In the St. George Hall of the Kremlin, the president presented state awards to military personnel who distinguished themselves during the military operation in Syria. Medal of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation “For Distinction in Military Service” Complete set of modern uniforms for military personnel

9. The ritual of presenting a state award to a military unit (hereinafter referred to as the ritual) is carried out on the basis of an order from the commander of the military unit, which specifies the place and time of the ritual, appoints a flag bearer, assistants, and a flag platoon.

The day on which the ritual is performed is a non-working day for the given military unit and is celebrated as a holiday.

10. To present a state award, the military unit is lined up next to the State Flag Russian Federation and the Battle Banner with weapons in the manner established by the Drill Regulations of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation for the drill review.

11. By the appointed time, the chief of staff of the military unit takes the sign, ribbon of the Order of the Russian Federation and the certificate for it on a tray to the place where the military unit is built and stands two or three steps to the right (left) behind the person who has arrived to present the state award.

12. When the person who has arrived to present the state award approaches 40 - 50 steps to the line, the commander of the military unit gives a command.

For example: “Regiment, SMIRLNO, alignment to the RIGHT (to the LEFT, to the MIDDLE). If the military unit is armed with carbines, then the command: “Regiment, Smirno.” To meet from the right (left, from the front) at Kra-UL."

The orchestra performs the "Counter March".

The commander of the military unit, having given the command, puts his hand to his headdress, approaches the person who has arrived to present the state award, stops two or three steps in front of him and reports.

For example: “Comrade Supreme Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. The 105th Guards Berlin Order of Suvorov motorized rifle regiment was built for the presentation of the state award. The commander of the guard regiment is Colonel Gromov.”

At the moment the commander of the military unit stops to report to the person who has arrived to present the state award, the orchestra stops playing, and the chief of staff of the military unit stops two or three steps behind the person who has arrived to present the state award, and with outside building.

13. The person who arrived to present the state award, having accepted the report, stands in front of the middle of the line and greets the personnel of the military unit. The chief of staff of the military unit stops two or three steps behind him and faces the line.

14. The commander of the military unit gives the command “Flag flag, come to me.” At this command, the flag bearer commands: “Follow me, step by step - MARCH” and leads the banner group to the commander of the military unit. Having approached the commander of the military unit, the banner group faces the formation to the right (left) of the commander of the military unit.

15. The person who arrived to present the state award reads out the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation on awarding the military unit state award.

After conveying the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation to the military personnel of the military unit, the flag bearer goes three steps forward and places the Battle Banner vertically to his right leg, holding it at the leg with his freely lowered right hand.

16. The person who arrived to present the state award receives a certificate for the state award from the chief of staff of the military unit and hands it to the commander of the military unit. After this, the person who arrived to present the state award and the chief of staff of the military unit approach the Battle Banner. The chief of staff of a military unit becomes to the right (left) of the person who arrived to present the state award, facing the line.

17. The flag bearer, with the approach of the person who has arrived to present the state award, tilts the Battle Banner and holds it with both hands horizontally in front of him.

18. The person who arrived to present the state award receives the badge of the Order of the Russian Federation from the chief of staff of the military unit and attaches it to a special silk lining sewn to the cloth of the Battle Banner. Then the person who arrived to present the state award receives the order ribbon from the chief of staff of the military unit and attaches it to the lower part of the pommel, under the St. George ribbon, if there is one. If necessary, one of the assistants helps him.

19. After attaching the sign and ribbon of the Order of the Russian Federation, the flag bearer alternately tilts the Battle Banner horizontally with both hands to the left and right sides, after which he places the Battle Banner vertically to his right leg, holding it at the foot with his freely lowered right hand.

The orchestra performs the National Anthem of the Russian Federation.

At the end of the performance of the National Anthem of the Russian Federation, the flag bearer takes the Battle Banner on his shoulder, turns and stands in line with his assistants.

20. The commander of the military unit gives the command “Flag flag, follow me, step - MARCH.” The banner group begins to move.

The commander of the military unit, three steps behind him, a flag bearer with the Battle Banner and assistants follow to the left flank of the formation, after which they walk along the front of the formation (10 - 15 steps) to its right flank. Having reached the right flank, the commander of the military unit orders the flag bearer and his assistants to take the place designated by him in the ranks.

The orchestra performs the “Counter March” from the beginning of the movement until the flag bearer stops in the ranks. The military unit greets the Battle Banner with a drawn-out “Hurray.”

When the flag bearer with the Battle Banner and the assistants take their place in the ranks, to the left of the State Flag of the Russian Federation, the orchestra stops playing, the commander of the military unit goes to the middle of the ranks and stops next to the person who presented the state award, then, at his direction, gives the command “FREE”, and if the military unit had carbines in the “on guard” position, then it first gives the command “Regiment, to no-GE.”

21. The person who presented the state award congratulates the personnel of the military unit on receiving the state award, who respond to the congratulation with three drawn-out “Hurrays”. After this, the commander of the military unit speaks in response.

22. At the end of the ritual, the military unit marches solemnly in front of the person who presented the state award. After passing through the solemn march, the military unit lines up again. Battle banner and National flag The Russian Federation refers to the places of their storage.

In 2015, the Russian army completely changed its clothes. Today, all military personnel without exception have a new model military uniform. The plan of the Ministry of Defense of the Ministry of Defense, which consisted in completely re-dressing the army in more than a year, was completely fulfilled. This was repeatedly stated by senior officials of the main military department. The need to redress the ranks of our country's army has existed for quite some time. Along with the new set of uniforms, new rules for wearing them have also been introduced.

In 2014 alone, the new uniform was issued to half a million military personnel. The distribution of uniforms was carried out in accordance with the developed schedule. The transfer of military personnel began precisely with those who served in the Far North.

General redressing began in 2013 and continued actively in 2014, but the bulk of Russian military personnel were issued updated military uniforms in 2015. Now the naval and ceremonial military uniforms are next in line for revision. Male and female employees will be completely re-dressed. In part, the 2015 Russian Armed Forces uniform pattern reflects the trend in US military clothing.

Reforms in the field of military uniforms under Serdyukov

Modern military uniforms were required for military personnel Russian army quite a long time ago, and the current attempt to completely change the clothes of military personnel is not the first. Overseas clothing for military personnel is significantly superior in performance to the uniform of our country's military. From time to time, the Ministry of Defense introduces samples of military clothing with more advanced characteristics. As a result of each such attempt, the country's budget loses huge sums, and a dress uniform is an even more unjustified expense.

For example, under the disgraced minister Anatoly Serdyukov, about 25 billion rubles were allocated for dressing up the Russian army. Development and implementation price new form in 2014-2015 is still kept secret, but given the scale of this process, we can say with confidence that the amounts involved are cosmic.

The military uniform has been reviewed by the Ministry of Defense since 2007, including the dress uniform. The main initiative came from the then Minister of Defense A. Serdyukov. On a competitive basis, from the sketches provided by the selected developers, the option proposed by the famous Russian fashion designer Valentin Yudashkin won. It took 2 years to prepare the final samples of the updated uniform. The presentation of the new form was held in 2010. In many respects, both external and operational, it was similar to the uniform of members of the US armed forces. But the developers did their best to disown such a comparison.

The Russian uniform for the winter season caused many unflattering responses from both specialists and the military personnel themselves, who had to test the new uniform on themselves. The Ministry of Defense received complaints almost daily. Due to the low performance characteristics of the new uniform, the number of colds in the army increased sharply in just one winter period. In addition, external signs of the new form also caused dissatisfaction. After all, now the shoulder straps were not located in their usual place, on the shoulders, but, following the example of the armed formations of the NATO bloc, were moved to the chest area. Plus, the quality of the material from which the form was made also left much to be desired. The servicemen noted that the fabric quickly deteriorates and breaks, and the threads fray and also become unusable.

Among other innovations, it should be noted the presence of a warm sweater in the clothing kit of an officer of the Russian army, and the presence of individual components with Velcro, a narrower model of overcoats, and the complete abolition of foot wraps and boots. By the way, the last abolition was valid only according to documents, because in fact, it was not possible to achieve this in the entire Russian army immediately.

Due to numerous complaints and dissatisfaction from military personnel, the military department began to think about the advisability of developing a new uniform.

Now we understand that model based on the example of the US military uniform not suitable for the conditions of our country. From now on, military uniforms used in the field included 19 items. It turns out that the set has been significantly expanded. The price of one such set is approximately 35,000 rubles. The ceremonial military uniform has not yet undergone changes, because there is no urgent need for this. It was the field uniform that was much more important, not the dress uniform.

Set of modern uniforms for military personnel

A modern uniform set is a multi-layer suit. Depending on weather conditions and personal tastes, military personnel have the opportunity to personally select sets of clothing for themselves. Plus, from now on the field uniform is identical for both the officer and the rank and file. Dress uniforms will continue to vary. The standards for using military clothing for an officer and a soldier do not differ (one exception is the officer's dress uniform).

The modern field kit for soldiers and officers includes the following components:

Gloves and mittens;

Several types of jackets designed for each season;

Hat and beret;

3 types of boots, varying by season;


Standards for wearing uniforms for military personnel

Such rules are established in some detail in departmental regulations of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation.

Employees use military uniforms of the following types:

dress uniform- during parades and various events with the direct participation of troops; V holidays military unit; in cases of presentation of state awards and orders; in cases of presentation of the Battle Banner to a military unit; when the ship is launched and put into operation, as well as when the Naval Banner is raised on the ship; when enlisted in the honor guard; when serving as sentries guarding the Battle Banner of a military unit. It is permitted to wear this type of clothing on non-working days and during off-duty periods;

field uniform- in the presence of hostilities; during a state of emergency, liquidation of the consequences of accidents, natural disasters, catastrophes, natural and other disasters; at educational events, training sessions, combat duty;

everyday- in all other cases.

Characteristics of linen for military personnel

The uniform requires 2 separate sets for use in air temperatures ranging from - 40 to +15 degrees, and from + 15 and above. In one set, the underwear consists of a short-sleeved T-shirt and boxer shorts. Such underwear is extremely practical, both technically and external signs. For a soldier, it has all the required qualities, namely:

dries quite quickly after absorbing moisture;

the degree of air exchange meets mandatory standards.

For low temperature conditions there are 2 sets of underwear: lightweight and fleece. Such underwear can be worn directly on the body. It also happens that a fleece set is worn over a lightweight one. This is usually done under lower temperature conditions. Lightweight underwear differs from the standard summer set in that it has longer sleeves and underpants that span the entire length of the legs. The fleece set has a fleecy surface on the inside, plus there is also an insulating layer.

Sets for different weather conditions

The summer field set consists of a lightweight jacket, trousers, beret and light boots. In the manufacture of such clothing, the so-called mechanical stretch is used, which is initially subject to treatment with a special water-repellent compound. In the parts that bear the greatest load, reinforcing components are applied. This makes the suit resistant to mechanical damage, and the degree of wear is minimized.

Standards for the use of military clothing allow in cool weather conditions to use a fleece jacket with thick pile on both sides. There is a durable layer of thermal insulation here. Plus, if necessary, the jacket can be folded into a minimum volume. A windbreaker jacket is used for protection from the winds. It is worn with layer 5 trousers. The windbreaker provides ventilation and the necessary air exchange.

For colder weather conditions the main set is demi-season. It provides excellent protection from winds. The material from which the suit is made has sufficient vapor permeability and dries quickly. This suit is also worn by employees in the US Army. For special field conditions, military personnel can use a windproof suit. During heavy downpours, such a suit protects against moisture for a long time. A similar effect is achieved due to the presence of a special membrane. The seams of the suit are taped for greater reliability.

In severe frosts a more insulated suit and an insulated vest are used. These elements are practical and lightweight. They are made from wind and waterproof materials. Plus, in frosty weather you can use a balaclava, which can be worn as a hat, and an insulated hat for very frosty weather. To make uniforms for the Russian army, a material is used that contains cotton and synthetic elements in a ratio of 65/35.

Stars of Heroes of Russia, Orders of Courage, medals “For Courage” - in the St. George Hall of the Kremlin, Vladimir Putin presented state awards to military personnel who distinguished themselves during the operation in Syria. In total, more than 48 thousand soldiers and officers took part in it.

As the president noted, they made a decisive contribution to the defeat of terrorists in the Arab Republic, and the whole world saw the power and efficiency of our army.

Generals and sergeants, sailors and pilots, military advisers. Most recently, all of them carried out combat missions in the Syrian Arab Republic, and today the heroes are honored in the Kremlin.

In the St. George's Hall, which since the 19th century has been considered the hall of glory of the victorious Russian army, there are more than 600 people. The Supreme Commander-in-Chief thanks the military for their professionalism. Vladimir Putin proposes to honor the memory of those killed during the anti-terrorist operation in Syria with a minute of silence.

“People followed daily events as if they were reports, believed in you, were proud of your successes, of our Armed Forces, sincerely, with pain, as if they were their own, they experienced every irreparable loss. We will always remember our comrades who died while performing combat missions. They died defending Russia, their names will forever be recorded in the lists of the units in which they served. The younger generation of officers and soldiers will be educated on their exploits. The families, parents, children, relatives and friends of everyone we have lost will always be surrounded by our care and support. We will do everything for this. I ask you to honor the memory of the fallen,” said Vladimir Putin.

Putin emphasizes: Russia made a decisive contribution to the defeat of terrorists in Syria. More than 30 thousand combat sorties, 166 strikes with high-precision missiles. A real triumph of Russian weapons. Now the troops have been withdrawn, leaving only two bases in Tartus and Khmeimim. An agreement has been concluded with Syria to lease these bases for 49 years. This is extremely important for the fight against terrorism.

“You know that yesterday a terrorist attack was committed in St. Petersburg, and just recently the Federal Security Service stopped another attempted terrorist attack. What would happen if these hundreds, thousands, which I just mentioned, returned to us, returned trained, armed, well prepared? By the way, yesterday I gave instructions to the director Federal service security when working with these bandits, when detaining them, act, of course, only within the framework of the law, but when there is a threat to the life and health of our employees and our officers, act decisively, do not take anyone prisoner, eliminate the bandits on the spot,” said Vladimir Putin.

Among those awarded is Rustam Muradov. We met with him before the ceremony began. The major general was a military adviser in Syria for about a year. Sometimes I did without a translator. I myself learned a few words in Arabic, and many Syrian officers know Russian quite well.

"I was nominated for the title of Hero for successful completion operations in the Der ez-Zor direction. It was quite hot there. The fact is that the militants felt quite confident there, and they created a powerful system of defensive structures; the Russian Aerospace Forces proved themselves to be excellent. Russian spirit, Russian weapons in fact, in these most difficult conditions it showed its best side,” said Major General, Commander of the Combined Arms Army of the Central Military District Muradov Rustam.

Sergeant Anton Kiryushin received the Zhukov medal. 80 days in Syria as commander of a section of an engineering brigade.

“The tasks were to destroy and neutralize explosive substances and objects. They were taken out in special boxes with sand, on a sand cushion. Every day, 3-4 trips are made accordingly,” said sergeant, commander of the engineer-sapper squad of the engineering barriers platoon of the engineer-sapper brigade Anton Kiryushin.

Vladimir Putin presented state awards to 13 military personnel. Concluding the ceremony, the president promises to continue improving the army, this is an absolute priority.

Putin congratulated the military on the upcoming New Year. This concluded the open part of the ceremony.

dated March 5, 2009. The same order declared the Order of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation of 1995 No. 123 to be invalid.

From the REGULATIONS on the medal of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation
Medal of the Russian Ministry of Defense “For Distinction in military service"(hereinafter referred to as the medal) are awarded to military personnel of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation (hereinafter referred to as military personnel) for reasonable initiative, diligence and distinction in service.

The medal consists of three levels:

  • 1st degree - for awarding military personnel who have served in military service for at least 20 years;
  • 2nd degree - for awarding military personnel who have served in military service for at least 15 years;
  • 3rd degree - for awarding military personnel who have been serving for at least 10 years.

The highest grade of the medal is 1st grade.

The medal is awarded sequentially from lowest to highest degree. Awarding a medal of a higher degree is not permitted without the recipient receiving a medal of the previous degree.

The medal (medal ribbon) is worn on the left side of the chest and is located in front of the medals (medal ribbons) “For impeccable service” in the ranks of the Armed Forces of the USSR.
If the recipient of medals has two or more degrees, medals (medal ribbons) of lower degrees are not worn.

On behalf of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation and on his behalf, the medal can be presented by commanders (chiefs) from the regiment commander, separate battalion, equal and superior to them.
The medal is presented in a solemn atmosphere to the recipient personally. Along with the medal, the recipient is given a certificate for it.

In the event of recipients leaving for a new place of military service or their dismissal from military service before they are awarded medals, extracts from the orders of the Russian Ministry of Defense on awarding, together with medals and certificates, are sent to them by the relevant personnel authorities, commanders (chiefs) at the new place of service of the recipients or at the place their residence to the military commissars for delivery. In this case, control over the awarding of medals rests with the personnel authorities of military units, whose commanders (chiefs) filed petitions for awarding the named persons. The relevant officials in this case notify these personnel authorities about the presentation of medals.

According to the 2009 Regulations, the 1st degree medal is made of silver-colored metal, the 2nd class - from golden-colored metal, the 3rd class - from bronze-colored metal (The 1995 Regulations stipulated that the 1st class medal is made of nickel silver, the 2nd class - from brass, the 3rd class). degrees - made of brass coated with enamel); has the shape of a circle with a diameter of 32 mm with a convex edge on both sides.

The front side of the 2009 and 1995 medals is the same: in the center there is a relief image of a shield against the background of two diagonally crossed swords, wings and an anchor entwined with a rope; in the center of the shield there is a Roman numeral indicating the degree of the medal - I, II or III; in the lower part there is a relief inscription in a circle: “FOR DISTINCTION IN MILITARY SERVICE.”

On the reverse side of the 2009 medal, in the center there is a relief image of the emblem Armed Forces; in a circle - a relief inscription: in the upper part - “MINISTRY OF DEFENSE”, in the lower part - “RUSSIAN FEDERATION”. On the reverse side of the 1995 medal, in the center there is a relief inscription in three lines: “MINISTRY OF DEFENSE OF THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION”; in the upper part there is a relief image of a fluttering ribbon; in the lower part there is a relief image of laurel branches.

The medal is connected by means of an eyelet and a ring to a pentagonal block, covered with a covered silk moiré ribbon 24 mm wide. On the right edge of the ribbon, an orange stripe 10 mm wide is bordered by a black stripe 2 mm wide, on the left - a red stripe 12 mm wide, in the middle of which there are green stripes 2 mm wide: for a medal of the 1st degree - one stripe, for the 2nd degree - two stripes, for the 3rd degree - three stripes; the distance between the green stripes is 1 mm. The 1995 medal ribbon was red, 24 mm wide, with yellow stripes along the edges; in the middle of the ribbon there are green stripes: for a medal of the 1st degree - one stripe, for the 2nd degree - two stripes, for the 3rd degree - three stripes; The width of the stripes is 2 mm, the distance between the green stripes is 2 mm.

The elements of the medal “For Distinction in Military Service” symbolize:

  • shield (a symbol of the defense of the Fatherland), a sword (a symbol of armed struggle and an element of the military heraldic insignia of the Ground Forces), wings and an anchor (elements of the military heraldic insignia of the Air Force and the Navy) - readiness to defend the Fatherland;
  • an orange stripe of medal ribbons, bordered by a black stripe, indicates that the medals belong to the system of insignia of the Armed Forces;
  • The red and green stripes of the medal ribbon are the purpose of the medal to reward military personnel for impeccable service.

The first award of the medal “For Distinction in Military Service” (10,687 military personnel) was made by order of the RF Ministry of Defense (on l/s) dated March 16, 1996 No. 126. In total this medal (all degrees) was awarded to:

  • in 1996 – 334565
  • in 1997 – 107299
  • in 1998 – 86783
  • in 1999 – 76788
  • in 2000 – 72098

There are two varieties, depending on the stamp of the manufacturer: the Moscow Mint and the Mosshtamp plant.

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Comments on the article - Medal of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation “For Distinction in Military Service”

  1. Ruslan writes:

    Hello. Are there any payments for the medal “For Distinction in Military Service” 3 degrees? Thanks in advance.

  2. Abay writes:

  3. Alexander writes:

    Hello! Awarded the Nesterov medal in August 1996. I am retiring from military service in July 2011 due to health reasons. The total length of service in calendar terms is 28 years. In accordance with the requirements of the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation dated July 25, 2006 No. 765 and the order of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation dated October 16, 2006 No. 428, as amended on May 18, 2009 No. 440, I wrote a report addressed to the commander of the military unit about a one-time payment of 5 (five) salaries established on the date of publication of the legal act of the Russian Federation on awarding me a state award. The unit commander signed the report and issued an order for the appropriate payment, an extract from which was delivered to the Financial Support Department. However, the head of the Federal Budgetary Institution Ural Federal District refused the payment, explaining this by the fact that the awarding of the state award took place in 1996, and the Decree on the payment of a one-time incentive was issued in 2006, which is not retroactive. I understand that without filing statement of claim V garrison court, can't get by.

  4. Tatyana writes:

    If a serviceman is enlisted, when he becomes eligible to receive the medal “For Distinction in Military Service,” will he be awarded it?

  5. Alexander writes:

    I have been at the disposal of the commander since April 1, 2009 - 20 calendar years in the military service began in August 2011, still not dismissed from the military service - the personnel officer does not submit a proposal for awarding the medal “For Distinction in the Military Service”, citing the fact that I am at his disposal - is he right?

  6. Alexander writes:

  7. Vadim writes:

    My situation is the same as Alexander’s, please tell me.

    Alexander writes:

    I have been in service since April 1, 2009, in August 2011 I completed 20 calendar years of service, I have not been dismissed, the personnel officer does not submit an application for the medal “For Distinction in Military Service, 1st Degree,” citing the fact that I am in service, is he right? Thanks in advance for your answer.

  8. Lina writes:

    Everyone who has a medal at their disposal, I myself have had it for 4 years and received a 2nd degree medal “For Distinction in Military Service”, which I wish for all of you, please contact the prosecutor’s office.

  9. Irina writes:

    She served in the RF Armed Forces for 18 calendar years with the rank of senior sailor, was retired in August, the combined work experience + service is 36 years. During my service I was never awarded medals for service, now I can’t get Veteran of Labor - the motivation is that there are no government awards. During my service, was I entitled to receive medals of 3rd and 2nd degrees for 10 and 15 years of service? Where to contact?

  10. Andrey writes:

    Same situation (only I lost one).

    The response from the military registration and enlistment office where you formalized your dismissal... they said that if they didn’t write a paper on you and didn’t submit it to the Office “On Rewarding”... then we can’t help you with anything.

    If your leadership submitted such papers, BUT they did not issue them to you (for example, they did not have time or a unit was relocated), then you can get it at the military registration and enlistment office. Accordingly, you will have to wait and go through some procedure (apparently run...).

  11. Andrey writes:

    9. Military personnel with length of service entitling them to

    presentation for awarding a medal and dismissal from military service before

    the deadline for the next medal award may be

    presented for awarding a medal at the same time as presentation to

    dismissal from military service. In this case, Submissions are sent

    in accordance with the established procedure to the Main Directorate of Personnel and Military

    formation of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation without compliance

    the period specified in Article 8 of these Instructions.

    10. Personnel bodies of the branches of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation,

    branches of the military, main and central departments of the Ministry of Defense

    of the Russian Federation, which received from the Main Directorate of Personnel and

    military education of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation copies

    orders of the Minister of Defense on awarding medals or extracts from them,

    military education of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation consolidated

    report on the number of submitted Submissions and the need for

    medals for the next awarding in form N 26/GUK, established

    Table No. 12 of urgent reports on personnel of officers, warrant officers,

    midshipmen and the activities of military educational institutions of the Ministry of Defense

    Russian Federation, put into effect by directive of the General

    Headquarters of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation 1994 N DGSh-40.

    Head of the Main Department

    personnel and military education

    Ministry of Defense

    Russian Federation

    Colonel General E. Vysotsky

  12. Andrey writes:

    In general, if there was no Submission for you, then you flew by (like me and I with the last medal).

    If the application was submitted (but you did not have time or were unable to receive...) then the Military Registration Office can help with this. But in your personal file, as I understand it, there should be this Representation. Then there will be a request and you will receive it through the military registration and enlistment office.

  13. Alexey writes:

    Hello! Tell me this question: when awarding a medal for long service, is preferential treatment considered? I am serving in a region where a year goes by a year and a half

  14. Gennady writes:

    military man, I have been in service for more than 10 years, due to the fact that the Military Military Commission has declared him unfit for military service for health reasons, I have not yet been dismissed because I am not provided with housing, 24 years of service, during the entire period of service, not a single medal for service received, the personnel department in every possible way avoids, under various pretexts, to draw up documents for medals, citing the fact that I am not serving, as I am exempt from military service duties of the Military Military Commission and by order of the unit, please help me with advice, whether I am entitled to medals for service or not, and what to do to receive a medal for at least 10 years of service, where to apply., thanks in advance for your answer.

  15. Maxim writes:

    Hello! Please explain whether the chief of personnel of a military unit has the right to refuse to submit a request for a serviceman to receive the medal “For Distinction in Military Service”, citing some unknown reasons established deadlines submission of reports from commanders of units of these military personnel. Thanks in advance!

  16. Vladimir writes:

    Hello. Please tell me. I have 19 years of military service, but I still don’t have a 2nd class medal for years of service. Is it legal to present a medal late?

    thanks for the clarification

    [email protected]

  17. Timofey writes:

    To question number 14.

    From the name of the medal it is clear that it is awarded to military personnel “for EXCELLENCE in military service.” Your superior command submits a petition (report) to submit documents for awarding a departmental medal, indicating the PERSONAL merits of the serviceman.

    It is clear from your complaint that you have not gone to work for 10 years and have not performed the duties of a military serviceman. Sorry, but why are you being awarded a medal? I wouldn’t even count your length of service.

  18. Sergey writes:

    I have been in service since 2010, in August 2015 I completed 20 calendar years of service, I have not been dismissed, the personnel officer does not submit an application for the medal “For Distinction in Military Service, 1st Degree”, citing the fact that I am in service, is he right? Thanks in advance for your answer.

  19. Igor writes:

    Good afternoon. I wanted to clarify this question: I was fired in 2004 due to the OSH. At the time of exclusion from the unit lists in August, the length of service was 15 years and 1 month. Accordingly, they did not submit documents for a 2nd degree medal. Do I have the right to resume the award procedure through the military registration and enlistment office?

    Good evening. The question is similar: length of service in the Defense Ministry is 10 years and 3 months. Dismissed at the end of the contract. I haven’t prepared an application for the 3rd degree, is there still a chance to get it and how to do it if I live on the other side of the country in comparison with the PPD.