What is tone dialing mode. How to put the phone in tone mode - what is it

Turning on the tone mode of the phone is necessary to navigate through the menu system when making an outgoing call to the numbers of services and hotlines that provide services. Navigation through the menus of such systems is carried out by turning on the phone's tone mode and selecting the required item by pressing the corresponding key.

All modern smartphones support tone dialing, depending on the platform, it is turned on in one way or another.

Enable dialing

In the Android operating system, you can set the tone dialing. It is indicated in the DTMF (Dual-Tone Multi-Frequency) menu.

We go into the call settings menu and see the following:

You can read about how to turn on the phone's tone mode in the instructions for the device, in addition, depending on the phone's operating system, the tone mode is turned on by pressing one or more keys.

If your smartphone runs on the Android operating system, you must perform the following steps during an outgoing call:

  • open the main menu;
  • select the icon in the menu with the call of the numeric keypad;
  • press the required key.

Periodically entered numbers can be deleted using the cross in the right corner. If you entered the command incorrectly, just return to the main menu of the system and select the required item again. Please note that tone mode also works in conference mode, if a call to a tone dialing system is active, all other calls do not support the tone dialing system. Tone mode, depending on the features of your device, supports entering numbers from the touch keyboard and the regular keyboard. If necessary, you can return from the tone dialing mode by opening the icon with an active call in the system menu.

Set on Windows and iOS

Users of modern smartphones on Windows and iOS often wonder how to turn on the tone mode of the phone when making a call to numbers that support tone dialing. To enable tone mode on smartphones with the specified operating system, you need to do several things:

  1. during an outgoing active call, press the green key;
  2. select the required number key on the keyboard;
  3. if necessary, erase the entered data and hide the numeric keypad.

Navigating through the menu systems on numbers with tone dialing support is carried out using the numeric keys, as well as the voice input system, depending on the device of the menu system. Please note that several seconds pass from the moment you enter numbers until the system responds, most often the proximity sensor protects against accidental entry of numbers during an active call, which turns off the screen when you approach your ear. If you need to dial, you need to remove the phone from your ear, turn on tone dialing, enter the necessary command and continue working with the automated system.

You can return to the main menu of any automated system using the asterisk or pound key. If the system is connected to the operator, it is enough to listen to all menu items or select the connection to the operator by pressing the corresponding number key.

By default, all mobile phones support tone dialing, please note that it may not work for outgoing calls to numbers that do not support menu navigation using tone dialing. As a rule, this concerns the phone numbers of hotlines for customer service. Tone dialing can be activated according to the above principle and with an incoming call, if it is active and the automated system supports the tone dialing mode.

You can find out about the availability of tone mode support when making a call by listening to the points of the automated system. If you are prompted to navigate using the phone keys, then the system supports tone dialing. If you have keypad sounds enabled on your device, when you press keys after tone dialing is enabled, you will hear keypad sounds that are created when dialing a number.

Features of tone dialing

Tone dialing in your phone works like a new call during an active incoming or outgoing call to a number that supports navigation by automated system using the tone dial. Until the call key is pressed, the entered commands are transmitted to the automated system and recognized by it as commands for navigation.

Please note that touch tone for navigation only works when you make a call to a number with an automated menu navigation system. When making a regular call, tone dialing will allow you to connect a new subscriber to the conversation, send commands to connect services, and record the phone number in the phone book. The tone dialing mode allows you to independently select the necessary items in the automated system when calling a number that supports tone dialing.

Articles and Lifehacks

Often we hear a proposal to transfer the device to this mode by calling, for example, the support service number. Unfortunately, while many users do not know what is the tone mode in the phone and why is it needed. Let's try to figure it out, and also dwell on how you can put your device into this mode.

What is the tone mode in the phone? Its implementation in the Russian Federation

Let's start with the fact that there are two telephone dialing modes - pulse and tone. The first of them, impulse, has already become obsolete, and therefore is rarely used. This is especially true for landline phones, since the mobile device is already set to tone mode by default.

At first, it was the impulse mode that appeared. It was typed like this: one click, number 1, two clicks, number 2, and so on. Subsequently, a tonal mode appeared. Its advantages include the fact that it is faster than the pulse mode. If we use it, it is much more convenient and faster for us to dial telephone numbers, use various services, etc. Note that multiple operator services are only supported in this case.

So, now more about what is the tone mode in the phone. In fact, it is a 2-tone analog multi-frequency signal that is used to dial a number. On the English language it sounds like dual-tone multi-frequency, which is why we often see the abbreviation DTMF. The tone signal is used for manual dialing while working with interactive services (for example, with voice prompts), or for telephone signaling between devices in automatic mode. In this case, the signal and telephony correspond to each other.

This regime has existed since the 60s of the last century, but in the Russian Federation it was introduced only in the 80s. Until now, many of the domestic automatic telephone exchanges perceive only impulse signals. Thus, tone dialing is only possible where a digital signal is already in use. Sometimes it is even provided as a paid service. In any case, it is not required.

How to translate cellular telephone in tone mode?

By default, this mode is already activated on our mobile device. However, if we need to translate it, we should know how. In particular, this applies to devices with touch displays, although there are known cases of problems when converting conventional push-button telephones to DTMF.
Immediately after the connection has gone on the touch device, you should press a special soft key that will give us access to the keyboard. Next, enter the + or * sign, or any combination of these buttons. After that, the DTMF mode will be activated.

It is also recommended to pay attention to the menu that is available to the owner of the touch device during the call. Often, the transfer to the desired mode is carried out through it. Right during the conversation, select the item for entering a telephone number, and in the dialing menu that appears, enter the appropriate key combination to activate DTMF. You can find it using the instructions for the device.
If we use a regular push-button telephone, right in the process of calling, we press and hold * or +.

Note that all modern mobile devices are already switched to tone mode by default. However, if such a transfer is requested from us by an answering machine or a support specialist, it is obvious that this setting has been previously changed. This applies not only to mobile devices, but also to home devices.

If our cell phone does not allow you to enter data from the keyboard during a conversation, it is recommended to contact the service center. Problems can also be related to firmware or the presence of viruses.

There are only two dialing modes - pulse and tone. On all fixed phones in Russia, the pulse mode is used by default. A tone may be required if you need to select some answer option using a number, for example, when calling a call center. Then an automatic voice will ask you to put the phone into tone mode first.

You will need

  • instructions for the telephone


  • First of all, determine the mode that you are already using. This is easy to do - if, when dialing a number, you hear clicks (the number of clicks is equal to the number corresponding to the dialed digit), then the pulse mode. The tone mode is characterized by sounds of different heights - tones that can be heard when pressing the number buttons.
  • It is important that your phone supports tone dialing. Old rotary telephones can only work in pulse mode. It also happens that the telephone exchange to which your number is connected is old and analog, so it functions only in pulse mode. This means that you will not be able to change it to tone. But in most cases, modern phones can work in both tone and pulse modes.
  • Almost all telephones (approximately 90%) switch to tone mode very simply - you just need to press the "asterisk" button - (*). Usually, from the remaining 10%, most of the devices have a TONE or TONE button on the keyboard, which changes the dialing modes.
  • If your phone is one of a small number of those devices that are set up in an exceptional and unusual way, you will have to find the instructions for it and read how to put the phone into tone mode. But such models are extremely rare.
  • There are times when a subscriber calls various services or a hotline and hears an answering machine offer, which advises you to switch your phone to tone mode. But not all users are aware of how to complete this process. The article will give useful information for those people who do not know how to switch the phone to tone mode.

    Dial modes

    The main operating modes of dialing a telephone number are divided into pulse and tone. These systems are the fruit of the development of communication. An earlier form of functioning of the telephone set includes a pulsed mode. Dialing with it is carried out by interrupting the line with a certain list of sounds. Any subscriber will surely remember his calls from a regular phone to another city on a long-distance line.

    The tone mode is a later invention and it appeared relatively recently. Its main difference from the impulse one is that a deliberately selected sound is intended for each digit. You should pay attention to the fact that all modern models of telephones are produced taking into account the use of this feature. The pulsed mode for such models is a thing of the distant past. But, despite such an innovative approach, still phones with classic features are popular to this day. Therefore, if you need to switch to tone mode, you should clarify whether the menu of your device suggests it.


    To find out if the desired function is enabled, pick up the handset of the phone and press any key. You must determine what kind of sounds are coming from your machine. If short beeps are heard, this indicates that your phone has been switched to the tone mode system.

    If it is possible to recognize sounds similar to clicks, then the device undoubtedly works in a pulsed mode. The last option limits a number of functions. How to transfer the phone to the tone mode we need, we will discuss further.


    Press the "*" button on your device - this is the easiest way to switch your device to tone mode. This method is only effective if the menu provides such a function. Not every phone model involves a simple button press. Hold and hold the "*" or "#" key for a few seconds. The word “tone” or “t” should appear on the scoreboard of your phone. If the display shows absolutely nothing, then you should again listen to the sounds made by the handset while pressing the buttons. Some models are equipped with special keys "T" or "P", which are located on the body. They were created to transfer the radiotelephone from pulse mode to tone mode.

    There are other individual actions for such a setting. They are specific to some models. The switching method can be a combination of buttons "*" and "-" or "-", "*", "-".

    Nothing came up

    If none of the above methods of switching to the tone mode of the phone does not work, then it is recommended to refer to a detailed study of the menu of your device. Many models are subject to translation through it. Enter the settings and refer to the "Switch between modes" option. Select the way you want to work and confirm your action.

    We have dealt with the concept of tone mode, but in the end, we should tell a little more about the pulse mode. First of all, this is how phones with a rotary dialer work. Pulse mode is a dialing method by which digits are transmitted to the station by stepwise closing, and then opening the selected telephone line.


    Having determined the operating mode of the device, switch the phone from pulse mode to tone mode using one of the three methods below.

    Press the "*" button on your telephone - this is the easiest way to switch the device to tone mode, provided that your phone is switched in this way.

    Find the "P" and "T" buttons on your phone, they can be on the side of the device, or on the bottom. If there are such buttons, then the phone is switched to tone mode with their help. Press the "T" button to switch to the desired mode.

    If both methods are not valid for your phone, refer to the instructions that came with the device. Some models of devices are transferred to tone mode with completely different keys.

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    If you are not sure about the correct dialed combination to switch the phone to tone mode, use the instructions, otherwise you careless actions you can turn on completely different functions or render the telephone unusable.

    Useful advice

    Perhaps your phone initially works in tone mode, and you should not waste time looking for combinations, just listen to the sounds made by the phone when dialing.


    • how to switch phone from tone mode

    If you have a telephone set at home, it sometimes becomes necessary to switch it to tone mode. This can be done quickly and without much effort.

    You will need

    • Telephone set


    Now, try making a call from another phone to check if the transaction was correct.

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    In order not to perform incorrect work and not to press little-known buttons, use the instructions that came with the telephone.

    Useful advice

    Some phones have the ability to switch them to tone mode by pressing the "*" symbol.


    • Wizard's tips for setting up the telephone set, consideration of individual functions.

    When communicating with friends or relatives, you do not need to worry about the phone mode, but if you call the support service, then most likely the operator's voice on the answering machine will ask you to switch the phone to tone mode. Then it will be possible to give commands to the answering machine using numbers.

    You will need

    • phone, instructions for the phone


    To convert the pulse dialing mode to tone, you need to read the instructions for a particular telephone. IN Siemens phones Gigaset tone mode is activated by using the following combination: press the call key, then call the function by dialing "10". In the menu that appears, click button 1 (tone mode).

    In VoxteL phones, to use the tone mode, press the "programming" button, then the key combination "*-2-2". After the beep sounds, press "*" again and the "programming" button. Also in DECT phones on the base there is a button for switching the pulse mode to tone mode.

    In modern Panasonic phones, the tone mode is turned on on the base from the side. Just move the slider to TONE mode (tone dialing mode). In older models, go to the phone menu, find the "Call Programming" item and select "Tone Dial Mode". Please note that there are exceptions in the phone settings. If you do not find this item, read the instructions.

    Even if your telephone exchange operates only in pulse mode, autoinformers installed in some organizations accept only tone commands. To interact with them, you have to switch the telephone to the appropriate mode.


    If you have called an automatic informant number using mobile phone, then it already works for you in tone mode. If it turns out that the autoinformer does not respond to commands, find the item in the device menu that corresponds to the DTMF signal transmission mode (it is called differently in different phones). Allow the transmission of such signals.

    Find out if your telephone exchange supports tone mode. If it turns out that the PBX has been upgraded and is now able to be controlled in this way, switch to tone mode and your home phone, and dialing will speed up significantly .. To do this, find a switch marked as P-T or Pulse-Tone on its bottom or one of the side walls. Switch it to T or Tone mode. Then check if the PBX responds to tone commands, and if not, switch the phone back to pulse mode.

    In some wired devices (mainly equipped with radio tubes), switching to tone mode is carried out not by a mechanical switch, but through the menu. Find the location of the corresponding menu item in the instructions or on your own.

    If the PBX does not support tone mode, it is inconvenient to use the switch or menu whenever you need to use the automatic informer. Leaving the machine switched to pulse mode, after dialing the number, press the star key. The machine will switch to tone mode and remain there until you hang up.

    Rotary and early push-button telephones do not support touch-tone at all. Having called from such a device to an autoinformer, wait for the answer of the secretary, and then ask him to manually connect you to the desired subscriber. If communication with the secretary is not provided, use a special autonomous device - a beeper. Bring it to the microphone and press the buttons with the desired numbers.

    You can dial a number on the phone in two modes: tone and pulse. Moreover, pulse dialing was used and is still used in stationary telephone sets with a disk dial, and tone dialing is used in modern telephones.


    By default, the desk phone settings usually use pulse mode. A distinctive feature of this mode is the characteristic crackling in the handset during keystrokes. Moreover, the key with the number 1 corresponds to one crackle, the key 2 - two, and so on. If tone dialing is active, when you press a button, you will hear sound signal.

    If you are calling a service where you need to press certain keys on the phone during the conversation in order to get to the corresponding menu item, pulse dialing will not work here. To turn on the tone mode one-time, press “*” and the desired key. In this case, the next time you call the autoinformer, the tone mode will be disabled.

    To transfer the device from pulse mode to tone, read the instructions for your phone. So in Siemens Gigaset telephones, this can be done by using the following combination: press the call button, then call the function by dialing “10”. A menu will appear in which you need to press button 1.

    In the case of Voxtel landline phones, to use the tone mode, press the “Programming” button, followed by the “*-2-2” key combination. When the beep sounds, press “*” then the “Program” button. In addition, DEXT-based sets have a key to switch between dialing modes.

    Modern Panasonic telephones have a switch on the base (located on the side). By moving it to the "Tone" position, you turn on the corresponding mode. If you have an older model, go to the phone's menu, find the item called "Call Programming" and select "Tone Key Dial Mode" there. True, it is worth considering that such an item in the menu may not be (in some cases). In this case, read the instructions for your phone.

    In ordinary city phones, there are two types of dialing: the so-called pulse, known since the days of rotary telephones, and tone. Currently, it is generally accepted that pulse dialing (when the number of pulses, interruptions corresponds to one or another dialed digit) is a relic of the past. Today, tone dialing (in which the number is dialed using special tone bursts) is increasingly used. However, quite often telephone exchanges do not support tone dialing.


    Some phone models do not natively support tone dialing. For example, rotary telephones are designed for pulse dialing only. If you have a similar device, you can safely use its functions.

    Almost all modern telephones have a dialing mode switch. It usually represents a moving slider switch. It also always has a “Pulse / Tone” switch, which corresponds to pulse and tone modes. Move the switch to the “Pulse” position. So, your phone has changed the dialing mode.

    If your phone model does not have this switch, then the “*” (“asterisk”) key, present on the numeric keypad of your telephone, will perform a similar function of switching modes. Pressing again will return the phone to the previous dialing mode.

    Sometimes after changing the mode, you need to lower the handset onto the lever and raise it again. That is, during a conversation, it is almost impossible to transfer the device from one mode to another on some phone models.

    If you have a DECT phone (that is, a phone with a wireless radio handset), then the dialing mode settings are contained in the settings of the “base” to which the handset is “linked”. Access to the settings is possible directly from the handset of the telephone set, or from the control buttons on the "base".

    Read the instructions for your telephone. It will necessarily contain information about setting up the device, including switching to tone or pulse dialing mode. You can also find instructions on the manufacturer's website or sites created to help users.


    • User tips for setting phones to transfer to tone / pulse mode

    In stationary telephones, there are two dialing modes: pulse and tone (tone). Most PBXs have now switched to tone mode. Old-style phones with a rotary dialer operate exclusively in pulse mode.