Modeling a space rocket preparatory group. Entertainment for Cosmonautics Day for children of the senior preparatory group

Entertainment summary for Cosmonautics Day for children 5-7 years old

Naira Igorevna Nersesyan, teacher at MBDOU "General developmental kindergarten No. 144", Voronezh

Purpose: educators of senior and preparatory groups, teachers primary classes, parents, children 5-7 years old
Target: formation in children of ideas about space, the solar system and its planets, human space exploration.
Tasks: Continue to deepen understanding of the planets of the solar system in a form accessible to children.
Expand children's knowledge about space transport.
Introduce the history of the creation of the first space satellite, the inventor of the spacecraft S.P. Korolev, and the founder of the science of astronautics (K. Tsialkovsky).
To consolidate children's ideas about the first cosmonaut - Yuri Alekseevich Gagarin.
To instill civic and patriotic feelings in children.
Activate children's vocabulary.
Emotionally perceive the texts of the poem and music.
Develop creative imagination, fantasy, the ability to improvise, listen carefully, cultivate mutual assistance, and a friendly attitude towards each other.
Preliminary work: Looking at pictures about space, planets, comets; memorizing the poem “Yuri Gagarin”, counting rhymes “Stargazer”, lyrics of the song “Grass near the house”; conversation ‹‹Planets solar system››; video material ‹‹The first cosmonaut of the world››, presentation.
Equipment:: projector, pictures of the planets of the solar system, magnetic board with magnets, modeling clay.
Vocabulary work: space, outer space, orbit, planets, astronaut, telescope, porthole, meteorite, cosmodrome, astronomer, rocket, Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto.

Progress of the lesson:

Educator:: Space is painted black,
Because there is no atmosphere
There is no night, no day.
There is no earthly blue here,
The views here are strange and wonderful:
And the stars are all visible at once,
Both the Sun and the Moon.

The man looked into starry sky and he wanted to know what kind of stars these were, why they were so bright? And scientists came up with special instruments with which you can observe the stars. What are these devices called? (Telescopes). People wanted to know if there is life on other planets? But to find out about this, it was necessary to fly to these planets. We’ll find out how to do this when we solve the crossword puzzle. He's unusual. For each correct answer, a picture will appear on the screen. When we find and write all the words, we will read the word vertically in the red cells.
Crossword (with pictures)
1. What did the heroes from the fairy tale “Aladdin and the Magic Lamp” fly on? (flying carpet)

2. What did Winnie the Pooh once use to rise into the air for honey? (balloon)

3. What do they call a person who walks quickly in fairy tales? (fast walker)

4. aircraft, on which aliens fly. (flying saucer)

5. In fairy tales, what do witches fly on? (broom)

6. The aircraft on which Baba Yaga flew. (mortar)

What word did you receive? (rocket).
I would like to introduce you to a man who has been drawing various rockets all his life. The famous scientist Konstantin Tsiolkovsky fell in love with the stars from early childhood (shows a portrait of Tsiolkovsky on the screen).

K. Tsiolkovsky loved to watch the stars through a telescope. There were no planes, helicopters, or missiles back then. When Kostya was little, he loved to fly a paper kite into the sky. One day it happened that his mother gave him a balloon? Little Kostya attached a box to it, put a beetle in it and sent it flying. He believed that people would fly into space sooner or later, and continued to draw rocket diagrams. Tsiolkovsky is the founder of the science of astronautics.
And only many years later, another design scientist Sergei Pavlovich Korolev was able to design and manufacture the first spacecraft based on Tsiolkovsky’s diagrams and sketches. (Portrait of Korolev on the screen).

In the ship, at first it was not people who were sent into space, but who? (animals) Let's remember which animals were sent into space?
Children: First, rats and mice were sent into space, later monkeys and turtles.
Educator: But people dreamed of a human flight into space, so they wanted to test the safety of flight on our four-legged friends. Who did they send into space? (dogs). What were their names? (Squirrel and arrow)

Only after these dogs began to send people into space. But before they were sent, they were prepared. They underwent physical training. Let's show how they prepared.
Physical education ‹‹Rocket››
One, two - there is a rocket,
Three, four - plane,
One, two - clap your hands,
And then on every account.
One, two, three, four-
Hands up. shoulders are wider.
One, two, three, four-
And they walked around on the spot,
Slowly they sat down together.
Educator: You've completed the exercise. Can you guess the riddles?
To equip the eye,
And be friends with the stars
To see the Milky Way
We need a powerful...(telescope)
Telescope for hundreds of years
Study the life of planets.
He will tell us everything
Smart uncle...(astronomer)
He is an astronomer and stargazer,
He knows everything inside out!
Only the best seen
The sky is full...(moon)
A bird can't reach the moon
Fly and land on the moon,
But he can do it
Make it fast...(rocket)
The rocket has a driver
Zero gravity lover.
In English: astronaut,
And in Russian... (cosmonaut).
Educator: Who was the first cosmonaut on Earth? (Yuri Alekseevich Gagarin)
(The teacher shows a portrait of Gagarin)

Educator: What do you and I know about him? (children's answers)
Yu. Gagarin got straight A's at school, went in for sports, and jumped with a parachute. He was courageous, smart and brave. When he graduated from flight school, he became a military pilot.Yu. Gagarin learned that a corps of cosmonauts was being recruited, wrote a letter to Moscow asking to be accepted as a cosmonaut, and he was accepted. After much preparation, the day of the space flight arrived. After the flight, Gagarin became famous throughout the world.
Video material -Launch of the first earth satellite

Educator: In memory of the first flight, we celebrate Cosmonautics Day every year on April 12.
(The child reads a poem about Gagarin)
Yuri Gagarin
In a space rocket
With the name East,
He is the first on the planet
I was able to rise to the stars.
Sings songs about it
Spring drops:
Will be together forever
Gagarin and April.
Educator: But astronauts not only work, but also sing. Let's sing a song of space travel (sing the first verse with a chorus).
The song of the group Earthlings “Grass near the House” is playing.

Educator: 54 years have passed since Gagarin's flight. People learned a lot about space and planets. What do you know about space? What is space? (This is an immense space where there are many planets, orbits, meteorites, satellites, stars, galaxies...). Name the planets that are part of the solar system?
What is the coldest planet? (Pluto). Why is she cold? (further away from the Sun). What is the hottest planet? (Mercury). Why is it the hottest? (Closer to the Sun). What is the fifth planet? (Jupiter). Name all the planets in order.
(The teacher shows all the planets on the screen).

Planets in order in verse:
All planets in order
Any of us can name:
One - Mercury,
Two - Venus,
Three - Earth,
Four - Mars.
Five - Jupiter,
Six - Saturn,
Seven - Uranus,
Behind him is Neptune.
He is the eighth in a row.
And after him, then,
And the ninth planet
Called Pluto.
(Arkady Khait)
Educator: How many planets have you counted? (9) The Astrologer came to visit us today to talk about the planets. But he is very afraid of noise! Do you want to see him? (quietly, yes). Just don't scare him with your noise.
Video about the planets

Educator: Now let's play. For this we need hoops. Let's arrange them in a circle and hold hands. We will choose the commander of the ship using a space counting rhyme.
Counting table
There lived an Astrologer on the Moon!
He kept count of the planets.
Mercury - one, Venus - two,
Three - Earth, four - Mars,
Five is Jupiter, six is ​​Saturn,
Seven is Uranus, eighth is Neptune,
Well, farthest away is Pluto,
If you don't know, get out!

A fast rocket is waiting for us,
For walks on the planets,
Whatever we want
We'll fly to this one.
But there is one secret in the game:
There is no room for latecomers!
(Everyone runs around the hoops. There are one fewer hoops than children. We repeat several times).

Anastasia Viktorovna Mikheeva
Outline of a modeling lesson in the preparatory school group “Conquerors of Space”

Lesson plan in the field of artistic creativity (modeling)

in the preparatory school group

Topic: “Space Conquerors”


1. To consolidate children’s knowledge about the astronaut profession;

2. To develop children’s ability to construct a holistic image (of an astronaut) from individual plasticine parts;

3. Develop the ability to complete a task in precise sequence;

4. Foster respect for the work of adults.

Educational areas: cognitive development, social and communicative development, artistic and aesthetic development, speech development, physical development.

Vocabulary work: spacesuit

Preliminary work: conversation about the upcoming holiday - Cosmonautics Day; looking at illustrations on the theme “Space”, reading poems.


Demonstration: ready-made sample of an astronaut, illustrations of a rocket.

Handout: plasticine of 3 colors according to the number of children, stacks.

ICT: video – rocket takeoff at the cosmodrome (1 min 30 sec).

Progress of the lesson:

I. Introductory part.

1. Clarification of the topic of the lesson

I ask the children, what profession is this riddle about?

He is not a pilot, not a pilot,

He's not flying a plane,

And a huge rocket

Children, who, tell me, is this?


I invite the children to listen to my story about the profession of an astronaut and correct me if I mix up something in my story.

2. Word game"Say it the other way around"

An astronaut flies into space on a small rocket (large).

He explores space, where there are few stars and planets (many).

The astronaut must be weak (strong, cowardly (brave), stupid (smart, lazy (hardworking) and absent-minded (attentive).

3. Motivation for activity

I invite children to go to the cosmodrome and watch how rockets are launched into space.

I show an image of a rocket at the cosmodrome.

I’m talking about the fact that there is not a single cosmonaut left at the cosmodrome. I ask the children what we can do, how to help our country explore space.

I suggest looking at the materials that are on the children’s tables. I ask how we will sculpt the astronaut.

I show the finished model of the astronaut and clarify the sculpting method. I give the children a step-by-step demonstration of the work (see appendix). Let me clarify that a spacesuit is special clothing for astronauts.

To prepare our astronauts for space flight, we ourselves need to undergo special training.

4. Physical education session “Cosmonauts”

The sun is shining in the clear sky,

Put your hand to your forehead, shield your eyes from the sun

An astronaut flies in a rocket.

Reach out - hands up, pretend to be a rocket

And below are forests and fields -

We bend down, look out for forests, fields

The ground is spreading.

We spread our arms to the sides, showing how widely the earth spreads

II. Main part.

During independent work I provide individual assistance. With the help of instructions and stimulating questions, I regulate the children’s activities and teach them to give a verbal account of their actions.

What should you sculpt first?

How do we make the torso?

What have you done already?

III. The final part.

I invite the children to put our astronauts in a rocket and send them into space. Children evaluate each child's work, justifying their answer.

I show a video of a rocket launch.

I ask the children what we were doing today, what profession we were modeling for a person, why we created him, and in what way.

I end the lesson with a poem:

He is an example for all the guys, he is called a hero.

An astronaut proudly bears this title.

To become an astronaut, you have to work hard:

Start your day with exercise and study well.

There are a lot of different tests ahead.

Anyone who flies into space must pass them.

He of any profession should know the secrets -

After all, at such a height you can’t ask for advice.

Pilot, doctor, astronomer, engineer, photographer,

And he is a gardener, and also a cartographer.

He will accurately depict mountains, rivers, and hills.

Fishermen will be able to determine where the herring are swimming.

We will send him greetings, let him warm:

“Everyone on Earth is waiting for you - come soon!”

Publications on the topic:

I invite you on an excursion to the Darwin Museum. There is an exhibition “Animals in Space” dedicated to star travelers - animals.

In my group, the kids don’t know how to do everything yet, but they are always involved in any creative process with interest. So this time I decided to please.

This year on April 12th we celebrate anniversary date Cosmonautics Day. On the eve of the holiday, the guys and I spent open lesson in an unconventional way.

On April 12, Cosmonautics Day, the guys and I felt involved in a holiday that was celebrated by the whole country. We "flew" in space.

Goal: Systematize and enrich children’s knowledge about space, space flights, and astronauts. Objectives: educational: 1).Consolidate knowledge.

MDOU kindergarten No. 32 in Rybinsk. Plan - summary of educational activities for teaching literacy in a preparatory group for school on the topic: “Sounds G - K, letters.

Parents must do their best to develop their child’s creative potential. And all sorts of activities are suitable for this, among which work with plasticine stands out. This one is inexpensive and available material, which can be used as a visual aid. You can make any thematic craft from plasticine and tell your child new instructive information. In addition, modeling from plasticine develops motor skills in children's hands.

This lesson is a continuation of the theme dedicated to Cosmonautics Day. In one of the previous lessons we sculpted a space rocket. Naturally, it is necessary to add a brave astronaut to it. Having studied the information we provided detailed instructions, you can easily repeat all the steps and create your own version of an astronaut from plasticine.

1. To work, you need plasticine. You can’t do without additional tools, for example, a modeling board, stacks and a wet wipe. A stack is a special plastic tool for cutting and processing plasticine and blanks made from it.

2. Make two blue parts for the astronaut’s spacesuit: a ball and a square block. Insert half a match into the neck area for a stronger grip.

3. Connect both parts of the suit.

4. To sculpt glass in a spacesuit, make a white cake and a thin yellow sausage.

5. Place the glass on the front of the helmet. The glass can be made absolutely anything, for example, a little blue and more convex. We decided to go with this option.

6. To sculpt the arms and legs, first make several blue and white balls of the same size.

7. Attach the balls one by one to the craft, pressing down and turning them into flat cakes.

8. You will also need yellow elements as additional details.

9. Place yellow cakes on the ends of the arms and legs, as well as in the ear area.

10. Now all that remains is to attach the brave astronaut to the rocket using a special hose. Make it from strong thread or plasticine. And see the process of creating a rocket from plasticine in one of the previous lessons.

The final look of the craft.

Now we know how to mold an astronaut from plasticine and our brave astronaut goes into outer space. The child will be delighted with such an interesting modeling activity, and parents, in turn, can tell a lot of interesting information about the exploits of real heroes, about the first person to conquer space, about the benefits of the greatest achievements of scientists in the field of astronautics. If you liked today’s craft and you want to start sculpting something else, then you can try other plasticine crafts on the theme “Space”. We are sure that you will enjoy bringing your plasticine fantasies to life!

Modeling on the theme “Space” with children to school age : step-by-step master class for making a plasticine picture on the theme of space.

Modeling with children: Space

On April 12 we will celebrate Cosmonautics Day. Today, for this day, we will make an amazingly beautiful plasticine picture with the children on the theme “Space”.

Children of senior preschool and primary school age can make this plasticine picture about space themselves. And younger children can help them.

What do you need for sculpting?

To work you need:

- plasticine included in the set,

- black cardboard.

How to sculpt a painting “Space” with children: step-by-step description

Step 1. Sculpt the planets.

- Combine small pieces of blue and white plasticine and roll into a ball.

Step 2

Flatten the ball, place it in the upper right corner and stretch it with your fingers, creating a fourth part of the circle. This will be one of the planets - planet Earth.

Step 3

- Similarly, combine several colors of plasticine into one lump: green, blue, brown.

- Roll the piece into a ball.

- Flatten the ball and stretch it with your fingers along the cardboard in the opposite, lower left corner, also creating a quarter circle. This will be, for example, the planet Pluto.

Step 4. Making a rocket

Roll out a piece of blue plasticine into a thin sausage.

Step 5.

Place the resulting sausage in a spiral so that the top of the rocket is sharp and the bottom is widened.

Step 6.

— Attach the resulting rocket blank to the planet Pluto.

— Roll out a piece of red plasticine into a thin sausage.

— Fold it into loops and attach the tail under the rocket.

Step 7

We sculpt an astronaut in a spacesuit

- Roll pieces of white plasticine into balls: the largest one for the body, smaller ones for the head, even smaller two balls for the legs, two balls for the arms and the same size for the feet, and two smallest ones for the mittens.

- Slightly flatten the balls for the head and mittens.

- Roll out the remaining balls lightly into sausages. Flatten them into ovals and attach them to cardboard as shown in the photo.

Step 8. We sculpt small details for a plasticine painting on the theme “Space”.

- Roll out a thin sausage from blue plasticine.

— Pinch off small pieces from the sausage and attach one on your head, imitating a mask on a spacesuit helmet. Stick the remaining plucked pieces at the places where the parts connect to each other.

— Attach the remaining rolled sausage to the rocket. This is a cable connecting the astronaut to the rocket.

Roll small pieces of red plasticine into a ball, flatten them and attach the portholes to the rocket.

Step 9. Sculpt the satellite

- Roll pieces of black and yellow plasticine into a ball.

— Roll the balls into small sausages and flatten them into oval cakes

— Connect the cakes together so that the bottom black cake peeks out slightly from under the top.

– Roll out a piece of yellow plasticine into a thin sausage.

- Pinch off small pieces from it and attach them to the yellow cake on top. Thus, we received 6 satellite antennas.

- Roll six small white pieces into a ball and attach them to the satellite antennas.

Step 10. Sculpt the planets Mars and Saturn

- Roll a blue piece of plasticine into a ball, slightly flatten it and attach a red sausage to it - this is the planet Saturn. Attach it to cardboard.

- Roll pieces of white and red plasticine into a ball. This is the planet Jupiter. Flatten the ball slightly and attach it to the cardboard.

- For the planet Mars, combine red and purple plasticine, roll the pieces into a ball and, similarly to the previous planets, attach the planet Mars to the cardboard.

Like this beautiful picture it turns out!

Step 11. Sculpting stars in space

Pinch off small pieces of white, red, orange plasticine. Roll them into small balls, flatten them into flat cakes and attach them to cardboard. These are stars.


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Svetlana Zharkova

The purpose of organized educational activities: Expand and deepen children's knowledge about space. Continue to introduce children to the Russian holiday - Cosmonautics Day and space heroes. Teach children to be proud that the first cosmonaut was a Russian man. Bring children to understand such moral and strong-willed qualities of Gagarin as kindness, perseverance, fearlessness, which helped him become famous person. Foster mutual assistance, friendly relations, the ability to work in a team, and coordinate their actions. Activate superlative adjectives in speech. To cultivate respect for the cosmonaut profession and pride for one’s country and for the people who glorified Russia.

Chapter: Modeling

Tasks: Continue to teach children the skills of sculpting sculptures using the composing technique. Develop imagination and creative thinking.

Dictionary enrichment: Cosmodrome, astronaut, spacesuit.

Activating the dictionary: orbit, galaxy, constructive and sculptural modeling method.

Equipment: image of the solar system, planets on magnets, pictures of a spaceship, astronaut, Yuri Gagarin, plasticine, modeling stacks, modeling board.

Progress of organizational and educational activities:

The teacher finds a “strange letter” for children of group 11

Dear children, let's gather on the carpet and open the envelope.

Russia needs the help of Group 11 in space exploration.

Belka and Strelka.

On April 12, our country celebrates Cosmonautics Day. Why is such a holiday celebrated in Russia on this day?

(The fact is that it was on April 12 that cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin made the world's first space flight).

Do you know on which ship Yuri Alekseevich Gagarin flew around the earth?

(On the Vostok spaceship).

How many revolutions around the earth were made?


What was Yuri Gagarin's call sign?


What is the name of the optical device for researching and studying cosmic bodies?


What is the name of the first Russian designer of interplanetary spacecraft?

(Sergei Pavlovich Korolev).

Well done! Indeed, you know a lot, and I think that you are ready to go on a space journey. Do you agree? I am pleased to announce that you have been enlisted in the Starship Troopers team. But being an astronaut is not only an honor, it is also very difficult.

You need to be brave, decisive, persistent, kind, sympathetic, you need to know a lot, then you will be respected and loved. Yuri Gagarin cultivated these qualities in himself from childhood.

Ready to fly? Let's go to our spaceship. Children approach the magnetic board.

First, I suggest plotting a flight course. Look carefully at the starry sky.

Game "solar system"

Target: develop memory, attention, erudition

All planets in order

Any of us can name:

One - Mercury, two - Venus,

Three - Earth, four - Mars,

Five - Jupiter, six - Saturn,

Seven is Uranus, followed by Neptune.

Ask them to remember the poem and determine in the picture where which planet is located. To say that each planet is in its own orbit, as if on a road and does not turn off anywhere. It is on orbits that the report is kept.

So: The course has been laid, the path has been verified.

Pay for the first or second.

In space, every space object must have identification marks, that is, the flag of the state to which this ship belongs must be on the hull of the ship.

You and I are residents of what country or what state? (Russia).

Therefore, your ship should display the Russian flag. I will give 3 colored stripes. What other countries on earth have the same colors on their flag as Russia? (France, Netherlands, Slovakia).

Children collect the Russian flag.

Get ready to start!

Warm-up before the start.

target: development of psychomotor skills

To take off you need to do the following exercise:

One-two, there's a rocket

(raise your hands up)

Three - four, take off soon.

(spread your arms to the sides)

To reach the sun

(circle hands)

Astronauts need a year.

(hands to cheeks, shake head)

But the roads are not scary for us

(arms to the sides, body tilts to the right - left)

Each of us is an athlete

(bend your elbows)

Flying over the earth

(spread your arms to the sides)

Let's say hello to her. (raise your hands up and wave)

Children sit at tables

- Fasten your seat belts!

(Fasten your seat belts! (imitate fastening belts on your belt).

Let's start the countdown!

(Five, four, three, two, one - start! (use your thumb to imitate pressing the forward button).

How is the flight going?

(Earth, flight is normal)

Attention, Our spaceship is approaching the Moon.

Tell me, please, what is the moon? (This is the Earth’s satellite.) Tell me, have any earthlings managed to visit the moon? (It was American astronaut Neil Armstrong).

- Attention! Attention! We landed on the moon.

Modeling of an astronaut.

Let's get some astronauts and land them on the moon.

The teacher shows the technological map “Cosmonauts”.

Consideration of astronaut equipment:

Why do you think an astronaut needs such uniforms?

Overalls made of very durable material that protects a person from any overload: high pressure, low air temperature. A constant temperature is maintained inside the overalls, close to human body temperature.

Spacesuit It also protects a person from cosmic overloads. The suit is equipped with radio control: a microphone, headphones, an antenna, so that the astronauts can communicate with each other. Oxygen tanks are connected to the suit so that you can breathe.

Mittens and boots protect a person's arms and legs.

All uniforms are hermetically connected to each other.

What material do you think can be used to make a figure of an astronaut to show him in motion? (Made from plasticine)

Yes, because it is from plasticine that one can easily record the movements of a figure.

Children: The torso, legs, arms can be sculpted from a whole piece, and the head separately and attached to the body.

Educator: Right. This method is called combined. We combine 2 methods: sculptural (from a whole piece) and constructive from individual parts (show technological map sculpting an astronaut using a combined method).

Educator: Guys, I want to offer you another interesting sculpting method, which is very suitable for sculpting the figure of an astronaut. Sit down and take a close look.

Educator: First, I need to divide a piece of plasticine into 6 parts, observing all required proportions. Next, from the piece intended for the body, I will roll out a long narrow cylinder. One edge, which I will take in my left hand, and with my right I will twist upward in the form of a spiral (spring). Left hand at the same time she does not move, she stands on the table, leaning on her elbow. Try to repeat my movements in the air. (Children in the air repeat the movements after the teacher)

Legs and arms can be made in the same way, or you can simply sculpt them in the shape of columns.

Educator: Guys, what do you think this method is called?

Children: Constructive.

Educator: Absolutely right. From individual parts (like from a construction set) we assemble a whole - the figure of an astronaut. We are already familiar with this method, only previously we sculpted all the parts simply from individual cylinders and columns.

See what's flying?

A bird cannot fly to the moon and land on the moon,

But the fast one can do it...

To prevent it from landing on us, repeat after me:

Finger gymnastics “comet”

One, two. Three, four, five

(bend the fingers on both hands one at a time)

A squad flew into space

(put palms together, raise arms up)

The commander looks through binoculars

(fingers of both hands are connected to the thumbs, forming “binoculars”)

What does he see ahead?

The sun, planets, satellites, comets.

(bend the fingers of both hands)

In space through the thickness of years

(clench and unclench fingers)

An icy flying object.

(raise a clenched fist, tilt left and right)

His tail is a strip of light,

(the open fingers of the second hand are attached to the fist - the “tail”)

And the object's name is comet.

(clench and unclench fingers).

Let's start sculpting.

Children drop off their finished works to the model of the moon.

Let's say: Goodbye, Moon, I’ll fly to Earth. Let's return back to our planet!

This is the kind of work my students did.


What did you learn in class today?

What new did you learn?

What was your mood during class?

Who else would you like to learn how to sculpt?