In the kindergarten preparatory group. In the kindergarten preparatory group Didactic visual material



"Composition of the number 10 from two smaller numbers"

Aprelskaya V.V.

Learn to form the number 10 from two smaller numbers and decompose it into two smaller numbers.

Strengthen the ability to identify the previous, subsequent and missing number to the one named or indicated by a number within 10.

Practice the ability to measure the length and width of objects using a conventional measure.

Continue to develop your orientation skills on a sheet of squared paper.

Didactic visual material

Demonstration material. A ball, cards with numbers from 0 to 9, a “piece of fabric” (sheet of paper) equal to 6 measures in length and 4 measures in width, a strip of paper (measure), 10 circles of the same color (pies), 2 plates.

Handouts . Counting sticks, 10 circles of the same color, 10 triangles of the same color, checkered notebooks on which the beginning of the code is given (see Fig. 12), pencils.


Part I. Game exercise “Name the number.”

The teacher asks the children: “Which number is called the previous one?(Number less than one.) What number is called the next one?(Number greater than one.)

Then the teacher throws the ball to the children one by one and asks them to name the previous and subsequent numbers to the numbers 2 (7, 9, 5...) and the missing numbers in the following rows: 1,..., 3; 5, 6, …, 8; 8, …, 10.

Part II. Game exercise “Phones emergency assistance».

The cat's house caught fire:
Flames, sparks, smoke in a column.
Meow, meow - from the window.
“Help,” the cat asks.
It is necessary to call “01” when you see smoke.

Children use numbers to write down the telephone number of the fire department on the board.

The teacher says: “In order to save the cat, you need to pull a piece of thick fabric, the length of which is six measures and the width is four measures.”

The teacher clarifies the rules of measurement and reminds that when measuring length, the measure is moved from left to right, and when measuring width, from bottom to top.

The called children measure the length and width of the “cut of fabric”, the rest monitor the correctness of the task, count the measures and lay out the corresponding number of counting sticks on their table.

Then the teacher asks: “What is the length of the piece of fabric? What is the width of the fabric cut? Is your piece of fabric the right size to save a cat?”

Children justify their answer.

The teacher reads a poem:

If you are in trouble,
Phone number “02” was dialed.
The police will come to you
He will help everyone, he will save everyone.

Children put the police phone number on the board.

Physical education lesson “Doing exercises”

The teacher reads a poem, and the children perform the appropriate movements.

Good morning

Ten, nine,(Clap your hands.)
Eight, seven,
(Clap on knees.)
Six, five,
(Clap your hands.)
Four, three,
(Clap on knees.)
Two, one.
(Clap your hands.)
We are with the ball
We want to play.
(Jumping in place.)
Just need it
We need to find out
(Walk in place.)
Ball who
Will catch up.

Part II (continuation). The teacher reads a poem:

If mom gets sick,
Don't worry and don't cry.
Dial "03" quickly
And the doctor will come to mom.
If anything happens
The ambulance will come.

L. Zilberg

Children put the ambulance phone number on the board.

The teacher tells the children that Little Red Riding Hood brought grandma 10 pies (circles) and offers to help the girl put them on two plates. Together with the children, he discusses how to decompose the number 10 into two smaller numbers, and writes down the possible options on the board using numbers (9 and 1, 8 and 2, 7 and 3, 6 and 4, 5 and 5, 4 and 6, 3 and 7, 2 and 8, 1 and 9).

Part III. The teacher tells the children that Little Red Riding Hood also brought 10 fruits (apples and pears) and put them in one vase. Children make up the number 10 using circles and triangles (as they wish). All answer options are discussed and indicated by numbers on the board.

Part IV. Game exercise “Transmitting encryption for the ambulance.” The children have checkered notebooks on which the beginning of the encryption is given (see Fig. 12).

Rice. 12

There is the same drawing on the board. The teacher, together with the children, discusses the sequence of locations of dots and lines, clarifies the intervals between them and offers to continue the “ciphering”.

The teacher reads the code: “Thank you, help has been provided.” The teacher checks the correctness of the task, evaluates it and offers to draw a smiling or non-smiling sun. Then he asks you to guess the riddle:

I'll turn the magic circle
And my friend will hear me.


The teacher once again clarifies the emergency phone numbers through which urgent information can be transmitted.

Composition of the number 10
Program content:
1. Develop cognitive interest, mental activity, imagination, and creative abilities of children.
2.Continue to teach how to form the number 10 from units, introduce the designation of the number 10.
3. Strengthen counting skills in forward and backward order within 10.
4.Give the concept of a polygon using the example of a triangle and a quadrilateral.
5. Strengthen the ability to orient in space using symbols on the plan, determine the direction of movement of objects, and reflect their spatial position.
6. Create an environment of emotional well-being in class.
Organizational moment: - Guys, what activity do you think we will have today? (mathematics)
- How did you guess?
- That's right, today we will have a math lesson and we will learn to make the number 10 from two smaller numbers.
Today you guys and I will take a short trip into the world of fairy tales. You all know this fairy tale, it’s called “Little Red Riding Hood.” Mom baked pies and sent Little Red Riding Hood to grandma. Little Red Riding Hood is walking through the forest, looking at everything, looking at everything. Tree after tree, bush after bush, she stared and lost the path she was following. He sees a clearing ahead, and in the clearing there are animals: little hares, hedgehogs, squirrels. Little Red Riding Hood approaches the animals and asks them to help her find the path to her grandmother. The animals agreed to help her after completing their tasks. But the tasks are not simple, Little Red Riding Hood cannot cope with them and she asks you guys to help her. Well, shall we help her?
Then sit down at the tables and the first task you must complete is to arrange the numbers in order from 1 to 10. (Name your neighbors)
In the next task you need to lay out a ladder of counting sticks. (direct and reverse counting, which step is first, second... tenth?)
Take the stick that represents the number 10 and place it in front of you. What color is this stick? Today we will get acquainted with an orange stick - this is the largest Cuisenaire stick. Now take the white stick that represents the number 1 and place it in front of the orange stick. Think about what color stick should be placed next to the white one so that they are the same size as the orange one? (Blue, which represents the number 9) Well done! What conclusion can be drawn? (1+9=10). Take a stick representing the number 2 (pink). What color stick will we add to it? (burgundy) What number does it represent? Conclusion: 2+8=10. The next stick represents the number 3 (blue). What color stick do we add? (black) what number does it represent? Conclusion 3+7=10. Now we take a stick indicating the number 4 (red). What color stick will we add to it? (purple) What number does it represent? Conclusion: 4+6=10. We take a stick indicating the number 5 (yellow). What color stick will we add to it? (yellow) Conclusion 5+5=10. Well done guys, to reinforce the composition of the number 10 we will hang a number house with the number 10 on the board.
And the last task that you have to cope with: lay out the counting sticks that you have in the backing of such a house.

Move one stick so that the house is facing the other direction.

Well done! You completed all the tasks and helped Little Red Riding Hood! We say goodbye to her and sum up our lesson.

Gulnara Suyundukova

Subject integrated joint educational activities By FEMP:

Counting to 10 and back, number 10.

(multi-age group 5-6 years)

Program content:

· Develop cognitive interest, mental activity, imagination, creative abilities of children

· Continue learning make the number 10 from ones,introduce the designation number 10

Counting skills forward and backward within 10

· Create on class an environment of emotional well-being, to cultivate in children a friendly attitude towards each other, a sense of mutual assistance.

Target: through integrated lesson stimulate cognitive interest, teach new knowledge, skills, abilities.

Sounds like cartoon music "Masha and the Bear". Masha appears.

Masha: Hello guys, I'm very glad to see you! Do you recognize me? (children's answers).Help me please! Guys, today is Misha's birthday! He turns 10 years old. I want to wish him a happy birthday, but I'm lost. Misha sent me a map - a diagram of how to get there. (shows map).Will you help me get to Misha and congratulate him?


Masha: Guys, look, the path on the plan is marked with numbers, and we have envelopes with numbers and tasks. What number will come first? Children's answer.

The first envelope with the number 1, let's play a game


Masha: Well done guys, how quickly you completed the first task!

From units Which direction will we go? Answer children: (to number 2, from left to right from lower left corner to lower right corner). Where did you come?

Masha: Guys, help me complete the next task: find neighbors

Masha:Thank you guys! You are so smart!

Which direction should we go from number 2? Answer children:(to 3 from bottom right corner to top left corner) physical education minute (using cards we do exercises related to counting)

Masha: Find the number 4 on the plan, in which direction should we go? Answer children:(from left to right from top left corner to top right corner)

Masha: Thanks guys!


Masha: Well done! You turn out to be so smart! Where are we going next? The arrow is number 5. And here we have an unusual task, we need to make a gift for Misha. Color in the number 10. (Masha the teacher encourages children to check each other, older children help the second subgroup)

Coloring page with number 10

Well done guys! What beautiful gifts! Misha will be very happy!

Misha's exit

Misha: Hello, guys! I’m so glad to see you!

Masha: Misha, we congratulate you on your birthday and want to give you our gifts!

Misha:What beautiful work! I just don’t know what is drawn here?

Children: This is the number 10.


Said the cheerful, round zero

To the neighbor - unit:

Let me be with you next to me

Stand on the page for me!

She looked him over

With an angry, proud look:

You, zero, are worth nothing.

Don't stand next to me!

Zero answered: - I admit

That I'm worth nothing

But you can become ten

If I'm with you.

You're so lonely now

Small and thin

But you will be ten times larger

When I stand on the right.

Masha: Guys, let's teach Misha to count?

Children stand in a circle and call numbers in order from 1 to 10 and back, called numbers-neighbors passing the ball to each other. (the game is repeated several times).

Misha: My dears! How glad and happy I am that you came to me! Thank you for the gifts and for teaching me how to count! Goodbye (Misha leaves).

Masha: Thank you, dear guys, for helping me! Goodbye! See you again!

Publications on the topic:

Topic: “Composition of the number three” Objectives: 1. To form in children an idea of ​​the composition of the number 3, to teach how to compose the number three from two smaller numbers.

Summary of educational activities (FEMP (composition of number 5) in the senior group “Birthday of Granddaughter Whychka” Educational area « Cognitive development" under the section "Formation of elementary mathematical concepts." Educational abstract.

Math lesson notes - lexical topic "Summer". Numbers and numbers up to 10" Objectives: Practice counting to 10 and finding the place of a number in a number line; consolidate the ability to complement many objects up to 10, correlate.

Summary of a mathematics lesson in the preparatory group “Composition of the number 3” Topic: “Composition of the number 3” Purpose: To introduce children to the composition of the number 3. Objectives: - Learn to compose the number 3 from two smaller numbers. - Learn to plan.

Summary of a mathematics lesson “Composition of the number 4” (senior group) Topic: Formation of the number 4, its composition, number 4. Purpose: To give children an idea of ​​the formation of the number 4, its composition. Build a skill.

And counting, the child is faced with the concept of the composition of a number. Many parents do not think about it and do not pay attention to this when they are memorizing sequences. However, studying the composition of numbers will speed up memorization, as well as the child’s understanding of the principle of number formation.

Why is this necessary?

Teaching your child the composition of numbers is important. Starting from a simple 10 and introducing the concepts of “tens” and “units”, you will make the process of memorizing numbers easier. Also, the child will logically understand the method of forming numbers from 10 onwards. This will also be a plus for performing arithmetic operations and comparing numbers.

The start of homeschooling will be successful start in the child's education. He will not feel stressed when solving examples and problems and will not lag behind the topic. In the modern standard of education, the emphasis is on counting using the composition of numbers, rather than using counting sticks and fingers, so learning is more intense and effective.

Optimal age

The concept of optimal age is relative, because some people can count even at 4-5, while others find it difficult to do this even at school. However, there is an important preschool period – 5-6 years. This is when it is important to cultivate in a child a desire to learn and learn something new. A bonus for learning is the flexibility of the baby’s mind. IN preparatory group The emphasis of the classes is on counting. Children with the help simple pictures, life examples or fingers are taught to add and subtract.

To facilitate this process, it is now important to teach the child the composition of numbers. At school, work with the composition of numbers begins in the first grade. If the first half of the year passes at an easy pace, then the speed of learning increases: children are taught numbers up to one hundred.

How to teach counting quickly?

Teaching a child to count to 10 is the easiest way. His further understanding of numbers depends on how this process goes. Start with something simple: teach your child to count everything he sees around him (steps, cars, trees on the way to kindergarten).

Be sure to focus on the unit. There should be not a colloquial “one”, but a mathematical “one”. Don't forget about emptiness - zero. Next, start learning numbers from books, read fairy tales using them. Then pay attention to the countdown (rocket flight, berries, candies decreasing). The easiest way to learn counting is within 10.

To reinforce, play number houses: give two numbers, and the child must say which one is between them or before and after. For example, 3 and 5. Between them there is the number 4. Before 3 there is 4, and after 5-6. Write a number on a piece of paper and ask to find it required quantity objects (beads, grains, peas). It is imperative to use visual aids: toys, numbers, magnetic boards.

Learn to count correctly

After studying numbers, you can begin counting operations. Show your child the “trick,” how two numbers turn into one by combining objects or, conversely, separating them. Next, show how you can count on your fingers and using different objects. Compare numbers. Learn to determine the smaller and the larger of two numbers. It is important to study the signs of operations and indicate their names.

When it comes to the number ten, start introducing the concepts of “units” and “tens”.

Let the number become two-story house. Let's study the composition. Tens are a floor, and units are apartments. Explain the numbers of the second ten using identical toys lined up in two rows of ten - from 11 to 18. Next, note that the number 19 is the last in the second ten, which means you need to replace the number one by 2 - we get 20. It will be easier to remember if items will be numbered from 0 to 9.

You need to teach your child to form a number from two primes and name it. Offer two numbers and ask them to make a complex number. When the material is mastered, teach the opposite - to break down a number into ones and tens. Training should take place in a playful way. This way, the child’s interest will not be lost and the lesson will turn into a fascinating acquaintance with numbers. If you follow the rules, then oral counting will be easy.

Remember that it is not the speed that is important, but the process. You need to understand the formation of numbers, and not just mechanically memorize what the child always hears.

Oral counting

Mental arithmetic allows you to quickly complete tasks. To make it easy, you need to explain the numerical composition to the child. To do this, lay out numbers from 2 to 10. The larger the number, the more attention you should pay to it. Explain that to count after ten you need to go through the component numbers in your head. For example, 8 + 7. Ask your child how much the number 8 needs to get 10.

Offer to expand the number 7 using two. Then the child will understand that the answer will be 5. And addition will give us 15. At first it will not be easy, but when the child masters this method, mental counting will be established.

Do not overdo it, the lesson should not exceed 10 minutes. You can count several times a day or take a one-day break.

When switching to oral counting, limit your child’s use of counting materials (fingers, sticks); all this will only slow down the learning process. Of course, you shouldn’t remove material abruptly; do it gradually.

Counting materials

The choice of counting materials today is very rich. The most famous are counting sticks. Parents are attracted by their ease of use and affordability. However, simplicity does not lead to high efficiency. The child becomes dependent on the template and cannot translate such counting into oral.

There are many cards: “Composition of numbers”, “ Number houses", "Flower", "Domino". All of them are sets of composite counting material with variable characteristics. The child learns to find components in a number, that is, he learns that ten consists not only of two 5s, but also of 8 and 2, 7 and 3, and so on.

Wooden and plastic sets of numbers and calculation signs with sticks included are also an excellent way to develop visual memory by correlating the number of sticks and the number. Classic abacus and abacus with sound are also perfect for learning the composition of numbers. Here the method of decomposing numbers with addition to ten and the remainder to obtain the answer is clearly expressed.

Digital reels with numbers and signs are used for more experienced children. The principle is simple: the child turns wheels with numbers and signs and gets a clear example for solving. For the little ones - pyramids and pins. Simple counting and shifting will help in remembering numbers.

It is more interesting for the baby to create counting materials together with his mother. Draw together, create boxes with numbers and fill them with beads, count markers, pencils, make a number and, accordingly, peas or bagels. That is, combine different methods and methods of calculations for better memorization.