III Reich. UFO, Haunebu and Antarctic Nazi Base

1947 Another expedition of the legendary American polar explorer Richard Byrd approached the shores of Antarctica. Unlike the first three, it is fully funded by the US Navy and has a military name - Operation "High Jump"("High Jump"). Everything is going according to plan: tens of thousands of aerial photographs were taken in the first weeks. And suddenly something mysterious happens: the expedition, designed for six months, hastily winds up after two months and leaves the shores of Antarctica. It was a real escape. The destroyer Murdoch, almost half of the carrier-based aircraft, and dozens of sailors and officers were lost.

Upon his return, Admiral Byrd appears before members of the emergency investigative commission of the US Congress. He reports on an attack on the expedition by strange “flying saucers” that “...emerged from under the water and, moving at tremendous speed, caused significant damage to the expedition.”
Who put the American squadron to flight?

Is it true that the Nazis created a top-secret base in Antarctica? Where did thousands of highly qualified German specialists and highly secret productions of the Third Reich disappear at the end of the war?

Did German scientists really develop disc-shaped flying machines? What results did they actually achieve? Can we trust rumors that Germany was creating disc-shaped flying vehicles capable of going into outer space?

What I was looking for in the ancient manuscripts of the East and secret documents secret societies the most mysterious organization of the Third Reich - the Ahnenerbe society? What's really behind the "hollow earth" theory that was so popular in the Third Reich?

What is the true purpose of the powerful HAARP electronic complex in Alaska? Why do most of the employees of American Antarctic stations have direct relation to the National Security Agency, the CIA and other intelligence agencies? Russian scientists and intelligence veterans take part in the film.

Today a lot is known about the developments of the Third Reich in the field of “flying saucers”, but over the years the questions have not become fewer. How successful have the Germans been in this? According to some reports, in 1936 a UFO crashed near the city of Freiburg. It was discovered and, perhaps, German scientists, with the support of the SS, were able to repair and even test its energy system and propulsion system.

However, attempts to reproduce them under terrestrial conditions ended in failure. Therefore, the flying machine existed in one copy. These projects were led by representatives of three occult societies - Thule, Vril and Ahnenerbe. For five years, the Germans carried out carefully hidden work to create a secret facility in Antarctica, codenamed “Base 211”. In any case, this is stated by a number of independent experts. By the end of the war, the Germans had nine scientific enterprises where “flying disc” projects were tested. Scientists believe that during the collapse of the Reich, at least one disk development facility could have been transported to Antarctica.

Well-known researchers of the Antarctic secrets of the Third Reich R. Vesko, V. Terziyski, D. Childress claim that since 1942, thousands of concentration camp prisoners, as well as prominent scientists, pilots and politicians with their families and members of the Hitler Youth, were transferred to the South Pole with the help of submarines. Some scientists believe that the German base in Antarctica still exists. Moreover, they talk about the existence of an entire underground city there called “New Berlin” with a population of two million people. The main occupation of its inhabitants is supposedly genetic engineering and space research. Indirect confirmation of the existence of the base is called repeated sightings of UFOs in the area of ​​the South Pole. People often see “plates” and “cigars” hanging in the air. And in 1976, the Japanese, using the latest equipment, simultaneously detected nineteen round objects that “dipped” from space to Antarctica and disappeared from the screens. In addition, scientists have discovered several artificial satellites in Earth's orbit, unknown to whom they belong...

In 1927, in Central America, the expedition of the famous English archaeologist and traveler Albert Mitchell-Hedges found “crystal” skulls. The discovery was preceded by clearing work that began in 1924. ancient city Maya in the tropical jungle of the Yucatan Peninsula (now Belize). It was decided to simply burn down thirty-three hectares of forest that had swallowed up ancient buildings. When the smoke finally cleared, the expedition members saw an amazing sight: the stone ruins of a pyramid, city walls and the huge Lubaantun Amphitheater, which could seat thousands of spectators. While excavating these ruins, Mitchell-Hedges found his “crystal” skulls. This find became one of the most mysterious in the twentieth century.

The skulls were delivered to one of the museums in Brazil. And in 1943, after an attempt to rob this museum, Ahnenerbe agents were detained. During interrogations they testified that they were taken to South America with a special task to find and “remove” the “crystal” skulls of the “Goddess of Death”. Several more groups were sent for the same purpose. And although many were also arrested, it is possible that someone achieved success. The “seizure” of rare finds was led by the bearer of the “knowledge of the devil” Wiligut. He was especially interested in the magical methods of the priests of Atlantis. The Nazis hoped that this knowledge of the “progenitor of the Aryan race” would allow them not only to create a “superman”, but also to subjugate other people with the help of magic. Today, some researchers suggest that the found crystal skulls were made in Atlantis and only miraculously survived the disaster. If this is so, then it becomes clear why the SS men were so actively interested in them.


Somehow it so happened that the countdown of the “saucer” epidemic began in July 1947, after the incident that occurred with the American businessman Kenneth Arnold, who from his own plane for three minutes observed a chain of “saucer-like” objects flying over the mountains . Having reported what he saw to the authorities, and, naturally, to the press, Arnold did not suspect that he was causing a colossal reaction. The newspapers initially ridiculed him. Then came a flurry of reports of “flying saucers”, which were seen both day and night, sometimes moving slowly, and sometimes rushing at great speed. They were seen both from the ground and from airplanes by lone observers and groups of people.

While studying the archives of the Department of the Air Force, members of the commission headed by Menzel discovered materials that described very interesting cases that occurred several years before the Arnold case. Here is what D. Menzel noted: “Shortly before the end of the Second World War, Allied pilots repeatedly reported the appearance of some luminous balls that accompanied planes flying to bomb. These mysterious balls, spotted over Germany and over Japan, seemed to be waiting for the bomber, as they are waiting for a passing car, and immediately attached themselves to it. If the pilot did not try to somehow get rid of them, they calmly flew behind them, but as soon as the pilot tried to maneuver, the fireballs flew forward..."

Lehmann’s little-known book “German Secret Weapons of the Second World War and Its Further Development” (Munich, 1962) contains the following facts:

October 1943. Allied air raid on Europe's largest ball bearing plant in the German city of Schweinfurt. 700 heavy bombers of the US 8th Air Force took part in the operation, and they were accompanied by 1,300 American and British fighters.

The result of the air battle was terrible: the Allies had 111 fighters and about 60 bombers shot down, while the Nazis had 300 aircraft. You can imagine what was happening in the sky! But military pilots have a heightened psyche: in order to survive in the heat, they must record everything and instantly react to any danger. Therefore, the report submitted to the command by British Major R.F. Holmes, who commanded a flight of bombers, is certainly a reliable document.

He reported: when the planes were flying over the plant, a group of large shiny disks suddenly appeared, which, as if curious, rushed towards them. The discs crossed the line of fire of the German vehicles and approached the American bombers. Heavy fire was opened on them from 700 onboard machine guns, but it did not cause any damage to the disks.

However, no hostile actions were taken by the latter. Therefore, the fire was transferred to German planes: the battle continued.

Having received the major's report, the command instructed the special services to carry out a thorough reconnaissance.

Three months later the answer was received. By the way, it contains the abbreviation UFO for the first time - the initial letters English words"unidentified flying object".

The intelligence concluded this: the disks have nothing to do with the Luftwaffe or other air forces on Earth. The Americans came to the same conclusion. It was then, in the strictest secrecy, that research groups to study UFOs were immediately created in the USA and Great Britain.

During the war years this incident was not an isolated one. On March 25, 1942, Polish pilot Captain Roman Sobinski from the British Air Force strategic bomber squadron took part in a night raid on the city of Essen. Having completed the task, he was returning to base when he heard the machine gunner shout: “We are being pursued by an unknown device: an object of indeterminate shape, glowing!”

“I thought,” Sobinsky wrote in his report, that this was some new devilish thing of the Germans, and ordered the machine gunner to open aimed fire.”

The unknown object did not react to this in any way. He approached to a distance of 150 meters and accompanied the aircraft for 15 minutes. Then he quickly gained altitude and disappeared.

At the end of 1942, a German submarine fired its guns at a silver object about 80 meters long, which flew past it three hundred meters away, without reacting to heavy fire.

It was then that the UFO problem was dealt with in Germany. Sonderburo-13 was created, which was tasked with studying mysterious aircraft. The bureau operated under the code name Operation Uranus.

Apparently, the “Third Reich” had something to study. And not just witness testimony. Perhaps the Germans had more definite information and even a “sample” of a UFO. In any case, Sonderburo 13 attracted the most experienced test pilots and the best scientists of the Third Reich, as well as first-class engineers, explosion specialists and prisoners of the Mauthausen concentration camp. On February 19, 1945, tests of the so-called “Belonce Disk” were carried out. In three minutes, test pilots reached an altitude of 15,000 meters and a speed of 2,200 kilometers per hour in horizontal flight. The device could hover in the air, fly forward and backward without turning. It was driven by a “smokeless and flameless” engine of the Austrian inventor Viktor Schauberger, and consumed only water and air.

Two versions of the disk-shaped apparatus with a diameter of 38 and 68 meters were created.

The work was carried out at the Breslau plant. There was a rapid advance Soviet Army. Breslau was about to fall. The Nazis destroyed the tested devices. The prisoners who worked on their creation were also destroyed. The documentation disappeared without a trace. Schauberger escaped Soviet captivity and ended up in the United States. There he was allegedly offered $3 million for revealing the secret of the flying disc. He refused this offer, saying that nothing could be made public until an international agreement on complete disarmament was signed.

Such a noble pacifist statement by an inventor who worked so successfully for the “Third Reich” without thinking about the future of his brainchild and the possibilities of its use by the Nazis seems somewhat strange. Soviet soldiers prevented the completion of this work. In the USA, no one could prevent Schauberger from selling his invention if it really was his own and not borrowed from a downed or captured UFO.

(V. Ovcharenko. Soviet Belarus. No. 74, 1993)

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The Germans have come closest to this mystery. Much is known today about the developments of the Third Reich in the field of “flying saucers”, but over the years the questions have not diminished. How successful were the Germans in this? According to some reports, in 1936 there was a catastrophe near the city of Freiburg. UFO.

It was discovered, and perhaps German scientists, with the support of the SS, were able to repair and even test its power system and propulsion system. However, attempts to reproduce them under terrestrial conditions ended in failure. Therefore, the flying machine existed in one copy. These projects were led by representatives of three occult societies at once - Thule, Vril and Ahnenerbe.

For five years, the Germans carried out carefully hidden work to create a secret facility in Antarctica, codenamed “Base 211”. In any case, this is stated by a number of independent experts. By the end of the war, the Germans had nine scientific enterprises where “flying disc” projects were tested. Scientists believe that during the collapse of the Reich, at least one disk development enterprise could have been transported to Antarctica.

Famous researchers of Antarctic mysteries Third Reich R. Vesko, V. Terziyski, D. Childress claim that since 1942, thousands of concentration camp prisoners, as well as prominent scientists, pilots and politicians with their families and members of the Hitler Youth, were transferred to the South Pole with the help of submarines. Some scientists believe that the German base in Antarctica still exists. Moreover, they talk about the existence of an entire underground city there called “New Berlin” with a population of two million people!

The main occupation of its inhabitants is supposedly genetic engineering and space research. Repeated observations are called indirect confirmation of the existence of a base. UFO near the South Pole. People often see “plates” and “cigars” hanging in the air. And in 1976, the Japanese, using the latest equipment, simultaneously detected nineteen round objects that “dipped” from space to Antarctica and disappeared from the screens. In addition, scientists have discovered several artificial satellites in Earth's orbit, unknown to whom they belong.

In 1927, in Central America, the expedition of the famous English archaeologist and traveler Albert Mitchell-Hedges found “crystal” skulls. The discovery was preceded by work that began in 1924 to clear an ancient Mayan city in the tropical jungle of the Yucatan Peninsula (now Belize).

It was decided to simply burn down thirty-three hectares of forest that had swallowed up ancient buildings. When the smoke finally cleared, the expedition members saw an amazing sight: the stone ruins of a pyramid, city walls and the huge Lubaantun Amphitheater, which could seat thousands of spectators. While excavating these ruins, Mitchell-Hedges found his “crystal” skulls. This find became one of the most mysterious in the 20th century.

The skulls were delivered to one of the museums in Brazil. And in 1943, after an attempt to rob this museum, Ahnenerbe agents were detained. During interrogations, they revealed that they were brought to South America with a special task to find and “remove” the “crystal” skulls of the “Goddess of Death”. Several more groups were sent for the same purpose. And although many were also arrested, it is possible that someone achieved success. The “seizure” of rare finds was led by the bearer of the “knowledge of the devil” Wiligut. He was especially interested in the magical methods of the priests of Atlantis. The Nazis hoped that this knowledge of the “progenitor of the Aryan race” would allow them not only to create a “superman”, but also to subjugate other people with the help of magic.

Today, some researchers suggest that the found crystal skulls were made in Atlantis and only miraculously survived the disaster. If this is so, then it becomes clear why the SS men were so actively interested in them.

The documentary film “The Third Reich: Operation UFO” begins by saying that after World War II, in 1947, an American polar explorer’s expedition was attacked by flying saucers in the area of ​​the sixth continent Antarctica.

Who did this? Is it like a mysterious x in the equation? But there will be even more X's.

What is Antarctica and the South Pole anyway? To date, a lot of research has been done on this continent, but much remains unclear. Why did Germany allocate a lot of funds for the exploration of this continent in the thirties? Then all this was done for a reason. Are secret bases possible under thick layers of ice? Why did a map of the Middle Ages sixteenth century appear, on which the whole of Antarctica is marked quite accurately and reliably, without ice cover? This is from the Middle Ages, when the official discovery and exploration of this continent was still very far away. Is it possible that Antarctica is Atlantis - a legendary civilization with secret knowledge about the world? Or are there through passages that can connect the planet with other points in the universe? And that’s why flying saucers appeared there for a reason.

A separate part of the program speaks in sufficient detail about the Ahnenerbe, a mystical and occult organization of the Third Reich that was engaged in the study of mysticism. They had great potential. They made expeditions in the thirties to different parts of the planet: Tibet, Antarctica.

Is it possible that aircraft shaped like UFOs, which humanity has observed since the time of A. the Great, were also developed in Nazi Germany. After all, the form of these devices made it possible to do the impossible - to gain access to the approximation of mastery of such categories as time and space, gaining access to distant points of space in the universe; using the devices as a time machine. After all, the Ahnenerbe was not just studying the heritage of its ancestors, but was looking for answers to questions in ancient manuscripts. mystical secrets, riddles. And Wernher von Braun himself said: “We got a lot from these papers.” After all, the program says that a disk of a similar model was seen during Battle of Kursk. But there was nothing like this in Russian aviation.

And the program places a very important emphasis on the fact that Hitler’s dream was to connect the spear, which he received quite a long time ago, with the Holy Grail, which he could not find. But the emphasis is placed on the fact that the Holy Grail, which Hitler was looking for, in addition to the experience of his ancestors, also symbolized the moral principle, purity of thoughts, morality, kindness in the fundamental principle, which was not in the ideology of Hitler and the Third Reich as a whole. But it is precisely this morality, morality that should be the basis of all research and discoveries that humanity makes. Everything should go for the good of peace, the triumph of goodness, humanity, justice. All discoveries, progress.

And Vitaly Pravdivtsev put on a wonderful documentary program that makes you think about the secrets, the mysteries of the world, the answers to which may still lead to more questions than answers, but we must continue to search for answers, based on morality and morality.