Elections in the year. Elections in Russia took place with record low turnout

A municipal deputy is not only about repairing the entrance, crossing the street and pruning trees. All these things are, of course, important, but they can be handled by the average resident of the area. Yes, he will often take longer to achieve this, will spend more nerves and time, but is it worth going to the polls to choose a regular housewife? The powers of a municipal deputy are significantly broader, although few people in Moscow and Russia use them.

One of the important things that a deputy can and should do is help candidates for regional heads (in the case of Moscow, mayors) pass the municipal filter. Without collecting a certain number of votes from deputies, a candidate cannot register for the elections. This happened this summer with the mayor of Yekaterinburg, Yevgeny Roizman, who was planning to run for governor of the Sverdlovsk region. Local United Russia deputies simply did not give him, who enjoys enormous popular support, their votes.

The vertical of power in Russia begins here:
at the municipal level.

The status of a municipal deputy allows you to solve many problems, far from being limited to repairs in the entrances: these people's representatives (even if there are relatively few people who voted for them) can write official requests to various departments, demand an answer from officials and, knowing their rights and responsibilities, work extremely efficiently.

Another thing is that so far all this works only in words. Interest in municipal elections is extremely low, turnout rarely exceeds 10%, and only those nominated to these seats by the executive branch get into district councils - that is, the very officials whom the deputy is supposed to control. School directors, chief doctors of clinics, heads of other budgetary organizations: They all have enough to worry about at work, and sitting through district council meetings becomes a burden for them. Vote unanimously as quickly as possible and go home - this is how a typical meeting of local deputies is organized.

However, this is still best option. They often approve of the corruption schemes of district heads, and attempts by ordinary residents to attend these meetings have many times turned into a scandal: the meetings themselves were quickly curtailed, residents were kicked out, or even the police were called. However, according to the law, meetings are open.

Now the Moscow elections on September 10 are attracting unprecedented interest. Firstly, they decide the fate of the mayor's seat and Sergei Sobyanin personally: whether he will have a competitor in the elections next fall. Secondly, several hundred independent deputies with broad powers may appear in Moscow, who will put control over a variety of city hall affairs. It is clear that the Moscow authorities really do not want this.

Nevertheless, more than a thousand independent candidates are running for election - something is happening that has never happened not only in Moscow, but throughout Russia. People united by common democratic views and goals want not only to return power over the city to the citizens themselves, but also to start changes in Russia from Moscow.

At the same time, of course, without forgetting about entrances, passages, or benches. Not only does one not interfere with the other, but vice versa: without order in the small, there will never be order in the large.

Talk a lot and say nothing...

Report of the Regional Governor Evgeny Savchenko on the results of the activities of the Regional Government in 2016

Dear deputies of the Belgorod Regional Duma! Dear guests! Dear friends!

The Belgorod region entered the landmark, symbolic year 2017 for our people with confidence, with a good foundation for the future, as evidenced by the final indicators of the region’s development in the past year and five months current year. All statistical materials for 2016 were distributed to those present in the hall. They have been repeatedly published in the media and speak about one thing: all social obligations to the residents of the region for last year fulfilled, and most indicators economic development regions over the past year actually exceeded forecasts.

But today, speaking with an annual report on the work done, I cannot help but note in this historical context another fateful date: we have been living in a new state for 25 years - Russian Federation. A responsible and important stage of constitutional construction has been completed and government system new Russia. Together we have come a long way, overcome many obstacles, acquired, sometimes making mistakes, unique experience, and today the gigantic leap that has been made is obvious - from the post-perestroika chaos and disorder a strong, sovereign, democratic world power, our Motherland - Russia, has been reborn.

Therefore, summing up the socio-economic development of the region for last year, I want to step back from the usual format and appreciate the significant contribution of the Belgorod region to the formation modern Russia over the past quarter century, and then, together with you, dear friends, to determine the paths for the development of the Belgorod region in the medium term, taking into account the upcoming next five-year election cycle. This is what we are talking about today.

So, the modern image of the Belgorod region is strikingly different from what we had at the beginning of our journey. Today our region is at the forefront of Russia’s socio-economic development in many respects, and is famous for its record achievements in industry, agriculture, housing construction, social development. And this is the great merit of our fellow countrymen, who did not give in to difficulties, did not complain about fate, but stubbornly moved forward and selflessly achieved their goals.

Over the past quarter century, we have managed not only to preserve, but also to create a new framework for the regional economy, to ensure developed social, transport and engineering infrastructure. We did not allow the impoverishment of the people, but on the contrary, we created relatively decent conditions for the work and life of Belgorod residents. Hence the conclusion: the task of authorities at all levels, or, if you like, the mission for the comprehensive development of the region and improving the quality of life of its residents has been completed. Let's see how it looks in dry statistics.

Dynamics of development of our region over a quarter of a century. The population in 1990 was almost 1 million 400 thousand people. Over the past years, it has increased by 155 thousand. And as of January 1 of this year, the population of our region amounted to 1 million 553 thousand people.

The next indicator is the index industrial production– relative to 1990 increased by 3.2 times (?).

Over the years, the agricultural index has increased by almost three times (?).

Housing commissioning. In 1990, the region introduced 717 thousand. square meters, last year 1 million 350 thousand square meters - almost twice as much. Including the introduction of individual housing - previously individual housing was practically not encouraged at all housing construction, not only in our region, but in the country as a whole - last year the figure increased 20 times compared to 1990.

Important social indicators. Infant mortality: in 1990 it was 14.7 per 1 thousand births, last year – 6, decreased by 2.5 times.

Student numbers at our top five universities. In 1990 - 18.7 thousand people, last year - over 50 thousand people, increased by almost 3 times (?).

How our intellectual and scientific potential has changed. The number of doctors of sciences during this period increased more than 6 times.

And one more very interesting indicator, please take it without any irony - alcohol consumption. It is known that in the 90s the entire country consumed at least 11 liters per person per year. In 1996, 1 ​​Belgorod resident consumed 8.26 liters of alcohol, in 2016 – 5.33 liters. Reduction by one and a half times. This is also, I think, very important indicator, and we occupy a leading position here together with the republics of the North Caucasus.

On the other hand, how the place of the Belgorod region among regions has changed over 25 years.

In terms of population in 1990, we ranked 39th among the regions of the Russian Federation; over the past year we rose by 10 places - 29th place.

By volume of gross regional product, economy. In the 90s we ranked 36th, last year – 27th, and increased by 9 points.

The volume of gross regional product per capita is the most important economic indicator. In 1998, we took 36th place, last year – 17th place, an increase of 19 points.

Volume of agricultural production in agricultural enterprises. In 1998 - 15th place, last year in 2nd place after Krasnodar region, growth 13 points.

The turnover of small enterprises is an important indicator that demonstrates how our small business is developing. In the 1990s, we were in 49th place, now we are in 19th place. An increase of 30 points.

Turnover retail per capita. In the 1990s, we ranked 40th, now we are already 27th, an increase of 13 points.

The unemployment rate, a social indicator, is very important. In the 90s we were in 23rd place, last year we were in 7th place, an increase of 16 points.

The next indicator is the population below the poverty line - according to it, in the 1990s we ranked 18-20th, last year we were in 2nd place, that is, in fact, we have the least population below the poverty line relative to almost all regions of the Russian Federation.

And a couple more indicators that characterize the social dynamics of our region - this is the value living wage. In the 1990s we were in 24th place, last year we were in 2nd place, an increase of 22 points.

Average per capita cash income per month. In the 90s we were 47th, now, last year we are in 21st place among the regions of the Russian Federation.

As a final comment on the statistical data, I will say that according to the results of the rating of the quality of life of the population in Russian regions, conducted by the RIA Rating agency, the Belgorod region currently ranks 6th in the Russian Federation. Ahead of us are Moscow, St. Petersburg, the Moscow region, the Republic of Tatarstan and the Krasnodar Territory.

And today, analyzing the path traveled, and most importantly, drawing lessons for the future, I will allow myself to note the key strategic decisions of the regional authorities, the implementation of which allowed us to take the path of social stability and rapid economic growth in the nineties and zeros. Among these factors I would like to note the following.

First. In the 90s, when the country was in full swing of economic transformation, which led to the collapse of the economy and the impoverishment of people, the authorities of the region were faced with the task of how, on the one hand, to maintain the standard of living of people, and on the other, to preserve and strengthen their hope for tomorrow. In this regard, two projects were initiated: firstly, to support individual housing construction, and secondly, a decision was made to gasify the region using the method of public construction. In a matter of years, the Belgorod region, the first in the country, completed gasification and 2/3 of rural residents received “blue fuel”.

The project to support the construction of one’s own home also proved to be very successful, especially in the conditions of barter rather than monetary relations in the 90s. Individual housing construction received priority and resource support (initially, as you know, in rural areas, and then in regional centers and cities in our region). Over the years, more than 14.5 million square meters have been built in the region. meters of estate housing, which allowed almost 500 thousand people, or every third Belgorod resident, to improve their existing living conditions or change an apartment to your own house, and this is our huge social achievement. Moreover, already in the 2000s we managed to switch to a new urban planning format for Russia – agglomerations. And no one has yet been able to repeat this experience. Having implemented these two projects, people felt that they were not left to the mercy of fate.

Second factor. A dramatic situation developed in agriculture in the 90s. The almost uncontrollable collapse of collective forms of management brought almost the entire village and villagers into a state of stupor. However, we were the first in the country to find a way out of this situation and boldly embarked on a radical reform of agriculture by organizing large vertically integrated structures. And today our agriculture is one of the most advanced in Russia, and in terms of production volume per 1 hectare of arable land we have no equal.

Along with the industrialization of agriculture and the emergence of large enterprises in the region, a project to support rural entrepreneurs was initiated and is currently operating. Family Farms Belogorye”, which today unites over 5 thousand family enterprises. And this project has not so much economic, but enormous social significance.

Of course, the success in agriculture was also based on our extraordinary decision to purchase agricultural land into regional ownership. We bought almost half. Thus, we proved that it is not private ownership of land that leads to the prosperity of the village, but rather the opposite.

Third factor. All these years, the regional government has been building a favorable investment climate, based on trust, transparency and maximum involvement of regional and district authorities in the implementation of investment projects any format, as well as sharing risks with investors by providing guarantees, guarantees, etc.

And our efforts were not in vain: the region has never experienced a shortage of investments, and last year the Belgorod region took second place in the National Rating of the Investment Climate in the Subjects of the Russian Federation. Our credo – economic freedom for entrepreneurs with maximum support from authorities – will continue to determine the main vector of economic development of the region.

Fourth factor. We understood that the region cannot be successful without the intellectual, scientific elite, modern universities and, above all, universities. That is why the decision was made more than 20 years ago to organize a development fund for BelSU. With the support of the entire region, a powerful state university, which soon entered the country's university elite and acquired the status of a national research university.

Other universities in the region are not far behind: for example, the Belgorod University of Cooperation, Economics and Law became the first in the country among non-state universities, and the Technological University recently became a flagship university playing a key role in the development of an innovative economy. Significantly changed their external and internal appearance and became very prestigious universities agricultural university them. Gorin, Law Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs named after. Putilin, Regional Institute of Arts and Culture.

Fifth. The region's economy cannot develop sustainably without a well-established system for the reproduction of qualified personnel in blue-collar professions. That is why our region was the first in Russia to implement a project to create the Belgorod model vocational education, the essence of which is the deep integration of the interests of employers, colleges and students themselves. And we have achieved the main thing: studying in our technical schools and colleges has become attractive and prestigious for young people, and enterprises in the region receive well-trained personnel.

Sixth factor. Nothing influences the formation of the mood and consciousness of citizens more than the state of the living environment. Realizing this, the Green Capital project was initiated, which is being successfully implemented to this day. This project has many subprojects: landscaping of publicly accessible areas, continuous afforestation, and the establishment of new parks and recreational areas. The “Green Capital” project appealed to all Belgorod residents. Just as there is no limit to the perfection of the habitat, there will be no end to this project. It is our given, as it changes not only the environment, but also the souls of people for the better.

Not limiting ourselves to the “Green Capital” project and understanding that for our region it is extremely important to preserve the natural environment and ecological balance, which have been greatly deformed over the past centuries and decades, especially with regard to soil fertility, the Concept of Basin Environmental Management and the Biologization of Agriculture Program were developed in the region . The first years of their implementation yielded encouraging results: for the first time in the last few centuries, the degradation of our main wealth - black soil - has been stopped. This is an extremely important result for the present and future generations of the region’s residents.

Seventh factor. A special approach in the Belgorod region has also been developed in road construction. Thus, in the 2000s, a program was implemented to pave all streets in all settlements of the region. Thanks to this program, tens of thousands of households received paved roads. Their length was 9175 kilometers. This project received the warm support of the region's residents, and only those who lived in conditions of rural roadlessness can truly appreciate its significance.

Eighth factor. In the years of radical changes that we have experienced, it has been more important than ever to preserve the spiritual and moral code of society and not to lose the cultural values ​​of the people. I believe that we have successfully completed this task. Hundreds of cultural institutions have been rebuilt and renovated - clubs, houses and palaces of culture, libraries, museums, theaters, philharmonic halls, new ones have appeared and hundreds of creative groups have been revived. The Prokhorovskoe Field Museum-Reserve has become a spiritual, historical and cultural mecca of national importance. Hundreds of churches have been restored and rebuilt during this time, and we are grateful to the Russian Orthodox Church for their productive cooperation in the spiritual revival of the region. The fruits of our efforts are reflected in the ranking of regions by spiritual and moral state, where our region took 1st place in the Central Federal District.

Ninth factor. Along with the development of culture in the region, great attention has always been paid to education, healthcare, social protection, support for the elderly, disabled, children, as well as support physical culture and sports, including high performance sports. Svetlana Khorkina, Fedor Emelianenko, and the Belogorye volleyball club became the pride of all residents of the region.

Tenth. An innovative approach was also demonstrated in the organization of management in all government bodies. We were the first in the country to make a historic transition from the old, situational management to a new project management model. It is combined with the transition to an electronic delivery format public services residents of the region through the MFC on the “one window” principle not only greatly increases the efficiency of state and municipal government, but also builds a new client-oriented type of relationship between the authorities and citizens.

I have listed, dear friends, the main ones, but far from full list key areas of our joint work, which made it possible to transfer the region to a new, modern, competitive paradigm of socio-economic development..... etc. etc.


In September 2017, Russia will host a traditional single voting day, during which governors of some regions, city mayors and even two deputies of the State Duma, which began its work less than a year ago, will be re-elected. Let's figure out who and where we choose this time.

What date will the elections take place in September?

Elections of various levels that await Russia in September will take place on the so-called single voting day, which this time is scheduled for September 10.

The practice of holding such common days appeared in Russia in 2004. Previously, elections were held in different parts of the country in their natural order, and almost every Sunday someone was re-elected somewhere. To optimize the election process and save money, the then head of the Central Election Commission, Alexander Veshnyakov, proposed an idea that is still used today.

Single voting day in September 2017: which regions elect the head

Unlike general presidential or parliamentary elections in the country, the re-election of local authorities does not occur simultaneously, of course, but as the powers of the people who hold elected positions expire. Whether due to the fact that the term of these powers is coming to an end, or due to voluntary resignation from a post, or even due to “forced” resignation, when a person is sent to jail for something by law enforcement agencies.

Let's start with the regions that will re-elect the main official - the local governor. Such elections will take place in the following 16 Russian regions:

  1. Belgorod region,
  2. Buryatia,
  3. Kaliningrad region,
  4. Karelia,
  5. Kirov region,
  6. Mari El,
  7. Mordovia,
  8. Novgorod region,
  9. Perm region,
  10. Ryazan region,
  11. Saratov region,
  12. Sverdlovsk region,
  13. Sevastopol,
  14. Tomsk region,
  15. Udmurtia,
  16. Yaroslavl region.

A curious aspect of the 2017 gubernatorial elections is that only in one region – the Belgorod region – are they being held due to the expiration of the full term of office of the current governor.

For the last 24 years, the region has been headed by the “eternal” governor Yevgeny Savchenko, who was elected and re-elected under Yeltsin and then under Putin. After the elections were cancelled, he was appointed to the same position, and after they returned, he was re-elected again. Savchenko hopes to occupy the main chair in the region for another five years this time.

With other regions everything is a little more complicated. In 11 regions, governors artificially resigned “voluntarily” so that their re-elections would take place this September. The fictitious nature of the resignation is evidenced by the fact that they are all successfully running again.

In two regions - the Kaliningrad region and Sevastopol - local heads were appointed by the president to the posts of plenipotentiary representatives of various districts, which freed up these positions.

Finally, criminal cases were opened against the heads of Udmurtia and the Kirov regions, and they were dismissed with the wording “due to loss of trust.”

The most scandalous after the Udmurt and Kirov elections, where the governors were deprived of their freedom, look, of course, the elections of the governor of the Sverdlovsk region.

The mayor of Yekaterinburg, Evgeniy Roizman, who was once a State Duma deputy and was heavily involved in the problem of combating drugs in his region and various other public work, was planning to run for the highest post in the region. Roizman has authority and popularity in the region, which, we are not afraid to say, is much greater than the popularity and authority of the current governor Kuyvashev. But, since Roizman is an unsystematic and inconvenient person, he was not registered on formal grounds, using the so-called municipal filter against the undoubtedly popular and well-known politician, supposedly conceived to weed out unknown eccentrics who decided to simply show up in the elections.

Roizman called on his voters to boycott such elections, but it is clear that this tactic will in no way prevent Kuyvashev from being re-elected, if only because minimum turnout was canceled a long time ago, and any elections will be recognized as valid.

By the way, in another region - the Republic of Adygea - the head will also change, but he will be re-elected by the local parliament - Khase. This is the legislation in this Russian region, where the people are not trusted to choose the main person of the republic.

In which regions will elections to local parliament be held on September 10?

In six Russian regions, new composition of local parliaments will be elected. The term of office of parliaments is the same as that of all governors - five years. So, elections to the regional parliament are expected in:

  1. Krasnodar region,
  2. Penza region,
  3. Saratov region,
  4. Sakhalin region,
  5. North Ossetia - Alania,
  6. Udmurtia.

In 11 Russian cities – regional capitals – city parliaments will be elected:

  1. Barnaul (Altai region),
  2. Vladivostok (Primorsky Territory),
  3. Gorno-Altaisk (Altai Republic),
  4. Kirov (Kirov region),
  5. Kursk (Kursk region),
  6. Omsk (Omsk region),
  7. Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky (Kamchatka region),
  8. Pskov (Pskov region),
  9. Tver (Tver region),
  10. Cherkessk (Karachay-Cherkessia),
  11. Yaroslavl (Yaroslavl region).

In approximately five thousand more cities that are not regional capitals, elections of local heads and parliaments will also be held.

By-elections to the State Duma on September 10

Finally, by-elections of State Duma deputies will take place in two districts. In general, on at the moment the Duma lacks three deputies, and instead of 450 people there are 447 working there. But if the elections in two districts were predictable and they were organized on time, then with by-elections alone it is becoming more difficult.

The fact is that on June 17, a deputy from Saratov died, former mayor Oleg Grishchenko of this city, and there was simply no time left to organize by-elections on September 10, so Saratov will elect a new deputy a little later.

But in the Bryansk (Bryansk single-mandate district) and Leningrad (Kingisepp single-mandate district) regions such by-elections will take place. The reasons for by-elections are different. Former State Duma speaker Sergei Naryshkin, who was elected in the Leningrad region, was appointed to another position, heading the Foreign Intelligence Service. Bryansk deputy Vladimir Zhutenkov resigned his powers voluntarily.

Thus, on September 10, 2017, largely technical elections will take place, devoid, by and large, of any intrigue. The example of the Sverdlovsk region, where a truly competitive rival to the current governor was not allowed, is very indicative - elections in Russia are currently held in such a way that everything is under the control of the central government, remains predictable and obedient.

22:35, 10.09.2017

The results of today's elections will be known by Monday morning. This concludes our broadcast; follow the “News” section for further updates.

22:20, 10.09.2017

Medvedev: the September 10 elections were held “at a high level”

“We can testify that elections - and there were many of them on this single voting day - took place in our country and were held on high level", the Prime Minister said at a conference call with the election headquarters of regional branches." United Russia».

Medvedev noted that “this time the elections were not combined with the federal campaign, but in general this did not affect their quality, and in almost every region our voters showed respect for the elections and quite high activity - somewhere more, somewhere less, but everywhere the elections were held at a good level.”

22:15, 10.09.2017

Moscow. Municipal deputy from Yabloko, Evgeny Kurakin, told Novaya that in Moscow at polling station 667, in a secret room at the precinct where observers were refused entry, books of voters from past elections with sample signatures and passport data were found. After its discovery, the chairman of the Maryina Roshcha TEC tried to destroy the books and disappeared from the building. Kurakin said that a task force was waiting on the spot.

21:54, 10.09.2017

Moscow. Dmitry Gudkov said that it is already known that the headquarters candidates are leading in several polling stations in Khamovniki, Basmanny, Mitino, Pechatniki and in the Presnensky district.

“It’s too early to talk about the results, but the areas where we are ahead are already visible,” says the politician.

21:43, 10.09.2017

Political scientist Dmitry Oreshkin: a common feature of the elections is citizens’ disbelief that something can be changed

A distinctive feature of these elections was the general passivity of the population, which is convenient for the authorities and has no prospects for the country, says political scientist Dmitry Oreshkin.

Moscow. According to the expert, the low turnout strategy worked in the capital. “For Muscovites, the elections turned out to be uninteresting and unimportant,” Oreshkin said. “This does not apply to the controlled electorate (military personnel, activists, pensioners, hospital patients, etc.), whose representatives traditionally vote for the party in power and bring in about 10%.” In conditions of low turnout, these votes become decisive.

According to Oreshkin, “alternative” candidates have chances in the central districts of Moscow, in the Academic, Universitetsky and Gagarinsky districts, as well as along Leningradsky Prospekt.

Regions. Oreshkin said that home-based and early voting will bring about 5% to pro-government candidates, which is a significant percentage in conditions of low turnout. According to him, in " normal conditions“home voting - 0.5% of all voters, but in these elections the share of “home workers” will be a significant part.

21:16, 10.09.2017

A resident of Lefortovo posted a video of young people in the yard independently filling out ballots for home voting and throwing them into a portable box.

20:53, 10.09.2017

Gubernatorial candidates from United Russia are leading in Buryatia, Sverdlovsk and Tomsk regions

  • Alexey Tsydenov(Buryatia) - 87.73%
  • Evgeniy Kuyvashev(Sverdlovsk region) - 62.02%
  • Sergey Zhvachkin(Tomsk region) - 56.94%

20:47, 10.09.2017

Moscow. The head of the CEC, Ella Pamfilova, said that the majority of complaints about the CEC hotline came from Moscow.

“Across Moscow, 523 requests were received,” Pamfilova said. In the Moscow region -120 messages.

20:05, 10.09.2017

Polling stations in Moscow and other Russian cities have been closed. The average turnout across the country was less than 30%

20:00, 10.09.2017

Yaroslavl. In municipal elections, voters were offered 200 rubles per vote. Aleksey Sovin, an activist of the “Russia Chooses” project, who works as an observer at PEC No. 162, told RBC about this.

“Voters told us that in a car parked near school No. 13, where PEC No. 162 is located, they were offering money for voting. It was around 3 p.m.,” he said.

“Information about the car from which voters were bribed was transferred to the police,” he added.

19:52, 10.09.2017

Leningrad region. An observer in Kuzmolovo wrote a statement to the police because of the minibuses that transported voters to the polling station every half hour. This happened after the man talked to a passenger on such a bus.

He asked whether voters themselves rent vehicles. The woman replied that people came to her and asked her to vote for the United Russia candidate Sergei Pavlov in the elections. Observer Svyatoslav Boynov wanted to ask the unknown woman about the details, but she, according to him, got scared and ran away. A member of the IKMO first turned to the chairman of PEC 140. There they explained to him that buses were needed to transport residents who were located just a kilometer from the site. This explanation did not suit Boynov and he turned to the 87th police station.

At another polling station, member of PEC No. 141 Petr Trofimov filmed a drunk voter who came to vote accompanied by a heavily built young man. Trofimov asked the police officer why a man in such a state was allowed to vote, to which he received an unexpected answer: a young woman with the rank of captain explained that “today is a holiday, and there is nothing like that here.” She called on the PEC member to be “more positive.”

19:25, 10.09.2017

Moscow. Observers of Gudkov's headquarters report that the General Staff also votes on cameras of PEC 9 on Arbat. Headquarters employees called the CEC hotline, where they were connected to a “competent specialist in this matter.” This specialist said that there is a decision of the Moscow City Election Commission that some recordings from cameras will be of poor quality. But on the hotline of the Moscow Electoral Commission they said that such a solution is only available where the military votes, and they hung up.

19:19, 10.09.2017

The Ministry of Defense reported on the high turnout of the military: they are not forced to vote

Deputy Minister of Defense Nikolai Pankov RBC that mass military voting in some areas in Moscow occurs without coercion.

“We have places where we are doomed to deliver military personnel en masse; we have no other option. Of course, there are such cases, but such cases are isolated,” he said.

Earlier, Kommersant, citing Evgeniy Khvostik, a member of the election commission in the Moscow Sokolniki district, reported that military personnel were voting en masse at polling station 1272. According to Khvostik, at the station there was an additional list of military men who “went to the same table.”

Former deputy of the Legislative Assembly of St. Petersburg and journalist Sergei Gulyaev published on Twitter photographs of the National Guard voting in the village of Lebyazhye at polling station 627.

19:24, 10.09.2017

New information about turnout in Moscow

The turnout at the municipal elections in Moscow by 18:00 was 12%, said the head of the Moscow City Election Commission, Valentin Gorbunov.

And today five million people came to celebrate City Day in the capital.

19:11, 10.09.2017

Human rights activists ask police to check reports of “service” for drunk voters

The Association for the Protection of Electoral Rights "Civil Control" demands verification of reports that drunk voters are being brought to polling stations in the Ryazan and Irkutsk regions, RIA Novosti reports.

Co-chairman of the association Alexander Brod emphasized that if the information is confirmed “and it is established that these actions were deliberately planned by the candidates,” then human rights activists will “ask the Central Election Commission of the Russian Federation to review the voting results, and remove the organizers of these “carousels” from the elections.”

Earlier today, observers reported that in the city of Vikhorevka, “half-drunk” voters are being actively transported to polling stations near school No. 10.

“They settle accounts with voters with vodka. Observers spotted this particular car near the indicated areas,” writes Golos activist Nadezhda Zaitseva.

19:12, 10.09.2017

Sevastopol. Members of the French Parliament Thierry Mariani and Nicolas Duic arrived to observe the elections of the city governor. They are both known for their pro-Russian views and calls for the European Union to recognize Russian jurisdiction in Crimea. French parliamentarians visited four polling stations. According to Mariani, elections in Sevastopol “are taking place under normal conditions, they are just as democratic as the others.”

Let us note that both Mariani and Duik are prohibited from entering the territory of Ukraine. Official Kyiv today announced its non-recognition of the elections taking place in Sevastopol.

18:31, 10.09.2017

The Central Election Commission has not yet identified any violations during the elections that could affect their results.

Central Election Commission press secretary Maya Grishina said that the Central Election Commission has not yet seen any violations that could affect the voting results.

“We have had many requests, they cannot be called complaints, they relate to the situation on the ground, that is, what the applicants believe, the violations that they see. Including, we received 318 written complaints on September 9-10, more than half of which were for illegal campaigning on the day of silence. With photographs and leaflets attached,” TASS quotes him as saying.

In some places, according to her, facts were revealed that required decisions by precinct and territorial commissions to recognize the ballots of early voters as invalid.

18:25, 10.09.2017

Astrakhan. Two young people doused the candidate for deputy of the Astrakhan City Duma from the United Russia party, Alexander Tukaev, with green paint. The incident occurred near polling station No. 235. The police are investigating.

According to Tukaev, among the attackers he recognized a representative of the headquarters of another candidate.

On the Unified Voting Day in the Astrakhan region, additional elections of deputies are held in regional Duma(one single-mandate district), the Astrakhan City Duma (two single-mandate districts) and the heads of several municipalities.

18:25, 10.09.2017

A criminal case has been opened in the Leningrad region for bribery of voters

In the Leningrad region, a criminal case was opened into bribery of voters at a polling station in Kuzmolovo. It was previously reported that voters were bribed under the guise of concluding agreements to organize observation at the polling station.

18:15, 10.09.2017

Elections in Vladivostok took place with low voter turnout

In the seaside capital, where elections of city council deputies took place on September 10, polling stations have already been closed and vote counting has begun. The first results will be announced on Monday, however, according to preliminary data from the city election commission, the turnout did not exceed 15%.

United Russia is in the lead (about 36%), followed by the LDPR (24%), and in third place is the Communist Party of the Russian Federation (14%), but these data may still undergo serious changes as ballots are counted.

During the “early term”, facts of transportation and bribery of voters were revealed, and law enforcement agencies are now dealing with them. A number of polling stations reported that voters, when they came to vote, discovered that, according to the documents, they had allegedly already made their choice. A member of the regional election commission with the right to an advisory vote, Alexander Samsonov, spoke about the incident at polling station No. 831: during the counting of votes, an as yet unidentified man attacked the representative of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation Olga Samsonova, snatched her phone, which she was using to film the counting process, and threw it out the window.

18:11, 10.09.2017

In Moscow's Airport district, early voting was declared invalid

Moscow. In the Airport district, early voting for municipal elections is invalid. According to the head of the Moscow City Election Commission, Valentin Gorbunov, members of the commission “mixed up the envelopes for some of the polling stations.”

18:02, 10.09.2017

The Communist Party of the Russian Federation accused the United Russia candidate of bribing voters

Novosibirsk region. The Novosibirsk branch of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation published on its website audio recordings of conversations with people who offered to vote for the candidate for the Legislative Assembly from United Russia, Alexander Boyko, for 250 rubles.

An employee of the headquarters of the candidate from the Communist Party of the Russian Federation Sergei Klestov called one of the phone numbers of the “buyers” of votes and received instructions on exactly how to proceed to receive the reward.

The buyers demonstrated the agitator's agreement concluded with Alexander Boyko, but, noticing that they were being filmed, they left.

17:55, 10.09.2017

Moscow. Open Russia activist Mikhail Konev said that while he was at the territorial election commission of the Donskoy district of Moscow, unknown persons punctured the tires of his car.

17:50, 10.09.2017

Sevastopol. Observers from the Communist Party of the Russian Federation were removed from polling stations No. 132 and No. 134 in the Leninsky district of the city.
As they told " Novaya Gazeta"at the Communist election headquarters, an observer from the party was removed from polling station No. 132 for filing a complaint against the chairman of the election commission, Nelly Degtyar.

“According to information from our observer, Degtyar went with voters to a separate room, after which they went to the ballot boxes.” Nelly Degtyar herself, in a conversation with a correspondent, said that the observer was removed by court decision for conducting video recording, including for filming documents with personal data of voters.

At polling station No. 134, an observer from the Communist Party of the Russian Federation was also removed due to photographing voter lists. The head of the working group “For Fair Elections” Anatoly Lavrik spoke about this. According to him, the violation on the part of the communist observer was officially recorded, and therefore he will be taken to court.

17:32, 10.09.2017

Yabloko demanded the resignation of the head of the Moscow City Election Commission

The party demands the resignation of the Chairman of the Moscow City Election Commission, Valentin Gorbunov, for deliberately reducing turnout in the elections in Moscow.

“For the first time in the history of the election campaign in Moscow, voters did not receive any official information about the elections. The CEC took care of this a few days before the elections, but it was too late. Moscow Mayor Sergei Sobyanin bears political responsibility for the deliberate decrease in turnout, and organizational responsibility lies with IPCC Chairman Valentin Gorbunov. He must resign,” said party deputy chairman Nikolai Rybakov.

17:15, 10.09.2017

The Omsk Election Commission warned about the impending “mass stuffing of ballots”

The chairman of the city election commission, Ivan Khodokov, made an emergency statement. He was prompted to address the public by an anonymous telephone call, about which he also informed higher-level election commissions:

“We have now received an alarming call that a mass stuffing of ballots at polling stations is being prepared. We don't know how to react to this. Maybe this is a joke, maybe a prepared action, maybe a PR stunt to increase turnout in the elections. We informed the CEC that we had received such information. A letter is being prepared that will be sent to precinct election commissions asking them to be extremely careful. I would like to appeal to the observers and political parties be extremely careful. I would like to remind you that this is not only administrative, but also criminal liability. I will be very glad if this is someone's joke, it will not be confirmed. But we cannot help but respond to this information,” he said.

The head of the city election commission did not explain how an anonymous call can increase turnout at elections if, for example, one does not publicly respond to it: he initiated this “PR” (if it is PR) himself.

17:03, 10.09.2017

The candidate for municipal deputy who “bite” members of the PEC spoke about the conflict. He tried to prevent falsifications

Moscow. Vladimir Egorov, a registered candidate from Yabloko for the Council of Deputies of the Dorogomilovo municipal district, said that he tried to prevent election fraud and did not bite anyone.

According to him, individual PEC members wrote down the serial numbers of those who voted according to the list of voters on special sheets in order to control voting for the parties in power among public sector workers.

“When I started photographing the second sheet (with the list with the numbers of voters who voted - approx.), a member of the commission tried to snatch the sheet from me and tore it. I asked to call an operational investigation team to suppress falsifications. But another member of the commission tried to snatch the sheet with the list of voters from me, I grabbed her hand, and she complained that I allegedly bit her,” Egorov told RBC.

Earlier, the head of the Moscow Electoral Commission, Valentin Gorbunov, said that Yabloko bit and beat members of the PEC, for which he was removed from the polling station.

16:56, 10.09.2017

8.48% of Muscovites came to the elections in Moscow

16:50, 10.09.2017

Sevastopol. 100% of voters voted on ships of the Black Sea Fleet. This was announced by Deputy Commander of the Black Sea Fleet Yuri Orekhovsky. We are talking about the frigate "Admiral Essen" and the hydrographic vessel "Equator", which are now in the distant waters of the Black Sea.

According to the Sevastopol City Election Commission, voting ballots on ships were prepared by members of election commissions working on them independently, according to layouts transmitted to the ships via technical communication channels.

A high turnout, 95%, was also noted at the Nakhimov School. Among the civilian population, turnout in Sevastopol is 25.3%.

16:33, 10.09.2017

The head of the Moscow Electoral Commission explained the failure of the information campaign for municipal elections

Moscow. The head of the Moscow Electoral Commission, Valentin Gorbunov, said that SMS notifications about upcoming elections Muscovites may not have received it due to the fact that their phones may be registered to other people, for example, to children.

At the same time, according to him, in total more than 2.5 million SMS alerts were sent, although “there are more than 11 million Muscovites.”

“It’s hard for me to talk now. After the elections we will sort it out,” Gorbunov added.

Earlier, the head of the Central Election Commission, Ella Pamfilova, announced the failure of the information campaign for municipal elections.

16:31, 10.09.2017

In Perm, for the sake of attendance, they give out movie tickets, conduct excursions and parent meetings

In Perm, some polling stations offer excursions to vote. At a public transport stop near the Kamkabel enterprise there is a group of elderly people. When asked why they had gathered, they answered that they were about to go on an “Orthodoxy” tour of the churches of Perm. People are waiting for a special bus. According to them, four more such buses, for fifty people each, will pick up cable workers from other places.

“Well, like an excursion,” clarifies one participant. “First we’ll vote, and then we’ll have a tour.”

The organizer introduced herself as Galina Bobrova, an inspector for social work Perm enterprise "Kamkabel". According to her, such events take place every week. In her hands she has a pile of papers, on one of the sheets there is a column with school numbers. All these educational institutions have polling stations.

According to the Perm Observer group, Kamkabel today ordered 34 excursions from one of the local travel agencies. Additional buses and guides were sought from other companies.

Also in one Perm school, students junior classes In the morning, diagnostic testing was scheduled, which I had to come to with my parents. IN educational institution In the village of Ust-Kachka, Perm region, parent meetings were held in different classes. They invited us to them with entries in diaries, in which they told us to take our passports with us. As eyewitnesses say, after meetings, mothers and fathers were called to the ballot boxes.

In addition, at all Perm polling stations, those under 35 are given flyers that can be exchanged for movie tickets.

16:09, 10.09.2017

Candidates from United Russia are leading in Sevastopol

Sevastopol. The secretary of the city branch of United Russia, Boris Kolesnikov, during a speech at the media center “Election of the Governor of Sevastopol 2017” said that, according to his information, representatives of the ruling party are leading in the elections. “According to data from our observers, representatives of our party are confidently in the lead,” he said. How exactly United Russia observers learned about the leadership of their candidates, Kolesnikov did not specify.

United Russia nominated the current acting head of the city, Dmitry Ovsyannikov, as a candidate for the post of governor of Sevastopol. The head of the Sevastopol branch of Moscow State University, Ivan Kusov, is running for by-elections to the Legislative Assembly from United Russia.

15:54, 10.09.2017

Sverdlovsk region. In Pervouralsk, candidate from the Communist Party of the Russian Federation Vladimir Vokhmyakov accused his opponent from the “Patriots of Russia” of bribing voters and filed a police report against him. He claims that his competitor distributed sticks to local residents. nordic walking.

“They called me and said that Dmitry Andreevsky was giving away some prizes. I understand that this is being done as part of his project “Pervouralsk - City of Champions,” but a fact is a fact,” Vokhmyakov said.

Andreevsky himself told the local publication “Gorodskie Vesti” that he provides equipment for Nordic walking only for the duration of the training under the supervision of a trainer, and after its completion, voters return the poles.

Photo: portal

15:32, 10.09.2017

A self-nominated deputy in Nizhny Tagil was attacked with a tire iron

Nizhny Tagil. Nizhny Tagil City Duma candidate Vyacheslav Goryachkin was attacked by a Gazelle driver who was illegally delivering campaign materials for his competitor, United Russia member Igor Temnov, on election day. Self-nominated candidate Goryachkin approached the bus and two Gazelles, trying to find out by what right they were engaged in illegal campaigning; the driver of one of the Gazelles took out the agreement concluded with Temnov “On the placement of propaganda materials.” But, frightened by the approaching police, the driver jumped into the car and drove away. Goryachkin rushed in pursuit. I caught up with him in the private sector of the city - then the driver came out with a tire iron and began throwing stones at Goryachkin’s car with varying degrees of success. The candidate for deputy filed a statement with the police, and the driver was detained.

Independent candidate Goryachkin, employee of the Nizhny Tagil Metal Structures Plant. Supported by United Russia, Temnov runs the Tagil Tram enterprise. At the moment, Temnov accused Goryachkin himself of illegal campaigning.

14:59, 10.09.2017

“They’ll come again, it’s not evening yet.” Vladimir Putin voted in municipal elections

Moscow. Russian President Vladimir Putin voted at polling station number 2151 in Moscow, which is located in the building of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Just the day before, presidential press secretary Dmitry Peskov said that Putin had not yet made a decision whether he would go to the polls or not.

In this area, you can choose from one to three deputies from 18 candidates. In addition to three self-nominated candidates, the list of candidates includes representatives of United Russia, the Communist Party of the Russian Federation, the Yabloko party, Rodina, A Just Russia and the Growth Party.

The president told reporters that he studied the candidates' biographies before voting, but that he "didn't really follow" the progress of the election campaign.

“The choice was deliberate,” Putin said, but did not say for whom he cast his vote, noting that “this is secret information.”

Putin also drew attention to the fact that the turnout at the polling station is low, but there are a lot of media representatives, which “is also not bad, the interest of the press in municipal elections is also important,” and residents “will come again, it’s not evening yet.”

14:40, 10.09.2017

15 thousand people voted early in the elections to the Omsk City Council. The KPFR is confident that this was done under duress

“In the elections to the Omsk City Council, the authorities relied on early voting,” State Duma deputy from the Communist Party of the Russian Federation Alexander Kravets said at a press conference the day before. According to the regional party committee, many doctors, teachers, government and municipal employees, firefighters and other workers were forced to vote budget areas, for example, archives.

“We received messages every day,” regional committee secretary Andrei Alekhin told Novaya, “that state employees were forced to take photographs of ballots with a check mark on their phones. in the right place and then present them to the authorities.”

The Territorial Election Commission for the Soviet District, according to Alekhine, introduced a new interpretation of Article 17 of the Federal Law “On the Basic Guarantees of the Electoral Rights of Citizens of the Russian Federation,” where we're talking about on the procedure for holding elections in places of temporary residence. “Such places include prisons, hospitals, and the TEC equated CHPP - 3, CHPP - 4, TGK - 11, GC Titan (a group of companies producing synthetic rubber, phenol, engaged in biotechnology) to them. This means that either the workers of these enterprises will be brought by bus to polling stations, or members of election commissions will come there with ballot boxes.

In total, according to Andrei Alekhin, 15 thousand people voted early in Omsk. The city election commission reports that 2.5% of voters fulfilled their civic duty before Election Day.

14:33, 10.09.2017

Sverdlovsk region. The Center for Public Observation received a call from a polling station in the Vtorchermet district, on Fergana, 22, that they were allegedly distributing free pies on behalf of the gubernatorial candidate from the Communist Party of the Russian Federation, Alexei Parfenov. The visit of election commission specialists established that this candidate did not campaign for anyone with pies, and there was no illegal trade.

And another story with pies, but in Yaroslavl: polling station buffets are seriously competing for the most delicious pies. The hashtag #buffetbattle has appeared online, using which users post photos of baked goods.

14:20, 10.09.2017

Moscow is concerned about the abnormal number of people voting at home

Moscow. Dmitry Gudkov on his Facebook page

From Monday March 30, 2020, restrictions on movement around the city will be introduced in the capital. (home self-isolation) for all Moscow residents regardless of age.

The corresponding Decree number 34-UM dated March 29, 2020 was signed by Moscow Mayor Sergei Sobyanin on March 29, 2020. New document amends (adds) the previously issued Decree number 12-UM dated 03/05/2020.

We tell you what can and cannot be done in accordance with the new Decree.

Despite the imposed self-isolation regime, in some cases it is still possible to leave the house. We list these cases below.

In what cases can you leave the house:
* In case of seeking emergency medical care.
* In case of a threat to life or health.
* In the case of going to a place of activity (work), the implementation of which is not prohibited. Previously we wrote about
* To purchase food and goods - go to the nearest store.
* In case of walking pets - at a distance of no more than 100 meters from the place of residence.
* If necessary, take out the garbage to the nearest waste accumulation site.

If you do need to leave the house, you should follow a number of rules.

How to behave on the street public places And public transport:
* It is necessary to maintain distance (social distancing), that is, not to approach other citizens at a distance of less than one and a half meters, with the exception of taxi rides.
* Comply with special social distancing markings in areas where they are posted.

The Decree does not apply to:
* for cases of medical provision. help.
* for activities law enforcement agencies and other bodies whose actions are aimed at ensuring the safety of citizens.
* for vehicle traffic.
* for citizens who have been issued special passes.
* for cases of arrival and departure from the city.

How long will the self-isolation regime for all Moscow residents, introduced on March 30, 2020, last:

In the published document The end date of the general self-isolation regime is not specified, introduced from March 30, 2020.

This means that the timing of lifting the home self-isolation regime will be announced additionally after the epidemiological situation in Moscow and the region improves and the spread of coronavirus infection begins to decline.