Calendar of names April 22 girl. Name days in April for boys and girls according to the church calendar

Men's name day on April 22 according to the church calendar

  • - from the Old Russian word vaditi - “to argue, sow confusion” or “to tame” from the Old Russian word volod - “ruler”, a short form of the name Vadimir - “to argue”.
  • - from the Hebrew name Gabriel - “a strong man of God, a warrior of God.”

Name of the day April 22 - Vadim

The origins of the name are lost in the fog of centuries. Most often, the origin of the name is associated with the Slavic word Vadimir, which meant “arguer”, “sower of trouble.” There are versions according to which the name is translated as “attractive.”

Vadimov is often misunderstood by those around him; in order to earn their piece of luck, they have to work hard. Ultimately, Vadim achieves success through sacrifice. It is no coincidence that another almost forgotten translation of this name is “like an angel.”

Meditation on name day with the help of the constellation Virgo will help Vadim get rid of tense situations.

To gain strength through meditation, you need to imagine a constellation. You can take the constellation from the atlas of Jan Hevelius as an example. Vadim can feel how the constellation sends out rays that destroy bad energies and impart good powers. Along with inhalation, light rays penetrate the soul, and with exhalation, dark rays leave.

After a 15-minute presentation of the constellation, you need to return from space to earth.

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The birth of a child always brings joy. What could be better than looking at a little miracle that is an extension of its parents. This baby bears the traits of both mom and dad. But besides all this, there are certain character traits and a set of qualities that are unique to him. Over the course of a lifetime, they may change, disappear, or become more firmly entrenched in his personality. Everything will depend on what circumstances and life situations come his way. But parents can make a few initial adjustments and introduce some traits into the newborn’s character. This can be done using the name. Choose the required name for a girl or boy based on the name day in April church calendar You can do it yourself or with the help of a clergyman. To choose the right name, it is worth knowing what qualities children will have in certain months of their birth.

Basically, the church calendar includes men's name days in April, as well as other months. The custom of naming a child in honor of saints appeared after the adoption of Christianity and the baptism of the people. Our ancestors were confident that the saint whose name the baby bears would protect him throughout his life. Also, the child will take over from him all his positive qualities.

This also protects the child and drives away evil spirits from him. If a child is named after a saint, then the day on which it is remembered in the church calendar is called the boys' name day in April.

Name days for men's names according to the church calendar in April mainly consist of church or Old Church Slavonic names. It happens that parents name their baby modern name, which is not on the list. In this case, you should contact a priest and he will help you find something that is in tune with him.

List of male names for April:

  • 01 – Ivan, Dmitry, Innokenty;
  • 02 - Victor, Vasily, Vissarion, Ivan, German, Maxim, Miron, Sergey, Nikita, Sevastyan;
  • 03 – Yakov, Vladimir, Kirill;
  • 04 - Vasily, Isaac;
  • 05 - Alexey, Vasily, Ilya, Georgy, Makar, Sergey;
  • 06 – Zakhar, Vladimir, Martin, Stepan, Peter, Yakov;
  • 07 – Tikhon;
  • 08 - Abraham, Vasily, Stepan, Gabriel;
  • 09 – Ephraim, Alexander, Ivan, Pavel, Makar;
  • 10 – Ivan, Vasily, Hilarion, Nikolai, Ilya, Stepan;
  • 11 – Isaac, Ivan, Cyril, Mark, Cornelius, Philip, Michael;
  • 12 – Ivan, Zakhar;
  • 13 - Ivan, Benjamin, Innocent, Joseph;
  • 14 – Ivan, Efim, Makar, Sergey;
  • 15 – Gregory, George, Efim;
  • 16 – Nikita;
  • 17 – George, Adrian, Ivan, Veniamin, Joseph, Nikolai, Nikita, Fedor;
  • 18 – Georgy, Alexey, Mark, Platon, Nikolay, Semyon;
  • 19 – Ivan, Gregory, Pavel, Sevastyan, Peter, Yakov;
  • 20 - Arkady, Daniel, George, Peter;
  • 21 - Ivan, Sergey;
  • 22 – Gabriel, Vadim;
  • 23 – Grigory, Alexander, Dmitry, Terenty, Maxim, Fedor, Yakov;
  • 24 – Ivan, Efim, Nikolai, Prokhor, Peter, Yakov;
  • 25 – David, Vasily, Ivan, Sergey;
  • 26 – Dmitry, Georgy;
  • 27 – Anton, Alexander, Valentin, Martin, Ivan;
  • 28 - Alexander, Andrey, Victor, Aristarkh, Kondrat, Lukyan, Leonid, Sevastyan, Fedor, Trofim;
  • 29 - Leonid, Pavel, Mikhail;
  • 30 – Alexander, Adrian, Ephraim, Mikhail, Ivan, Semyon, Fedor.

Names for girls

Choosing a name for a girl is also not too easy. Many parents want their baby to always be a princess and choose enough rare names. But it also happens that parents come up with names on their own. Sometimes they are quite peculiar.

Name days of women's names in April according to the church calendar consist of the following:

  • 01 – Sophia, Daria;
  • 02 – Claudia, Alexandra, Praskovya, Maria, Ulyana, Svetlana;
  • 04 – Daria, Vasilisa, Taisiya;
  • 05 – Varvara, Pelageya, Anastasia, Lydia;
  • 08 – Alla, Larisa, Anna, Praskovya;
  • 13 – Anna;
  • 14 – Maria;
  • 17 – Maria;
  • 20 – Evdokia, Akulina;
  • 21 – Maria;
  • 25 – Martha, Mary;
  • 26 – Martha;
  • 28 – Vasilisa, Anastasia;
  • 29 – Nika, Vasilisa, Irina, Galina.

Based on women's name days in April, you can choose the one you like best, but this is not necessary. You can simply look at the meaning of each name and choose the one whose characteristics will best suit your baby.

Features of choosing a name for a child

There are certain tips for choosing a name for a newborn. We recommend that you familiarize yourself with them first:

Choose a name that will sound good with your middle name. Sometimes parents do not pay enough attention to this moment, and the child adult life suffers.

Be careful if you want to name your child after someone. It is advisable to become thoroughly familiar with the biography of this person. It is generally accepted that a name leaves a certain imprint on a person’s fate. But there are also cases when the character traits of one person can be transferred to another. Moreover, the child can repeat some episodes from the life of his namesake. So be careful and be especially careful about this issue.

How to determine a child’s name day if he was not named on the saint’s name day

It happens that you liked the name of a saint, but it appears on a different day, and not on the child’s birthday. In this case, priests recommend looking through the church calendar and finding the name of the saint after the birthday. The first one to meet and be named day. And if the name does not appear in the calendar, then you need to seek help from a priest who will help you choose one that is consonant.

Name day or name day is one of the main and important days in the life of every Christian. This day is considered the day of the child’s heavenly patron, after whom he was named. Priests recommend coming to church on such holidays and reading thanksgiving prayers to your guardian angels for protecting you.

Child's baptismal name

It happens that during baptism the priest gives the child a different name. This is explained by the fact that when inducing damage or other magical rituals, they use the church name of the child. That is why parents are forbidden to tell it to anyone. It is believed that the saint protects the baby and protects him from negative influences.

Remember that choosing a name is quite serious for every person. You need to think carefully before making a decision. After all, a child is given a name once and for the rest of his life.

The Lord is always with you!

Names for April 22 according to the church calendar (saints)

April 22 / May 5

Vitaly - life (lat.).
Vsevolod - possessing everything, omnipotent (glory);
Gavril - the fortress of God; my help is God; man of God (Heb.);
Demetrius (Dmitry) - related to Demeter; high lands (Greek).
Eustathius (Evstafey, Astafy) - stable, solid (Greek); even, quiet, soft, meek, calm (lat.).
Clement (Klim, Clementy) - grapevine (Greek); merciful (lat.);
Luke - from Lucania; born at sunrise (lat.).
Nathanael (Bartholomew) - given by God, gift of God; son of Tolomey (Heb.).
Theodore (Fedor) - God's gift (Greek).

Did you know that...

April 22 (May 5) is the day of the transfer of the holy relics of the Apostle and Evangelist Luke. Luke, a native of Antioch in Syria, was a doctor from a noble Greek family. He arrived in Palestine to get acquainted with the teachings of Christ from himself. He was a companion of St. Apostle Paul. He himself preached Christian doctrine in different countries. He is the author of the Holy Gospel and the work “Acts of the Holy Apostles”.

Learn about the meaning and characteristics of names

Female names
Most parents, when choosing a name for their daughter, are guided, among other reasons, by its meaning. Let's consider the origin and meaning of today's popular female names.


The birth of a child is one of the most joyful and memorable moments in the life of parents. Undoubtedly, almost every couple wants their child to remain in such a state for as long as possible. early age.

But no one has canceled the laws of nature, and the baby will soon begin to grow inexorably quickly, revealing himself and his character.

And as it seemed to the baby’s parents before that such a carefully chosen name would undoubtedly suit their child, but still, as children grow older, they change.

It’s not just age that changes appearance, but the child’s character and behavior may also change. Therefore, when choosing a name for a child, relying only on the child’s behavior in at the moment time, many parents make a big mistake.

Before you finally decide on the choice of name that the child will go with throughout his life, you should carefully study how he will grow up, the future character of the baby, and the compatibility of the name with the zodiac sign under which he was born.

How to choose a suitable name for a girl born in April

First of all, the name should clearly suit the baby’s character type. But in order to make the right decision, you need to find out what kind of character the girl will have.

Children born in April are very brave and witty, determined and purposeful. But still they do not always manage to fully reveal and realize their potential to the fullest.

Children born in April have a stronger character than those born in March, and accordingly their names should be radically different.

Most often they will be concerned about the financial and material components of life. Because of this, they will often reach the top career ladder. Luck will always be on their side.

Kids are smart and thoughtful. And therefore, before making the right decision, they will weigh the pros and cons, and only then begin to solve the problem.

They find it difficult to perceive everything new and any changes in their lives. It is difficult for them to give up the old way of life in order to introduce new colors into it.

Such people will prefer to stay in the old, gray and routine life. Since it is more familiar and familiar to them than the new and unknown one.

April girls will always come first family life, and only after it comes material security.

But still, despite how much they value their family, emotions in personal relationships are pushed into the background and they rely only on reason and logic.

Such children are not very dreamy; they always know what they want. And they always achieve their goals by any means.

Despite all the advantages of April children, they also have disadvantages.

They are selfish and stubborn. And to achieve their goals they do not always use honest methods.

To soften such a strong character, girls should choose soft and feminine names. They will emphasize all the femininity in the baby, and therefore the character will not seem so firm and unwavering.

Names for girls born in April

When choosing a name, you should consider not only your preferences. Imagine that the chosen name became yours for a moment. What will others think about such a name, and will the baby be comfortable with it in adulthood?

For girls born in April, you should choose the following names:

The following names are considered lucky for girls born in April:

  • Sabina
  • Lydia
  • Svetlana
  • Galina
  • Irina
  • Karina
  • Larisa
  • Lydia
  • Alexandra
  • Daria
  • Maria
  • Anastasia
  • Claudia

Names for girls in April for every day

In addition to character, you should take into account what day the baby was born. After all, there are lucky names for every day. They will attract good luck to the girl throughout her life.

Lucky names for girls born in April for every day:

April 2: Alexandra, Efrasia, Claudia, Maria, Efimia, Matrona, Feodosia, Juliana, Anatolia, Ulyana, Praskovya, Domnina, Svetlana;

Names for girls in April according to the horoscope

In April, girls are born under such zodiac signs as Aries and Taurus. Their characters are similar, but there are still differences.

Aries are more cheerful, agile and energetic. They are straightforward, enthusiastic and stubborn. Girls prefer to achieve whatever they want by any means necessary. The names of such babies should be strong and brave.

Names for girls born under the zodiac sign Aries:

  • Evgeniya
  • Zhanna
  • Rimma
  • Karina
  • Kaleria
  • Margarita
  • Marina
  • Roxana
  • Martha

Taurus girls, in turn, are distinguished by optimism, hard work and leadership qualities. They can be called gourmets in life. They are kind and sympathetic, they can sacrifice everything for their loved ones. The names of such girls should be soft and brave.

Names for girls born under the zodiac sign Taurus:

  • Zinaida;
  • Lydia;
  • Isabel;
  • Wanda;
  • Tatiana;
  • Lada;
  • Irma;
  • Nina;
  • Lucia;

Names of girls in April according to the church calendar

Choosing a name for a child has always been a difficult process. But still, sometimes parents cannot choose Orthodox names for a girl born in April. In this case, you can contact the church. It may contain the names of the saint on whose day the baby was born.

There is a belief that it is not in vain that people are born on these days, as God shows what name should be chosen for the child.

It’s not for nothing that they say that if you name the saint on whose day the baby was born, then he will keep and protect the person all his life.

If the parents still could not decide on church name in April for a girl, you can give this choice to the priest. He will choose the name of the Saint according to the calendar compiled in the church.

Girl's name in April according to the Orthodox calendar

If the parent still decides to name the girl according to the calendar in April, they should take the calendar from the church to which they belong.

It will indicate all the Saints, by whose names, and on what day it is advisable to name your baby.

Orthodox names for girls born in April according to the calendar:

  • April 1: Daria, Vassa, Sofia, Matrona, Illaria, Maria, Matryona;
  • April 2: Claudia, Praskovya, Fedora, Svetlana, Anatolia, Juliana, Ulyana, Alexandra, Julia, Matrona, Maria, Feodosia, Olesya, Domna, Euphemia, Feodosia;
  • April 4: Taisiya, Daria, Polina, Vasilisa, Agnata;
  • April 5: Anastasia, Feodosia, Lydia, Pelageya, Varvara, Maria;
  • April 8: Alla, Praskovya, Larisa, Anna;
  • April 9: Matrona, Maria;
  • April 11: Vassa;
  • April 13: Anna, Miroslava;
  • April 14: Maria;
  • April 16: Feodosia;
  • April 17: Maria;
  • April 18: Fedora;
  • April 20: Evdokia;
  • April 21: Maria;
  • April 22: Martha, Martha, Maria;
  • April 25: Maria, Athanasia;
  • April 26: Marta, Marfa, Alina;
  • April 28: Vasilisa, Anastasia;
  • April 29: Irina, Fedora, Vasilisa, Arina, Nika, Galina, Susanna, Victoria, Tamara, Maria, Karina, Anna, Marfa, Agnatia;
  • April 30: Zhanna, Yana, Joanna, Martha, Tamara, Lilia, Susanna, Maria, Martha;

You need to choose your daughter's name wisely. After all, it should emphasize the strength of character, but at the same time smooth it out a little, and show all the femininity of the girl.

Video: important rules for choosing a name for a girl