What to do to keep a man. How to keep a man near you forever? The main thing is personality

Do you know how or have you learned to attract, but you don’t know how to keep a man and his attention on you? Men get acquainted, but at some stage disappear or leave? If the answer is “yes,” then I wrote this article just for you.

How to keep love in a relationship? How to be desirable not only for the first week, first month or first year? How to become a real woman from whom a man will not even think of leaving?
In fact, it's simple. Read and complete the simple tasks that I have prepared for you.

Do you agree with me that There are two extremes of girls' behavior at the stage that comes after attracting a man?

1. “Independent woman”. I can do everything myself, I can see right through men, I’m smart, successful.

And this is the girl that attracted me. Will she be able to keep a man?

Usually, a man near such a woman does not feel needed. After all, her condition conveys - I’m great, I have everything, with or without you - what’s the difference.

The girl gives the man freedom, but does not show the need for him.

2. “Woman Servant”. The one that “looks into the mouth” of a man. Does everything for him. He tries very hard. Why is this so? The girl unconsciously sets an example: “You see, I care about you and I want you to take care of me the same way.”

A woman shows a man’s need, but does not give him freedom. The man feels indebted.

Example from life

I've been talking to a girl for a couple of weeks. She looks great, even women turn to look at her. But!

He constantly writes to me, asks questions in the style of: “Do you miss me?”, “When will we meet?”, goes on vacation and asks: “What gift should I bring you?” etc. I feel obligated. This is not a man's condition.

It is noteworthy that that most women jump from one extreme to the other.

“I do everything for him, but he doesn’t appreciate such a scoundrel. He also left me. That’s it, now I’ll be a bitch.” She becomes a bitch, but there is still no happiness.

How to keep a guy

Train your feminine qualities. Truly feminine. In other words, become a Real Woman.

1. Self-sufficiency

First of all, a woman should feel good about herself. If a woman has emptiness inside, and she tries to keep a man only for the purpose of “not being left alone,” then this is a trap.

Strive for harmony with yourself. Develop yourself.

Write at least 20 hobbies in the comments What do you do or can do for yourself, to develop your good mood?

2. Attractiveness

The woman attracted the man. The goal: to become even more attractive. Again, for yourself, first of all.

It's about about the attractiveness of every centimeter of a woman’s body, face, hair, etc. This also applies to the style of clothing, makeup, gestures, manners, and gait.

Men see everything and note everything, even if they don’t say it.


Unfortunately, friends lie to you in 90% of cases. When I made an anonymous vote at the request of a friend, she was surprised. Her friends told her one thing, eh.

3. Sex

A real woman loves sex and gets pleasure, joy and satisfaction from it. She wants her man and broadcasts her desire. By the way, this is the nuance that makes it impossible to keep a man at a distance.

I’ll write it as correctly as possible now, but guess what word I wanted to write instead of:

You should be depraved in bed. Dot. Don't you know how? Learn. Hundreds of videos on YouTube. I also recommend an article about and about.


Write to men you've had sex with before and ask for honest feedback.

Scary? This is fine. Do it.

4. Condition

I write about this all the time. This is the basics. What does the man next to you get? Ordinary, dull, everything goes by itself. Or are you a woman who influences? How do you keep a man interested in you?


Select 10 men from the phone book or from social networks (preferably they do not have girlfriends). It is especially important to do this if it causes discomfort.

So, send them this message right now:

Hello, “Name”. I looked at your profile on social networks. I want to tell you, you are a very strong man. I admire you and believe in your success!

Just a message. A few lines. From a woman's mouth. This is incredible power!

Key Thoughts

— “Independent” and “Servant” are two extremes in which many women find themselves

- There is a way Real Woman” - to attract a man, to keep a man, for the happiness of both women and men. - lifelong

—Are you a self-sufficient woman? (not to be confused with arrogance)

—Are you an attractive woman?

— Do you know how to enjoy sex?

— What state do you emit and “inspire” in your man?

If you have read up to this point, then my efforts are not in vain. Thank you and good luck!

Any questions? Write in the comments.

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Getting a man to like you, charm him, and even make him fall in love with you is not as difficult as it seems at first glance. It’s a completely different matter to keep a loved one, to become for him the one with whom he wants to spend his whole life.
And the main difficulty on the way to living happily ever after is the fear of serious relationships among many modern men. But there are other pitfalls that can easily break your boat in the ocean of Love. How to keep a man and live a long and happy life together with him will be discussed further.
Was there a prince: how to understand whether a man is worth keeping
First of all, let’s decide with you who you need to keep close to you, and who it’s better to let go right away, without wasting precious time and energy. To do this, use our three simple rules.
Rule #1: Take your time!
It is no secret that a woman in love tends to idealize her lover. Under the pressure of male charm and a cocktail of raging hormones, we all lose our heads and do not notice his shortcomings. But he is not ideal, and very soon, what seemed unnoticed and even cute will literally become terribly annoying. Therefore, try not to make plans for the future with a man earlier than six months into your relationship with him. If you believe research, this is exactly how much time our endocrine system needs to get used to the hormonal explosion caused by an overabundance of love feelings.
Rule #2: Be honest with yourself
So, after about 6 months, your relationship will have become a little stronger, you will know each other well enough, and your hormones will have subsided - it’s time to think about the future. This is the perfect time to ask yourself a simple question: “Do I want to be with this man for the rest of my life?” If in response to this, butterflies flutter in your stomach, and images of your children together appear in your head, then move on to the next point. If you don’t experience anything like this, then reconsider your relationship; it’s quite possible that it has long since outlived its usefulness. Just be honest with yourself. Your happiness depends on it!
Rule #3: Make sure there is reciprocity
The third rule is the most important condition for joint happy life. Therefore, you need to make sure that your and his views on relationships completely coincide. In other words, you must be sure that you are together solely out of mutual pure love, and not because you have been seeking his attention for a long time and he is simply comfortable with you. How to understand that the feelings are mutual? Just trust your intuition and analyze your relationship a little. It is advisable to do this while alone with your thoughts. You can also additionally resort to a simple exercise: divide a sheet of paper into two columns and write down in them everything that each of you brings to your relationship. Ideally, both columns should become approximately the same size. A significant advantage goes in one direction - this is a reason to think about harmonizing your relationship with your loved one.

If you are sure that this man is the love of your life, then the matter remains small. You need to make sure that your lover comes to the same conclusion. It is advisable to do this carefully and unnoticed, otherwise men are gentle and timid creatures, and they must certainly be prepared for “happily ever after.” And you need to prepare in such a way that until the end of his days he is sure that he himself made the fateful decision to make you his wife. And I was right.
Now that the presence of a prince is beyond doubt, it’s time to talk about how to keep a man next to you, preferably for life. And to do this, you first need to understand why modern men are in no hurry to part with their bachelor status even when they already have a wonderful and, most importantly, beloved woman next to them. As cliche as it may sound, it's all about fear. Fear of a serious relationship is a fairly strong psychological barrier that can be very difficult for a man to cross alone. It can manifest itself in completely different ways. For example, in cheerful revelry and constant change of sexual partners. Or he may be “hiding” in a civil marriage that lasts for decades without a stamp in his passport. There are also cases when this very fear forces men to even break off relations with their love, so as not to switch to new stage relationships.
Reasons for men's fear of serious relationships
One of the main reasons for such fear is a bad experience. In other words, unhappy love. Therefore, it would be useful to ask the young man if there was something similar in his life and how he survived this mental wound. If the breakup occurred relatively recently, then you should not rush into the rapid development of your relationship.

In addition, fear of a serious relationship in men may arise due to a distorted idea of family life. For example, if a man has already had an unsuccessful marriage or his parents/friends/relatives have gone through a painful divorce. In this case, he may literally believe that marriage destroys the relationship and will not strive to create it. yours main task will be the destruction of this illusion. It is very important to show your loved one that a marriage relationship depends on the mutual efforts of two people, and can be very happy.
The idea of ​​a cheerful single life imposed by advertising and the media completes our triad of the main reasons for the fear of serious relationships in men. We are talking about an artificially created and so attractive playboy lifestyle: lots of girlfriends, no obligations, fun and no responsibility. If this is the reason, then your task is to show your loved one another world. A world of mutual love and harmony in which you can achieve true happiness. How to do this? The following simple tips will help.
Little ones feminine tricks: 10 simple tips how to keep a man
It's time to move on to practical advice that will help you realize your dream of a happy life together with your lover. But keep in mind that they only work if your love feelings with a man are mutual, and the relationship develops. Let’s immediately say that their implementation will require good willpower and sometimes self-sacrifice from you. Therefore, be ready to work on yourself for the benefit of your love. And remember that you can’t keep a man with a child, or blackmail, or money. Only mutual love and respect can make a couple happy for life!
Tip #1: Be versatile!
What is the difference between a beloved woman and a mistress or wife? The fact that she skillfully combines both of these roles. And he also knows how to be a close friend, a cheerful girlfriend, a caring mother, a sympathetic sister, a fair critic, a loyal ally for the man he loves... This list can be continued for a long time, but he main meaning understandable and so - you need to be able to be multifaceted with your loved one. Don't focus on just one role, like the girl he's dating. Guys can go on dates with you for years, but none of them will ever decide to propose to you for one simple reason - you don’t show anything different. Therefore, if you want to keep a man, be ready to cook him borscht, listen to his problems, and look after him when he’s sick. And all this despite the fact that you are “just dating.”
Tip #2: Don't force things
One of the most common mistakes women make is rushing into relationships. On the one hand, it’s understandable: age is running out, your friends are all already married, your parents are buzzing about their grandchildren... And you’ve been dating for a long time - it’s definitely time to get married. But having come to this thought, in no case should you put pressure on a man, much less blackmail him. In principle, this advice works at every new stage of a relationship, and not just when it comes to marriage. So never rush! Give your man time to mature for cohabitation/marriage/children. In the meantime, no one forbids you to gently and carefully guide him in the right direction with your affection and care.

Tip #3: Stay interesting and mysterious
There is nothing more boring for a man than a monotonous life with a woman about whom he knows everything. Therefore, cultivate mystery and mystery in yourself. We are talking, first of all, about a variety of hobbies and interests that will help you always remain interesting to your loved one. The ideal option is if some of your hobbies completely coincide or overlap with the interests of your lover.
Also try to surprise your man from time to time. Surprises can be very different: from a new hairstyle and unexpected hair color to the purchase of a certificate for a joint parachute jump. A little hint: for the surprise to be a success, be sure to make sure that your loved one will be happy about it. This can be done carefully through indirect questions to him or his close friends.
Tip #4: Stay fit
Start with the basic - everyday appearance. Once and for all, say a firm “no” to peeling nail polish, disheveled hair and a dirty robe in his presence. By the way, there is nothing wrong with appearing in front of your loved one without makeup. But doing that same makeup/manicure/coloring/epilation while wearing it is absolutely not worth it. Firstly, these are far from the most attractive procedures. And secondly, such activities very often seriously scare men away. Therefore, it is better to let your little beauty secrets remain with you, and your beloved will only see the finished result.

Also, take care of your body. Ideally, try to maintain the forms with which you once conquered him. But remember that a couple of extra pounds are not as bad as rough skin and cracked heels. So be sure to take care of yourself! Remember that a well-groomed woman is already a beauty.
Tip #5: Shared traditions
Nothing brings a couple closer than small family traditions and rituals. Let it start with a simple Sunday tea party in a cozy cafe or a Saturday evening watching your favorite TV series. The main thing is that it becomes truly traditional, and therefore a regular pastime for both of you. Gradually add new joint rituals to your relationship that bring pleasure equally to each of you. And very soon they will become traditions that will bind you even more.
Tip #6: Have a Positive Attitude
Men don’t like problematic ladies who strive to cry on their shoulders or complain about their bitter fate every time they meet. Everyone doesn't like it. Accept this fact and stay on a positive wave most of the time with your loved one. Firstly, mom and her friends can cry, but it’s better to spend time with your loved one in something more interesting. And, secondly, by demonstrating an optimistic attitude in a difficult situation, you thereby show a man that he can always count on your common sense and support in difficult times. Well, thirdly, by stopping complaining in the company of your loved one about all sorts of minor troubles, you automatically become stronger in spirit.

Tip #7: Don't dissolve!
Another factor that repels men is the complete dissolution of a woman. This could be dissolution in a spouse, children, everyday life or work. The worst thing is that by dissolving, a woman loses her boundaries and ceases to be an interesting person. Therefore, no matter how much you like a guy, no matter how much you want to make your loved one the meaning of your life, always remain an integral person. Remember, no man will appreciate such sacrifices. And what's worse, at one point it will become easy to count you service personnel, with whom it is so convenient, but so boring. Well, you already know that men run away from boring women like fire from our advice number three.
Tip #8: Home comfort
Whatever one may say, only caring female hands can create that unique home comfort that men value so much. Therefore, make every effort to ensure that your shared home becomes a real home for your beloved. Keep the apartment clean, his clothes neat, and be sure to learn how to cook his favorite dishes. For most men, this will be more than enough. And don’t think that we are urging you to plunge headlong into household affairs and forget about your beloved self. Learn to manage your time correctly and then you will be able to accomplish a lot! Including taking care of yourself and meeting with friends.

Tip #9: Criticize carefully
Criticism of a lover is a dangerous thing. Especially if you criticize harshly and constantly. Believe me, not a single man will tolerate a woman next to him who regularly nags him. Therefore, if you criticize your lover, then try to do it as carefully and constructively as possible. For example, don’t just point out his mistakes, but offer a solution that will help avoid similar negative experiences in the future. Remember that a man will treat a calm and reasonable conversation much more carefully than an emotional hysteria. In addition, having mastered the ability to criticize correctly, you will be able to occupy important place a trusted advisor in the life of a loved one.
Tip #10: Give your man freedom
This is one of the most important advice how to keep a man close to you. What do we mean by “giving freedom”? First of all, a man has the ability to make important decisions on his own and the lack of total control on the part of a woman. Learn to trust your lover and don't keep him on a short leash. He should have the opportunity, for example, to watch football with friends without you and your endless calls. It is also important not to impose your views on life on your loved one and make plans for the future for him. Always remember that your loved one is an adult and accomplished man, capable of making important decisions on his own. And your task is to become faithful to him and loving person, whose opinion he will be ready to listen to, and not his second mother. Therefore, be guided more often by this principle in relationships. And very soon you will personally see its effectiveness!

In the relationships of many couples, a difficult period begins when one of the partners begins to think about breaking up. If it so happens that your chosen one finds himself in the role of such a “thinking” one, but you yourself do not want a breakup, then try to take some steps to preserve or renew his feelings.

When a relationship is on the brink, how to keep the man you love

Aries man

Representatives of this sign are very extraordinary, and boredom or routine in relationships can push them away. You should diversify your leisure time together, while avoiding intrusiveness and reproaches. Also remember that Aries has a weakness for strong and successful women, and if you are one, then the man will probably not leave you. If you often turn to him for help, then Aries will perceive such behavior as a sign of weakness, and this will not benefit you. This kind of man likes to pursue a woman, so it is important to sometimes be a little unattainable, to make him doubt that you are conquered by him.

As we already mentioned, representatives of this sign like variety, and this applies not only to leisure time, but also to your behavior, appearance, and so on. Try to be different more often, and then you will definitely be interesting to your chosen one.

Taurus man

Taurus do not like to rush things, so there is no need to rush in a relationship with them. They also do not like it when impressions of other men are shared with them, since they like devoted women - they do not like to be jealous. In addition, they are flattered when their opinions are listened to. If conflicts have arisen in your relationship, then think about whether you have taken many important decisions upon yourself. If you want to maintain a harmonious relationship with a representative of this sign, take an interest in his hobbies more often, praise him and support him. For the most part, they do not like it when their chosen one looks provocative or vulgar - pay attention to this.

Gemini man

Basically, Gemini men attach great importance to a rich sex life. It is also important for him to have topics for conversation with his beloved, therefore, the more “enlightened” you are, the brighter your relationship will be. Surely, such a man will appreciate it if there is a place for flirting and slight intrigue in your relationship. It is important to understand that it is easier to attract a twin than to keep a twin. If you add variety to your sex life and leisure time, it will be much easier to do this. Also try not to limit his freedom.

Cancer man

The representative of this sign is very vulnerable and sensitive. Remember that he reacts painfully to criticism and jokes about any of his features. He is most comfortable with a practical and thrifty woman. In addition, he appreciates tenderness and attentiveness in representatives of the opposite sex. This sign can be called very family-oriented, and he takes the choice of his chosen one quite seriously - often his mother turns out to be a guide in this difficult matter for him. Most likely, he will appreciate the woman's thriftiness - it is important for him that the house is clean and there is fresh dinner on the stove.

Leo man

Most of all, representatives of this sign do not accept criticism of their actions. Leos love to be the center of attention, and they like active and energetic women. However, a man must see that he remains the leader in your relationship. He likes it when women show admiration for him. Do not limit his freedom - he will undoubtedly appreciate it.

Virgo man

Virgo men are very vulnerable, and do not accept it when their chosen one shows any interest in other guys. He likes partnerships. He also appreciates when his help or participation in any matter is noticed and thanked for it. Representatives of this sign like to have intellectual conversations, and if you are strong in this, you will certainly remain interesting to your chosen one. Among other things, it is important for a Virgo man that his partner be clean - otherwise, conflicts may arise on this basis.

Libra man

The Libra man prefers strong and at the same time gentle women. Also, what his chosen one looks like is of significant importance to him - her appearance should be impeccable, without any hint of sloppiness - a person who decides to connect her life with such a man should take this point into account. In addition, if you want to maintain a relationship with him, you should be more tolerant of changes in his mood, and remember that he does not accept moral pressure.

Scorpio man

In order to maintain your partner's interest in the relationship, you should take into account that he is attracted to women by their mystery and intriguing behavior. Modest and shy women are less interesting to him. It is also important to remember that Scorpio is vulnerable, although he tries to hide it. It is important for him that his chosen one is sexually attractive and periodically shows activity in seducing him. Scorpio needs to demonstrate sympathy in his affairs, but at the same time not be overly intrusive. Remember that he values ​​frankness and does not tolerate hysteria in women.

Ophiuchus man

A distinctive feature of Ophiuchus is the desire for change, and if his companion does not share his interests, then this relationship will probably exhaust itself quite quickly. It is also worth noting that representatives of this special sign are very hot-tempered and, at times, can turn out to be very aggressive, so they are not on their way with women prone to scandalous behavior.

Sagittarius man

This man does not like to talk a lot about how he feels, so do not demand eloquence from him in this regard - it is easier for him to demonstrate his attitude through actions. Keep in mind that he doesn't really like overly emotional women - if you have this character trait, over time it will begin to turn him off. He likes people who are easy-going and do not suffer from unnecessary complexes. It is important to remember that he does not like it when a woman clearly encroaches on his freedom. In addition, he appreciates in his chosen one the ability to demonstrate affection and care - otherwise the relationship will deteriorate.

Capricorn man

This man is often very restrained in expressing his feelings - take this feature into account and do not reproach him for it. He may be put off by criticism of his loved ones, and this is also important to remember. He does not like women who are characterized by defiant behavior and also extravagance - he is more attracted by modesty and simplicity. When choosing a life partner, he pays attention to her thriftiness and maternal qualities.

Aquarius man

Aquarius may be put off by a woman who tries to control him. At the same time, it is important for him that his chosen one can be for him good friend. He does not like unnecessary conversations about feelings, and he may be attracted to mystery and brightness in a woman. He likes independent women who have their own opinions.

Pisces man

When entering into a relationship with a Pisces man, remember that this sign is highly sensitive and vulnerable, and it is important for him to be taken into account. If a woman does not show obvious concern for him, he may equate this with indifference. Such a man often “flies in the clouds”, forgetting about the material side of life. He likes mysterious and romantic women.

Ways to keep a guy in a long-distance relationship

Invisible presence

Even though you are far from each other, young man you should feel that you are at least invisibly present in his life. How can this be done? In the era social networks And mobile phones it's not difficult at all. Wish him good morning Good night, take an interest in his affairs, share news from your life. Thus, the feeling will gradually take root in him that you are even closer to him than those people whom he sees every day.

Photo, video

Periodically send your lover your photos and videos. These messages should evoke positive emotions in him. Choose your best photos, also pay attention to your appearance before shooting a video. The guy should see that you miss him, but at the same time you have your own bright life, in which you “shine” like a star. In your situation, a little jealousy won't hurt. Thus, over time, it will not be you who will think about how to keep him, but he will be afraid that such a bright girl will leave for another.

If it so happens that your lover turns out to be a married man, but at the same time you do not want to let him out of your life, follow some recommendations.


Most men see their wives as in different forms– festive, everyday and rather unsightly. You should always be “on top” in this regard. Take good care of yourself - be attentive to your wardrobe, take care of your hair and skin, and do not forget about a pleasant perfume. At the same time, all your tricks should be invisible to your chosen one, even if they are difficult for you - let him think that such an everyday look is quite natural for you.


When communicating with a married man, show your most advantageous qualities. Passionate sex is, of course, good, but if you want your chosen one to also perceive you as a potential life partner, you should not limit yourself to this. If you are meeting on your property, make sure that your place is always clean and comfortable. Don't forget about the delicious variety of dishes.

Don't make scenes of jealousy

Surely, sooner or later you will begin to be upset by the fact that after meeting you, your lover still returns home to his wife. And yet, try to calm down your feelings of jealousy, because, despite the fact that he goes to his wife, he continues to cheat on her with you. At this stage, you cannot make demands on him - this will only push the man away. Use the time spent apart to your advantage - improve your appearance, be in interesting places and so on. In this case, when new meeting you will have something to tell your man and how to surprise him.

Forget about reproaches

In a relationship with a married lover, be soft and feminine - forget about scandals and reproaches. Thus, most likely, you will compare favorably with his wife. Stand for him a safe haven, and, most likely, by doing this you will make him think about whether he should make you the only woman in his life.

How to keep a man close for life

If you are convinced that this man is the one for you and you would like to spend your whole life with him, then pay attention to some tips.

Win and keep, winning his heart

Surely, the guy whose heart you conquer will not want to leave you under any circumstances. If you manage to find an approach to him and make him fall in love with you, then this gives you some guarantee that he will not desire any other relationship with other women. To do this, you need to carefully study the character and nature of your chosen one - this is the only way you can “pick up the right keys” to his heart.

Hold a man with the power of your love

Many men need love so much that, even without having similar strong feelings for a woman, they are ready to stay with her for the rest of their lives, not believing that anyone else will love him as desperately. This is especially applicable to guys who felt a lack of maternal love in their childhood years. If he sees that you love him like no one else, then even if it occurs to him to “look to the left,” he will still return to you.

Conquer with magic if he wants to break up

If a man wants to break off a relationship, try using magic. Many women are convinced that this is what helped them save their marriage. You can find the corresponding spell on the Internet, or you can turn to a certain sorceress for help. However, remember that some people later regret such a decision, believing that by doing so they brought unnecessary problems upon themselves.

Hold it together with family ties

It is easier for a man to leave the girl he is dating than to leave his legal wife. Sometimes, the decisive factor may be simple laziness - reluctance to bother with divorce documents and so on. In addition, having married a woman, a man subconsciously feels that he has made one of the most serious choices in his life, and tries to stick to it.

Keep it by giving birth to a common child

Not everyone approves of such “female tricks”, and yet it is difficult not to admit that, at times, they still turn out to be very effective. In the minds of most men, the opinion is rooted that if a woman gave birth to a baby, then now they real family, and it’s not good to leave your family. However, remember that not all males share this opinion, and if you decide to have a child on your own, it is possible that you will have to raise it alone.

Often men do not want to break off a relationship with a woman because they have too much in common. Unfortunately, we are not always talking about love feelings, and often everything is much more prosaic - a loan or shared property, however, if you want to keep your partner at any cost, this method may also suit you.

Is it possible to keep the man you like after sex?

This is quite possible given the following factors:

  • He really enjoyed sex with you. If in the eyes of a man you turn out to be just an ideal sexual partner, then even if he initially did not plan any relationship with you, he will probably reconsider his decision. For many men, sex plays a role great value in life, and it is important for them that a woman meets their expectations in this regard. If you succeed, then, of course, the chosen one will not want to part with you.
  • He's in love with you. If a man was originally in love with you, even before the incident happened intimacy, then, most likely, sex will only bind him to you even more, even if it turned out not to be what the chosen one expected.

Is it worth keeping a person if he doesn't love you?

Many women ask themselves this question, and sooner or later they come to the conclusion that it is very difficult to be happy in a relationship with a man who constantly needs to be kept somehow. Thus, you will be constantly in tension, which sooner or later will result in stress or depression. Agree, in such a state, personal happiness and spiritual harmony are very doubtful. Most likely, you are painfully dependent on this person and in fact, you are simply wasting time with him. It makes sense to break this connection and direct your energy to finding a person with whom your feelings and craving for each other will be mutual. Also think about your self-esteem - is it low, or should you work on it? A woman with healthy self-esteem still understands that she is worthy of being loved and that her relationship with a man is fulfilling. When you learn to treat yourself with respect, you will have the strength to break the connection that is tormenting you.

Today is the age of speed and, unfortunately, not only in technology. Relationships also happen literally at the speed of sound: from falling in love to breaking up can take a matter of months. And I really want real happiness, joy, love. To live in perfect harmony and die on the same day. How can and should you keep a man? Conquer him, captivate him? This is a million dollar task. And only very smart women cope with it.

  • Why is it so hard to hold on today? the right man? Why do relationships, just starting, immediately break down?
  • Why shouldn't you keep a man with a child, sex or delicious food? Why shouldn't you just rely on this?
  • How to fall in love with and keep a man for life?

Women's happiness often rests on men's shoulders. And this is where problems arise. We have, as in the song “for ten girls, according to statistics, there are nine guys.” That is, you have to fight for a free guy. It can be difficult to win and keep a man.

How to do this?

Many people think that it’s all about beauty - they rush headlong into fitness, spending all their time in beauty salons. Others are sure that a man can be attracted by delicious food and children. Still others focus on developing their own intelligence and talent.

But there is no single answer - because today, in modern world To keep a man close you need to know modern secrets. Yes, and men are different.

Why does it become so difficult to keep the man you love?

Why is everything so difficult today? Why can't we live the way we used to? This question is often asked by girls who cannot even start their first relationship. Sitting at the window at home, they listen to the stories of their mother and grandmother about how easily and simply they, in their youth, found boyfriends who had just returned from the army. They didn't even have to think about how they could keep the man. At the age of 20, everyone got married, gave birth to children, and built a future. But now everything is different.

Now “everything is really wrong,” but you shouldn’t be so categorical. And in the past, not everything was good, as some of us think. Not every girl got the man of her dreams, the vast majority agreed to best option from the immediate environment. If you look at it critically, today it is much easier and easier to find a man, win and keep him. Through the Internet you can find a match, even in another area, even in another city, even overseas. There are no restrictions, the main thing is that people like each other.

However, in fact one drawback in modern relationships there is. And it's significant. This is their speed. Actually, today the whole world is very fast, literally fleeting. We are all running somewhere, doing everything on the go, striving for development. And this is reflected primarily in relationships: no one wants to invest, no one is patient. After the first quarrel, a man thinks, “Oh, okay, I’ll find someone else, I don’t need these problems.” Quick sex leads to a very rapid cooling of feelings. Couples are splitting up more and more often before they even reach that sad 3 years. There is a feeling that yes, you need to hold the man, make an effort, do something. And again, it will be a big mistake to look back and take from past generations, as they did.

You can keep a man with a child! But why?

Of course, women always had little tricks they used. For example, keeping a man a child is almost the most ancient invention of the most enterprising of us. The beloved “from the submarine” will not go anywhere if there is already a pregnancy. I'll have to get married. Another option is to keep a man with sex.

There are a lot of options, but they are all hopelessly outdated. It used to be shameful and terrible to leave a girl with a belly, but today it’s par for the course. Yes, we are not even talking about just leaving him - he will help, pay alimony, but it will not be possible to keep a man near you in this way.

The exclusivity of sex no longer plays the role it did before. Pornography was banned, and it was shameful to go beyond the accepted limits. Today, the boundaries of acceptability in sex have greatly increased; literally anything is possible - even on a chandelier, even in the forest. This won't surprise anyone anymore. Therefore, it’s not worth even thinking about how to keep a man with sex alone - anyone else can give him this goodness.

For delicious food, you can go to a good restaurant and no home-cooked food can compare with the dishes prepared by the chefs highest category. He can go to football with friends, buy a good sweater in the store. This is all wrong and wrong. It can't keep a man around. This is too little. It's time to move to the next level of relationship.

You can hold on to the man you love for the rest of your life.

Today, every person needs an understanding of his desires. It seems so simple - to understand a man, accept his sorrows, and rejoice with him. That's all. In the modern world, where everyone is an object of self-interest and a wolf to each other, even just sincere interest attracts a man to a woman. And real participation seems to stick him to her. This is guaranteed to win and keep a man.

But the problem is what is understanding of a man can no longer be achieved through simple actions. It's complicated. Really difficult.

  • You can’t just sit, look into his eyes, listen to his problems at work, and at the same time think about your desires.
  • You can’t go to football with him, but at the same time look resentfully at your broken nails and whine, “You’re not paying attention to me, I went with you, and you’re only looking at your own field.”
  • You can’t fake an orgasm in sex, moan and squeal, and count the dots on the ceiling out of boredom.
  • You can’t be quietly offended and wait until he himself figures out that he needs to ask for forgiveness.
  • You cannot shout, shake your license, demand attention to yourself, reaching the point of hysteria.
  • And the like.

You can only keep a man near you if you really understand his desires. Truly, as if these desires are your own.

And the second important point - only a man can be held desirable woman. This is not only the factor of sex, but the totality - the desire to be together, spend time, eat, communicate, work, in a word, to be one whole. Such a woman becomes a guide for her man, a kind of “carrot”, behind which he goes for development, accomplishments, and achievements.

If a woman understands her beloved and is also a desired object for him, then it does not even occur to her that the man needs to be kept near her. He and she always hold each other due to mutual attraction. By the way, in such a relationship everything else is included:

  • enjoys preparing delicious food(not to keep a man after dinner, but to do something nice), sweaters are knitted and much more,
  • there are common hobbies, but not through violence against oneself, but through real interest,
  • sexual relationships become truly enjoyable,
  • and so on