Tactics playing chess to win. Strategy in endings or how often win the party

Many people are interested in how to win chess? And quickly, in 3 stroke, according to a given scheme! It is quite real, but only in the game against a novice, which has just studied. Look at the video above to take on a very effective technique. If you confront the sophisticated opponent, then be sure to read this article. With the help of these recommendations, you can adequately spend the party even against a strong chess player.

The main goal of the chess game is the statement of Mata when the attacked king cannot protect against Shah. The mat is not easy, preparation is required. Each newcomer needs useful tips to answer the question: what rules must be observed in order to win the game in chess? Experienced mentors first oriented beginner chess players to comply with 6 basic rules, which will certainly help benefit and win chess:

Make the right moves in the debut

The debut requires control over a field of chess battery. The purpose of the first moves is to control the figures and pawns of the center of the board. Solving this task, the player can dictate the direction of the party. In the position below, the pair of white pawns carries out high-quality control of the center of the field, black cannot boast the presence of this opportunity.

Do not give the figures without the need

Each figure has its own gaming weight and for just so gift should not be given it. But to take the gift of the opponent's figures is very preferably. The only one needs to beware of situations to get into. During the exchange, you need to exchange one thing to another equal value.

Develop the figures for active positions

The development of figures is carried out to solve the task of preparation for the attack on the king. The presence of active elements increases the capabilities of the attacking player. It is important to take into account the following features of the behavior of the figures:

  • pawns are monitored by cells;
  • horses are better posting in the center;
  • controlling the long diagonals of elephants have significant activity;
  • the rooks are more effective when founding in the center, they like to be on open lines;
  • the queen should not be locked, it must have all the possibilities for connecting to the attack and assist other figures.

Considerate the actions of your figures

Attack coordination is necessary for a simple reason: even one figure will not put the mat. Several elements must work consistently. At a minimum, you need to coordinate the actions of the pair of figures. One will declare Shah, and the other will cover it from "eating" the king. Experienced chess players, organizing an attack, can sacrifice the figures. As a result, they seek the collapse of the defense of the nasty side.

Ensure the safety of the king

You must not forget about your defense. When choosing a stroke, you need to take into account all possible threats. The king needs to be placed by a nearby pawns.

In all situations, stay polite

Politeness is the indispensable quality of the real chess player. Lost and winning parties need to be scrupulously analyzed. In chess without understanding the causes of the losers, you will not learn to victory.

Chess refer to the category of intellectual games, so the level of skill in them can say a lot about a person. There is quite a large number of works that give advice on how to quickly win chess and simply pull up your level. For familiarization with them, you can spend not one day, or even a week, and the experience does not always understand the level of the game. Many would be interested in briefly, how to win in chess. This will help some theoretical data. It is important to know how to behave in each individual conditional part of the party - in the debut, Mittelspile and Endgame. Eminent players recommend at the beginning of the game to output as many figures as possible, not forgetting the king's protection. . In the middle part, you need to form the front and move it towards the enemy commander-in-chief.

At the end of the game, when there are significant proper on the field, you should not neglect the help of the king, because it can also capture pawns. There are more accurate recommendations on how to win in chess. The scheme can not be better explained by the sequence of necessary actions. The main goal of the debut should be the seizure of the central part of the chessboard, which is best to carry out with the help of pawns. The opponent will perform similar maneuvers, but be that as it may, at least one figure should be placed in the central part of the field. For each color, each color exists their active positions. For white it is E4 and D4, for black, respectively, E5 and D5. In the theory of chess games, the horse and turu is considered to belong to the so-called "easy" figure.

It is advisable not to delay them in the initial positions, and as soon as possible to withdraw them to those fields with which you can monitor the center of the board. The best cells in the game for white can be called C3 and F3 for the horse and C4 and F4 for the tours. In that case, if the opponent's horse is set to the position F6, in contrast, it can be placed on the Tour on the G5. This is not the only possible scheme, but it is quite efficient. Do not forget that in addition to capturing the opponent's shapes, it is important to pay attention to your own king, which should be protected as much as possible from enemy attacks. Castling can help here. Last but you can withdraw the queen and the rook. They relate to the so-called heavy figures due to the fact that they need high maneuverability.

The lines on which they will eventually stand should be open or semi-open, that is, those that are free from the pawns. In order to understand how to win in chess, you need to know the value of each figure, as the beginners tend to carry out unequal exchange. Konya or elephant need to be changed at least three pawns. Although at the same time the value of these figures is considered the same, that is, you can change your horse to the tours of the enemy and vice versa. Lady can be equated approximately five pawns, and the queen - to nine. The latter should be exchanged and not recommended at all, but the approximate value can be equated with an enemy horse, a roaster and a pawn together. The skill of counting is very important when drawing up a competent party, since the balance of power and their alignment has an important meaning when playing chess.

It is not necessary to allow aimless moves, as in this case the enemy will have a ored. Each movement should bring closer to the ultimate goal - the capture of the king of the opponent, so as much strength should be put forward in its direction. To win in chess will help either a significant advantage in the forces, which leads to the surrender of the opponent, or the statement of the mat. Beginners chess players often suffer from the so-called baby mat, which more experienced rivals can try to put at the very beginning of the party. In a professional game, this reception is not used, since it has a lot of protection methods. 2 In the game for the white target becomes pawn on the F7 cell. Starting a party in this case, you need from liberating a place for the queen and tours. Pawn occupies E2 E4 position. Then the queen may occupy the H5 cell, and the tour is C4.

If the enemy has not yet taken any measures to protect and pawn still stands in its place, you can safely put the mat. In the event that the opposition arose in the form of movement of the opponent's pawn on the G6 cell, you can simply move the queen on the F3 and win the party move later. Despite the fact that there are lightweight ways leading to a quick victory, you should not overestimate them. They will help only in a game with a not very experienced rival, since in any special literature you can find a lot of techniques aimed at opposition. It is important to remember about the main strategy of the game, which involves gradual movement on the board and the accurate calculation of each turn, and not at all blitzkrieg.

Today I will tell you how to win more parties in chess. It is so easy that after reading today's article, you have a pretty good picture in my head and you can determine what you do wrong to defeat or at least not lose the party. The topic of today's discussion is the endgame. Are you anticipation? Apparently, yes, since you are the person who will play better after today and naturally, to win the parties.

I wrote many articles about the endings, how to put a mat with, or how to play. In this article, we will see a more general topic and deal with strategies in the endings that can be applied to any end shpile.

So, it's time to list the winning strategies of the endgame. You may know some of them, but this list will organize them in your head.

  • 1. Activate and centralize your king (probably you already know that the king is a valuable figure in the endgame, which you can use to attack pawns and rival figures, as well as protect your own. Very often the party with a more active king wins the party. It is important not Just start using the king as a weapon, but it is also important to do this on time. You should be careful that the figures remaining on the board do not create a threat to him.)
  • 2. Do not move the pawn while you really need it (you probably thought, do not in the endshpile you should not be able to hold a pawn in the faster? Not sure. Of course, if you see that you can spend a pawn and turn it safely, then why would And no. But if you do not see a way to spend it safely, then the best solution will be the strengthening of the position of your king. Remember, the pawns do not go back.),
  • 3. Have a spare pace in stock (this is another reason why not always walk on the pawn. There is such a chess concept - the opposition. This is when one king stands against another king, and no one wants to walk first because it will allow the king of the opponent to invade To the camp. If you have extra moves of pawn, then you will win the opposition and the party.)
  • 4. Create a huge majority (this is very important. For example, if you have 2 pawns against 1 on the queen flank, you can get a walking pawn. Let's say you have 2 pawns against 3 on the royal flank. With such a walking on the Ferzian flank You can win a party. While the enemy king will be engaged in the interception of the passing pawn on the queen flank, you can "eat" the pawns on the royal flank, to form a passage and spend it. This is a very important strategy that will help you win a lot of endings.) .
  • 5. Dream a walking pawn, sacrifice it and win all the other pawns (this is what happened in the example above, but this can be done with any passing pawn),
  • 6. Consider so deep as you can. (Of course, this strategy is applicable to any part of the party, but in graduation it is especially important, because there are not so many shapes and options. Define whether you can spend the pawn or your opponent will have time to intercept her. Looking far ahead, you Almost always be able to evaluate your chances of winning and it will give you more winning parties.)
  • 7. Choose the correct figure with which you want to stay. If you have a choice with what figure to go to the endgame, then the following recommendations should be used:
    • If the position is open and there are pawns on both flanks, the elephant is stronger than horse
    • If the position is closed, then the horse is better
    • If your rival has more pawns, then it makes sense to go to the ending with multicolored elephants, in which there is a high probability to make a draw, even when you do not have 2 paws (in some cases, not always)
    • If you have more pawns, you should leave the elephant of the same color as the opponent due to the reason described above
    • In the opening end, if you have an extra pawn, then keep the king of the opponent away from your pawn
    • In the Other endings, if you play without a pawn, then you should keep your king closer to the rival's pawn

Many grandmasters used psychological techniques that can hardly consider correctly. "Peace 24" remembered the most vivid cases of unsporting behavior in chess.

Decent debut

It is possible to provide yourself with a victory, without even trying to. One of the scandalous cases in the history of Chess occurred in 1937. Then at the Championship of the Ukrainian SSR Efim Korchmar locked his partner, Essay Pole, in the restroom. As a result, Korchmaru got a victorious point, and he became one of the winners of the championship.

Another common reception is to be late for the game. His practically practically all famous grandmasters from Emmanuel Lasker to Robert Fisher, while FIDE did not equate late to the loss. For example, a lasker at the tournament in St. Petersburg in 1909 was quite purposeful in 1909: he stayed at half an hour to meet with Karl Schlechter, with Fedor Duz-Weligimsky - for 12 minutes, with Saveli Tartakover - for 10 minutes. Five minutes of the second world champion had to wait for Jacques Misa and Henri Bern. Such delays made opponents of the German chess player seriously revere.

Football and terrible force

Slit technique used Fisher during the famous confrontation with Boris Spassky in 1972. American was delayed constantly, which was very angry with the Soviet grandmaster. Then he accepted countermeasures: he came in time, but did not go to the stage, but stayed in the rest room behind the scenes. Three minutes after turning on the clock, Fisher appeared, playing white. He was surprised in the absence of an opponent, which appeared only in two minutes. Since then, Fisher has no longer late. Chess crown, we will remind, in the end I got the American.

An important admission that is often practiced before the start of the party is to refuse to handle the opponent. On Chess Supernir in Wike An-Zee, Bulgarian grandmaster Ivan Cheparins defiantly refused to give tribute to tradition and show respect for the partner - the Englishman Nigel Short. The judges decided that Cheparins violated the regulations. The cunning plan of the chess player from Bulgaria failed, as a result, he lost twice by the party with shorts. Despite serious sanctions, Cheparinov gesture on the same tournament repeated Russian Vladimir Kramnik and Bulgarian Veselin Topalov.

Photo: Tatyana Konstantinova, "Peace 24"

Hypnosis and how to deal with him

Some superstitious believe that the famous grandmasters possess superpowers and can hardly be hypnotized their rivals. For example, one species of Harry Kasparov so scared rivals that they often asked him to change the expression of the face. At one time, experts also talked about "Fisheroboyazni", which suffered in the 1970s. Many challengers on chess crown.

The eighth world champion in Chess Mikhail Tal also alleged hypnotized rivals with a piercing non-moving look. In 159, one of his rivals, the American fell Benko even put on sunglasses. The future owner of a chess crown adequately answered the competitor.

"The Tal who possessed the inexhaustible sense of humor borrowed a huge sunglasses and put on them, to the great pleasure of viewers. Even Benko laughed, appreciating this joke. However, no glasses nor the feeling of humor Benko saved, "Kasparov told in his book.

Gambit with candles and talking for board

Chess tricks are known for a long time. Back in the XV century, Spanish grandmaster Juan Ramirez Lusien advised to sit down the partner so that he would interfere with the light. According to him, this will allow to ensure a quick victory.

Another reception, directly forbidden, is a conversation for the board. However, even in modern history there are examples when chess players could not keep their teeth. In 1967, Eduard Gufeld in the party with Nikolai Krogius constantly reminded him to consider her moves. Such a tactic brought a victory to Ghufeld.

It is possible to shoot down an opponent with others, quite legal methods, for example, to constantly offer a draw with an aggressively tuned opponent. Often it is possible to interfere with your competitor and completely unintentionally. So, many chess players, such as Tigran Petrosyan, went through the table at the table at the table. This habit of one of the tournaments brought out the famous "evil chess player" is a four-time champion of the USSR Victor Corn. He asked to intervene by the judge, but he ignored his request. Then the cortic had to restore order under the table "His feet."

Photo: Tatyana Konstantinova (MTR "Mir")

Play on your territory

The victory can be won not only irritating the opponent, but also creating comfortable conditions for yourself. During the third party of the match in 1972, the American insisted that the game would be carried out in a closed room.

Fisher was unpleasant to appear in public after two defeats from the Soviet grandmaster. Spassky agreed. As a result, he lost the following batch and chess crown. "Fisher cannot be redesed even in trifles," Tigran Petrosyan said about this.

Modern chess players are also very vigilate to their comfort. The current world champion Magnus Karlsen remove cameras from a room for recreation for applicants for a chess crown. According to the sports browser of the NRK television channel Nina Berlung, a closed Norwegian is simply not used to this attention from the press. Scandinavian grandmaster seriously fears that annoying journalists may interfere with it to concentrate in confrontation with Karyakin and confirm the owner of a chess crown.

The oldest among the world living in the world grandmasters, the international international grandmaster and arbiter Yuri Averbach believes that Karlsen and Koriankin have played a draw for the fifth time because of too short distances - they play up to 12 parties in every round, and not up to 48, as it It was possible before according to the chess regulations. For such a short period, they simply do not have time to demonstrate all their gaming potential. He added that the age ratio of players is very important for the outcome of the game. Since the Norwegian and Russian athlete both young people, their chances of winning about the same.

"Never in the entire history of Chess was not to play such young guys. Previously, these were people aged - about 40 years. And I see on them that at a young age, chess players play much better, "said Averbach.

Not many beginner chess players know that both professionals admit gross mistakes and yawns. Top chess players are mistaken, which is quite logical, when playing in Blitz, when there is no time to think. As for beginners, they allow mistakes and in batches with an unlimited amount of time (a game without hours).

To reduce the number of losers, follow three rules from the book Dmitry Lugovoy "How to learn to play chess in 30 minutes!":

  1. Before making your own move, think about the previous move of the opponent - what was he made for? Is there any threat to you? Try to understand its meaning. It will save you from the mass of unnecessary mistakes!
  2. Before each with its own way, even if you are 100% sure of his correctness, the move seems obvious or the only one - think at least a minute. 50% of all errors is made precisely because of hasty!
  3. Think not only for yourself, but also for the opponent, try to predict his future actions - this will allow you to reveal its ideas and take action.

Let's, in more detail, let's talk about the third rule. Many chess players, in the midst of the battle, are so fond of the implementation of their plan, which "forget" about the opponent. Such forgetfulness, often leads to an unexpected mat. On this occasion, two quotes will be appropriate:

"The partner also has the right to exist."

Savely Tartakover

"If you do not follow the opponent, you will have to complain about bad luck after each party."

Victor Corrhan

How to think about the champions

Look at the recording of a friendly blitz party between Anatoly Karpov and Mikhail Thalem, pay special attention to how they voiced their reflections during the party.

As can be seen from the plot, professionals do not only calculate their moves, but also the possible responses of the enemy - unsuccessful moves can be avoided.

Examples of batches lost due to inattention

Very often, amateur chess players, violate the first rule from those listed above, i.e. Simpar "forget about the opponent."

Chriselevator - Pupkin (1-0)

The party for Pupquin developed safely - he replied to the Royal Gambit and everything went to the victory of blacks in the endspil. Moreover, the time of the players remained more than 10 minutes - there was no need to rush. Nevertheless, Pupkin hurried and after his last move BXF3 received the RD8 # mat.

1.D4 D5 2.C4 E5 3.DXE5 D4 4.E3 NC6 5.NF3 BG4 6.NBD2 BB4 7.Be2 D3 8.A3 DXE2 9.QXE2 BXD2 + 10.BXD2 NXE5 11.C5 NXF3 + 12.GXF3 BH5 13. QB5 + QD7 14.QXB7 RD8 15.ooo NE7 16.BC3 QC8 17.RXD8 + QXD8 18.RD1 QC8 19.QXC8 + NXC8 20.BXG7 RG8 21.BF6 BXF3 22.RD8 # 1-0

To avoid mat, it is necessary to make the course of the NE7 horse. With the right game, the position of the blacks is absolutely winning 21 ... NE7 22. RD3 BXF3 23. E4 BH1 24. B4 RG6 25. BE5 $ 17

Devi81 - Pupkin (1-0)

If you do not do the right conclusions, the chance to step on the same rake is great enough. Once again, Pupkin looked through the Western and received a well-deserved mat.

1.D4 D5 2.C4 E5 3.DXE5 D4 4.E3 NC6 5.NF3 BB4 + 6.BD2 DXE3 7.FXE3 BG4 8.BE2 NGE7 9.OO OO 10.BXB4 NXB4 11.QXD8 RAXD8 12.NC3 NC2 13. RAD1 NXE3 14.RXD8 RXD8 15.RE1 N7F5 16.H3 BXF3 17.BXF3 H6 18.BXB7 RB8 19.BE4 RXB2 20.ND5 NXD5 21.CXD5 NG3 22.D6 CXD6 23.EXD6 RD2 24.BB1 RXD6 25.re8 # 1-0.

It may seem funny that the altina counterbagitis once again was applied. Maybe this is an unsuccessful debut for black or just elementary inattention? The correct answer is inattention. Albin's counterbagitis is a completely acceptable answer to the Royal Gambit, if you play with the players of a low level. Several successful examples of this debut, you will find in the article.

Note that in the two, elevated parties, black could significantly sharpen the game if they played correctly. Four moves needed not to walk NF3, but BB4 +.

Pupkin - Mustafghan (1-0)

On the course of E4, black answered D5 -. Errors, as it happens in the batch of newcomers, admitted both players. However, Mustafghan (USA), he became interested in his attack through Chur and did not pay due attention to threats arising from the side of the White.

1.E4 D5 2.EXD5 E6 3.DXE6 BXE6 4.NF3 BD6 5.Be2 QE7 6.o NC6 7.D4 OOO 8.C4 BG4 9.re1 H5 10.H3 KB8 11.Be3 QF6 12.NBD2 BXF3 13. BXF3 G5 14.QB3 NA5 15.QB5 B6 16.C5 BF4 17.CXB6 CXB6 18.B4 NB7 19.RAC1 G4 20.BXB7 KXB7 21.NE4 QF5 22.NC5 + KA8 23.QC6 + KB8 24.QB7 # 1-0


For those lovers of chess who want to think not only for themselves, but also for the enemy, we offer to study the two-member of an outstanding chess coach Mark Butler "Remember the opponent!".

Two-volume "Remember the opponent!" - Chess workshops, a collection of exercises from a unique card files of the Honored Coach of the USSR, Russia and Georgia, Mark Butler.

For the first time in the domestic literature, the publication is entirely dedicated to the topic very important for chess player - attention to the possibilities of the opponent.

Each of the four parts of the collection consists of a theoretical partition, tasks and answers to them with detailed analysis and comments. Carefully selected exercises teach the ability to think not only for itself, but also for a partner, to take into account all its resources - how to put yourself in his place. Without the development of this skill, "lame" even in many grandmasters, the growth of chess force is impossible.

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