Alexandra Bayazitova, Deputy Minister of Defense, what does she do? The creator of the blog “Hell Grandmas” filed a lawsuit against Tinkoff Bank

Acting State Advisor of the Russian Federation, 1st class.
Honored Economist of the Russian Federation. Candidate of Economic Sciences.

Tatyana Shevtsova was born on July 22, 1969 in the city of Kozelsk, Kaluga region. The girl grew up in a military family. In 1991, she received a diploma from the Leningrad Financial and Economic Institute named after N.A. Voznesensky.

After graduating from university, she worked in the tax authorities for 19 years. During this time, Tatyana Viktorovna went from a tax inspector in the Central region of St. Petersburg to the head of the department of the largest taxpayers of the Ministry Russian Federation on taxes and fees.

From November 2004 to May 2010 - Deputy Head of the Federal Tax Service. In this position, she oversaw the fulfillment of tax payment obligations by the largest taxpayers. In 2009, he was awarded the rank of Active State Advisor of the Russian Federation, 2nd class.

In May 2010, she was appointed Advisor to the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation. By decree of the President of the Russian Federation on August 4, 2010, Tatyana Viktorovna Shevtsova was appointed Deputy Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation. Supervises the organization of financial support Armed Forces Russia. Subordinate to her are the Departments of financial support, financial planning, social guarantees, economic analysis and forecasting and financial monitoring of the state defense order of the Russian Ministry of Defense.

On April 5, 2011, Shevtsova was awarded the highest class rank of a federal civil servant - Actual State Advisor of the Russian Federation, 1st class.

Married. The husband is a former military man. Raises two sons.

Awards and titles of Tatyana Shevtsova

Order of Merit for the Fatherland, IV degree;

Order of Alexander Nevsky (2017) - for services to strengthening defense capability;

Order of Honor (2007);

Order of Friendship;

Medal of the Order “For Merit to the Fatherland”, II degree;

Medal "In memory of the 300th anniversary of St. Petersburg";

Medal "For Strengthening the Military Commonwealth";

Medal "For participation in the military parade on Victory Day";

Medal "For Labor Valor";

Medal "For the Return of Crimea";

Medal "Colonel General Dutov";

Medal “For strengthening the state information security system”, II degree;

Order of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker;

Jubilee medal“65 years of the Kaluga region” (2009);

Acting State Advisor of the Russian Federation, 1st class (04/05/2011);

Honored Economist of the Russian Federation (2006);

Candidate of Economic Sciences;

Certificate of Honor State Duma Federal Assembly RF (2006);

Deputy Minister of Defense Tatyana Shevtsova:

“It is impossible to equate spending on national defense with funds for the maintenance of the army. More than 55 percent of the Ministry of Defense budget goes to finance the State Armaments Program. And only less than half goes to the actual needs of the armed forces: combat training, organization of troops, monetary allowance, social benefits and so on...".

Of course it’s impossible, but as practice shows recent years, The Ministry of Defense, instead of standing up for military personnel in front of legislators and higher authorities, is more engaged in verbiage. For example, Shevtsova has repeatedly stated that:

“With the help of additional payments and allowances, we have zeroed out inflationary losses in monetary allowances...”.


“The Ministry of Defense works like the State Planning Committee.”

"Social payments in the army will not be reduced."


In 1991, she graduated with honors from the Leningrad Financial and Economic Institute named after N. A. Voznesensky.

Honored Economist of the Russian Federation.

Candidate of Economic Sciences.


In the public service since 1991, State Tax Inspector and rose through the ranks to Deputy Head of the Federal Tax Service of the Russian Federation.

Since May 2010, Advisor to the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation, and on August 4, 2010, by decree of the President of the Russian Federation, she was appointed Deputy Minister of Defense. Supervises the organization of financial support for the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation.

Social circle

Married. The husband is a former military man. There is a child.


Order "For Merit to the Fatherland" IV degree, Order of Honor, Order of Friendship.

Medal of the Order “For Merit to the Fatherland”, II degree;

Medal "In memory of the 300th anniversary of St. Petersburg";

Medal "For Labor Valor";

Medal "For the Return of Crimea";

Medal "Colonel General Dutov";

Anniversary medal “65 years of the Kaluga region” (2009).

An economic journalist about his departure into blogging, criticism of Elvira Nabiullina, saving TFB and the “attacks” of anonymous telegram channels

Former editor of the economic sections of Kommersant and Izvestia, head of the Finance department of Life.Ru, Alexandra Bayazitova launched her own show, “Hell's Grandmas,” in which she, in the guise of a real grandma, talks with humor about economics and finance. " Real time"talked with Alexandra about the launch and profitability of her project, the “war” of bloggers with Oleg Tinkov, journalism of the future, as well as giant holes in Tatfondbank and Otkritie and “untouchable” figures in the government that no one should criticize.

“Aram Gabrelyanov’s holding is not connected with my show”

How did the transition from Alexandra Bayazitova, an economic journalist, to Alexandra Bayazitova, a video blogger, happen?

Everything got boring and it became boring. I worked in many places: in the politics department, and in the economics department in different publications, and in Putin’s pool, and in Medvedev’s pool, I wrote a lot about finance and was the head of the corresponding department. I wanted to speak more freely. You yourself know that a journalist has limits - you are limited by the format, limited by the topic on which you write.

In video blogging, I had the opportunity to do my own journalism and at the same time add emotions to it. For example, in “Kommersant” there could be no emotions at all, but on the contrary, I wanted something more expressive. I really wanted to change something in my life, and this is how I changed everything. And in general, I think that social networks are the future.

- Do you also associate the future of journalism with them?

Yes, people no longer just need information. I'll tell you what else prompted me to launch my project: when I worked at, we had a very good and clever statistics system that showed not only how many people clicked on the publication, but also what percentage of the text the user has read. This system clearly demonstrated how people now read materials: if the note is informational, then in 70-80% of cases the maximum that a person will read is the first paragraph.

You can search for information for a long time, work on a topic for a week, and a person will go through the title, click, read the first paragraph, close it and move on. You collected comments, wrote a whole chapter about the history of the issue, but when we're talking about about the information format, then the first paragraph is enough for a person, where the whole essence is described - he does not read further.

“Gabrelyanov’s holding is in no way connected with the project. “He is connected with me only in that I rent a studio from them for filming the show, where Life TV used to be located.” Photo

However, if the text contains emotion, your attitude to what happened, then in most cases the material is read in full and then reposted in social media and comments are written under it. Nowadays it is very difficult to hook a person simply with information. I think journalism will remain in the future, but most likely it will be news agency journalism.

Alexandra, I suggest returning to “Hell's Grandmothers.” So, the idea of ​​creating the project is entirely yours? And Aram Ashotovich’s holding has nothing to do with the project?

No, the holding is not connected in any way. He is connected with me only in that I rent a studio from them for filming the show, where Life TV used to be located. I have an investor who is now helping me pay for operators and designers, but otherwise the project is completely mine, starting with the idea, script and everything else.

- Why did you choose this style? So closer to the people?

You know, I didn’t choose her - she’s just close to me on her own. So the image of the grandmother appeared somehow completely naturally.

“Any banker can speak negatively about Putin, Medvedev, Siluanov, but not about her...”

In one of your interviews, you said that you wanted to allow yourself to laugh at the “untouchable” figures in “Grandmas.” Do I understand correctly that Elvira Nabiullina occupies one of the first places on your “list of untouchables”?

Previously, everyone was untouchable, but of the entire government bloc, Elvira Nabiullina remains the most untouchable figure. You can conduct an experiment and see if Elvira Sakhipzadovna has at least one bad word from bankers (even former ones), let alone from journalists. Any banker can speak negatively about Putin, Medvedev, Siluanov, but not about her. This is such an untouchable organization that, unfortunately, only I dare to criticize.

I will give an example from my career: I worked as a special correspondent, and before Elvira Nabiullina came to the post of head of the Central Bank, I and other journalists could directly call Central Bank officials to find out something, get comments, and so on. When the government changed there, Elvira Sakhipzadovna took over a new press service, and all Central Bank employees were prohibited from talking with all journalists. Since I was a special correspondent, I only communicated with the editor-in-chief, but at the same time, the publication had a finance department, the head of which received a call from the press service of the Central Bank and was told that if I did not stop calling Central Bank officials, then all Izvestia journalists would be expelled from Central Bank pool. It just shocked me.

“Of the entire government bloc, Elvira Nabiullina remains the most untouchable figure. You can conduct an experiment and see if Elvira Sakhipzadovna has at least one bad word from bankers (even former ones), let alone from journalists.” Photo by Maxim Platonov

- Some experts believe that she could have saved Tatfondbank. Do you agree with this?

Definitely. In general, the function of the Central Bank is not to save banks, but not to allow crises to occur in them. If there were problems there, then the Central Bank should have noticed it three years ago. Problems in banks do not arise so that bam - and there’s a hole. The fact is that the Central Bank sees these problems, does nothing, and at the same time helps bank managers take money abroad.

No supervisory authority has such capabilities as the Central Bank. He can introduce his authorized representative into each bank - this is an official spy who has the right to request absolutely any documents and attend any meetings. Moreover, the Central Bank has the right to introduce daily reporting for credit organization and can place its observers in all branches of the bank.

So, when we talk about the fact that the Central Bank could have saved the bank, this is the wrong way to pose the question. The correct question to ask is: “Why did the Central Bank allow the bank to have problems?” How could one look through the trillion hole in “Opening”? It was impossible to view it, just like the huge holes in Tatfondbank. There are 55 thousand people working as inspectors at the Central Bank, and there are about 600 banks in Russia - count how many there are per bank.

A thousand people per bank - are they fools or what? They didn't see anything for three years. It seems that in relation to Otkrytie it was stated that the state securities. Well, this is open information - you can easily see how much government securities cost on the market. I don’t think there are stupid people there, I think there are thieves there.

There were people at Tatfondbank who were satisfied with this state of affairs. Moreover, I give you a 99% guarantee that people who were directly assigned to Tatfondbank (Central Bank officials in both Moscow and Tatarstan), since 2012 or earlier, wrote memos stating that, excuse me, they in the ass - they are not fools either. They probably wrote that they did not believe the reports, but someone at the Central Bank decided not to do anything.

I will also remind you that about a year ago the entire supervisory block at the Central Bank was dispersed: Alexey Simanovsky (the first deputy chairman who oversaw the supervisory block) was transferred to advisers and the director of the supervisory department, Mikhail Sukhov, was fired. This means that they screwed up somewhere, and very badly. But, please note, we do not see criminal cases against Central Bank officials.

“How could you see a trillion-dollar hole in Otkrytie? It was impossible to view it, just like the huge holes in Tatfondbank. There are 55 thousand people working as inspectors at the Central Bank, and there are about 600 banks in Russia - count how many there are per bank.”

Some supervisor admitted that 100 billion were stolen from the bank. These are five annual budgets of Kazan. For five years it was possible to support the whole of Kazan - to build many new clinics, roads, schools and kindergartens. Instead, your republican authorities are forced, on the contrary, to cut health care spending. Thank the Central Bank for this: these are colossal sums that were stolen and for which we received nothing. It’s bad when they steal from government procurement, and such bastards need to be jailed, but in such cases we at least get something: for example, bad roads, on which twice as much was spent as they actually cost. Money is stolen here, and the bankers who are behind it simply go abroad and live there.

Do you have a boss? local branch Central Bank, and someone asked him: “Where were you looking, comrade?” All this is presented to the public as confusion and leapfrog, but in fact everything is calculated there and a whole bank has been allocated for this matter. Probably, it could have been saved, but for some reason Elvira Sakhipzadovna decided to save Peresvet Bank, but she did not want to save Tatfondbank. Why? Many people think that this is no accident. And it definitely could have been saved if the Central Bank had taken up this issue a year or two ago.

“I didn’t invest a lot of money in the project, but I don’t need much to live on”

Alexandra, how much money did you have to invest in this project and what did you have to sacrifice? It seems like you even quit your main job for the sake of “Hell's Money”?

Yes, I quit my day job. I have no right to tell you a specific amount, but it is very small - it includes payment for the work of the operator, designer and editor. There were also investments in promotion on Facebook, but it was very expensive and practically pointless.

Totally a nightmare. I practically stopped paying because it's not worth it.

I apologize for the question in the style of Yuri Dud, but if you quit, then why do you exist now? Does the show help you stay afloat?

Yes, but again I can’t say the amount. The work itself turns me on, the banter over the news, all the things I couldn’t do before. I didn’t invest a lot of money into the project, and I don’t need much for my living.

- How are things going with monetization?

We are making small native videos now, but I won’t say which ones! (Laughs.)

You have released six videos in a row mentioning Tinkov. Do you have a contract with him or was everything filmed in the wake of the scandal with the Nemagiya bloggers?

This was the dictate of my soul, because I was very outraged by what they did with “Nonmagic”: broken doors, police, criminal proceedings, threats, and so on. I just decided not to stay away.

“Tinkov began to, excuse the expression, burn out”

Didn't he try to contact you? You are a blogger, you come out with harsh criticism - that’s all necessary components for this there is, it would seem.

Unfortunately no. Apparently, when my videos started coming out, he was already, excuse the expression, starting to burn out. His every move on this case was written about in the media, plus many top bloggers were harnessed to “Non-Magic”.

Well, besides, legally it was much more difficult to find fault with me than with Nemagia. In fact, I did what they didn’t add to the video - I compared its tariffs with Sberbank, showed the agreement and its pitfalls, and showed a recorded conversation with the bank’s courier. Almost without emotions.

I would like to recall the recent post of the anonymous telegram channel “Ruthless PR Man” about the fact that any “order” in your show costs half a million rubles. What do you think about the channel and where did this information come from?

I used to subscribe to this channel, but I haven’t read them for quite some time. I don't really like "BP" because he is very angry and unfunny. And regarding the information: in this way they decided to take revenge on me for telling me who the authors of this channel are. I am 100% sure of who exactly is running it, and I published the list on my Facebook. But I like the price they quoted. If someone wants to order a native one from me at this price, then yes, I don’t mind. (Laughs.) But of course, I will never make a false video that could undermine my reputation. But if someone wants honest review your product - please.

- How do you feel about anonymous telegram channels and what do you read?

In general, there are many interesting channels there. I read “Bankomafia” - a very good channel, “Elvira and Anton”, “Elvira’s Cat” (apparently, people were impressed by my cat Herman Sin). There, of course, there are some messes there, but at the same time there is a lot of interesting information (requiring mandatory confirmation, of course). And in “BP” specifically on economic topics, in my opinion, there is much more crap than in other channels, mostly, it seems to me, orders, for example, “tomorrow the license of such and such a bank will be revoked.” This is my value judgment.

Alexandra, finally, I would like to ask if anything connects you with the Tatar people? The surname is very remarkable.

Yes, my great-grandfather is Bayazet Bayazitovich Bayazitov. And my grandfather was Aigish Bayazitovich Bayazitov, but he called his dad Vladimir.

Lina Sarimova

Russian media continue to analyze the reason why, when Anatoly Serdyukov was head of the Ministry of Defense best places the department was occupied by women. Where “Serdyukov’s concubines” came from, how evil tongues dubbed them, what they did in order to “command the regiments,” and what changed in these regiments with their arrival, journalists from Moskovsky Komsomolets tried to find out by publishing an incomplete list of high-ranking military leaders in skirts.

Thus, according to MK, Ekaterina Priezzheva headed the education department at the Ministry of Defense, Olga Kharchenko is the head of the department housing provision, Tatyana Shevtsova is the Deputy Minister of Defense in charge of the financial block, Elena Kozlova is another deputy in charge of military medicine and financial inspection, Nadezhda Sinikova is the head of Rosoboronpostavka... The head of the minister’s office is Elena Kalnaya. Press secretary - Lieutenant Colonel Irina Kovalchuk. Olga Vasilyeva is the head of the financial support department. Anna Kondratyeva is the head of the financial planning department. Daria Morozova is the head of the government procurement department. Alla Yashina is director of the pricing department for military products. Marina Balakireva is the director of the legal department. Marina Chubkina – head of the central administrative department Federal agency special construction (Spetsstroy). Tatyana Zavyalova is an adviser to the minister on the creation of the Zvezda media holding. Vera Chistova - Deputy Minister for Financial and Economic Work. Elena Chufyreva is the head of the sanatorium and resort provision department.

As the publication writes, the list of representatives of the fairer sex who occupied high positions under Serdyukov can be continued indefinitely, and the ladies themselves, according to high-ranking military men, sometimes behaved inappropriately “in the appearance of an officer” and felt their complete impunity. "MK" provides only some facts from the biographies of the most notable ladies from the circle of the now former ex-minister.

Thus, the head of the Department of Education of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation Ekaterina Priezzheva, with whose name many in the army associate the collapse of the military education system, in particular, the liquidation of several main military academies and universities and a 7-fold reduction in the number of teachers, until 2005, as it turns out, she was the head of the turnover control department alcoholic products Committee economic development, industrial policy and trade of St. Petersburg. Then she worked briefly as the head of interdistrict tax inspectorate No. 1 of St. Petersburg, for another 2 years she worked in the Federal Tax Service as the head of the department of taxes and duties on alcohol and tobacco products, until in 2007 she moved to the Ministry of Defense as an adviser to Serdyukov, who also worked as a tax officer before becoming a minister. .

Ekaterina Priezzheva

According to the publication, Priezzheva received the caustic nickname Bolonka for the introduction of the three-level Bologna system (with bachelor's, specialist and master's degrees), according to which, starting in September 2011, officers of the Ministry of Defense began to be trained. The transition to the Bologna system caused indignation among specialists who believe that this led to a sharp decline in the quality of officer training. On this occasion, the Public Chamber met several times, where, according to the testimony of its participants, Priezzheva “had a good grasp of special terminology,” but she was unable to clearly substantiate the essence and goals of the military education reform to the military specialists present.

As MK writes, many ladies of the Ministry of Defense came for Serdyukov from the tax office, for which the military immediately attached an ambiguous definition to them: “concubines of the minister.” Among the minister's former favorites there are also those who were just over 25 years old at the time of their appointment.

A 26-year-old woman received the nickname Lady with a Dog for appearing at meetings with a small puppy in her arms. Olga Kharchenko, who spent a whole year in the chair of the head of the housing department. In this post, she replaced Olga Lierschaft, who was removed in 2011 after she was unable to report how many people were on the waiting list in the department waiting for improved housing conditions.

Olga Kharchenko

Kharchenko, who also failed or did not want to turn the situation around, was eventually also fired, allegedly with a “severance pay” of 15 million rubles. In its place came Galina Semina, who was remembered for the fact that she immediately moved into a house intended for officers, from whom she hid more than 1.5 thousand Moscow apartments purchased for them by the ministry. As a result, Semina was ordered to provide officers with apartments in Moscow through the court, and the bailiffs who were instructed to fulfill this judgment, they couldn’t find her for a long time and banned her from leaving the Russian Federation.

Tatiana Shevtsova was appointed deputy minister in 2010. She received this major promotion after she tried and failed to implement the notorious housing program for those laid off from work. military service and their families. The military also associates months of salary delays in 2012 with Shevtsova’s name.

Tatiana Shevtsova

Another deputy of Anatoly Serdyukov became Elena Kozlova, which was entrusted with overseeing two areas at once - military medicine and financial inspection. As MK writes, before her appointment as a “medic,” Kozlova once studied with Serdyukov at the Institute of Soviet Trade, and then worked with him at the Federal Tax Service.

Elena Kozlova

Nadezhda Sinikova, appointed by Serdyukov in 2010 to the post of head of the Federal Agency for the Supply of Arms, Military, special equipment and material resources, she also previously worked with him at the tax office. Sinikova is an economist by education, graduated from an agricultural university, and before the tax office she was an agricultural accounting specialist.

Nadezhda Sinikova

In 2011, the former tax officer was also transferred to Rosoboronpostavka. Olga Stepanova. What is known about her is that, as the head of the Federal Tax Service Inspectorate No. 28 for Moscow, she paid 15.6 billion rubles from the budget to various companies in the form of tax refunds.

Elena Knyazeva- Deputy Head of the Main Directorate of International Military Cooperation (GUMVS) of the Russian Ministry of Defense - became the first female general of the Russian Armed Forces in this millennium. Before her, Valentina Tereshkova was awarded this title. All that is known about Knyazeva is that in 2010-2011 she served as the head of the Main Directorate for Internal Affairs of the Ministry of Defense, then became his deputy. Before that she worked as the head of the department English language at the military university.

Elena Knyazeva

Marina Chubkina, whom the media refers to as “Serdyukov’s most beautiful woman”, is the former head of the central administrative department of the Federal Agency for Special Construction (Spetsstroy), a very important organization for the Ministry of Defense, which is also involved in the construction of special and nuclear facilities that ensure the defense and security of the state.

Marina Chubkina

Before becoming one of Serdyukov’s many right and left hands, Chubkina managed to work on television, as an assistant to a State Duma deputy and as an adviser to a member of the Federation Council. After her resignation, as is known, Chubkina went to work as an adviser to the head of Russian Railways, Vladimir Yakunin.

And finally, the most discussed figure from the ex-minister’s entourage is the former chief of staff of the Ministry of Defense Evgenia Vasilyeva.

According to MK, the relationship between Serdyukov and Vasilyeva began at the university, but Vedomosti insists that they did not know each other at the university (Serdyukov graduated from the same faculty in absentia). The newspaper sets out two other versions of how Vasilyeva met Serdyukov.

Evgenia Vasilyeva

Former colleagues at SU-155 (one of the largest housing builders for the Ministry of Defense) claim that Serdyukov was recommended to Vasiliev by the then head of the capital’s construction complex Resin as a valuable specialist. As it turned out, Vasilyeva, in turn, met Resin in 2007 at the international real estate exhibition MIPIM in Cannes, where she came as
director of a small real estate firm with only three employees, including herself. The minister appreciated Vasilyeva and invited her to head the Department of Property Relations of the Ministry of Defense. Vasilyeva’s former colleagues at the Ministry of Defense say that she could have met Serdyukov through his sister’s husband, St. Petersburg businessman Valery Puzikov.

Having made Vasilyeva the head of the property department of the Ministry of Defense and a member of the board of directors of Oboronservis, Serdyukov “did not invent anything new,” says someone close to the Ministry of Defense

Tatyana Viktorovna Shevtsova(born July 22, 1969, Kozelsk, USSR) - Russian statesman, Deputy Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation since August 4, 2010. Acting State Advisor of the Russian Federation, 1st class, Honored Economist of Russia, Candidate of Economic Sciences.


Tatyana Viktorovna Shevtsova was born on July 22, 1969 in Kozelsk, Kaluga region. Father is a military man. In 1991 she graduated from the Leningrad Financial and Economic Institute. N.A. Voznesensky. From 1991 to 2010 she worked in the tax authorities. She worked her way up from a tax inspector in the Central District of St. Petersburg to the head of the department of the largest taxpayers of the Ministry of Taxes and Duties of the Russian Federation.

From November 2004 to May 2010 - Deputy Head of the Federal Tax Service (A. E. Serdyukova). In this position, she oversaw the fulfillment of tax payment obligations by the largest taxpayers. In 2009, he was awarded the rank of Active State Advisor of the Russian Federation, 2nd class.

In May 2010, she was appointed Advisor to the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation.

On August 4, 2010, by decree of the President of the Russian Federation, Tatyana Viktorovna Shevtsova was appointed Deputy Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation. Supervises the organization of financial support for the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. Subordinate to it are the Departments of financial support, financial planning, social guarantees, economic analysis and forecasting and financial monitoring of the state defense order of the Russian Ministry of Defense.

In 2011, he was awarded the highest class rank of a federal civil servant - Active State Advisor of the Russian Federation, 1st class.

Married. The husband is a former military man. Raises two sons.

Awards and titles

  • Order of Merit for the Fatherland, IV degree;
  • Order of Alexander Nevsky (2017) - for services to strengthening the country's defense capability and high personal performance in official activities
  • Order of Honor (2007);
  • Order of Friendship;
  • Medal of the Order “For Merit to the Fatherland”, II degree;
  • Medal "In memory of the 300th anniversary of St. Petersburg";
  • Medal "For Strengthening the Military Commonwealth";
  • Medal "For participation in the military parade on Victory Day";
  • Medal "For Labor Valor";
  • Medal "For the Return of Crimea";
  • Medal "Colonel General Dutov";
  • Medal “For strengthening the state information security system”, II degree;
  • Order of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker;
  • Anniversary medal “65 years of the Kaluga region” (2009).
  • Acting State Advisor of the Russian Federation, 1st class (2011);
  • Honored Economist of the Russian Federation (2006);
  • Candidate of Economic Sciences;
  • Certificate of Honor of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation (2006).