Game activity. Outdoor children's games ("Horses", "Break the chain", "Earth, water, air or fire", "Rope walker") "Who can crawl into the tunnel faster"

Outdoor game "Earth, Water, Fire, Air".

The players stand in a circle, with the leader standing in the middle. He throws the ball to one of the players, while saying one of the four words: Earth, Water, Fire, Air. If the presenter says the word "Earth", the one who caught the ball must quickly name some domestic or wild animal. The player responds to the word “Water” with the name of a fish, and to the word “Air” with the name of a bird. When the word “Fire” is said, everyone should quickly turn around several times, waving their arms. The ball is then returned to the leader.

Rules of the game: the one who makes a mistake leaves the game.

Outdoor game "Race in pairs".

Having split into pairs, the guys run across the site. Whose couple is ahead of everyone else will win.
You can also run in pairs holding hands crosswise.

Outdoor game "Geese-swans".

The participants of the game choose the Wolf and the Master, the rest are Geese-Swans. On one side of the site they draw a house where the Master and Geese live, on the other the Wolf lives under the mountain. The owner lets the geese out into the field to walk and nibble on green grass. Geese go quite far from home. After some time, the Master calls Geese. There is a roll call between the Master and the Geese:

Do you want to eat?
Yes, yes, yes!
Geese-swans, home!
Gray wolf under the mountain!
What is he doing there?
Ryabchikov is pinched.
Well, run home!

The geese run into the house, the Wolf tries to catch them. Those caught come out of their games. The game ends when almost all the geese are caught. The last remaining Goose, the most agile and fastest, becomes the Wolf.

Rules of the game:

The geese should "fly" all over the site. The wolf can catch them only after saying: “Well, run home!”

Outdoor game "Count the steps."

Children gather on one side of the playground. Each player is asked to run to the other side several times, at an arbitrary pace, taking fewer steps each time.
Who will do it better?

Outdoor game "Raise the handkerchief".

The players stand in a circle and place a headscarf in the center. A melody sounds and everyone dances. When the music ends, each participant in the game tries to be the first to raise the scarf.

Rules of the game:
You cannot reach for a scarf and leave the circle before the music stops.

Outdoor game "Vanya needs clothes."

The players form a circle. Each place is outlined with chalk at a distance of one or two steps from each other. Vanechka is chosen from among the players. He is standing in a circle. Everyone else assigns to themselves the name of some clothing: hat, scarf, socks, etc. Several children can be named by the same name of clothing.
Vanechka says: “Vanechka needs a scarf.” The scarves run around the circle and stand near Vanechka. Then he names another type of clothing, and the same thing is repeated. Then Vanechka says: “Vanechka needs all the clothes!”
After these words, everyone - both those who stood near him and those who remained uncalled - leave their places and run after Vanechka. Players must watch when Vanya takes a circle. Then they also quickly try to occupy some circle.
The one left without a place becomes Vanechka.

Rules of the game:
Those who have never been Vanechka win.

Plot- role play"Daughters and mothers."

Daughters and Mothers - a children's role-playing game that imitates an adult family life. Mostly girls initiate and play (including male roles), which, however, does not exclude the participation of boys. There are no clear rules. Everything is built on the initial idea and distribution of roles, which can easily change during the game. For play, as a rule, dolls and all kinds of children's “equipment” are used - toy dishes, linen, interiors, etc.
Children playing distribute the roles of different family members among themselves, embody real life situations in the game, imitate the behavior of relatives and peers, act out current events, down to intonation and posture, reproduce communication and relationships within their families, in kindergarten etc. Any plot played out is heavily involved in the imagination and creativity inherent in children in filling the game. Children can not only imitate what they actually saw, but also realize their dreams about life in the game.
Adults should play, and not dictate the rules of the game. The permissible maximum of activity is to submit an idea, but be prepared for rejection. The director must be a child. Otherwise, he will only have to watch or imitate adults who actively show “how to play correctly,” and as a result, the child reaps self-doubt and the feeling that only adults know how to do everything really well.
During the game, the parent must make an effort and forget the “adult tone.” Shouts, jerks and educational notations destroy the game world in an instant. Intonation and diligence of the participants are important in the game.

Perhaps one of the most beloved virtual online games, are adventure games in which every gamer can travel around various places, in which he not only has not been, but will never be able to visit, since they are a figment of the imagination of game developers. Just imagine how interesting it is to find yourself in a magical city of fictional characters or to meet non-existent ones in real world animals and other creatures, as well as spend their free time in other unreal worlds... In addition to the fabulousness of the places in which the actions take place, players in games of the genre of dodging and running can test their ability to quickly respond to certain changes in the game, as well as develop attentiveness, observation, intelligence, accuracy, logical thinking, accuracy, imaginative thinking and other qualities.

We invite you to enjoy an entertaining flash entertainment for girls called Fire, Water, Earth and Air. Here you can visit the worlds of the four elements listed in the game's title and collect four magic spheres from each of them. But to achieve this goal you will need to work hard. the site wishes you an exciting game!

Tips for passing:

Once our free toy is fully downloaded, you can immediately begin playing through it. At the very beginning, you have to click on the Play button to go on a journey through the first element - earth. Here you will overcome various earthly obstacles, such as dodging falling rocks, jumping over gaps with the help of vines, and so on. At the end of this test, you will be able to see an orb with earthly power. Take it and go on your next journey through the air. Reach the air sphere and go in search of the water and fire magic spheres.

Don't forget to collect glowing balls at each level, which help you earn bonuses and points. Try not to fall into the abyss or fall under falling objects, as well as other obstacles, otherwise your hero will die, and after all lives have expired, the level will have to start from the very beginning. You can control your hero by using the down, left and right arrows, and you can jump using the spacebar key.

Game " Earth, water, air"sometimes also called " Earth, water, sky" or " Fish, birds, animals" It is very simple and does not require special training for players.

Rules of the game “Earth, water, air”

At the beginning of the game, a driver is selected, and the remaining players stand in a line or around him.

The driver begins to walk in front of the players and touch each one with his hand in turn. At the same time he says: “ Water», « Earth», « air"(in any order). He stops in front of some player.

If the driver stopped at the word “ Air", then the player must name the bird or flying animal. If you stopped at the word “ Earth", then you need to name the animal-terrestrial inhabitant. If " Water" - a fish or an animal living in water. Of course, the names should not be repeated. If the player has not named the word before the count of “three”, or if such a word has already been named, then he becomes the driver.

Another version of the game is a variation of the game " Edible-inedible" You will need a ball for this. The players stand in a circle, and the driver stands in its center. The driver throws the ball to the participants, saying one of the words: “ Fish», « bird" or " beast" The participant must name the corresponding animal without repeating himself and throw the ball back. The one who did not say, made a mistake or repeated himself, leaves the circle. The last one remaining becomes the winner. In this version of the game you can do without a driver. In this case, the players simply throw the ball to each other.

Video games « Earth, water, air»:

The game “Earth, Water, Air” is an excellent group game for children. The advantage of the game is that it does not require a strictly defined number of people to play it. Playing “Earth, Water, Air” develops the fantasy and imagination of young players.

Rules of the game “Earth, water, air”

To start playing you need to choose a driver. All other participants stand in a line or form a circle around the driver.

The driver moves alternately from one participant to another. If desired, he stops near one of the participants and touches him with his hand. To the chosen person, the driver says one word of his choice: “air”, “earth” or “water”.

“Air” means that the player who is preferred by the driver must name living creature which lives in the air. For example, a dove or a magpie.

If the driver says the word “earth” to the player, the participant responds by naming an animal that leads an earthly lifestyle. This could be, for example, a cat.

The word “Water” implies an answer associated with the name of an animal or fish that lives in water. For example, a whale.

Answers to the key words “earth”, “water”, “air” should not be repeated. And each player is given three seconds to answer. If the player has not come up with an answer during this time or such an answer has already been announced, he becomes the driver or drops out of the game.

There is another version of this game called “Edible-Inedible”:

For this game you will need a ball. Participants form a circle, in the center of which is the driver with the ball. The driver, at his own discretion, throws the ball to one of the participants, saying one of the key words: “beast”, “fish” or “bird”. The player to whom the ball was thrown must quickly, within 3 seconds, say the name of the corresponding animal. Anyone who fails to meet the deadline is eliminated from the game. The game continues. The last player to answer all keywords is the winner.

With this version of the game, the driver is not required. Players forming a circle can throw the ball to each other. And the one who named the word in response to “beast”, “fish” or “bird” throws the ball to any other player, calling any of these keywords.

The rules of the game are very simple. Even the youngest children who want to take part in the collective fun “Earth, Water, Air” will easily master it and have a lot of fun.


Games that are very useful for a child's development! 185 simple games that every smart child should play Shulman Tatyana

Fire, water, earth, air

Fire, water, earth, air

For this game you will need a small ball.

The driver is selected. He takes the ball. The remaining participants line up in one line opposite the driver at a distance of five to six steps from him.

To begin with, the leader tells the participants that there are four elements - water, air, earth, fire. Fish live in the water, birds live in the air, and animals live on the land. No one can live in fire. According to the terms of the game, each player must catch the ball thrown by the driver and name a creature that can live in the element that the driver says.

For example, the driver throws the ball to one of the players and shouts: “Air!” The one to whom he throws the ball must catch it and immediately throw it back, while naming some kind of bird.

If the driver shouted: “Fire!”, then you cannot catch the ball, otherwise you will get burned. Let it fly by.

The driver can throw the ball to the same player several times in a row, constantly speeding up the pace.

Be careful! You cannot make mistakes or repeat answers.

If you answered correctly, take a step forward. If you make a mistake, take a step back.

The winner is the one who first gets on the same line with the driver. Now he will drive, and the game continues.

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