The cat has bleeding what to do. Bleeding in a pregnant cat: what to do

A fairly common problem in cats is the appearance of secretions from the genital tract. Some owners do not pay attention, believing that this process is natural, while others immediately call or rush to the veterinarian.

It is customary to divide all discharges into pathological and physiological.

/ during pregnancy

Physiological secretions are - childbirth

\ postpartum period

- Tumor of the vagina


Pathological secretions are - Vaginitis

- Vestibulitis


Symptoms to watch out for

* Excessive licking of the vagina;

* The cat rubs its bottom on the floor or rolls on the floor for a long time; bloody or lighter discharge also remains;

* Increased urination and/or difficulty urinating;

* Difficulties in defecation;

* Lethargy, fever, increased thirst;

* Vaginal discharge of any type other than the normal flow of urine.

Consider the most common diseases among unneutered cats at a young age:

pyometra endometritis

pyometra - this is an accumulation of pus in the uterine cavity due to the introduction of bacteria into the altered endometrium. Repeated exposure of the endometrium to high concentrations of estrogens and progesterone in the absence of pregnancy leads to cystic hyperplasia of the endometrium. Bacteria enter the altered endometrium ascending from the vagina through the cervix, which partially opens before and during ovulation. It is worth noting that the pathogens belong to the normal vaginal form of E.Coli.

Symptoms. The main signs are lack of appetite, an enlarged belly, increased thirst, sometimes bloody or cloudy-white outflows, loss of coat in the abdomen.

Diagnostics. The diagnosis is made during a general examination, the results of an ultrasound scan of the uterus, as well as a smear study for pathogenic microflora.

Pyometra in a 6 month old cat. In the photo, thickening of the mucous wall of the uterus, a change in the endometrium

Treatment. With this pathology, medical or surgical treatment is used. During drug treatment a long course of antibiotics is used a wide range antibacterial drugs, hormonal drugs. BUT! Most often, with this pathology, this type of treatment is not always effective and the attending physician has to resort to surgical treatment to prevent relapse.

endometritis - inflammation of the endometrium, the uterine mucosa, in which there is exudate release, cell proliferation, a violation of the physiological functions of the organ and an increase in temperature.

· Acute endometritis- the cat is lethargic, appetite is reduced, fever and vaginal discharge are noted, it does not allow touching the abdomen, the external genitalia are inflamed.

· Chronic endometritis - good health, the timely onset of estrus, but fertilization does not occur or the death of the fetus during pregnancy is noted, licks more often, removing spotting from the vulva. The danger is that chronic endometritis may turn into purulent.

Diagnostics. The diagnosis is made on the basis of a general examination, the results of an ultrasound scan of the uterus, as well as a smear study for pathogenic microflora.

Treatment. If the disease is diagnosed at an early stage, treatment of the cat includes symptomatic relief, the use of antibiotics, broad-spectrum antimicrobials, and sometimes hormone therapy may be required to keep the uterus in good shape.

In the acute form of endometritis, emergency sterilization is more often resorted to, especially if pus accumulates in the uterus and does not come out. Also, with an acute form, even if you managed to cope conservative methods treatment, the probability of recurrence is reduced to 70%.

If the above symptoms occur, you should not self-medicate, as all these diseases can lead to death. In order to prevent complications or death of the animal, it is necessary to visit veterinary clinics, to undergo a routine examination, vaccination, as well as before mating and after estrus.

Do not be ill! Take care of yourself and your pets!

Discharge from a loop in a cat is an ambiguous phenomenon, since in some cases they can be an absolutely normal condition, in other situations they can be a serious signal of a pet’s health disorder. The most difficult thing in this matter is that it is rather difficult to distinguish abnormal discharges from normal ones.

As a rule, normal discharge occurs in cats during pregnancy, the birth period, and also after it. Otherwise, if the cat is not pregnant, has not given birth and does not feed, and she has discharge, this is a reason to immediately contact the doctor, since such discharge can be caused by serious diseases, sometimes even resulting in the death of the animal.

Brown discharge in a cat from a noose

Brown discharge from a loop in a cat inevitably indicates that the cat has inflammation or infection. And going to the doctor for advice and treatment in this situation is the only right choice.

As a rule, brown discharge occurs in a cat with diseases:

Hormonal diseases;

Inflammation of the uterus;


rectal defects;


Disorder of coagulation;


Tumors of the vagina.

These are the main types of diseases accompanied by brown discharge. The problem is that it is often difficult for owners to detect the color and presence of discharge in principle, since cats often lick themselves without leaving any traces at all. Thus, the owners should pay attention to other symptoms of a potential disease, if he does not notice the discharge as such:

The cat often (with a break of 10-15 minutes) licks itself;

The cat rolls, crawls on the floor, sitting;

Difficulty going to the toilet in a big way;

- increased urination or difficulty with its implementation;

Lethargy, loss of appetite.

These accompanying symptoms should clearly show the owner that the animal needs to be urgently taken to the clinic to determine the cause of unhealthy behavior and further treatment.

Name of veterinary services

unit of measurement

Service cost, rub.

Primary appointment


one animal

one animal

Veterinarian consultation

Doctor's consultation on test results

Doctor's consultation, no pet

Purulent discharge from a loop in a cat

Purulent discharge from a loop in a cat evenly, like brown, indicates violations. Availability purulent discharge from the vagina of an animal can indicate the presence of diseases such as:

Neoplasia of the urogenital tract;

Unhealthy position of the ureter;

Injury to the vagina or the presence of a foreign body in it;

Urogenital infections;

Pyometra and others.

Treatment of various discharges in a cat occurs by prescribing antibiotics, chemotherapy, and restorative therapy. In many cases, surgery is required to remove the tumor or correct organ defects. In any case, the sooner you bring your pet to our clinic, the sooner the veterinarian will be able to conduct the necessary additional examinations and prescribe a course of effective treatment.

Most owners periodically encounter certain problems with cats. For example, estrus is often accompanied by a clear secretion, which is completely normal. However, what to do if a cat has white discharge? What is their danger and how should such symptoms be dealt with? More on this later in the article.

White discharge from endometritis

Initially, if a cat has white discharge from the uterus, this can be considered a bad sign. Of course, there is a possibility that everything is fine. But you should play it safe and check your pet for common diseases. Among them:

  • vaginitis;
  • endometritis;
  • pyometra.

If white discharge is more or less understandable in a pregnant cat, then in other individuals it can be a cause for concern. For example, this may indicate an infection. Speaking specifically about endometritis, it manifests itself in animals that were given medication for estrus. That is why veterinarians recommend spaying cats whose owners do not need offspring.

There are white discharges in a cat after childbirth. It is often associated with retained placenta. In addition, it happens that the frozen fetus remains right in the uterus. This causes purulent processes that lead to endometritis itself.

This disease can manifest itself in both acute and chronic form. In the second case, the symptoms are almost indistinguishable, so the cat may seem quite alert. And the fact that these animals are prone to cleanliness will lead to the fact that the owner will not even notice that something is wrong.

Such an ailment, in the absence of proper treatment, can lead to putrefactive processes and even the death of a cat.

White discharge with pyometra

One of the reasons for the production of pus in a white cat can be pyometra. This disease requires a very serious approach and the intervention of specialists. The causes of such an ailment can be both hormonal disorders of the pet, and the consequences of endometritis.

If a cat's discharge has not been properly treated, pyometra can show up very quickly.

The symptoms of this disease do not appear immediately. It's not just vaginal discharge. There may be signs such as fever, loss of appetite, thirst, strange smells. Closed pyometra is considered the most dangerous. In this case, the uterus is closed and prevents the exit of white pus in the cat. Thus, the condition of the animal is deteriorating very rapidly, leading to the fact that the pet can barely move.

Sometimes pyometra appears too late. There is no white watery discharge, and pus accumulates inside. These processes can lead to death.. The discharge of pus in a cat is not always noticeable, so you should carefully monitor the condition of your pet. This is important, because only the owner can notice and prevent terrible consequences in time.

White discharge treatment

If a cat has a white or yellow discharge, this should be a good reason to go to the veterinary clinic. Do not hesitate, because time can play against the pet. The doctor should immediately take tests, smears and conduct all studies, assess the situation with the eyes and with the help of ultrasound. This will help to understand why the cat has a white discharge.

The prescribed treatment is often complex. In severe cases, surgical intervention is allowed.

It should be understood that the recovery process will be a huge stress for the animal and can take more than one day or even a month. Therefore, it is during this period that the cat will need the care and support of the owner. A combination of love and medication should help the animal cope. inflammatory processes.

A pregnant cat is the most affectionate and gentle creature in the world. She showers everyone around her with care, warmth, and, however, requires no less attention to herself. During such periods, especially if the upcoming birth will be the first, it is important to establish a kind of emotional contact with the animal. This is most often manifested in mutual stroking: the cat rubs against the legs and hands of the owners, and they, in turn, gently scratch behind the ear, lightly stroke the tummy.

When and why bleeding may occur

Pregnant cat becomes sleepy

During pregnancy, your pet will be extremely calm. In particular, it will be expressed as . But everything will change dramatically as a result of health problems. The cat will walk from side to side, gradually trying on a place previously chosen and prepared for her, licking the loop.

As the appearance of the first kitten approaches, strong pain, which can be seen in rapid, heavy breathing. But the suffering of the pet can be much stronger if you notice the presence of strange bloody discharge.

Is bleeding dangerous?

There are several types of vaginal discharge.

cat lick bleeding before childbirth

A safe option is a light red or slightly scarlet liquid that is about a tablespoon or less. Such .

Any deviations from these parameters will be a cause for concern. If the color of the liquid is more like bright red , dark scarlet and other rich shades, then you should start to worry: something is clearly wrong with the pet. Moreover, the color of the discharge can be green, brown, yellow. Each of these signs in one way or another speaks of problems with the fetus or the genitourinary system of the cat.

blood clots

In addition, a bad sign will be the presence of wool, blood clots in the discharge. Unfavorable consequences for the health of the animal are threatened by too long outflow of liquid, that is more than 10 minutes.

You should also be wary of large amounts of blood loss: a volume exceeding one tablespoon is an extremely undesirable option. The cause of such manifestations, in addition to the above problems, can be diseases of a cat during pregnancy, as well as various injuries that she received immediately before childbirth or a couple of days before them.

What to do?

Try to monitor the behavior of a pregnant cat

Early monitoring of your pet The best way secure it and prevent the occurrence of all sorts of troubles.

It's especially important to watch what your cat eats, how it moves, how it feels, and how it interacts with other pets (if any). Creating a safe environment for pregnancy will avoid many troubles.

When is the help of a veterinarian needed?

If bleeding occurs, a veterinary examination is necessary.

If unwanted bleeding still appears, you should immediately call the veterinarians. It is not recommended to move the cat to veterinary clinics on your own, as the health of the animal may be even more damaged. In addition, before giving birth, it is advisable to keep the number of a specialist always at hand.


Only careful observation and care will help you and your animal avoid unnecessary troubles with the course of pregnancy and childbirth. Remember: it is better to prevent a problem than to solve it.

In a cat, vaginal bleeding is not always bleeding. Normally, blood discharge can be in small quantities during estrus, pregnancy and after childbirth for up to 3 weeks. Otherwise, blood indicates a pathology of the reproductive or urinary system. It is impossible to make a diagnosis on your own. Finding symptoms, you should contact your veterinarian for qualified help.

Negative causes of discharge

Causes of intrauterine bleeding in cats can be various.:

  1. Inflammatory diseases, including endometritis, pyometra. In the reproductive system of a pet, the ovaries, uterus, vagina and external genitalia. Manifested by the anxiety of the animal, the appearance of aggressiveness, active licking of the external genital organs;
  2. Uterine damage. Accompanied by profuse bleeding. There are many blood vessels on the walls of this organ;
  3. Oncological diseases of cats. Cancer cells suppress general immunity, including genitourinary system. Purulent spotting with bad smell. They are caused by the growth or destruction of the tumor;
  4. Decaying placenta. It is possible that after childbirth, part of the placenta will remain inside. This leads to its decomposition. As a result, blood comes out of the vagina. There is a high likelihood of surgery.


A disease in cats that occurs when the level of progesterone in the blood increases. Leads to purulent inflammation of the uterus. Affected cats have never given birth and receive anti-sex drugs to suppress estrus.

The disease is open and closed, depending on the open / closed cervix. The open variant is characterized by purulent or spotting. It is more easily tolerated by the cat due to the fact that the secretions exit through the open lumen in the cervix. With the closed version, there are no discharges. Pus and blood accumulate in the uterus. And since at an early stage, closed pyometra is asymptomatic, this will lead to intoxication, rupture of the organ and death of the cat.

Symptoms of the disease:

  • deterioration in general condition;
  • lack of appetite, vomiting;
  • increase in the volume of the abdomen;
  • active licking of the abdomen.

In most cases effective method treatment is the removal of the uterus and ovaries of cats. After surgery, a course of antibiotic treatment is carried out, as well as maintenance therapy. In single cases, drug therapy is allowed. However, it should be borne in mind that it can lead to a temporary improvement with a further relapse.


Inflammation of the lining of the uterus. The cause is a genital infection. Animals walking down the street, young cats under 3 years of age, when using hormonal drugs from estrus, with an unbalanced diet, difficult childbirth, and a hereditary tendency are also at risk.

The disease is considered in acute or acquired form. Let's look at the symptoms. In the acquired form, the symptoms are mild. The cat looks healthy on the outside, but is often licked, so the cat does not see blood from the uterus. The danger lies in the fact that this form can flow into a purulent one. This is due to an overestimated accumulation of secretions during thickening of the uterine mucosa. The secret is a favorable environment for the development of infections. It is characterized by profuse discharge and an increase in body temperature. Urgent medical attention is required.

Symptoms in acute form:

  • temperature rise;
  • loss of appetite;
  • copious discharge from the genital slit;
  • often arches the back and adopts a position for urination;
  • increase abdominal cavity;
  • inflamed external genitalia.

At an early stage, antibiotics and antimicrobials are used. With a purulent form, sterilization is carried out. To increase the body's defenses, immunomodulators are prescribed.

Symptoms of uterine bleeding

What symptoms indicate bleeding? With hidden bleeding, the cat becomes lethargic, inactive, her appetite is disturbed. There is severe shortness of breath and increased fatigue. The temperature on the skin of the paws is significantly lower than the body. The abdomen is dense, enlarged in size, the mucous membranes are pale. Symptoms develop gradually over a period of several days to several weeks.

The owner should not forget that with intrauterine bleeding, almost all of the blood remains in the cavity of the organ. And only in isolated cases spots on the external genitalia. Such blood secretions are very dangerous, as they are detected too late.

With obvious bleeding in a cat, when coughing, blood is released, vomiting appears, the stool becomes liquid with bloody streaks. There is bleeding from the loop and blood in the urine. It is important to see a doctor immediately if you experience any of the above symptoms, or if blood is coming more than 15 minutes and the cat has a lot of blood loss after it stops.

First aid, when blood flows from the cat's vagina, prohibits any independent actions.

Diagnosis and treatment

Vaginal bleeding in cats is always a health hazard. If you do not stop him in time, the cat may die.

The veterinarian uses the following diagnostic methods to make an accurate diagnosis.:

  • general examination, palpation;
  • Ultrasound of the abdominal organs, abdominal radiograph;
  • cytology of discharge from the uterus;
  • histological examination of biopsy material;
  • vaginoscopy;
  • analysis of urine and blood (general, biochemical, clotting);
  • sowing on nutrient media.

Depending on the results of the cat's tests, the type of treatment prescribed will depend. It includes:

  • Therapy with antibiotics for infectious diseases and inflammatory processes;
  • Surgical intervention for oncology and endometritis;
  • With large bleeding, a blood transfusion is done;
  • Antishock therapy;
  • Corrective therapy for violation of blood clotting;
  • Chemotherapy to reduce the risk of recurrence after surgery.

Only a veterinarian prescribes treatment and selects the necessary drugs. Their use must strictly correspond to the purpose. Self-medication leads to irreversible consequences. After a successful course, preventive examinations once a month are recommended.