Didactic innovative technologies. Application of innovative technologies in the educational process

"," Update ". It applies to any sphere: to science, medicine, education. In Western European countries, the concept of "pedagogical innovation" is investigated since the late 50s, the public began to exercise interest in early 90s.

Modern education does not satisfy the requests of the information society. Schools do not develop basic competences, do not teach schoolchildren to learn and make discoveries. The system is still focused on "transmitting" knowledge, and not to learn them.

This forms the need for the formation of education, transition to a new system, the active introduction of pedagogical innovation.

Pedagogical Innovation: Essence and Objectives

Pedagogical innovation is the process of developing, implementing, testing and evaluating innovations in the field of education, which help effectively achieve the goals.

Meanwhile: the educational process changes over time, the labor market places new requirements for future employees, and training is transformed, adjusts to new goals, to achieve which new pedagogical techniques, adults and methods are needed.

Investment innovations help to achieve such goals:

  • Humanization, democratization of the educational process;
  • Intensification of cognitive activity of students;
  • Increase the effectiveness of the organization of educational and educational work;
  • Modifications educational material From the point of view of the technique and didactics.

The new approaches that are actively implemented in the pedagogical process are assimary to realize their goals. They are the basis for the development of new methods and techniques of work in educational institutions.

Innovative approaches in modern education

The training approach is the basic principle, a set of requirements and goals, which is the basis for new technologies.

Demand modern education It is not to give students as much as possible knowledge, but to teach them to learn independently, not only to know, but also be able to operate the information received.

The basis of pedagogical innovation is two key approaches:

  • A personal-oriented approach implies the orientation of the educational process to the identity of each student / student. Modern pedagogy must take into account the unique experience and character of each student, develop its individuality and talents. The implementation of this approach includes a support on the principles of choice (students can choose the directions with which they want to engage), confidence (lack of authoritarian pressure from teachers), creativity and success, subjectivity, individuality;
  • Competence approach - new for the Russian school. He focuses on the result of training, while the result is not a totality of knowledge, but a complex of skills, the ability of a student to solve problems, conflicts, act in different situations.

It is not so important how much the student knows. More importantly, its ability to respond to changes, manifest flexibility, manage emotions and be able to select the desired information. This innovation requires a cardinal revision of the education system, reforming the principles of evaluation and organization of training.

Based on these approaches, teachers and methodologists develop innovative pedagogical technologies - sets of techniques, methods and methods of transmitting knowledge and assessment, which are being introduced into educational institutions.

New pedagogical technologies in the education system

Modern pedagogy offers such innovative pedagogical technologies.

Project work

Design work is a type of activity that helps to develop the creative abilities of students, to form in them the skills of working in the team. The purpose of the projects is to actualize and use in practice, expand and deepen the knowledge gained. Work on the project can occur individually, in pairs or in microGroups, it implies a solution to some kind of problem, finding optimal solutions.

Schools are actively used by the integration of disciplines in projects, for example, offer students to explore interdisciplinary communications of the language and literature, mathematics and chemistry, history and biology.

This innovation forms and develops complex thinking, the ability to analyze, establish links and create new ideas, to see a holistic picture of the world.

Game technology

Games perform several functions: entertainment, therapeutic, diagnostic, social. During the game, students are engaged in free educational activities, having fun and effect not only from the result, but also from the process.

IN educational process The game is used as a wider technology element, part of the lesson or extracurricular work. Pedagogical game It has a clearly formulated goal that is served in the form of a gaming task, all participants in the game are subject to pre-prepared and voiced rules.

Distance learning

Distance learning - innovation, which is actively introduced in European countries and the United States. On specially developed platforms, courses are created in which lectures, tasks, a schedule of full-time consultation with teaching. Students independently organize time and disciplines themselves to self-study.

There are several sites on which schools and universities offer different courses in free access ("Universalum", "Lectoring", from foreign - "Coursera"). Schools and universities are developing their own information resources that help students and teachers interact and share experience outside educational institutions.

Interactive technologies

Interactive technologies are methods that help to be swapped to places to teachers and students. Interacting in groups, working on information, students discover new opportunities for self-study. This is a whole complex of methods and techniques of work aimed at creating activities, in the process of which students interact with each other, work on the solution of a common task.

Interactive technologies are implemented through the conduct of seminars, disputes, problem lectures in schools, discussions on which students can present their thoughts, learn to argue their opinions.


Portfolio helps to assess the dynamics of learning outcomes. With it, you can visualize training achievements and discoveries. This innovation is implemented through such ways to accumulate information: electronic portfolio, "folders of achievements", "Growth Diaries". All developments, projects are recorded in them, materials that confirm participation in projects, discussions, the results of creative activity.

Listed technologies are used comprehensively, given the main approaches. Choosing technology, method and techniques, teachers take into account the personal characteristics of students, their inclinations and needs.

Modern education requires solving various tasks and problems of modernity, first of all, the problems of socialization and adaptation of students. What our graduates will be depends on the entire organization of the educational process. Now the result of the child's learning in school is determined - the formation of key competencies. It is impossible to form them forces only the traditional methodology and is irrational. Innovative technologies are teacher.

Innovative technologies call pedagogical technologies that have become popular recently:

- ICT or mm - technology,


- Interactive technology,

- Project Technology, Project Method

- Research technology or technology for conducting curricula,

- AMO and mode of moderation,

- health-saving technologies,

- etc.

Innovative technologies are pedagogical technologies of a new generation.

What is the actual novelty or innovation?

They are pedagogical technology that contains a specific set of methods and stages of implementation.

We all "passed", here we all know. But...

Firstly, Unlike traditional technology, innovative results are oriented, and not the process. The main thing in these technologies is the achievement of a certain (of course, innovative, that is, the new compared to the traditional result) of the result.

SecondlyThe purpose of the realization of innovative technologies is not the accumulation of Zunov's student, and the ability to apply the utilized zinc in practical activity (that is, the goal is not knowledge, but the ability to use them for yourself !!! As Satroskin's cat said in the famous cartoon "Labor on my favor ...") .

ThirdlyThe difference of innovative technologies is the method of obtaining knowledge in the educational process is an activity approach. Knowledge The child does not receive in the process of learning the theory, rules, etc. , and in the process of achieving the goal of the lesson, which is interesting for him. He comprehends knowledge in the process of conscious need gradually, step by step under the guidance of the teacher.

In fourthInnovative technologies create conditions for the implementation of children's activities to achieve their knowledge. But knowledge is not as a goal in the lessons of these technologies. The first place is the organization of the educational space of the lesson, which acts as an educational environment for the formation of students' sundles.

In - FifthInnovative technologies are changing the essence of the relationship between the teacher and the student in the lesson. The teacher acts as the organizer of this very educational space of the lesson. His role in the lesson - consultant, expert. A large role is given to the organization of the lesson, its preparation - preparation acts as the cornerstone in the organization of such lessons.

At sixthInnovative technologies are practically oriented technologies, that is, aimed at personality, that is, individual development focused on the identity of each particular student. In other words, these are pedagogical technologies that create conditions in a lesson or in extracurricular activities to train each individual student, taking into account his personal features (stability of attention, memorization, speed and strength of the material assimilation, the method of perception of educational information, health status, the rate of activity, abilities and deposit, etc.).

In - seventhInnovative technologies take into account the fact of the socialization of children in the learning process and after graduation. That is why there are techniques in their arsenal and methods for the formation of communicative skills and skills and skills of work in a pair, group, team, team.

By and large, their use is aimed at developing all forms of thinking, which will contribute to the formation of a creative and intellectually developed personality and will ensure the continuous development of the child and after graduation.

Thus, it is possible to highlight the following signs of innovative technologies:

Focused on obtaining a specific result;

The purpose of the lesson with their use is the acquisition of knowledge in the process of activity;

Individualization of the learning process; - contributes to the socialization of children in the learning process and after graduation;

Uses other innovative technologies;

Requires teacher organization of the educational space of the lesson;

Establishes a qualitatively new relationship between the teacher and the student in the lesson;

Promotes the creative and intellectual development of the identity of the child.

Innovative technologies - special technologies!

Their implementation in the educational process is necessary TO STUDY!!!

Like any pedagogical technology, innovative technologies have their own implementation algorithm, their stages. The pass of at least one violates the integrity of the pedagogical technology system and destroys it.

N We relate to your attention teachers for innovative technologies:

1. Six E.E.Scientific - research work of schoolchildren

2. Zhogoleva E.E. Research technology in Russian lessons and not only ...

List of references:

1.News R.S. Psychology. Book 1: Basics of general psychology. - M., Enlightenment, 1994.

2. Meeting and optimization of joint activities. Ed. Andreva G.M. And Janushek J. M., Moscow State University, 1987.

3. Babansky Yu. K. Problems of increasing the effectiveness of pedagogical research. M., 1982.

4. Kuzmina N. V. Professionalism of the personality of the teacher and the master of production training. - m.; Higher School, 1990 - pp 6


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1. Theoretical foundations of study of pedagogical technologies

1.1 Essence of the concept of "technology"

1.2 Stages of development of pedagogical technologies

2. Innovative Pedagogical Technologies

2.1 Classification of innovative pedagogical technologies

2.2 Improving the quality of knowledge through the use of innovative pedagogical technologies


List of used literature


Relevance of the research topic term paper. Pedagogy has long been looking for ways to achieve, if not absolute, then at least a high result in working with a group or class and constantly improved its funds, methods and forms. Many centuries ago, with the emergence of pedagogy, it was believed that it was necessary to find some reception or a group of techniques that would allow to achieve the desired goal. So there were various techniques. Time went, practitioners accumulated experience, they created new, more efficient techniques. However, the results of practical work on the methods created did not always respond all expanding requirements.

As a result, pedagogy has accumulated in its arsenal a significant number of effective techniques. However, the problems of stability in training, as well as the achievement of each student of high results remain to this day. Obviously, the improvement of the techniques should be continued, but the process of their accumulation and empirical (based on practice) of the selection should be combined with the choice of purpose and the development of the learning process control system. This is designed to help the technology of learning process.

Modern technological training models express the main methodological principles for building training - the methodology of a humanistic, developing, personal-oriented learning organization project. Many learning technologies continue to remain weakly technologically, that is, not to the end painted. They mainly dominate theoretical basis of technologies, the activity party continues to be either not enough specific or is unnecessarily tied to a specific learning subject.

A number of technologies concerns individual aspects of learning, say, a task approach in training, or programmed computer learning, or organization of a problematic learning structure. General technologies of educational learning are also known. The mass development and implementation of pedagogical technologies, researchers of this problem are referred to by the mid-50s and are associated with the emergence of a technological approach to building training at the beginning in American, and then in the European School. Initially, the pedagogical technology was understood as an attempt to the technicalization of the educational process; The first brainchild of this direction and at the same time the foundation on which the subsequent floors of the pedagogical technology were built was programmed.

Pedagogical technology is a system of design and practical application of adequate technologies of pedagogical patterns, goals, principles, contents, forms, methods and means of training and education, guaranteeing a rather high level of their effectiveness. Pedagogical technology - scientific design and accurate reproduction of pedagogical action guaranteeing success. The process of developing a pedagogical technology involves the design of the content of discipline, the forms of the organization of the educational process, the choice of methods and means of training.

So, the problem of the typology of pedagogical technologies is associated with the question of the status of the concept of "pedagogical technology" in the categorical apparatus of pedagogy, taxonomy, technology hierarchy according to the degree of their generalization - from methodological to a specific methodological level.

The degree of problem learning. The study of pedagogical technologies is devoted to the following authors: Klarin M.V., Ivina G.V., Kukushkin V.S., Selevko G.K., Radugin A. A., Mizhrikov V.A., Holodova E.I., Kapustina L.P. and MN.D.

purposeterm paper - Examine innovative pedagogical technologies.

To achieve the goal, the following were set objectives of research:

Consider theoretical foundations of studying pedagogical technologies;

Explore the evolution of pedagogical technologies;

Identify ways to improve pedagogical technologies.

1 . T.eventical foundations of study of pedagogical technologies

1.1 The essence of the concept of "technology"

Pedagogical technologies - a qualitatively new stage in the development of the "manufacturing apparatus" of pedagogy. The concept of technology (from Greek Techne - art, skill, skill, logos - doctrine) has many interpretations.

Historically, the concept of "technology" arose due to technical progress and according to vocabulary interpretation is a set of knowledge about methods and means of processing materials. Let us dwell on some of them.

The encyclopedic dictionary is given the following definition: the technology is a "a set of processing methods, manufacturing, changes in state, properties, shapes of raw materials, material or semi-finished product carried out in the production process."

In the explanatory dictionary of the living Great Russian language V.Daly, under technology it is understood as "a set of techniques used in any business, skill, art."

In the explanatory dictionary of S.I. Ozhegova Technology is considered as a set of production processes in a certain industry, as well as a scientific description of production methods, Wed: "Technology is at the same time a system of a set of knowledge, skills, skills, methods, ways of activity and algorithm, scientific development of a solution to any problems" . The content of the concept of "technology" is revealed and refined depending on the field of human activity. Technology is not just a set of methods, they are all aimed at obtaining specific products.

Scientific and technical progress by the end of the 20th century led to the technology of not only numerous industries, it is inexorably invaded the sphere of culture, humanitarian knowledge areas.

With the development of science and technology, human capabilities have significantly expanded, new technologies (industrial, electronic, informational) with colossal training resources appeared.

New technical, audiovisual agents with new techniques inherent in them, which become an integral component and educational process, introducing certain specifics into it. All the technologies created today are divided into two types: industrial and social. Industrial technologies include natural raw materials processing technologies (oil, ore, wood) or semi-finished products obtained (ready-made metal, rolling, product details, etc.). Social technology is called the technology in which the source and end result is a person, and the main parameter that is subjected to a change is one or more of its properties (for example, learning technology, built on the basis of computer software).

The modern concept of "technology" is a meaningful generalization and has three main aspects:

Scientific - technology is a scientifically designed solution to a certain problem based on the achievements of psychological - pedagogical theory and best practices;

Formally - descriptive - technology is a model, a description of the goals, the content of methods and means, the algorithms used to achieve the planned results;

Procedure - effective - technology is the process of carrying out activities, the sequence and order of operation and changes of all its components, including objects and actors.

Scientific innovations promoting advance progress cover all areas of human knowledge. There are socio-economic, organizational and managerial, technical and technological innovations. One of the species of social innovation is pedagogical innovation. Pedagogical innovation is an innovation in the field of pedagogy, a targeted progressive change in the educational medium stable elements (innovations), which improve the characteristics of both its individual components and the most educational system as a whole.

Pedagogical innovations can be carried out both at the expense of their own resources of the educational system (intensive path of development) and by attracting additional facilities (investments) - new funds, equipment, technologies, capital investments, etc. (extensive path of development). The connection of intensive and extensive paths of development of pedagogical systems allows the so-called "integrated innovations", which are built at the junction of diverse, multi-level pedagogical subsystems and their components. Integrated innovations, as a rule, do not look far-fetched, purely "external" events, but are conscious transformations originating from the deplitude needs and knowledge of the system. Subscribing "narrow" places with the latest technologies, it is possible to increase the overall effectiveness of the pedagogical system.

The main directions and objects of innovative transformations in pedagogy are:

Development of concepts and strategies for the development of education and educational institutions;

Update of education; Change and development of new technologies of training and education;

Improving the management of educational institutions and the system of education as a whole;

Improving the preparation of pedagogical personnel and increase their qualifications;

Design of new models of the educational process;

Ensuring the psychological, environmental safety of students, the development of the health of saving teaching technologies;

Ensuring the success of learning and education, monitoring the educational process and the development of students;

Development of textbooks and tutorials of the new generation, etc.

Innovation can be carried out at various levels. The highest level includes innovations affecting the entire pedagogical system.

Progressive innovations arise on scientific basis And contribute to the promotion of practice forward. In pedagogical science, a fundamentally new and important direction emerged - the theory of innovation and innovative processes. Education reforms are a system of innovations aimed at fundamental transformation and improving the functioning, development and self-development of educational institutions and the management systems of them.

Thus, the technology is a process of consistent, step-by-step exercise, developed on a scientific basis, solving any production or social problem.

1.2 Stages of development of pedagogical technologies

Pedagogical technology - a multidimensional phenomenon: in theory and practice of the work of educational institutions today there are many options for the educational process. Each author and the performer bring something in the pedagogical process, individual, in connection with which they say that each author has its own specific technology.

The scientific approach to this phenomenon should be based on the classification - streamlining the diversity of existing technologies based on common and specific, significant, and random, theoretical and practical and other signs.

The basis of the unification of technologies in classes is the most essential parties and signs:

Application level;

Philosophical basis;

Methodological approach;

Leading factor in personality development;

Scientific concept (mechanism) of transmission and development experience;

Orientation of personal spheres and structures of the individual;

The nature of the content and structure;

The main type of socio-pedagogical activity;

Type of management of the educational process;

Predominant methods and methods;

Organizational forms;

Means of education;

Approach to child and orientation of pedagogical interaction;

Directions of modernization;

Each class includes rows of groups of pedagogical technologies similar to this feature. These rows are a horizontal structure of education, sometimes they contain homogeneous elements, sometimes represent a certain variety scale (models).

The retrospective studies carried out to allocate the most important characteristics of pedagogical technologies. The leading of them is a conceptual justification. The basis of certain pedagogical technologies is conceptual ideas that determine the content, ways to interact the subjects of the educational process, activities.

Historical and pedagogical analysis allows you to single out the fact of communication of the pedagogical technology with the identity of its creator. The most powerful were initially built as objectivated, distanced from the author (for example, traditional learning technology).

Especially close attention of researchers of historical and pedagogical knowledge is directed to the period of the 20s - early 30s. XX century It is in this era that in pedagogical science and educational practice there was a unique situation characterized by fruitful creative searches, many scientific pedagogical schools and directions, creating constructive pedagogical technologies to solve educational tasks, the development of ubiquitous experimental work of the field of training and education.

Three of the pedagogical technologies described below, the grounds on various conceptual ideas, illustrate unique ways of organizing childish life, design options highly humanistic ways of communication "Pedagogue - Pupil", examples of the organization ambient, inclusion in the pedagogical process.

At the beginning of the 20s. Pedagogical technology T. Shatsky, embodied by him in the first experimental station on folk education. The main content of this stage of the pedagogical technology is the connection of the child in the family and at school with the achievements of science in the field of health, scientific organization of labor, rationalization of mental and physical activity.

The essence of the third ethane pedagogical technology is the transformation of knowledge gained by a student in life practices. In the first experienced station, the children learned to grow valuable potato varieties, radish, trousers, calculated the efficiency of agricultural production, studied to coordinate their work.

F. L. Frakkin states the evolutionality of the pedagogical technology S. T. Shatsky. New modification of pedagogical technology 20s. It was determined by those contradictory socio-political processes, which were in the country at the end of the 20s - early 30s. However, as Pradkin points, and it "was not adapted to work in such conditions. The totalitarian organization of industry and agriculture demanded a completely different technology. " In 1932, Stanislav Teoflovich Shacksky removed from leadership an experimental station. And another 2 year, he died suddenly at the age of 56.

The progressive ideas of Russian and foreign pedagogy were assimilated in the pedagogical technology N. I. Popova and embodied by her in the "School of Life". The theoretical basis served widespread in the early 1920s. The concept of "illustrative school".

Nadezhda Ivanovna Popova (1877 - beginning. 1950s.) - Pedagogue, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences (1935). Pedagogical activity of the beginning of the Moscow City Primary School teacher (1894). From 1899 to 1917 Taught in elementary school. In 1919-1927 He managed the 2nd experienced school. K. A. Timiryazeva Mono, in 1927-1930. - Member of the Commission of the Commissariat of Programs. In 1931-1937 Teaching activities in the Central Institute for Raising the qualifications of public education workers in 1932-1940. Engaged in research and development in research institutes elementary school, in 1944-1948. - Theory of the theory and history of pedagogy. Organization of research as a leading technology element. The child was put in the position of the surrounding life researcher, independently organizing excursions to various institutions, such as cooperative, post office and post office, bakery. The next year of the tasks became more complicated - railway institutions were investigated: station, depot, workshops, factory, etc. The senior group has established contact with the University of the Workers of the East, Yakutsk Diplomatic Mission, and others. For the second stage of the Communication. The disciples attended and explored the surrounding villages, studied life, farm, superstition, customs, attended gatherings, traveled to the county city and examined administrative buildings, cooperative organizations, visited the court sessions. The study of the surrounding life occurred according to the following scheme: the study of the study gradually expanded and becoming complicated and the results served as material for educational research.

The source of educational material in the technology under consideration was also various types of employment of adults and the work of children themselves. To implement this element of technology in the "School of Life" one day a week was only labor. The main type of labor here was self-service. The organization of labor was paid quite a lot of time and attention, while the following principles were observed: do not invent work; Do not overload children by difficulty, depriving them of childhood; Organization of the participation of children in any activity necessary for their lives. All questions related to the clarification of urgent affairs and the distribution of the latter were solved at the general meeting. Responsible elders were chosen for each type of work. Old buildings organized groups. At the end of the day, the assembly held reports of groups and the work of each was assessed.

V.N. Soroka-Rosinsky and theoretically substantiated, and in practice, tested the original system of educating difficult teenagers-orphans. The conceptual idea of \u200b\u200bthis system was the idea of \u200b\u200bdeveloping the creative abilities of children.

The main elements of their Soroka-Rosinsky system called fundamental educational training (10 lessons daily) and independent creative activities of pupils capable of giving the proper output of the rustling restless energy, which these children are full. The method of long-term games was widely used: the dramatization, production, journalistic creativity, competitions.

The great value of the forty-Rosinsky attached to self-education. In his work, "psychology and self-education" (1907), he set the question of creating special science - autoglogging that helps each person to develop his individuality. To work in the Sorta-Rosinsky shkid sought to attract creatively working teachers. By the way, he one of the first began to study the psychology of teachers and proposed a kind of typology "City of Teachers": theorists, realists, utilitarists, intuivists (artists). Unfortunately, due to discrepancies in pedagogical views with official pedagogical structures, V. N. Soroka-Rosinsky was forced to leave the shkid. Some talented pupils created works of art About the shkid: White, L. Panteleev "Republic of Skid" (1927); P. Olkhovsky, K. Evstafyev "Last Gymnasium" (1930). At the end of the 50s. Soroka-Rosinsky wrote his memories "School them. Dostoevsky "(not finished), in which an objectively showed the life of a shkid.

Creating its pedagogical technology, V.N. Soroka-Rosinsky and the pedagogical team led by a deeply humanistic goal: to turn the life of young people "In the ultimate self-affirmation of a person, in constant self-subsidism." The main goal of the first stage is to quickly navigate in the peculiarities of the "material to be treated", i.e., in the peculiarities of children who became students and pupils of the school. It should be noted that the initial level of adolescents V. N. Soroka-Rosinsky launched such concepts: theft, all kinds of offenses, passion for destruction. "Wolf Moral, cruelty in relation to man, distrust to all adults is the only useful techniques of adaptations in the struggle for existence." Children were with different levels of general development, various abilities and with varying degrees of desire to learn.

At this stage, V. N. Soroka-Rosinsky decided both tasks important for subsequent stages:

It is necessary to "carefully understand in its own pedagogical armament", i.e., take into account the pedagogical experience and the nature of the education of teachers;

It is necessary to soberly analyze the capabilities of the school itself: its buildings, equipment, material base. It turned out that the school had anything in other schools, communes, colonies - a good library.

Careful analysis of the designated tasks determined the vector of development of its pedagogical technology - the organization of educational and educational and artistic activities of children. The richest library, the humanitarian education of many teachers created real conditions for this.

The main goal of the second stage V. N. Soki-Rosinsky was associated with the organization of the educational and educational activities of the Shkidov. The problem in achieving this goal was the motivation of the teaching. How to put the organization of training in order to feel the need and desire for teaching, to know the knowledge of "attraction"? This question made the main thing in reflections V. N. Soki-Rosinsky, added 06/27/2015

Theoretical foundations of innovation and socialization. Subject approach of socialized, its components. Retrospective of innovative technologies for the socialization of students, the role of the teacher additional education In the implementation of innovative technologies.

coursework, added 12/29/2011

The concept and theory of pedagogical technology. Historical roots of educational and training technologies. Structure and main qualities of modern pedagogical technologies, their classification. Education and training technologies in the Huzi School of Kizlyar district.

course work, added 01/19/2012

Characteristics of pedagogical technologies, their classification. Comparative analysis of programs in world artistic culture (MHC). Development of activities on the MHC using a meta-concrete approach, multimedia technologies and Internet resources.

thesis, added 03/24/2013

Development technology: concept and features. Typology of lessons using pedagogical technologies (characteristics of the current state of learning using pedagogical technologies). An abstract lesson on the topic "Simple single-parties".

course work, added 12/29/2014

Obtaining secondary education and spiritual development depending on the inconsistencies and interests of students. The study of innovative forms of learning, their classification, the possibilities of their positive implementation in the process of differentiated training in practice.

abstract, added 12/24/2013

The concept and features of the establishment of additional education: the characteristic of species, the history of formation and development. Analysis of an additional education system in the post-Soviet period, consideration of the main socio-pedagogical technologies and techniques.

thesis, added 01/15/2013

Brief description of the features of the use of theatrical methods in classes. Systematization in Kiev Seleevko. Five directions of theatrical work. The main goals of exercises. Examples of games for children, rules for their holding: "Hand-legs", "Palma, Cactus, Iva".

conference materials, added 10/29/2013

The need to orient the pedagogical process to the psychology of the age and individual development of the child. Characteristics of the game learning method. Analysis of the results of the study of the application of innovative technologies in the lessons "Man and Peace".

course work, added 11/28/2011

Justification of pedagogical innovation processes. Qualitative difference in innovative and traditional learning. The use of the Case-Study method in the process of conducting the practice of the discipline "Regional Economics" at the Department of Finance and Management.

Federal Agency for Education FGOU VPO

"Amur Humanitarian Pedagogical State University"

Department of Pedagogy and Innovative Educational Technologies

Course work

By discipline: "Pedagogical technologies"

Topic: "Innovative Pedagogical Technologies

Performed: student of the 3rd year of FTID

Groups of 33

Eremin Alexey Konstantinovich

Checked: Ph.D., Associate Professor, Pirota Department

Poncrattenko Galina Fedorovna



1.1 Pedagogical innovation

1.2.3 Computer technologies

2. Chapter: Practical Approaches to Problem Innovative Pedagogical Technologies

2.2 Innovative pedagogical technologies at the legislative level


Bibliographic list


Development is an integral part of any human activity. Accumulating experience, improving ways, methods of action, expanding their mental capabilities, there is a constantly developing man.

The same process is applicable to any human activity, including pedagogical. At different stages of its development, society has made more and more new standards, requirements for labor. This necessitated the development of the education system.

One of the means of such development is innovative technologies, i.e. These are fundamentally new methods, methods of interaction between teachers and students, ensuring the effective achievement of the result of pedagogical activities.

The problem of innovative technologies was engaged and a large number of talented scientists and teachers continue to engage. Among them, V.I. Andreev, I. P. Podlavy, Professor, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences K.K. Colin, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences V.V Shapkin, V.D. Simonenko, V.A. Saturenin and others. They all made an invaluable contribution to the development of innovative processes in Russia.

The object of study of this course work is the process of development of education as a holistic pedagogical system, and the subject of the study is innovative pedagogical technologies as component Object research.

The goal of the same course work includes the identification of species, difficulties, methods for the introduction of innovative technologies, as well as their specificity in the Russian Federation.

1. Chapter: Theoretical Approaches to Problem Innovative Pedagogical Technologies

1.1 Pedagogical innovation

1.1.1 Essence, Classification and Direction of Pedagogical Innovation

Scientific innovations promoting advance progress cover all areas of human knowledge. There are socio-economic, organizational and managerial, technical and technological innovations. One of the species of social innovation is pedagogical innovation.

Pedagogical innovation is an innovation in the field of pedagogy, a targeted progressive change in the educational medium stable elements (innovations), which improve the characteristics of both its individual components and the most educational system as a whole.

Pedagogical innovations can be carried out both at the expense of their own resources of the educational system (intensive path of development) and by attracting additional facilities (investments) - new funds, equipment, technologies, capital investments, etc. (extensive path of development).

The connection of intensive and extensive paths of development of pedagogical systems allows the so-called "integrated innovations", which are built at the junction of diverse, multi-level pedagogical subsystems and their components. Integrated innovations, as a rule, do not look far-fetched, purely "external" events, but are conscious transformations originating from the deplitude needs and knowledge of the system. Subscribing "narrow" places with the latest technologies, it is possible to increase the overall effectiveness of the pedagogical system.

The main directions and objects of innovative transformations in pedagogy are:

Development of concepts and strategies for the development of education and educational institutions;

Update of education; Change and development of new technologies of training and education;

Improving the management of educational institutions and the system of education as a whole;

Improving the preparation of pedagogical personnel and increase their qualifications;

Design of new models of the educational process;

Ensuring the psychological, environmental safety of students, the development of the health of saving teaching technologies;

Ensuring the success of learning and education, monitoring the educational process and the development of students;

Development of textbooks and tutorials of the new generation, etc.

Innovation can be carried out at various levels. The highest level includes innovations affecting the entire pedagogical system.

Progressive innovations arise on a scientific basis and contribute to the promotion of practice forward. In pedagogical science, a fundamentally new and important direction emerged - the theory of innovation and innovative processes. Education reforms are a system of innovations aimed at fundamental transformation and improving the functioning, development and self-development of educational institutions and the management systems of them.

1.1.2 Technologies and conditions for innovative processes

Pedagogical innovations are carried out according to a specific algorithm. P.I. The patch allocates ten stages of developing and implementing pedagogical innovations:

1. Development of a criteria apparatus and meters of state of the pedagogical system to be reformed. At this stage, you need to identify the need for innovations.

2. Comprehensive verification and assessment of the quality of the pedagogical system to determine the need for its reform using a special toolkit.

Examination must be subject to all components of the pedagogical system. As a result, it should be accurately established that it is necessary to reform as an outdated, inefficient, irrational.

3. Searches for samples of pedagogical solutions that are carrying out and can be used to model innovations. Based on the analysis of the Bank of Advanced Pedagogical Technologies, it is necessary to find the material from which you can create new pedagogical structures.

4. A comprehensive analysis of scientific developments containing creative solutions of current pedagogical problems (information from the Internet may be useful).

5. Designing the innovative model of the pedagogical system as a whole or its individual parts. A project of innovation is created with specific specified properties that differ from traditional options.

6. Executive integration of reform. At this stage, it is necessary to personalize the tasks, determine responsible, tools for solving problems, establish the forms of control.

7. Working out of the practical implementation of the well-known law of labor change. Before introducing in the practice of innovation, it is necessary to accurately calculate its practical significance and efficiency.

8. Building an algorithm for introducing innovation. In pedagogy, similar generalized algorithms have been developed. They have such actions as an analysis of the practice to search for areas to be updated or replaced, modeling innovation based on analyzing experience and data of science, developing a program of experiment, monitoring its results, introducing the necessary adjustments, final control.

9. Introduction to the professional vocabulary of new concepts or rethinking former professional vocabulary. When working out terminology, it is guided by the principles of dialectical logic, the theory of reflection, and others to be implemented into practice.

10. Protection of pedagogical innovation from pseudonovators. At the same time, it is necessary to adhere to the principle of feasibility and justification of innovations. History indicates that they sometimes spend tremendous efforts, material resources, social and intellectual forces on unnecessary and even harmful transformations. Damage from this happens irrelevant, so false pedagogical innovation cannot be allowed. As a false innovation, which only imitate innovative activities, you can bring the following examples: a formal change of signs of educational institutions; The present of reproduced old as a fundamentally new one; Transformation into the absolute and copying the creative method of any teacher-innovator without its creative processing, etc.

However, real barriers exist for innovative processes. IN AND. Andreev allocates the following of them:

Conservatism of a certain part of the teachers (the conservatism of the administration of educational institutions and educational institutions is especially dangerous);

Blind followed by Type: "We have everything well";

Lack of necessary pedagogical personnel and financial resources to maintain and stimulate pedagogical innovation, especially for teachers experimenters;

Adverse socio-psychological conditions of a specific educational institution, etc.

When organizing innovation, it should be remembered that:

In pedagogy, according to K.D. Ushinsky, not the experience (technology) is transmitted, but the thought derived from experience;

"Alien" the experience of the teacher must "pass through himself" (through his psyche, established views, ways of activity, etc.) and produce its own method, to the greatest extent to the level of its personal and professional development;

Innovative ideas should be clear, convincing and adequate real educational needs of man and society, they must be transformed into specific goals, objectives and technologies;

Innovation should master the minds and means of all (or most) members of the pedagogical team;

Innovative activity should be morally and financially stimulated, it is necessary to ensure the legal support of innovation;

In pedagogical activity, not only results, but also methods, funds, methods of their achievement are important.

Despite the obvious need for innovation in pedagogy, nevertheless there are a number of reasons for preventing them in the educational process, which is undoubtedly the development of pedagogy inhibits a certain extent.

1.1.3 Innovative educational institutions

According to I.P. Podlavnoye, the educational institution is innovative if the educational process is based on the principle of environmentalism, the pedagogical system evolves in the humanistic direction, the organization of the educational process does not lead to overloads of students and teachers, improved results of the educational process are achieved by the use of not disclosed and The system capabilities not previously involved, the productivity of the educational process is not only a direct consequence of the introduction of expensive means and media systems.

These criteria allow you to really determine the degree of innovation of any educational institution, regardless of its name. Features of the innovative educational institution can be identified compared with traditional institutions (Table 1).

This incomplete comparison shows that the fundamental principles of the activities of the innovative educational institution are humanization, democratization, individualization and differentiation.

Table 1 Comparative characteristics of traditional and innovative educational institutions

Comparable Pedagogical Process Parameters

Educational institutions



Transfer of knowledge, skills and passing education, mastering social experience

Promoting self-realization and self-affirmation


For the needs of society and production

For the needs and personality opportunities


Ideologically transformed

Scientific, objective

Scattered items with low-rise interdisciplinary connections

Humanized and personal-oriented cultural values

Leading methods and forms

Informational reproductive

Creative, Active, Individual-Differentiated

Relationship of educational and students

Subject object


The role of the teacher

Source and knowledge control

Consultant assistant

Main results

Level of training and socialization

Level of personal and professional development, self-actualization and self-realization

1.2 Modern Innovative Technologies in Pedagogy

In the context of educational reforms, innovative activities aimed at introducing various pedagogical innovations have been particularly important in vocational education. They covered all sides of the didactic process: the form of its organization, the content and technology of education, educational and educational activities.

Innovative learning technologies include: interactive learning technologies, project learning technology and computer technology.

1.2.1 Interactive learning technologies

IN psychological theory Interactive learning is learned based on human relationship psychology. Interactive learning technologies are considered as methods of learning knowledge, the formation of skills and skills in the process of relationships and interactions of the teacher and trained as subjects learning activities. The essence of them is that they are based not only on the processes of perception, memory, attention, but, above all, on creative, productive thinking, behavior, communication. At the same time, the learning process is organized in such a way that the learners learn to communicate, interact with each other and other people, learn to critically think, solve complex problems based on the analysis of production situations, situational professional tasks and relevant information.

In interactive teaching technologies, the role of the learning (instead of the role of an informator - the role of the manager) and trainees (instead of the object of exposure - the subject of interaction), as well as the role of information (information is not a goal, and means for the development of actions and operations).

All interactive learning technologies are divided into notion and imitation. The classification is based on a context reconstitution (imitation) professional activity, her model presentation in training.

Non-dotational technologies do not intend to build models of studied phenomenon or activity. The imitation technologies are based on imitation or simulation-gaming modeling, i.e., reproduction in learning conditions with one or another measure of the adequacy of the processes occurring in the real system.

Consider some forms and methods of interactive learning technologies.

The problem lecture involves the formulation of the problem, the problem situation and their subsequent permit. The problem lecture simulates the contradictions of real life through their expression in theoretical concepts. The main goal of such a lecture is to acquire knowledge of students with direct effective participation. Among the modeled problems there may be scientific, social, professional associated with the specific content of educational material. The formulation of the problem prompts students to active mental activity, to an attempt to independently answer the question, is of interest to the outlined material, activates the attention of the student.

The seminar dispute involves a collective discussion of any problem in order to establish ways to reliably. The dispute seminar is carried out in the form of a dialogic communication of its participants. He implies high mental activity, instills the ability to defend the controversy, discuss the problem, protect his views and beliefs, concisely and clearly present thoughts. The functions of the actors on the seminar-dispute may be different.

Educational discussion is one of the methods of problem learning. It is used in the analysis of problem situations when it is necessary to give a simple and unambiguous answer to the question, and alternative answers are assumed. In order to engage in the discussion of all those present, it is advisable to use the methodology for cooperative training (training cooperation). This technique is based on mutual learning when working together to students in small groups. The basic idea of \u200b\u200beducational cooperation is simple: students combine their intellectual efforts and energy in order to fulfill the overall task or achieve a common goal (for example, find options for solving the problem).

The technology of work of the study group in educational cooperation may be as follows:

Formulation of the problem;

The formation of small groups (microgroups of 5-7 people), the distribution of roles in them, explaining the teacher about the expected participation in the discussion;

Discussion of problems in microGroups;

Presentation of the results of the discussion in front of the entire educational group;

Continued discussion and summing up.

The "brainstorm" aims to collect as much as possible ideas, the liberation of students from the inertia of thinking, the activation of creative thinking, overcoming the usual movement of thoughts in solving the problem. "Brainstorm" allows to significantly increase the effectiveness of generating new ideas in the educational group.

The basic principles and rules of this method are the absolute ban of criticism offered by the participants of ideas, as well as the promotion of all sorts of replicas and even jokes.

The didactic game acts as an important pedagogical means of enhancing the process of learning in a vocational school. In the process of the didactic game, the trainee must perform actions similar to those that may occur in his professional activities. As a result, accumulation, actualization and transformation of knowledge in the skills and skills, accumulation of personality experience and its development are occupied. The technology of the didactic game consists of three stages.

Involvement in the didactic game, the game development of professional activity on its models contributes to a systematic, integer development of the profession.

Internship with the execution of a job role is an active method of learning, in which the "model" acts as a professional activity, reality itself, and imitation affects mainly the performance of the role (position). The main condition of the internship is the implementation of certain actions under the control of the curriculum (teacher) of certain actions.

Simulation training involves working out certain professional skills and skills to work with various technical means and devices. The situation is simulated, the situation of professional activity, and as a "model" is the technical means (simulators, devices, etc.).

Gaming design is a practical occupation, during which engineering, design, technological, social and other types of projects are being developed in gaming conditions, as possible reality. This method is characterized by a high degree of combination of individual and collaborative work. Creating a common project for a group requires, on the one hand, from each knowledge of the design of the design process, and on the other hand, the ability to communicate and support interpersonal relations with the aim of solving professional issues.

1.2.2 Project Training Technologies

Game design can move into real design, if its result is a solution to a specific practical problem, and the process itself will be moved to the conditions of the current enterprise or in training workshops. For example, work on the order of enterprises, work in the design student bureaus, the manufacture of goods and services related to the field of professional activity of the student. Project training technology is considered as a flexible model of the organization of the educational process in a vocational school, focused on creative self-realization of the personality of the student by developing its intellectual and physical abilities, volitional qualities and creative abilities in the process of creating new goods and services. The result of project activities are educational creative projects, the execution of which is carried out in three stages.

An educational creative project consists of an explanatory note and the product itself (services).

An explanatory note should be reflected:

Choosing and justifying the topic of the project, historical certificate on the problem of project, generation and development of ideas, construction of reflection reference schemes;

Description of the design stages of the object;

Choice of material for the object, design analysis;

Technological sequence of product manufacturing, graphic materials;

Selection of tools, equipment and organization of the workplace;

Labor protection and safety when performing work;

Economic and environmental substantiation of the project and its advertising;

The use of literature;

Appendix (sketches, schemes, technological documentation).

The projected product is subject to such requirements as manufacturability, efficiency, environmental friendliness, safety, ergonomics, aesthetics, etc.

The technology of project training contributes to the creation of pedagogical conditions for the development of creative abilities and the qualities of the student's personality, which he needs for creative activities, regardless of the future specific profession.

1.2.3 Computer technologies

Computer learning technologies are the processes of collecting, processing, storing and transferring information to the trainee through a computer. To date, such technological directions in which the computer is:

A tool for granting educational material with students in order to transfer knowledge;

Means of information support for educational processes as an additional source of information;

Means to determine the level of knowledge and monitoring the learning material;

Universal simulator to acquire the skills of the practical application of knowledge;

A means for conducting training experiments and business games on the subject of study;

One of the most important elements in the future professional activity of the student.

On the modern stage Many professional educational institutions are developed and used both separate training products and automated training systems (AOS) on various academic disciplines. AOC includes a complex of educational and methodological materials (demonstration, theoretical, practical, controlling), computer programs that manage the learning process.

With the advent of the Windows operating system in the field of vocational training, new opportunities opened. First of all, it is the availability of dialog communication in the so-called interactive programs. In addition, there was a widespread use of graphics (drawings, diagrams, diagrams, drawings, cards, photographs). The application of graphic illustrations in educational computer systems allows you to transfer information to the learner and improve its understanding at the new level.

The increased productivity of personal computers made it possible to widely use multimedia technologies. Modern vocational training is already difficult to submit without these technologies that allow you to expand the areas of application of computers in the educational process.

New opportunities in the system of vocational education opens up hypertext technology. Hypertext (from the English Hypertext - "supercons"), or a hypertext system, is a set of diverse information that can be located not only in different files, but also on different computers. The main feature of the hypertext is the possibility of transitions for the so-called hyperlinks, which are presented either in the form of a specially formed text or a specific graphic image. At the same time, there may be several hyperlinks on the computer screen, and each of them defines its travel route.

The modern hypertext training system is distinguished by a convenient learning environment, in which it is easy to find the necessary information, return to the material already passed, etc.

Automated training systems based on hypertext technology provide better learningability not only thanks to the visibility of the information provided. Using dynamic, i.e., a varying, hypertext allows you to diagnose the trainee, and then automatically select one of the possible levels of study of the same topic. Hypertext training systems present information so that the trainee itself, following graphic or text links, can use various work schemes with the material.

The use of computer technologies in the vocational education system contributes to the implementation of the following pedagogical purposes:

Development of the student's personality, preparation for independent productive professional activities;

Implementation of social order due to the needs of modern society;

Intensification of the educational process in a professional school.

Innovative training technologies that reflect the essence of the future profession are forming professional qualities of a specialist, are a kind of polygon, on which students can work out professional skills in the conditions close to real.

2. Chapter: Practical Approaches to Problem Innovative Pedagogical Technologies

2.1 Innovative trends in vocational education

2.1.1 World experience of professional education innovation

International experience is convinced that the quality of personnel training was, there will be a priority in the field of vocational education. Based on the analysis of the Soviet Professional school and modern Russia, it should be noted that this issue has always been paid to a lot of attention both to the management bodies for the formation of all levels and the institutions of the professional formation. Unfortunately, the result was not always like that I would like to have.

In the Soviet period, the technology "Closing" the quality of knowledge, skills and skills of future workers and specialists directly at state-owned enterprises worked. In the new market conditions, this technology no longer works, the owners of small and large enterprises do not need unskilled personnel and are not going to be patrony of their training. This is one of the main contradictions of this time.

Such a state of affairs pushes leaders of educational institutions to finding new technologies to improve training efficiency. There are many interesting and, most importantly, practical-oriented developments at the Institute for the Development of Professional Education of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation, the authors of which are Professor I.P. Smirnov, A.T. Glazunov, Academician E.V. Tkachenko et al. Paradox in the fact that in the Russian regions they know about it and from all new, including those tested, developments are embarrassed, as from the annoying flies, networks at the absence of necessary recommendations. Causes are obvious: unwillingness to immerse themselves in the specified problem; lack of specialists in innovative pedagogical technologies; Lack of necessary conditions contributing to their implementation.

Perennial cooperation between the professional lyceum number 12 of the old Oscole of the Belgorod region with the professional cols of Germany, and in particular the city of Salzgitter, confirms the importance and relevance of permanent and close attention to the quality of vocational learning.

The differences between the Russian and German professionals are as follows:

The vocational education of Germany is based as it is known on the dual system, which involves not only the interest of the professional schools and enterprises - customer personnel, but also responsibility for compliance with the standard of education, the availability of highly qualified teaching staff, the highest professional level of production training masters working in enterprises, the availability of modern educational and material and technical base and, finally, independent commissions accepting exams both at the stage of certification and on final qualifying exams;

Democratization of the educational process in German vocabulables, permeating all of its participants: from student to leadership. The awareness of the learners of the need to obtain knowledge in order to further apply them in practice, as well as the fact that the success of professional activities depends on the level of their qualifications, and therefore well-being, a place in society;

Quality for the Germans is primarily a moral category that formulates a sense of pride for itself, his work, its country.

Along with the above, it should be noted a new direction in the professional school of Germany. This is not just a slogan or a call, but a whole system of measures involving the high efficiency of using budgetary funds, material resources in achieving the final result. In such conditions, any proposed project or innovation is subject to a thorough examination by the Council of Profsses, employers and organizations involved in its financing. With a positive conclusion, the project receives approval, a grant for its implementation and material promotion of its developers.

Justice should recognize that in domestic institutions of professional formation there are many creative teams. Example can serve trade in Tatarstan, Belgorod, Orenburg, Chelyabinsk regions, Krasnodar and Khabarovsk region. However, the overall quality of personnel training in the vocational education system remains quite low. The main and well-known reasons for this are: low wages of workers of professional schools, from here their low qualifications, lack of motivation for the use of new pedagogical technologies; A negative impact on the quality of professional training of the Institute of Basic Enterprises, which were guarantors of vocational educational institutions. The same problem generates graduate uncertainty in tomorrow. I note that the experience of countries with a developed economy shows: the well-being of owners directly depends on the well-being of young people, which is in demand in the labor market.

Due to the existing objective reasons (the collapse of the USSR, the low wages of employees of the educational sphere, outdated equipment) Implementation of innovations in the educational system of the Russian Federation is difficult. While the Western system of education is subject to change significantly more. However, in our country there are institutions in which the pedagogical process takes place on innovative technologies. This is largely the merit of enthusiast teachers.

2.1.2 Innovations of vocational education in Russia

The change in the role of education in society led to most of the innovative processes. Of the passive, rutinized, the education performed in traditional social institutions becomes active. The educational potential of both social institutions and personalities is updated.

Previously, the unconditional formation of education in Russia was the formation of knowledge, skills, skills, ensuring readiness for life, understood as the ability to adapt the person in society. Now education is increasingly focused on the creation of such technologies and ways of influencing the identity in which the balance between social and individual needs is ensured and which, the launching mechanism of self-development, prepare the personality to implement their own individuality and changes in society.

Public transformations in our country brought to the fore the problem of modeling in the educational sphere. The exit of Russia from the crisis, justification of the development strategy of education, the definition of the nearest and long-term programs require innovative actions and widespread modern thinking. Modeling occupies a special place as a high-tech method of scientific analysis and foresight.

Modeling is a specific multifunctional technology, but the main task is to play on the basis of similarity with the existing other, replacing object (model). Its objectives, on the one hand, are the reflection of the state of the problem at the moment, identifying the most acute contradictions, and on the other - the definition of the development trend and the factors whose influence can adjust undesirable development; The intensification of the activities of state, public and other organizations in search of an optimal solution to problems.

We highlight two groups of requirements that the model must answer:

Be simple, more comfortable; give new information; facilitate the improvement of the object itself;

Promoting the improvement of the characteristics of the object, rationalization of the methods of its construction, management or knowledge.

Therefore, when drafting a model development algorithm, on the one hand, rigid focusing, linking its parameters with expected results, and on the other, is provided with sufficient "freedom" of the model so that it is capable of transformation depending on the specific conditions and circumstances, Could be alternative to have the highest number of options.

Significant changes occur in the system of primary vocational education. So on March 25, an expanded meeting of the Academic Council of the Kuzbass Regional Institute for the Development of Vocational Education with the participation of directors of institutions of primary vocational education of the Kemerovo region was held. On it are honored by the reports of the IROP I. P. Smirnova, Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences V. Tkachenko "On the new principles of the NGO organization"

Meeting participants noted the relevance of the proposed new principles of the organization of primary vocational education. This binds to the fact that in the concept of modernization of Russian education for the period up to 2010, the task of an advanced development of primary and secondary vocational education, which is new on its formulation. This implies the formation of an open education system, its interaction with the outside world, primarily with labor markets and educational services.

Today, a more intensive scientific study is required to transition to a public-public model of professional education management, the redistribution of a number of functions in favor of employers, including them in the formation of content state standards Vocational education, curriculum and programs. The primary vocational education system needs to be exempted from social closure, giving it an open nature and the ability to self-development on the basis of new principles of the organization oriented and social partnership.

Discussion of new ways to modernize NGOs in Kemerovo is one of the stages of the public initiative to implement the Government of the Russian Federation, but "the" leading development of NGOs "slogan. This initiative has been nominated on December 26, 2003 at a joint meeting of the Rosproftech Association, the Academy of Vocational Education and the Russian Club of Directors.

2.2 Innovative pedagogical technologies on the legislative

During the time who has passed since the adoption of the Federal Law "On Approval of the Federal Development Program", in russian system Education and its financial support have occurred significant changes. The implementation of numerous average and long-term large-scale experiments on the development of elements of the modernization of education at various levels has begun. In 2001-2003, the Russian government approved a number of federal educational programs in the field of education, which are implemented in parallel with the federal development program. The amount of funding is approaching the amount of financing of this program, and according to such a program, as "the development of a single educational information environment", noticeably exceeds.

For the modern stage of development of Russian education, increasing integration into the world educational space is characteristic. In 2000, Russia, like most countries in the United Nations, signed Dakar agreements on the implementation of the Education for All Program. In 2003, Russia was among the European countries participating in the Bologna process. Therefore, to develop a federal education program for the new period, it was necessary to clarify the appointment, status and structure of the program from the standpoint of their longer regulation.

It should be noted that a number of issues were resolved when in August 2004 it came out the federal law № 122, introduced into the Law "On Education" change. In particular, the provisions were excluded on the competitive procedure for the development of the federal education program and its legislative assertion, and according to the status it was equated to other targeted federal programs.

The result of the voltage work of the team created by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, with the active participation of Russian, a large group of scientific and practical workers was the projects of the concept of the Federal Program for the Development of Education and the Program itself integrated with the Federal Target Program "Development of a Unified Educational Information Environment". Thus, the Federal Task Force Development Program is a logical continuation of these combined programs, a document, which is largely determining the financial fate of Russian education in the coming years.

Protocol of the Russian Government meeting of August 11, 2005, the Federal Task Force Development Program is included in the list of federal targeted programs for 2006. Taking into account the comments received from the Ministry of Economic Development, the Ministry of Finance, other ministries and departments, the text of the program was refined and submitted to the Russian government, and its activities are closely interconnected with the priority directions of reforming the educational system of the Russian Federation.

Minister of Education and Science A.A. Fursenko in his speeches has repeatedly emphasized that we are faced with the task of forming a not fundamentally new education system, but fundamentally new opportunities. Therefore, priority directions for the development of the educational system of the Russian Federation approved by the government are the concretization of the main provisions of the concept of modernization of Russian education for the period up to 2010, taking into account modern conditions.

The federal target program was developed taking into account the priority areas of industry development, therefore the implementation of its activities will be the basis for the effective implementation of the state educational policy of Russia at the present stage.

The fundamental differences of the new program from the 1992 sample program are, primarily in approaches to its formation and implementation. The most important among them is the focus on the achievement of measured results, assessed on the basis of socio-economic indicators, and supporting "growth points" (so-called development programs and development projects); All-Russian and system-wide importance of solving problems and alleged changes; Selection of projects in terms of their compliance with modern educational and information technology and world quality criteria: active attraction of civil society institutions to the formation and implementation of events. For the first time, a comprehensive approach to the implementation of projects is also applied, including scientific and methodological support, testing and dissemination of the results obtained, regulatory, personnel and logistical support, the introduction of information and communication technologies.

The Federal Task Force Development Development Program for 2006-2010 is a complex of interconnected resources and deadlines covering changes in the structure, content and technology of education, the management system, organizational and legal forms of subjects of educational activities and financial and economic mechanisms. It is noteworthy that in the new program, considerable attention is supposed to be given to projects relating to the solution of topical problems. modern school: update the content and technology of education, improving the quality of educational services, the introduction of new model remuneration models of pedagogical workers and regulatory budget financing, the introduction of new state standards on the basis of a competence approach, profile training in high school, public-public administration models in educational institutions, the creation of the All-Russian Systems for assessing the quality of education, the development of the infrastructure of a single informational educational space.

For example, to the present time, the issue of the formation of a single educational space throughout Russia, federal development and education programs (the content of education, the development of educational techniques and technologies) and the unified educational information environment (computerization of educational institutions) were engaged in the issue. As a result of the integration of these programs in subsequent years, these directions will be implemented in a single key: primarily by filling the educational Internet resources and ensure online access to students and teachers.

The increase in the contribution of the state should be accompanied by the strengthening of the efficiency of the use of the funds of the system itself and the elimination of non-target expenses.

An important strategic feature of the new program will be the actual refusal to the targeted allocation of funds to the subjects of the Russian Federation. It is assumed that the regions themselves will have to determine the best, promising educational institutions that are able to go along the path of innovative development. They will participate in the competition, whose winners will be provided to the Gospass on the development of educational infrastructure, the purchase of equipment, internships of students abroad and other purposes. Thus, the winners will be megaprojects that will allow you to get a systematic product at the exit. In addition, it is assumed by autonomization to provide educational institutions with independent economic activities to obtain additional sources of income. And educational institutions that do not meet the necessary levels of learning, generally can be deprived of funding.

The Federal Target Program also implies the implementation of such an important project of the country of the project as the introduction of regulatory per capita financing of educational institutions.

The program consists of a system of measures in accordance with the main tasks of grouped into four large blocks in the main directions of activity. The peculiarity of such a block structure is that if financial resources are not enough for any event, it will be excluded, and the funds between other activities will not be redistributed.

According to the development of developers, among whom specialists of Russian, the main task of the program is the system transformation of the Russian school as a whole (both general education and higher) for a significant increase in the efficiency of the use of budgetary funds and creating a unified educational information environment.

In accordance with the concept of the Federal Target Program for the Development of Education, its strategic goal is to ensure the conditions for meeting the needs of citizens, society and the labor market in high-quality education by creating new institutional and public mechanisms for regulating the educational sphere, to update its structure and content, develop the fundamental and practical orientation of educational programs, form a system of continuous education. To achieve a strategic goal it is necessary to solve a complex of specific tasks in the following specific areas: improving the content and technology of education; development of a system for ensuring the quality of educational services; improving management efficiency in the education system; Improving economic mechanisms in education.

The main result of the program should be to ensure the leveling of access to high-quality education through the introduction of educational programs for children of senior preschool age, introducing profile training in high school, introducing the system for assessing the quality of education, creating a system of continuous vocational education. Among the expected results should be particularly called the leading development of a number of leading universities designed to become the integration centers of science and education, exemplary training of highly professional personnel.

The implementation of the Federal Task Force Development Program is divided into three stages: the first stage (2006-2007) provides for the development of development models in individual areas, their testing, as well as the deployment of large-scale transformations and experiments; The second stage (2008-2009) is designed to carry out activities that ensure the creation of conditions for the implementation of effective models developed at the first stage; The third stage (2010) is the introduction and dissemination of the results obtained at the previous stages.

To assess the effectiveness of solving the tasks of the program, a system of indicators and indicators characterizing the course of its implementation and the impact of program activities on the state of the education system are developed. The most significant of them, reflecting strategic priorities, is the development of human capital and the preparation of professional personnel resources of the necessary level of qualifications; Promoting the strengthening of civil society institutions, improving the quality of life of the population.

During the implementation of the Federal Target Program for the Development of Education, it is assumed: more than 60% of educational areas to develop and implement fundamentally new educational standards; 1.3 times in comparison with 2005 to increase the number of vocational education programs that received international recognition, which will allow Russia to enter the international labor market; 1.5 times compared with 2005 increase the share of students learning using information technology; Increase Russia's rating in international education quality surveys to medium in OECD countries, etc.

The funding of the activities of the Program, in addition to the funds of the federal budget, the funds of the budgets of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation will be attracted, and funds from extrabudgetary sources will be focused on the implementation of joint projects within the framework of federal and regional education development programs.

The implementation of the Federal Task Force Development Development Program In 2006-2010, funds were allocated in the amount of 61.952 billion rubles (in prices of the respective years), including from the federal budget - 45.335 billion rubles, at the expense of budgets of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation - 12.502 billion rubles, from extrabudgetary Sources - 4.116 billion rubles.

The state-owned coordinator of the Federal Target Program for the Development of Education is the Ministry of Education and Science, and the state customers - Roshogram and Rosnayuk.

2.3 Innovative pedagogical activities in the capital

In the Message of the President of the Russian Federation V. V. Putin Federal Assembly, Documents of the State Council dated March 24, 2006, it is clearly formulated that the future of our country is determined by non-raw materials and natural resources, but by intellectual potential, level of development of science, high technologies.

For this, education in Russia is obliged to switch to a special innovative development regime, in which it is possible to maintain the best traditions of our national education and at the same time take into account the global trends in educational systems, relate our education with world standards and standards.

The fundamental principles of education are accessibility, transparency, quality, continuity and constant update, competitiveness.

The most important step on this path is the priority national project "Education", which puts the strategic objectives of innovative development of education.

In the materials of the report on the State Council, it is said: "... Pedagogical universities (and without a very weak level of the Russian Higher School) are extremely ineffective both in professional attitude and in terms of using budgetary public funds. Meanwhile, this provision is quite satisfied with pedagogical universities In terms of their corporate interests, which preserves their excessive numbers, prevents from the non-core species of educational activities and concentrate on the main tasks for the preparation of the teacher of the new time, in demand by modern society and all the levels of Russian education. The reform of higher pedagogical education should be advanced in relation to reform schools.

And the capital shows an example. It was at the universities of the Department of Education of the city of Moscow that the new content of pedagogical education is being established, without waiting for the introduction of a new generation of state standards of pedagogical education:

A significant increase in the share of psychological and pedagogical, philosophical and cultural and ecological and hygienic cycles;

The focus on practical-oriented training is the development of innovative forms, methods; technologies of educational, educational, organizational, project, psychological and advisory activities and communications;

Introducing simultaneous preparation of each future teacher of the secondary school, both in the main subject, and additionally (optional) one-two;

Including in the preparation of the teacher of the elementary school of specializations in various areas of musical, artistic, theatrical, technical, applied and folk art;

Preparation of pedagogical frames for free proficiency, the use of information and telecommunication technologies, knowledge bases in the educational process;

One-year mandatory pedagogical practice (internship), including writing and protection of qualification work on the basis of understanding the experience of its own pedagogical activity in the context of broad educational practice, as well as the delivery of state exams;

Creating a system of basic educational institutions in pedavices for innovative and resource-methodical centers for the development of education in accordance with the needs of regions, as well as to organize effective forms of pedagogical practice and internship.

Pedagogical universities of the Department of Education of the city of Moscow work in innovative mode. Directly innovative field of the Moscow City Pedagogical University provides the following blocks.

1. Material and technical unit:

Modern equipment (more than 1,200 computers, local optical fiber network, 41 computer class, 22 multimedia class), various service services, modern laboratories for classes;

Educational and Laboratory Squares (18 educational buildings, the educational center "Istra");

Fundamental Scientific Library (650 thousand storage units, electronic catalog, Russian and international book exchange, system of a single reader ticket).

2. Block of scientific and pedagogical composition:

Professional qualifications of scientific and pedagogical personnel, professional possession of modern pedagogical information technologies (more than 70% of teachers with academic degrees and titles, internships, advanced training);

Continuity and preparation of scientific and pedagogical shift (graduate school, doctoral studies in 35 scientific specialties, dissertation councils, Russian teacher support fund, competitions "Teacher of the Year" in the nomination "Pedagogical debut", "Leader of Education");

Moral and material incentives (various premiums, surcharges from VFU, awards, diplomas, diplomas, gratitude).

3. Educational unit:

Structure and content of the training of a specialist (preparation of 35 specialties and 48 areas; Continuous pedagogical practice; Electric author courses and programs, courses for choosing);

Quality control of specialists training (certification and accreditation, center of quality of education of the university; University Scientific and Educational District).

4. Research block:

Informational and analytical work (participation in government funds, commissions, competitions; monitoring service; days of science, conference, "round tables"), expertise.

At the Inter-University Scientific and Practical Conference, organized by the Department of Education of the City of Moscow on the basis of the Moscow State Pedagogical University last summer last year, was raised by the most important issue for the development of the Russian Federation on innovative areas in pedagogical activities:

First Deputy Head of the Department of Education of the city of Moscow, Doctor of Economics, Professor V.I. The Lisov noted the validity and significance of the highest school in the innovative development of the department of the capital of the capital, its special role in the implementation of the priority national project "Education", in creating basic prerequisites for a breakthrough in innovative development and strengthen the competitiveness of the educational system. They have powerful scientific, methodological and educational potential, are actively involved in the implementation of a set of activities that ensure the full-scale inclusion of the Russian higher education in the Bologna process; in improving the quality and strengthening of the practical-oriented nature of the professional formation that meets the current and promising needs of the region; In the development of university complexes.

Chairman of the Council of Rectors of Universities in Moscow and the Moscow Region, Rector of the Moscow City Pedagogical University, Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor V.V. Ryabov introduced those who gathered with the system and mechanisms of innovative experimental activities that have developed at the university, emphasizing that only high-quality education at all levels can be a resource of sustainable development of society, its competitiveness in the global market.

Rector of the Moscow City Psychological and Pedagogical University, Doctor of Psychological Sciences, Professor, Academician RAO V.V. Rubtsov noted that an increase in education is not only in the training of specialists, but also how it affects the social culture of society. The university became a head organization in the development of the work of the practical psychology of education, in which about 3 thousand psychologists are currently working. Created about 46 centers of the psychological and social accompaniment of the younger generation, i.e. Practice begins to determine the specifics of the work of specialists.

Rector of the Moscow Institute of Open Education, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor, Corresponding Member Rao A.L. Semenov touched upon the topic of innovative pedagogy and information technologies in additional vocational education, specifying that the implementation of informatization ideas leads the educational system in line with the needs of the information society, providing her wide opportunities for development.

Rector of the Moscow Humanitarian Pedagogical Institute, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor A.G. Kutuzov expressed the view that the standards of pedagogical education are not docked with general education standards, all of them, practically, without exception, are focused on the ability of the teacher to prepare students only for socialization and nothing more. Therefore, it is necessary to combine efforts to create an interuniversity group, which will be able to develop fundamentally new standards and test them on its base.

The rector of the Moscow State Academy of Business Administration, Doctor of Philosophical Sciences, Professor T.i Kostina touched upon the problem of the formation of a new system of interaction between educational institutions with all subjects of the labor market, as well as regional government aims aimed at maximizing the coordination and implementation of the interests of all participants in this process by organizing permanent Dialogue on a mutually beneficial and equal basis, stressing that in the new socio-economic conditions universities are doomed to be innovative.

Director of the Research Institute for the Development of Vocational Education, Doctor of Philosophy, Professor, Corresponding Member Rao I.P. Smirnov familiarized themselves with the tasks of modernizing the average pedagogical education of the capital, offering to calculate the economic efficiency of using the city budget for him. As pedagogical universities are transferred to the functions of preparing teachers of preschool and primary education, the mission of medium-sized pedagogical education may be reduced to the training of specialists for the additional education sector. The inevitable reduction in the future training of teachers with secondary professional will allow reloading a number of pedagogical colleges to educational institutions of the economic profile with the organization of training on professions that do not require large financial costs (social worker, surrowing, secretary-referment, clerk, Logistics, etc.), Freeing from these functions of economic colleges of the city. On the basis of one of them, it would be possible to implement the concept of a social college specializing in learning disabled.

In conclusion, the conference participants summarized that innovative activity is not a tribute to fashion, but an engine upgrade engine, a growth point. high school Capital makes a significant contribution to the solution of various problems, not only education, but also in general the social sphere of the city.

It is obvious that the greatest opportunity The integration of innovation in the pedagogical process has Moscow and the Moscow region. This is due to many factors, such as: proximity to Europe, a significant concentration of funds, in addition, the overwhelming part of the outstanding minds of the Russian Federation lives in the capital.

All these factors determine the importance of the Moscow region for our country. Moscow is a kind of "locomotive" of education in the Russian Federation.


Pedagogy, like any other science, is subject to numerous changes, development. This is due primarily to the fact that society has ever new and new requirements for specialists. NTP facilitates the pedagogy to find more effective, effective ways to transform a simple person into a socially significant personality.

The consequence of continuous development, the improvement of pedagogy methods has become innovative technologies, i.e. technology, thanks to which the integrative process of new ideas in education occurs.

However, the introduction of such technologies is associated with a number of difficulties (financial resources, conservatism of some officials in the educational sphere, insufficient development of technologies). In addition, despite the obvious need for innovation, they still should be implemented with caution. Otherwise, careless innovation activity can lead to the crisis of the educational system.

And it is still important to understand that pedagogical innovations are an integral part of the development of pedagogy and they are necessary to improve the education system.

Bibliographic list

Andreev V.I. Pedagogy: Training course for creative self-development / V.I. Andreev. - Kazan, 2000 - pp. 440-441.

Pedagogy №4, 2004: Periodical edition / V.S. Lazarev, B.P Martirosyan. - Pedagogical innovation: object, subject and basic concepts - p. 12-14.

I.I. Pedagogy: Tutorial / I.I. Breaking - Moscow: Russian Pedagogical Agency, 1995 - P. 49-54.

Sub-clause I.P. Pedagogy: new course / I.P. Salary. - Moscow, 2000. - Book 1. - P. 210-212.

Vocational Education No. 4 2004: Periodical Edition / N.I. Kostyuk - new principles of the organization of primary vocational education - p.

Vocational Education No. 1 2006: Periodic Edition / V.G. Cossacks - New Time - New Vocational Training Technologies - p.12.

Vocational Education №4 2006: Periodic Edition / G.A. Balcherin is a federal target program for the development of education: innovative solutions for the future - p.14-15.

Vocational Education No. 7 2006: Periodic Edition / V.D. Larina is a model of innovative activities of the institution of professional formation - p.5.

Vocational Education No. 9 2006: Periodic Edition / E.Yu. Melnikova - Higher education Capital - Innovative Development Mode - S. 12.

Vocational Education No. 1 2006: Periodic Edition / V.V. Ryabov - Innovative and experimental activities of the Ministry of Education and Science in the Moscow Education System - C.12-13.

Innovative technologies in education

The only way leading to knowledge is activities. "

Bernard Show.

In the January Epistle of the Head of State, the people "New Decade - a new economic rise - new opportunities of Kazakhstan" noted: "By 2015, the national innovation system should fully function, and by 2020, it should already give results in the form of developments, patents and finished technologies, implemented in the country. " Therefore, the introduction of modern information technologies that meet international educational standards, as well as providing all the necessary conditions for the fruitful work of teachers, teachers, workshops of production training are strategic priorities in the field of education. After all, information technologies help teachers withdraw educational process On a qualitatively new level.

Today, many teachers, modern technologies and innovative learning techniques apply to many teachers. These methods include active and interactive forms used in learning. Active envisages the active position of the student in relation to the teacher and to those who receive education with it. During the lessons with their application, tutorials are used, notebooks, computer, that is individual meansused for learning. Thanks to interactive methods, it is an effective learning of knowledge in cooperation with other students. These methods belong to collective forms of training, during which a group of students work over the material studied material, and each of them is responsible for the work done.

The word "innovation" (from the Latin Innova) appeared in the middle of the 17th century and means the entry of the new one in some sphere, the impairment of it and the generation of a number of changes in this area. Innovation is, on the one hand, the reproduction process, implementation, implementation, and on the other, it is an activity to turn innovation into a certain social practice, and not at all.Innovation in the exact translation from the Latin language means not "new", but "in the new".The concept of "innovation" means innovation, novelty, change; Innovation as a means and process involves the introduction of anything new. In relation to the pedagogical process, innovation means the introduction of a new one in the goal, content, methods and forms of training and education, the organization of joint activities of the teacher and the student.

The emergence of new information technologies related to the development of computer tools and networks of telecommunications made it possible to create a qualitatively new information and educational environment as a basis for the development and improvement of the education system.

Methods of innovative learning - modular training, problem learning, distance learning, research methodical training, project method, social partnership, etc.

Interactive methods contribute to the qualitative learning of the new material. They belong to them:

Exercises wearing creative character;

Group tasks;

Educational, role, business games, imitation;

Lessons - excursions;

Meeting lessons with creative people and specialists;

Creative Development Classes

speak lessons, creation of films, newspapers;

Use of video materials, internet, clarity;

Solving complex issues and problems with the "Tree Decision" methods, "brainstorming".

The main purpose of innovative education technologies is the preparation of a person to life in a constantly changing world.The purpose of innovation is a qualitative change in the personality of the student compared to the traditional system.

Therefore, innovative teaching methods contribute to the development of cognitive interest among students, learn to systematize and summarize the material studied, discuss and discount. Comprehending and processing the knowledge gained, students acquire their skills in practice, receive experience of communication. Undoubtedly, innovative teaching methods have advantages over traditional, because they contribute to the development of the child, learn its independence in knowledge and decision making.

The main task of Tipo at the present stage is the training of specialists who are not standard, flexibly and in a timely manner to react to changes that occur in the world. Therefore, to prepare students for professional activities in the future and innovative teaching methods are used in type. Such methods belongs to problem learning, providing for the formation of skills to solve problem problems that do not have a unambiguous response, independent work on the material and the development of skills to apply the acquired knowledge in practice. Innovative teaching methods also provide interactive learning. It is directed to the active and deep absorption of the material being studied, the development of the ability to solve comprehensive tasks. Interactive activities include imitation and role-playing, discussions that simulate situations. One of the modern methods is training through cooperation. It is used to work with social partners, as well as in small groups. This method puts its task an effective learning assimilation, the development of the ability to perceive different points of view, the ability to cooperate and solve conflicts in the process of collaboration. Innovative teaching methods used at the present stage include the method whose priority is moral values. It contributes to the formation of individual moral plants based on professional ethics, developing critical thinking, the ability to represent and defend their own opinion. Innovative methods allowed to change the role of a teacher who is not only a carrier of knowledge, but also a mentor, initiating creative searches for students.

In this regard, the education system should be aimed at the formation of a new type of specialist who would be able to independently produce, process, analyze the necessary information and effectively use it at the right moment. This can be achieved with the transition to multi-level training of highly qualified specialists (Bachelor - Magister - Doctor).

Today there is no such teacher who would not think about questions: "How to make a lesson interesting, bright? How to carry students with your subject? How to create a success situation in the lesson for each student? " What modern teacher does not dream that students at his lesson worked voluntarily, creatively; Majorly learned the subject at the maximum for each level of success?

And it is not by chance. New Organization of the Company, a new attitude to life also has new school requirements. Today, the main goal of learning is not only the accumulation of a certain amount of knowledge, skills, skills, but also preparation of a student as an independent subject of educational activities. The basis of modern education is the activity and teacher, and, not less important, the student. It is this purpose that the upbringing of a creative, active person who knows how to learn, to improve their own, and obey the main tasks of modern education.

An innovative approach to learning allows you to organize the educational process that the student is a lesson and in joy, and benefits without turning simply into fun or game. And maybe it was at such a lesson that Cicero said, "the eyes of the listening eye of the speaker will be lit."

Innovative technologies:



    problem technology

    technology of differentiated learning

    technology of educational and research activities in the lesson

Educational innovative technologies:

    heating technology

    group activities

    cTD technology (collective creative deeds).

The relevance of innovative learning is as follows:

Compliance with the concept of humanization of education;

The use of personal-oriented learning;

Search for conditions for the disclosure of the creative potential of the student;

Compliance with the sociocultural need of modern society

independent creative activity.

The main objectives of innovative training are:

Development of intellectual, communicative, linguistic and

creative abilities of students;

Formation of personality qualities of students;

Development of skills affecting educational and educational

activity and transition to the level of productive creativity;

Development different types thinking;

Formation of high-quality knowledge, skills and skills.

These objectives are determined and the objectives of innovative training are determined:

Optimization of the educational process;

Creating a student's cooperation situation and teacher;

Development of long-term positive motivation for learning;

Inclusion of students in creative activity;

Careful selection of material and ways to feed it.

The basis of innovative learning is the following technologies:

Educational training;

Problem learning;

Developed critical thinking;

Differentiated approach to learning;

Creating a situation of success in the lesson.

The basic principles of innovative training are:

Creativity (orientation for creativity);

Learning knowledge in the system;

Non-traditional forms of lessons;

Using clarity.

And now I want to move from the general methodological principles of innovative learning to methods.

When using innovative technologies in teaching Russian language and literature, the following techniques are successfully applied:

Associative series;

Reference abstract;

Brain attack;

Group discussion;


Key terms;


Didactic game;

Linguistic maps;

Study text;

Work with tests;

Non-traditional forms of homework, etc.

Innovation is a move forward !!!