List of closed military camps for the year. Draft decree of the President of the Russian Federation "on the specifics of housing provision for citizens subject to resettlement from closed military camps"

The “golden age” for homeless military personnel and those transferred to the reserve seems to be over. Broad gestures and the distribution of housing apparently cut into the state budget; the swing of generosity tilted towards “rob and take away.”

We are actually talking about those citizens who, by the will of fate, completed their military service in closed military towns remote from the central cities of the country. Provided with official housing, they left with military service in the hope of getting square meters behind the fence on a first-come, first-served basis. Naive people, they didn’t even think about the “great deception”! Accustomed to waiting, after 7-10 years (very average time frame) they still haven’t received anything. Promises, promises and promises. At the same time, the state-imposed method of obtaining residential premises through the State Housing Certificate (SHC) is, to put it mildly, very economical and not commensurate with market prices for housing. Knowledgeable people will confirm my words. However, even here the state did not fork out money. Why is this not logical? Despite the fact that public housing construction is at least half the cost of funds invested in housing construction. I assume - due to the impossibility of receiving kickbacks from social payments provided for by the housing certificate.

And what is the result: the wise leadership of the country, apparently not without the participation of the notorious Serdyukov, made a number of changes to the List of closed military camps of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation and the Federal Security Service bodies with housing stock, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated June 1, 2000 No. 752 -r, - and excluded the majority of closed military camps from the number of such. For example, on October 11, 2011, by order of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 1779-r, p/o Poroshino, Kamyshlovsky district, Sverdlovsk region ( training center Yelan) is excluded from the List of closed military camps with housing stock. There are a lot of them around the country.

And then everything is very simple: all former military personnel, their families, including those who lost their breadwinner, the regional departments of housing for military personnel (successors of the housing commissions of military units and regional KECH) sent out simple notifications that the town had lost its closed status, legal grounds there is no provision for housing for those who have been waiting for many, many years to move out, solve housing problems in a general manner.

True, speaking about general order, it was not mentioned that service residential premises in which people on the waiting list live are, by virtue of the law, not subject to privatization (clause 6 of article 15 of the said Law and article 4 of the Federal Law “On the privatization of the housing stock in the Russian Federation” dated July 4, 1991 N 1541-1 exclude the transfer of ownership of office residential premises without the consent of the owner, i.e. the Russian Federation).

The people went to the courts - the people received refusals to satisfy their demands for privatization, provision of a state housing certificate, reinstatement in the queue for housing, etc. etc.

Probably our officials who take part in solving the housing issue of a former civil servant through training normative act or as a representative of government agencies in the courts, the options were:

- “I’m mine housing problem I decided (I decide) myself, let them decide as they want”;

- “state interests are above all”;

- “you can live in a service apartment, no one kicks them out”;

- “if they want to go to their homeland, let them go, no one bothers them”;

- “the necessary measures will be taken to remove the status of service from the apartments of former closed military camps and the residents will receive the right to privatization (but you won’t get free privatization (hee hee to yourself) - in a year it will end, and the papers will go around for five years and be approved) ";

- “It’s good to live in nature in an ecologically clean area, why else complain.”

Of course this is not true. All for the benefit of foolish subjects.

Having finished with the lyrics, let’s think a little about the problem from a legal point of view.

According to Art. 93 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation, service residential premises are intended for the residence of citizens due to the nature of their labor relations with the authority state power, a local government body, a state or municipal unitary enterprise, a state or municipal institution, in connection with service, in connection with appointment to a public position of the Russian Federation or a public position of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation, or in connection with election to elective positions in government bodies or local government bodies.

In accordance with paragraph 1. Art. 15 of the Federal Law of the Russian Federation of May 27, 1998 No. 76-FZ “On the status of military personnel”, service living quarters are provided for the entire period of military service in closed military camps to military personnel - citizens undergoing military service under a contract, and members of their families living with them .

The general procedure for recognizing those in need of housing, provided for in Article 51 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation, has not been canceled.

From the above it is obvious: if you have served your duty, vacate the housing that was provided for the performance of your duties. If the length of service in military service and the grounds for the serviceman’s transfer to the reserve give the right to residential premises under a social tenancy agreement or ownership, get it and rent out the official one. Well, much easier! Apparently, it was no coincidence that in ancient times those eager for the adoption of new laws read them out with a noose around their necks: if those listening to the proposals consider them worthy, the law will be adopted; if they don’t like it, alas, no luck. This is probably why law and justice went hand in hand.

Next. The right to receive state housing certificates is available to both military personnel themselves who are being transferred to the military reserve (clause 14 of article 15 and clause 1 of article 23 of the Federal Law “On the status of military personnel”), as well as those who have lost the status of military personnel, but live in closed military camps - in the order of resettlement (clause 5 of the Rules for the issuance and sale of state housing certificates within the framework of the implementation of the subprogram “Fulfillment of state obligations to provide housing for categories of citizens established by federal legislation” of the federal target program “Housing” for 2002 - 2010, approved by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated March 21, 2006 N 153).

This is where the problems begin.

Clause 5 of the Rules for the issuance and sale of state housing certificates within the framework of the implementation of the subprogram “Fulfillment of state obligations to provide housing to categories of citizens established by federal legislation”, the Federal Target Program “Housing” for 2002 - 2010, approved by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of March 21, 2006. N 153, it is stipulated that the following categories of citizens of the Russian Federation have the right to participate in the subprogram:

a)…citizens discharged from military service (service) upon reaching the age limit for military service (service), or for health reasons, or in connection with organizational and staffing measures, the total duration of military service (service) of which in calendar terms is 10 years or more, and after dismissal are on the waiting list for residential premises (improvement of living conditions) in the federal executive body;

b)…citizens subject to resettlement from closed military camps, as well as settlements, institutions with special conditions for economic activity.

Naturally, the military personnel were first transferred to the reserve. After dismissal, they were accepted into the number of settlers from the military camp according to paragraph “a”, paragraph 5 of the Rules.

Why is this so? Everything is simple - it is beneficial to the state: if a serviceman is left on the lists of a military unit until he is provided with housing, he will have to pay for a long time until the very moment housing is provided. By the way, many military personnel (primarily without any apartment) did just that - they demanded to be given housing first. And then they agreed to the dismissal. And they sat behind the staff, doing nothing and receiving monetary allowance for many years! (and after all, no one from the Government and the Ministry of Defense, publicly at least, suffered for overspending of public funds, as they say in America - taxpayers’ money).

But those who completed their service at a location other than the location of their service apartment are even more interesting. The instructions on the procedure for providing living quarters in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, approved by order of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation dated February 15, 2000 No. 80, provided for the exclusion of a serviceman from among those in need of military service at his old place in connection with his transfer to a new one. For this reason, those who completed their service at a place other than the location of their official housing did not have long to choose - either to live in rented apartment without a family and endlessly wait for the required housing from the state (they paid until 2012, who remembers, it was far from rich), or quit and wait square meters living space in the office of a closed military camp.

And it turns out that by order of the Government to remove the status of a closed military camp, the above paragraph “b” of paragraph 5 of the Rules ceases to be the basis for the provision of a state housing certificate, and regarding paragraph “a” it is taken for granted that citizens transferred to the reserve stood after dismissal in waiting lists for receiving residential premises (improving living conditions) NOT in the federal executive body, but in the housing commissions of military units, garrisons, KECH districts, the Federal State Institution "Central Regional Housing Administration" of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation (as an option), which in no way to They have no relationship with the Ministry of Defense and were not and are not part of this federal executive body. You might think that the Office of Housing for Military Personnel of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation is some kind of commercial or public organization, who, on their own initiative, took up the issues of managing and distributing public housing, and the attributes of the Federal State Institution and the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation are like license plates on a car, they are bought and chosen (without sarcasm, of course).

That is, it turns out: whoever gives the right also has the right to take it away. In my opinion, children's rhymes are more fair: the first word is more valuable than the second - this is just an example. However, current legislation, incl. Civil Code RF, unilateral refusal to fulfill an obligation is also not provided for (the grounds for refusal are specified in the Housing Code of the RSFSR and the Russian Federation).

And the current situation somehow doesn’t fit in well with Constitutional rights:

1. Article 19 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation proclaims the equality of all before the law and the court.

However, with the state guarantee to provide all military personnel in need of housing and citizens being transferred to the reserve, those who refused to be discharged from military service without the provision of living quarters receive living quarters, and those who chose alternative way solving the housing issue through a housing certificate and saved a lot of government money, which is paid to workers who are not employed - the right to housing was denied.

Inequality is also manifested in the inaccessibility for these citizens of the right to own residential premises, unlike many thousands of others dismissed from military service.

2. In accordance with paragraph 1 of Art. 40 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, everyone has the right to housing. No one can be arbitrarily deprived of their home.

However, the orders of the Government of the Russian Federation on amendments to the List of closed military camps of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation and the Federal Security Service that have housing stock, excluding the towns from the list of closed ones, deprive reserve servicemen of the opportunity to purchase housing in the manner proposed by the state and enshrined in law. Nobody offers them new orders and rules in return, which are equivalent. At the same time, choosing a housing certificate to purchase residential premises at your chosen place of residence is one of the possible ways to resolve the housing issue. And if OUR LAW is similar to “Russian Roulette,” then we must at least warn about this to everyone who places their hopes on the state and entrusts it with taking care of themselves in exchange for service.

3. Clauses 2-3 of Art. 55 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation determines that in the Russian Federation laws should not be issued that abolish or diminish the rights and freedoms of man and citizen. The rights and freedoms of man and citizen may be limited federal law only to the extent necessary in order to protect the foundations of the constitutional system, morality, health, rights and legitimate interests of other persons, ensuring the defense of the country and the security of the state.

In this case, the removal of the status of a closed military camp did not actually change legal status service housing located in it, but significantly limited the right of residents to guaranteed housing.

4. Constitutional law a serviceman to choose a place of residence upon transfer to the reserve from military service, provided for in Art. 27 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation and the corresponding articles of the Federal Law “On the status of military personnel”, as a result of the attachment to the official housing of dismissed citizens, also turns out to be significantly limited.

The above is just my opinion. This situation could have been avoided:

if all citizens of our country were competent lawyers and knew how to anticipate developments (a wonderful film about this, “Route 66”);

if all discharged military personnel were warned and explained (against signature) about the legal consequences of choosing one path or another.

The second one is doable, but... Everyone loves the fairy tale about Pinocchio and the field of miracles in the land of fools.

And yet you should defend your rights, and not give up prematurely. And if the reflections I have presented on the matter contribute to changing the existing negative practice, then it will not be a waste of time.

Probably the point Civil society consists of a dialogue: some speak, others listen, and together they find a solution to the issue that satisfies all parties.

We work with subsidies for citizens resettled from closed military camps. Our agency has unique experience working with various housing subsidies since 2001. During this time, we have developed a well-functioning mechanism for the implementation of social benefits through the acquisition of real estate.

Information for citizens living on the territory of closed military camps and subject to relocation:

The procedure for compiling lists of citizens living on the territory of closed military camps (ZVG) and subject to resettlement by providing housing subsidy(certificate), as well as the mechanism for registration and issuance of the civil housing contract is regulated by Order of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation No. 217 dated 04/06/2017 “On approval of the Procedure for the formation of lists of citizens - participants in the subprogram “Fulfillment of state obligations to provide housing to categories of citizens established by federal legislation” ...”.

Citizens subject to resettlement from ZVG and recognized by the previously established procedure as participants in the subprogram “Fulfillment of state obligations to provide housing for categories of citizens established by federal legislation of the Federal Target Program “Housing” (hereinafter referred to as the subprogram), must be submitted on a territorial basis to the Federal State Institution “Zapadregionzhilye” ( St. Petersburg) or its territorially separate departments (Kubinka, Nizhny Novgorod, Voronezh, Severomorsk, Kaliningrad) in the following ways:

  • through representatives of initiative groups (if there is a power of attorney or a written application from a citizen participant in the subprogram to represent his interests in the Federal State Institution “Zapadregionzhilye”),
  • by mail,
  • personally
the following documents:
  1. application (report) on participation in the subprogram "Fulfillment of state obligations to provide housing for categories of citizens established by federal legislation" of the Federal Target Program "Housing" - sample ;
  2. consent to the processing of personal data of a citizen participating in the subprogram - sample ;
  3. consent to the processing of personal data of all family members of a citizen participating in the subprogram * - sample . Consent to the processing of personal data of minors is signed by their legal representatives;
    * The following citizens are recognized as family members of a citizen participating in the subprogram:
    a) the spouse permanently residing with him/her, their children, parents;
    b) other relatives, disabled dependents, and in exceptional cases, other persons permanently residing with this citizen, if they are recognized as family members of this citizen in court.
  4. application (report) for the issuance of a state housing certificate -

In order to ensure social guarantees To citizens of the Russian Federation subject to resettlement from closed military camps, guided by Article 80 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, I decree:

1. Federal executive authorities that have a housing stock in closed military camps, provide citizens who are subject to resettlement from closed military camps, along with a social payment certified by a state housing certificate, at the choice of these citizens, residential premises free of charge or under social rental agreements in settlements in which the relevant federal body has residential premises unclaimed by military personnel.

2. Federal executive authorities with housing stock in closed military camps shall approve the procedure for registering citizens named in paragraph 1 of this Decree, as well as the procedure for providing them with residential premises for free or under social tenancy agreements.

3. This Decree comes into force from the date of its signing.

Russian Federation

Review of this document.

Currently, it is possible to obtain residential premises outside closed military camps only through social benefits for the purchase of residential premises certified by the GZHS (state housing certificate), while not all citizens living in closed military camps have the right to move out of them.

Government of the Russian Federation Order No. 1470-r dated August 19, 2011
Approve the attached changes that are being made to the section "Armed Forces of the Russian Federation" of the list of closed military camps of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation with housing stock

and organs federal service safety, approved by order of the Government of the Russian Federation of June 1, 2000 N 752-r (Collection of Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2000, N 24, Art. 2616; 2001, N 32, Art. 3406; N 47, Art. 4455; 2002, N 4, art. 2892; N 7, art. 1173; , Art. 46, Art. 4809; 2008, Art. 5122; 2010, Art. 1384).

Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation V. Putin

APPROVED by government order
Russian Federation dated August 19, 2011 N 1470-r


which are included in the section "Armed Forces of the Russian Federation"
list of closed military camps of the Armed Forces with housing stock
Russian Federation and federal security service agencies

1.Exclude: subsection "Republic of Bashkortostan";
in the subsection "Republic of Buryatia" the following positions:
"Eravninsky district, village Telemba 161";
"Ulan-Ude 11A
Gusinoozersk 63";
subsection "Republic of Karelia" the following positions:
"Kemsky district, Kem 9";
"Pryazhinsky district, p/o Essoila 1";
subsection "Republic of Tatarstan";
in the subsection "Udmurt Republic" the following position:
"Malopurginsky district, Malaya Purga village 1";
in the subsection " Krasnodar region" the following positions:
"Korenovsky district, Korenovsk 6";
"Tuapse district, Novomikhailovsky village 1
Anapa 16
Anapa 67";
"Krasnodar, Novovelichkovskaya station 1";
"Krymsk 2";
"Sochi City Council, Adler 41";
in the subsection "Krasnoyarsk Territory" the following positions:
"Achinsky district, Kemchug station 1
Mansky district, village Shalinskoye 4";
in the subsection "Primorsky Territory" the following positions:
"Anuchinsky district, Chernyshevka village 61
Palnerechensky district, village. Filino 2";
"Nadezhdinsky district, Razdolnoe village 81
Nadezhdinsky district, village. Razdolnoe 86";
"Oktyabrsky district, village Lipovtsy 1 zh";
"Border district, With. Barano-Orenburgskoe 57
Border district, village. Boguslavka 70";
"Spassky district, village Krasny Kut 21";
"Khankaisky district, village Kamen-Rybolov 1";
"Khasansky district, Zarubino village 20";
"Yakovlevsky district, Novosysoevka village 9
Yakovlevsky district, village. Novosysoevka 15
Yakovlevsky district, village. Novosysoevka 16";
"Vladivostok 108
Vladivostok 111";
"city Artem 40";
"Dalnerechensk 20";
in the subsection "Stavropol Territory" the following positions:
"budennovsk 6
Budennovsk 12
Georgievsk 1";
"Georgievsk 7";
in the subsection " Khabarovsk region" the following positions:
"Bikinsky district, village Rozengartovka 2";
"District named after Lazo, village Obor 32";
"Khabarovsk district, p/o Vyatskoye 5";
"Khabarovsk district, village Garovka-2 14";
"Khabarovsk district, p/o Galkino 66";
"Khabarovsk-41 3";
in the subsection "Amur Region" the following positions:
"Ivanovo district, village Berezovka 25";
"Romnensky district, Pozdeevka village 3";
"Svobodny-21 16";
in the subsection "Bryansk region" the following position:
"Dubrovsky district, village Sescha 1";
in the subsection "Vladimir region" the following positions:
"Gus-Khrustalny district, village Dobryatino 1";
"Kolchuga district, Yuryev-Polsky 5G";
in the subsection "Volgograd region" the following positions:
"Gorodishche district, Gumrak village 114";
"Kalachevsky district, Oktyabrsky village 2
Kalachevsky district, village. Oktyabrsky 3
Kamyshinsky district, village. Lebyazhye 1
Kamyshinsky district, village. May 11";
"Svetloyarsky district, Chapurniki village 124
Mikhailovka 2";
in the subsection " Vologda region" the following position:
"Cherepovets, p/o Shaima 23";
in the subsection "Irkutsk region" the following positions:
"Irkutsk district, village Glazunovo 107";
"Shelekhovsky district, village Chistye Klyuchi 2";
in the subsection "Kaliningrad Region" the following positions:
"Bagrationovsky district, village Dolgorukovo 2
Bagrationovsky district, Ladushkin 1
Bagrationovsky district, village. Nevskoe 1";
"Guryevsky district, village Ryabinovka 1
Guryevsky district, village. Sosnovka 2";
"Zelenograd district, Morskoe village 49
Zelenogradsky district, village. Obzorny 7
Zelenogradsky district, village. Pereslavskoe 1";
"Zelenograd district, village Rybachy 1";
"Zelenograd district, Yantarny village 1";
"Baltiysk 67
Baltiysk 68
Baltic urban district, village. Far 5";
"Baltic urban district, Mechnikovo village 11";
"Svetlovsky urban district, village Kremnevo 1";
"Primorsk (Tankitino) 8";
in the subsection "Kaluga Region" the following positions:
"Kirovsky district, p/o Shaikovka 1";
"Kaluga, village Andreevskoe 3";
in the subsection "Kamchatka Territory" the following positions:
"Elizovsky district, village Dvurechye 21
Elizovsky district, village. Kirilkin Key 30";
"Elizovsky district, 9th km of Paratunskoe highway 31";
"Elizovsky district, South Koryaki village 14";
in the subsection "Kirov region" the following positions:
"Kirov 52";
"Kotelnich 1";
in the subsection "Kostroma Region" the following position:
"Mr. Neya 2";
in the subsection "Kurgan region" the following position:
"Ketovsky district, Ikovka station 2";
in the subsection "Leningrad Region" the following positions:
"Volkhov district, Voybokalo village 1
Volkhov district, village. Voyglass 2";
"Vyborg district, village Privetninskoye 1";
"Lodeynoye Pole 3";
"Tosno 1";
name of the subsection "Lipetsk region";
in the subsection "Moscow Region" the following positions:
"Kolomna district, Kolomna-1 42
Kolomna district, village. Karasevo 27";
"Odintsovo district, village Kubinka-1 5/1";
"Odintsovo district, Kubinka 85/2";
"Zvenigorod 535";
"Solnechnogorsk-2 52/3";
"Chekhov-4 4";
in the subsection "Murmansk region" the following positions:
"Murmansk district, village Kilp-Yavr 1/4";
"Kandalaksha 7";
in the subsection " Novosibirsk region" the following position: "Mr. Novosibirsk, pos. Pashino 1";
in the subsection "Orenburg Region" the following positions:
"Buzuluksky district, Koltubanovka station 12";
"Orenburg, 201st junction of the Southern Railway 201";
in the subsection "Penza region" the following position:
"Serdobsk-2, Sazanye 2";
in the subsection "Pskov region" the following positions:
"Gdovsky district, p/o Lyubimets, Smuravyevo village 1
Gdovsky district, p/o Lyubimets, village. Smuravevo 2";
"Nevelsky district, village Opukhliki 1";
"Strugo-Krasnensky district, Uzmino village (Strugi Krasnye) 30546";
in the subsection "Rostov region" the following positions:
"Zernogradsky district, Zernograd 2
Egorlyk district, village Egorlykskaya 2";
"Morozovsky district, Morozovsk 8";
"Volgodonsk 1
Millerovo 8";
"Salsk-7 5
Taganrog 48";
in the subsection "Samara Region" the following positions:
"Syzran-10 2
Chapaevsk-11 1";
in the subsection "Saratov region" the following positions:
"Volsky district, village of Lyagoshi, p/o Pokrovka 2";
"Rtishchevo 1";
"engels 6";
in the subsection " Sverdlovsk region" the following position:
"Tugulymsky district, village Ertarsky 1";
the name of the subsection "Tomsk region".

2. In the subsection "Tver region" position:
"Zapadnodvinsky district, village Staraya Toropa 1"
stated as follows:
"Toropetsky district, Oktyabrsky village 1."

3. Exclude:
in the subsection " Chelyabinsk region" the following position:
"Chebarkul district, Bishkil village 9";
in the subsection " Transbaikal region" the following positions:
"Aginsky district, village Tsugol 3";
"Borzinsky district, Sherlovaya Gora village 21
Karymsky district, village. Darasun 17";
"Mogoituy district, village Razezd-71 12";
"Olovyanninsky district, station Yasnaya 24
Ononsky district, village. Builesan 30
Priargunsky district, village. Borderline 80
Tungokochensky district, village. Usugli 228";
"Chita district, Novaya station 40";
"Chita 124";
in the subsection "St. Petersburg" the following position: "St. Petersburg 2";
in the subsection "Jewish Autonomous Region" the following position: "Birobidzhan 14zh".

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Readers repeatedly ask questions about service housing. How to keep your housing after leaving the army, if it service apartment? Do the rights to the apartment remain if the spouses divorced and the responsible tenant left?

About spoilers. Various text is hidden in the gray bars, e.g. legal norms or author's comments. To read them, click on the strip; to hide them, click again.


We will not talk about ways for military personnel to obtain an apartment. These are both certificates and the apartments themselves - there are no secrets in this matter. There are many documents about this, for example. Moreover, if a serviceman is serving, then all the necessary information must be provided to him in the military unit. Of course, if readers tell you about some problems. Then we will return to these questions and tell you in more detail, attaching the necessary document templates.

The correct development of events in the matter of providing military personnel with living quarters is the following: served the required term, received a certificate, bought an apartment, or registered for free the one that you already occupy, live and enjoy. However, in the conditions of Russian reality, such a scheme often fails. Let's look at several problematic situations and offer sample documents for solving them.

Let us remind you that according to Art. 4 of the Law of the Russian Federation “On Privatization”, office residential premises and premises in closed military cities are not subject to privatization.


Art. 4 of the Law of the Russian Federation dated 04.07.1991 N 1541-1 “On the privatization of the housing stock in the Russian Federation” - residential premises in disrepair, in dormitories, in houses of closed military camps, as well as service residential premises, with the exception of residential premises, are not subject to privatization the fund of state farms and other agricultural enterprises equated to them, and the housing stock of stationary institutions for social protection of the population located in rural areas.

To develop a subsequent litigation strategy, it is necessary first of all to determine the status of the military camp - open camp or closed, and also determine the status of the residential premises - office premises or not.

Determining the status of a military camp

First of all, you need to make sure whether your military camp is an open one. It's not difficult to do. If you know the number of the military camp, then immediately skip the next two paragraphs :-), if you do not know this information, then here is the method we use, using the example of one request - Ussuriysk st. Karbysheva, 25.

Until recently, the entire military housing stock was serviced by Slavyanka OJSC, which received this stock from public utility units (KECH) throughout Russia. When accepting houses for service, acceptance certificates were drawn up, which are included in the technical documentation for the houses. Here is an example - If your house was serviced by JSC Slavyanka, then you can request a copy of such an act from your management organization JSC GUZHF.


In general, a very useful act, because it contains data on the technical condition of the house, the area and various other technical information. It’s clear that it wouldn’t be superfluous for anyone to have a copy of such an act.

In the current example, we are interested in information about the number of the military camp - this is number 12. Now we need to turn to legislation. For military housing stock, the fund of the FSB of Russia and the Border Service of the Russian Federation it is accepted, for housing stock internal troops Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation. Accordingly, we find the subject and read the numbers of military camps. In our case there is no number 12. This means that military town No. 12 in the city of Ussuriysk is not included in the list of closed military towns (it was previously included, but was excluded).

Determining the status of residential premises

The next step will be to find an answer to the question - does the residential premises you occupy have the status of “service apartment”. In general, it is accepted in the Russian Federation, but in relation to the service fund of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, it is not particularly effective. We admit that this is connected with state secrets, but no one has given us an exact explanation. Therefore, issues of classifying housing stock as service housing stock are carried out by orders of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation. Also, this information must be contained in the Unified State Register and to verify this information it is necessary to make a corresponding request through the MFC. However, a check of some already known addresses showed that there may be no information at all in either the State Property Committee or the Unified State Register, neither for the house nor for the apartment

Having the status of “service apartment” is very important, because An apartment under a service lease agreement is provided exclusively for the duration of the service and must subsequently be rented out.


Housing Code of the Russian Federation, Article 103. Eviction of citizens from specialized residential premises

In cases of termination or termination of rental contracts for specialized residential premises, citizens must vacate the residential premises that they occupied under these contracts. In case of refusal to vacate such residential premises, these citizens are subject to eviction in court without the provision of other residential premises, except for the cases provided for in Part 2 of Article 102 of this Code and Part 2 of this Article.

Very often in practice there is a situation where a serviceman received an apartment as a service apartment for himself and his family members. Subsequently family relationships Things didn’t work out, the couple separated and the serviceman left. In this situation, the status of the residential premises is very important, because if the apartment was a service apartment, then after a statement of claim, for example from a military prosecutor in defense of the interests of the Russian Federation, the remaining family members living in the service apartment will be evicted without providing other living quarters. An example can be given. Further in the text we will consider a way to bypass this situation, but the chances of winning will not be very great.

It should be noted that if the residential premises are classified as service housing after the citizen applies for the conclusion of a social tenancy or privatization agreement, the court will take the citizen’s side. But such options are extremely rare; the usual situation is when the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation first classifies residential premises as official premises, citizens enter into an official rental agreement, and then try to change the status in court. And naturally, the court takes the side of the state, here is a similar decision - .

If the order does not contain the “official” mark and the contract concluded with you is not “official rental,” then most likely the apartment does not have the status of “official apartment.” However, we remind you that it is best to make a corresponding request to the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation.

So, if we find out that the apartment is not a service apartment and is not located in a closed military camp, we can begin to consider problematic options.

The apartment was previously a service apartment, but then the data about it was lost

Quite a rare case, but it does happen. Sometimes you can come across a situation where an apartment was previously provided under a service lease agreement, but subsequently the information that the apartment was a service apartment was lost (after all, we live in Russia :-)). Also, a similar situation occurs when the apartment was provided as a service apartment, because They believed that all apartments in the military camp were service apartments. If, in response to a request for information, you suddenly receive a message that your apartment is not included in the list of service apartments, then you can safely go to court with a claim to invalidate the concluded service tenancy agreement and conclude a social tenancy agreement.

The apartment was registered as a service apartment with violations, after 2006

Also rare and difficult case when a lease agreement for a service apartment was concluded after 2006, but the officials incorrectly classified the apartment as a service apartment. It is rare because after 2006 they “serve” the houses in lists, including all the apartments en masse. We will not attach a sample statement of claim, because... this case is complex and the help of a qualified lawyer is needed, but we’ll show you the way :) you can edit the above yourself statement of claim;-), and with him to a lawyer


According to Directive No. 155/4/694, which approved the “Procedure for including residential premises in a specialized housing stock and excluding residential premises from the specified stock,” the assignment of residential premises of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation to a specialized housing stock is carried out in accordance with the requirements of the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated January 26, 2006 G No. 42 “On approval of the Rules for classifying residential premises as a specialized housing stock and standard rental agreements for specialized residential premises”, including in compliance with paragraphs 13, 14 of the above normative document; the use of a residential premises as a specialized one is permitted only after it has been classified as a specific type of residential premises of a specialized housing stock.

In violation of Art. 101 Housing Code of the RSFSR, clause 2, art. 92 ZhKRF, pp. 13-14 of the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 42 of January 26, 2006 and Directive of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation No. 155/4/694 of April 24, 2007, from the date of putting the house into operation, apartment decision of the municipal body or authority , which manages the state housing stock properly, was not included in the specialized housing stock.

According to Art. 60, 92, 100 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation, residence in houses of the state housing stock is carried out on the basis of contracts for social rental of residential premises or social rental of specialized residential premises, if it is classified as a specialized housing stock in compliance with the requirements and in the manner established by the Government of the Russian Federation.

Privatization of an apartment by a former military man not in a closed military camp

One of the common problems classified as not complex is the refusal to privatize previously provided residential premises. It has been in effect since January 2016. But some military personnel may not be subject to this order and thus, as it were, lose the right to receive ownership of an apartment.

The situation is approximately the following: a citizen received residential premises in a military town from a military unit, many years passed after his retirement and he decided to privatize the apartment, but he was refused. The reason for the refusal is that the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation has not yet developed a regulation on the procedure for the privatization of residential premises of the state fund, and citizens are not subject to the Order of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation dated January 25, 2016 No. 20. Based on this formal basis, representatives of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, as well as representatives of specialized organizations, refuse privatization. What needs to be done? You need to collect a small package of documents and go to court.

First, apply for permission to privatize a residential property. What if by the time you read this material they will already accept necessary documents and you will be allowed to privatize.


Art. 6 of the Law of the Russian Federation dated 04.07.1991 N 1541-1 “On the privatization of housing stock in the Russian Federation” - the transfer of residential premises into the ownership of citizens is carried out by authorized owners of these residential premises by state authorities, local governments, as well as state or municipal unitary enterprises, for which secure the housing stock under the right of economic management, state or municipal institutions, state-owned enterprises, the operational management of which is transferred to the housing stock.

After a two-month period, you will either receive a refusal, or permission, or a printout from the website that your letters were delivered to the addressees, i.e. lack of response. Now you can create a statement of claim with a package of documents to accompany it.


Art. 8 of the Law of the Russian Federation of July 4, 1991 N 1541-1 “On the privatization of housing stock in the Russian Federation” - the decision on the issue of privatization of residential premises must be made based on applications from citizens within two months from the date of submission of documents. If a citizen’s rights are violated when resolving issues of privatization of residential premises, he has the right to go to court.

Accommodation in a military camp under a warrant - a serviceman and his family

Let's complicate the situation a little and consider the following option. The apartment is provided to a serviceman and his family members for permanent residence according to an order in which there is no mark indicating that the apartment has official status.

We also contact the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation with a written request to classify residential premises as official premises. If a response is not received or information is received that the apartment is not a service apartment, you can apply for a social tenancy agreement.

Accommodation in a military camp - only the family of a military personnel

Things happen in life and no one is immune from divorce. Earlier in the material, we looked at an example when, after a divorce, a serviceman leaves his place of residence and his family is evicted. It would seem that everything is in accordance with the law, but in such a situation there is an option to resolve it in favor of the remaining family.

Let's consider two options for the development of the situation, which will differ in the status of the residential premises - a service apartment or not.

Concluding a social tenancy agreement in an apartment without the status of “service apartment”

One of the correct strategies in such a situation is to split your personal account. Such a scheme will work if actions are planned in advance and the situation is gradually managed according to this scheme.

Let us remind you that family members of the tenant have equal responsibilities for paying for the use of residential premises and consumed goods. public utilities.


Housing Code of the Russian Federation, Article 69. Rights and obligations of family members of the tenant of residential premises under a social tenancy agreement

  1. Family members of a tenant of residential premises under a social tenancy agreement include his spouse living with him, as well as the children and parents of this tenant. Other relatives and disabled dependents are recognized as family members of the tenant of the residential premises under a social tenancy agreement if they are settled by the tenant as members of his family and run a common household with him. In exceptional cases, other persons may be recognized as family members of the tenant of a residential premises under a social tenancy agreement in court.
  2. Family members of the tenant of a residential premises under a social tenancy agreement have equal rights and obligations with the tenant. Members of the family of the tenant of a residential premises under a social tenancy agreement who are capable and limited in their legal capacity by the court bear joint and several liability with the tenant for the obligations arising from the social tenancy agreement.

It is on the basis of this rule that the division of the personal account occurs. Consider a situation - a soldier and his wife. The spouse submits an application to the management company, asking to split the personal account.

If management company refuses that recent years already a rarity, the spouse sends a simple statement of claim to the court.

The result of the trial will be a court decision declaring the refusal illegal, imposing the obligation to divide the personal account and send payment documents to everyone separately.

After some time, the second main stage follows - the registration of the child, the divorce of the spouses and the removal of the spouse from registration. Subsequently, if the spouse is refused to provide another residential premises at the new place of duty due to the non-delivery of this residential premises, then the spouse goes to court with a claim for eviction, loses and can calmly challenge the refusal to not provide him with an apartment (the loss is necessary to prove “I I did everything I could." On the one hand, it’s a chore, but on the other hand, the child is provided with an apartment for the future, so...


Housing Code of the Russian Federation, Article 82. Amendments to the social tenancy agreement for residential premises

A capable family member of the tenant, with the consent of the remaining members of his family and the landlord, has the right to demand recognition of himself as a tenant under a previously concluded social rental agreement instead of the original tenant.

As a result of the operation, only the ex-wife and her son will live in the apartment. When a serviceman changes his place of residence due to transfer to another unit, he will have the right to demand an apartment for living at his new place of service. The remaining spouse remains to demand the conclusion of a social tenancy agreement on the basis of the actual relationship. An example of a statement of claim in the ““ section. But we emphasize that the second stage is difficult, it is better to hire a professional lawyer.

Such a scheme is used deliberately to receive not one apartment from the state, but two. After a divorce, a serviceman creates a new fictitious family, and his wife and children register their old apartment. After all operations are completed, the family is reunited. However, such schemes can be criminally punishable if intent is proven.

Concluding a social tenancy agreement in an apartment with the status of “service apartment”

The most difficult of the options considered. The only way known to us is to recognize the existing relationship actually under the terms of a social tenancy agreement. A necessary condition is to indicate on the payment receipt as the payer, because it is necessary to prove that the use of the apartment and payment for maintenance and utilities were carried out openly for a long time. However, the chance is not great, because will depend on third-party factors: the mood of the judge, the professionalism of the judge, the apathy of representatives of the Ministry of Defense, etc.

We will not propose a statement of claim and a strategy in this situation, because the situation is very difficult. We recommend the help of a professional lawyer.