How are solar panels made? Prospects for the solar panel business.

We are again returning to business ideas related to energy saving and high technology, this time we have prepared a small overview of the state of the solar technology market in Russia.

Solar technology is a modern device for generating energy that is installed to provide a home with heat or electricity. Being popular in the West, this technique is gradually penetrating into Russian life. At the same time, the question arises about the relevance of the solar panel installation business.

What are solar panels used for?

Experts in alternative energy sources identify several reasons that motivate people to install solar panels:

1. The desire to avoid interaction with public energy supply systems is often found among those whose homes are located outside the city.

2. The desire to equip your home with a useful technological innovation is especially typical for people who have visited Europe or America.

3. The desire to save money in the face of constantly rising housing and communal services tariffs. Just 10 years ago, electricity in Russia was several times cheaper than in Europe. Today these numbers are approximately the same.

Does business have development prospects in Russia?

Today, solar panels are present on the roof of almost every European home. It is believed that such trends will become characteristic of Russians. The energy dilemma is that Russia is one of the largest suppliers of traditional energy resources, but in the process of integrating the state into the world economic system, the development of a new concept is required: the conservation of irreplaceable natural resources. This means that the business aimed at installing solar energy processing systems has good prospects.

Skeptical view

Before starting a new business, you need to make sure that it will be of interest to a specific audience. Solar energy is no exception. In addition to supporters, this type of business also has opponents.

Skeptics believe that solar energy recycling is only practical in hot regions, such as the United Arab Emirates or California. Many Russian regions are characterized by a large number of cloudy days a year, and therefore the installation of solar panels seems pointless to many due to the low return on the equipment. The system includes semiconductor panels, batteries and their charging systems, as well as energy converters. There is an opinion that the amount spent on the purchase of such a system will not pay off over the period of operation.

What can you answer to skeptics?

Real practical results will help eliminate doubts about the usefulness of solar panels. An example can be given in the installation of batteries for the purpose of using them to heat a home and produce hot water. Observations carried out in St. Petersburg, which is characterized by predominantly cloudy weather, showed the following results: flat three-sector panels that receive diffused light (SOLAR-300 or similar) generate heat during the year in an amount of 4 to 4.5 thousand. kWh

Installing such batteries together with a heat accumulator like the Jaspi GTV 500K allows you to heat enough water for a daily shower within 40 minutes. Nowadays, solar energy is a worthy alternative to centralized heating. It allows you to save money without depriving yourself of comfort and coziness.

You need to be prepared for the fact that solar panels will not provide 100% energy to your home. However, in any case, they will save up to 60% compared to traditional methods of heating water. Calculations show that the installation of solar technology in the average home pays for itself in about 2 years.

Using solar panels to generate electricity

Experts note that solar technology has high efficiency indicators when used to generate electricity for domestic needs. To achieve this goal, a comprehensive installation of batteries and household appliances with low energy consumption is recommended.

Installing LED lamps, a refrigerator and a TV of category A+, as well as a small-sized pump for the heating system means that batteries with an area of ​​​​about 10 square meters. m. will be enough in the summer. In winter, energy production from such an area may not be sufficient, so you can expand your own energy system at home by installing wind generators with a power level of 1.5 kW (see. ).

There are already entire houses in large cities that are completely powered by energy generated by solar panels and wind generators. The equipment is installed by local entrepreneurs without incurring significant costs. Such systems are the optimal solution if there are no free substations nearby, because building your own will cost a lot of money.

Business for installation of solar systems in the West and Russia

In developed countries, installation of solar panels and related equipment is carried out mainly by small companies. There, this business is considered ideal for people who are well versed in electrical engineering. German entrepreneurs note that a minimum investment of money is required at the start, but you must be a real professional. They recommend taking into account all sorts of little things when working: for example, at what time of day will the customer consume energy? Does he know how to manage such systems? etc.

Russian businessmen also believe that this business is for professionals who keep up with the times. There are now many weak batteries on the Russian market, which on paper have good characteristics. Therefore, you need to choose equipment carefully; the reputation of the business depends on it. Initial investment in the amount of 200 thousand rubles. will be enough. This money will be used to purchase installation tools and devices for setting up solar systems.

While there are few companies operating in the market, there is a chance to be one of the first to enter it and gain a good foothold. This will become a serious competitive advantage in the future. Considering that the demand for solar panels is still small, you can combine this business with the installation of electrical systems and other related areas: and.

Work of machinery and equipment; Production and production of solar panels is one of the most developing types of business. Solar batteries are specialized devices whose operating principle is based on processing solar energy. The use of this technology has found implementation on a production scale and in home improvement. They are used for:

  1. Heating the house.
  2. Works of ventilation units.
  3. Water heating, etc.

Today, the purchase and installation of solar panels is very popular in the private sector (country houses, dachas, cottages, etc.). This allows you to save a considerable amount on utility bills.

Relevance and market analysis

Due to low competition in the modern solar cell market, there are ample opportunities for production. Thanks to this, such a business idea has excellent prospects for making a permanent profit. Solar batteries are an inexhaustible source of energy that can be easily used in everyday life and in production.

The operating principle of such batteries is based on converting solar energy (free) into electric current (paid). This is how savings happen.

The energy stored in batteries can be used to directly power appliances and equipment, and can also be stored for use during rolling blackouts or as needed.

The advantage of such installations is that they can operate all year round and consist mainly of:

  • pump;
  • timer;
  • distribution capacity.

Registration and organization of business

Before purchasing materials and renting premises, you need to register your company and production. To do this, you will need to submit the necessary documents to the tax service. Business registration will be carried out there. In addition, the following documents are required:

  1. Application for state insurance.
  2. Application for payment of taxes.


For the production and assembly of panels, you will need a separate room, preferably a small workshop or garage, depending on the planned volumes. On average, to start, you will need a space with a total area of ​​at least 300 sq.m.

For the initial development of a business, it is better to rent a building and equip it in accordance with the norms and rules of production. The following must be provided on site:

  • water supply;
  • heating;
  • ventilation;
  • disinfecting elements;
  • three-phase electricity line.

To ensure high-precision production, it is always necessary to maintain cleanliness in the workshop area.

Equipment and consumables

After renting the premises, you need to take care of purchasing materials, raw materials, equipment and tools. Two types of silicon are used as the main raw material:

  1. Polycrystalline.
  2. Monocrystalline.

But the outer plates made of this material will be very fragile, so the design provides special protection. In terms of cost, such batteries will be much cheaper. Amorphous silicon or CdTe, GaAs can also be used.

The base matters not only in price; the ability of the panels to:

To produce one battery with an area of ​​2 sq.m. you need to prepare in advance:

  1. Selected base of 2 sq.m.
  2. Aluminum frame.
  3. current converter.
  4. Insulated wire.

The tools you will need to prepare are a standard set:

  • saws;
  • levels;
  • meters;
  • jigsaw;
  • electric drill;
  • fastening material.

In addition, you will need more specialized equipment, which will require some investment:

  1. Laser cutter.
  2. Laminator.
  3. Plate cleaning machine.
  4. High voltage testing machines.

All work must be carried out on a high-precision, level table, which is called an inspection table.

Production technology

Production technology is a labor-intensive and multi-level process. Making one panel takes at least 6 hours. To prepare one element you need:


For high-quality production, solar panels must be produced in accordance with all norms and standards by qualified specialists. In addition to ordinary workers, you should definitely invite a certified employee with experience in such production to produce batteries.

It is better to invite foreign colleagues and learn from their experience.

So, the minimum required to hire:

  • physics engineer;
  • electromechanics;
  • installer (2 people);
  • driver (for product sales);
  • sales manager

The business plan will definitely need to include employee wages, taxes and government duties. It is necessary to take care of vehicles for prompt delivery and installation of solar panels.

Advertising and sales

Before establishing a business of this kind, it is necessary to calculate and analyze the competition in this particular region. Despite the relative newness of the products, there are already a number of private large companies and small industries.

High-quality and widespread advertising plays an important role in the successful conduct of business. It is a key point in the formation of the consumer market and the sales niche for manufactured elements.

Competent marketing will allow you not only to advertise your newly opened company, but also to inform the population about the benefits of using and installing solar panels. After all, many today are simply not aware of the advantages and economic profitability of such a new product.

  1. Leaflets at public transport stops.
  2. Advertisements in newspapers and magazines.
  3. Statements on radio and television.

It is important to develop your website, fill it with quality content, create groups on social networks, introduce topics on popular forums, etc.

All this together will make it possible to convey important information to the consumer and expand his knowledge about solar batteries and their advantages. You can do advertising yourself or hire professional marketers, based on the initial amount for the project.

Financial component of business

The cost of production and subsequent installation consists of the following costs:

  • solar battery – up to 20,000 rubles;
  • complete battery system – up to 80,000 rubles;
  • installation for hot water supply up to 60,000 rubles;
  • installation of a water heater with heat exchangers – up to 60,000 rubles.

Installation of panels and solar panels, the price can reach 100% of the cost of the entire system.

Cost of opening and maintaining

The average solar panel manufacturing business will require the following investments:

  1. Basic material and tools – up to 100 thousand rubles.
  2. Premises - rent up to 20 thousand rubles.
  3. Salaries for production employees are up to 100 thousand rubles.
  4. Advertising and additional expenses - 30 thousand rubles.

Amount of future income

If one solar battery costs 20 thousand rubles, then it is easy to calculate the level of income. It directly depends on the effectiveness of advertising and the number of clients. But on average, one order will cost 50,000 rubles with associated costs and installation.

Payback period

The costs will begin to pay off after 1-1.5 years, when production has already been fully established and the company has gained popularity. Consider the fact that the idea of ​​​​manufacturing solar panels for our country is quite new, so you cannot save on advertising. Otherwise, the business may become unprofitable.

In the domestic market, in comparison with foreign analogues, this area is still poorly developed, which means there is an opportunity to become a leading efficient company in the production of solar batteries. A competent calculation and a pre-drawn plan will allow you to effectively distribute investments and make a profit as quickly as possible.

Country life is a great opportunity to take a break from the bustle of the city and get closer to nature untouched by civilization. However, modern man, in addition to the pristine beauty of nature, clean and fresh air, needs comfort. And for this, a country house must be provided with electricity, drinking water and heating.

Having resolved the issue with power supply, the owner of a country house automatically solves two other issues, because if electricity is available, you can run your own artesian well and install an electric fireplace or more efficient heating equipment (infrared heaters, oil convectors, etc.) in the house.

A few words about solar panels

From a structural point of view, a solar panel (module) consists of thin silicon plates located on a plane and securely fixed, which convert the light energy of the Sun into electrical energy. For greater reliability and safety, the surface of the silicon wafers of solar panels is protected with transparent tempered glass.

There are two main types of solar modules on the market today:

Polycrystalline, which have an efficiency of up to 18%;

Monocrystalline. They have the highest efficiency to date - up to 22%.

The cost of batteries made from monocrystalline cells is slightly higher per unit of power, since their production uses silicon of a higher purity. However, this difference is insignificant - about 10%.

The main parameters of a solar panel - voltage and power - do not depend on the type of elements used, so the final choice remains with the buyer. By the way, today polycrystalline solar cells occupy a leading position in the world in terms of production volume.

Studying the market

Before starting any business, you need to carefully study the demand. This is especially important for solar energy, because the efficiency of their operation also depends on the characteristics of the region, namely the number of sunny days per year. In a word, equipment that has proven itself well in Krasnodar or Crimea will work with much less efficiency in the unfavorable latitude of St. Petersburg.

Be that as it may, you need to enter this market now, experts say, when it is just beginning to take shape. Although the demand for installation of solar panels in the regions is not so great now, there is almost no competition.

What do you need to start a solar panel installation business?

To enter this market you need minimal funds and high professional skills. A license for this type of activity is not required.

Each project has its own characteristics, so battery parameters are determined individually, based on specific conditions and tasks. The equipment is purchased at the customer’s expense, so no large investments are required in this business.

A starting ticket for this business will cost an entrepreneur 150-200 thousand rubles - these funds will be spent on the purchase of special equipment for setting up systems, as well as professional tools for installation.

At the initial stage, according to experts, it is logical to combine the business of installing solar panels with proven and working entrepreneurship in related areas, for example, related to the installation of electrical systems and other equipment.

Reading time 10 minutes

Business in the production of solar batteries- a fairly new format of entrepreneurship for Russians. It is one of the innovative ideas, but in a short time of its use, people who started working in this area managed to open their own successful business.

This business format is risky, since there are no standard work models; the entrepreneur will have to develop them independently. You can use the experience of your Western colleagues, because solar panels have been actively used abroad for a long time not only in industrial areas, but also in everyday life.

There are no more than 10 companies on the Russian market producing such panels, so the level of competition is very low. If a novice businessman wants to start a business in this area, then he needs to bring his idea to life before other entrepreneurs appear.

The production of solar panels as a business is not an easy task, requiring special skills and knowledge of manufacturing technology. Difficulties may also arise at the stage of promoting your business - it is not entirely clear which sales channels are the most in demand.

But opening such a business will not require large investments - 300,000 rubles will be enough to organize a mini-production, launch advertising and establish trade channels.

If an entrepreneur opens a company for the production of solar panels from scratch, then he needs to clearly understand what these devices are and how they will be useful to the consumer. This will allow you to determine the circle of main clients with whom you will have to work in the future.

A solar battery is a special device that literally “collects” the energy of the sun’s rays. This energy can be used for the following purposes:

  • heating of premises (houses, industrial and industrial buildings, rural farms);
  • heating water;
  • obtaining electricity for lighting;
  • operation of ventilation systems;
  • operation of technical devices.

A solar collector with an area of ​​1 m2 is capable of heating 100 liters of water in just 1 hour.

Citizens may wonder why solar energy is needed when they can use more conventional systems by contacting their house management. Of course, a solar battery is not used to provide energy to an ordinary apartment. But in a country house or dacha, such a collector can significantly reduce the cost of carrying out the necessary communications. Plus, while using the battery, you will not have to pay for energy, but in a normal situation you will need to pay monthly bills for electricity, gas, and hot water.

The advantages of using solar energy include the following features:

  1. possibility of using accumulated energy;
  2. minimal battery maintenance (every year you only need to check the performance of the device so that it converts energy as efficiently as possible);
  3. silent operation (will ensure maximum comfort of living in the house, which, for example, is impossible when using a water heating installation);
  4. constant improvement of the technologies used makes it possible to increase the efficiency of solar installations and reduce the costs of their production;
  5. absolute harmlessness to humans (batteries do not emit harmful substances into the atmosphere).

All this gives a clear answer whether the production and use of solar panels is profitable or not.

Where to start production?

If an entrepreneur has not encountered the production of solar panels before, he will probably wonder where to start his own business? Before starting your own business, it is necessary to conduct a thorough market analysis. Moreover, it is necessary to study the situation not in the country as a whole, but in a specific region. In some cities, solar energy is already being actively used, and they also have suppliers of the necessary equipment. If there are too many competitors in the industry, it makes sense to try to implement your idea in another region.

The use of solar panels is not advisable in all regions of the country. Northern cities do not use this technology, since the sun shines in them for too short a period of time. It makes sense to open your own production of solar collectors in the southern regions of the country with a warm climate.

Features of the sphere

Working in the field of solar panel production is attractive to budding businessmen not only because of low competition. It also has other positive features:

  • the possibility of opening with a relatively small investment;
  • simplicity and accessibility of solar collector manufacturing technology;
  • development opportunities (including through constant improvement of technologies in the field of solar energy);
  • a large number of potential consumers of the service.

Of course, there will be some difficulties that cannot be avoided. For example, not many Russians know about all the benefits and useful properties of solar panels. Therefore, they will have to tell them about the benefits they receive on their own or by involving experienced marketers.

Solar panel production technology

Some entrepreneurs are hesitant to start working in this area, thinking that it is impossible or very difficult to master production technology on their own. Of course, it will be impossible to do without certain skills. But if a businessman is not at all familiar with the features of creating solar collectors, he can always turn to a consultant for help. For a certain fee, he will not only share the technology, but also help set up production. Finding such a specialist is not always easy. A person must have an excellent understanding of physics and electromechanics.

At the stage of establishing production, you will have to look for suppliers of raw materials. And this is also not an easy task. To create panels you will need:

  • silicon (its monocrystalline or polycrystalline modification is used);
  • aluminum frames;
  • polypropylene;
  • polycarbonate;
  • wires;
  • electricity converters.

There are several production technologies. But novice entrepreneurs usually use the silicon method, since it is considered the most accessible and studied.

If an entrepreneur does not want to create batteries from scratch, but only plans to assemble the structure, then it will be enough to find a supplier of ready-made parts. For example, they can be imported from China. This option will require a minimum investment, since equipment for producing panels is not required. And even though in this case the payback will be quick due to the low volume of investments, but the profitability will significantly decrease due to the high cost of finished parts.

Purchase of necessary equipment

After studying the production technology, you will need to purchase all the necessary equipment. Manufacturing must be fully automated if an entrepreneur wants to sell truly high-quality, strong and durable products. Mechanization of all processes will reduce the cost of panels several times than if finished parts were purchased from suppliers in bulk.

The “handicraft” production method with the purchase of finished parts does not require specialized equipment. An electric drill, a jigsaw, a level and a saw will be enough.

But a full-cycle enterprise must have its own production line. To run it you will need the following equipment:

  • laser cutting machine;
  • laminator;
  • framing machine;
  • cleaning equipment (processes plates);
  • special inspection tables;
  • automatic machines for checking the operation of panels.

But opening full-scale production will require more significant costs. You can buy a fully equipped production line in Asian countries for at least 5,000,000 rubles. And the whole plant will cost 2 times more. In Russia, it is almost impossible to purchase the necessary equipment, since domestic manufacturers almost never produce the appropriate machines.

If the cost of the equipment does not include commissioning, then you will need to pay for it separately, which will further increase the volume of the initial investment.

Beginning entrepreneurs will not be able to open such an expensive enterprise, so they can make battery parts manually or purchase them in advance.

With large-scale production, it is impossible to do without our own cars to deliver finished products to the client and transport workers. Renting a vehicle in this case will be less profitable.

Finding suitable premises

If you are planning a small production of batteries from finished parts, then it is not necessary to rent a separate room - your own garage will be enough. When organizing an entire production line, it will not be possible to do without a specialized workshop. Moreover, funds for repairs will be added to the additional initial costs - otherwise it will not be possible to follow the production technology.

To manufacture solar panels, the room must be equipped with ventilation, heating, electricity and water supply. You will also have to purchase specialized equipment for disinfection - high-precision equipment is produced in clean conditions. The workshop area must be at least 300 m2.


For the full functioning of the enterprise, the following specialists may be required:

  • engineer (you can use one-time consultant services);
  • sales managers (will work with the customer base, promote the product);
  • installers;
  • drivers.

An engineer and driver may not be required if the enterprise is small. But the work of the manager and the installer needs to be divided, since one person will not be able to cope with his tasks equally well.

All employees must have knowledge and experience working with high-tech equipment. Competent and qualified installers are the key to the quality of the work done. Active sales managers - ensuring a sufficient flow of customers.

Registration of production

Even opening a small-scale production of solar panels will require registration as an individual entrepreneur or LLC. This will allow customers to ensure the reliability of the transaction and receive a guarantee of free service.

It is better to choose UTII as a taxation system; individual entrepreneurs can also choose the simplified tax system. Additionally, it is better to apply for state social insurance.

Promotion and sales

Since solar panels are a new product on the Russian market, special attention will have to be paid to their sale. It will be necessary to independently inform the population about the benefits of using panels. They will also have to become familiar with the technologies used and the features of using devices.

It is better to promote such products in a targeted manner. For example, posting leaflets in modern villages. Sales managers can call clients, invite them to a free consultation, or come on their own. Additionally, it is worth spending money on placing advertisements in local newspapers, on thematic and regional forums.

Financial indicators

To open production you will need at least 300,000 rubles. But to organize a full-fledged production line, much more serious investments are needed - about 6,000,000 rubles. It is very difficult for an entrepreneur to find such an amount. Banks are very reluctant to give large loans. The only way out of this situation is to attract investors.

In Egypt, Turkey, as well as in southern Europe, solar collectors have long been installed on the roofs of most residential buildings and small businesses, which allows residents to significantly save on electricity and heating. Thus, in the USA, thanks to the use of solar systems, it is possible to save up to one and a half million tons of fuel annually. Mother Nature herself invites people to take advantage of her generously distributed gifts: the Sun sends energy to the Earth every second, the power of which can be approximately estimated at eighty-five thousand billion kilowatts, and this figure is several times higher than the output of all the planet’s power plants combined.

Thanks to solar energy, a solar system of standard sizes (1 square meter of area) is capable of heating ten liters of water to 70 degrees (Celsius) in an hour. At the same time, the solar collector is capable of functioning at temperatures from -40 to +50 degrees. The efficiency is thus between 12% and 19%. The scope of application of solar power plants is huge. They can be used as heating systems in small residential buildings (1-2 floors) and compact buildings of small firms, for heating water in summer showers and outdoor swimming pools, for heating and energy supply of small industrial premises, for heating greenhouses and greenhouses, etc. d.

In Russia, this market niche is just beginning to be filled, and an entrepreneur who manages to offer customers a fundamentally new heating and energy supply system before his competitors will no doubt achieve success. So far, solar collectors have become most widespread in the south of the country - in Simferopol, Krasnodar Territory and Bryansk.

There are two possible formats for a solar collector business. An entrepreneur can provide the population exclusively with sales and installation services, or he can manufacture solar systems on his own. The second option can bring approximately twice the financial return than the first, since the cost of solar systems is extremely low, and launching the project will not require large investments.

Manufacturing of solar collectors

The production of solar collectors does not involve the use of any complex technologies, and it is quite possible to carry it out on your own. Setting up a workplace for production will also not be difficult - you only need a table with a large surface, a drill, a router and a knife. The room in which production is carried out must be well lit and equipped with 220 Volt electricity. Based on these simple parameters, it is quite possible to equip a workshop in a private house (and adapt the garage as a warehouse for storing materials), and thus save on rent.

So, what materials are needed to make solar collectors?

Cellular propylene (or polypropylene) - the base of the solar system is made from it. Polypropylene perceives sunlight well and is able to quickly heat up under its influence;

Polycarbonate – used for the protective layer of the panel;

Aluminum - used to make the frame that secures the structure;

A special coloring composition that converts solar energy into heat.

There is another option for solar systems – silicon solar panels. They will need silicon slabs for the base, phosphorus, a metal layer, insulating materials and material for the reflective layer.

The duration of the production cycle of one collector will be from four to six hours. Depending on the dimensions of the system your customer has ordered, the manufactured manifolds are later assembled into blocks.

Before you take on a specific order, you need to first design the heating system. To do this, data is needed on the area and structure of the building, how many people live (are) in the house and what is the volume of water consumption, on the geographical location of the building and on the desired “outlet” water temperature.

As for the installation of a solar heating system and energy supply, the details here depend on what type of solar system you are installing - summer or winter (year-round). Summer types of solar collectors work on the principle of air circulation, and for year-round solar systems, additional equipment is required - a pump, a collection tank and a timer (and in such cases, not water is usually used as “charging”, but a non-freezing liquid - antifreeze).

Install a solar collector on the roof of the house (if it is needed to heat and power the building), on the roof of a greenhouse or next to a swimming pool or outdoor shower (if the system is purchased to heat water).


Perhaps you, as an entrepreneur, will decide to master the technology of producing solar panels yourself. But, despite the simplicity of the production cycle, manufacturing still requires specific knowledge, therefore, if you are not familiar with the basics of physics and electromechanics, then it would be advisable to hire an assistant (or consultant) with an engineering education.

In addition, you will need employees who will promote your product and services provided. Your sales managers must be talented professionals, since they will have to educate potential clients practically from scratch, describing in vivid colors all the advantages and capabilities of solar systems (this is for you, as an entrepreneur, these advantages are obvious, and the average consumer is always wary of any untried new products ). The most appropriate system for remunerating your sales representatives is a piece-rate form, that is, a percentage bonus on each system sold. However, if you want to strengthen the relationship with your employees more firmly, you can offer them a “salary plus interest” system, in which the employee receives a salary (most often in the amount of the minimum wage) and, again, bonuses from transactions.

In addition, you will need fitters (one or two employees) who will install the systems - they can also be paid piecework wages in the amount of a fixed amount for each installation. In addition, you should take care of accounting and tax reporting - these processes are best outsourced. The help of a remote accountant who will manage these functions will cost you approximately 5,000 rubles per month.

Registration of a business entity

For the official registration of a business for the production and installation of solar collectors, the form of individual entrepreneurship is most suitable. The registration procedure is carried out at the place of residence of the entrepreneur and takes an average of five days. To become an individual entrepreneur, you only need a passport, an individual taxpayer number (TIN), a standard application form and a receipt for payment of the state fee - its amount is 800 rubles. In addition, the entrepreneur must register with the regulatory authority (tax office). It is best to choose a simplified taxation system (STS) - this tax regime provides for a rate of 6% for the object “income” or 15% for the object “income minus expenses” (the second option has a more complex system and is advisable if the entrepreneur’s monthly expenses are 60% of income).

Prices and profitability

As mentioned above, the production cost of one solar system is about 1,000 rubles. You will need to invest from 20,000 to 40,000 rubles in the production of the starting batch. The market cost of a solar system with an area of ​​2 square meters ranges from 15,000 rubles to 20,000 rubles, and a full range of services for the design, manufacture and installation of the system provides a premium of 100% of its cost.

The projected monthly income from the business will range from 20,000 rubles to 100,000 rubles, which suggests a fairly high liquidity of the business - this figure can reach 150%.