizontal plane mirror is 30°. What will be the angle, formed by the incident and reflected rays, if, without changing the position of the light source, the mirror is rotated 10° as shown in the figure?

17. An α particle moves in a circle in a uniform magnetic field between the poles of a magnet under the influence of the Lorentz force. After replacing the magnet, protons with the same speed began to move along the same trajectories. How induction has changed magnetic field and the modulus of the Lorentz force? For each value, determine the corresponding nature of the change: 1) increased 2) decreased 3) did not change

Magnetic field induction

Lorentz force modulus

18. An ideal oscillatory circuit consists of a capacitor and a 4 mH inductor. The charge on the capacitor plates changes over time in accordance with the formulaq( t) = 2*10 -4 (all quantities are expressed in SI). Establish a correspondence between physical quantities and formulas expressing their dependence on time under the conditions of a given problem. For each position in the first column, select the corresponding position from the second column and write down the selected numbers in the table under the corresponding letters.



A) current strengthi(t) V oscillatory circuit

B) energyW L (t) coil magnetic field



19. In an inertial reference frame, light from a stationary source propagates in a vacuum with a speed c. In this reference frame, light from a stationary source falls perpendicular to the surface of the mirror, which approaches the source with speed. What is the speed of reflected light in the inertial frame associated with the source?

1) c + V 2) cV 3) c4) c

20. In a sample containing a radioactive isotope of bismuth, at the same time reactions occur transforming it into polonium:- and thallium:. In this case, register(s)

1) only- radiation 2)-, - And- radiation 3)- And- radiation 4) only-radiation

21. Green light (λ = 550 nm) passes from air into glass with a refractive index of 1.5. Determine the ratio of the energy of a photon in air to its energy in glass.

22. Establish a correspondence between the graphs presented in the figures and the laws (dependencies) that they can express.

For each position in the first column, select the corresponding position from the second column and write down the selected numbers in the table under the corresponding letters.

23. In the school laboratory, the dependence of the voltage between the ends of the conductor on the force flowing through it was obtained DC(see picture). What is the approximate resistance of this conductor based on the measurements taken?

1) 960 Ohm

2) 2.0 kOhm

3) 540 Ohm

4) 1.2 kOhm

24. From the origin of the Cartesian coordinate system at the moment of timet = 0 body ( material point) thrown at an angle to the horizontal. The table shows the results of measuring body coordinatesx Andy depending on the observation time. Choose two correct statements based on the data given in the table.

1) At a moment in timet = 0.4 s the speed of the body is 3 m/s.

2) Velocity projectionV y at a point in timet = 0.2 s is equal to 2 m/s.

3) The body was thrown at a speed of 6 m/s. 4) The body was thrown at an angle of 45°.

5) The body rose to a maximum height of 1.2 m.

25. The load is suspended on a spring with a stiffness of 100 N/m to the ceiling of the elevator. An elevator descends uniformly accelerated down a distance of 5 m within 2 s. What is the mass of the load if the elongation of the spring during steady motion of the load is 1.5 cm?

26. The figure shows the process occurring with 1 mole of helium. Minimum gas pressurer 1 = 100 kPa, minimum volumeV 1 = 10 l, and maximumV 2 = 30 l. How much work does helium do when transitioning from state 1 to state 2? Express your answer in kJ.

27. The maximum kinetic energy of electrons emitted from a metal under the influence of light is 1.2 eV. If we reduce the wavelength of the incident light by a factor of 2, then the maximum kinetic energy of electrons emitted from the same metal becomes equal to 3.95 eV. Determine the energy of incident photons (in eV) in the first case.

28. Using the equipment presented in Fig. 1, the teacher assembled a model of a flat capacitor (Fig. 2), charged the bottom plate positive charge, and grounded the electrometer housing. The upper plate of the capacitor, connected to the electrometer body, acquired a negative charge equal in magnitude to the charge of the lower plate. After this, the teacher shifted one plate relative to the other without changing the distance between them (Fig. 3). How did the electrometer readings change (increased, decreased, remained the same)? Explain your answer by indicating what phenomena and patterns you used to explain. The electrometer readings in this experiment are directly proportional to the potential difference between the capacitor plates.

29. Plasticine ball at the momentt = 0 thrown from the horizontal surface of the Earth with an initial speedV 0 at an angle α to the horizontal. At the same time, from a certain height above the Earth’s surface, another similar ball begins to fall from rest. The balls collide absolutely inelastically in the air. Immediately after the collision, the speed of the balls is directed horizontally. At what point in time τ will the balls fall to Earth? Neglect air resistance.

30. In a horizontal cylinder with smooth walls under a massive piston with an areaS there is a monatomic ideal gas. The piston is connected to the base of the cylinder by a spring with stiffnessk . In the initial state, the distance between the piston and the base of the cylinder isL , and the gas pressure in the cylinder is equal to the external atmospheric pressurep 0 (see picture). How much heatQ then transferred to the gas if, as a result, the piston slowly moves to the right a distanceb ?

31. In the circuit shown in the figure, the resistance of the diode in the forward direction is negligible, and in the reverse direction it is many times greater than the resistance of the resistors. When connecting to a pointA positive pole, and to the pointIN negative pole of a battery with an emf of 12 V and negligible internal resistance power consumption is 14.4 W. When the polarity of the battery connection was changed, the power consumption was equal to 21.6 W. Indicate how the current flows through the diode and resistors in both cases, and determine the resistances of the resistors in this circuit.

32. The oscillating circuit of the radio receiver is tuned to a wavelength λ = 2000 m. The inductance of the circuit coilL = 6 µH, maximum current in itI max= 1.6 mA. The circuit uses a flat air capacitor, the distance between the plates of which isd = 2 mm. What is the maximum voltage value? electric field in a capacitor during oscillation?