How to dry apples in the microwave. Storing apples - important rules

In the winter months, when the body lacks vitamins, dried fruits come to the rescue. If you figure out how to dry apples in the oven or microwave oven, you can in short terms and prepare with minimal hassle useful product in any quantities. True, you need not only to master the technique of processing fruits, but also to know how to select fruits and prepare them. According to experienced housewives, using a microwave oven, gas or electric oven allows you to achieve a less “rubbery” texture than ingredients dried in the fresh air.

Before drying apples in the microwave or oven, it is necessary to select suitable fruits and carry out their initial processing. The chances of getting the desired results will increase if you take into account the following rules:

  1. We give preference to sour or sweet and sour apples of winter varieties, without a tart aftertaste. The pulp should be light yellow or white, firm, without watery areas. After drying sweet apples at home, they become almost tasteless.
  2. At the very beginning of work, you need to select the most beautiful fruits, without damage or signs of spoilage. We wash them under running water, remove the core and peel. Summer varieties are best left with the skin on.
  3. Place the pieces in water for a few minutes with the addition of a few drops of vinegar or a pinch citric acid. This will protect the flesh from darkening and staining.
  4. If there are any questions about the quality of the fruit, the slices can be blanched for an additional 5-7 minutes. But it is worth considering that this technique reduces the benefits of the product.

Cut the prepared fruits into slices with a thickness of 5 to 7 mm. Depending on what principle of drying apples at home will be used, additional manipulations may be necessary.

How to properly dry apples in a gas oven?

To learn how to properly dry apples in a gas oven, you will have to work hard the first time, but then the manipulation will seem easy and quick. The process itself consists of several stages:

  • Selecting the optimal mode. We warm up the chamber to 50-55ºС. If from the very beginning you keep the workpieces at more high temperature, they will quickly become covered with a crust, which will not allow moisture to evaporate. The pieces of fruit will not dry out, but will simply bake.

Tip: When using a gas oven to dry fruit, the air in the kitchen becomes very heavy, which is not only unpleasant, but also somewhat hazardous to health. Potential risks can be reduced by regularly ventilating the room. Even the strongest exhaust hood cannot cope with such smog.

  • Choosing an approach. At home, apples can be dried on a baking sheet or wire rack. In the first case, we line the surface of the device with parchment paper and lay out the slices in one layer. In the second, we simply place the pieces on the grill. This option allows you to dry the workpieces more evenly and spend less time on it.
  • Exposure time. The duration of the manipulation is from 3 to 8 hours. This difference may be due to the size of the pieces, the type of product, the quality of the oven, the type of drying (on a wire rack or baking sheet) of the fruit. In any case, 1.5-2 hours after the start of processing, the products should be turned over.

At the initial stage of processing, the oven door should be kept slightly open, then the moisture will evaporate more actively. After the first mixing of the components, the door can be closed and the temperature raised to 70ºC. As soon as the workpieces can be dried to half their original volume, we again lower the temperature to the starting temperature.

Features of using an electric oven

The undeniable advantage of drying fruit in such an oven is the fact that the air in the kitchen does not become heavier due to such manipulation, and it is easier to regulate and control the temperature level. And with this approach, useful components are destroyed much more slowly. True, in order to achieve optimal results at home, you need to adhere to the following rules:

  • Processing begins at a temperature of around 60ºC; this figure can be increased as the product dries. The permissible maximum is 80ºС. After reaching this temperature level, open the oven door slightly so that the moisture begins to escape more actively.
  • The cutting is laid out on parchment paper, laid out on a wire rack. Turn the slices over every 1-2 hours. In this case, it is better not to use a baking sheet; the food will bake unevenly and may burn.
  • The duration of fruit drying is 5-8 hours. The denser and more acidic the product, the longer it takes to dry. An hour before turning off, the temperature in the oven should be reduced to the original temperature, this will reduce the risk of burning the elements.

For more uniform drying of components, drying modes in electric oven should alternate from low to medium and back. If you don’t want such complications, you can use the convection function and simply leave the grill on the middle level.

How to properly dry apples in the microwave?

If you want to get results as quickly as possible, you need to learn how to dry apples in the microwave. The manipulation is very simple, you just need to practice a few times and everything will start to work out quickly and tasty. Place the sliced ​​apples in a single layer on a suitable plate. We set the microwave mode to 200 watts. We set the timer for 3 minutes, but for better processing of products it is recommended to check them every 30 seconds. If necessary, run the device several more times until the optimal result is obtained. Fruits are considered ready when their flesh becomes soft, stops sticking to your hands, and changes color to cream.

Apples can be cooked in the microwave not only in their traditional dried form. This type of processing produces delicious apple chips. Place the chopped, soaked and dried fruit slices on a special grill, overlapping them, and cook on the “Grill” mode for a quarter of an hour. Halfway through cooking, you can turn the ingredients over so that they cook more evenly. Season the finished product with lemon juice and sprinkle with cinnamon.

After drying the products at home is completed, you need to make sure the products are ready. To do this, we take one slice in our hands and try to bend it. If it does not break and your hands remain clean, the product is ready. Fragile slices falling into pieces indicate that they are overdried. This does not mean that they need to be thrown away; they may well be suitable for making compotes.

Is it possible to dry apples in the microwave? Scientists have proven that dried apples help the body fight various diseases. They strengthen blood vessels, regulate cholesterol levels, and are an excellent means of preventing osteoporosis.

And, in addition, dried fruits contain fiber, which improves digestion and stabilizes intestinal function.

To get stock of these useful elements , apples can be dried in the microwave. You can dry fruits in this household appliance, but it is important to do it correctly so as not to dry out the apples.

Basic rules

How to dry apples in the microwave correctly? Best used for cooking apples winter varieties– sweet and sour or sour. These varieties include:

  • Anise;
  • Antonovka;
  • Aport;
  • Titovka;
  • Slav;
  • Borovik.

Used for preparing dried fruits and summer varieties or carrion. But the final product will be of low quality. Summer varieties are dried with the skin.

For this you will need:

  1. Fresh apples in any quantity.
  2. Fabric bag.
  3. Large glass plate.
  4. Cutting board.
  5. Cotton fabric.

Before drying apples in the microwave, you need to process them, not all at once, but in portions. If all the apples are processed at once, they will oxidize and darken.

Wash and wipe the apples. Excess moisture will increase the drying process.

Remove the core. This is done using a special device. It looks like a tube with sharp edges.

You can also remove the core with a knife by cutting the apples into quarters. But if then the core can be left.

Recommendation. If you are going to dry apples from your garden, then you do not need to peel the skins, since there contains many useful microelements. Apples purchased at the supermarket must be peeled.

Slice the apples after processing with a knife or household slicer. The thickness of the pieces should not exceed 5 mm. Place on a cotton cloth, place on a plate and place in the oven.

Prepared apple pieces can be cooked for 4 minutes soak in saline solution. It is a natural clarifier that will allow apples to become lighter after drying. The solution will also protect dried fruits from insects and increase their shelf life. To prepare the solution, add 100 g of salt to a bucket of water.

Before cooking, apples can be soak in sulfuric acid within 3 minutes. This solution will repel pests and preserve the color of apples. The solution is prepared from 1 liter of water and 1 g of acid.

Step by step instructions

How to dry apples in the microwave for the winter:

Apples of early and medium varieties prepare faster than winter. The readiness of winter apples is determined by their darker color.


How to dry apples in the microwave? You can also cook a wonderful dish of dried apples in the microwave - apple chips. To do this you will need apples and spices such as lemon juice, sugar and cinnamon:

  1. Wash the apples, remove the core and cut them thin slices.
  2. Wash the apple slices in cold water so that they do not stick to the plate. Leave the slices on a towel or wire rack to allow the water to drain.
  3. Turn the oven on grill mode.
  4. Place the apples overlapping on the grill.
  5. Season lemon juice or cinnamon.

Apples are dried in this way 15 minutes. The finished slices should darken and become crispy. If necessary, drying time can be added. A uniform shade can be achieved by turning the slices over.

If the oven does not have a “grill” mode, then the slices just need to be laid out on a plate so that they do not touch each other. The microwave must be turned on full power and wait until the fruits darken and become crispy.

In apple chips prepared this way, the taste of apples is preserved.

They can be added to porridge, sprinkled powdered sugar or sprinkle with honey to make them even tastier.

From dried apples, just like fresh ones, you can make pie filling and charlotte.

Only for this you need dried fruits soak in boiling water, and then scroll them through a meat grinder.

You need to add to the finished mass sugar and cinnamon. The filling for the charlotte is ready.


Dried apples not worth it immediately place in a storage container. They need to be scattered on the table, having previously spread cotton fabric.

Apples are needed periodically mix and shake. This way the dried fruits will reach full condition.

It is necessary in fabric bags in a cool place, in baskets or special boxes. Sometimes you need a container shake so that the apple slices do not cake.


IN different varieties Apples contain different amounts of juice, so each variety takes a different time to dry. Placing many pieces on a plate at once may lengthen the drying time. Due to microwave energy, apples can be preserved maximum vitamins and nutrients.

In addition, microwave drying is time saving, since the whole process only takes a few minutes. And the apples turn out elastic and light.

In the winter months, when the body is so lacking in vitamins, dried fruits come to the rescue. If you figure out how to dry apples in the oven or microwave, you can prepare a healthy product in any volume in a short time and with minimal hassle. True, you need not only to master the technique of processing fruits, but also to know how to select fruits and prepare them. According to experienced housewives, using a microwave oven, gas or electric oven allows you to achieve a less “rubbery” texture than ingredients dried in the fresh air.

Before drying apples in the microwave or oven, it is necessary to select suitable fruits and carry out their initial processing. The chances of getting the desired results will increase if you take into account the following rules:

  1. We give preference to sour or sweet and sour apples of winter varieties, without a tart aftertaste. The pulp should be light yellow or white, firm, without watery areas. After drying sweet apples at home, they become almost tasteless.
  2. At the very beginning of work, you need to select the most beautiful fruits, without damage or signs of spoilage. We wash them under running water, remove the core and peel. Summer varieties are best left with the skin on.
  3. Place the pieces in water for a few minutes with the addition of a few drops of vinegar or a pinch of citric acid. This will protect the flesh from darkening and staining.
  4. If there are any questions about the quality of the fruit, the slices can be blanched for an additional 5-7 minutes. But it is worth considering that this technique reduces the benefits of the product.

Cut the prepared fruits into slices with a thickness of 5 to 7 mm. Depending on what principle of drying apples at home will be used, additional manipulations may be necessary.

How to properly dry apples in a gas oven?

To learn how to properly dry apples in a gas oven, you will have to work hard the first time, but then the manipulation will seem easy and quick. The process itself consists of several stages:

  • Selecting the optimal mode. We warm up the chamber to 50-55ºС. If you keep the workpieces at a higher temperature from the very beginning, they will quickly become covered with a crust, which will not allow moisture to evaporate. The pieces of fruit will not dry out, but will simply bake.

Tip: When using a gas oven to dry fruit, the air in the kitchen becomes very heavy, which is not only unpleasant, but also somewhat hazardous to health. Potential risks can be reduced by regularly ventilating the room. Even the strongest exhaust hood cannot cope with such smog.

  • Choosing an approach. At home, apples can be dried on a baking sheet or wire rack. In the first case, we line the surface of the device with parchment paper and lay out the slices in one layer. In the second, we simply place the pieces on the grill. This option allows you to dry the workpieces more evenly and spend less time on it.
  • Exposure time. The duration of the manipulation is from 3 to 8 hours. This difference may be due to the size of the pieces, the type of product, the quality of the oven, the type of drying (on a wire rack or baking sheet) of the fruit. In any case, 1.5-2 hours after the start of processing, the products should be turned over.

At the initial stage of processing, the oven door should be kept slightly open, then the moisture will evaporate more actively. After the first mixing of the components, the door can be closed and the temperature raised to 70ºC. As soon as the workpieces can be dried to half their original volume, we again lower the temperature to the starting temperature.

Features of using an electric oven

The undeniable advantage of drying fruit in such an oven is the fact that the air in the kitchen does not become heavier due to such manipulation, and it is easier to regulate and control the temperature level. And with this approach, useful components are destroyed much more slowly. True, in order to achieve optimal results at home, you need to adhere to the following rules:

  • Processing begins at a temperature of around 60ºC; this figure can be increased as the product dries. The permissible maximum is 80ºС. After reaching this temperature level, open the oven door slightly so that the moisture begins to escape more actively.
  • Place the slices on parchment paper lined on a wire rack. Turn the slices over every 1-2 hours. In this case, it is better not to use a baking sheet; the food will bake unevenly and may burn.
  • The duration of fruit drying is 5-8 hours. The denser and more acidic the product, the longer it takes to dry. An hour before turning off, the temperature in the oven should be reduced to the original temperature, this will reduce the risk of burning the elements.

To dry the components more evenly, the drying modes in an electric oven should be alternated from low to medium and back again. If you don’t want such complications, you can use the convection function and simply leave the grill on the middle level.

How to properly dry apples in the microwave?

If you want to get results as quickly as possible, you need to learn how to dry apples in the microwave. The manipulation is very simple, you just need to practice a few times and everything will start to work out quickly and tasty. Place the sliced ​​apples in a single layer on a suitable plate. We set the microwave mode to 200 watts. We set the timer for 3 minutes, but for better processing of products it is recommended to check them every 30 seconds. If necessary, run the device several more times until the optimal result is obtained. Fruits are considered ready when their flesh becomes soft, stops sticking to your hands, and changes color to cream.

Apples can be cooked in the microwave not only in their traditional dried form. This type of processing produces delicious apple chips. Place the chopped, soaked and dried fruit slices on a special grill, overlapping them, and cook on the “Grill” mode for a quarter of an hour. Halfway through cooking, you can turn the ingredients over so that they cook more evenly. Season the finished product with lemon juice and sprinkle with cinnamon.

After drying the products at home is completed, you need to make sure the products are ready. To do this, we take one slice in our hands and try to bend it. If it does not break and your hands remain clean, the product is ready. Fragile slices falling into pieces indicate that they are overdried. This does not mean that they need to be thrown away; they may well be suitable for making compotes.

Hello dear readers. We are all waiting for the arrival of autumn in order to fully enjoy its gifts, which are so useful at this time of year. Everyone knows that autumn is the time for fragrant apples, which beckon with the variety of their varieties. Having not had time to try all the types of these autumn fruits, we are trying to prepare them for the winter in every possible way. One of these methods is drying apples, thanks to which we can enjoy healthy benefits even in the cold season. vitamin drinks based on such dried fruits. This cloudy time of year does not allow us to carry out natural drying of fruits, but this does not matter. After all, there are several interesting ways to dry apple slices, which can be easily done at home.

Of course, you can buy a ready-made product in the supermarket, but no one can guarantee its naturalness. And too perfect appearance Such drying is alarming.

Such a sign may indicate chemical processing of this product, which most likely removed the apples from their usual vitamin composition.

By preparing dried apples yourself, you will know for sure that this product is natural, although it is not so attractive in appearance.

So, let's figure out how to properly prepare such dried apples, and what secrets will help your drying look no worse than store-bought.

How to dry apples at home - subtleties and secrets

Remember how grandmother always prepared dried fruits from various fruits even in the warm season, and already in winter we could enjoy the aromatic compote that she prepared.

And we, as children, were always trying to steal a few dried apple slices from a huge bunch, which consisted entirely of dried fruits.

The drying turned out to be very sweet, because during the drying process, excess moisture evaporates from the fruit, due to which only vitamins and sucrose remain in them.

And now it is quite possible to use dried apples as snacks between main meals.

Such a light snack will especially please our lovely ladies who are trying to keep themselves in shape even in winter, when you won’t find vitamins as such during the day.

Apples, in comparison with other types of drying, have the least calories, and their structure is quite soft, which cannot be said about home-dried apricots.

The drying process has a number of advantages, thanks to which you will immediately run to the market for fresh apples for drying:

This type of preparation will not take up much of your time, especially if you are a busy housewife.

You will only need to cut the apples, and the rest is not up to you. After all, if you prepare compote for the winter, it can take a lot of time. And so, you will simply prepare the basis for the future compote, which can be prepared at any time, without particularly straining.

At home, you have complete control over the process, which will result in a natural product.

Ideally, of course, it would be nice to produce this type of preparation from apples that you pick in your own garden.

But fruits bought at the market are also suitable. The main thing is not to buy apples in supermarkets, since you definitely won’t find natural apples there.

Such dried fruits do not require special “greenhouse” conditions for their storage, so they are definitely not in danger of quick spoilage.

And thanks to the reduced size of each slice, you can easily store this dryer in a fabric bag right in the kitchen. Just imagine the aroma that will spread throughout the kitchen.

Therefore, you should not think that the dried version of apples is somehow worse than fresh ones, because they cannot be subjected to any heat treatment. Quicker apple jam will be less useful, since during its preparation most of the vitamins will simply evaporate.

Interestingly, the same amount of vitamins in dried apple fruits can be preserved for 10 years. Therefore, think about how such “dry vitamins” can save you during the cold season.

Weigh all the pros and no cons, and hurry to the market for required quantity apples

But keep in mind that during the drying process, fruits can shrink by as much as 7 times. Therefore, if you are planning to dry apples for the entire winter season, then one kilogram will clearly not be enough. After all, from such a quantity fresh fruits you will receive only 150 g of finished product.

Before deciding to take such a crucial step, you need to familiarize yourself with some conditions for the correct implementation of the drying process in order to fully preserve its vitamin composition.

Apple processing and drying technology

  1. The process of drying fruits can be carried out either using special devices that every kitchen is now equipped with, or in the tired autumn sun. Since autumn may turn out to be far from sunny, it is better to immediately consider the option of preparing drying in apartment conditions. You can use either a simple oven or a microwave.
  1. To obtain a quality product, you need to make sure that the apples were removed from the tree correctly. Therefore, it is better to do this yourself, but the collection must be carried out in dry weather, because moisture can lead to future damage to the fruit. In addition, shaking off the apple tree is prohibited, because damage to the structure of the fruit can also spoil the quality of the finished drying.
  1. Choose only ripe apples without any external damage. Slightly rotten fruits can ruin the entire drying batch.
  1. Drying involves using only ripe apples, so it is recommended to choose only autumn varieties, because only they will contain such a large amount of useful substances. In order for the finished drying to still taste like an apple, it is advisable to choose sour or sweet and sour varieties. In addition, their acid will indicate a high content of ascorbic acid.
  1. Everyone wants to get beautiful drying as a result, so many people cut apples into slices. Undoubtedly, such drying looks great, but be prepared, the drying process of such round pieces can take much longer. Therefore, it is better to cut the fruits in the usual way - into slices. This way, you will get drying much faster, and the likelihood that it will deteriorate is reduced significantly.

  1. The slices should be cut into small thicknesses, because fruits cut too thick can take too long to dry, or even completely deteriorate during the drying process. And they shouldn’t be too big in size. Many people don’t like the peel, but don’t rush to remove it from a ruddy apple, because it contains the largest amount of vitamins.
  1. Do you want to get the perfect drying white? There is one secret that will help you achieve the desired result: after cutting the fruits, lower the finished slices for a few minutes in saline solution, then rinse them in clean water. Place the apple slices on a paper towel to absorb excess moisture. And for the solution you will need 50 g of salt per 3 liters of water.
  1. There is another way to process apple slices, which you will definitely like much more than the previous one. You will need to place the future drying in a citric acid solution, but if you want apples with a lemon flavor, then use fresh lemon juice. But if you care not about the appearance of the future workpiece, but about its taste, then you don’t have to waste time on processing.
  1. We place the slices on special racks or simple baking sheets; large ones will also work wooden boards. If you are an experienced specialist in these matters, then you probably have a special frame with stretched cotton fabric. This option will be simply ideal for obtaining the desired result.
  1. If you still couldn’t resist and cut the apples into perfectly even slices, then for quick drying it is best to string the finished slices onto wooden sticks. Well, or you can just string them on a thread and hang these apple garlands in the interior. So, you will prepare the drying and decorate the room, and besides, the aroma emanating from the fruits that are in the process of drying will simply enchant you.

Drying apples at home is an important process; many people dry apples for themselves, and some people dry them for sale. Therefore, everything must be perfect.

How to know when dried fruits are ready

In such an activity, it is important to control the process all the time, because you can dry out the fruit. It's about about the method of drying fruits using an oven.

After all, an overdried product will not just lose its taste qualities, but will also lose those useful vitamins, for the sake of which we started all this.

But even under-dried apple slices are not suitable for us, because their long-term storage will be simply impossible.

Half-raw dried fruits will simply rot if stored in a bag, which we will probably hide in a dark closet.

Our drying will not have a chance to deteriorate, because there is a method that will help determine the degree of its readiness.

So, select one of the slices and try to bend it between your fingers. The finished dried apple is quite elastic, which allows it to bend easily.

But if it turns out to be fragile and breaks into two parts right in your hands, then this means that the product is not ready yet.

Sun drying - how to dry apples

This method has been familiar to us since childhood, but it is not always possible to dry late apples in the sleepy rays of the sun.

After all, we can find the most ripe apples only in the fall, but this is not a problem. There are special summer varieties designed specifically for drying.

Of course, such a process will take much longer than in the oven, but for lovers natural way We offer this option for drying apple fruits.

The ideal time for this kind of activity is in September, when there is already a sufficient variety of apple harvest, and the sun is still shining like summer.

Residents of apartment buildings can place prepared apples directly on their balcony. This is the only well-ventilated place in the apartment where sufficient quantity sun rays. But if there is no balcony, then this is not a problem.

You can even place the dryer on the windowsill, but with the condition that the room will be constantly ventilated.

  1. We select undamaged fruits that must be thoroughly washed. Next, cut the apple in half, remove the core, and then cut it into small slices.
  1. To preserve the snow-white color of the fruits, lower them for a couple of minutes in salt water, then rinse under running water to get rid of salt. Remove excess moisture with a napkin and place the apple pieces on a flat, flat surface.
  1. We place our future dryer on the balcony and leave it under the gentle rays of the sun. But at night it is better to take the workpiece into the apartment, because due to the lack of heat, the fruits can absorb moisture, which can interfere with the cooking process. It is better to cover them with some kind of cloth, which will serve as protection against summer insects.
  1. Throughout the day, it is better to “check” our apple slices from time to time so that the process of drying the fruit occurs evenly. If one side of the slices is already dry enough, then it’s time to turn them over to the other side.

On average, fruits can dry from 4 to 6 days, but these indicators will vary depending on factors influencing the situation: the intensity of sunlight, air temperature, and the thickness of the slices themselves.

How to dry apples at home using an oven

If you have found your ideal apple variety, but it is too late to carry out natural drying, because it is late autumn outside, do not worry.

The drying process can also be carried out in apartment conditions, and it is usually carried out using an oven.

Using a wire rack to dry the apples is ideal, but a baking tray is also a good option. Only in this case, you need to constantly turn the slices so that they dry evenly.

  1. It is necessary to set the temperature to no more than 60 degrees, because high temperatures can damage the structure of the fruit, as a result of which they will be lost. useful substances contained in them. It is also important to keep the oven door ajar from time to time for better air circulation.
  1. When the slices lose most of their moisture, causing them to wilt a little, lower the temperature a little.
  1. It is necessary to keep the product in the oven until you are sure that they are dry enough for long-term storage. After all, under-dried fruits will begin to quickly deteriorate, and your harvest of dried fruits will simply be ruined.

Drying apples at home using an oven is much easier and more profitable if you live in an apartment.

How to dry apples in an electric dryer for the winter

Electric drying is good because during the drying process the fruit is provided with constant air circulation. Thanks to this, they are dried with the help of heat and air, and are not dried out due to exposure to high temperatures.

To ensure even drying, place the slices in one layer on a special round-shaped mesh.

The temperature should also not be higher than 60 degrees. Under such conditions, drying will be ready after 8 hours, although this time may vary depending on the thickness of the slices.

How to dry apples in the microwave

If you are a busy housewife and you do not have time to control this complex process, then use the help of a microwave. So, you will get drying in a matter of hours, but keep in mind that some vitamins may be lost.

  1. Having chosen undamaged apples, you need to wash them thoroughly and cut them as you like. We take a plate and line it with a thin natural cloth, after which we lay out our slices on the prepared surface. We also put the same fabric on top.
  1. We set the mode to 200 W and leave the future drying for 3-4 minutes. As a result, we get a quick drying option that will be stored for quite a long time.

Storing apples - important rules

Properly dried fruits are only half the battle, albeit a very important one; this allows you to preserve dried apples for the winter. But in order for drying to retain its taste and beneficial properties, it is necessary to provide her with acceptable conditions.

Usually such dried fruits are stored in plastic bags, which is not very correct. The fact is that polyethylene does not allow air to pass through at all, and this can lead to rotting of dried fruits.

Therefore, the ideal option, of course, would be a bag made of natural cotton fabric. This fabric allows air to pass through well, which will help the slices to be stored for as long as possible.

If you put ready-made dried fruits into a bag, this does not mean that you can forget about them before the first desire to cook compote. From time to time it is necessary to check their condition, because such dry fruits can be a real delicacy for various insects.

In addition, it may happen that mold overtakes your workpiece. But this will only happen if the air humidity in the room increases or if the fruits were not completely dried.

Although the process of drying apple slices may seem impossible in apartment conditions, this is actually not the case. It’s just that not everyone knows how to dry apples correctly.

There are several alternative solutions to the usual drying of apples in the sun. In addition, it will not take you much time, because your task is only to prepare the fruits for the main processing. Drying fruit is much easier than making jam or sealing compotes.

In the summer, fruits, berries and herbs are cheaper, many have their own dachas and vegetable gardens, so housewives strive in different ways save the harvest for the winter. There are several ways, but the most convenient way is to dry the workpieces using a microwave oven.

This process is simple and not too labor-intensive. Suitable for different berries: raspberries, strawberries, blueberries, black and red currants, bird cherry and rowan. Initially, they need to be washed very well, dried to remove excess water, and then you can begin the main drying. To do this, you need to place them evenly on the microwave plate and turn it on at 200 W.

Drying will only take a few minutes, after which you need to check if they are dry. If not, you can turn the berries over and put them in the microwave for a few more minutes.

You can also dry any fruits you have. They must be processed before drying. To do this, wash thoroughly, dry and remove, if necessary, the core. Then cut into slices or cubes and start drying in the microwave. The power is set to the same - 200 W. The drying period depends on the size of the chopped fruit.

Usually three minutes is enough, but if necessary, you can increase the time. Using a microwave oven, many housewives dry herbs, which, with this type of heat treatment, completely retain their beneficial properties. It can be dried either in twigs or finely chopped.

Before drying, the greens must be washed and slightly dried. Only then can it be placed in the microwave. For finely chopped greens, a microwave oven power of 180 W and two to three minutes is sufficient. But for drying greenery with twigs, it is better to add another 20 W of power and increase the amount of time to three to four minutes.

You can dry berries, herbs and fruits using a microwave oven at any time of the year. This is very convenient, since it is very difficult to dry workpieces for the winter without it. You can also dry the workpieces for the winter using regular oven, which is similar in drying technology to using a microwave oven.

When choosing a microwave oven for preparing preparations for the winter, you can be sure that everything is preserved in them. essential vitamins and useful substances, which you simply cannot do without during vitamin deficiency.