Global environmental problems (air pollution). Global Environmental Problem: Atmospheric Pollution Environmental Problem Pollution Atmosphere

The atmosphere is the gas shell of the Earth, the mass of which is 5.15 * 10 tons. The main components of the atmosphere are nitrogen (78.08%), argon (0.93%), carbon dioxide (0.03%), and the remaining elements are located toextremely small quantities: hydrogen - 0.3 * 10%, ozone - 3.6 * 10% and t, d. By chemical composition, the entire atmosphere of the Earth is divided into the lower (to the ^ -gromosphere, having a composition similar to the surface air, and a top-heterosphere, inhomogeneous chemical composition. For the upper atmosphere, the processes of dissociation and ionization of gases occurring under the influence of the radiation of the Sun. in The atmosphere besides these gases, various aerosols are also present - dustless or water particles that are suspended in a gaseous environment. They may be of natural origin (dust storms, forest fires, eruption of volcanoes and D.R.), and technogenic (productivity result man). The atmosphere is divided into several areas:

The troposphere is the lower part of the atmosphere, in which more than 80% of the entire atmosphere is concentrated. Its height is determined by the intensity of vertical (ascending downward) air flows caused by heating ground surface. Therefore, it stretches at the equator to a height of 16-18 km, in moderate latitudes up to 10-11 km, and 8 km on the poles. It is noted a regular decrease in air temperature with a height - on average by 0.6c for every 100 m.

The stratosphere is located above the troposphere to a height of 50-55 km. The temperature at its upper boundary increases, which is associated with the presence of the ozone belt here.

Mesosphere - the boundary of this layer is located up to a height of 80 km. The main feature is a sharp decrease in temperature (minus 75-90c) at its upper boundary. Silver clouds consisting of ice crystals are recorded here.

Ionosphere (thermosphere) pacpitch to a height of 800km, and it is characterized by a significant increase in temperature (more than 1000 ° C), under the action ultraviolet radiation Sun gases in ionized state. With ionization associated glow and the emergence of polar beams. The ionosphere has the ability of repeated reflection of radio waves, which provides real radio communication on Earth, an exosphere - located above 800 km. And stretches up to 2000-3000 km. Here the temperature exceeds 2000 C. Gas speed approaches the critical value of 11.2 km / s. The atoms of hydrogen and helium dominate, which form the crown around the earth, stretches to a height of 20 thousand km.

The role of the atmosphere of the length of the Earth's biosphere is enormous, as it is its physician chemical properties provide essential life processes in plants and animals.

Under pollution atmospheric air Any change in its composition and properties should be understood, which has a negative impact on human health and animals, the condition of plants and ecosystems.

Pollution of the atmosphere can be natural (natural) and anthropogenic (technogenic),

Natural air pollution is caused by natural processes. These include volcanic activities, weathering of rocks, wind erosion, mass flowering plants, smoke from forest and steppe fires, etc. Anthropogenic pollution is associated with the release of various pollutants in the process of human activity. In scale, it significantly exceeds the natural pollution of atmospheric air.

Depending on the scale of distribution, allocate different types Pollution atmosphere: local, regional and global. Local pollution is characterized by an increased content of pollutants in small territories (city, industrial area, agricultural zone, etc.). With regional pollution in the sphere of negative impact, significant spaces are involved, but not the entire planet. Global pollution is associated with a change in the state of the atmosphere as a whole.

By aggregative state emissions harmful substances The atmosphere is classified for: 1) gaseous (sulfur dioxide, nitrogen oxides, carbon monoxide, hydrocarbons, etc.); 2) liquid (acids, alkalis, salts solutions, etc.); 3) solid (carcinogenic substances, lead and its compounds, organic and inorganic dust, soot, resinous substances and other).

The main contaminants (pollutants) of atmospheric air generated during the production and other human activity - sulfur dioxide (SO 2), nitrogen oxides (NO 2), carbon monoxide (CO) and solid particles. They account for about 98% in the total emissions of harmful substances. In addition to the main pollutants, in the atmosphere of cities and towns there are more than 70 names of harmful substances, among which are formaldehyde, hydrogen fluoride, lead compounds, ammonia, phenol, benzene, servo-carbon, etc. However, it is precisely the concentrations of major pollutants (sulfur dioxide, etc.) Most often exceed permissible levels in many cities of Russia.

The total world emissions into the atmosphere of the four main pollutants (pollutants) of the atmosphere in 2005 - 401 million tons, and in Russia in 2006 - 26.2 million tons (Table 1).

In addition to these major pollutants, many other very dangerous toxic substances fall into the atmosphere: lead, mercury, cadmium and other heavy metals (sources of emissions: cars, melting plants, etc.); Hydrocarbons (CNNM), among them the most dangerous benz (a) Pyrene with carcinogenic action (exhaust gases, boiler firebox, etc.), aldehydes, and primarily formalde guide, hydrogen sulfide, toxic volatile solvents (gasoline, alcohols, ethers) and etc.

Table 1 - Emission to the atmosphere of the main pollutants (pollutants) in the world and in Russia

Substances, million tons



Azoto oxides

Carbon oxide

Solid particles


Summer World


Russia (stationary only




Russia (including all sources),%



The most dangerous pollution of the atmosphere is radioactive. Currently, it is mainly due to globally distributed long-lived radioactive isotopes - products for testing nuclear weapons conducted in the atmosphere and underground. The surface layer of the atmosphere also contaminate emissions into the atmosphere of radioactive substances from the existing NPPs during their normal operation and other sources.

The emissions of radioactive substances from the fourth block of the Chernobyl NPP in April - May 1986 are occupied by the emissions of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant in April - May 1986 (Japan) 740 g of radionuclides were thrown into the atmosphere, then as a result of the accident at the Chernobyl NPP in 1986, the total emission of radioactive Substances in the atmosphere amounted to 77 kg.

Another form of contamination of the atmosphere is the local excessive flow of heat from anthropogenic sources. The sign of the thermal (thermal) contamination of the atmosphere is the so-called thermal zones, such as the "Heat Island" in the cities, warming of water bodies, etc.

In general, judging by official data for 2006, the level of pollution of atmospheric air in our country, especially in the cities of Russia, remains high, despite a significant decline in production, which is associated primarily with an increase in the number of cars.

2. Basic sources of pollution of the atmosphere

Currently, the "main contribution" into the pollution of atmospheric air in Russia includes the following industries: heat and power plant (thermal and nuclear power plants, industrial and city boiler houses, etc.), further enterprises of ferrous metallurgy, oil production and petrochemistry, vehicles, non-ferrous metallurgy enterprises and production Building materials.

The role of various branches of farms in the pollution of the atmosphere in developed industrial countries of the West is somewhat different. For example, the main amount of emissions of harmful substances in the United States, Great Britain and Germany falls on motor vehicles (50-60%), while the stake of thermal power industry is significantly less than 16-20%.

Heat and nuclear power plants. Boiler installations. In the process of burning solid or liquid fuel to the atmosphere, smoke, containing complete products (carbon dioxide and water vapor) and incomplete (carbon oxides, sulfur, nitrogen, hydrocarbons, etc.) of combustion, is released into the atmosphere. The volume of energy emissions is very large. Thus, a modern thermal power station with a capacity of 2.4 million kW spends a day to 20 thousand tons of coal and throws out into the atmosphere during this time 680 T SO 2 and SO 3, 120-140 tons of solid particles (ash, dust, soot), 200 t Nitrogen oxides.

Transfer of installations on liquid fuel (fuel oil) reduces ash emissions, but practically does not reduce sulfur oxides and nitrogen emissions. The most environmentally friendly gas fuel, which is three times less pollutes atmospheric air than fuel oil, and five times less than coal.

Sources of air pollution with toxic substances at nuclear power plants (NPP) - radioactive iodine, radioactive inert gases and aerosol. A large source of energy pollution of the atmosphere - the heating system of housing (boiler installations) gives little nitrogen oxides, but many part-combustion products. Due to the small height of chimneys, toxic substances in high concentrations are dissipated near boiler plants.

Black and non-ferrous metallurgy. 0.04 tons of solid particles, 0.03 tons of sulfur oxides and up to 0.05 tons of carbon oxide, as well as in small quantities, such dangerous pollutants, like manganese, lead, phosphorus, arsenic, mercury, et al. In the process of steel-smelting production in the atmosphere, vapor-gas mixtures consisting of phenol, formaldehyde, benzene, ammonia and other toxic substances are ejected into the atmosphere. The atmosphere is also significantly contaminated, in the agglomerating factories, with blast and ferroalloy production.

Significant emissions of exhaust gases and dust containing toxic substances are noted on plants of non-ferrous metallurgy in the processing of lead-zinc, copper, sulfide ores, in the production of aluminum, etc.

Chemical production. Emissions of this industry Although in a small volume in volume (about 2% of all industrial emissions), however, due to its very high toxicity, significant diversity and concentration, represent a significant threat to humans and all biota. On a variety of chemical production, the atmospheric air pollute sulfur oxides, fluorine compounds, ammonia, nitrous gases (mixture of nitrogen oxides), chloride compounds, hydrogen sulfide, inorganic dust, etc.).

Emissions of motor vehicles. There are several hundred million cars in the world, which burn a huge amount of petroleum products, significantly polluting atmospheric air, primarily in large cities. So, in Moscow, the share of vehicles accounts for 80% of the total amount of emissions into the atmosphere. The exhaust gases of internal combustion engines (especially carburetor) contain a huge amount of toxic compounds - benz (A) pyrene, aldehydes, nitrogen oxades and carbon and particularly dangerous lead compounds (in the case of eaten gasoline).

The largest amount of harmful substances in the composition of exhaust gases is formed with the unregulated car fuel system. Its correct adjustment reduces, their number is 1.5 times, and special neutralizers reduce the toxicity of exhaust gases at six or more times.

Intensive air pollution is also noted in the mining and processing of mineral raw materials, on oil and gas processing plants (Fig. 1), during the emission of dust and gases from underground mining, when burning garbage and burning rocks in coverages (groundcons), and so on . In rural areas, the foci of air pollution are animals and poultry farms, industrial complexes, but the production of meat, spraying pesticides, etc.

Fig. 1. Ways to distribute sulfur compound emissions in

astrakhan Gas Processing Plant (APTS)

Under transboundary pollution, contamination, transferred from the territory of one country to the Other Area. Only in 2004, 1204 thousand tons of sulfur compounds from Ukraine, Germany, Poland and other countries fell on the European part of Russia due to its unprofitable geographical position. At the same time, in other countries, only 190 thousand tons of sulfur fell from Russian sources of pollution, that is, 6.3 times less.

3. Environmental consequences of the air pollution

The contamination of atmospheric air affects human health and the environmental environment in various ways - from a straight and immediate threat (Ud, etc.) to a slow and gradual destruction of various livelihood systems. In many cases, the air pollution disrupts the structural components of the ecosystem to such an extent that the regulatory processes are not able to return them to the initial state and as a result, the mechanism of homeostasis does not work.

First, consider how local (local) pollution of the atmosphere affects the environment, and then global.

The physiological impact on the human body of the main pollutants (pollutants) is fraught with the most serious consequences. Thus, sulfur dioxide, connecting with moisture, forms sulfuric acid, which destroys the pulmonary tissue of man and animals. Especially clearly, this connection is traced when analyzing the child's pulmonary pathology and the degree of concentration of sulfur dioxide in the atmosphere of large cities. According to the studies of American scientists, in the level of pollution 502 to 0.049 mg / m 3, the incidence (in man-day) population of Nashville (USA) was 8.1%, at 0.150-0.349 mg / m 3 - 12 and in areas with air pollution Above 0.350 mg / m3 - 43.8%. Sulfur dioxide is especially dangerous when it is deposited on dusting and in this form penetrates deep into the respiratory tract.

Dust containing silicon dioxide (SiO 2) causes severe lung disease - silicosis. Nitrogen oxides are annoyed, and in severe cases, the mucous membranes, such as eyes, are easily involved in the formation of poisonous fogs, etc., are especially dangerous if they are in contaminated air together with sulfur dioxide and other toxic compounds. In these cases, even at low concentrations of pollutants, synergism effect occurs, i.e., the increase in the toxicity of the entire gaseous mixture.

The effect on the human body of carbon oxide (carbon monoxide) is widely known. With acute poisoning, general weakness, dizziness, nausea, drowsiness, loss of consciousness appear, is a fatal outcome (even after 3-7 days). However, due to the low concentration of CO in atmospheric air, it, as a rule, does not cause mass poisoning, although it is very dangerous for persons suffering from anemia and cardiovascular diseases.

Among suspended solids are the most dangerous particles of less than 5 microns, which are capable of penetrating the lymph nodes, linger in the lung alveoli, clog the mucous membranes.

Very unfavorable consequences that can affect the huge range of time are connected with such minor emissions such as lead, benz (a) pyrene, phosphorus, cadmium, arsenic, cobalt, etc. They depress the hematopoietic system, cause oncological diseases reduce The body resistance to infections, etc. Dust, containing lead and mercury compounds, has mutagenic properties and causes genetic changes in the cells of the body.

The effects of the human body of harmful substances contained in car exhaust gases are very serious and have a wide range of action: from cough to death (Table 2). Heavy consequences in the body of living beings cause a poisonous mixture of smoke, fog and dust - smoke. Two Tina Smog, the winter was able to (London Type) and Summer (Los Angeles Type).

Table 2 Effect of car exhaust gases on human health

Harmful substances

Consequences of the impact on the human body

Carbon oxide

Prevents blood absorbing oxygen, which weakens thinking abilities, slows down the reflexes, causes drowsiness and may cause the loss of consciousness and death


Affects blood, nervous and urinary system; It probably causes a decrease in mental abilities in children, postponed in bones and other tissues, so dangerous for a long time

Azoto oxides

Can increase the susceptibility of the body to viral diseases (type of influenza), irritate the lungs, cause bronchitis and pneumonia


Irritating to the mucous membrane of the respiratory organs, causes cough, disrupts the work of the lungs; reduces resistance to colds; can exacerbate chronic diseases Hearts, as well as cause asthma, bronchitis

Toxic emissions (heavy metals)

Cause cancer, violation of the functions of the sexual system and defects in newborns

The London-type smog occurs in winter in large industrial cities in adverse weather conditions (lack of wind and temperature inversion). Temperature inversion is manifested in increasing the air temperature with a height in some layer of the atmosphere (usually in the range of 300-400 m from the surface of the Earth) instead of ordinary decreases. As a result, the circulation of atmospheric air is dramatically violated, smoke and pollutants cannot climb up and do not dissipate. Fog often arise. The concentration of sulfur and suspended dust oxides, carbon oxide reach hazardous levels of human levels, lead to circulatory disorder, respiratory, and often to death. In 1952, more than 4 thousand people died in London from Smog from 3 to December 9, up to S. people were seriously ill. At the end of 1962, in Riere (FRG) was able to take 156 people in three days. Only the wind can dissipate, and smoothed a mixed situation - reducing emissions of pollutants.

Los Angeles type smog, or photochemical was able, no less dangerous than London. It occurs in the summer with the intensive effects of solar radiation on the air, saturated, & or rather oversaturated car exhaust gases. In Los Angeles, exhaust gases are more than four million cars emit only nitrogen oxides in the amount of more than a thousand tons per day. With a very weak air movement or winds in the air during this period go complex reactions With the formation of new high-tech pollutants - photooxidates (ozone, organic peroxide, nitrites, etc.), which irritate the mucous membranes of the gastrointestinal tract, lungs and organs of vision. Only in one city (Tokyo) was a poisoning of 10 thousand people in 1970 and 28 thousand - in 1971 according to official data, in Athens in the days of Smog mortality six times higher than in days relative to the net atmosphere. In some of our cities (Kemerovo, Angarsk, Novokuznetsk, Mednogorsk, etc.), especially those located in lowlands, due to the increasing number of cars and an increase in emissions of exhaust gas containing nitrogen oxide, the likelihood of photochemical smog is increasing.

Anthropogenic emissions of pollutants in large concentrations and for a long time cause great harm not only to a person, but adversely affect animals, the condition of plants and ecosystems in general.

In the environmental literature, cases of mass poisoning of wild animals, birds, insects in emissions of harmful pollutants of large concentration (especially volley) are described. For example, it was established that during sedimentation on honey plants of some toxic dust species, a noticeable increase in the mortality rate of bees is observed. As for large animals, the poisonous dust in the atmosphere affects them mainly through respiratory organs, as well as entering the body together with eaten dusty plants.

In plants, toxic substances come in various ways. It has been established that the emissions of harmful substances act as directly on the green parts of the plants, falling through the dust in the tissue, destroying the chlorophyll and the structure of the cells and through the soil on root system. For example, soil contamination with dust of toxic metals, especially in compound with sulfuric acid, is destructive effect on the root system, and through it and on the entire plant.

Contaminating gaseous substances affect the state of vegetation in different ways. Only weakly damage the leaves, chewing, shoots (carbon monoxide, ethylene, etc.), others act on the plants detail (sulfur dioxide, chlorine, mercury pairs, ammonia, cyanide hydrogen, etc.) (Table 13: 3). Particularly dangerous for plants of sulfur dioxide (502), under the influence of which many trees die out, and primarily coniferous - pines, spruce, fir, cedar.

Table 3 - Toxicity of air pollutants for plants

Harmful substances


sulphur dioxide

The main pollutant, poison for plant assimilation bodies, is valid at a distance of 30 km

Hydrogen fluoride and silicon fourfluoride

Toxic even in small quantities, prone to the formation of aerosols, operate at a distance of up to 5 km

Chlorine, hydrogen chloride

Damage mainly at close range

Sveta compounds, hydrocarbons, carbon oxide, nitrogen oxides

Infect vegetation in areas of high concentration of industry and transport

Hydrogen sulfide

Cell and enzyme poison


Damages plants at close range

As a result of the impact of highly toxic pollutants on the plants, there is a slowdown in their growth, the formation of necrosis at the ends of the leaves and khuminokov, the failure of the assimilation organs, etc. An increase in the surface of damaged leaves can lead to a decrease in moisture consumption from the soil, the general overwhelm, what will inevitably affect it On the environment of her habitat.

Is vegetation capable of recovering after reducing the impact of harmful pollutants? In many ways, this will depend on the reducing ability of the remaining green mass and the overall state of natural ecosystems. At the same time, it should be noted that the low concentrations of individual pollutants not only do not harm plants, but also, such as the cadmium salt, stimulate the germination of seeds, the growth of wood, the growth of some organs of plants.

4. Environmental consequences of global atmospheric pollution

The most important environmental consequences of global pollution of the atmosphere include:

    possible climate warming ("greenhouse effect");

    violation of the ozone layer;

  1. loss of acid rain.

    Most scientists in the world consider them as the largest environmental issues of modernity.

    Possible climate warming ("greenhouse effect").The currently observed climate change, which is expressed in a gradual increase in the average annual temperature since the second half of the last century, most scientists are associated with the accumulation in the atmosphere of so-called "greenhouse gases" - carbon dioxide (CO 2), methane (CH 4), chlorofluorocarbons ( Frees), ozone (o 3), nitrogen oxides, etc.

    Garnikovy gases, and first of all CO 2, prevent long-wave thermal radiation from the surface of the Earth. The atmosphere saturated with greenhouse gases acts as the roof of the greenhouse. It, on the one hand, passes inside most of the solar radiation, on the other - almost does not miss the heat, re-emitted the earth.

    In connection with the burning person, an increasing number of fossil fuels: oil, gas, coal, etc. (annually more than 9 billion tons of conditional fuel) - CO 2 concentration in the atmosphere is constantly increasing. Due to emissions into the atmosphere when industrial production And the content of freon (chlorofluorocarbons) is growing. By 1-1.5% per year, the content of methane increases (emissions from underground mining, burning biomass, high-horned livestock, etc.). A lesser extent grows the content in the atmosphere and nitrogen oxide (by 0.3% annually).

    The consequence of an increase in the concentrations of these gases, creating a "greenhouse effect", is the growth of the average global air temperature in the earth's surface. Over the past 100 years, the warmest was the warmest 1980, 1981, 1983, 1987, 2006 and 1988. In 1988, the average annual temperature was 0.4 ° C higher than in 1950-1980. Calculations of some scientists show that in 2009 it will increase by 1.5 ° C compared to 1950-1980. The report prepared under the auspices of the UN International Group on Climate Change Problems is argued that by 2100 the temperature on Earth will become above 2-4 degrees. The scale of warming for this relatively short time will be comparable to warming that occurred on the ground after the ice age, and therefore environmental consequences may be catastrophic. First of all, this is due to the estimated increase in the world's ocean due to the melting of polar ice, reducing the area of \u200b\u200bmountain glaciation, etc. Modeling the environmental consequences of increasing the ocean level of only 0.5-2.0 m to the end of the XXIV., Scientists installed, That this will inevitably lead to a violation of climatic equilibrium, flooding of seaside plains in more than 30 countries, degradation of multi-nesting rocks, the fever of extensive territories and other adverse consequences.

    However, a number of scientists see in the alleged global climate warming and positive environmental consequences.

    Increased concentration of CO 2 in the atmosphere and the associated increase in photosynthesis, as well as an increase in climate moistening can, in their opinion, lead to an increase in productivity as natural phytocenoses (forests, meadows, savannah, etc.), and agrocenoses (cultivated plants, gardens , vineyards, etc.).

    On the issue of the degree of influence of greenhouse gases on global climate warming, there is also no unity of opinion. Thus, in the report of the intergovernmental group of experts on climate change (1992), it is noted that the climate warming on 0.3-0.6, observed in the last century, could be due to the natural variability of a number of climatic factors.

    In connection with these data, academician K. Ya. Kondratyev (1993) believes that there is no reason for one-sided hobbies of the stereotype of "greenhouse" warming and extending the task to reduce greenhouse gas emissions as a central in the problem of preventing unwanted global climate changes.

    In his opinion, the most important factor of anthropogenic impact on the global climate is the degradation of the biosphere, and therefore, first of all, it is necessary to take care of the preservation of the biosphere as the main factor of global environmental safety. Man using the power of about 10 TVT destroyed or strongly broken by 60% sushi the normal functioning of natural communities of organisms. As a result, significant mass of their mass is seized from the biogenic cycle of substances, which was previously spent by biota to stabilize climatic conditions. Against the background of a constant reduction in areas with extended communities, degraded, sharply reduced its assimilant capacity of the biosphere becomes an essential source of increased emissions into the atmosphere of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases.

    At the International Conference in Toronto (Canada) in 1985, the task has been set up to the energy in all over the world to be reduced by 20% industrial carbon emissions into the atmosphere. At the UN conference in Kyoto (Japan) in 1997, the governments of 84 countries of the world signed the Kyoto Protocol, according to which countries should drop anthropogenic carbon dioxide, which threw it in 1990, but it is obvious that a tangible environmental effect can only be obtained When combining these measures with the global direction of environmental policies - the maximum possible preservation of communities of organisms, natural ecosystems and the entire Earth's biosphere.

    Violation of the ozone layer. The ozone layer (ozoneosphere) covers the entire globe and is located at a height of 10 to 50 km with a maximum ozone concentration at an altitude of 20-25 km. The saturation of the ozone atmosphere is constantly changing in any part of the planet, reaching the maximum in the spring in the indoor region.

    For the first time, the depletion of the ozone layer attracted the attention of the general public in 1985, when space with a reduced (up to 50%) of ozone was found above Antarctic, the name "ozone hole" was discovered. Since then, the measurement results confirm the widespread decrease in the ozone layer almost throughout the planet. For example, in Russia over the past 10 years, the concentration of the ozone layer decreased by 4-6% in winter and 3% in the summer.

    Currently, the depletion of the ozone layer is recognized by all as a serious threat of global environmental safety. Reducing the concentration of ozone weakens the ability of the atmosphere to protect everything alive on Earth from rigid ultraviolet radiation (UV radiation). Living organisms are very vulnerable to ultraviolet radiation, because the energy of even one photon from these rays is enough to destroy chemical ties In most organic molecules. It is not randomly solar burns in areas with low ozone content, there is a growth in the incidence of people with skin cancer, etc. So, for example, in the opinion of a number of ecologic scientists, by 2030 in Russia, while maintaining the current depletions of the ozone layer, skin cancer will be sick 6 million people. Besides skin disease It is possible to develop eye diseases (cataract, etc.), suppression of the immune system, etc.

    It has also been established that plants under the influence of strong ultraviolet radiation gradually lose their ability to photosynthesis, and the violation of the vital activity of the plankton leads to the breaking of the trophic chains of the biota of aqueous ecosystems, and so on.

    Science has not fully installed, what are the main processes that violate the ozone layer. It is assumed both natural and the anthropogenic origin of "ozone holes". The latter, according to the majority of scientists, is more likely and is associated with the increased content of chlorofluorocarbons (freons). Freons are widely used in industrial production and in everyday life (refragments, solvents, sprayers, aerosol packaging, etc.). Rising into the atmosphere, freons decompose with the release of chlorine oxide, which is destroyed by the ozone molecules.

    According to the International Environmental Organization Greenpeace, the main suppliers of chlorofluorocarbons (freons) are USA - 30.85%, Japan - 12.42; United Kingdom - 8.62 and Russia - 8.0%. The United States struck in the ozone layer "hole" with an area of \u200b\u200b7 million km2, Japan - 3 million km2, which is seven times more than the Square of Japan itself. IN lately In the United States and in a number of Western countries, factories for the production of new types of considerations (hydrochlorofluorocarbons) were built with a low potential for the destruction of the ozone layer.

    According to the Protocol of the Montreal Conference (1987), revised then in London (1991) and Copenhagen (1992), it was planned to reduce chlorofluorocarbon emissions by 1998 by 50%. In accordance with the Law of the Russian Federation "On Environmental Protection" (2002) The protection of the ozone layer of the atmosphere from environmentally hazardous changes is provided by regulating the production and use of substances that destroy the ozone layer of the atmosphere, based on international treaties Russian Federation and its legislation. In the future, it is necessary to continue to solve the problem of protecting people from UV radiation, since many of the chlorofluorocarbons can persist in the atmosphere of hundreds of years. A number of scientists continue to insist on the natural origin of the ozone hole. The reasons for its occurrence are seen in the natural variability of the ozoneosphere, the cyclic activity of the Sun, others associate these processes with riftogenesis and degarison of the Earth.

    Acid rain. One of the most important environmental problems with which the oxidation of the natural medium is associated is acidic rains. They are formed during industrial emissions into the atmosphere of sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxides, which, connecting with atmospheric moisture, form sulfur and nitric acid. As a result, rain and snow are acidified (pH number below 5.6). In Bavaria (Germany) in August 1981, rains have fallen with education 80,

    Water of open reservoirs is crying. Fish dies

    The total world anthropogenic emissions of the two main air pollutants - the peroxidation of atmospheric moisture - SO 2 and NO 2 are annually more than 255 million tons (2004). On the huge territory, the natural environment is crying for, which is very negatively reflected in the state of all ecosystems. It turned out that natural ecosystems are destroyed even with a smaller level of air pollution than the one that is dangerous for a person.

    The danger is usually not acidic precipitates themselves, and the processes occurring under their influence. Under the action of acidic precipitation from the soil, not only the naturally necessary nutrients are leached, but also toxic heavy and light metals - lead, cadmium, aluminum, etc. subsequently, they themselves or formed toxic compounds are absorbed by plants and other soil organisms, which leads to very negative consequences. For example, an increase in the acidic water content of aluminum is only up to 0.2 mg per liter flying to fish. The development of phytoplankton is sharply reduced, since phosphates activating this process are connected to aluminum and become less affordable for assimilation. Aluminum also reduces the growth of wood. The toxicity of heavy metals (cadmium, lead, etc.) manifests itself to a greater extent.

    Fifty million hectares of forest in 25 European countries suffer from a complex mixture of pollutants, including acid rains, ozone, toxic metals, etc. So, for example, coniferous mountain forests die in Bavaria. Cases of lesion of coniferous and deciduous forests in Karelia, Siberia and other areas of our country are noted.

    The impact of acid rains reduces the stability of forests to droughts, diseases, natural pollution, which leads to even more pronounced their degradation as natural ecosystems.

    A vivid example of the negative effects of acid precipitation on natural ecosystems is the acidification of the lakes. It is especially intensively in Canada, Sweden, Norway and in the south of Finland (Table 4). This is explained by the fact that a significant part of sulfur emissions in such industrialized countries, as the United States, Germany and the United Kingdom, fall on their territory (Fig. 4). The most vulnerable in these countries of the lakes, since the indigenous rocks, their beds, are usually represented by gantry-gneis and granites that are not able to neutralize acid precipitation, as opposed, for example, from limestones that create alkali environment And prevent acidification. Many lakes in the north of the United States are strongly scorn.

    Table 4 - Overlooking the lakes in the world


    Status of lakes


    More than 14 thousand lakes are strongly scattered; Each seventh lake in the east of the country caused biological damage


    In reservoirs, a total area of \u200b\u200b13 thousand km 2 destroyed fish and another 20 thousand km2 ~ amazed


    At 14 thousand lakes destroyed the most sensitive types of acidity species; 2200 Lakes almost lifeless


    8% of the lakes do not have the ability to neutralize the acid. The most scusted lakes in the southern part of the country


    There are about 1 thousand vaccine lakes in the country and 3 thousand almost acidic (data of the environmental protection fund). AOOS studies in 1984 showed that 522 lakes have a strong acidic environment and 964 are on the verge of this

    Overlooking the lakes is dangerous not only for populations different species Fish (including salmon, sigovy, etc.), but often entails the gradual death of plankton, numerous types of algae and other inhabitants, lakes become almost lifeless.

    In our country, the area of \u200b\u200bsignificant acidification against acid precipitation reaches several tens of millions of hectares. Private cases of lakes (Karelia, etc.) are noted. Increased acidity The precipitation is observed along the Western border (cross-border transfer of sulfur and other pollutants) and on the territory of a number of large industrial areas, as well as fragmentary on Vorontsov A.P. Rational environmental management. Tutorial. -M.: Association of Authors and Publishers Tandem. Publisher Emmes, 2000. - 498 p. Enterprise Characteristics as an atmosphere pollution source The main types of anthropogenic effects on the biosphere The problem of energy support for the sustainable development of humanity and the prospects for nuclear power


Pollution of the Earth's atmosphere is a change in the natural concentration of gases and impurities in the air shell of the planet, as well as the introduction of substances alien to mine in Wednesday.

For the first time, at the international level spoke forty years ago. In 1979, a convention on transboundary air pollution over long distances appeared in Geneva. The first international agreement on reducing greenhouse gas emissions was the Kyoto Protocol of 1997.

These measures, though bring their results, but the pollution of the atmosphere remains a serious problem of society.

The substances that pollute the atmosphere

The main components of atmospheric air - nitrogen (78%) and oxygen (21%). The proportion of the inert gas of Argon is a little less than a percent. The concentration of carbon dioxide is 0.03%. In small quantities in the atmosphere are also present:

  • ozone,
  • neon,
  • methane,
  • xenon,
  • krypton,
  • nitrous oxide,
  • sulfur dioxide
  • helium and hydrogen.

In the pure air masses, carbon monoxide and ammonia are present in the form of traces. In addition to gases, there are water vapor in the atmosphere, salt crystals, dust.

Basic air pollutants:

  • Carbon dioxide - greenhouse gas that affects the heat exchange of the Earth with the surrounding space, which means it is climate.
  • Carbon oxide or carbon monoxide, falling into the human or animal body, causes poisoning (up to death).
  • Hydrocarbons - toxic chemicals, irritating eyes and mucous membranes.
  • Serious derivatives contribute to the formation of acid rains and drying of plants, provoke diseases of the respiratory tract and allergies.
  • Nitrogen derivatives lead to inflammation of lungs, croups, bronchitis, frequent colds, aggravate the course of cardiovascular diseases.
  • Radioactive substances accumulating in the body, cause cancer, gene changes, infertility, premature death.

A special danger to human health is air with heavy metals. Such pollutants like cadmium, lead, arsenic, lead to the emergence of oncology. Inhaled mercury pairs do not affect lightning times, but, laying off in the form of salts, destroy nervous system. In significant concentrations are harmful and volatile organic substances: Terpenoids, aldehydes, ketones, alcohols. Many of these air pollutants are mutagenic and carcinogenic compounds.

Sources and classification of atmospheric pollution

Based on the nature of the phenomenon, the following types of air pollution distinguish: chemical, physical and biological.

  • In the first case, an increased concentration of hydrocarbons, heavy metals, sulfur dioxide, ammonia, aldehydes, nitrogen and carbon oxides is observed in the atmosphere.
  • With biologically pollution in the air there are products of vital activity of various organisms, toxins, viruses, mushroom disputes and bacteria.
  • A large amount of dust or radionuclides in the atmosphere indicates physical pollution. This type includes the effects of thermal, noise and electromagnetic emissions.

The composition of the air environment affects both man and nature. Natural sources of pollution of the atmosphere: volcanoes in the period of activity, forest fires, soil erosion, dust storms, decomposition of living organisms. Miserer share of influence is also on cosmic dust resulting from the combustion of meteorites.

Anthropogenic sources of air pollution:

  • enterprises of the chemical, fuel, metallurgical, machine-building industry;
  • agricultural activities (spraying pesticides with aviation, livestock waste);
  • heat and power plant, heating of residential premises with coal and firewood;
  • transportation (the most "dirty" species - airplanes and cars).

How determine the degree of air pollution?

When monitoring the quality of atmospheric air in the city, not only the concentration of substances harmful to human health, but also the time interval of their impact is taken into account. Pollution of the atmosphere in the Russian Federation is assessed by the following criteria:

  • The standard index (C) is an indicator obtained as a result of dividing the highest measured one-time concentration of polluting material on the maximum permissible impurity concentration.
  • The contamination index of our atmosphere (IZ) is a complex value, when calculating which take into account the harmfulness factor of the substance-pollutant, as well as its concentration - the average annual and maximum permissible average daily.
  • The greatest repeatability (NP) is a percentage of the frequency of exceeding the maximum permissible concentration (maximum one-time) within a month or year.

The level of air pollution is considered low when it is less than 1, the IZA varies in the range of 0-4, and NP does not exceed 10%. Among the major Russian cities, according to the materials of Rosstat, the most environmentally friendly are Taganrog, Sochi, Terrible and Kostroma.

At an elevated level of emissions into the atmosphere of C is 1-5, IZA - 5-6, NP - 10-20%. The high degree of air pollution differ regions with indicators: C - 5-10, IZA - 7-13, NP - 20-50%. A very high level of atmospheric pollution is observed in Chita, Ulan-Ude, Magnitogorsk and Beloyarsk.

Cities and countries of the world with the dirtiest air

In May 2016, the World Health Organization published an annual ranking of cities with the most dirty air. The leader of the list was the Iranian rolling - the city in the south-east of the country, which regularly suffers from sandy storms. It lasts this atmospheric phenomenon about four months, repeated every year. The second and third position was the Indian Cities million paintings of Gvaliyar and Pogeni. The next place WHO gave the capital Saudi Arabia - Er-Riyadh.

Closes the top five cities with the most dirtiest atmosphere of El Jubil - a relatively small population in the population on the banks of the Persian Gulf and at the same time a large industrial oil-producing and refinery. On the sixth and seventh steps, Indian cities were again - Patna and Raipur. The main sources of pollution of the atmosphere there are industrial enterprises and transport.

In most cases, the atmosphere pollution is an actual problem for developing countries. However, the deterioration of the environment is not only a rapidly growing industry and transport infrastructure, but also man-made catastrophes. A bright example is Japan, who survived the radiation accident in 2011.

Top 7 states where air condition is recognized as depressing, it looks like this:

  1. China. In some regions of the country, the level of air pollution exceeds the norm 56 times.
  2. India. The largest state of Industan leads the number of cities with a worst ecology.
  3. SOUTH AFRICA. In the economy of the country, heavy industry prevails, it is the main source of pollution.
  4. Mexico. The environmental situation in the capital of the state, Mexico City, has improved markedly over the past twenty years, but was still not uncommon in the city.
  5. Indonesia suffers not only from industrial emissions, but also from forest fires.
  6. Japan. The country, despite the widespread gardening and the use of scientific and technical advances in the environmental sphere, is regularly faced with the problem of acid rain, smog.
  7. Libya. The main source of the ecological misfortune of the North African state is the oil industry.


The contamination of the atmosphere is one of the main causes of the growth of the number of respiratory diseases, both sharp and chronic. Harmful impurities contained in the air contribute to the development of lung cancer, heart disease, stroke. According to WHO estimates, due to the pollution of the air in the world, 3.7 million people die in a year. Most such cases are fixed in the countries of Southeast Asia and the western region of the Pacific.

In large industrial centers, such an unpleasant phenomenon is often observed, as was able. The accumulation of dust particles, water and smoke in the air reduces visibility on the roads, which is why the number of accidents is expected. Aggressive substances amplify corrosion of metal structures, adversely affect the state of the plant and animal world. I could be the greatest danger for asthmatics, persons who are ill with emphysens, bronchitis, angina, hypertension, VDC. Even in healthy people who have faded aerosols can hurt a head very much, tearing and sore throat is observed.

Air saturation oxides of sulfur and nitrogen leads to the formation of acid rain. After sediments with a low pH in reservoirs, fish will die, and the surviving individuals cannot give offspring. As a result, it is reduced by a species and numerical composition of populations. Sour precipitates leached nutrients, thereby dining the soil. They leave chemical burns on the leaves, weaken the plants. For people's habitat, such rains and fogs also pose a threat: sour water corrosive pipes, cars, facades of buildings, monuments.

An increased amount of greenhouse gases (carbon dioxide, ozone, methane, water vapor) in an air environment leads to an increase in the temperature of the lower layers of the Earth's atmosphere. A direct consequence of the greenhouse effect is the warming of climate, observed by the last sixty years.

Ozone holes are noticeably influenced by "ozone holes", which are formed under the influence of bromine, chlorine, oxygen and hydrogen atoms. In addition to simple substances, ozone molecules can also destroy organic and inorganic compounds: freon derivatives, methane, chloride. What is dangerous to weaken the shield for the environment and man? Due to the thinning of the layer, solar activity is growing, which, in turn, leads to an increase in mortality among representatives of marine flora and fauna, an increase in the number of oncological diseases.

How to make air cleaner?

Reduce the contamination of the atmosphere allows the introduction of technologies that reduce the volume of emissions. In the field of thermal power engineering, there should be a bet on alternative power sources: build solar, wind, geothermal, tidal and wave power plants. In the state of the air environment, the transition to the combined energy and heat generation is positive.

In the struggle for clean air, an important element of the strategy is a comprehensive waste disposal program. It should be aimed at reducing the number of garbage, as well as its sorting, processing or reuse. Urban planning aimed at improving the environment, including air, involves improving the energy efficiency of buildings, the construction of cycling infrastructure, the development of high-speed urban transport.

Every day, people inhale air enriched not only with oxygen, but harmful gases and chemical compounds, which negatively affects health. At the moment, these types of contamination can be distinguished:

  • natural (pollen plants, dust after eruption of volcanoes);
  • chemical (gaseous substances);
  • radioactive (radiation by radioactive substances);
  • (electromagnetic waves);
  • (warm air);
  • biological (contamination by microbes, viruses, bacteria).

Sources of air pollution

The problem of air pollution is relevant for all countries of the world, but throughout the planet aerial mass Dirtless is not equally polluted. The greatest shortage of clean air in economically developed countries and large megalopolis. There are various enterprises: metallurgical, chemical, energy, petrochemical, construction. All these objects during operation carry out emissions of harmful substances into the atmosphere. They are required to use cleansing facilities. Some enterprises them do not use, because they do not comply with the norms or because the equipment is outdated.

The air pollute the following elements and substances:

  • carbon oxide;
  • sulfur dioxide;
  • nitrogen oxide;
  • carbon dioxide;
  • hydrocarbons;
  • heavy metals;
  • mechanical dust;
  • sublimates, etc.

The consequences of the pollution of the atmosphere

First of all, air pollution negatively affects human health, since it leads to allergies, lung cancer, diseases of the heart and respiratory organs. In the second place, pollution leads to diseases of animals, birds, fish, to the death of plants.

The problems of the contamination of the atmosphere contribute to the formation of ozone holes, and after all, the ozone layer protects the Earth from solar radiation. In addition, it is amplified, due to which the air temperature is constantly increasing, which leads to the planet. Finding into the atmosphere, chemicals fall on the ground in the form with nitrogen and sulfur oxides. Big cities They were dragged out of a couple, smoke and dust, because of which people are difficult to breathe and move along the streets, because he could significantly reduce visibility.

So that all living beings had the opportunity to enrich their organism with oxygen during the respiratory process, it is necessary to clean the atmosphere. To do this, you need to reduce the use of vehicles, reduce waste, use environmentally friendly technologies and switch to renewable energy sources.

Global Environmental Problems (Air Pollution) Fm.o Author: Bedinov Timofey Name OU: GBPOU VLADIMER INDUSTRY INTERRANCE COLLECTION: MACHINE MACHINE MACHINE, 2 Course, Group N-141 Head: Spin N.P. Lecturer History and Socology

Air is a natural mixture of gases, mainly nitrogen and oxygen, which is an earth's atmosphere. In accordance with S. Federal law "On the protection of atmospheric air" under the atmospheric air is understood as "a vital component of the environment, which is a natural mixture of atmospheric gases outside residential, industrial and other premises."

Air pollution is any unwanted change in the composition of the earth's atmosphere as a result of receipt of various gases into it, water vapor and solid particles (under the influence of natural processes or as a result of human activity). Approximately 10% of pollutants fall into the atmosphere due to natural processes such as, for example, volcanic eruptions, which are accompanied by emissions into the atmosphere of asholes, sprayed acids, including sulfur, and multiple poisonous gases. The remaining 90% of pollutants have anthropogenic origins.

Basic air pollution sources

Pollutants Substances from directly into the atmosphere contained in the atmosphere Photochemical oxidizers and acids Secondary pollutants Primary pollutants

I was able to photochemical fog (was able) is a multicomponent mixture of gases and aerosol particles of primary and secondary origin. The main components of the smog include ozone, nitrogen and sulfur oxides, numerous organic compounds of peroxidant nature, called photoconditions. Photochemical could arise as a result of photochemical reactions under certain conditions: presence in the atmosphere of high concentration of nitrogen oxides, hydrocarbons and other pollutants, intensive solar radiation and ulution or very weak air exchange in the surface layer with powerful and for no less than a day of increased inversion. Sustainable windless weather, usually accompanied by inversions, is necessary to create a high concentration of reacting substances.

Global problems abnormally high values \u200b\u200bfor the earth's surface of the ultraviolet radiation of the Sun, due to a decrease in ozone content in the stratosphere; Climate change (global warming) caused by a large number of so-called in the atmosphere greenhouse gases.

Global warming is the process of gradual increase in the average annual temperature of the Earth's atmosphere and the World Ocean. Scientific Opinion, expressed by the Interstate Group of Experts on Climate Change (IPCC), and directly supported by the National Academy of Sciences of the G8 countries, is that the average temperature on the ground rose by 0.7 ° C since the start of the industrial revolution (with The second half of the XVIII century), and that "a large proportion of warming that has been observed in the last 50 years is caused by human activity," primarily the emission of gases causing a greenhouse effect, such as carbon dioxide (CO2) and methane (CH4). Greenhouse effect (greenhouse effect) atmosphere, the property of the atmosphere to skip sunny radiationbut delay the earthly radiation and thereby contribute to the accumulation of the heat of the earth

Ozone Ozone Ozone Hole - local drop in ozone concentration in ozone layer of land. According to the theory generally accepted in the scientific environment, in the second half of the XX century, the increasing impact of the anthropogenic factor in the form of separation of chlorine and bromine-containing freons has led to a significant stenitude of the ozone layer

Hazardous impact air pollution has a harmful effect on living organisms in several ways: delivering aerosol particles and poisonous gases into the respiratory system of human and animals and in the leaves of plants; increasing the acidity of atmospheric precipitation, which, in turn, affects the change in the chemical composition of soils and water; stimulating such chemical reactions in the atmosphere, which lead to an increase in the duration of irradiation of living organisms of malicious solar rays; By changing the composition and temperature of the atmosphere on a global scale and thus creating conditions unfavorable for the survival of organisms.

Used resources lifesweet .ru\u003e Poznavatelnoe Isstochniki\u003e vozduha.html


FROM junior classes We are taught that man and nature are united that one cannot separate one of the other. We know the development of our planet, the features of its structure and device. These areas affect our well-being: the atmosphere, soil, the water of the earth is, perhaps, the most important components of the normal life of a person. But why then every year environmental pollution goes further and gets out of all big scales? Let's consider the main environmental problems.

Environmental pollution, under which the natural medium is also understood and the biosphere is an increased content of physical, chemical or biological reagents that are not characteristic of this medium listed from the outside, the presence of which leads to negative consequences.

Scientists have been alarming about a close ecological catastrophe for several decades. Conducted studies in different areas lead to the conclusion that we are already faced with global climate change and the external environment under the influence of human activity. Pollution of the oceans due to leaks of oil and petroleum products, as well as garbage reached the huge scale, which affects the reduction of populations of many species of animals and the ecosystem as a whole. The growing number of machines each year leads to a large emission into the atmosphere, which, in turn, leads to the drainage of land, abundant precipitation on the continent, to reduce the amount of oxygen in the air. Some countries are already forced to bring water and even buy canned air, since production has spoiled the environment in the country. Many people have already realized the danger and very sensitively react to negative changes in nature and the main environmental problems, but we still perceive the possibility of disaster, as something unnecessary and distant. Is it really or a threat close and immediately need to do something - let's understand.

Types and main sources of environmental pollution

The main types of pollution class environmental pollution sources themselves:

  • biological;
  • chemical
  • physical;
  • mechanical.

In the first case, environmental pollutants are the activities of living organisms or anthropogenic factors. In the second case, there is a change in the natural chemical composition of the polluted sphere by adding others to it chemical substances. In the third case, the physical characteristics of the environment are changing. These types of pollution include thermal, radiation, noise and other types of radiation. The last type of pollution is also associated with human activity and waste emissions to the biosphere.

All kinds of contaminants may be present as separately by themselves and flow from one to another or exist together. Consider how they affect the separate areas of the biosphere.

People who have undergone long way in the wilderness will certainly be able to call the price of every drop of water. Although most likely these drops will be priceless, because the life of a person depends on them. In ordinary life, we, alas, give water not as great importance, because it has a lot of it, and it is available at any time. Only in the future it is not quite so. In percentage ratio, only 3% of the entire global stock of fresh water remained ungubble. Understanding the importance of water for people does not prevent a person to pollute an important source of life of oil and petroleum products, heavy metals, radioactive substances, inorganic pollution, sewer runoff and synthetic fertilizers.

In polluted water, contains a large number of xenobiotics - substances, alien organisms of a person or an animal. If such water falls into the food chain, it can lead to serious food poisoning and even a fatal outcome of all chain participants. Of course, it is also contained in the products of volcanic activities that pollute water and without human assistance, but the activities of the metallurgical industry and chemical plants have the prevailing importance.

With the advent of nuclear research, nature is prone to quite significant harm in all areas, including water. The charged particles that have fallen into it bear great harm to living organisms and contribute to the development of oncological diseases. Waste waters of factories, ships with nuclear reactors and just rain or snow in the zone of nuclear testing can lead to water infection with decomposition products.

Sewer stocks carrying a set of garbage: detergents, food residues, small household waste and more, in turn contribute to the reproduction by other pathogenic organisms, which, if a person's injury, give a number of diseases such as abdominal typhoids, dysentery and others.

Perhaps it does not make sense to explain how much soil is an important part of a person's life. Most of the food that the person feeds is powered by soil: from cereal crops to rare species of fruits and vegetables. So that it continues further, it is necessary to maintain the condition of the soil at the proper level for the normal cycle of water. But anthropogenic pollution has already led to the fact that 27% of the planet lands are subject to erosion.

Soil contamination is to enter it toxic chemicals and garbage in high quantities that impede the normal flow cycle of soil systems. Main sources of soil pollution:

  • residential buildings;
  • industrial enterprises;
  • transport;
  • agriculture;
  • nuclear power.

In the first case, the soil contamination occurs due to the usual garbage, which is ejected in the wrong places. But the main reason should be called dumps. Gained waste leads to clogging of large areas, and burning products spoil the soil is irretrievably, taking the whole environment.

Industrial enterprises throw many toxic substances, heavy metals and chemical compoundsaffecting not only on the soil, but also on the lives of living organisms. It is this source of pollution leads to technogenic soil pollution.

Transport emissions, hydrocarbons, methane and lead, falling into the soil, affect the food chains - enter the human body through food.
Excessive fallout of land, pesticides, pesticides and fertilizers, which contain sufficient mercury and heavy metals, lead to significant soil erosion and desertification. Abundant irrigation can also be called a positive factor, as it leads to saline of the soil.

Today, they burst in Earth to 98% of radioactive waste of nuclear power plants, mainly uranium splitting products, which leads to degradation and depletion of land resources.

The atmosphere in the form of a gaseous shell of the Earth is greater value, because it protects the planet from cosmic radiation, affects the relief, determines the climate of the Earth and its thermal background. It is impossible to say that the composition of the atmosphere was homogeneous and only with the advent of man began to change. But it was after the start of active activity of people, the heterogeneous composition "enriched" with dangerous impurities.

The main pollutants in this case are chemical plants, fuel and energy complex, agriculture and cars. They lead to the appearance of copper, mercury, mercury, and other metals. Of course, in industrial zones, air pollution is most felt.

The thermal power plants carry light and heat into our homes, however, in parallel, they throw away a huge amount of carbon dioxide, and soot into the atmosphere.
The cause of acid rains are waste emitted from chemical plants, for example, sulfur oxide or nitrogen. These oxides can be reacted with other elements of the biosphere, which contributes to the appearance of more destructive compounds.

Modern cars are quite good for design and technical characteristics, but the problem with the atmosphere has not yet been able to solve. The ash and fuel processing products not only spoil the atmosphere of cities, but also settle on the soil and lead to its disrepair.

In many industrial and industrial areas, the use has become an integral part of life precisely because of environmental pollution by plants and transport. Therefore, if you are concerned about the condition of the air in your apartment, with the help of a bizer you can create a healthy microclimate at home, which, unfortunately, does not cancel the planer problems of environmental pollution, but at least it allows you to protect yourself and loved ones.