What causes contractions. Is it possible to induce contractions on your own? How to induce labor naturally

IN lately In medical practice, cases where a woman carries a child to term have become more frequent. What should a young expectant mother do when all the deadlines have already passed, but the baby still doesn’t want to appear?

There are many options for inducing contractions, but you should definitely consult your doctor at the very beginning.

What are the indications for inducing labor?

Indications for artificial induction of labor are as follows:

  1. violation of the intrauterine condition of the fetus;
  2. intrauterine fetal death;
  3. gestosis in pregnant women;
  4. the presence of somatic diseases (heart disease, for example);
  5. post-term pregnancy;
  6. placental abruption;
  7. Chorioamnionitis.

In any case, before you decide to induce contractions at home or in the maternity hospital, a mandatory consultation with a doctor is required. Without the advice of a qualified specialist, you are putting two lives in danger at once: yours and your child’s.

How to induce contractions?

It is the doctor who must decide whether to induce labor artificially. Next, several methods will be proposed to induce contractions, if the timing, originally prescribed by the doctor have already expired.

Method No. 1

Long walks

To implement this method you need to stock up on:

  • comfortable boots;
  • favorite music in the player;
  • good mood.

Yes, it really helps! The fact is that the force of gravity manifests itself more clearly in a standing position. The baby's head touches the pelvis, and this is the first sign that contractions are about to begin. This method has only one side effect - overloading the body. In this case, the body decides to behave according to the principle: I’m tired, now let’s rest. And contractions are a process that requires serious work from our body, so we walk a lot, but wisely.

Method No. 2

Hot baths

The word "hot" in no way means boiling water. This is water about 38 degrees. Yes, not such a comfortable environment as we are used to. But we need results! For better effect, you can add a few drops of essential oil. This is one of the most the best ways, how to induce contractions at home. You just need to lie quietly for 10 minutes. The effect of this method is that the muscles relax, and this environment gives the body strength to carry out contractions.

There is one very important “but”! You should only take such baths when there is someone in the apartment. Blood circulation may slow down, and this type of side effect can be very dangerous not only for your life, but also for the life of the child.

Method No. 3


Yes, exactly. That's right, it's not a typo. This method is better than others in inducing contractions at home. During sexual intercourse, the muscles of the uterus contract, and in addition, semen contains a hormone that promotes the opening of the uterine pharynx.

This method does not have side effects, but you can only use it after consulting your doctor.

There are many more ways to induce contractions without the use of drugs and without side effects. One of these is cleansing your colon. Despite all the harmlessness of an enema for the body, before carrying out the procedure, you need to consult a doctor about natural ingredients, for example, castor oil, or herbal decoctions.

But contractions are caused not only at home and not only in the last weeks of pregnancy. Doctors may indicate the need for to induce contractions at any stage of pregnancy. This happens in most cases when further continuation of pregnancy is dangerous for the life of the mother and child. But in the case of normal pregnancy, such options are not considered. It must always be remembered that any intrusion into natural process dangerous by the further course of events. One of these problems in the near future from contractions is disruption of labor.

I would like to say that there is a concept of prolonged pregnancy. The difference from the usual one is that it lasts longer than others, hence the name. In this case, there is no need to artificially induce labor - just wait a little, and your baby will soon be born.

In addition to all that has been said, I would like to talk about non-standard methods of inducing contractions. On forums for new mothers you can often read things that nulliparous women would never agree with. It was there that we found the following method. That's what it's called - ask the baby to leave quickly. Well, everything seems to be clear: there is a subtle connection between mother and child, which is often incomprehensible even to the father of this very child. Throughout the entire pregnancy, mommy tells everything she sees, talks about how she and daddy are waiting for their chick, “takes” her for walks in the most beautiful places and eats the most delicious food, instilling a sense of beauty starting from the womb.

But all this is not in vain. It has long been proven that expectant mothers simply need to talk to their babies, starting from the first months of pregnancy. Such children grow up more self-confident, they have no problems associated with socialization in society, they are more sociable and contactable.

In any case, dear mommies, it’s definitely worth trying these options! You risk absolutely nothing, and this is very important in your position.

Certainly, There are also medications, which help provoke contractions. Such drugs are not commercially available and are issued for use directly in the maternity ward. One such remedy is Oxytocin. This medicinal product is introduced into the body of a pregnant woman using a dropper. Inducing contractions in this way is a rather long and painful process. Therefore, the entire procedure is carried out under the supervision of doctors and midwives in order not only to support the woman in labor, but also to help her.

It will also help you provoke contractions at home. proper diet during the last weeks of pregnancy. Eating plenty of greens, fruits and vegetables in the last week of pregnancy will help you get to the delivery room smoothly and on time and give birth to a healthy and strong baby.

It is worth saying that not only vegetables and fruits have magical properties, but also products containing phytoestrogens. Such components stimulate production female sex hormones, thanks to which pregnancy ends with the result we need. When you eat phytoestrogens, you won’t have to think about how to induce contractions in your fortieth week. These miracle components are found in raspberry leaves, evening primrose and parsley. When these products enter the body, the activity of uterine contractions increases, so the use of phytoestrogens is strictly prohibited in the early stages of pregnancy.

It is common to think about contractions when the pregnancy is coming to an end. This occurs in the absence of abnormalities in fetal development at 39-40 weeks. To avoid trouble in the end, needed throughout pregnancy do not forget about simple rules:

It passed, but labor did not begin, there were no contractions. The woman begins to worry that something is wrong with her and worry about her health. But, first of all, you need to figure out whether it’s worth the rush, because the preliminary date of birth (TAD) does not mean that the birth should begin on that day. So, let's try to figure out how contractions are caused at home, in the maternity hospital, and when there is a need for it.

Is it worth hastening labor?

A pregnant woman always remembers the expected date of birth. But, as a rule, a woman can give birth from 38 weeks to 42. During this period, childbirth is considered normal and full-term. Is it worth interfering during pregnancy and childbirth if the woman feels well? To really be sure of this, you need to do research. So, after 38 weeks, CTG is prescribed once every 7 days to assess the condition of the fetus. Additionally, it could be .

Home remedies for inducing contractions

Typically, women at 40-41 weeks, frightened by artificial stimulation, want labor to begin on its own. And then methods of “stimulation” at home come to the rescue.

Let's get acquainted with their types:

  1. Walking. This is a natural and safe way for contractions to occur. Walking is beneficial for pregnant women at any stage, and in the third trimester they will also help with physical activity to stimulate the onset of the labor process.
  2. Sex. The fact is that semen contains prostaglandins - substances that are administered to a woman medicinally to stimulate labor. Orgasm causes contractions of the uterus, which develops into contractions. Based on this, sex with orgasm is a “natural” way to speed up the onset of contractions.
  3. Physical activity. You can wash the floors without a mop, do cleaning or other household chores that require physical activity. But don't overdo it!
  4. Warm bath. This is also a method of physical activity, only passive. It must be used with caution. In no case is it suitable for women with high blood pressure.
  5. Food, rich in fiber . If you are afraid of the above methods of stimulating contractions at home, then start eating foods rich in fiber. These are cereals, vegetables and fruits. This way you increase intestinal motility, pressure on the uterus and get a chance to give birth earlier.
  6. Aromatherapy. In some cases, odors can also stimulate labor. For example, an aroma lamp with rose or jasmine essential oil can promote the onset of contractions. It is necessary to take into account increased sensitivity to oils, and possible intolerance.

Drug stimulation of contractions

If you completely rely on medicine, trust your doctor and do not want to experiment with stimulating contractions yourself, then you will be stimulated in the maternity hospital.

How do doctors induce labor? There is a “range” of methods for the onset of contractions and the beginning of labor. They are used in obstetrics taking into account individual characteristics women and the state of pregnancy at the time of arrival at the maternity hospital. Doctors prescribe injections or tablets, open the membranes, and inject oxytocin. It is also possible to introduce prostaglandins, which we have already mentioned. Each method has its own advantages and contraindications for use.

The most important thing for a pregnant woman to remember is that none of her “colleagues” remained pregnant for the rest of their lives. Every child, including yours, will definitely be born and will be a consolation and joy for the parents. And while you're feeling fine, try not to panic about not having contractions. Peace, a positive attitude and a smile should be your companions in the last days of pregnancy. And then everything will work out great for you!

Especially for Elena TOLOCHIK

How to induce labor faster - this question begins to worry a woman if the gestational age exceeds 38-39 weeks, and the expected due date has long passed. Even a healthy woman should consult her doctor before using home remedies, since seemingly harmless actions can lead to complications during labor.

Modern medical literature does not indicate at what stage labor is induced, since the time period is individual. First of all, the pregnant woman’s body must be prepared for labor psychologically and physically. There is a change in hormonal levels, the shape of the cervix changes, mammary glands ah, colostrum production begins. It is important that the process of stimulating labor occurs after these changes, and not before them. Otherwise, you can only achieve complicated childbirth, which will lead to damage to the mother and the unborn child.

The decision at what time to induce labor rests with the attending physician, and not with the expectant mother.


There are several dozen home ways to speed up labor. Some are based on knowledge of the physiology of a pregnant woman and the characteristics of labor, others are transmitted as personal experience older experienced women. Tips in style on how to induce at home do not have a scientific basis, so you cannot be sure of their effectiveness.

Only a woman whose pregnancy is proceeding without complications should seek advice on how to induce labor at home. If there was a threat of spontaneous abortion, chronic somatic pathology ( diabetes mellitus, heart and vascular diseases), placental abnormalities, late gestosis, then it is better to refuse experiments on your health and your unborn child. Advice on how to induce labor at 40 weeks of pregnancy and beyond is contraindicated for such patients.

Physical activity is always beneficial for a pregnant woman, as the speed of blood flow increases and the blood supply to the muscles of the lower half of the body improves.

Active Homework, walking up the stairs, riding a fitball - all this promotes blood flow to the legs and pelvic organs and reduces spasm of smooth muscles. In this way, intensive blood supply to the uterus and a smooth onset of labor are stimulated. It is important not to get carried away with excessive loads - it is still better to avoid lifting heavy objects.

Walking will be useful

Being in an upright position causes the fetal head to press on the lower segment of the uterus and causes the cervix to gradually dilate. Long, slow walks in the fresh air are a safe option for inducing labor at 38 weeks of pregnancy.

- pleasant and useful option how to induce contractions. Slow and non-aggressive sexual pleasure promotes blood flow to the perineal area. Stroking the mammary glands promotes the production of oxytocin, which stimulates contractile movements of the uterine muscles. Male sperm contains prostaglandin E, which helps shorten and soften the cervix.

Regular nipple massage is another safe way to induce labor on your own. Stroking, light pinching, circular movements with a warm shower - all this also stimulates the production of oxytocin. Some women use a more intense version of stimulation - they use a breast pump.

Various homeopathic remedies, aromatic oils are questionable in their effectiveness, so they can have a positive effect on the process of accelerating labor only with a complex effect. Perhaps it is precisely these drugs that help women calm down and reduce stress on the eve of childbirth, which causes the onset of labor.

How to promote contractions in the later weeks of pregnancy?

Advice on how to induce labor at 41 weeks of pregnancy should be safe. If the calculations are correct, then we're talking about, perhaps about a post-term pregnancy. Rapid labor can be dangerous at this stage of gestation for both the woman and the unborn child.

The main task for a woman is to relax as much as possible. Stress causes spasm of smooth muscles, including the uterus, and reduces blood flow to internal organs. All this does not contribute to the preparation of the cervix and the onset of labor. To relieve stress, the expectant mother can do the following:

  • take a warm shower;
  • , then a warm bath with aromatic oils is completely acceptable;
  • to do painstaking work that will force you to concentrate and take your mind off annoying thoughts, not even hard homework will do;
  • talk with your mother or friend, discuss all the details of the upcoming birth - this contributes to the formation of a generic dominant;
  • mentally or out loud to the child - the psychogenic factor will work.

Preparing things and the environment for a newborn also helps to tune in to the right wave.

How do they do this in the maternity hospital?

The answer to the question of how labor is induced in the maternity hospital can be obtained from your doctor, so that the woman is mentally prepared for possible interventions. Special medicines and not everyone will need medical procedures, but if necessary, the expectant mother will worry less.

Tablets that induce labor

The obstetrician-gynecologist who manages the woman’s pregnancy and childbirth knows which pills induce labor. He also decides on the need to use them. The main active substance of this pharmacological group– prostaglandins. Among their many biological effects are stimulation of contractions of the uterine muscles and dilation of the cervix.

Pills, inducing labor in the maternity hospital it is most often Misoprostol or Dinoprostone. They do not affect the synthesis of colostrum and milk, do not change hormonal levels and the balance of the coagulation and anticoagulation systems.

It is important to understand that pills that induce labor are used different terms gestation to terminate an unwanted pregnancy or medical indications. It is strictly unacceptable to use them independently; such intervention is allowed only in a maternity hospital and for strict medical reasons.

At what time is it shown?

It is important not only to look for ways to induce labor, but also at what time to do this. There is no universal time period, except for standard pregnancy periods (37-42 weeks). The condition of the placenta and fetus is assessed, the woman’s somatic pathology and the risk of complications are taken into account.

The timing of stimulation is selected individually, but most often this need arises with a long gestation period (40 weeks or more). If a woman’s body is not prepared, for example, the cervix has not yet become wide and short, stimulation is postponed or carried out over several days.

An obstetrician-gynecologist will definitely tell you about methods of stimulating labor if the need arises. To speed up labor, the following medical interventions are used:

  • injections of oxytocin, which stimulates contraction of the uterine muscles;
  • introduction of prostaglandins (tablets or gel into the cervix).

In some cases, a combination of several techniques is used if there are no contraindications. The decision is made not by the patient, but by the obstetrician-gynecologist.


  1. Ways to induce labor at 39 weeks of pregnancy or more later, are divided into “home” and medical. The first include physical activity, sex, nipple stimulation, homeopathic remedies. Their effectiveness has not been proven, but this does not reduce their popularity.
  2. Medicines include special pills, amniotomy, and oxytocin injections. All these methods are used only for strict medical indications and only by an obstetrician-gynecologist.
  3. There are no specific dates for the need to stimulate labor; not only the gestational age is taken into account, but also the condition of the woman and the unborn child.

It often happens that all the dates prescribed by doctors have already passed, but the baby still does not want to be born. In our article we will talk about how to induce labor at home.

When you register, the gynecologist tells you your gestational age and sets an approximate due date, but this date may vary slightly. After all, throughout the entire period of pregnancy you do ultrasound several times, as well as various other examinations that affect the date of birth of the child.

Full-term babies are those born between 38 and 40 weeks. If you are less than 38 weeks pregnant, you should never do anything on your own to induce premature labor.

Before wondering how to induce labor at home, be sure to consult with your obstetrician-gynecologist. Perhaps he will forbid doing this, and will insist on a medicinal method, namely:

  • puncture the amniotic sac;
  • will put on an oxytocin drip;
  • will introduce prostaglandins;
  • will perform certain manipulations to peel off the amniotic membranes.

How to induce labor

If you visited your gynecologist and he told you how to induce labor at home, then you can safely begin these actions. To begin with, you should remove almost all the restrictions that were placed on you at the time of carrying the baby for more early stages pregnancy. Here are some tips that can help you with the question of how to induce labor at home:

  1. Now don’t be afraid to lift heavy things, do physical education and various exercises. Do a thorough cleaning of the house, wash the floors with your hands, you can crawl on your hands and knees, and also squat while holding onto some kind of support. Throughout your pregnancy, you were most likely forbidden to raise your arms high and reach for anything. Now you can safely hang tulle or curtains, wash windows and mirrors, take things out from the top shelves or mezzanines. Frequent walking also helps to tone the uterus and can provoke contractions. However, remember that excessive physical activity and activity can lead to placental abruption, and this is very dangerous for the life and health of the baby;
  2. Resume active and regular sex life with my husband. Male sperm contains substances that can begin the process of contractions, and they also smooth and soften the cervix, allowing labor to occur. Also, caressing the nipples and breasts contributes to the contraction of the uterus, but the uterus contracts most during orgasm, so do not deny yourself pleasures with your husband. However, you should not forget that if you have low placenta previa, then it is better to refuse to have sex;
  3. Increased intestinal motility can also be the answer to the question of how to induce labor at home. You can eat more prunes, or drink various fermented milk products. Also, boiled beets can be very weakening. There are various herbal medications that have a laxative effect. Please consult your doctor about these first. Perhaps he will prescribe you to use some plant-based suppositories. Suppositories can be vaginal and anal. Vaginal ones smooth out the cervix, like male sperm, and anal ones help cleanse the intestines.

How to induce contractions

One more in an effective way How to induce contractions at home is a hot bath or shower. Warm or slightly bitter water is very relaxing and enhances blood circulation throughout the body. Go to a bathhouse or sauna, you don’t have to take a steam bath and take brooms with you, it will be enough to just sit on a shelf for 10-20 minutes.

This method is suitable only for those expectant mothers who do not suffer from high blood pressure. Therefore, before carrying out such hot procedures, consult your gynecologist. Otherwise, you risk not only your health, but also the life and health of the baby.

You can eat parsley, dill, drink raspberry leaf tea or currant juice. This is all natural means which promote contraction of the uterus. Also various essential oils and aromatherapy can help in this matter. If you have an aroma lamp, then drop a few drops of rose or jasmine oil into it, this will calm your nerves, put you in a positive mood and can also help induce contractions.

A woman usually begins to think about how contractions are caused towards the very end of pregnancy - at 39-41 weeks. If throughout the entire period she was worried about the risk of premature onset of labor, now, at the very finish line, discomfort appears due to the fact that labor is in no hurry to begin. The last weeks of pregnancy are not easy for every expectant mother - a heavy and large belly interferes with sleep and movement, false contractions tire and irritate, and the resulting feeling of fatigue hurries towards the desired outcome.

But pregnancy and childbirth are a unique process for every woman. Therefore, if contractions do not start on time, there is no need to panic. At the antenatal clinic, the expectant mother may be asked to go to the maternity hospital if her pregnancy is coming to an end. But many women refuse hospitalization and try to find out how to induce contractions at home. Some doctors do not welcome such decisions, while others, on the contrary, offer practical advice. In any case, there is no need to take the doctor’s recommendations with particular fanaticism.

At the end of the 3rd trimester, at the 40th week of pregnancy, there is very little time left before the baby is born. In this case, the count can no longer be in days, but in hours.

At the 40th week of pregnancy, the fetus is fully formed, and expectant mother new discharge appears, intensifies and painful sensations. Childbirth begins with light and, most importantly, regular contractions or discharge of amniotic fluid. Gradually, contractions begin to intensify due to the dilation of the cervix. If a woman has a high pain threshold, an anesthesiologist may intervene in the birth process.

Contractions are replaced by pushing - active work of the abdominal muscles and diaphragm, due to which the fetus moves along the mother's birth canal. On average, childbirth lasts 8-10 hours, for some it is faster, for others it is longer - it all depends on the individual characteristics of the woman: her physical condition, age, and the number of previous births.

After birth, if there are no problems, the baby is placed on the mother's stomach so that she can attach him to the breast for the first time. It is then taken away for body measurements, health checks and hygienic treatment. And the mother faces a new task - to give birth to an afterbirth. After this, the woman is put in order by the midwives and left to rest and gain strength, which will be needed to restore the body after childbirth and care for the baby.

Also, childbirth at 40 weeks can take place by caesarean section, if the expectant mother has indications for surgical delivery. But usually the operation is performed 2 weeks before the 40th week, if it was planned.

Methods of inducing labor

If the pregnancy is full term, but the child feels well and the acceptable deadlines for his birth have not passed, doctors will not rush things. Additional stimulation of labor is dangerous if it does not proceed correctly. Childbirth takes place safely only if both mother and child are ready for it. Usually they resort to amniotomy - opening amniotic sac, in this case, labor begins immediately. This is the answer to the question of how to induce contractions quickly at 41 weeks. Usually this period is chosen.

What else causes contractions in a hospital setting? To stimulate labor, doctors adhere to the use of medications - prostaglandins and Oxytocin. But Oxytocin can induce contractions only if the pregnancy is full term. Otherwise, such manipulations will not be effective. If the cervix is ​​not ready for childbirth, they resort to drugs that accelerate its ripening - Dinoprost and Dinoprostone. They are introduced into the body intravenously.

If there is time for maturation, they use Mifepristone, obstetric sticks made from kelp algae, a Foley catheter, gels containing prostaglandins, or simply mechanically - the doctor carefully stretches the cervix with his fingers, trying to free the lower part of the amniotic sac, usually labor begins soon after this.

How to induce contractions at home?

Women whose pregnancy has gradually approached childbirth and are already being asked to go to the hospital are thinking about how to induce contractions at home. But many of them do not want to resort to drug stimulation, so they are interested in learning how to quickly induce contractions naturally.


Perhaps the most effective and successful method. Sexual intercourse causes a rush of blood to a woman's organs, naturally stimulates the cervix to move, and male sperm contains components that help the walls of the uterus relax. But sex should not be used as a way to induce contractions at 38 and 39 weeks of pregnancy, since it can still be prolonged, as well as with placenta previa, if the water has broken or the expectant mother has inflammatory process in the vagina.

Brisk walking, climbing stairs, general cleaning, work in the garden - all this can stimulate the onset of labor at home. But moderation and the absence of fanaticism are important in everything. When setting the goal of how to induce contractions at 40 weeks, a woman should remember that the load should be placed on the body in portions, with pauses for rest, otherwise the pregnant woman may develop swelling of the extremities, increased blood pressure, placental abruption, which is extremely dangerous for the fetus.

Taking a laxative

Laxatives and enemas - that is, measures aimed at cleansing the intestines - can help induce contractions. Among expectant mothers, the most common method that allows you to answer the question of how to induce contractions at home is taking castor oil. The intestinal walls, through their contractile activity, encourage all organs to contract abdominal cavity, including the uterus. But castor oil, like other laxatives, is unpleasant side effect- diarrhea and frequent visits to the toilet.

Foods rich in fiber have an intestinal laxative and uterine stimulating effect. If you start eating more greens, vegetables and fruits a few days before giving birth, you won’t have to think about how to induce contractions at 40 weeks. Most likely, labor will begin on its own.


Plant estrogens stimulate the natural production of female sex hormones, due to which pregnancy quickly approaches the final stage. Phytoestrogens are found in raspberry leaves, parsley and evening primrose in sufficient quantity to cause contractile activity of the uterus. Therefore, the use of these drugs in large quantities at the beginning of pregnancy is prohibited.