The coming school holidays. Holidays in quarters

To better organize children's studies, recreation and leisure time, school holidays are provided. The Ministry of Education annually approves a tentative schedule for their implementation. Management educational institutions sets its training schedule for the 2017-2018 year, taking into account the adopted system of acquiring knowledge.

Holidays in quarters

The most popular method of school education is dividing the year into 4 quarters. After the end of each, the schedule provides for rest. The following factors are taken into account:

  • Summer holidays primary classes start on May 24th. According to the schedule, the rest of the schoolchildren will graduate on 05.31.19, for graduates - after passing the exams.
  • The national holiday Day of National Unity falls on Sunday, so the duration of rest in the fall is increased.
  • Winter holidays for schoolchildren coincide with New Year's holidays for parents.

Students will have additional respite time due to official holidays– February 23, March 8-9, 04.30-02.05, 05.09. With such a school education system in 2017-2018, according to the calendar, children’s autumn holidays will be 8 days, winter holidays will be 13, and spring holidays at school will last 9 days. The following preliminary schedule of training and rest is provided:


Study time

Schoolchildren's holidays



System 5/1 (Modular)

The management of some educational institutions organizes the school process according to the principles of a modular system. The schedule in this case provides for classes for 5-6 weeks and 7 days of rest. At the same time, autumn and winter holidays are held twice. The approximate schedule for 2017-2018 will look like this:

Study period

School holidays

1 autumn

2 autumn

New Year's



Vacation schedule by trimester

Regions of Russia, educational institutions in Moscow and individual cities independently choose their study concept. One of the options that the director of a school or gymnasium can organize with the support of the parent committee is the education of children according to the trimester system. The academic year is divided into three parts, each of which includes two modules. The school holiday schedule for 2017-2018 in this case may be as follows:

Study period

Children's holidays

1st trimester

Autumn 1

Autumn 2

2nd trimester

New Year's

3rd trimester


Vacations for first grades

In the second half of the school year, first-graders find it difficult to cope with school loads. The schedule provides for an additional rest period for them. According to the recommendations of the Ministry of Education, taking into account the public holiday of February 23 - Defender of the Fatherland Day, The first classes can still rest from February 18 to 25.

Additional holidays in the 2017-2018 academic year

It is difficult to create a unified school schedule for how children will study and relax in 2017-2018. Deviations from recommended dates are possible.

It is important that changes made to the schedule do not increase the duration of absence educational process more than 14 days.

In this case, it will be difficult to catch up with the program. An additional rest period may be due to the following factors:

  • quarantine due to illness;
  • low temperatures in winter;
  • natural disasters;
  • floods in spring;
  • squally winds;
  • building safety issues;
  • utility accidents.
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School holiday schedule for the 2017-2018 school year

Vacations are a long-awaited time for any student. Many people begin to want to take a break from classes from the first days of the term. Schoolchildren actively make plans for their free time, especially high school students who do not have much of it.

Parents are also not lagging behind - many of them try to take time off during the holidays to spend time with their children. Therefore, knowing in advance what dates the holidays fall on is important for many.

Check out the school holiday schedule

Depending on the school's operating hours, the holidays take place at different times, coinciding only with the New Year holidays.

Please select which one education system your school is working.

How are vacation dates determined?

The holiday calendar is determined by the Department of Education. However, there are pitfalls here. In particular, the established dates are advisory.

That is, the administration of educational institutions has the right to independently adjust the vacation schedule in accordance with curriculum or any other internal factors. However, the changed dates should not be shifted more than two weeks from the official holiday dates.

Another reason for differences in vacation schedules is different forms of education. Some schools traditionally study in quarters, while others have switched to a more modern modular system - education in trimesters. Accordingly, the vacation schedule differs, and the Department of Education gives separate recommendations on dates.

Question about one-time holidays

The permissible freedom in setting the vacation schedule is the reason that in Moscow, St. Petersburg and the regions they often do not take place simultaneously. The question is whether this is correct lately is being actively discussed. One-time holidays would make it more convenient to hold various events for schoolchildren, including Olympiads. True, they have not yet reached a common opinion, and apparently, schools do not want to lose their privilege to determine the rest time for students themselves.

Vacations in secondary vocational education institutions

  • Winter holidays: from December 30, 2019 to January 12, 2020.
  • Summer holidays: from June 29, 2020 to August 31, 2020.

Vacations in higher education institutions

  • Winter holidays: from January 25 to February 9, 2020.
  • Summer holidays: at least 35 days according to the approved educational process plan.

In addition to scheduled holidays, school classes may be

Regardless of what grade the child is in and how successfully the child is studying, all students are looking forward to the school holidays and we propose to find out today when and how children will have a rest in the 2019-2020 academic year in Russia and how many vacation periods are provided for schoolchildren of different classes .

School holidays are a golden time with which every adult has the most vivid childhood memories. For parents, the holidays are a period for which they can freely plan family vacations and long trips, without interrupting the child from the learning process. That is why, for most people, it is very important to know what dates in the coming academic year the holidays fall on in schools operating on semester and trimester systems.

Rules and regulations governing vacation time

All parents know very well that the last word in deciding the issue of holidays always remains with the administration of the educational institution. But, periods of study and rest in schools, lyceums and gymnasiums must be distributed taking into account the structure of the academic year specified in the main order of the Ministry of Education and Science, which is signed in August (before the start of the school year).

When approving the periods allocated for school holidays and classes in the 2019-2020 academic year, administrations of all schools in the Russian Federation must take into account the following basic norms:

  1. The total number of vacation time for the academic year (excluding summer holidays), cannot be less than 30 calendar days.
  2. The duration of the vacation cannot be less than 7 days.
  3. Summer holidays cannot be less than 2 months.
  4. Any school holidays for the 2019-2020 year, as before, must begin on Monday.
  5. We do not allow holidays to be postponed for more than 2 weeks.

Vacation schedule for the semester system

The semester system is a classic version of organizing the educational process, used today not only in general education and specialized schools, but also in many out-of-school educational institutions that children attend. The main advantage emerges from this. If in the 2019-2020 academic year, school holidays are divided into quarters, they coincide with the rest periods of clubs and sections, music and art schools, which is convenient for children and parents.

As a rule, in this option, the academic year is divided into two semesters, and each semester into 2 quarters, between which there is a short rest period. Students using the quarter system in 2019-2020 can be guided by this approximate * vacation schedule.

Autumn holidays traditionally take place in the last week of October. The first holidays of 2019-2020 may be postponed to a later period in some Russian schools due to weather conditions in certain regions. But for the vast majority of schools the following dates will be relevant:

Important! Thanks to the fact that the Day National Unity in 2019 it falls on a Monday, the guys will get 10 days off in a row.

The most beloved winter holidays this year will give schoolchildren 14 days of rest, filled with noisy holidays, interesting meetings and vivid impressions. The children will begin their vacation on December 26, 2019, and the new academic quarter will begin on Thursday, January 9, 2020.

Additional holidays in February 2020 will be provided only to 1st grade students. This decision has been supported for many years in many schools in Russia, because the additional week of rest occurs during the period of peak growth in the incidence of ARVI. Moreover, teachers note that a little rest has a beneficial effect on the perseverance and performance of first-graders.

In the 2019-2020 academic year, additional holidays for the youngest schoolchildren in Russia fall in the last week of winter.

The spring holiday period will largely depend on the weather in the regions of the Russian Federation and the characteristics of the heating season. Schools can go on vacation from 03/23/20 or from 03/30/20.

The summer holidays of the 2019-2020 academic year are the same for any academic year schedule and they will begin for schoolchildren in Russia officially from 05/25/20 (but in fact from 05/23/20).

Vacation schedule for the trimester system

The trimester system is relatively young, but is considered more progressive and effective in education. Its features include:

  • short study periods;
  • more frequent rest periods;
  • three significant ratings that influence the annual assessment, which ensures a more objective assessment.

For most schools in Russia operating on a trimester system, the 2019-2020 holidays will take place according to the following schedule:


Number of days

1st autumn

07.10.19 – 13.10.19

2nd autumn

18.11.19 – 24.11.19

1st winter

26.12.19 – 08.01.20

1st winter

24.02.20 – 01.03.20

1st spring

16.03.20 – 22.03.20

2nd spring

20.04.20 – 26.04.20

25.05.20 – 31.08.20

Thus, schoolchildren studying under the new trimester system will receive 6 (and the first grades even 7) vacation periods. In this case, the year will be divided into three periods:

  • 1st trimester (from 09/01/19 to 11/15/19);
  • 2nd trimester (from 11/25/19 to 03/13/20);
  • 3rd trimester (from 03/23/20 to 05/22/20).

The first autumn holidays of the 2019-2020 academic year for students of such educational institutions in Russia will begin on October 7.

Winter and additional holiday periods for the trimester system are the same as for the semester schedule. For the New Year holidays, students have a rest until January 8 inclusive, and kids get a week of rest at the end of February.

In the spring, the guys will also receive 2 rest periods instead of one.

Thus, schoolchildren studying on a trimester system will have a little more days in total for rest and recovery. According to scientists who conducted research on this system, this does not affect negative influence on the learning process. Although, some parents note that they have much more trouble with the question of who to leave their child with and what to do with them during the holidays. Also, many are not happy with the fact that often during the rest period children actually have to attend sections and clubs, because most out-of-school educational centers are focused on the semester system.

The favorite time of all schoolchildren is the holidays, and the summer months come first in this regard. After all, we are talking about 90 days of complete freedom from studying, constant homework and the need to get up for the first lesson. But there is another time that is no less anticipated by children - the winter holidays, during which everyone’s favorite Christmas holidays take place. Since the Russian government annually sets a new start and end date for this magical time, you should find out in advance exactly when to expect the New Year holidays in 2018.

The long-awaited time

An important detail of the issue under consideration is the correspondence of the New Year holidays in schools with a trimester and quarterly education system. Such a long-awaited time partially corresponds to the extended weekend in honor of the New Year. It is at this time that not only schoolchildren can take a break from the constant need to study - adults also have an additional two weeks of “vacation”. Do you know what this means? Each Russian family there is an opportunity to enjoy the holidays together. This is probably why the announced period is considered the most long-awaited and unforgettable.

Unfortunately, on at the moment There is no exact schedule for winter holidays for schoolchildren yet, since the Ministry of Education usually decides this issue several weeks before the start of the new school year.

However, with a regular calendar at hand, you can try to create a tentative schedule for the winter holidays.

In addition, it is easy to compare such a time period with last year’s version so that the calculations are more plausible.

Winter schedule

When figuring out how many days the New Year holidays are for schoolchildren in 2018, it is worth making the following assumptions. According to preliminary information, the future New Year holidays will start on December 25, 2017 and will continue until January 9 next. By the way, junior classes are given additional time for a full winter holiday - from February 19 to 25. As a result, you will have to go back to school on January 10, but only if officials do not make any changes to the announced schedule. Otherwise, the new academic quarter and trimester will begin on January 9.

Not long ago, the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation prepared a special proposal, which talks about the possibility of postponing winter weekends in 2018.

If such a project is approved by State Duma deputies, Russians will be able to fully celebrate the long-awaited Christmastide for only 10 days - from December 30 to January 8.

According to the announced postponement of holidays, the situation may look like this: January 6 and 7 are planned to be moved to March 9 and May 12. The government also wants to replace the weekends of Saturdays April 28, June 9 and December 29 (2018) with Mondays April 30, June 11 and December 31. It turns out that the following time periods will be additional days off for schoolchildren:

  • December 30–January 8 – 10 days;
  • February 23–25 – 3 days;
  • March 8–11 – 4 days;
  • April 28–May 2 – 4 days;
  • June 10–12 – 3 days;
  • November 2–5 – 3 days.

For the working class, this time is also considered desirable and expected; moreover, according to current legislation, before holidays the working day should be shortened by 1 hour.

By the way, if anyone didn’t know, Russia is considered the country least “accustomed to work” - it has the largest number of non-working days and weekends throughout the entire 12 months.

If educational process schoolchildren are held in trimesters, the date of the New Year's weekend will be slightly different. It was like that before. Now it is possible to combine both study options for greater convenience for parents.

So, how do we relax on New Year It is clear exactly how long this time will last has also been determined. All that remains is to wait until the end of summer to find out the exact schedule of the beginning and end of this wonderful winter season, filled with holiday surprises, pleasant surprises and bright fun.

Vacations are periods of rest from studying for schoolchildren.

In Moscow, the vacation schedule is set by the city Department of Education. It is the same for all schools.

Winter holidays

The period of winter school holidays depends on the educational system adopted at the school.

Students have one winter break in quarters: at the end of December - beginning of January. Vacations last 10-14 days. First graders receive an additional winter weekend in February lasting one week.

Students have two winter holidays per trimester: at the end of December - beginning of January and in February. The first vacation lasts 10-14 days, the second - a week.

Winter holidays in the 2017-2018 academic year when studying in quarters (Moscow)

For students in quarters in Moscow, the winter holidays in the 2017-2018 academic year will take place from Monday, January 1 to Wednesday, January 10, 2018, inclusive. In fact, the rest will begin on Saturday December 30 (with a five-day training system). Students will return to classes on Thursday, January 11.

Winter holidays in the 2017-2018 academic year when studying in quarters (regions of the Russian Federation)

For students in quarters in the regions of Russia (all except Moscow), winter holidays in the 2017-2018 academic year will take place from Monday December 25, 2017 to Monday January 8, 2018 inclusive. In fact, the rest will begin on Saturday December 23 (with a five-day training system). Schoolchildren will return to classes on Tuesday, January 9, after the end of the New Year holidays.

First-graders will receive additional winter rest from Monday, February 19 (actually from Saturday, February 17) to Sunday, February 25, 2018.

Winter holidays in the 2017-2018 academic year when studying by trimester (Moscow)

For students in trimesters in Moscow, winter holidays in the 2017-2018 academic year will last 2 periods:

  • from Monday January 1 to Wednesday January 10, 2018 inclusive (in fact, the holiday will begin on Saturday December 30 - with a five-day training system);

Winter holidays in the 2017-2018 academic year when studying by trimester (regions of the Russian Federation)

For students by trimester in the regions of Russia (all except Moscow), winter holidays in the 2017-2018 academic year will last 2 periods:

  • from Monday December 25, 2017 to Monday January 8, 2018 inclusive (in fact, the vacation will begin on Saturday December 23 - with a five-day training system);
  • from Monday February 19 to Sunday February 25, 2018 (in fact, the holiday will begin on Saturday February 17 - with a five-day training system).

Additional holidays

Administration educational institution may introduce additional holidays in winter if:

The air temperature is below -25 °C (for students in grades 1-4), -28 °C (grades 5-9) and -30 °C (grades 10-11);

The temperature in classrooms is below +18 °C;

The epidemic threshold for incidence exceeds 25% of the total number of students in the school.