Year of the goat according to the eastern calendar. Year of the Sheep according to the Chinese horoscope

Years: 1907, 1919, 1931, 1943, 1955, 1967, 1979, 1991, 2003, 2015, 2027, 2039

People, born in the year of the Goat (Sheep), sweet, charming and pleasant conversationalists. They try not to offend anyone with either a gesture or a word, although they do not always succeed. But when they feel that they have hurt someone’s feelings, they immediately take a step toward a truce in order to rectify the situation, which is why Goats have practically no enemies. It is very important for them to be good to everyone, but their relatives know how insincere their positivity is, and how intrusive Goats can be, because they require constant attention.

Goats have different talents and developed imagination; they are artistic and elegant. They have great taste - they combine with skill different styles in clothes and interior design, they always look fashionable, even if they are not financial opportunity do it. They have developed intuition - they immediately see what kind of person is in front of them and how they need to communicate with him in order to be liked, they don’t know any other way - for them it is very important to be pleasant to everyone, especially when it is in their interests.

Born in the year of the Goat eastern calendar people rarely argue, although they always have their own point of view, which, if they need it, they can skillfully impose on their opponent. And the most interesting thing is that he won’t even notice how he goes over to the Goats’ side.

They could be called the most charming sign - they are optimists in life, they have a wonderful sense of humor, they are courteous and conflict-free, if they were not so anxious and annoying. The fact is that they are rather timid people, therefore they are often not satisfied with their fate, about which they complain to their relatives and friends, infuriating them with their whims and sad fantasies.

It happens that the Goat, without realizing it, shows aggressiveness, destroying everything in its path. True, then she becomes ashamed of her behavior, and she tearfully asks for forgiveness, often aggravating the situation with her obsession.

There are a lot of believers among Goats, but this can only benefit them, as they become even nicer and more tolerant of the shortcomings of others. They always keep their emotions under control, thinking everything through, and besides, such Goats take upon themselves the responsibility of solving other people’s problems, which they do well.

Sociable Goats love cynical and caustic conversations. They are secretive by nature, so they always weigh every word, control their actions and behavior, so they true face no one will ever know, not even close people.

People of the Year of the Goat (Sheep) in everyday life. You can rarely see a mess in the Goat's house. After all, guests can come to them at any moment, which means everything must be perfect, from the decor to appearance housewives.

People born in the year of the Goat according to the Chinese horoscope, are ambitious, but this quality does not help them achieve a high social level and financial situation. The fact is that Goats have enormous penetrating power, but a small fuse that does not last long. On top of everything else, they constantly criticize everything, which causes a lot of misunderstandings. And the sad thing is that with age these qualities only get worse - they lose the desire to please everyone, they more often show their character and dissatisfaction, as well as stubbornness. This immediately affects their material well-being—many people turn away from them, even their friends, and refuse to help them, including money.

Business qualities of people born in the year of the Goat (Sheep). Goats are excellent workers. They always listen carefully to the task and carry it out with great care. They are loved by the team because they are always cheerful, sociable and reliable: you can always turn to them for help, shifting most of the work to them. These people will do everything silently and with a pleasant smile on their lips, but everything will be raging in their souls, which can negatively affect the quality of the work - small mistakes in its execution are possible.

Goats are rarely found in the role of boss, since they do not know how to command others without fear of offending them. But as an administrator, they achieve great success. It is better for goats to give up commerce - they could end up either in prison or in a debt hole.

Love for those born in the year of the Goat (Sheep). These people are romantic and sensitive, however, they are not used to expressing their feelings, expecting their significant other to do so. In relationships they are lazy, but always caring, sometimes even too much. They associate love with security, so if their partner behaves unpredictably, they begin to worry.

Those born under the control of the Goat (Sheep) according to the eastern calendar are emotional people, so they easily fall into hysterics if a loved one looks at them the wrong way or says something wrong. After a while, these people themselves will not be able to explain the reason for the tears, but, as they say, the sediment remains. In their youth, Goats very often change partners, since they rarely fall in love for real, but as they mature, they choose a reliable and faithful one, reciprocating his feelings.

A family of people born in the year of the Goat (Sheep). For Goats, family always comes first, as they understand that this is where they are loved and idolized. In childhood, Goats do not cause parents much trouble: they grow up to be quite obedient children. Very early on, they shift responsibility for themselves from their parents’ shoulders to their own, and they do it well - Goats rarely get into bad company and “play around” alcoholic drinks and cigarettes. As they get older, they try to leave home and start an independent life.

They find a worthy soulmate with whom they start their family, so that they can again be freed from obligations. This lifestyle gives them the opportunity to live for their own pleasure - to be safe and not need for anything. In principle, the spouse also does not feel discomfort with the shy and feminine Goat, until these people begin to complain about their lives, in the expectation that they will be pitied and protected.

Goats usually have one marriage, in which they live calmly and without worries. If the partner cannot give them this, then they are ready to move back to their native land, but on the condition that the parents are rich, otherwise they will look for a new wealthy passion.

Health of those born in the year of the Goat (Sheep). Goats have excellent health, which they constantly take care of - proper nutrition, sport, healthy image life. The only thing that constantly bugs these people is their nerves. But this problem can be easily dealt with - they get rid of the cause of the disease. Goats are usually long-lived, unless they suddenly lose their temper and start leading a riotous lifestyle. And this happens to them - especially after stress.

Characteristics of the Water Goat (Sheep)

People born in the year of the Goat of the Water element are distinguished by their friendliness and ability to listen. They do not make high demands on friends and family members, so they make excellent parents. Water Goats touchy, but they never get angry - they just shrug their shoulders and move on. They quickly forgive the offender. These people need constant support, both financial and emotional, and they usually look for it in their spouses.

The team loves them, but Water Goats very often change jobs because they cannot follow someone’s instructions. They are cheerful and sociable, surrounded by many strong people with whom they can feel small, like in childhood, knowing that they will always be protected.

Characteristics of the Wood Goat (Sheep)

People born in the year of the Goat with the Wood element are quite vulnerable and sensual. They often get offended by others even over small things, but carefully hide this under the guise of friendliness. It's very difficult to get along with them good relationship, since they constantly expect tricks from those around them. The reason for this behavior is personal insincerity, which they try on others.

Wooden Goats they do not know how to manage money - they often save, but their budget is always meager. They love to be the center of attention, but they rarely succeed because they do not have the ability to attract the public. Wood Goats are generous, and many dishonest people take advantage of this.

Characteristics of the Fire Goat (Sheep)

People born in the year of the Goat of the Fire element are sensual, they are wonderful friends, although their circle of friends is not so large. They often come to them not only for advice, but also to cry - these people will always listen and understand the situation. But they are not very good workers, because without constant motivation they will not be able to stay afloat. It is better for them to run the house, shifting the provision of the family onto the shoulders of their partner. They are wonderful parents - their children love them and appreciate their openness in communication.

Fire Goats– confident and independent. Always stand up for themselves. They do not tolerate being bossed around and immediately break off relations with such a person. These people love to be the center of attention. They make talented actors.

Characteristics of the Earth Goat (Sheep)

People born in the year of the Goat of the Earth element are true friends. You can always rely on them. They have a well-developed instinct, they always feel the mood of their interlocutor, adapting to him, therefore with Earth Goats You can be sad and have fun.

Their family is very important to them; they will never betray their soulmate. Goats are excellent parents; they always know what their child wants and try with all their might to make his dream come true. There is always order and comfort in their home, since for these people it is very important to have not only a pure heart, but also clean house. They are realists in life, so they never build castles in the air, they always set goals for themselves and clearly follow their achievement. Earth Goats are not prone to heavy spending. They always have a certain amount set aside for the future.

Characteristics of the Metal Goat (Sheep)

People born in the year of the Goat with the Metal element are peaceful and calm. They love a beautiful life, but someone must provide it, because these Goats are not used to working. They are often financially dependent on parents, relatives, and then children. But no one holds a grudge against them for this, since Metal Goats are kind and their home is always open to friends and family.

These people have a tough appearance, so the first impression of them is that they are cold and unprincipled individuals, but this is a misleading idea - rather, on the contrary, they are cheerful, perky and sincere. If there are any problems in their life, they solve them on their own, except for money ones.

You can find out online which year correlates with which animal of the Eastern horoscope, its color and element on the page.

Fire Sheep (Goat)

Earth Sheep

Metal Sheep

Water Sheep

Wooden Sheep

Fire Sheep (Goat)

Earth Sheep

Metal Sheep

Water Sheep

Wooden Sheep

Fire Sheep (Goat)

January 24, 2039 - February 11, 2040

Earth Sheep

Sheep (Goat) - female principle of yin, sign of the fourth triangle, element of Earth

The Sheep (Goat) sign is peaceful, modest and contemplative, with a great interest in music, art, poetry and drawing. The monastic or contemplative lifestyle is often associated with the Sheep. The distinctive qualities of the sign are artistry, shyness and modesty. The Sheep is in no hurry to show off his feelings, does not strive to take the first step towards rapprochement, and therefore needs a confident and persistent partner to arrange his personal life. The Sheep compensates for its own insecurities by criticizing others. Follows a special routine throughout your life unexpected turns fate disrupts mental balance for a long time. Often needs special “sterile” conditions, likes to complain about his lot and dramatize events. The thin, stylish, intellectually developed Sheep is pleasant to talk to, knows how to arrange a luxurious life, and needs a true connoisseur of her merits. Representatives of this sign are practical, look at life rationally, and remain faithful to their loved ones and close people.

Positive qualities of the sign

Meekness in communication, sincerity in expressing feelings and care make the Sheep an excellent family man. In love, these qualities contribute to long-term successful unions, but in their career, the Sheep often encounters obstacles in which more energetic signs bypass it. This sign needs protection, security and a comfortable environment. Only in such conditions will the Sheep reveal his true creative potential and make the life of his loved ones more elegant, comfortable, and richer. Responsiveness and generosity are attractive qualities of this sign.

Negative qualities of the sign

Indecision, lack of will and passivity prevent the Sheep from achieving the heights worthy of her in her career. Pessimism deprives one of strength and interferes with communication. The Sheep often worries about little things, complains about his fate, but makes no effort of will to change anything for the better. Lack of will and inaction prevent the realization of the talents of this sign.

Good in the year of the Sheep devote more time to personal development, interests, and realization of creative potential. This is a wonderful year to conceive a child, settle down hearth and home. This year the “save and earn” principle works well; the period is conducive to optimizing your personal budget. It's good to have multiple sources of income. A series of crises will allow you to part with unnecessary things and people, clearing space for the most important things. Good year for Sheep/Goat, Monkey and Pig. Difficult period for the Ox, Tiger, Rooster and Dog. Positive year for Rat, Rabbit, Dragon, Snake and Horse.

Celebrities of this sign

Michelangelo, Christopher Columbus, Miguel de Cervantes Osho Rajneesh, France Kafka, Robert Stevenson, Honoré de Balzac, Mark Twain, Arthur Conan Doyle, Laurence Olivier, Jonathan Swift, Jaroslav Hasek, Gianni Rodari, Paul Eluard, Benito Mussolini, Mikhail Gorbachev, Andy Warhol, Bogdan Khmelnitsky, Rudolf Valentino, Andrew Carnegie, Muhammad Ali, Bobby Fischer. Actors: Catherine Deneuve, Bruce Willis, Billy Bob Thornton, Kevin Costner, Nicole Kidman, Julia Roberts, Gosha Kutsenko, Claire Danes, Evgeny Tsyganov.

Character of the sign by elements

Red Fire Sheep (Goat)

Intelligence, diverse interests and passion distinguish the Fire Sheep from other representatives of the sign. She is energetic, but maintains modesty and good manners in society. This sign is one of the best for love. The combination of tenderness, passion and shyness gives a romantic relationship a special charm. Sheep can fully reveal her talents if she is happily in love.

Yellow Earth Sheep (Goat)

Practicality, passivity and predictability distinguish representatives of the earth element of this sign. Reliability and stability make the Earth Sheep the best marriage partner. The Earth Sheep provides indispensable support to people in difficult situations. She has golden hands and a golden heart. Her pedantry can tire, but accuracy and frugality contribute to well-being and harmony. She loves all the pleasures of life, is sometimes overly practical, and is incapable of impulsive actions.

White Metal Sheep (Goat)

The Metal Sheep is the most sociable among the representatives of this sign. Overcomes shyness, loves to be the life of the party, easily establishes connections between completely different people. Does not like strict routines and restrictions. She is creatively gifted and optimistic about life. Active curiosity and natural curiosity make her a traveler and researcher of the intricacies of psychology. She is the most freedom-loving and open to communication. Loves his home. Does not forgive adultery.

Black (blue) Water Sheep

The most secretive element of this sign, the Water Sheep knows how to keep its own and other people’s secrets. Her heart is an ocean of secrets. Often she herself cannot understand the motives of her actions. He does not strive to shine in society, he is an excellent manipulator, using weakness to strengthen and protect. Deep feelings and devotion in love make her a wonderful partner who, over time, will discover more and more new facets of her personality. The least selfish, the Water Sheep will prefer marriage for love to practical calculation. Tries to avoid responsibility and shift his problems onto others. She is often musically gifted and has good vocal abilities.

Green Wood Sheep (Goat)

The Wood Sheep is a homebody, does not like noisy companies, and needs to respect the boundaries of personal space. In a partnership, it is easy to give up leadership positions along with the responsibility for providing luxurious living conditions. A loving sign if you can overcome detachment. A reliable and faithful life partner who can do almost everything.

It is difficult to imagine a person born in the year of the Goat who would have a strong character and disposition. These are emotionally weak individuals, not ready to defend themselves in front of society, lazy and passive. Although the Goat is good-natured, looks great, and loves socializing in large companies. Human politeness and good manners are pleasant to people - there is always an army of fans next to the Goat.

Characteristics of people born in the year of the Goat

People born in the year of the Goat are very prudent, kind, delicate, and very artistic. They make good actors. They often have excellent taste: they always take care of their appearance and are ambitious. They know how to make friends, try to come to the aid of friends and relatives in difficult times.

They lack self-confidence to succeed: The Goat is a timid sign.

Frequent moodiness and pessimism lead to depression. In many ways, the Goat's position in society depends on spiritual development. Sometimes there is not enough flexibility of communication in order to achieve material benefits.

Years of the Goat

In ancient Chinese calendar Each year corresponds to a specific animal. The sign of the Goat, Sheep or Ram is in eighth place. It has three names at once, since Chinese language translation is equivalent. However, archaeologists believe that the Goat appeared in the ancient east earlier, judging by the skeletons found in excavations. That’s why this year is often called that way.

The New Year begins on February 19. The Goat's talisman stone is emerald. Happy dates: 3, 4, 9. Plant – carnation. Colors for luck: red, green. Dates of birth and years:

  • 1907 – element fire, red;
  • 1919 – element earth, yellow;
  • 1931 – element metal, white;
  • 1943 – element water, black;
  • 1955 – element wood, green;
  • 1967 – element fire, red;
  • 1979 – earth element, yellow;
  • 1991 – element metal, white;
  • 2003 – element water, black;
  • 2015 – element tree, green.

In addition to the sign, the element affects a person.


The natural influence had a beneficial effect on the character of the Goat. She is not as frivolous as other representatives of the sign. The Wood Goat has good vitality and a soft, compliant character. She is not ready to argue and make trouble, she will always give in to the stronger one.


The Fire Goat, thanks to its element, is endowed with courage, emotional and impulsive; emotional self-expression is important to it. Like other Goats, she is charming, has creative abilities, loves comfort and luxury. She sees herself in the role of a housewife, but she is not one. He digs deeply into people, looking for flaws in them, which prevents him from building relationships.


The Earth Goat is the only representative of the sign who does not waste money. The elements endowed her with prudence and conservatism. Has great demands: prefers cozy housing, good clothes, expensive jewelry and constant entertainment.

She tries to pay for her desires herself, this significantly distinguishes her from other Goats.


The self-confidence and vitality of the metal Goat is artificial. In fact, this is a vulnerable personality. Compared to other representatives of the year, she is the most emotional and sensitive. Loves comfort, but does not seek to provide it on his own. She is constantly looking for a partner who will lead her to a rich life.


The Water Goat knows what it wants and is confident in its abilities. He captivates everyone with his charm, tenderness and magnificent appearance. Many would dream of being next to her. Never makes hasty conclusions, acts slowly and delicately. This is one of the representatives who can build a career. She gets very nervous when her expressed opinion goes unnoticed.

Characteristics of a Goat man

Although natural charisma did not deprive the Ram man, his abilities remain unnoticed. He knows how to treat women and care for them according to all the rules of etiquette, but shyness sometimes prevents him from opening up.

A man values ​​friendship, is courteous with his comrades, and is always in a hurry to help. For these qualities he is loved and appreciated. The Ram does not like conflicts and often gives in to his opponent, which makes him weaker compared to others.

The guy depends on the opinions of others and will never commit an act that others might evaluate negatively.

Characteristics of the Goat Woman

The Sheep woman is a real lady. She is a fragile, sophisticated nature from birth. Compromising in quarrels, capable of giving in, being led in relationships. Due to her tenderness and femininity, the Goat girl is popular with men. She often lacks fire, passion and vital energy, sometimes wears an actress mask. It is impossible to guess what it will be like tomorrow.

Child born in the year of the Goat

Goat in love and marriage

The sheep is a calm animal, in many ways lazy. Such people do not want to rush into marriage. They have been looking for a suitable, wealthy partner for a long time. Love fades into the background against the background of mercantile interests.

For the Goat, the main thing is to have stability and security.

A person who appreciates her good character and comes to terms with all her advantages and disadvantages will be able to create a strong family. It is important to be a support, to bear full responsibility in spiritual and material terms. And the Goat realizes itself as a creative person in everyday life: it will cook great and decorate the interior. Sex is not important for such people. The sheep will come up with new ideas for entertainment in bed, the partner will perform them.

Goat in friendship

With regard to friendship, everything is logical and understandable - people love kind and sympathetic people. The goat treats others with trepidation. Every time she tries to give advice if asked. Loves new acquaintances, travel, and will create an atmosphere of ease in any company.

Work and career

Goats do not bother themselves with work; you rarely meet careerists. What is it - laziness or lack of mental abilities? There's nothing wrong with the mind. She has no organization, no desire to reach the top. Therefore, career is far from the first place for the Goat.

Compatible with other years

Not suitable for the Goat at all. They have a psychological dependence on each other, which creates pressure in the relationship.

They will not be able to find mutual understanding with the Goat. Conflicts and lack of support will soon destroy a marriage.

Rabbit, Goat and Pig have good compatibility with the Goat, they are comfortable together.

Goat by zodiac sign

No matter how smart, charming and artistic the Goat is, fate controls it with the help of eastern horoscope. A zodiac sign can make many additions to a person's character.


This combination speaks of the contradictory character of a person. On the one hand he is emotional, on the other he is calm. Has a changeable mood - you never know when a hurricane, ruled by Aries, will break out. Personal life develops differently. Main task partner - endure periodic outbursts, appreciate the tenderness and care that the Goat gives.


The Sheep in Taurus is incredibly attractive: these sociable, sympathetic people live in a positive way. From the outside it seems that a person never has problems. Simply, the Goat knows how to find an approach to everything, always realistically assesses the situation and its capabilities. Such people make good artists, actors, and writers. They can feel comfortable in any company.

Goat Gemini

The Goat-Gemini combination has strong energy. A person needs constant communication, loves to help people, a socially active sign. There is so much energy felt inside that its implementation is simply necessary. Gemini Goat is an emotional sign; it does not like constancy, including in love. Prefers to change partners often, the monotony quickly gets boring.


Cancer-Goat is a good-natured person, supports his family, and sincerely worries about them. Gentleness sometimes gets in the way of this sign. In relationships he is guided not by feelings, but personal experience. He wants to create an atmosphere of warmth and comfort around himself, an excellent family sign. He does not cope well with separation and betrayal, and is in no hurry to get married.


The Goat extinguishes the aggression and emotionality of Leo with its tenderness and kindness. A sociable, well-mannered person, he can easily cope with the position of a leader and takes his responsibilities seriously. However, the Goat suppresses Leo's confidence, which makes a person vulnerable to others. It is difficult for him to defend his point of view in front of more confident people. In relationships she values ​​sincere love and kindness.


From the outside it seems like a kind and sympathetic person, but the Virgo-Goat can be stubborn and not at all friendly. Emotions often take over the situation. Relationships with the opposite sex do not always work out well. The Goat is looking for a partner who would take over the material sphere of their life. For a long time, persistently searching for his ideal. Virgo-Goat is the most constant among other signs.


Libra makes the Sheep even more gentle and sophisticated. People of this sign constantly monitor their appearance and love when people pay attention to them. They cannot stand loneliness, they try to be useful to friends and relatives. The Goat in the sign of Libra is endowed with incredible determination, which distinguishes it from other shy Goats.


Scorpio-Goat has a difficult character. The sign is stubborn, hysterical, in constant search of new emotions. Despite the complexity of their temperament, Scorpio has a magnetic effect on those around them, especially on the opposite sex. In communication, the Goat prevails; she is easy-going and resourceful, loves to be the center of attention. The main thing is not to enter into arguments or discussions with her; the boundless stubbornness of the sign cannot be taken away.


Goat-Sagittarius is an incredibly lazy person. Occasionally commits rash, unexpected actions that he cannot explain. A sociable, easy-going person with a bright appearance, the will to express himself, and is always open to new emotions. Despite its fickleness, the Sheep, born under the sign of Sagittarius, is an excellent family man.


The two signs complement each other. Practical and calculating Capricorn develops spontaneity in actions. The frivolous Sheep becomes more organized and restrained. It is difficult for a person to let emotions out. Goat-Capricorn tries to realize himself materially. Compared to other signs, she is able to achieve this on her own.


A Goat in any sign is contradictory. In combination with Aquarius, you get a very unusual, non-standard personality. There is emotion, determination, unpredictability and pragmatism. The characteristics of such a person are beyond description.

A person born in the year of the Goat is shy, reasonable, friendly, endowed with abilities in the field of fine arts.

When is the year of the Goat?

Years of the Goat: 1955, 1967, 1979, 1991, 2003, 2015.

The goat is considered the guardian of human creative powers, a symbol of self-organization in a limited environment and the creator of an artificial (artistic) environment.

People born in this year have a reputation for being elegant, artistic, and helpful rationalists.

They are very ambitious, but at the same time shy and timid, which often makes them somewhat annoying and greatly hinders their career advancement along the path of success.

In the Year of the Goat, be yourself and try to set aside some time for self-indulgence, since now both you and the whole world are struggling to make it through a series of crises large and small.

Good year for Goats, Monkeys and Pigs; bad for Bulls, Tigers, Roosters and Dogs; neutral for Rats, Rabbits, Dragons, Snakes and Horses.

Goat according to the horoscope: what kind of person is she?

The timid and pampered Goat is prone to pessimism, often gives in to life's troubles and cannot make an independent decision, he hesitates all the time.

She never knows which direction to choose, always relies on others, prefers that decisions are made for her. The Goat's dishonesty sometimes confuses those around her: she has absolutely no sense of responsibility, initiative, or will.

If any trouble occurs, it is never the fault of the person of the year of the Goat - after all, the decisions were made by others, not him.

The goat is elegant and artistic, she has good taste, she is simply in love with nature. She could have become one of the most charming signs, if not for her constant restlessness, whims and annoyingness, with which she simply drives those around her crazy.

The leaders of the representatives of this sign are useless; the person of the year of the Goat is not capable of leading, is not endowed with the gift of eloquence, although he is ready to defend his convictions.

In material terms, she is usually well off, loves convenience and comfort, but, as a rule, is always dissatisfied with her lot.

The person of the year of the Goat knows how to please when necessary, use others and live at their expense (rich parents, a successful friend, a philanthropist, a wealthy husband who would take care of her - this is the limit of her dreams).

At the same time, she rarely depends on anyone, since she can adapt to any conditions. She is inclined to charity, willingly shares with others who are more unfortunate than her. But it should be noted that she usually shares what does not belong to her at all.

The person of the year of the Goat may be good specialist, to perform work that combines both technical and artistic skill. Smart, but will never play the first role, and this is better for her.

He should avoid commerce - he will never succeed in this area.

The second phase of the Goat’s life will affect her feelings, but the third will be especially successful. It should be noted that, without burdening himself with material worries, surrounding himself with advisers, the Goat can achieve success.

The Man of the Year of the Goat often faces love problems; a stormy and eventful life awaits him.

Goat character according to horoscope

The Goat is a shy animal, and this trait is clearly present in most people born under this sign. For some reason, this fact prevents many people from trying to start a personal relationship with her.

This may bother someone born in the year of the Goat a little and awaken the nervous side of her personality, which, in any case, will find a way to express itself. Born in the year of the Goat:

Once the barriers are passed, she turns into an affable, warm and very pure person, with courage, good organizational skills and excellent practical sense.

The Goat is very emotional and finds its highest pleasure in absolute love.

Some may say that the Goat is too serious and cares more about its own benefit, but all members of this herd are likely to be good family men, deeply loyal to those for whom they show concern.

Those born in the Year of the Goat are unlikely to make the first move in personal relationships, and may even seem cool until you get to know them better.

She's not a one-night stand, and it's fair to assume that a long-term relationship with her will bring you more satisfaction.

The effort you expended will come back to you with interest, and no matter how hard you try, you won’t be able to do it. best investment time and devotion than in this case.

Those born in the year of the Goat are often successful in the material sense and usually achieve their goals through perseverance. They are calm, pleasant, beautiful, but beneath this surface lie deeper qualities.

Known for their warm smile and pleasant nature, goats are usually devoted to their partners and will happily stay with them for life. They are certainly very stable.

The quirks and whims of people of the year of the Goat have become almost textbook in astrology. Regardless of whether these people are religious or adhere to atheistic views, they are often depressed by their fate and complain a lot about their fate.

No amount of persuasion from astrologers, psychologists or relatives can make them change their point of view.

Attacks of pessimism and the habit of constantly criticizing almost all aspects of reality become the cause of numerous misunderstandings and worsen relationships with others.

The “goats” themselves are often perplexed by this turn of affairs, because they are always completely sincerely ready to give one or another quite reasonable advice to everyone in need.

It can be very difficult for people of the Year of the Goat to understand why they are sometimes considered obstinate and at the same time absolutely weak-willed.

When choosing a profession, such people most often give preference to those positions where they need to intelligently combine technical and artistic talents, where there is no need to constantly experience stress, but they can have a guaranteed, consistently high salary.

Success comes to them in prestigious positions in public committees and parliamentary receptions, in secular clubs and other elite institutions.

Years of the Goat and their elements

Time of domination

Yang or yin

Goat element Fire

  • Here is an interesting combination that can surprise you almost every minute. The fact is that the Goat is usually very calm and reserved. She is sometimes difficult to understand.
  • Add to this the energy and passion that comes from Fire, and you will see that an abyss of possibilities opens up before you.
  • Goat Fire element usually smolders for a long time and then explodes into emotional flames, causing shock to those around them. It takes a keen eye and true understanding to comprehend what is happening and be alert.
  • The qualities of the Fire Goat are hidden in the depths of her soul, and therefore, at first glance, she differs little from other members of the family. The goat is kind and gentle, passionate and generous. She is smart and competent in everything she undertakes.
  • The Goat of the Fire element is able to swim across the sea of ​​life without causing significant disturbance, but not always. The true nature of this rather complex character is hidden in the depths of personal relationships.
  • This Goat is so passionate that it’s hard to believe; she has a reputation as one of the best lovers in the entire Chinese “zoo”.
  • A Fire Goat in love becomes more relaxed and sexually attractive, and will do everything possible to ensure that the relationship that the Fire Goat seeks is not threatened.
  • Her strength sparkles like flashes of lightning; unexpectedly for everyone, she can demonstrate the ability to dominate a person.
  • It is so unexpected that it can seem either wonderful or terrible. You can see the most striking features of this sign once a year, or perhaps just once in a lifetime.

Goat element Metal

  • The Goat, who is usually joyful and easy to talk to, prefers to be a very quiet person at heart. This is probably not so true for the Metal Goat, who is more likely to agree to be the life of the party.
  • But still she remains a pet, and she will not like to be on the road from morning to evening.
  • The Goat of the Metal element is skilled in managing affairs and can usually be called successful. She has a creative streak and usually strives to create a bright, sunny home that has plenty to look at and room for air and movement.
  • Relationships are very important for all Goats, and especially for the Metal one, for whom home, family and a loved one are the main ones. driving factors in the practical side of life.
  • The Goat is kind, and when she is nearby, you will not have to wait long for flowers and gifts; they are usually present in abundance in personal relationships with the Metal Goat.
  • The Goat of the Metal element loves to travel, but would rather do it in company and will always take care of the safety of the home when the time comes to be away for a long period. The Goat is open, free and liberal.
  • There is no person who would end a relationship that has at least some chance of success, and the Metal Goat is philosophical about all the ups and downs that accompany any union.
  • However, it should be remembered that she is true to herself, and after a decision is made, she is not one of those who will go back on her word.

Goat element Earth

  • This combination is probably more suitable for women than for men. the earthly Goat will be a friend to almost everyone he meets and a mother or father to the whole world.
  • This person's character is best described by the expression "Mother Earth": he is calm and self-confident, not suffering from the innate psychological complexes that always seem to attack other members of the same family.
  • The Wood Goat has perseverance and resilience, she will always come to the rescue in times of crisis and will be devoted to you even in the most difficult circumstances.
  • She has skillful hands, and almost like the Fire Goat, the Goat of the Earth element is able to make something out of nothing.
  • Sewing machine, carpentry and plumbing tools - you will find all this in the house of the Earth Goat, which in a few moments can fix even a hunchback.
  • Your clothes will always be washed and your socks hemmed. Sometimes such an order will simply annoy you. This is possible when you live next to an overly caring and overly capable person, and she may well prove to you that this is so.
  • And yet she has many virtues, she has kindness and depth of spirit, few can compare with her.
  • The Earth element adds sensitivity to her, she likes it good food, good drinks, stimulation of all senses and especially an active sex life.
  • Of course, it all depends on what you are expecting. If you want a house in the woods, full of homemade furniture, and a car that runs outdoors, then the Earth Goat might be the one for you. Just try not to end up becoming a vegetable!

Goat element Tree

  • This Goat is very sensitive, and this fact should not be forgotten when you are dealing with it.
  • Although the Goat of the Wood element is kind, selfless, warm and very sociable, she maintains such a large internal distance that it is almost impossible to overcome.
  • The problems that arise from this can be avoided if you and your Wood Goat can deal with the situation early on.
  • The Goat of the Wood element is a natural homebody, sometimes she can be very shy, and sometimes extremely tough. When the Wood element and the Goat sign meet, an obvious paradox arises that astrology often overlooks.
  • The Wood Goat's problems arise not when it falls under the pressure of circumstances, but when it has time to reflect on them, and therefore it feels better in an active and spectacular environment.
  • Ensuring this will be your task, because if you are one of the more dominant types, the Goat will give you the right to be a leader.
  • This doesn't mean that the Wood Goat isn't capable of being practical, creative, and even inspiring at times. She is exactly the person who is best to have as a travel companion while traveling around a deserted island.
  • The goat is inventive and can cook food for an entire family from almost nothing. In many ways, an alliance with her will be difficult, but at the same time it will be interesting.
  • The Goat of the Wood element is very loving and is always ready to please you. What else can a realistically minded person expect from his partner?

Goat element Water

  • The hardest part of any relationship with a Water Goat is probably getting to know the Water Goat first.
  • This Goat has many hiding places and secrets; it is difficult to track and catch. The Water Goat is usually good in her own company, and she sometimes refuses to come out of the shadows and try to communicate with someone else.
  • If you decide to tie her to you, you will find yourself living with a truly wonderful person. However, it will take you a lifetime to fully understand it.
  • Many astrologers believe that the element Water is most suitable for the Goat. Of course, this person is inevitably in harmony with himself and with the world as a whole.
  • Often the Goat of the Water element has a developed spiritual principle; she wants to know much more about the world than can be seen at a glance.
  • Although she usually achieves success, she can rarely be called a materialist, because she reserves much more energy for spiritual than for physical development. As a result, the Water Goat's home is likely to be simple, joyful, and most likely full of love.
  • Every character has its negative sides. In the case of the Water Goat, this is the desire to sometimes avoid responsibility and the tendency to rely too much on others.
  • She often ignores the really important aspects of life and puts off decisions for too long.
  • At the same time, it is very difficult to harbor a grudge against the Water Goat, and besides, the Goat of the Water element will most likely choose a person who is confident in own strength and able to earn a living.

People born in the Year of the Goat

Mikhail Gorbachev, Andy Warhol, Mark Twain, Catherine Deneuve, Osho, Rajneesh, Arthur Conan-Doyle, Michelangelo, Laurence Olivier, Gianni Rodari, France Kafka, Robert Stevenson, Honoré de Balzac, Andrew Carnegie, Bogdan Khmelnitsky, Rudolf Valentino, Miguel de Cervantes, Jonathan Swift, Jaroslav Hasek, Muhammad Ali, Bobby Fischer, Christopher Columbus, Benito Mussolini, Paul Eluard.

In addition to the 12 zodiac signs, there are also five elemental elements that reduce or enhance the influence of the chosen sign. See below for the effects of all these elements on the Goat (Sheep).

Five elements and the year of the Goat (Sheep) in our century

  • 1907 February 13 - element of the year fire
  • 1919 February 1 - element of the year earth
  • 1931 February 17 - element of the year metal
  • 1943 February 5 - element of the year water
  • 1955 January 24 - element of the year tree
  • 1967 February 9 - element of the year fire
  • 1979 February 7 - element of the year earth
  • 1991 February 15 - element of the year metal
  • 2003 February 1 - element of the year water
  • 2015 February 19 - element of the year tree

Outwardly, people under the sign of the Metal Goat (Sheep) seem self-confident, but deep down in their souls they are vulnerable creatures. She is more active than other types when it comes to protecting feelings, and therefore she becomes overprotective of her loved ones and begins to delve into things where her opinion is not needed. By this she shows that she wants to be close to her loved ones, when she should give them freedom, and instead control her own instincts.

The Goat (Sheep) values ​​comfort and security, so she always strives to acquire patrons, they will give her access to luxury. There is no doubt that she likes to receive all the benefits on a tray, and she does not like to work from dusk to dawn. She would rather prefer communication in a pleasant company, instead of working by the sweat of her brow.

Metal Goat (Sheep) attaches great value friends, and this can even jeopardize family well-being.

The Metal Goat (Sheep) has great artistic talent, and if she is lucky enough to be born into a family of musicians and writers, then when she grows up she will be able to demonstrate extraordinary successes and talents.

Before us is a great seducer, confident in his personal charm. She is so sweet and gentle that many would like to be her patrons.

Unlike its sisters, the Water Goat (Sheep) knows what it wants, does not take unnecessary risks, does not act rashly, but concentrates its efforts on one chosen direction. She is careful and acts consistently. All this allows her to make a good career, no matter what field she works in.

Her behavior inspires trust and favor, and this ensures her patronage the right people. But her path is not always strewn with roses. The Water Goat (Sheep) is often concerned only with insisting on its own, and is very offended if the wind is not favorable for it.

Thanks to the influence of the Tree, this Goat (Sheep) has the most deeply rooted moral principles; it does not allow itself to be as frivolous as the previous one. She ends up being much more altruistic and generous.

This Goat (Sheep), like others, does not like quarrels. She will make great sacrifices in the name of harmony, will give in to people with a stronger character, while knowing that she herself is well adapted to life. She blindly believes those she loves.

Another virtue of the Wood Goat (Sheep) is that it is always ready to help. She will never refuse a friend a loan. According to folk wisdom, “what goes around comes around, fate will reward the Goat (Sheep) for her sacrifices and she, sooner or later, will receive a large inheritance or money will fall on her like manna from heaven.

The Wood Goat (Sheep), as a universal mother, is always ready to shelter the homeless, give tenderness and affection to those who are close to her.

Fire endowed this Goat (Sheep) with a bright spark, rewarding her with rich intuition and even courage, which is not typical of her other sisters. Creative, impulsive, fickle, people under the sign of the Fire Goat (Sheep) need to express their emotions, but they do this with a dose of theatricality and drama. But most importantly, this person is sincere and direct. Despite the apparent softness from the outside, he can dot all the “i’s” with sufficient rigidity and powerful energy, which leaves both strangers and his own in surprise.

This Goat (Sheep), like the rest of its types, loves convenience and comfort; she really likes it when her home is cozy. Here she sees herself in the role of a good housewife. Her main drawback is her lack of perseverance, which greatly prevents her from moving along the intended path. The contradiction is that the Goat (Sheep) greatly needs freedom of action, and its indecision often makes it difficult for it to achieve success. In addition, she is somewhat pessimistic at times, and often sees the shortcomings of others rather than the strengths, and this greatly prevents her from feeling and being happy.

Due to the influence of the Earth element, this type of Goat (Sheep) is calmer and more conservative than most other types of its kind. She does not have a tendency to waste money, but since goat blood flows in her veins, she is not able to deny herself pleasures and comfort. She is very seductive, sophisticated and elegant.

The Earthly Goat (Sheep) always tries to earn more money so that it can pay for its whims. She is a tireless worker and often takes on many responsibilities to ensure her accounts are always in order. in perfect order. And success accompanies her for her efforts.