Methods for heating fluid in a swimming pool. We select equipment for heating water in the pool Do-it-yourself water heater for a children's pool

Pool operation in country house or at the dacha requires solving many issues, one of which is heating water and maintaining its temperature at a certain level. Since not only comfort, but also the health of children and adults depends on this, the installation of water heaters is provided for at the design stage. If this moment was missed, do not despair - you can equip a pool at any time. Now there are a lot of options for this, ranging from factory devices to homemade structures. We’ll tell you in more detail how to build an inexpensive and effective installation for heating water in a pool with your own hands.

Popular methods of heating water in swimming pools

What you won’t do to make the “warm one go”

There are several ways to heat water in outdoor and indoor pools. To choose the best one, many factors are taken into account. First of all, they evaluate the dimensions of the structure, the amount of water, make a conclusion about personal preferences, the availability of certain energy sources, etc. As for equipment, today heating and maintaining the temperature of a large volume of water can be ensured by:

  • flow electric heater;
  • heat exchanger;
  • solar collector;
  • heat pump;
  • water boiler.

To determine which option will be most preferable for you, let’s take a closer look at each of them.

Using Electric Heaters

The instantaneous electric water heater for the pool is a very compact unit

Application of flow-through electric water heaters is one of the simplest and relatively inexpensive methods of water treatment. All that is needed to implement it is to ensure constant circulation of water and equip a small chamber for installing the device. “Protochniki” are very compact devices, so they do not take up much space. Electric pool heaters are made from high-quality materials - thermoplastics, stainless steel and even titanium. Taking into account the long operating mode, their design uses reliable heating elements made of special heat-resistant alloys.

The advantages of electric water heaters include:

  • heating the pool water in a relatively short period of time;
  • ample opportunities to automate the heating process and protect equipment;
  • the ability to install thermostats to regulate water temperature;
  • compact dimensions;
  • ease of installation.

When choosing equipment of this type, be sure to take into account the amount of water in the pool. For a small structure installed in a heated room, a 3 kW boiler will be sufficient, while a pool designed for 20 or more cubic meters of water requires installation of a device with a power of up to 20 kW. Of course, in this case it is necessary to ensure the appropriate cross-section of the wiring, so most often a separate line is pulled to high-performance units, supplying it with safety and automation devices.

Often, several sources of thermal energy are used in a pool heating system.

As you can see, the disadvantages of “flow-through” devices include:

  • limited power;
  • separate connection requirements;
  • connection to the power grid;
  • high cost of energy used.

Considering today's electricity tariffs, heating large outdoor pools with instantaneous water heaters is impractical. As for compact water structures, the use of equipment of this class can be completely justified.

Given the ease of installation of instantaneous electric water heaters, they are often used in combined installations. Rapid initial heating of water is achieved by turning on an electric boiler, and its temperature is maintained at a certain level by means of a different type of heating installation.

Application of heat exchangers

The use of heat exchangers is one of the most common options for heating swimming pools today. This is due to the fact that in this case the energy source can be the heating system country house. At the same time, the need to adjust the water temperature is minimized, since this will be monitored by the automation of a gas or solid fuel boiler.

Heat exchanger for swimming pool

The heat exchange unit is a cylindrical container connected to a common house heating main, due to which there is a constant movement of hot coolant inside the device. The pool is heated by a spiral circuit installed inside the heater. The circulation pump pumps cold water through the installation, the temperature of which rises due to contact with the liquid agent of the heating system circulating through the coil. We can say that the principle of operation of the heat exchanger is similar to the operation of a household indirect heating boiler. The amount of water passing through the installation can be controlled using a three-way valve or a thermostat that controls the centrifugal pump. As in the case of an instantaneous electric water heater, the owner only needs to install desired temperature heating - everything else will be taken care of by automation.

The power of the heat exchanger depends on its size and design and can vary from 10 to 200 kW, which provides ample opportunities for completing pools of any size. Those who think that the operation of such equipment is only possible during the heating season are mistaken. The water heater can operate independently of heating system, if you shut off the coolant supply to other circuits. In this case, the heating unit will only be used to heat the pool.

Ideally, the installation of a heat exchanger should be calculated at the design stage of the heating system. In this case, its power will be enough to both heat the house and maintain the water temperature in the pool at a comfortable level.

The heat exchanger is installed between the circulation pump and the water purification and disinfection station. This makes it possible to reduce the influence of reagents on the material of its coil. If the chlorine content in the liquid is high, the internal circuit of the water heater must be made of stainless steel or titanium.

Heat exchanger installation diagram

The advantages of the heat exchanger include:

  • high heating power;
  • ease of control;
  • possibility of using energy from the heating system;
  • efficiency;
  • simplicity of design, which determines the high reliability and durability of the unit.

The only disadvantages can be attributed to long time for primary heating of water and the need for a separate circuit for connection to the heating system.

Solar collector installation

Humanity began to use the energy of the Sun for its own purposes quite recently - heating and water heating solar systems and power plants became widespread at the end of the last century. Skeptics may say that the water in the pool will already heat up under the sun’s rays, so why the hell build another installation. This, of course, has a rational grain, but such a method will ensure a comfortable water temperature only during the hottest days. summer days. The rest of the time, solar energy will not be enough. Also, what about indoor pools in this case? Everything turns out to be simple - you just need to deliver the heat to its destination, and a solar collector can best handle this. By the way, this device is capable of heating water not only when the sun is “baking to the fullest.” The solar installation will also work in winter. The main thing for her is the presence of a luminary in a clean and clear sky.

To install a solar heating system, you will need to allocate a separate area next to the pool

The factory solar system is modular design, installed at right angles to the incident sunlight. Each module consists of long glass flasks with a special coating and double walls, made according to the principle of a thermos. The water circulating in them is heated by absorbing infrared heat, and the intensity of the process is ensured by a vacuum between the walls and a layer of dispersion that transmits infrared rays in only one direction. All flasks are installed in a sealed, insulated case with a black backing and covered with a double-glazed window on top. Thanks to this device, from 1 sq. m of the module you can remove up to 2 kW of free energy.

There are many variations of homemade solar systems in which the flasks are replaced with thermoplastic pipes or copper tubes soldered onto a plate of the same metal. The structure is painted or chemically blackened, after which it is mounted in a sealed, insulated container with double-glazed windows. It must be said that a properly assembled installation is quite a bit inferior in performance to its factory counterparts.

Thermal energy can be extracted from the solar collector either using a heat exchanger or directly, and circulation and heating control can be carried out using a centrifugal pump and a controlled valve of any type.

Advantages of a solar system:

  • high water heating speed;
  • simple system management;
  • free energy;
  • versatility of use.

The disadvantages of a solar collector are its dependence on the time of day and the vagaries of the weather.

Heating from a heat pump

Heat pumps are rarely used in our country, although, for example, in Europe they are very popular as heating units. This phenomenon can be explained simply - the price of such equipment is still too high.

The practicality and efficiency of heat pumps could make them a leader in the heating equipment market, if not for one thing - the price is too high

The operating principle of a heat pump is to extract heat from the ground, air or water, accumulate it and transfer it to the consumer. Most often, units with air heat exchangers are used to heat swimming pools, since at air temperatures above 15 degrees Celsius they operate with a fairly high efficiency.

Externally, the installation resembles an air conditioner, and the principle of operation of the heat engine resembles a “refrigerator in reverse.” The control of the device is fully automated - the owner just needs to adjust the degree of heating using the remote control or using the panel on the device body.

Heating using a water boiler

Despite the certain surrealism of such a picture, heating a pool using a nearby boiler running on wood, diesel fuel or gas is simple and economical. Often, drained automobile oil is used as fuel, which can be bought for next to nothing at auto repair shops. At the same time, it is not necessary to buy a heating unit - you can build it yourself, using a household appliance as a housing gas cylinder or a barrel of fuel and lubricants.

A portable solid fuel heater will allow you to operate a small pool at any time of the year

Water circulation can be ensured by a centrifugal pump, and the heating temperature can be adjusted using a draft control mechanism, a thermostat or a three-way valve. Of course, installing a separate boiler for a pool located in the house is an irrational idea. But installing a solid fuel heating unit for heating a separate reservoir is a good way to solve the problem with minimal financial costs.

Pool temperature

The temperature of the water in the pool affects both comfort and the health and well-being of swimmers, therefore, along with chemical composition and bacteriological indicators are assessed in accordance with sanitary standards and rules. Thus, SanPiN has approved the following indicators of water temperature in swimming pools:

  • intended for bathing preschool children - from 30–32 °C;
  • for children aged 7 years and older - at least 29 °C;
  • health type - from 26 to 29 °C;
  • for sports purposes - 24–28 °C.

For hydromassage tanks and Jacuzzi bathtubs, the standard defines a temperature range of 35–39 °C. Of course, for individual swimming pools and private owners, no SanPiN is a decree - everyone is free to use the property in accordance with personal preferences. Nevertheless, one should listen to the requirements of the standards, at least in the part that concerns younger family members - the standards were not taken out of thin air, they were established by doctors based on many years of research.

A simple DIY pool heating installation

Considering that we always follow the path of lowest cost and maximum efficiency, we bring to your attention a simple solar collector design that can be used to heat a pool of any size.

Design and principle of operation

A homemade solar collector is a flat body (3), assembled from plywood and lumber, in which a coil made of metal-plastic, PVC or polypropylene pipes is laid. To increase the heat-absorbing capacity, the bottom of the device and the heat exchanger are painted black, and all surfaces are insulated using rolled heat insulation. From the outside, the heat exchange circuit of the unit must be protected by a double-glazed window (at worst, just glass) - this will not allow the geocollector to cool due to convection. Connection to consumers is ensured by two threaded pipes leading outside.

Scheme of a homemade solar collector

The geocollector is installed on a frame made of wooden beams, which provides an optimal angle of inclination of the unit. If desired, the installation platform can be made rotating, making it possible to orient the structure perpendicular to the fall sun rays. According to preliminary estimates, this can give a performance gain of up to 30%, which, you see, is quite a lot, especially considering the low efficiency of the water heater in the evening and morning hours.

Water is taken from the pool at the lowest point and, using a centrifugal pump (8), is pumped into the heat exchanger circuit. Passing through the coil, the liquid is heated by the sun's rays and returns to the tank from the opposite side. At the top point of the circuit, an air valve (1) is cut into the pipeline, designed to relieve excess pressure. In addition, if necessary, the installation is equipped with a check valve (7), additional taps (5), (6) and tees (2) and (4).

Required materials and tools

To assemble a solar collector capable of heating a pool with a volume of up to 15 cubic meters. m, you will need:

  • wooden slats or timber - 140 m;
  • OSB sheets or plywood with a thickness of at least 10 mm - at least 5 sq.m;
  • thin sheet metal(tin or galvanized);
  • pipes made of heat-resistant material (metal-plastic, PVC, cross-linked polyethylene, polypropylene, etc.) - about 100 m;
  • fasteners for plastic pipes;
  • corner fittings, tees and fittings;
  • aluminum profile 1.2 m long - 4 pcs;
  • steel furniture corners for cabinet assembly;
  • glass with a thickness of at least 4 mm;
  • roll insulation (expanded polystyrene) with a thickness of at least 3 mm;
  • edged board 100x30 mm - about 10 m;
  • submersible pump of any type with a capacity of at least 3 cubic meters. m per hour;
  • check valve;
  • nails, screws;
  • wood antiseptic;
  • black nitro enamel for exterior use;
  • fum tape.

In addition, paving slabs, sand and roofing felt may be required to arrange a site for installing a solar water heater. If the site needs to be concreted, then you will also have to buy several bags of cement, stock up on crushed stone and boards for constructing the formwork.

Depending on what pipes will be used to make the solar water heater, you may need a polypropylene soldering iron or wrenches to tighten metal-plastic fittings. In addition, before assembling the solar system, you need to prepare:

  • shovels and bayonet shovels;
  • hand or circular saw;
  • jigsaw;
  • electric drill with a set of wood drills;
  • screwdriver;
  • glass cutter;
  • paint brushes;
  • hammer;
  • building level;
  • tape measure, pencil.

You can use the drawings and diagrams presented below in your work. In fact, a solar collector is such a simple structure that its manufacture does not require any complex calculations. It is only important to correctly determine the geometric parameters of all structural elements. It is best to make a small sketch of the solar installation and supporting frame, indicating the exact dimensions of all parts.

Instructions for making a solar water heater for a swimming pool

The work of assembling a homemade solar collector is best done in stages. Dividing the process into separate steps will save you from mistakes and the need to disassemble and remake ready-made units. Believe me, the solar installation proposed for production has been assembled by craftsmen more than once, so it would be foolish not to take advantage of the existing developments and recommendations of experienced craftsmen.

  1. Select a location for installation. The main requirements are proximity to a reservoir, the absence of shading structures and trees, and the direction of the solar system to the south.
  2. The site is marked with pegs and construction cord, after which the top layer of soil up to 20 cm thick is removed.

    The choice of location determines whether the sun will work for your benefit all day or just a few hours

  3. The bottom of the pit must be leveled and compacted. After this, the pit is covered with a layer of sand 10 cm thick, spilled with water and re-compacted. After this, fine gravel is poured and compacted over the sand cushion. A sand and gravel layer is needed for the base of the solar collector as drainage. It will remove moisture from the structure during precipitation or melting snow.
  4. The prepared cushion of bulk materials is covered with roofing felt, and then laid paving slabs. If the site will be concreted, waterproofing is not used. It will be enough to install formwork from edged boards up to 10 cm high along the perimeter of the base. After that, at a height of 3–4 cm, an armored belt is constructed from a steel lattice with cells no larger than 10 cm in size and the structure is filled with concrete.

    Site preparation

  5. A supporting frame is made from a square beam with a cross-section of 50x50 mm. Instead of nails, you can use screws and metal corners - the work will be done more accurately.

    After assembly, the frame is attached to the base

    Assembling the support frame

  6. From the same wooden beam or slats on the ground, the frame of the support table (the base of the geocollector) is assembled, after which it is sheathed with plywood or OSB.

    Shield assembly

  7. The shield is lifted and attached to the frame.
  8. Along the perimeter of the base of the water heater, sides are built from boards with a selected quarter. It is best to attach them to plywood using furniture corners and screws. In the future, the recesses in the side walls will be needed to install glass.
  9. Thin polystyrene foam insulation is glued onto the surface of the table. After this, using an electric drill and a screwdriver, cover the base with sheet metal.
  10. The shield is painted black. It is recommended to treat the side wooden walls with drying oil to reduce absorption. After this, they should also be painted black.

    The panel can be painted before installation on the frame

  11. On the base plane, mark the points where the fastenings of the metal-plastic or polypropylene pipe. In this case, the laying distance is taken to be 45 mm.

    Pipe holders are attached at marked points

  12. The selected pipes are cut into pieces that should be 10–15 cm shorter than the long side of the shield.
    When cutting, be sure to make two pieces of pipe 30 - 35 cm longer than the rest - they will be needed at the entrance and exit points of the solar heat exchanger.
  13. Using corner fittings, as well as short and long pieces of pipe, the coil is assembled. Installation is carried out in accordance with the characteristics of the material - on detachable threaded or monolithic solder joints.

    Coil assembly

    Coil assembly

  14. Holes are drilled in the side walls into which the longer outer pipes are led.
  15. Tees are installed at entry and exit points.
  16. In accordance with the design, shut-off valves are installed on the solar collector pipeline, hoses, a centrifugal pump and a check valve are connected.

    Installation of tees and shut-off valves

  17. Water is pumped into the water heater system, after which hydraulic tests are carried out.
  18. A wooden block support is attached to the center of the shield.
  19. The outline of the solar system is painted with black nitro enamel.

    You can paint the heat exchanger of a solar installation with spray paint

  20. From aluminum profiles with a groove or painted wooden slats with a selected quarter, a cross-shaped glazing support frame is installed.

    Installation of a support frame for glass installation

  21. Four glasses of the required size are cut out, after which they are placed in the grooves and secured to the side walls with special brackets. The joints are sealed using silicone compound and covered with decorative overlays, which are reinforced with metal corners.

    Extreme care must be taken when installing glass

  22. To power the pump, a separate waterproof socket is installed, connected to the electrical network through a separate circuit breaker and a residual current device. After this, turn on the pump and test the system in bright sun.

    Homemade solar geocollector assembly

To automate the process, you can install automatic control devices in the pump power circuit - time relay, photocell, IR sensor, etc.

On a summer day, the solar aqua system will be able to warm the pool up to 30 °C, since the water temperature at the outlet of the collector reaches 75 °C.

It should be remembered that for safety reasons, it is forbidden to turn on the water circulation while swimming. In addition, if you touch metal elements located on the output line, you can get burned.

Those who think that you just need to install a solar water heater and then use the free energy without worry are a little mistaken. The fact is that the solar collector, like any other equipment, needs periodic maintenance. First of all, this concerns cleaning glass from dust. Even slight contamination will reduce the power of the unit by 5–8%. If you do not clean the surface of the installation at all, then in a few weeks the temperature of the water leaving the device will drop by a quarter.

The second thing you will have to regularly monitor is the condition of threaded connections in an installation made of metal-plastic pipes. The fact is that regular heating-cooling cycles contribute to loosening of fittings, and this leads to depressurization of the system and the appearance of leaks. Therefore, once every 2-3 weeks while the centrifugal pump is running, all connections of the manifold are inspected. Do not forget that the installation is assembled from plywood, lumber and steel, and all these materials and a warm, humid environment are incompatible. Therefore, timely troubleshooting will extend the life of the water heater and preserve its appearance.

At the end of the summer season, the water from the solar collector is drained, after which the installation is covered from precipitation with a thick plastic film, or even put away under a shed or in a barn.

Circles of black film floating on the surface of an outdoor pool will help the geocollector heat the water to a comfortable temperature

The last thing I would like to remind you is that it is not enough to heat the water. It is important to preserve this heat for as long as possible. If possible, a covered pavilion is built over an artificial reservoir. If finances do not allow installing a permanent shelter, then the pool is covered every evening with a special awning or plastic film. In addition to the fact that the blanket will be able to retain a few extra degrees until the morning, it will also serve as a protective barrier, preventing leaves, insects and dust from getting into the water. A good help for a solar collector are circles made of black polyethylene film stretched over a hula hoop. When laid on the surface of the water during the daytime, they will provide additional heating of the water and protection from debris. The only inconvenience is that you have to remove them every time before bathing.

DIY solar collector for a swimming pool

Let us remind you that the solar aqua system can heat the pool up to 30 °C, since the water temperature at the outlet of the collector reaches 75 °C. Of course, such performance can only be achieved if the tightness of the working space inside the solar collector is ensured, and the water heater itself is built in accordance with all requirements and recommendations. As you can see, in order to assemble a solar installation with your own hands, you won’t need much. In fact, this is not the main thing. Having installed a water heater and plunged into the warm water of the pool, remember the millions of kilometers that the sun's rays have traveled to fill your life with energy, warmth and comfort. Not using what the Sun offers us is reckless, isn't it?

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If you have built a swimming pool at your dacha, then it is important to solve a number of technical problems that are aimed at maintaining this structure. One of them is heating the pool water. There are many methods for heating pool water. In this article we will look at the most common techniques.

Considering that the volume of water in the pool can be large, it will require a lot of energy to heat it. And here it is important not to overdo it by installing too powerful equipment. The temperature of the water affects not only the comfortable stay in it, but also the health of swimmers. For this reason, the temperature indicator is normalized by sanitary rules, along with the content of chemicals and microorganisms in water that can harm the human body.

Based on SanPiN for water quality control in swimming pools, the water temperature should be from 24 to 28 ° C, in health pools - from 26 to 29 ° C, for children under 7 years old - from 30 to 32 ° C, for children over 7 years old - from 29 to 30°C, in hot tubs– from 35 to 39°C.

Based on these numbers, you should make sure that the temperature is within the specified recommendations.

As mentioned at the beginning of this article, today there are many ways to warm up the water in a pool, here are some of them:

Does anything influence the choice of technology? Yes, there are several factors that should be taken into account, namely:

  • customer preferences;
  • volume of water in the pool;
  • features of existing communications;
  • the amount of water to be heated.

To decide which method is right for you, you should familiarize yourself with each technology in more detail.

One of the most simple ways and relatively inexpensive water heating for small pools - the use of flow-through electric heaters. Their operating principle is that they heat a continuous flow of liquid with a small pressure drop. The dimensions of the equipment are quite compact, so there is no need to additionally equip the technical room. A small booth will be enough.

As for the electric heater itself, its body is made of high-quality stainless steel, titanium or plastic. Heating elements are able to withstand high temperature and this is achieved thanks to the stainless steel alloy.

When choosing this heater, keep in mind that its power must be equal to the volume of water. For example, if you have a shallow pool that is located in a heated room, then most likely a power of 3 kW will be sufficient.

The maximum that instantaneous electric heaters can produce is 18 kW, which is not a lot. Therefore, for the street large swimming pool you will have to look for an alternative, especially if the pool has more than 36 cubic meters of water. Plus, the wiring in the house may not be able to handle such a powerful heater.

So, if we talk about the advantages of this unit, it is quite fast warming up, the ability to control the water temperature, set the automatic control mode, and also the presence of a sensor that, in the absence of circulation, turns off the heating system. Well, we have already discussed some of the disadvantages, namely low power, high energy consumption and restrictions for houses with weak wiring.

This equipment, unlike the previous one, has more advantages, in particular in terms of energy consumption. Water is heated by connecting a heat exchanger to the heating system of a residential building. In appearance, it resembles a flask with a coil inside. Water moves along it. During circulation, the water is heated to the required temperature. As for the flow of water into this flask, it is regulated by a pump and valve. This valve is controlled by a thermostat. The coil is washed with chilled water from the pool. As you can see, everything is quite simple.

If you install such a water heating system, then the desired temperature is set on the thermostat and the automation will do the rest.

Let's talk about power. It can range from 13 to 200 kW. Accordingly, the choice of power depends, in this case, on the volume of water in the pool. The more it is, the more powerful the equipment is needed. This also affects the duration of water heating.

The principle of the heating system is as follows:

  • At the very beginning, the water is heated by a heat exchanger for two days at maximum power.
  • This is important, otherwise instrumental collapse may occur, which implies a structural change in the heater body and individual elements.
  • After this, the equipment will only need to maintain the water temperature.

The heat exchanger itself is installed between the disinfection system and pumping station. This will completely avoid equipment breakdowns due to the presence of chlorine in the water. If the water has excessive chlorine levels, it is recommended to install a titanium heat exchanger.

As can be seen from this description, the heat exchanger is much more economical, easier to operate, and also has high power. The only negative is the long wait for the water to heat up to the desired temperature.

If you are looking for the most inexhaustible source of energy, then it is, of course, the sun. The main thing is to tame its energy so that you can heat the water in the pool. One of the easiest ways to do this is to install solar panels. Although under open air, the water itself can warm up from the sun’s rays; a completely different picture is in the case of an indoor space. Just the same, solar and solar systems will direct the energy of the sun in the direction you need.

This system consists of separate modules consisting of screens, tubes or cones. Each individual module can heat up to 30 cubic meters of water. If there is more water, then more such modules are needed.

The operating principle of solar panels is described below:

  • The collector receives the sun's rays. The collector itself is usually black.
  • The collector completely absorbs the rays.
  • The collector located inside heats up to 140°C.
  • After this, the circulation pump starts. It is installed in a storage tank.
  • In just a short time, the water in it quickly becomes hot.
  • As a result, it can be used for a swimming pool.

More expensive models of manifolds include sensors and three-way automatic valves. Due to this, water is sent to the heat exchanger automatically. Thus, continuous circulation of water is organized.

If you select positive aspects This technology means very fast water heating and a simple control system. But if the weather is cloudy, then the efficiency of such a system will decrease significantly.

If you are interested in heating speed and power, then heat pumps are the new and most popular way to heat water. The only thing that scares many buyers is the high price. The principle of operation is as follows (the action resembles the operation of a coolant that uses condensates, etc.):

  1. The primary source of heat can be industrial or domestic wastewater that has been treated.
  2. The external pipeline is located underground.
  3. The working fluid is pumped through it using a circulation pump.
  4. Due to the temperature of the soil, at the outlet this liquid increases in temperature by several degrees.
  5. Next, the mixture is sent to the heat exchanger.
  6. In it, the liquid gives up its heat to the refrigerant, which quickly boils. Even a low temperature is enough for it.
  7. As a result of boiling, steam is formed, which enters the compressor and is compressed to 25 atm.
  8. During this process the temperature rises to 55°C.

The energy resulting from such actions is sent to the pool to heat the water. The entire system operates according to vicious circle, according to the principle of circulation. As a result, the power of the heat pump can be used for other household needs. For example, you can provide heat to a house up to 300 m2.

An important advantage is expressed in the high power and speed of heating the water. Free energy sources are also used: earth heat, exhaust gases, waste water and the like.

We looked at options for heating a pool that are quite expensive. Now we bring to your attention heating options from do-it-yourselfers. The main advantage of these techniques is minimal costs. Let's consider one of the many options for a homemade unit for heating water in a pool.

Firewood has been and remains the most affordable source of fuel. Strange, but there are no industrial units using this fuel. Therefore, a homemade water heating system was invented. The essence of this idea is that a metal coil is installed inside the firebox. Water is supplied to the inlet using a pump. Through the second hose, the heated water in the coil enters the pool.

The main thing in this method is to select the speed of water movement. Otherwise, the water may either boil or not warm up enough.

Another option is to install a coil inside which a fire is built. A risky method, but it has its place. You can easily use it on a hike. The only thing that needs to be considered is the removal of hot water. To do this, you can use a heat-resistant hose or metal-plastic pipe. In this case, heating will be realized without electricity.

It's one thing to heat water, but without good heat retention, you will have huge energy costs. It is a known fact that a large amount of heat is lost at night. To reduce losses, you can build a canopy over the pool. In this case, the canopy can be:

  • Folding.
  • Sliding.
  • Stationary, etc.

If it is not possible to install a canopy, then you can use a blanket or film that floats on the surface of the water. The film must be straightened at night and removed in the morning, then the water will have a fairly comfortable temperature, and the cost of heating it will be reduced.

Instead of film, you can use awnings that cover the entire surface of the pool. But the disadvantage of this option is that it will be inconvenient to put even a small awning over the pool alone. However, they are quite effective.

For example, if you have a rectangular pool, then straightening the awning is as easy as shelling pears. On one side, at a distance of 1.5 m, attach light planks. Holding on to them will make it easier for you, even alone, to straighten the awning.

So, we discussed how you can quickly heat the water in the pool. Choose the technology that is available to you. We and our readers will be interested to know how you heat your pool at the dacha, so leave comments at the end of this article.

There are several ways to heat pool water. You can easily master the installation of some of them yourself. In this article we will tell you how to heat the water in a swimming pool with your own hands using solar energy.

Among the various solutions to the problem of heating pool water on your own, one of the best options can be considered the use of thermal energy from the sun. The main element of such a heating system is solar collector, the construction process of which we will consider in more detail, using the example of a specific pool.

2. A frame is made from timber, the parts are connected to each other through the corners.

3. The shield frame is prepared on the ground and covered with plywood. Then the shield is raised and secured to the frame.

4. Side boards with grooves for glass are mounted around the perimeter (using corners). Sheets of metal are attached to the plywood plane. Now the shield is painted black.

Places for mounting metal-plastic fasteners are marked on the collector plane - the distance between the pipes is about 45 mm. After installing the fasteners, cut metal-plastic pipes are installed in them. The coil is assembled using angles and fittings.

Two holes are drilled in the sides for the pipes to exit, at the ends of which tees are installed. The rest of the water pipeline is assembled and a hydraulic test is carried out. Then the entire coil is covered with black paint.

5. A support block is attached to the center of the shield and a frame of aluminum profiles is assembled. Now the glass is cut to the required sizes, their perimeter is coated with sealant, and they are placed in the grooves of the profile and wooden sidewalls. At the junction of four sheets of glass, a fixing plate is installed, and pieces of corners are installed on the sides.

6. To power the pump, a moisture-proof socket is placed inside. Everything is ready, all that remains is to turn on the pump and carry out practical tests.

The completed system is not equipped with any automation, so it must be started and turned off manually. Before visiting the pool, for safety reasons, it is necessary to completely turn off the electrical part.

On a sunny day, the water temperature at the outlet of the collector reaches 70-75 °C. When the pump operates for 4-7 hours a day, the water in the pool warms up to 25-30 °C. If you remove the check valve from the circuit, you can install a weaker pump. But then you will have to manually turn the tap on the supply hose.

The manufactured installation, of course, requires modifications. For example, after the pump you can install a solenoid valve controlled by a timer or photo relay. But the main conclusion of this project is that heating a pool with the help of the sun is an idea that can be completely implemented on your own.

Vadim Kirkin,

A swimming pool at the dacha is a common occurrence today. To extend the swimming season, Dmitry Tokarev from the town of Odintsovo near Moscow equipped his outdoor pool with a heating system based on a gas water heater. The presence of a swimming pool allows you to cool off on a hot day, splash around with your children, relax and unwind. But with all the joys of this entertainment, there is also a “fly in the ointment” - seasonality.

While the weather is hot, the body itself asks for water. But when the warm period comes to an end or the weather is simply cloudy, swim on outdoors I don't really want to. And the pool still stands - filled with water, but without bathers: it’s cold.

The idea of ​​getting rid of weather dependence in the summer and significantly extending the swimming season is not new. Cold water in the pool just needs to be heated to a comfortable temperature. The various heating systems offered by aquatic equipment manufacturers are mostly based on electric heaters. They are not economically profitable. You don’t need complex calculations to determine how much cost and time it will take to heat several cubic meters of water by at least 10°. And if the volume of the pool is large, then the task becomes almost impossible.

To heat the water in my pool, I used a gas water heater lying idle with a power of about 20 kW (you must agree: in terms of power, there is no alternative to an electric heater).

It won't be difficult to buy one in a store. Currently, there are a huge number of geysers on sale at a very affordable price: from 3 to 6 thousand rubles. Moreover, simple flow-type dispensers do not require connection to a 220 V network: they have a mechanical water flow sensor, which, when triggered, initiates the supply and ignition of gas in the combustion chamber.

Do-it-yourself heating of pool water - necessary components

1 Rubber hose with internal diameter 20 mm (3/4″)10 mReplacement of standard hoses of the filter unit and the possibility of branching them
2 Adapter from filter hoses with a diameter of 2" to a thread of 20 mm (3/4″)4 pcs.All connections of large filter units are made with threaded connections with a diameter of 2″
3 “American” with 20 mm (3/4″) thread3 pcs.Quick assembly and disassembly of the entire circuit
4 Adapter from 20 mm (3/4″) thread to rubber hose5 pcs.Connecting hoses to control valves
5 Adapter from 16 mm (1/2″) thread to rubber hose2 pcs.Connecting water hoses to a gas water heater
6 Tee with thread 20 mm (3/4″)2 pcs.Formation of branching water flows
7 Angle with thread 20 mm (3/4″)1 pieceAvoiding kinks in rubber hoses
8 Shut-off valve 20 mm (3/4″)4 pcs.Providing the necessary switchings
9 Gas hose with pressure reducer assembly4 mConnecting a gas cylinder to a column
10 “American” with a 20 mm (3/4″) thread and an adapter for a gas hose1 pieceThe inlet pipe of most geysers has a 3/4″ thread

Pool heating system diagram

When developing the installation plan for the heating system, I took into account that the pool has a filter unit, without which it is impossible to maintain the water suitable for swimming for a long time. Since flow columns do not have a water supply drive, the role of the circulation pump will be taken over by the pool filter unit. This solution “kills the second bird”: feeding the column with filtered water will prevent the formation of scale in the heat exchanger, significantly increasing its service life.

How does the heating system work?

Water from the pool enters the filter in the usual manner (see figure). Valve 4 serves to shut off the water during routine and adjustment work. At the outlet of the filter, the water flow is divided. Through one hose, the water purified by the filter flows back into the pool, and through the second - to the inlet of the gas water heater. In filtration mode, valves 1 and 4 are open, valves 2 and 3, which control the water supply to the column, are closed.

When turning on the water heating mode, open valves 2 and 3 and start the column in standby mode (light the wick and switch the gas regulator to the “Operation” mode). We close valve 1, increase the water pressure in the heat exchanger of the gas water heater, which causes the flow sensor to be activated. The unit starts up and water heating begins. Hot water flows back into the pool through valve 3, mixing with the water flow from the filter. Mixing the flows allows you to use valve 1 (it is the main one in this design) to regulate the temperature of the water entering the pool.

In addition, for many columns, the starting condition is the presence of a water flow with the required pressure in the heat exchanger. That is why we close valve 1 to the desired angle. The column is guaranteed to go into operating mode. There are several ways to turn off the water heating mode.

For example, open valve 1 completely, then the entire system will go into filtration mode. Or turn off the filter unit - in this case, the flow of water through the heat exchanger will stop and the geyser will automatically turn off. You can forcefully turn off the gas water heater, remembering to close the gas cylinder with valve 5.

Installation of a swimming pool heating system

To implement the installation diagram above, I needed the components listed here in the table. From the fittings listed in the table, I installed four units (photo 1): 1 - flow separation unit at the filter outlet; 2 - unit for mixing and supplying water to the pool; 3 - unit at the inlet of the filtering unit; 4 - water intake unit from the pool.

The assembled units were connected according to the diagram to the pool nozzles, the filtration unit and the gas water heater.

I would like to note that the flow diameter of the geyser heat exchanger pipeline is small. The water flow rate corresponds to this diameter. The productivity of the filter unit pump is several hundred liters per hour. If you close valve 1 completely (photo 2), the filter pump will only drive water through the column and work with overload, which will be noticeable by the pressure gauge on the filter.

For this reason, I never close valve 1 completely in the warm-up mode, so as not to get burned by the boiling water coming out of the supply nozzle in the wall of the pool. Large-diameter connections, for example the unit for mixing hot and cold water and supplying to the pool (photo 3), are very capricious. Despite the presence of rubber seals on the pipes - both on the filter and on the injector adapters - I additionally sealed the joints with FUM tape.

The suction valve in the pool outlet nozzle (photo 4) prevents water from flooding or pouring out of the filter unit during maintenance. Water is supplied to the inlet of the filtration unit (photo 5) using hoses with a diameter slightly smaller than the standard ones, corrugated. Despite this, due to the smooth inner surface of the rubber hoses, the resistance to fluid flow is increased slightly.

However, I minimized the length of all water lines, including the hoses leading to the gas water heater (photo 6), which I placed together with the gas cylinder at a safe distance and in the shade in order to exclude the possibility of heating the cylinder from direct sunlight. To reduce the load on the filter unit pump, I chose a low height for the gas water heater mounting point (photo 7). In my case, the level of the heat exchanger of the gas unit coincides with the level of the water surface in the pool.

And in order to provide the necessary draft in the combustion chamber and prevent the activation of protection sensors, I installed a chimney 1 m long. To power the gas water heater, I used a large household gas cylinder with a volume of 50 liters, which has enough gas for a whole month even with daily heating of water. The operation of the heating system for my outdoor pool showed: 1) to heat the water in a pool with a volume of 4.5 m3 to a comfortable temperature (+26...+30°C), the installation needs to work for 2-2.5 hours; time to bring the water to the temperature “you don’t want to get out” (+30... +40°C) - approximately 3-4 hours at an ambient temperature of +20...+23°C; 2) after turning off the heating, you can use the “warm pool” for 4-5 hours, since water has a large heat capacity and the pool cools down slowly; 3) elevated temperature requires strengthening measures for water disinfection - increasing the ozonation time and the volume of introduced chlorine-containing preparations.

For these purposes I use cheap “Whiteness”. I stir 100 g of the drug in a bucket of water and pour the solution in the evening into the center of the pool. Overnight, the smell of chlorine disappears. All “living creatures” also disappear. The water does not bloom throughout the entire time of its use. Our entire family of 4 uses the pool. During the swimming season, which at our dacha ends at the beginning of October, we change the water a couple of times - for prevention.

Do-it-yourself heating of water in a pool - drawing and photo

Installation diagram of a water heating system in an outdoor pool: 1 - filtered water supply valve; 2 - valve for supplying cold water to the column; 3 - valve for supplying hot water to the pool; 4 - valve for supplying water to the filter; 5 - gas valve.

Before installing the system, it is necessary, paying attention to the reliability of the fitting connections, to assemble the components: 1 – flow separation unit at the filter outlet; 2 - unit for mixing and supplying water to the pool; 3 - unit at the inlet of the filter unit; 4 - water intake unit from the pool.

2. The water separation unit at the outlet of the filter unit has an adapter for connection to the 2″ filter fitting. 3. Unit for mixing hot and cold water and supplying it to the pool.

The joint with a diameter of 2″ is additionally sealed with FUM tape. 4. The valve of the suction unit on the outlet nozzle of the pool protects against flooding and water pouring out of the filter unit during its maintenance. 5. To supply water to the inlet of the filtration unit, rubber hoses with a diameter smaller than the standard ones, corrugated, are used.

6.Hoses leading to the gas water heater should be minimized in length in order to reduce the load on the pump. 7. The geyser together with the cylinder is protected from direct sunlight to avoid overheating.

How to make a homemade pool using... Solution and infusions from gardening...

  • Tips for building a bathhouse I hasten to share...
  • After building a pool in the yard or at the dacha, it is necessary to ensure that a comfortable temperature is maintained at a certain time, and for this you can do it yourself by heating the water in the pool.

    Any temperature is suitable for hardening, but if you are not a “walrus”, then it should be 25-28 degrees. In hot summers, the water warms up on its own.

    In cooler months, it is heated by special ovens. Swimming pools are often large in volume, so a lot of energy will be needed.

    To use energy efficiently, it is important to choose the right device.

    In summer there are not always bright and warm days. In cloudy times, the water does not warm up to a comfortable temperature. If the pool is located indoors, the sun's rays do not reach the water at all.

    This is not a reason to deny yourself the pleasure of splashing in the water. The pool should not depend on the weather, so it is worth installing special equipment that will heat the water.

    You can do this yourself.

    Heating devices will make it possible to achieve several goals:

    • You can swim in the pool at any time of the day;
    • the water temperature is adjusted depending on the wishes of the swimmers;
    • the swimming season is extended by several months.

    Can be used to heat water various devices. If there is water heating, you can install the boiler yourself.

    As an option, you can use collectors powered by the sun, a heat pump, or a fireplace where a heat exchanger is built in. If desired, you can combine several methods.

    The question of how to heat the water must be resolved at the stage of constructing the pool. It is important to calculate the heat balance of the building, how much hot water will be needed, and climatic conditions.

    Only after analyzing all the components should you make a choice in favor of one or another heating device.

    Methods for heating pool water

    Heating water can be done in several ways. Let's look at them in more detail to make a more suitable option for you.

    Heating by heat exchanger

    To heat the water in the pool, you can construct a heat exchanger with your own hands. It flows through it hot water and, flowing through pipes laid along the walls of the pool, heats the contents.

    The heat exchanger must be made of stainless steel or titanium to resist corrosion.

    The body itself, which is in contact only with the heat carrier, can be made of cheaper metal. You can also use plastic.

    The heat exchanger can be made as part of a separate circulation circuit. So it will not depend on the performance of the components of the entire water supply and heating system.

    It's not hard to do it yourself. The pipes that carry hot water to and from the heat exchanger must be connected to the distribution manifolds.

    Circular pump

    It is better to install a circular pump to achieve complete autonomy. Pool water is specially prepared, cleaned and disinfected.

    All the liquid that is in the pool passes through the circuit during circulation, where it is heated to a certain temperature.

    Thus, water goes through the full cycle several times a day. You can construct such a system with your own hands.

    When using such a system, you should definitely install two filters. They will perform preliminary cleaning and basic cleaning.

    There must also be a pump, control valve, dispenser chemical preparation, which will disinfect water.

    The water is heated only after it has been filtered, but disinfection is carried out after heating. This is done to ensure that chemical reagents do not affect the heater.

    Using the valve, you can regulate the operation of the heating element. So, you can refuse to filter water if it is of good quality.

    In this way, energy savings will occur, which is spent on operating the filters.

    The water in the pool is heated in several stages. The first stage is heating the liquid to a comfortable temperature. The remaining stages are maintaining the temperature throughout the bowl.

    The power of the heater will vary depending on what the water temperature is. The lower it is, the higher the power will be.

    Solar heating

    You can heat the water in the pool with your own hands almost free of charge, not counting the cost of installing the structure. When heating water, such a system does not use electrical energy.

    Water heating devices are mounted on the basis of solar collectors.

    In single-circuit designs, water for heating is supplied directly to the collector. Such installations are used to heat water at air temperatures above 0 degrees.

    If the temperature drops to sub-zero, the system will be damaged as the water in the system will freeze.

    It is advisable to install such systems in a country house where people come to live only in the summer.
    Dual circuit systems can be used all year round at any temperature.

    The system will not freeze during frost because antifreeze passes through the manifold. It is he who prevents the water from freezing.

    In such an installation, the heat collection circuit is separated from the consumption circuit. If the house is fully supplied with energy from this system, then the pool will also consume it.

    To heat the water in the pool using a double-circuit solar installation, the heat exchanger is connected to a storage tank. It should be made of high quality stainless steel.

    Thus, the main heat generator will work much less, and accordingly less energy will be spent.

    The solar system can be built on the basis of vacuum or flat collectors. They are based on the installation of a series of copper tubes.

    If the water is treated chemicals, then such a system will not work.

    To heat the water in the pool, you can make an installation based on plastic solar collectors.

    The design can be any type: flat, in the form of a series of tubes. The material most often used is polyethylene or polypropylene, after which it is painted black.

    This material is suitable for use in flow-through structures.

    Solar systems with plastic collectors are not suitable for use in the cold season, unlike vacuum or flat ones.

    Without glazing, a large amount of heat is lost and at low temperatures it is very difficult to heat water.

    If you plan to use the pool in the warm season, then such installations will be very useful.
    It is advisable to use a solar collector to heat water in combination with a heat pump.

    So, when the temperature drops below zero, the solar installation is switched off and the pump is connected.

    Heat saving

    The heat of the water depends on the thermal losses of the pool. They occur as a result of many processes: conduction, convection, evaporation of water from the surface.

    The moment steam is formed, heat is absorbed. Therefore, water needs to be added periodically, and so that it is not cold, it needs to be warmed up.

    To reduce heat loss, it is worth covering the surface of the pool if no one is using it.

    To do this, you can equip a special coating made of polymer material.

    You can pull special blinds. There are transparent coatings. They allow the sun's rays to reach the water, causing it to heat up. But the heat does not leave the pool; the water remains warm for a long time.

    To save heat in the pool, you need to choose the right lining inside the pool. The color of the coating should not reflect the sun's rays, but absorb them.

    If the pool is indoors, a water cover will also help. After all, water evaporation is influenced not only by temperature, but also by humidity and movement around the pool.

    Heating by fuel boilers

    If there is no gas supply in the house and it is not possible to install expensive equipment or solar panels, the only option left is to heat the water using fuel boilers.

    Such stoves operate on fuel oil, wood, and other types of fuel.

    Water in boilers is heated in various ways:

    • the boiler heats the heat exchanger, which in turn heats the water;
    • the water is heated directly in the boiler;
    • The water is heated in a stove and then poured into the pool.

    Before installing such a boiler with your own hands, you need to make calculations, create a project, and ensure fire safety.