Celebrate a girl's 22 birthday. How unusual to celebrate a birthday? Or how good it is that my friends are with me! Holiday in the open bus

22 years of marriage - a bronze wedding. The anniversary will help to renew romantic feelings, bring new emotions to the relationship. Warm memories of the birth of a family will fill the house with comfort and love. To make the holiday a success, it is important to know how to celebrate it and what to give.

What wedding

22 years of marriage is called a bronze wedding in honor of the material, which is quite malleable when alloyed. Bronze symbolizes the strength of family ties and at the same time the flexibility and pliability of spouses. For 22 years of life, husband and wife got to know each other well. They have learned to adapt, find compromises, put up with the peculiarities of the character of their soul mate, while remaining a single whole. This anniversary also crowns the beginning of a new stage in the development of the family.

Associatively, the bronze wedding is compared with the historically significant century of the same name. This period marked the discovery of new crafts. AT family life husband and wife also discovered a lot of new things in each other.

On the bronze wedding anniversary, spouses exchange gifts - bronze items, such as pendants, coins or rings. You can present a gift made of bronze, made by yourself. To create a unique souvenir, contact a metal processing specialist.


Traditionally, the celebration is held in bronze style. Bronze figurines, ribbons and balls of the desired shade will serve as an excellent decor. Cover the table with a bronze-colored tablecloth. A white tablecloth and dark napkins are perfectly combined with each other. If possible, use bronze for serving.

How to celebrate

The way of celebrating an anniversary is chosen individually. Some decide to spend this solemn day together. A couple can take a tour of significant romantic places, book a table at their favorite restaurant, go to the cinema or theater. It is important to consider the preferences of both spouses. A great solution is to take a romantic trip, go on a cruise or go to the sea.

Others decide to celebrate 22 years of marriage in a small circle with children, immediate family and friends.

If the holiday falls on a warm season and you prefer leisure, go to the country or have a picnic in nature.

A festive picnic perfectly combines the atmosphere of celebration and outdoor recreation.

You can meet in a cafe. To create a warm, cozy atmosphere, prepare a festive dinner at home.

It is important to properly arrange the venue for the bronze wedding and set the table. The following dishes are suitable as treats:

  • cod or beef liver;
  • poultry meat, ribs;
  • squids;
  • vegetables, fresh herbs;
  • walnuts, hazelnuts.

Cook the dishes in the oven - they will be browned, covered with an appetizing crust. Diversify the menu with your spouse's favorite products and signature dessert. The main drink of the 22nd wedding anniversary is sparkling champagne. There may be wine on the table. Pleasant toasts and congratulations will give the holiday a special solemnity. Children will enjoy delicious sweets with cocoa and juices.

Adult children, friends and relatives can participate in preparation for the celebration. If possible, order meals at a restaurant.

Be sure to create an archive with many photos that will later help you remember the warm moments of the holiday.

gift for husband

To make the day of the bronze wedding anniversary unforgettable, the wife can learn a song for her beloved, compose poetry, prepare a sexy dance.

Great gift for husband

  • elegant ashtray;
  • cigarette case;
  • statuette;
  • engraved jewelry: ring, cufflinks, pin, pendant, branded watch.

Bronze products are distinguished by their strength and high wear resistance. Although the metal is not considered precious, such a gift is of particular value to family members. It can become a family heirloom and be passed down to younger generations.

Gift for wife

A husband can give his wife a bronze wedding:

  • exquisite jewelry made in antique style: chain, bracelet, earrings, hairpin;
  • pendant with engraving or wedding photo;
  • elegant jewelry box
  • luxurious bronze-framed pocket mirror;
  • frame with a family photo.

The wife will be delighted with breakfast in bed, romantic dinner, soulful song and simply beautifully chosen words.

What guests give

The couple will be happy to hear warm congratulations, designed to crown 22 years of marriage.

Children for the celebration give their parents a hand-made craft, a postcard, souvenirs, bronze medals with chasing.

For the Bronze Anniversary, guests present the following universal gifts:

  • home decor: chandeliers, caskets, candlesticks, vases, figurines, door handles or photo frames;
  • kitchen utensils: sets, cups, glasses, serving set;
  • do-it-yourself gifts: a knitted blanket, an embroidered photograph or a picture;
  • money.

You can creatively play with the number 22. For example, buy 22 chocolates and make special covers for them - with photos of the spouses. You can order them from a printer or print them yourself. Each chocolate symbolizes a year spent together. Award spouses 22 bronze medals. Each can be interesting to sign: “for delicious meals”, “for born children”, “for an excellent trip to the sea”.

Guests can also prepare a creative gift: sing a wedding or favorite song of the spouses, draw a picture, dance a dance.


For twenty-two years from the date of the wedding, it is important not only to choose a gift, but also to present it correctly. It will leave pleasant memories for long years. Be sure to thank the spouses for the opportunity to attend the celebration. Wish them to remain malleable like bronze, creating a unique masterpiece of living together.

As a toast or congratulations on a bronze wedding, you can write the following words on a postcard:

Twenty-two - what a pair!
Congratulations family
And we wish it to be beautiful
Your life was full
A sea of ​​joys, worries,
The strongest feelings and love,
Passion ardent and fun.
So that you can do everything together!

In the history of the family, 22 years of marriage is a significant date. This holiday will bring color and variety to the usual life. Such warm moments will help to keep feelings for many years.

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Happy birthday to me complicated relationship. I don’t like to “cover the clearing” at work and banal congratulations on the wall in Vkontakte, but I always try to organize something unusual for my friends on my birthday. I must admit that sometimes diiiko has no time, sometimes it’s insanely lazy, sometimes you want to spit on everything and say that “I don’t want to order, it’s better to organize a holiday on any other day just like that”, and sometimes original ideas just don’t come to mind and even Pinterest does not save.

1. Role play

It was at the institute. We celebrated a birthday with my classmate, somehow magically pushed about thirty people into my three-room, but small apartment and staged (don't laugh!) role-playing game. In theory, a role-playing game could be taken ready-made, but we decided to come up with the whole plot on our own. The script was not particularly intriguing, but each of the guests received a description of their role (there was an elderly millionaire, young hunters for his inheritance, a Greenpeace fan and a lover of furs) and had to fulfill their goals. We, as birthday girls and authors of the story, played the role of journalists, filmed it all on camera and interviewed the participants in the events on a rolling pin instead of a microphone. The alcohol was strong and it was clearly enough. The heroes of the drama (and not all of the guests were familiar with each other) quickly dispersed through the rooms and got to know each other. I remember that even the defender of animals made friends with the lady in the fur collar.

2. Quest

If the budget allows, then you can already invite professionals to host an interesting game, which I did in 2010. Once again, the end of May was approaching, and once again I puzzled over how to arrange such an interesting game for my friends on my birthday. This time I did not come up with the script myself, but ordered the organization and conduct of a pro quest. We all reincarnated as actors, actresses, screenwriters who came to the hotel for testing and further filming of the film, but our task was to find the killer of the director. In parallel, we still somehow managed to take part in the auditions for the role of the main character of the film. Great pastime: on the one hand, a great opportunity to be at the table (well, you understand me), on the other hand, to move your brains and participate in the action, but without jumping in bags.

If you want to order a quest, I recommend contacting the guys from Questime. Their representative offices are located in many cities of Russia, as well as in Kyiv, Astana and even New York. I personally know the founders. They are passionate about what they do, so I highly recommend it.

3. Party at the Jolly Roger

It was 2007, the day before my birthday, another film from the series about the pirates of the Caribbean came out in Russian cinemas. To this topic, I decided to time the theme of the celebration. The evening began with a joint trip to the cinema, and then we sat down small company in the restaurant "Jolly Roger" with the appropriate interior, which I had previously found. It was a long time ago, but if I remember correctly, in addition to the feast itself, I organized a game of mafia, which I remade in a pirate style with black marks, a ship's doctor and a cabin boy. There were also small gifts for the participants - some simple souvenir with images of the Pirates of the Caribbean.

My friend and I are at the cinema for the Pirates of the Caribbean premiere.

4. Costume party

The idea is simple - everyone comes in costumes. You can turn this idea around in any way you like: say that the theme is not important, the main thing is that the costume should fit (my friends in such a situation quickly played free, kicked dandelions in the yard and came in wreaths) or set a specific theme for reincarnation.

My friend was throwing an American style party for her birthday. Aside from the stylized clothes she asked guests to wear, the theme of the party was kept alive by the menu - awesome homemade burgers and chips.

But another friend of mine decided to arrange a trip to karaoke for her birthday (and no, I do not agree that this is banal!). All invitees had to transform into some kind of musical hero (you could choose at least Beethoven, at least Lady Gaga). It just so happened that both of my friends celebrated their birthdays with different companies but in one day. So I became an American Britney Spears. True, everyone confused me with a Japanese schoolgirl.

5. Every hunter wants to know

In 2012, the theme of my birthday was a rainbow. No, a law against propaganda had not yet been passed, so I invited seven invited friends to choose one color from the rainbow and choose clothes and accessories of this color (although, of course, you could stir up something in the style of Snow White and the seven dwarfs). The idea was to go so beautiful and colorful to nature and take a good picture (). My girlfriend is a very good photographer and gave me a photo shoot, and bought all sorts of colored accessories and donuts. By the way, I also gave each guest an envelope with colored Skittles (try the rainbow!) and hairpins with a flower of the chosen color.

Colorful donuts were also accessories at the party, but not for long.

6. Walk on the rooftops

For a long time I have been talking about the fact that I want to climb onto the roofs of St. Petersburg. Somehow, of course, it turned out very stupid that I, a Petersburg girl, had never been there, although it seems to be considered almost the main romantic pastime in our city. Even my parents ran away from their own wedding to sit on the roof wrapped in a blanket. Well, at least that's what the family story says. In general, at the age of 27, I decided that it was time and found a link on the Internet for a tour and invited my sisters for a walk (one of them with a camera - yes, I really like to be photographed).

My sisters and I are on the roofs of St. Petersburg on my birthday. No special photo shoots, we just took a camera and this photo was taken for us by the organizer of the walk.

7. Cooking workshop

Joint cooking unites, this was proved by corporate team building. In addition, this is a double benefit - you do not need to spend money separately on the event, but separately on feeding a horde of your beloved (and hungry!) Friends. Since, as usual, I lasted until the last minute and started preparing the event at the last moment, all the establishments specially designed for such a business were already occupied (this is on a warm May weekend, no wonder!). But I found a wonderful cafe where we had a master class on making cookies.

Girlfriends with pleasure stuck silver balls-eyes to crabs.

8. White Nights Party

And finally, the theme of the 2014 party was the White Nights White Party. Of course, everyone cursed me that I again came up with a dress code, but this time absolutely all the invitees observed it (and no wreaths of dandelions). The celebration was in a rooftop bar in the center of St. beautiful view St. Isaac's Cathedral, the evening sun at ten o'clock framed by thirty white and silver balloons. And then we walked along the embankment, admired the drawbridges (every time I fall into such delight, as if I had not looked at them since childhood) and huge rusty barges passing by. Passers-by were talking, guessing whether we had a wedding, or whether we were graduates (white dresses are the secret of eternal fashion) and begged for balloons from us. And we made wishes and released them in the middle of the Champ de Mars.

Birthday is one of the most important holidays throughout a person's life. This wonderful holiday, unfortunately, happens only once a year. But on the other hand, if you celebrate your birthday every month, then this event loses its magic and charm.

Birthdays of kids are real events in the life of their parents, they are prepared in advance, helping children to create a real holiday with gifts, fun and games. Well, as an adult, a person takes over all the preparation for a birthday party or trusts professional agencies for a fee.

Yes, celebrating a birthday is a habit formed in childhood and instilled in each of us by adults. At the same time, we can safely say that this is a good habit, giving great pleasure not only to the hero of the occasion, but also to his close circle. Preparation for this event takes place in anticipation of celebration and joy, and the holiday itself pleases with many wonderful surprises, gifts, congratulations, positive communication with invited friends. The main thing is to organize everything correctly!

How to celebrate a birthday?

One of the main criteria for a good holiday, of course, is the availability of financial resources for its organization. However, even with low incomes and no savings, you can organize a cool holiday that will be remembered for a long time not only by the birthday man himself, but by all guests. For example, low-budget options include holding a holiday in nature or in the country. Even at home or in the office, with the consent of the management, you can organize a real party.

You can organize a memorable holiday with small forces

Birthday preparation

Planning is one of the important steps in hosting a birthday party. The optimal time for preparation of festive events is 3-4 weeks. This period will allow not only to plan the budget, but also to think over all the little things of the celebration, on which the success of the whole evening depends.

Planning the venue

The number of invited guests and the budget of the celebration will depend on the venue. It can be, as mentioned above, your own living space, a cafe, a summer house, a restaurant or a different club. When choosing a venue for a party, you should take into account the time of year and the weather conditions expected outside the window on the day of the celebration. For example, celebrating a birthday that falls in the winter on the beach is at least uncomfortable. The best option for a winter party is to hold it in some room.

But for a summer birthday, a bosom of nature, a summer house or a cafe under open sky. The same applies to a holiday on a boat or liner. It is not very pleasant to be surrounded by water on a cold autumn day.

Venue preparation

If a private territory is chosen as the venue - a summer house or an apartment - then it is necessary to do a major cleaning in advance, expand the space by temporarily rearranging the furniture. If the solemn event will be held in a cafe or restaurant, on a rented liner or in a sauna, it is required to arrange the lease of the premises in advance, having discussed the design options with the administration.

If the birthday is planned to be held outside the city, you should consider ordering road transport, delivery and delivery of invited friends and relatives after the holiday.

The preparation of the holiday must be taken responsibly

List of invited guests

The list of guests depends on the number of people close to the birthday person, the budget of the event and the size of the room where the party will take place. In any case, you should include in this list only those people, in fact, you will be glad to see.

Birthday is your holiday, so you do not need to pay tribute to society and observe vague norms of decency, inviting those who are unpleasant to you to your celebration. Invitations must be sent out in advance. Invitation cards indicating the place and time of the party will not be superfluous.

When compiling the list of guests, the appropriateness of the venue and the contingent of those invited should be taken into account. For example, it would not be very correct to invite grandparents to night club, and the boss in the sauna, unless you are in a very close relationship.

Menu selection

The menu, as well as the shopping plan, should be thought out in advance. The budget of the holiday will depend on this, in addition, early planning will help to avoid the fuss on the eve of the event. If the birthday will take place in a cafe or restaurant, snacks and hot dishes should be agreed in advance with the chef. You should inform the administration of the institution the number of invited guests and choose from the proposed list of dishes those that you like the most.

How to celebrate a birthday at home?

Holidays at home are usually not very expensive compared to restaurants or clubs. At home, you can enjoy communication with relatives and friends without officialdom, distractions and the presence of strangers, such as waiters or musicians. Although, the latter can be invited to a home celebration.

In any case, the birthday boy will be able to feel more relaxed in his own living space, and the atmosphere will be cozy and warm - family. If you wish, you can contact the agency for organizing holidays, and they will send a toastmaster or artists at the right time to diversify the traditional party at home.

Holidays can be a lot of fun at home

In order for the birthday party held at home to be a success, you need to smartly decorate the living space with beautiful garlands, balls, ribbons and flags. You can develop and prepare an unusual menu, think over an entertainment program - games, contests, charades and a playlist of musical accompaniment. In events held at home, it is very important that everyone invited has fun.

In a few days, you should look in specialized magazines or the Internet for recipes for new salads, appetizers, meat and fish dishes - everything that you will treat your invited relatives and guests with. We should not forget about the cake, which is a very important attribute of a birthday. You need to set the table with beautiful dishes - let everything be at home on this day, but still solemnly!

Who is suitable for home parties: celebrating a birthday at home is perfect for people who know how to appreciate the comfort of home and communication with loved ones in the family circle.

The main disadvantage of celebrating a birthday at home is the need for careful preparation, which completely falls on the shoulders of the hero of the occasion: you will have to decorate your home, set the table, think over entertainment, and after the holiday, also clean the apartment. In addition, you won’t invite a large number of guests to an ordinary apartment, as people will feel uncomfortable in crowded places.

How fun to celebrate a birthday in a cafe or restaurant?

In every modern settlement there are cafes and restaurants, various places of entertainment where you can successfully hold a birthday party. When choosing such a place, you should pay attention to two main criteria:

    What and how is prepared in the institution;

    What kind of entertainment program does the cafe or restaurant offer.

To understand the first question, reviews on city forums, a list of branded recipes, and the opinion of friends who have visited the restaurant before will help. The answer to the second question will be the reputation of the group that plays in the evenings in the institution, but everything is simple - for a fee, the institution will organize entertainment for you for every taste, especially if the entire hall is rented by you for the evening of the celebration.

Restaurant reservations must be made in advance, no later than two weeks before the day of the event. The menu, the sequence of serving dishes, the entertainment program must be discussed with the administration of the institution in advance. By the way, it is the top manager or creative director of the institution who will help determine the design of the hall.

There is a budget option for holding a birthday inexpensively and not within the walls of your own home: you can organize a party in a pizzeria or on a cafe’s summer terrace - this will cost much less than renting a hall. And the pleasure of the event will be no less.

Scenario birthday in nature

One of the options for a summer birthday party is a celebration arranged in nature. In invitation cards, it is necessary to indicate in advance that the event will be held outdoors, as they will need to dress appropriately, take the necessary accessories and attributes.

Of course, the hero of the occasion when holding a party in nature takes on the main preparatory activities. However, he simply cannot cope with everything alone. Therefore, you should specify in advance which of your friends will help you, and who will be responsible for what. If the holiday will be held outside the city, you should consider the transport delivery of guests, and if you plan to spend the night, then organize sleeping places to accommodate all guests.

If you plan to hold a picnic in a park or on a river, then you should choose in advance a place where the holiday can be fun without disturbing other vacationers. When celebrating a birthday in the park, you should remember the norms of behavior in public places.

It is easier and more interesting to organize a party outside the city - you can surprise your invited friends with dishes cooked in the fresh air: potatoes, meat, vegetables baked on coals. If there is a reservoir near the venue of the holiday, then you can catch fish or crayfish and cook the fish soup.

Holding a celebration in nature allows you to arrange a tournament or competition in mobile, active games that are difficult to play indoors.

The advantages of holding a holiday in nature include clean air, beautiful scenery, the opportunity to play football or volleyball. A budget option for a holiday that will cost less than an event in a cafe or restaurant. In addition, the list of guests of a holiday in nature can be unlimited - there is enough space for everyone.

The disadvantages of such a party include the unpredictability of weather conditions, which can surprise you with rain or cold wind.

How fun to celebrate a holiday in a nightclub?

Parties in a nightclub are ideal for people who love to visit such places, love loud music, invigorating cocktails and dancing until the morning. When planning a party in a nightclub, you should remember that all those present will congratulate you on the celebration, as the DJ will definitely notify you loudly about this event.

Today club birthday parties are very popular. Especially in demand are thematic holidays, which are held according to pre-conceived scenarios. Find out in advance what the theme of the party is planned for a significant date. Book tables in advance for invited guests. When filling out invitation cards for friends and family, be sure to indicate the theme of the party so that your guests have the opportunity to think over a costume, hairstyle, and accessories.

Pajama party script with photo session

An original version of a birthday celebration can be a pajama party. The tradition of holding such events came to us from America, where they are a long tradition. Today they are also loved by our youth for their intriguing overtones, so they are always accepted with a bang.

This type of holiday is suitable for young people who love unusual "gatherings". This fun takes place without active games and is limited to passive entertainment: playing cards, backgammon and watching movies. You can diversify a pajama party with a pillow fight or a bottle game. But it is romanticism and mystery that distinguish such an event from other types of holidays.

The main rule of a pajama party can be called the spiritual closeness of all its participants. Therefore, you should not invite unfamiliar acquaintances to such a birthday party. This will not only be inappropriate, but may put those present in an awkward position. Moreover, a pajama party involves a photo shoot. Funny hairstyles and makeup will be captured on film and will allow you to remember the holiday for a long time.

When organizing a pajama party, do not forget about candles that will add intrigue, light treats - it’s harmful to eat at night, and sleeping places where invited friends can stay for the night.

The pajama party will be remembered for a long time by all participants

Birthday Beach Party Secrets

With the onset of summer, there is a unique opportunity to celebrate a birthday in the form of an incendiary beach-style party. For many, a beach party is associated with the romance of the sea, fun, entertainment until dawn and a cheerful company. If you also time it to such a significant event as a birthday, then the holiday can be turned into an unforgettable event. Not a single party on the beach, both sea and river, can do without fun entertainment, soft drinks and exotic treats.

Menu and drinks

Juices, smoothies, fruits - you need a huge amount of drinks for a party on the beach. As for snacks, seafood and fish treats are suitable, for example, fish slices, eggs with caviar, shrimp on lettuce, grilled fish and grilled vegetables. You can offer guests beach toasts with ham and cheese. Barbecue sausages are very popular outdoors. Fruits can be washed and arranged in wicker baskets. They are suitable for making cocktails and as a dessert.


The beach opens up a huge number of opportunities for a fun pastime. These can be active games - volleyball, tennis, tug of war, gatherings around the fire with a guitar, you can play the traditional game for birthdays - "forfeits". Incendiary dances to modern music are an obligatory attribute of a party on the beach. The main thing is that everyone should have fun.

Hip Hop Birthday Scenario

This scenario is suitable for those who are young at heart, ready for reincarnations and like to "light up". For such a party, a place is chosen where it is possible to organize dances, a buffet table, contests - a hall in a cafe, a spacious hall in the office, a summer dance floor in the park. Don't worry about the menu either. It is enough to cook canapés, light salads, be sure - hamburgers and hot dogs - attributes of American food.

Original Birthday Party Ideas

Unusual party scenarios include:

    Joining a parachute club or riding section, cycling or diving, while you can have fun and actively spend time not only alone, but also in the company of friends.

    Tired of noisy company? Tired of the bustle? You can spend the day alone. Buy a delicious treat for yourself, do not invite anyone, turn on an interesting movie that you have long dreamed of revisiting, turn off the lights and light candles - enjoy!

    Go on a trip or hike. You can go to the taiga, to the forest, to a mountain glacier or to the lower reaches of a dormant volcano - to any place where you have not been yet.

    You can organize a costume ball, dress up yourself and dress up fairy-tale characters invited in costumes. Such a holiday will be remembered for a long time if you come up with interesting contests and fun.

    It is interesting and fun to spend your birthday in the water park. A sea of ​​positive mood is guaranteed for you and your guests! Opposite, but no less interesting place for a friendly party is a skating rink. Many people love ice skating, why not organize a collective skating on your birthday?

    An excellent venue for an unconventional birthday is a paintball playground. This fun entertainment allows you to organize a real "war" and entertain a large company of invited guests. After the game, you can have a picnic.

How to celebrate a birthday? This is solely your choice! The main thing is that you get pleasure from this day, because this is your holiday. Choose an acceptable option and ... light it up so that the party is remembered! It doesn’t matter how old you are, on this day the birthday person can do whatever he wants.

Moscow restaurants are perfect for those who do not want to celebrate their birthday at home or in nature. In the capital's establishments, you can fully enjoy the holiday without worrying about cooking and cleaning for guests. For birthday people there are discounts in restaurants and cafes on their birthday. Finding a good restaurant is already half the success of a successful holiday.

Birthday in a Moscow restaurant: discounts, promotions for birthdays

On our website we have collected the most suitable places for every taste:

  • cozy restaurants in Moscow for a birthday in a narrow circle
  • Italian cuisine in the author's interpretation, a bright hall and a view of Tsvetnoy Boulevard in Probka will definitely bring good impressions on a holiday. lovers meat dishes and rare wines will be appreciated by the 45°/60° restaurant. Sky Lounge is another atmospheric establishment. A panoramic view of Moscow from the 22nd floor of the restaurant will help you celebrate your birthday in a special way.

  • establishments with separate halls for large companies
  • In "Mukhrani" for a birthday, depending on the number of guests, you can book a cafeteria, one of the VIP zones or a whole restaurant. Several halls from 30 to 800 people, a summer terrace and panoramic rooms are offered at the Crowne Plaza Moscow WTC.

  • birthday bars and clubs for those who like to have fun
  • One of the popular restaurants in Moscow, Duran Bar is a good option for a birthday party. Here you can dance, sing karaoke and try signature cocktails from "star" bartenders. Birthdays at the bar can be celebrated in Noor, which is popular for its DJ parties and large bar list. In addition, the bar provides a full menu.

Cafe for birthday in Moscow

Especially for your holiday, some establishments may invite artists or hold a show program. For example, in "Shishka Lounge" you can order a DJ, an illusionist or musicians of various styles. On the birthday of the birthday person in the restaurant they make a 15% discount. In the "Roof" visitors are offered various celebration scenarios, lighting and sound equipment and animators. In this restaurant in Moscow, with a 15% discount, a birthday person is also given a cake and champagne. Also, some establishments can organize a special entertainment program or animation for children.

Birthday discounts and promotions in Moscow restaurants

Many restaurants and banquet halls offer discounts and promotions for birthdays! Explore our selection of restaurants with photos, descriptions and customer reviews and choose the best place where to celebrate a birthday so that it leaves only fond memories.

Every year people face a serious problem - how to celebrate a birthday. This holiday accompanies us from the first day of life, but at first it is organized by the parents, and then this responsibility is shifted onto our shoulders.

How to spend your only day of the year? Of course, sometimes you just want to sit with your family with a cake and candles, without noise and loud feasts. But there are years when the soul asks for a real holiday, and it is foolish to deny yourself this!

The editors of InPlanet have prepared a list of 15 original ideas for celebrating a birthday!

1 costume party

The classic version of a birthday celebration is a party in costumes. The beauty of this option is that you can pick up a lot of ideas that any guest will like. For example, you can make a Hawaiian, pirate or rainbow party. You can use your favorite TV series, such as Game of Thrones, for the theme of the evening, or make a party.

2 Quest

Another exciting option for holding a holiday is to arrange a real quest for yourself and your guests. You can not bother with preparation, but simply choose one of the quests that this moment go to your city. Or create something unique and conduct a quest right at home or in a restaurant. Then you have to write a script and prepare a real adventure!

3 Role play

You can turn your holiday into a theater stage with the help of role play! The birthday boy will have to try a little, but then the evening will only become unforgettable. We need to agree on a list of guests, choose a scenario and assign roles. And it’s better to let it be a surprise for guests! For example, you can act out a scene from your favorite book or find a ready-made script online.

4 Picnic in nature

Real thrill-seekers can spend this day in nature, and the celebration options will depend on the time of year. Those who were born in the summer are more fortunate - you can have a picnic in the forest, a trip to a river or lake, or a trip to the mountains. Winter birthdays are less fortunate, but they can rent a cabin in the woods and ski to their heart's content. And in the evening, sit by the fire or fireplace for a cozy conversation with loved ones.

5 A dream come true

Once a year, you can arrange a real holiday for yourself and do what you could only dream of. For example, skydive, go to the dolphinarium, visit, have a day of shopping or ride horses! In general, everyone has their own dreams, so it’s better for the birthday man to know what to do on this day in order to fulfill his dream!

6 sports party

Those who love an active lifestyle can choose a sports party. The most popular ideas for such a birthday are paintball, a rope park or a climbing wall. A large and noisy company will have great fun and spend this day with health benefits. And only pleasant memories will remain in the memory of this day! The main thing is to warn guests about the venue of the party in advance so that they dress in sportswear.

7 birthday alone

No, no, it's not sad at all, but on the contrary, it's fun and interesting! If the birthday boy is tired of everything and everyone, you can have a great rest and devote your birthday only to yourself. You can do whatever your heart desires - even if you go to Paris for a day to walk along the ornate streets and enjoy the romantic atmosphere. Or arrange a day at the spa, shopping, beauty salon or go to your favorite show or concert.

8 Photo shoot

A great way to combine business with pleasure to celebrate a birthday with a photo shoot. The only business is to arrange with the photographer for the whole day and invite guests. You can prepare a bunch of outfits and arrange a themed photo session, shooting in nature or in daring images. This day will remain not only in memories, but also in hundreds of funny photos with friends and family!

9 Holiday in the amusement park

How long have you been at the amusement park? You can fill the gap on your birthday - arrange yourself a real ticket to childhood. You can enjoy plenty of rides, carousels and swings in any amusement park. Another creative option is a joint trip to the water park. Then this day will definitely be remembered for a long time, because it will be spent not only fun, but also useful!

10 Restaurant

A classic option for celebrating a birthday with your family is going to a restaurant or cafe. Such a holiday will help to enjoy the company of loved ones and sincere conversation. And if you are already tired of going to ordinary restaurants, you can choose an institution that you have not been to before. For example, dine at a rooftop restaurant high-rise building- what could be more exciting?

11 Club

Real party-goers can celebrate their birthday in a nightclub. it great way gather together all your friends and remember the carefree years! You can safely dance the night away under the strobe lights and the sounds of your favorite music. True, in the morning it is better to sleep longer, otherwise you may not feel good!

12 Party at the Spa

For girls, a great option for celebrating a birthday is a whole day in a spa or beauty salon. You can gather friends together and spend your holiday in a relaxing atmosphere, enjoying the procedures. Spas have a special opportunity to rent a room for the whole day. Such a birthday will be not only memorable, but also beneficial for health!