What to do if thrush keeps coming back. Correct treatment of recurrent thrush Causes of recurrent thrush

Recurrent thrush in women occurs often because fungi of the genus Candida, which inhabit the vagina, are opportunistic flora and are activated under favorable conditions.

The key to successful treatment

Meanwhile, treatment of recurrent thrush does not present any difficulties if you adhere to the following rules:

  • do not neglect examination by a gynecologist and do not refuse to take a smear test;
  • do not prescribe medications yourself;
  • do not interrupt the course of treatment when the main symptoms disappear;
  • do not use folk remedies, which have no therapeutic effect in the treatment of this disease.

And don't skimp on medicines, choosing cheap analogues yourself. If you explain your situation to the doctor, he will write out a diagram of how to successfully treat recurrent thrush using cheaper means.

Information about the disease

The causes of recurrent thrush may include the following factors:

  • infectious diseases that reduce the body's immunity;
  • chronic infections, especially those affecting the reproductive organs and genitourinary system;
  • infection with sexually transmitted infections;
  • chronic diseases of all body systems;
  • hormonal or endocrine changes and disorders – diabetes mellitus, thyrotoxicosis, obesity, pregnancy;
  • intestinal dysbiosis;
  • long term use hormonal contraceptives or hormonal agents;
  • taking antibiotics.

Recurrent thrush can worsen with improper treatment and unsystematic use of medications.

Thrush occurs not only in women, but also in men, but the disease persists for a long time only in special conditions - with a significant decrease in immunity, for example, in patients with AIDS.

The male genital organs are designed in such a way that during urination, candida is washed out. However, it is necessary to treat men and women who are sexual partners together, since even though small quantity, but an opportunistic culture is present in men.

The main symptoms of the disease are the following:

  • curdled discharge;
  • hyperemia of the mucous membrane;
  • the occurrence of itching and burning;
  • pain and stinging when urinating.

As the disease worsens, the mucous membrane of the vulva becomes covered with a continuous coating, which is difficult to remove - pinpoint bleeding appears on the mucous membrane.

Diagnosis and treatment of thrush

Diagnosing the disease in its acute form is quite simple. It is enough to take a routine smear test during a gynecological examination.

For chronic thrush, a treatment regimen is developed only when the degree of infection is determined - using special blood tests. The body has already developed antibodies to candida; it rarely manifests itself; concomitant diseases activate it. Therefore, it is quite difficult to independently solve the problem of how to cure recurrent thrush.

Once the reasons why the thrush has worsened are determined, complex therapy begins. It includes drugs for stabilization general condition and medications that directly stop the activity of candida.

To cure the disease, hospital treatment is not required. You can deal with it at home.

The treatment regimen for recurrent thrush necessarily includes drugs of local and general action.

First, a bacteriological culture must be done, during which the degree of damage to the body is revealed.

Antifungal drugs have to be used for several months. Modern drugs cause minimal side effects.

The main components of the majority modern drugs is fluconazole. Such drugs include “Diflucan”, “Flucostat”, “Fluconazole”.

People try not to prescribe medications with nystatin - with chronic candidiasis, the body has time to adapt to them.

If the question arises of how to treat recurrent thrush with breastfeeding, then use “Pimafucin”. This product is absolutely safe and is not absorbed into breast milk. It can also be used during pregnancy.

Local agents are used along with oral medications. These include dosage forms: suppositories, vaginal tablets, suppositories.

The most popular among them are the following drugs:

  • "Terzhinan" - vaginal tablets that are soaked before use. Effectively stops the activity of candida, treat the mucous membrane with care. Contains the hormone prednisolone;
  • “Clotrimazole” - available in the form of ointments and suppositories, quickly eliminates unpleasant symptoms;
  • During breastfeeding and pregnancy, Livarol is prescribed from the second trimester. Produced in tablets, the main active substance– ketoconazole;
  • The appointment of Hexicon is considered advisable. This very strong antiseptic not only destroys candida, but also effectively resists other pathogenic flora that cause various sexually transmitted infections. The product contains chlorhexidine bigluconate and polyethylene coside.

The second stage of treatment involves the use of drugs that increase general and local immunity. These include probiotics. They are also consumed topically and orally.

Without eliminating dysbiosis, thrush cannot be cured. The most commonly used are “Bifiform”, “Linex”, “Lactofil”, “Probiform”. The vaginal microflora is restored by dosage forms produced in the form of suppositories: “Laktovag”, “Bifolact”, “Lactonorm”, “Gynoflor”, “Acilact”.

Local medications have virtually no contraindications, and a reaction to them can only occur due to individual intolerance.

At the same time, you will have to follow a diet - you will have to exclude foods that cause candida activity from your diet. These include: yeast baked goods, grapes, beer, carbonated drinks, sweets, hot seasonings.

A regular sexual partner should also be treated. He will have to take a course of antifungal medications and use topical agents, even if he does not have any symptoms indicating infection. As noted above, in men symptoms rarely appear - only when the body is weakened.

During treatment, it is necessary to strengthen individual hygiene measures, change underwear and bedding more often. Refuse the desire to show off elegant lace panties - intimate lingerie should be made from natural fabrics, preferably cotton.

You will also have to do without intimate specific products - gels and detergents with fragrances, special perfumes, scented pads.

For washing intimate area will have to use special means, helping to normalize the vaginal microflora, for example, “Lactocide”.

Mistakes in the treatment of candidiasis

In most cases, the culprits that the disease turned into chronic form, are the patients themselves.

Often, patients undergoing repeated treatment ask the gynecologist the question of why thrush comes back and how to get rid of it forever. There are many reasons for relapse. Getting rid of thrush (candidiasis) is not easy. According to statistics, at least 50% of women have encountered this disease at least once in their lives. Moreover, about a quarter of all patients complain about the return of thrush.

Reasons for relapse

Most women believe that thrush is not a serious disease. That’s why they try to treat it on their own, following the recommendations of television advertising, friends or just acquaintances. This is where the mistake lies. Self-medication leads to thrush returning again and again, becoming chronic.

To understand why thrush often appears, you should know all the necessary information about it. Gynecologists strongly recommend that women closely monitor their health after treatment. And the main thing is not to hope that after taking one pill, the patient will forget about the problem forever. Often such drugs only reduce the clinical manifestations of the disease. If a woman is worried, then the reasons may be as follows:

  1. The main cause of recurrent candidiasis is a malfunction of the immune system. In other words, weakened immunity contributes to the development of infection in the body, especially in cases where the disease has not been completely cured.
  2. Stress. Irregularities at work nervous system, directly involved in the formation of immunity, provoke recurrent candidiasis.
  3. Bad habits. Abuse of tobacco, alcohol and harmful products leads to the fact that the female body becomes unable to cope with the fungus, and recurrent thrush cannot be cured.
  4. Promiscuous sexual intercourse. Although thrush is not an infection, it can be transmitted sexually. In most cases, men develop the disease without clinical manifestations. In the male body, fungi of the genus Candida, which cause candidiasis, are often excreted through the urethra, but in women they settle on the walls of the vagina.
  5. Thrush can also appear due to problems in the digestive system. Any diseases of the esophagus and intestines create an ideal environment for the growth of fungus. As a result, candidiasis can spread to these organs, which can have serious consequences for the entire body.
  6. Taking antibacterial drugs. In order to get rid of various viral diseases, people take antibiotics. Long-term use of such drugs contributes to the destruction of intestinal microflora. If it is not restored in a timely manner, the body cannot fight the fungus, and thrush often occurs against this background.
  7. Hormonal contraceptives. Any of these drugs contains the hormone estrogen, which stimulates the growth of the fungus. Studies have shown that while taking hormonal drugs containing estrogen, thrush reappeared. This was especially reflected in women who decided to switch from one type of oral contraceptive to another.
  8. Allergy. In this case, recurrent thrush may also develop. Moreover, substances contained in sanitary pads, tampons or lubricant for condoms can provoke an allergic reaction. In this case, before getting rid of candidiasis, a woman should change the brand of contraceptives and hygiene products to another or give them up altogether.

Frequent relapses of thrush can also be caused by pregnancy. During the period of gestation, a woman undergoes a complete restructuring of vital processes in the body. Any disease that is not fully treated becomes aggravated with renewed vigor, and fungus is no exception. This is why thrush often recurs during pregnancy.

The love of sweets also provokes exacerbations of candidiasis, increased level Sugar creates favorable conditions for fungal growth. For the same reason, thrush constantly returns to people suffering from diabetes.

Another important factor due to which recurrent thrush develops is untimely or incorrect treatment. It happens that a situation in which the symptoms of the disease reappear may arise against the background of incorrectly selected medicinal drugs for therapy. Or if the woman has not completely completed the prescribed course of treatment.

In some cases, women note that thrush returned every month with the onset of menstrual bleeding. There are several reasons for this phenomenon. Firstly, at this time an ideal environment for the development of candidiasis is created on the mucous membrane of the genital organs. Secondly, along with menstruation, a hormonal imbalance occurs in the body, which affects the activity of the fungus.

Recurrence of candidiasis and pregnancy

Often it is pregnant women who develop persistent thrush. According to statistics, about 50% of expectant mothers experience this disease. The reason for the relapse lies in changes in hormonal levels. An increased amount of the hormone progesterone, necessary to maintain pregnancy, contributes to a decrease in immunity and the proliferation of fungus. In addition, thrush recurs in women during pregnancy for the following reasons:

  • a decrease in the number of lactobacilli in vaginal secretions and a change in the acidity of the latter;
  • constipation and other digestive system disorders;
  • exacerbation chronic diseases genitourinary system;
  • lack of vitamins and iron deficiency anemia.

When treating recurrent candidiasis during pregnancy, difficulties arise, since most antifungal drugs have a negative effect on the fetus. In addition, many immunostimulating medications are contraindicated for the expectant mother. It is for these reasons that only a doctor can choose effective treatment for a pregnant woman.

How to get rid of candidiasis forever?

What to do if the symptoms of the disease recur? Treatment of recurrent thrush should be carried out under the supervision of a physician. Typically the treatment course lasts from 14 to 30 days. Before treating a recurring disease, the gynecologist will conduct a comprehensive examination. If thrush is recurrent, the doctor will prescribe a complex of medications, which includes vaginal suppositories, tablets and douching solutions.

Throughout the course of therapy, it is necessary to follow a diet that helps strengthen the immune system and coordinate the functioning of the digestive system. Fatty, fried, spicy, salty and sweet foods should be excluded from the diet.

Careful adherence to intimate hygiene rules is also very important. To prevent thrush from appearing again, washing can be done periodically with infusions medicinal herbs and plants. The simplest decoction for these purposes can be made from pharmaceutical chamomile.

To strengthen the body's defenses throughout the treatment, it is necessary to take vitamin complexes. It is better if a doctor prescribes them too. Walking in the fresh air will help not only get rid of stress, but also restore the functioning of the nervous system.

But most importantly, while undergoing treatment, a woman must strictly follow all the doctor’s instructions. You should not stop taking medications on your own, even if there are no clinical manifestations of thrush. Symptoms can go away quickly, but the disease itself can remain and subsequently provoke a relapse.

Thrush, or candidiasis, is a disease caused by fungi of the genus Candida. The development of the disease in women is associated with a number of different external and internal factors (hormonal imbalance, irrational antibacterial therapy, non-compliance with hygiene rules).

The symptoms of vaginal candidiasis are familiar to many - itching in the external genital area and a curd-like discharge white. Despite the fact that there are effective drugs and diet for therapy, it is not always possible to completely cure the disease.

If thrush returns more than four times a year, then a diagnosis of “chronic candidiasis” is made.

Why recurrent thrush appears and what consequences this may have are questions that concern many women.

Causes of development and manifestation of chronic candidiasis

Why does long-lived candidal infection appear? Chronic thrush, according to recent studies, appears in women due to the heterogeneity of the fungal population of the genus Candida.

Previously it was believed that candidiasis is caused by the fungus Candida albicans, but now given point view has been refuted, and several different fungi of the same genus are involved in the occurrence of fungal infections.

In this regard, the antifungal drugs and diet used may not be effective against certain microorganisms.

For example, imidazole derivatives (Clotrimazole, etc.) cope well with the above type of fungus, but other representatives of the genus Candida are characterized by reduced sensitivity to this drug and can persist in the body for a long time, causing chronic candidiasis.

Other factors that increase the risk of chronic infection:

Due to these reasons, it is difficult to definitively cure chronic candidiasis, which leads to the formation of a chronic focus of fungal infection. Moreover, in order to get rid of this condition, long-term and complex treatment will be required.

Due to the fact that examinations for the activity of the immune system do not find any abnormalities, there is a point of view that chronic thrush is not an immunodeficiency state, but, on the contrary, its excessive activation. This complements the reasons for the development of the disease.

Important! The consequences of a long course of candidiasis pose a great threat to a woman’s fertile function, regardless of the cause of their occurrence.

A significant number of women in the population have a constant presence of fungal microflora in the vagina. However, they do not have symptoms of the disease. It is important to note that chronic thrush is not characterized by constantly presenting symptoms of the disease. As a rule, women with this diagnosis observe the following manifestations:

A number of women, in addition to these signs, note that their sexual partner develops a feeling of itching and a rash on the penis after sexual intercourse and other symptoms of thrush in men.

Principles of therapy

Treatment chronic thrush– a difficult and complex task, including preventing negative consequences for women's fertile health. The optimal regimen and diet to cure the chronic form of candidiasis has not yet been identified. However, there is a list of recommendations that will help get rid of this disease.

Persistent thrush requires starting therapy with an antifungal drug, regardless of its form: capsule, tablet, vaginal gel, or a special ring inserted into the vagina.

Based on the fact that treatment of chronic candidiasis is a long process, most women prefer drugs taken orally. On average, the duration of therapy is from three to six months, with repeated medical consultations required every month. The latter is necessary to constantly change the dose and find its optimal value.

In approximately half of the cases, with such treatment, chronic thrush goes away and no longer bothers the woman, however, the other half is less fortunate - they need to constantly monitor their health and use antifungal agents (tablets, gels or suppositories), as well as follow non-drug recommendations, such as a certain diet and lifestyle.

It is this comprehensive approach that will allow you to cure candidiasis completely.

In case of taking oral combined contraceptives, you should consult your doctor about continuing their use. If a woman has an intrauterine device and thrush appears after its installation, then it is better to get rid of it.

The most effective drugs for the treatment of candidiasis in women are antifungal suppositories and vaginal gels, which have a local effect on the fungal microflora.

Medicines for thrush

Recurrent thrush is a serious disease for effective treatment which takes more than one month. The following drugs are used to treat the disease in women.

Fluconazole-based drugs

There are Flucostat and Diflucan.

Flucostat is the most commonly used antifungal drug in Russia. Its main active ingredient is fluconazole, which allows you to get rid of fungal microorganisms.

In pharmacies it is presented in the form of capsules with different dosages - 50 or 150 mg. It can be used for various candidiasis, including thrush.

However, there are also important contraindications:

  • various cardiac arrhythmias;
  • frequent drinking of alcohol;
  • acute diseases of the urinary system and kidneys.

It is necessary to treat thrush with Flucostat as follows: a capsule of the drug is taken three times - on the first, fourth and seventh day.

In some cases, it may be necessary to take the drug for several months (four times a month, i.e. every week). This will remove symptoms and prevent recurrence of the disease.

Sometimes side effects may occur: nausea, dizziness or allergic reactions.

Diflucan is another representative medicines based on fluconazole. Has a large number dosage forms– Available in the form of capsules with various dosages, powders and solutions. The regimen for treating thrush with Diflucan is no different from Flucostat, however, you should consult your doctor.

Pimafucin and Clotrimazole

The main feature of Pimafucin is the possibility of use during pregnancy and breastfeeding. It has several dosage forms - suppositories, tablets and vaginal cream.

Suppositories are the most effective form to get rid of the recurrent course of the disease and remove all symptoms. The suppositories must be administered intravaginally once a day for 7-8 days.

If necessary, on the recommendation of the attending physician, the course of treatment can be repeated every month. Side effects of use this tool are minimal and include mainly local allergic reactions at hypersensitivity body to the components of the drug.

Clotrimazole is another active antifungal agent. The main forms of release are candles, cream and special aerosol for spraying. Indications, treatment regimen and possible side effects, similar to Pimafucin.


The active ingredient is ketoconazole, which effectively destroys Candida fungi and relieves the symptoms of candidiasis. Suppositories are most often used for treatment. Their repeated use is possible every month if there are risk factors for the recurrence of the disease on the recommendation of a gynecologist.


Under its name, it combines drugs with an antiseptic effect that have a fungicidal effect. The main form used is suppositories, which allow treating fungal infections locally, without systemic effects on the body.

Symptoms under the influence of Hexicon disappear after a few days. It is possible to re-use the drug every month if the woman has risk factors for recurrent thrush. Hexicon candles have minimal risk development of side effects.

The consequences of long-term, recurrent thrush are very serious, so it must be treated when the first symptoms appear. The reasons that cause the re-growth of fungal microorganisms are stated above, therefore the entire range of therapeutic measures should be aimed at eliminating them, including the need for a special diet.

Thrush or vulvaginal candidiasis is a common infectious pathology of the genitals of women of reproductive age. Up to 75% of women have encountered this unpleasant disease at least once in their lives, and in 40%, recurrent thrush accompanies it throughout their lives.

Etiology and pathogenesis

Thrush is caused by yeast-like fungi of the genus Candida albicans, which contains more than 200 species of both harmless and pathogenic strains.

Normally, the vaginal microflora of a healthy woman consists of 95-98% lactobacilli with a small content of opportunistic microorganisms (bifidobacteria, enterobacter, fungi and others). Lactobacilli, breaking down the protein glycogen, produce lactic acid, which maintains the pH of vaginal secretions at 3.8 - 4.2. Such acidic environment not to the taste of many pathogenic microorganisms.

Candida fungi belong to the opportunistic flora and are present in small quantities on the skin, oral mucosa, in the intestines, and in the contents of vaginal secretions. At high level They do not cause harm to both general and local immunity and are in an inactive state.

But if the body weakens under the influence of various unfavorable factors, the number of lactobacilli decreases, the environment in the vagina becomes alkaline, dysbacteriosis develops, and the vaginal mucosa begins to actively colonize fungal colonies.

The high susceptibility of women to fungal infections of the genitals is associated with the anatomical and physiological characteristics of her body: the external genitalia, covered with a moist mucous membrane, are optimal place for fungal growth. In addition, the female body is subject to frequent fluctuations in hormonal and biochemical processes associated with menstruation and pregnancy.

Recurrent thrush occurs against the background of vaginal dysbiosis.

Causes of vaginal dysbiosis:

  • Hormonal disorders: with endocrine diseases, before menstruation, during pregnancy, after abortions and miscarriages, childbirth, as well as during puberty and menopause.
  • Inflammatory and infectious diseases of the pelvic organs.
  • Venereal diseases.
  • Long-term use of antibiotics, corticosteroids, cytostatics.
  • Abrupt climate change: hypothermia, overheating, excessive exposure to the sun, when the immune system does not have time to adapt to new conditions.
  • Ignoring the rules of personal hygiene of the genitals.
  • Irrational use of pads and intravaginal tampons (allergy to the material, rare replacement, microtrauma of the vaginal mucosa).
  • Taking oral contraceptives and using other means of preventing pregnancy ( intrauterine devices, spermicide ointments).

The microecology of the vagina is disrupted, the growth of fungal colonies increases, which, multiplying, occupy more and more territories of the urogenital zone. Soon signs of acute thrush appear: curdled discharge, itching, pain during urination and sexual relations.

The diagnosis of chronic recurrent candidiasis is made when a woman has four episodes of acute thrush within one year.

Symptoms and causes

The development of recurrent thrush in women is explained by disruption of the functioning of the cellular and humoral immunity. There is insufficient production of immunoglobulins and a decrease in the activity of phagocytes. Medicines during this period only suppress the number of fungal colonies, but cannot completely cope with the pathogen. The return of symptoms of the disease occurs either immediately after treatment or several months later.

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How should you treat thrush at home?

Signs of chronic thrush:

  • Redness and swelling of the vaginal mucosa.
  • Feeling of burning, dryness and itching in the genital area.
  • Dense white coating, difficult to separate from the vaginal wall.
  • After removing the film, eroded surfaces remain.
  • The discharge, in contrast to the acute form, is insignificant, glassy, ​​and stretchy.
  • There is no pain during sex, but episodes of discomfort are possible.

Fungi penetrate deeply into the vaginal mucosa with their processes - pseudomycelia, causing inflammation and atrophy of the surface layer of the endothelium. In the case of massive colonization of fungi in the genitals, hypersensitivity to them is formed, which leads to the development of severe complications. There is no clear answer to the question why does thrush recur?

The reasons for the transition from acute to chronic candidiasis are multifactorial. They are associated with the state of the body: if there are endocrine disorders (diabetes), hormonal imbalances, inflammatory diseases pelvic organs, then the course of thrush will be long and persistent.


Before treating recurrent thrush, diagnostics are carried out, including microscopy of a vaginal smear and seeding of biomaterial on special media to determine the composition of the vaginal microflora.

Basic principles of therapy

  • If fungi are detected in smears: determine the type and sensitivity to fungicidal drugs. The most effective therapeutic agents are selected.
  • Measures aimed at restoring the acidity and normal microflora of the vagina - a course of probiotics.
  • Treatment of concomitant pathologies and boosting immunity.

Self-medication for candidiasis leads to the transition of the acute form of the disease to a chronic recurrent form, which will require long-term therapy with the use of drugs that affect the entire body to get rid of it.

Local treatment is permissible only for acute forms of candidiasis. In chronic cases, complex therapy is required, combining the use of local medications and drugs that have a systemic effect on the entire body as a whole.

Periodic exacerbations of chronic thrush lead to the resumption of the characteristic symptoms of fungal colpitis, inflammation of the genital mucosa.

The drug of choice for recurrent candidiasis is Fluconazole. Doses and treatment regimens are selected by a gynecologist individually for each woman in accordance with the condition of the genital mucosa, the severity of clinical manifestations, age, and the presence of underlying diseases.

Fluconazal is an antifungal agent that inhibits the growth and reproduction of fungal cells. Well absorbed in the intestines when taken orally.

When symptoms of recurrent thrush appear in women, it is recommended to take three Fluconazole capsules: 1 time per day every three days. It will not be possible to completely free the body from fungi; they are part of the normal biocenosis of the body. The goal of therapy is to inhibit the growth of fungal colonies. After a short course of treatment, the fungi gradually begin to multiply again, and soon the next episode of clinical manifestations occurs, and the treatment is repeated again and again.

In order to interrupt constantly recurring exacerbations of the disease, a method of suppressive therapy has been proposed, when there is no need to wait for the next surge in the activity of the pathogenic agent, but it is necessary to inhibit the growth of fungal colonies by taking Fluconazole daily for six months.

Recurrent vaginal candidiasis is also called thrush. The disease is characterized by periods of remission and exacerbation, replacing each other. The cause of the disease is Candida fungi. They belong to the opportunistic vaginal flora, but when immunity decreases, they begin to multiply rapidly. One of the forms of candidiasis is recurrent, when symptoms of the disease appear every month even after treatment.

Causes of relapses

Recurrence of candidiasis in women has several causes. This diagnosis is established in cases where signs of pathology return every month. However, the periods of remission are short.

The main reasons are:

  • reduced immunity due to long-term illnesses;
  • long-term use of antibacterial agents that negatively affect the vaginal microflora;
  • use of hormonal contraceptives;
  • insufficient amount of vitamin A in the body;
  • disruption of the vaginal microflora due to various reasons;
  • increased sensitivity to fungi, when thrush is accompanied by an allergic reaction;
  • presence of primary fungal infection.

A man can also become infected with candidiasis and be a carrier of the infection.

The disease also manifests itself in cases where the viability of other types of fungi, such as yeast-like ones, increases.

Even after complex treatment, they remain in the body and, under the influence of certain factors, begin to multiply again. Recurrence of vaginal candidiasis is not rare disease in women. This is due to low immunity, which is unable to cope with pathogenic microorganisms. As a result, the period of remission is replaced by exacerbation.

Advice from immunologists on the treatment of recurrent vaginal candidiasis

The main reason for the development of recurrent candidiasis is reduced immunity. In order to increase the period of remission, you need to contact an immunologist. He will determine the reason why the immune system cannot cope with the disease and prescribe a course of therapy. Experts recommend:

It is much more difficult to cure the recurrent form of vaginal candidiasis, in contrast to the acute form.

For this purpose, a complex of medications is prescribed, the main ones being antifungal. Their main advantage is the possibility of local influence. The drugs are also available in the form of ointments and creams. They have no side effects and are easy to use. The form of the drug allows the active substance to quickly reach the site of the pathological process and act directly on pathogenic microorganisms. This helps to achieve the desired effect faster.

In cases where chronic recurrent candidiasis is established, systemic drugs in the form of tablets are also prescribed. In order to restore the vaginal microflora, products are also recommended that help create a favorable environment for the development and spread of lactobacilli.

After using antibacterial drugs, antihistamines, painkillers and immunomodulators are prescribed. The treatment regimen is determined by the attending physician.

Recurrence of candidiasis before childbirth: what to do

During pregnancy, especially during later, thrush often occurs. The opinions of specialists and women themselves regarding the need for treatment vary. Many people believe that treatment for thrush during pregnancy is inappropriate. But gynecologists say that with candidiasis it is necessary to rely on the woman’s condition and the characteristics of the course of the disease.

Severe disease can cause the following complications:

  • infection of the fetus during intrauterine development or passage through the birth canal;
  • premature birth or miscarriage;
  • rupture of soft tissues during labor, which threatens bleeding of varying intensity.

When diagnosing recurrent vaginal candidiasis during pregnancy, drugs such as pimafucin or ecofucin are prescribed. They have a similar effect, are safe for children and expectant mother. Experts do not recommend self-medication, as this can lead to serious consequences.

How to reduce relapses

In order to reduce relapses of candidiasis, it is recommended to follow a number of rules. They are aimed at maintaining immunity and reducing the risk of fungi entering the genital mucosa. In this way, it is possible to reduce the likelihood of relapse several times.

  1. Wear underwear made from natural materials. They allow air to pass through and absorb moisture, preventing bacteria from multiplying.
  2. Treat any diseases in a timely manner. The treatment method depends on the type, form and degree of development of the pathology.
  3. Visit your doctor regularly for preventive examinations.
  4. Take all necessary tests that help determine the presence of fungi and bacteria.
  5. Eliminate the possibility of frequent changes of sexual partners.
  6. When using intimate lubricants, use only water-based lubricants.
  7. Rule out hormonal disorders.
  8. Give up bad habits.

You should also eat right, especially during pregnancy, as the body is more susceptible to the influence of various factors.

The diet should contain fresh vegetables and fruits. You also need to reduce the amount of fatty, fried and salty foods.

Attention should also be paid to intimate hygiene. Doctors do not recommend using special sanitary pads. You need to wash yourself twice a day using intimate hygiene products.

Recurrent vaginal candidiasis is not a rare occurrence among women. The main reason for the development is reduced immunity. In order to reduce the frequency of relapses, it is necessary to follow a number of preventive measures. If there is no improvement, you should consult a doctor who will select a treatment regimen. This will help reduce the number of relapses of the disease.