A play in English about the Christmas story “To Meet Santa. Scenario of the New Year's fairy tale in English "When Christmas comes" Scene of the birth of Christ in English

for 5th grade students
Target: 1. Instill interest in learning English through familiarization with English traditions, staging dramatizations, and studying English songs.

2. Introduce students to English traditions.

3. Test students’ ability to congratulate on English, skills to sign Merry Christmas cards.
To the tune of “Jingle, Bells!” the guys come on stage and recite the poem “Christmas Is Here!”
Christmas Is Here,

Christmas Is Here.

Merry Christmas, Mother!

Merry Christmas, Father!

We wish you a Marry Christmas!

We wish you a Marry Christmas

And a Happy New Year!

Let's all do a little clapping,

Let's all do a little clapping

And spread a Christmas cheer!

Let's all do a little stepping,

Let's all do a little stepping

And spread a Christmas cheer!
Mother: Look! What a nice Christmas tree we have!

Anna: How many beautiful toys!

Janet: It's green.

Song “Oh, Christmas Tree!”

How ever green your branches!

Oh, Christmas Tree! Oh, Christmas Tree!

How ever green your branches!

They are green when summer days are bright.

They are green when winter snow is white.

Oh, Christmas Tree! Oh, Christmas Tree!

Your branches green delight us!
Snow Maiden Appears
snow maiden: Hi boys and girls! Do you know my name? I'm Snow Maiden. I came to you because you are having a festival here and I like holidays, celebrations, when children sing, dance and recite poems.

Oh, I see children in costumes, a beautiful New Year Tree. But today is not the 31st of December. Why are you here? What are you celebrating? Is it a New Year? – No, I see. Ok, what is the holiday?

Children: It's Christmas.

snow maiden: Great! I'd like to celebrateChristmas with you.
Yes! It's Christmas!

It's Merry Christmas!

Yes, it’s merry, merry Christmas!

It’s a time for hanging stockings.

It's time for riding sleighs,

It's time for jolly greetings.

Snow and holly, overeating.

Oh, I love you, Merry Christmas,

You are the best of holidays.
snow maiden: Well, on this day Englishmen decorate their houses with holy and mistletoe.

Song “Mistletoe”

  1. Mistletoe, mistletoe 2. First you kiss your hand

Mistle, mistle, mistletoe Kisses are for free.

Ads to the Christmas cheer, Turn round to a friend

First you kiss somebody and put the kiss on their knee.

Andwishyou a happyNewYear. Mistletoe, mistletoe...

  1. First you kiss your hand 4. Firstyoukissyourhand

You’ve got a kiss to spare you don’t have to speak – sh!

Turn round to a friend Turn round to a friend

And put the kiss on their hair. And put the kiss on their cheek

Mistletoe, mistletoe... Mistletoe, mistletoe...
snow maiden: Christmas is a time for dreams. Who brings presents for us?

Children: Santa Claus.

Santa Claus: Good evening, kids! I'm Santa Claus. Do you know any poems About Christmas, winter and about me?
The snow is falling.

The wind is blowing.

The ground is white.

All and all night.

Falling gently down

Falling on the houses

All around the town.

Listen to the wind

Blowing to the snow,

Blowing around the houses

All down the row.
Who comes around on a special night?

Santa comes around on a special night.

Special night, beard that's white –

Must be Santa, must be Santa,

Must be Santa, Santa Claus.
Whose boots and suit of red?

Santa's boots and suit of red.

Who wears a long cap on his head?

Santa wears a long cap on his head.
Whose great big cherry nose?

Santa's a great big cherry nose.

Who laughs this way: “Ho, ho, ho?”

Santa laughs this way: “Ho, ho, ho.”
Ho, ho, ho, cherry nose,

Cap on head, suit of red,

Special night, beard that's white.

Must be Santa, must be Santa,

Must be Santa, Santa Claus.
Santa Claus: Wonderful!!! Now let’s play in “Snow ball”. You should say what you dream on Christmas. Wins the player who will say the longest sentence. For example:

  • I dream on Christmas about telephone.


  • I dream on Christmas about telephone and computer.

Santa awards the winners
Song “I Wish I Were a Snowman”

I wish I were a Snowman,

So tall and big, and white.

I'd never have to clean my teeth,

Or go to bed at night.

But maybe Mister Snowman

Is wishing he were me,

For I'll be here when summer comes,

But where will the Snowman be?
Santa Claus: It’s time to send Christmas cards to parents and friends. Have you?
Children show and read cards they have made themselves.
snow maiden: Thank you for your cards. Now, please, answer my questions.

  • Where does Santa Claus live? (He lives at the North Pole)

  • How many reindeer pull his sleigh? (8 reindeerpullhissleigh)

  • Where does he usually put his presents? (He puts his presents into the stockings).

snow maiden: Thank you for your answers. You know everything about Santa Claus. Take my presents, please.

Teacher: In winter the days are shot, in summer they are long. Can you tell me why it is so?

Pupil: Yes, I can. Everything shrinks in winter because it is cold, and in summer, everything expends because it is warm.
Grandpa: What is your mark in history?

Grandson: A four.

Grandpa: Oh, shame of you! When I was a pupil I had a five in history.

Grandson: But history was shorter then.
The teacher asks the class to write a composition on football. Tommy writes for a few minutes, and gives his composition to the teacher. It says: “Rain, no game.”
snow maiden: Now let's play. These are Russian Grandfather Frost and British Santa Claus.

Whose are these things?
4 participants are called: two choose what suits Santa Claus, and the others choose Santa Claus.
Santa Claus: Now let’s play in my game “Pass the Ornament”

Everyone stands around. One student holds some Christmas attribute. It is passed from hand to hand to the music. The music suddenly stops. The one who has this item in his hands is eliminated from the game. 1 person wins and receives a prize.

Game "Turnip"

  1. They planted it firmly and it grows in the field... (turnip)

  2. Suddenly jumping out of the basket, she rushed after the ball... (cat)

  3. They put a donut in a cage and immediately caught... (mouse)

  4. Slender legs, long arms. Did you find out? This is... (granddaughter)

  5. A cloud quickly disappeared in the sky and out of the booth came... (a bug)

  6. There is a hoe in the garden, it was used to weed a turnip... (grandmother)

  7. To start the story about the turnip, we, of course, need... (grandfather)

Words of heroes

Grandfather: (rubs hands) well, well

Grandma: (waves a rag) I could kill you!

Granddaughter: I’m ready.

Bug: yo – yo – yo.

Cat: Only God helps me!

Mouse: (angrily) What?

Turnip: I’m here!

Santa Claus: Great! I have had a lot of fun with you. Thank you. It's time for the presents. Each of you has a present in your stockings.

snow maiden: Do you know Santa’s favorite song?
The song “Jingle, Bells!”

Dashing through the snow

In a one-horse open sleigh

Down the hill we go

Laughing all the way.

Bell on bobtail ring,

Making spirits bright.

Oh, what fun it's to ride and sing

A sleighing song tonight.

Jingle, Bells! Jingle, Bells!

Jingle all the way!

Oh, what fun it's to ride

In a one-horse open sleigh.


Christmas holiday script in English

Christmas Evening

Necessary props: a cassette with a soundtrack of songs, a tape recorder, song books for guests reading in English, sparklers, costumes, a manger, hay, animal figurines, a doll, gifts from the kings, a Christmas rose, garlands, a Christmas sock. You also need bells, a bag with Santa Claus gifts, a letter, a streamer, and a camera.

Characters: angels (preferably 12), Santa Claus, boy Johnny, three kings, Maria, Befana, Madeleine (all roles were played by students). The angels' costumes are long white robes, with wings cut from a sheet of whatman paper sewn on the back, a wreath of "golden" tinsel on the head. The costumes are very simple, do not require large expenses and are easy to perform, but from the stage they looked very impressive. The Santa Claus costume is made in a typical manner. The kings were dressed in capes and crowns, the women's costumes were discreet robes and head capes in the style of that time. All songs performed during the evening (here in the script they are all in italics) were printed separately and distributed in the hall.
The audience was invited to the evening by a large colorful poster with the following content: "Join in caroling at our school assembly hall following the Christmas tea and dancing party at 3:30 p.m., Saturday, December 7. The celebration is here! Come sing Christmas carols with Angels! Make your holiday bright with the personages of the Holy Night, the Three Kings, Befana and real Santa! Wishing you the most joyful holiday season!

Progress of the evening:

1. Christmas music plays (any kind that creates a certain atmosphere). Angels with songbooks come onto the stage and stand in a semicircle. The quatrains are solemnly read.

Angel 1::
Nark! The herald angels sing,
Glory to the newborn king!
Peace on Earth and mercy mild
God and sinners reconciled!

Angel 2:
Joyful, all the nations, rise,
Join the triumph of the skies,
With angelic host proclaim,
Christ is born in Bethlehem!

Angel 3:
Hark! The herald angels sing
Glory to the newborn King!

Everyone sings the song "Silent Night".

Angel 4:

Now hear of endless bliss!
Joy! Joy! Jesus Christ was born for this!

Angel 5:
Good Christian men, rejoice!
With heart and soul and voice!
Give heed to what we say
News! News! Jesus Christ is born today!

The angels part, freeing the center of the stage. The audience sees the scene: there is a manger on the hay, where the newborn “Christ” lies (we dimmed the lights on the stage, turned on the lamp, one of the students brought some real hay, a doll wrapped in a diaper lay in a children’s basket). Maria and others are sitting around two people. Everyone sings the song "WhatChildisthis".

The Three Kings (1,2,3) enter the stage and are met by the “old woman” Befana.
1: Good morning to you, old woman! Tell us, what country is it? And what is your name, kind woman?
B: This is Italy and my name is Bephana.
2: And we’re the three Kings– Gaspar, Melhior and Baltaras. Angels are singing Christ is born today. Be so kind; show us the way there.
B: Oh, no! I'm so busy today. I can't show you the way! Don’t ask me, I see no reason to leave my housework!
3: OK, we'll find the way to that holy place. But you'll be punished for that. From now and on every Christmas you will roam about the country trying to find Christ’s holy face among the children’s.

Befana leaves. The sages approach the baby's cradle and lay down their gifts. “Poor girl Madeleine” appears on the stage.

Madeleine (addressing the angels): Oh, dearAngels! I’ve come here to fall on my knees before my King, but I’m so poor, that I have nothing to give him.

One of the angels hands her roses (we took artificial ones, they looked impressive from the stage).

Angel: Take these Christmas roses, my poor girl.

Everyone sings the song “WhatChildIsThis” again while Madeleine gives roses. The angels raise all the participants by the arms and stand together in a semicircle.

Angel 6: Today is Christmas Eve. Look! Everything is rush and hustle! Streets are decorated with lights. In homes there is a great air of expectation. Children are decorating Christmas trees and preparing Christmas socks.

Everyone sings the song “O, Christmas Tree!” (two verses). On stage, the boy Johnny decorates the Christmas tree, hangs up the Christmas stocking and goes to bed.
You can hear the sound of bells (you can take the Chinese “Wind Music”).

Angel 7: Oh, hush! Can you hear those bells? That is Santa with his red–nosed reindeer Rudolph coming.

Angel 8:
Rudolph, the red–nosed reindeers
Had a very shiny nose,
And if you ever saw it,
You would even say it glows!

Angel 9:
All the other reindeer
Used to laugh and call him names,
They never let poor Rudolph
Join in any reindeer games!

Angel 10:
Then one foggy Christmas Eve
Santa came to say...
Rudolph with your nose so bright
Won't you guide my sleigh tonight?

Angel 11:
Then how the reindeer loved him
As they shouted out with glee
Rudolph, the red–nosed Reindeer
You'll go down in history!

The jingle bells get louder and everyone sings a verse of the song “JingleBells.” Santa Claus appears, dancing.

Santa:: OK, OK! Those chimneys are so dirty! All are sleeping. Who's there? Jonnie-boy. (Reads Johnny's letter). Let's see if he is good that Jonnie. Oh yes. He helps his little sister to tie her shoes, he doesn’t forget to feed the homeless cat and he behaves well at school. So, get your Christmas gift. Merry Christmas! Bye!

Angel 12: Santa is hurrying to other kids. He will give out his gifts to all good boys and girls, moms and dads, cats and dogs.

Everyone sings the song "Deck the Halls".

All participants throw streamers and confetti into the hall. After the performance, everyone (both participants and spectators) drank tea with sweets (everyone brought what they could) and danced. Many participants did not change their clothes, and the atmosphere turned out to be truly special. The script uses the words of Christmas carols.

Silent Night
Silent night, holy night,
All is calm all is bright.
Round youn virgin mother and child
Holy infant so tender and mild
Sleep in heavenly peace (2).
Silent night, holy night
copyright - http://sc-pr.ru
Shepherds quake at the sight
Glories stream from heaven afar
Heavenly hosts sing Halleluia
Christ, the Savior is born (2).

"What Child is this"?
What child is this who laid to rest
On Mary's lap is sleeping?
Whom angels greet with anthems sweet
While shepherds watch are keeping?
Whom shepherds guard and angels sing,
This, this is Christ the king
The babe the son of Mary.

O Christmas tree!
O, Christmas tree, O, Christmas tree! 2 times
Your boughs, so green in summer time
Do brave the snow of winter.
O, Christmas tree, O, Christmas tree
O, tree of green, unchanging!
In the second verse, too, only lines 3 and 4 are:
Like little stars your candles bright
Send to the world a wondrous light!

Jingle Bells!
Dashing thro' the snow
In a one–horse open sleigh
O'the hills we go
Laughing all the way!
Bells on bobtail ring
Making spirits bright
What fun it is to run and sing
A sleighing song tonight!
Jingle bells, jingle bells,
Jingle all the way!
Oh, what fun it is to ride
In a one–horse open sleigh!

Deck the halls
Deck the halls with boughs of holly
‘This is the reason to be jolly
Sing we joyous all together
Heedless of the wind and weather


(The NEW YEAR and the SNOW MAIDEN are knocking at the door. They have presents and a bell in their hands)

New Year:

I am the little New Year, ho, ho!
Here I come jumping over the snow,
Shaking my bell with a merry din

Snow Maiden:

Presents we bring for each and all
Big folks, little folks, short and tall.
Each one from us a treasure may win,
So open your doors and let me in!

New Year:

Some shall have silver and some shall have gold
Some shall have new clothes and some shall have old.

Snow Maiden:

Some shall have water and some shall have milk
Some shall have satin and some shall have silk!

New Year: But each of you a present may win

Snow Maiden: So open your doors and let us in!


(Enter Mrs.CLAUS)

Mrs.Claus: Oh, hello dear New Year! Have you got any present for Santa Claus?

New Year: What? A present for our old Santa? No, here are some presents which he must take to children. And he must hurry! He hasn't got much time to finish his work!

Mrs.Claus: Poor old Santa... Good-bye, New Year. Merry Christmas!

(Exit New Year. Enter ELF 1 and ELF 2)

Mrs.Claus: Good day, my little elves. Come here! Have you, Elves, ever thought what it is like for our Santa on Christmas morning? He works all Christmas night putting presents in children's stockings, and when he comes back to a quiet North Pole he is so tired! All people are opening presents and having a wonderful time and poor old Santa is so tired that he can't celebrate!

1st Elf:

Think about it. It's almost shocking!
He won't even have a Christmas stocking.
Is it too late for us to plan
To celebrate with this kind old man?

Mrs.Claus: What a good idea! No, it isn't to late! Let's quickly think of the presents we can make!

2nd Elf:

Let's give him new gloves and a hat right away
So the cold won't get him when he is out in his sleigh.

Mrs.Claus: What about some nice tasty things for the holiday lunch?

2nd Elf: We"ll make up a tasty brew! Can you cook his favorite stew?

Mrs.Claus: Of course! So, I"m going to the kitchen and you hurry for a surprise for Santa!



Tom: Where are my Christmas presents? There is nothing in my stocking! How awful! Oh, my dear friends, I"m so angry that I forgot to tell you who I am. I am famous Tom Sawyer!

Dorothy: I am Dorothy. Do you know me? You have read about my adventures in the book "The Wizard of Oz". I flew to a magic country in my house with my dog ​​Toto.

Alice: And my name is Alice. Do you know what tale I come from? "Alice in Wonderland", of course!

Tom: Imagine how unhappy I am with these two silly girls following me here and there and everywhere! Woh!

Dorothy: Tom, stop being naughty, please! It's Christmas Eve!

Alice: It's Christmas Eve and where are our presents? There is nothing in my stocking!

Dorothy: And my stocking is empty, too!

Tom: What has happened to Santa Claus?

(Enter MRS.CLAUS and the ELVES)

Mrs.Claus: My dear friends, you know how busy Santa is. No wonder he has forgotten!

Dorothy, Alice: Merry Christmas, Mrs.Claus!

1 st Elf: Merry Christmas, everybody! Do you know that we decided to give Santa Claus some presents. He never gets anything on Christmas, you know.

Tom: I"ve got an idea. Old Santa has so much work to do today. What if we help him to take the presents to those children who live not very far away?

2nd Elf: That will be nice! Here is a bag with presents, the New Year has left it hear. Oh, how heavy it is!

Mrs.Claus: Now everyone has something to do and I am going to make a stew.

Dorothy: Can we help you. Mrs.Claus?

Alice: We would like to do it!

1 st Elf: And I think we must invite children to our party. They will dress up in pretty clothes and we"ll have fun!

Mrs.Claus: But we must hurry - Christmas is coming.



Black Fairy: Oh, I knew it! Santa Claus hasn't even put a stocking for me. He's forgotten about me! And they are all talking about him - helping Santa, presents for Santa, a party for Santa... And I"m always alone! O.K. I"ll show them what happens if they forget about Black Fairy! I don't want them to help that old fat Santa Claus. Oh, what's that? Christmas presents!? Presents for these naughty, noisy, lazy children? I"ll take them and hide in a good secret place. (to the audience) And if you tell them anything you will never get any presents on Christmas! Do you understand? Never again!


(Enter Tom, Dorothy and Alice)

Tom: It's time to go. The children are waiting for their presents. (looking around) But where are the presents? Where is the bag?

Dorothy: Where are the presents?

Alice (crying): Somebody has taken the bag! Now the children won't get the presents!

Dorothy (crying): Poor Santa Claus. Everybody will be angry with him. We wanted to help and now...

Tom: Never again shall I ask any girls to help me! The only thing they can do is cry and weep! It"s cold today and if you don"t stop you will have icicles on your eyes! Stop crying and let me think. There must be a way out. Yes! A Christmas Fairy - Saula is the only one who can help us! She always comes on Christmas Eve to those who need help.


(Distant music and bells are heard, enter SAULA)

Saula: Merry Christmas!

Tom: Saula! I"ve been thinking about you! How do you know that we need your help?

Saula: I heard someone crying. I thought I could help, and here I am!

Alice: Saula, dear, do you know what has happened?

Saula: I don't, sweetheart.

Dorothy: We decided to help Santa Claus with the presents, you know he is so busy on Christmas Eve...

Saula: How lovely! How kind of you to do it!

Alice: But somebody has taken the bag with all the presents!

Tom: Even I have no idea - who could do such a bad thing!

Saula: Let me think... I guess I know who it is.

All: Do you!?

Saula: Have you ever heard about the Black Fairy of the Christmas Eve?

Tom: Never.

Alice: Yes, I "ve once read about her. People say she is very wicked, nobody loves her and she loves nobody.

Saula: You are right. She always tries to do something bad on Christmas Eve.

Tom: Let me catch her and she will never do anything bad again!

Saula: Don"t be so angry, Tom. Christmas is the time for love and forgiving. Think of how unhappy she is. She"s got no friends, no family. Nobody gives her presents or says Merry Christmas.

Dorothy: Poor thing.

Alice: I'm so sorry.

Dorothy: And what if we give her a present?

Tom: A present for this...

Alice: Oh, Tom, we must give her a present and say we are sorry nobody wants to be her friend. May be she isn't as bad as she looks.

Dorothy: We can be her friends.

Saula: You are good girls! That's just what we must do. Elves! Elves! Have you got one more stocking?


(Enter Elves)

1st Elf: Merry Christmas Saula!

2nd Elf: Who do you need a stocking for?

Saula: For Black Fairy.

Elves: Black Fairy?

Tom: These kind women feel sorry for her! And she has stolen the bag with Christmas presents! Have you ever heard anything like that!?

Saula: Tom, be a good boy today. Don't forget it's Christmas time.

Tom: O.K. I"ll show you that I can be good. I can even give Black Fairy my tooth as a present. And it"s the best thing I have got!

Dorothy: We've got some candies.

2nd Elf: And I have a nice Christmas bell!

Saula: Here is an apple and a beautiful Christmas card from me. Let us put everything into the stocking and call Black fairy all together.

All: Black Fairy! Black Fairy!


(Enter Black Fairy)

Black Fairy: I haven't seen your bag with presents! I've never touched it.

Saula: Dear, nobody thinks you have!

Alice: We just wanted to say to you -

All: Merry Christmas!

Dorothy: Christmas is the time for love, friendship and forgiving.

Tom: Here is a present for you, Black Fairy!

Black Fairy: A Christmas stocking? For me? Isn't it a joke?

1 st Elf: No, Black Fairy, it isn't a joke. We want to be your friends.

Black Fairy: Oh, thank you so much! And I am sorry. It was me. I took the presents. I didn't want you to help Santa Claus because he never, never brings me presents. I am so sorry. Here is the bag. Forgive me, please!

Saula: We will forgive you if you help us to take the presents to the children. We must hurry or we"ll be late!

Black Fairy: Certainly, with great pleasure!

Saula: I "m leaving you now. You can do everything yourselves and I must help those who are unhappy today. Good-bye and merry Christmas! (exit Saula)


(Mrs.Claus and the Elves)

Mrs.Claus: Everything is ready. We helped Santa with the presents and his stocking is full of presents, too. And the tasty lunch is on the table. But there are no lights on the Christmas tree!

1st Elf:

We"ll have to hurry to get things done
The computer shows he"s on his last run!

2nd Elf: Yes, he is coming!

Mrs.Claus: Tom, Alice, Dorothy, come here! (Enter Tom, Alice, Dorothy). I can hear him. He"s going into his bedroom. Let"s turn off the lights and hide. (the stage remains dark and quiet) I"d better go and see what has happened to him. I don"t hear anything! (the lights go up, Mrs.Claus exits and immediately comes back)

Well, little friends, you needn't hide
Santa's too tired after his ride
The party food we"ll have to keep
Dear old Santa is fast asleep!

Tom: What if we wake him up?

Alice: Won't he be angry? He is so tired.

Dorothy: I know a lovely Christmas song about Santa Claus. If we sing it he"ll wake up and won"t be angry.

I'm dreaming of a white Christmas
Just like the ones I used to know
When the tree tops glisten and children listen
To hear sleigh bells in the snow.
I"m dreaming of a white Christmas
With every Christmas card I write.
May your days be merry and bright
And may all your Christmases be white.

Larisa Nikolaevna Shamyanova
Christmas tree script in English for preschoolers

Christmas tree

(for children 6-7 years old)


Mary Poppins

Santa Claus

Postman Pechkin

Snow girl


Props: 2 drums, 2 whistles, 2 bags (for games, a multi-colored umbrella, ice cream (dummy), a letter from Santa Claus (in an envelope, candles.

Children enter the hall to the music and stand around the Christmas tree.

1 child: I love Christmas for many things.

Trees, candles, angel wings,

Stars in the heavens,

Snow covered hills,

Little toy trains,

Dolls in their frills.

2 child: I love Christmas, ribbons of gold,

Familiar carols so very old,

Sweet candy canes, bright red sleds,

Little ones tucked snug in their beds.

3 child: I love Christmas, but most of all,

I look forward to a neighbor's call,

A friendly chat, a cup of tea,

Love in the home means “Christmas for me!”

Song “We wish you a Merry Christmas”.

We wish you a Merry Christmas,

We wish you a Merry Christmas.

And a Happy New Year.

Verse 1:

Let's all do a little clapping.

Let's all do a little clapping.

And spread Christmas Cheer.

Verse 2:

Verse 3:

Mary Poppins enters the hall to the music.

M. Poppins: Good afternoon, children! Good afternoon, guests! Glad to see you! My name's Mary Poppins. And what's your name? (Children call english your name) . Now, look at the Christmas tree! It's so beautiful!

A snowman enters.

Snowman: Christmas tree! My Christmas tree! I barely recognized it. Oh, hello, guys? I looked for her for a long time. The tracks led me here. And why did you need it?

M. Poppins: Hello, Snowman! We are all very glad that you came to visit us.

Snowman (dissatisfied): What kind of holiday is this?

M. Poppins: Christmas. One of the most favorite holidays in the whole world among children and adults. In every house, everyone prepares for his arrival, decorates the Christmas tree, lights the lights on it, decorates it with various toys...

Snowman: Yeah! What happens? You cut down a Christmas tree in the forest without permission, and still have fun. But I have no time for fun.

M. Poppins: Why?

Snowman: I couldn’t save the Christmas tree in the forest. What should I tell Grandma Winter now? It was she who appointed me as a watchman in the forest and ordered me to vigilantly protect the trees from cutting down, sprinkle them with soft snow, wrap them up from the cold wind, and make sure that all the animals were warm and not cold in winter.

M. Poppins: Excuse us, please. But let the Christmas tree stay here. We ask you very much. Really, guys? Well, think about what Christmas without a tree? Look how many guests we have today. Guys, but, in my opinion, the guest was very upset. May be…

Snowman (interrupts): Let's do it So: I will ask riddles about animals. If you guess right, the Christmas tree is yours, and if not, it’s mine. Agreed?

M. Poppins: Well, guys? Do we accept Snowman's suggestions? Okay, Snowman. We agree. Make a wish. (To children). Listen carefully. Whoever guesses it, quickly raise your hand!


1. I'm red. I go, run and jump. I catch a hare. (a fox).

2. I am small. I am grey. I run. (a mouse).

3. I'm big. I am grey. I run. I catch a hare. (a wolf).

4. I am white. I run and jump. (a hare).

5. I am big. I'm brown. I go, climb. (a bear).

6. I am green. I jump, swim. (a frog).

The snowman praises the children English, shakes hands, strokes the head.

Snowman (speaks while leaving): Well, well, you guessed all my riddles. An agreement is an agreement. The Christmas tree is yours.

M. Poppins: Snowman! Or maybe you'll stay with us? We'll have fun. Oh, because of this story with the Christmas tree, I forgot to tell you that Santa Claus is supposed to visit us today. It’s just that it’s not there yet. Well, Snowman, will you stay?

Snowman: If that's what you ask, I'll stay. After all, I love to dance and play so much.

M. Poppins: Amazing! (Invites to play). Let's play!

Game: Who can run around the Christmas tree and play the drum faster? (whistles the whistle; eats an orange and blows the whistle).

There's a knock on the door. The melody of a Russian folk song sounds. Pechkin enters the hall, dancing, carrying an envelope in his hand.

Pechkin: Hello guys, parents and everyone else! I brought you a letter and what a letter! But I won't give it to you.

M. Poppins: Why is this?

Pechkin: Do you have documents? A? That's it, no! But you can’t do it without documents.

Snowman: Tell me, dear postman Pechkin, who is this letter from?

Pechkin: Yes, it’s written here somehow... (Tries to read). I can't figure it out.

M. Poppins: Show me. (Goes to Pechkin).

Pechkin (hides the envelope): Look what you are! Do not touch! (Shows).

M. Poppins (reads): Santa Claus. Guys, this is a letter from Santa Claus! Pechkin, give it to us.

Pechkin: Why do you need it so much?

M. Poppins: Because today is our holiday.

Pechkin: Holiday? I love holidays. What holiday is it today, guys?

M. Poppins: Children, three, four!

Children in chorus: Christmas!

Pechkin: What, what? (Addresses the child). How about in Russian?

Children: Christmas!

Pechkin: Christmas? (Thinks, deciding). Fine! Dance and your letter!

Children perform the dance-song “The Hockey-Pokey”.

Dance-song “The Hockey-Pokey”

Children form a circle. Performing the first verse, they move in a round dance. Then the children imitate the movements that are sung in the song.

1st verse:

You put your right foot in,

You put your right foot out

You put your right foot in,

And shake it all about,

And then you do hockey pokey

And you turn yourself about,

And that’s what it’s all about. Hey!

2nd verse:

You put your left foot...

3rd verse:

You put your right hand...

4th verse:

You put your left hand...

5th verse:

You put your right shoulder…

6th verse:

You put your left shoulder…

7th verse:

You put your whole self...

Pechkin: Keep your letter.

M. Poppins (opens the letter, reads, translates into Russian language) : I wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! I cannot come to your party. I am in England now. Come to England. I have many presents for you! Your Santa Claus.

Pechkin: Where is it located? England?

M. Poppins: In the British Isles.

Snowman: But how do we get there?

M. Poppins: We have no ship! No train! Oh! I know! I have a magic umbrella. In order for the umbrella to have magical powers, you need to name the colors correctly. (Shows colors). What color is it?

Children answer: It is green, etc.

M. Poppins: Good for you! Thank you! Let's go on a trip. (Rotates the umbrella, speaks in a calm, soft voice)

Snowman: Where are we? (Looks around in fear).

The Snow Girl stands in the center of the hall.

Snow girl: Good afternoon! You are on the dance island. I am Snowgirl. Welcome, dear guests! These are… my friends, snowflakes. Where are you? Fly here! I am waiting for you!

Music sounds, snowflakes run into the hall, spinning in a dance.

M. Poppins: Snow girl, we are flying to England, to Santa Claus. And we landed on your island for a little rest.

Snow girl: Have you rested? But before you leave this island, you must dance with me. (Waltzing around). If you dance well, you can continue your journey. If not, stay here until you learn to dance. This is the law of the island.

M. Poppins: Guys, we need to try hard if we want to get to Santa Claus. Let's show how we can dance.

Children perform a dance song "Act and sing".

Dance-song "Act and sing"

Children form a circle, sing and imitate the movements that are sung about in the song.

La la la la la

Lala la la la lalala la

La la la la la

Lala la la la lalala la

Standing up, standing up

Everybody standing up

Standing up, standing up

Everybody standing up

In a circle, in a circle

In a circle, round we go

In a circle, in a circle

In a circle, round we go.

Be a giraffe, be a giraffe

Be a giraffe, be a giraffe

Stretch up tail just like a giraffe

Be a mouse, be a mouse

Be a mouse, be a mouse

Curl up small just like a mouse

When performing the Standing up verse, children stand up, Lala - dance in their places, In a circle - dance in a circle, Be a giraffe - stretch upward, Be a mouse - squat.

Snow girl: Very good children! I really liked the way you dance. (Sad). I don't even want to part with you.

M. Poppins: Then come with us! Guys, do you mind?

Children: No!

M. Poppins: Then we all continue our journey together. (Rotates umbrella). Sleep! One, two, three. Fly umbrella with children and me. Children, wake up!

Pechkin (busy): We are already in England?

Snowman (looking around): No, I think we're not there yet England.

Music sounds and Baba Yaga appears.

B. Yaga: My fathers! How many people! Boys and girls! (Approaches and touches). For lunch! (covers mouth with hand). I wanted say: Hello, animals! Bunny... For dinner! Oh, I wanted say: Welcome, dear guests. I'm so glad to see you. What wind brought you here?

M. Poppins (confused): Actually, we got here completely by accident. (Looking at everyone). And it's time for us. Really, guys?

B. Yaga: Look, everyone is so cunning! You are on my island. And there is a law here. (Strictly). Only the one who sings a song to me can fly away from this island. (Jokingly). And, of course, if you like it. And I might not like her. Ha ha ha! And then I will have a wonderful lunch! (Dreamily). I'll call my people friends: goblin, water, witches. Do you know these? Well, you'll soon get to know them better. Ha ha ha! It's in their stomach. Ha ha ha! (Calming down). OK. That's all later. Now sing your last song. Ha ha ha!

M. Poppins: Baba Yaga! Allow us to consult.

B. Yaga (incredulously): Need some advice? OK. Only for a short time.

M. Poppins (gathers everyone around him).

Everyone decides what song they will sing. Baba Yaga is trying to eavesdrop. The children don't let her do this. Children sing a song "Oh, Christmas tree!".

Song "Oh, Christmas tree!"

I'm a little Christmas tree

Christmas tree, we love you so,

Glittering, glittering merrily.

Live with us, play with us, don't go.

A star at my head and gifts at my feet,

We'll plant you outdoors with grass at your feet,

On all my branches, candy canes sweet.

On all your branches, singing birds sweet.

Round our Christmas tree we dance and sing,

Hand in hand we make a ring.

Singing and dancing as round we go

A sing a ling, a sing a ling, a sing a ling, a lo,

Christmas tree, we love you so.

B. Yaga (continuing humming): How I liked your song! (Holding his head). Oh, what have I done? You'll have to let go. (Pause). No, it's not time yet. I want to measure my strength with you.

Bucket game. Who can run around the Christmas tree faster with a bucket on his leg?

B. Yaga: Woo-hoo! I was left without lunch. But I heard a new song and played with you. Thanks everyone. Happy travels! (He circles around and, humming a new song, gets ready to leave).

M. Poppins: Guys, maybe we can invite Baba Yaga with us? I think she has changed. Do you agree? Snowman, stop Baba Yaga.

B. Yaga: Thank you. Thank you. Eh, let's sing, let's play...

M. Poppins: Let's fly on! Sleep. I wonder where we are? Let's call Santa Claus. If he comes, then we have come to the right place, but if not, then I don’t know. Let's try it! Let's repeat this 3 times words: “One, two, three, Santa Claus, come to me!”.

Santa Claus enters the hall to the music.

St. Claus: Here I am! Good afternoon! Children, Mary, guests! Merry Christmas! Glad to see you!

Children greet Santa Claus and wish him a happy Christmas.

M. Poppins: Santa Claus, how long it took us to get to you to play and have fun with you.

St. Claus: Let's play!

M. Poppins: Let's play!


1. "The Snowballs". The participants of the game stand in a circle and pass one (or several - depending on the number of children) "cold snow" And sing:

Snowballs, snowballs,

If you touch a snowball,

You quickly run away!

A child who, at the end of the song, will have "snowball", leaves the game "warm your hands", but continues to sing along with the remaining players.

The game continues until one player remains, the most "frost-resistant".

2. “The Present hunt.” Children sing song:

Presents, presents in the sock,

Look in the sock at twelve o'clock!

Then one child is asked to determine by touch which toy is in the Christmas stocking, and call it by English. The game resumes.

M. Poppins: Santa Claus, you must be very tired. Please rest, and the guys will read poetry to you.

Children read poetry.

A Happy New Year

The day is so clear,

The snow is so white,

The sky is so bright,

We shout with at night,

A Happy New Year.

The Christmas Tree

Oh, Christmas tree! (2 times)

How green are your sweet branches,

You bloom not only when it's warm

But also in winter storm.

Oh, Christmas tree! (2 times)

How green are your sweet branches.

We make a snowman,

Big and round. (3 times)

We put a snowman,

On the ground. (3 times)

At the Christmas Party

Christmas day, happy day!

We are all glad and very gay,

We all dance and sing and say.

Welcome! Welcome, Christmas day!

St. Claus: Thank you very much, children! I'm very pleased with your poems.

M. Poppins: It's time for us to return, Santa Claus. Fly with us!

St. Claus: Ok!

M. Poppins: Sleep! One, two, three. Fly umbrella with children and me. Children, wake up! Here we are at home. And here is our Christmas tree. In the same place.

Pechkin: Something is still missing. I don’t understand why. (Looks at the Christmas tree). Guys, what's missing? (The children say that the Christmas tree is not on fire). Which ones are there? magic words? Santa Claus, maybe you know?

St. Claus: Yes, I know. One, two, three! Shine, our fir-tree!

M. Poppins: Guys, let's say these words together!

The Christmas tree lights up for the 3rd time.

Children sing a song.

Song "Oh, Christmas"

Christmas is here, Christmas is here!

Merry Christmas, Mother!

Merry Christmas, Father!

We wish you a Merry Christmas,

We wish you a Merry Christmas,

We wish you a Merry Christmas,

And a Happy New Year.

St. Claus: Thank you for your party. Thank you for your games, songs, poems. Merry Christmas! Now, I want to make you a Christmas present – ​​“The Old Man’s Mitten” ( "Mitten").

Outhour: An old man was walking through the forest one day with his dog. He walked and walked and dropped his mitten. Just then a mouse came scuttling up and when he saw the mitten he stopped and said:

Mouse: “This is whear I am going to live.”

Outhour: After a while a Frog came hopping up.

Frog: “Croak!” Croak! Who is living in this mitten?”

Mouse: “I am the Mouse and who are you?”

Frog: “I am the Frog!” Let me in!”

Mouse: “All right, Jump in!”

Outhour: “So the Frog jumped in and the Mouse moved over. After a while a Rabbit came scurrying up”

Rabbit: Hello there! Who is living in this mitten?”

“We are. And who are you?”

Rabbit: “I am the Rabbit.May I join you?”

“All right. Jump in!”

Outhour: “So the Rabbit jumped in and three of them made their home in the mitten. After a while a Fox came scampering up.”

Fox: “You-hoo! Who is living in this mitten?”

“We are. And who are you?”

Fox: “I am the Fox. Won’t you make a room for me?”

Outhour: “So the Fox climbed in and the four of them made their home in the mitten. After a while a Wolf came stalking up.”

Wolf: “Hello, friends! Who is living in this mitten?”

“We are. And who are you?”

Wolf: “I am the Wolf. And I mean to get in!”

“Very well.Go ahead!”

Outhour: “So the Wolf climbed in and the Mouse, the Frog, the Rabbit, the Fox moved over and five of them made their home in the mitten.”

Outhour: “After a while a Bear came lumbering up”

Bear: “Hello, good people! Who is living in this mitten?”

“We are. And who are you?”

Bear: “Ho-ho-ho! I am the Bear. I know you will make room for me.”

Outhour: “So the Bear sgueezed in and now there were seven of them inside and they were so cramped that the mitten was fit to burst.”

“Bow-wow-wow” went the Dog. ”

Outhour: “And the seven friends were so frightened that out they jumped. Then the Old Man came up and picked up his mitten.” M. Poppins: Let's thank Santa Claus for christmas gift. (Thank you very much, Santa Claus). And Santa Claus invites you to Christmas dinner where they are waiting for you Christmas treats and gifts.

Description of material: I propose a scenario for a costume party “Merry Christmas!” for children of senior preschool and primary school age. At the costume party, children in a playful way reinforce vocabulary on the topic “Winter and winter holidays”, repeat the greeting in song form, counting from 1 to 10, and the English alphabet.
Target: familiarization with the traditions of English-speaking countries.
Educational aspect: activate previously studied lexical and grammatical structures in children's speech.
Developmental aspect: develop fine motor skills, imagination, and the ability to work in a group.
Educational aspect: to form the cognitive activity of children; cultivate interest in English classes, cultivate a willingness to cooperate in performing a specific task; learn to work harmoniously, helping each other.
Equipment: computer, Whatman paper, snowball made of cotton wool or paper, 2 buckets, white paper, felt-tip pens (pencils, paints, markers), Christmas tree blanks made of cardboard, colored paper, glue, English letters forming the word CHRISTMAS.

Presenters– Miss Snowflake, Snow Maiden and Santa Claus, they can be helped if necessary by either snowflakes or elves.
The progress of the holiday
Miss Snowflake: Hello, dear boys and girls! Hello, dear parents and grandparents! Welcome to our Christmas party! I'm Miss Snowflake and this is Snow maiden. We are very glad to see you here!
Snow maiden: Hello, dear girls and boys! Hello, dear parents, grandparents! I'm Snow Maiden, and this is Miss Snowflake. We are glad to see you at our holiday!
Miss Snowflake: But where is Father Frost?
Snow maiden: Indeed, where is Santa Claus? Or will the English Santa Claus come to us today instead?
Miss Snowflake: Let’s listen to a nice song our children are going to sing, they are looking for Santa Claus, too. Where is Santa? Where is Santa?
Where? Where? Where?

Where? Where? Where?
Hello Santa! Hello Santa!
Hello! Hello!
Hi Santa! Hi Santa!
Hi! Hi! Hi!
Hello Santa! Hello Santa!
Hello! Hello!
Hi Santa! Hi Santa!
Hi! Hi! Hi!

Where is Santa? Where is Santa?
Where? Where? Where?
Where is Santa? Where is Santa?
Where? Where? Where?

Good bye! Good bye!
Bye, Santa! Bye, Santa!
Bye! Bye! Bye!
Good bye, Santa! Good bye, Santa!
Good bye! Good bye!
Bye, Santa! Bye, Santa! Bye! Bye! Bye!

Miss Snowflake: What a lovely song! We like it so much!
snow maiden: Wonderful song, we really like it!
Miss Snowflake: Unfortunately, Santa Claus has left all his presents for children at home. He has to return. We hope he'll be back soon.
snow maiden: Unfortunately, Santa Claus' memory failed him, he left gifts for the children at home, and he had to return for them. Let's hope he comes soon with gifts.
Miss Snowflake: Meanwhile we can play different games and have a lot of fun!
snow maiden: In the meantime, we will play different games and have fun!

2)Word Game “Catch the snowball!”

Miss Snowflake: What does it look like? What is this? Guess! (Showing a paper snowball)
Children: It looks like a snowball!
Miss Snowflake: Exactly! Let’s play “Catch the snowball!” Game! You throw the paper snowball and say one word or one phrase connected with the topic “Winter and Winter Holidays”. Your neighbor catches the snowball and says another word or phrase. All the participants stand in a circle.
snow maiden: Guys, let's play the game “Catch/Catch the Snowball!” Your task is to throw a paper snowball and name one word or phrase on the topic “Winter and winter holidays.” The person standing nearby catches a snowball and names his word or phrase, and so on in a circle until all the words on the topic are named.
Miss Snowflake: Throw the snowball to me
And say one word,
For instance, tree!
snow maiden:
Throw a snowball and say the word!
Be careful, don't yawn!

Children can name the following words and phrases: snow, winter, cold, frosty, windy, snowfall, snowman, snowball, Christmas, New Year, Merry Christmas, Happy New Year, snow maiden, December, January, February, Christmas tree, etc .

Miss Snowflake: You know so many words and phrases. Santa Claus like clever and hard-working children, he’ll definitely bring you his nice presents.
snow maiden: How many words and expressions do you know? Santa Claus will appreciate smart and hardworking children with good gifts.

If children are embarrassed or cannot remember the appropriate words even in Russian, you can help them. Miss Snowflake throws a snowball and says a word on the topic in Russian (English), and the child returns the snowball to her with a translation of the word spoken to her. Just for fun, you can play this game: 2 teams are formed, they are asked to make lumps of snowballs out of white paper and throw them into buckets. The team that throws the most snowballs wins.

3) Draw a snowman and a snowwoman!

Miss Snowflake: Kids, we know that you like drawing and colouring. Let's draw a snowman and a snowwoman.
snow maiden: We know that you love to draw. Let's draw a snowman and a snow woman!

Children are given whatman paper and markers (pencils, paints, markers).

Miss Snowflake: How many snowmen have we got? Let's count and sing!
snow maiden: Let's count how many snowmen we have, and at the same time sing a funny song!

Children count to ten and sing a song "Ten Little Snowmen", the snowmen they painted decorate the walls of the hall at this time.

4)Let’s do some jumping!

Miss Snowflake: I’m sure you want to be healthy, wealthy and wise, then you should do your exercises. Let’s do some jumping with Patty Shukla and American children!
snow maiden: Let's warm up a little and jump with the kids from America!
Miss Snowflake: You know Santa will give us his presents if our Christmas trees are decorated. Let's decorate them right now!
snow maiden: Santa Claus distributes gifts where the Christmas trees are decorated for the holiday. Let's decorate our Christmas trees with balls and garlands, angels and candies.

Children cut out Christmas tree decorations from colored paper, add details using felt-tip pens, and glue balls and other decorations onto cardboard Christmas trees. This stage of the holiday can be played as a team game. While children decorate cardboard Christmas trees, the song “It’s Christmas” by Patty Shukla is played by Patty Shukla.
The main Christmas tree of the holiday can be additionally decorated with balls, which children in the relay race need to carry in tablespoons and not drop.

6) What beautiful snowflakes!

Miss Snowflake: I am not the only snowflake in the world, I’ve got many sisters. And we all differ from one another.
snow maiden: Miss Snowflake is not the only snowflake in the world, she has many sisters, and they are all different from each other.

Girls dressed as snowflakes read the poem “Snowflake” by K.D. Balmont in Russian and English. Classical music plays while reading.
Pupils 1-2: What a pure snowflake!
What a brave snowflake!
It is fluffy, white and nice.
We are charmed by winter dance!
Pupils 3-4: It has left the sky, but why?
Here it's dangerous. Oh my!
What will! Please don't fall down!
Oops, the snowflake’s on the ground.
(Translation by I.G. Krikunova)

Pupils 5-6: Light fluffy,
Snowflake is white.
How clean
How brave!
Dear stormy
Easy to carry
Not to the azure heights,
Begs to go to earth.

7) Christmas alphabet.

Miss Snowflake: Children, do you know any English letters? Can we make up Christmas from these letters? Take all the necessary letters and put them in the right order to make this word!
snow maiden: Children, do you know English letters? Can you form the word Christmas from these letters? Let's try it!

Every child preparatory stage rhymes with one of the letters that make up the word Christmas are heard. Children find the necessary letters, raise them above their heads and stand so that the word Christmas is formed. Then they recite the Christmas alphabet.

Pupil 1. C is for children and
Christmas they like.
Pupil 2. H is for horses
Instead of a bike.
Pupil 3. R is for reindeer,
What can it hold?
Pupil 4. I am for ice-cream –
Tasty and cold.
Pupil 5. S is for snow,
It's so white.
Pupil 6. T is for Christmas tree,
It's so bright.
Pupil 7. M is for Mummy,
She is the best.
Pupil 8. A is for apples,
We like how they taste.
Pupil 9. S is for Santa,
Clever and kind.
All together. He brings us presents –
Presents we like!
( And here is Santa Claus at last! Hooray! Hello, Santa! How are you?
Santa Claus: Hello, everybody! I’m very glad to see you! I'm fine! Hope you too.
snow maiden: Santa Claus is very happy to meet you!
Santa Claus: I’ve brought you wonderful presents! I see you’ve decorated the Christmas trees, you know Christmas alphabet. Well done.
snow maiden: Santa brought wonderful gifts! He liked your costumes, elegant Christmas trees, and beautiful snowflakes. He really liked that you know a lot of English letters. Well done!
Santa Claus: But what about singing the most famous song for Christmas? Let’s sing “We wish a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year” all together!
snow maiden: Now show Santa how well you sing!


Christmas musical tale in English

"Time of Miracles"

Shaydullina Landysh Minnafikovna,

English teacher I square category,

MAOU "Lyceum No. 78 named after A. S. Pushkin",

Naberezhnye Chelny city, Tatarstan

"Time of Miracles"

Christmas night. Two sisters (7th grade) decorate the Christmas tree and talk about their gifts:

1. Tomorrow is Christmas. This night is magic because Santa comes to children and gives them presents.

2 . Oh, what should I wish? What present do I want ? (thinks, looks around the stage and audience).

I want a toy and I want a doll

I want a car and a big ball.

Oooh, I don’t know!

    And I want a puppy. A little puppy with big funny ears (laughs and looks dreamily at the ceiling).

    A puppy? Ha, I am sure our parents will be against it! But.. Who knows… It`s a magic night and all wishes come true.

    Oh, and don’t forget, we must prepare a present for Santa!

    Yes, tasty cookies and milk. ( picks up cookies and milk). You know, Santa ia always hungry ( takes one cookie and wants to eat it).

    Eh, eh... It`s for Santa!

    (puts the cookies back on the plate) Oops, sorry, I know.

    Put the cookies on the table! ( looks at the clock) It`s late. Time to go to bed.

The girls leave. Snowflakes (4th grade) come out and dance. The end of the dance - Santa (7th grade) enters, smiles, pats the girls on the head and approaches the stockings on the fireplace. Suddenly he sees cookies and milk. Smiles.

Santa: Ho, ho! Cookies! Two nice girls left them for me. MMM, so tasty! (tastes the cookies). Their present is good. I liked it! So now my turn! Jenny wants a puppy (waves his magic wand and takes out a puppy, puts it in a stocking for gifts).

And Manny... Oh, she said: “I want a toy and I want a doll

I want a car and a big ball."

Well, OK! ( Santa takes out the gifts, calls them in English again and places them on the fireplace and in the stocking. Santa sits down V armchair).

Santa: I`ll have a rest and go to other houses to give presents to other children.


Morning has come. The girls just got up. They go on stage. They pull themselves up and yawn. They look at the fireplace and shout joyfully, interrupting each other.

    Jenny! Look!

    Manny! Do you see?

    Yes, I do. There is something in the stockings!

    Presents… our presents!! Santa brought them!

    This is my stocking! Oh what is there? A puppy!)))

    And... Oh a ball, a car, a doll and a toy! Everything I wanted! Santa didn't forget anything.

The girls jump, rejoice and laugh.

    This is the best Christmas! I like it so much.

    And I am so happy, too. (Looks into the hall and shouts joyfully to the audience) Merry Christmas!!! I wish you Merry Christmas!

The children come out and sing the song " "Merry Christmas"

References Author of the text: Shaydullina Landysh Minnafikovna