A radical turning point in the course of the war. Coursework: A radical change in the Great Patriotic War


1 The beginning of a radical change during the Great Patriotic War SITUATION AT THE FRONT by SUMMER 1942 Balance of forces (total) German Army Red Army 6.2 million People 5.6 million Tanks Airplanes Guns and mortars

2 A sharp change in the balance of forces in the southern direction in favor of the German army in the summer of 1942. 2 disasters of the Red Army. Dates People Tanks Guns Kerch thousand Kharkov thousand BATTLE OF STALINGRAD unfolded over a huge area of ​​100 thousand square meters. km. The length of the front is km. The main stages of the battle July 17 November 18 - defense of the Red Army November 19 February 2 - counter-offensive of the Red Army

3 FORCES German Army Army Group B F. von Bock Red Army Don Front - K. Rokossovsky Stalingrad Front N. Eremenko 6 A - general. F. Paulus 62 A. V. Chuikov 4 TA gen. G. Got 64 A - M. Shumilov People thousand 590 thousand Tanks Guns Friedrich Paulus was born in 1890. Not accepted as a cadet into the navy due to his non-noble origins, he entered the Kaiser's army. Passed 1 world war. Becomes an officer General Staff. Commander of an automobile battalion, chief of staff of a formation of 4 light divisions. The staff officer is deep and efficient. Participated in the defeat of Poland, Belgium and France.

4 Vasily Chuikov was born in 1900 into a peasant family. From the age of 12 he worked as a saddler's apprentice. At the age of 18 he entered the Red Army, at the age of 19 he joined the Bolshevik Party. In 1925 he graduated from the Military Academy. M. Frunze. Survived the repressions of the years. Fought in with Finland. After the Battle of Stalingrad he fought in Crimea and Belarus. His army was advancing on Berlin, he personally accepted the surrender of the Berlin garrison.

5 Defensive actions 3 stages: 1. Battles on the distant approaches to Stalingrad 2. Battles on the near approaches 3. Battles in the city itself. 1. The fight for the main line of defense of the 62nd and 64th armies began on July 23. On this day, the fascist headquarters issued an order to “strike Stalingrad..., capture the city, and also cut the isthmus between the Don and the Volga.” Paulus' troops, numbering 270 thousand soldiers, 3 thousand guns and mortars, about 500 tanks and up to 1200 combat aircraft, tried to encircle them with sweeping attacks on the flanks of the Soviet troops in the large bend of the Don, reach the area of ​​​​the city of Kalacha and break through to Stalingrad from the west . However, as a result of the stubborn defense of the 62nd and 64th armies and counterattacks of the 1st and 4th tank armies, the enemy’s plan failed. 2. 5 thousand communists and 50 thousand Komsomol members were sent to the Stalingrad front. On July 28, People's Commissar of Defense I.V. Stalin issued order 227. It spoke of the mortal danger hanging over Soviet country, and a demand was made to stop the enemy. “From now on, the order emphasized, iron law discipline for every commander, Red Army soldier, political commissar, there must be a requirement not to take a step back without an order high command».

6 Commanders and political workers found guilty of violating this requirement were ordered to be deprived of positions, titles, awards and put on trial by a military tribunal. The military councils of the fronts and armies were required to create penal battalions and companies to which to send soldiers and commanders who showed cowardice and cowardice, so that “they would atone for their guilt with their blood.” The Supreme Commander-in-Chief also ordered the creation of barrage detachments and placed them behind those units that showed instability in battle. This was perhaps the most severe order of the entire war. But it was dictated by harsh reality. The surrender of Stalingrad and the Nazis' access to the Volga could have led to irreparable consequences. A participant in the campaign against Stalingrad, Major General G. Dörr notes that after the distribution of Order 227 among the Soviet troops, “an increase in enemy resistance was noted on all sectors of the front.” Heroism of the troops 4 armor-piercing soldiers of the 62nd Army, led by P. O. Boloto, having two anti-tank rifles, entered into battle with 30 German tanks. In one day, the heroes destroyed 15 tanks and did not let the enemy pass through their positions. 16 soldiers under the command of junior lieutenant V.D. Kochetkov fought steadfastly near the Dubovoy farm. During the first day of the battle, they repulsed five attacks by the Nazi company. At dawn next day 12 enemy tanks moved towards their position. The unequal duel lasted several hours. And now, out of 16 fighters, only four remained alive; the ammunition ran out. In an effort to inflict maximum losses on the enemy, the heroes with bunches of grenades rushed under the tanks. When reinforcements arrived, six tanks were burning on the hillside. During the month of fighting, the GA covered kilometers. August 23rd Day of the great tragedy 1. Access to the Volga north of Stalingrad 2. Air raid (2 days) 600 planes, sorties, destruction of the city, the deaths of the inhabitants. 3. Stalin’s ban on the evacuation of city residents On the same day, fulfilling Hitler’s order to expose Stalingrad to “heavy weapons,” the Nazis subjected the city to a massive bombardment. During the day, enemy aircraft flew more than 2,000 sorties. The Nazis had never unleashed such a powerful air strike on any city during the war; it turned into a sea of ​​fire. Not only buildings and structures were burning, the earth and the Volga were burning: the Germans bombed huge oil tanks and oil tankers, burning oil poured through the streets and flowed into the Volga... Marshal of the Soviet Union A. M. Vasilevsky recalls: “I was in the city then and saw it turn into ruins. At night it looked like a giant bonfire.” Nazi propaganda hastened to declare that “the fortress of the Bolsheviks is at the feet of the Fuhrer.” After two days of massive bombing, the city was reduced to ruins. Over 42 thousand residents died under the ruins of buildings. Heroism of the troops. And on the northern outskirts of the city there was an unprecedented battle. The enemy's tank avalanche, consisting of more than 200 steel vehicles with machine gunners, was first met by soldiers of the 1077th and 1078th anti-aircraft artillery regiments. With direct fire, anti-aircraft gunners, and among them there were many girls, shot at fascist tanks and at the same time fired at enemy aircraft. The battery crew of Lieutenant M.F. Baskakov, covering Latoshinka, fought to the last opportunity: all 43 batteries fell in the battle. Under

7 tank tracks killed the gun crews of the 1st and 2nd divisions of the 1077th regiment of Colonel V. E. German. The 1078th regiment of Colonel G.I. Ershov suffered heavy losses. But the enemy was unable to break into the city. In just one day, the Nazis lost 5 planes, 43 tanks and hundreds of soldiers. Work detachments, military school cadets, 5 armored boats of the Volga Military Flotilla, two of which had Katyushas, ​​and other units arrived to help the anti-aircraft gunners. The battle lasted two days. The fighters of the destroyer battalions and militia fearlessly attacked, blowing up German tanks with grenades and petrol bombs. Looking at the workers in overalls through binoculars, Hitler’s generals wondered: what kind of new troops did the Russians have? 13 September 13th Guards rifle division recaptured Mamayev Kurgan, saved the city and the crossing. Rodimtsev’s division headquarters was located 50 meters from the water and 250 meters from the front line. But the Nazis could not overcome these meters. The feat of Private Mikhail Panikakha Panikakha Mikhail Averyanovich () deputy squad commander of the 1st company of the 883rd rifle regiment(193rd Rifle Division, 62nd Army, Stalingrad Front) private. Born in 1918 in the village of Mogilev, now Tsarichansky district, Dnepropetrovsk region, into a peasant family. Ukrainian. Primary education. He worked on a collective farm. In the Red Army from In the battles of the Great Patriotic War from March During the repulsion of a counterattack of 7 tanks and a group of machine gunners on October 2, 1942, Private Panikakha went to the lead tank with a grenade and Molotov cocktails. When one of the bottles was broken by a fragment of an enemy shell and the clothes ignited with a torch, Panikakha rushed at the enemy tank and, breaking another bottle on its armor, set it on fire, and he himself died. The remaining tanks turned back.

8 He was nominated for the title of Hero of the Soviet Union in November 1942, but the title was awarded only posthumously on May 5, 1990. Awarded the Order of Lenin, Patriotic War, 1st degree. A monument was erected at the site of the death of Mikhail Panikakha. One of the streets of Volgograd bears the name of the hero. His name is inscribed on a memorial plaque on the mass grave of Mamayev Kurgan. "The House of Sergeant Pavlov"

9 Pavlov's House (House of Soldier's Glory) is a 4-story residential building in the center of Volgograd, in which during the Battle of Stalingrad a group of Soviet soldiers held the defense under the command of senior lieutenant I. F. Afanasyev and senior sergeant Ya. F. Pavlov. Became a symbol of courage, perseverance and heroism. Pavlov's house was built so that a straight, flat road led from it to the Volga. This fact played an important role during the Battle of Stalingrad. 24 soldiers of 9 nationalities 4 nurses In the basement there are civilians Paulus himself knew that German troops could not take this house. He is also credited with saying that the losses of German troops here are comparable to the losses during the conquest of France!!!

10 Child of Pavlov's House Zinaida Petrovna Andreeva (Selezneva) she spent 58 days with her mother in the house, which was later called Pavlov's House. There, a pregnant woman took refuge from the shooting and explosions with the grandparents of the future baby. Soon after Zinochka was born, she fell ill with diphtheria. Her condition was so bad that the soldiers had already decided to dig a grave. One of the shovels hit something metal. Having cleared the object from the ground, the fighters saw that it was a medallion with the image of Jesus Christ and the Virgin Mary, and on back side in Old Church Slavonic it was written that this was an icon of miracles. The medallion was given to Evdokia, the mother of the dying girl, hoping to receive help from the shrine. And indeed, the girl began to recover. Her father, who died in Stalingrad, never found out about the birth of his daughter. After the war, the defenders of the Pavlov House kept in touch with the Andreev family for a long time, sending letters and parcels, although they themselves did not live richly, but considered it their duty to take care of their “godmother” daughter Zina.

11 Counter-offensive of the Red Army Operation "Uranus" November 11 in Stalingrad remained - About 1000 people in the north in the market area - About 500 people in the center, in the area of ​​the Barricades plant - About people in the south

12 3 fronts Southwestern, Don, Stalingrad prepared for the offensive German Army Red Army People 1 million 1.1 million Tanks Airplanes Guns In the direction of the main attacks, guns were concentrated on 1 kilometer of the front November 19, 1942, the beginning of powerful artillery preparation and the offensive of the Red Army troops ARTILLERY DAY November 23 troops united at Kalach on the Don Surrounded by Germans Romanians 100 tanks guns motor vehicles horses November 25 an internal front of encirclement of Red Army soldiers was created November 25 Goering began supplying Paulus' troops by air 230 Yuton aircraft per day provided 200 tons

13 About 500 aircraft were lost About a crew of people Operation “Winter Thunder” December 12, 1942 Manstein’s attempt to release the 6th army of people 190 tanks 40 assault guns By December 23, Manstein reached the line of the Myshkova River. Paulus communicated via tank radios. Malinovsky's 2nd Guards Army stopped the enemy. Hitler forbade Paulus to launch a counter-attack to the breakthrough!!! The Germans surrounded in Stalingrad were doomed.

February 2 is celebrated as the Day of Military Glory of Russia. The day of the defeat of Nazi troops by Soviet troops in the Battle of Stalingrad (1943). February 2 is celebrated as the Day of Military Glory of Russia. The Day of Defeat by the Soviets.

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Battle of Stalingrad 07/17/1942-02/02/1943 200 days of hell Stalingrad was defended by two armies: the 64th under the command of M.S. Shumilova SHUMILOV Mikhail Stepanovich (1895-1975) Colonel General Hero of the Soviet Union

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On November 19, 1942, Operation Uranus began, the strategic offensive of Soviet troops near Stalingrad, which led to the defeat of Paulus's army. November 19, 2014, Operation Uranus began on November 19, 1942.


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1. What does the concept of “a radical turning point in the war” mean? What events led to a radical change during the Great Patriotic War and World War II?

The concept of a “radical turning point in a war” means a radical change in the course of military operations, when the initiative finally passes from one side to the other. The Battles of Stalingrad and Kursk led to a radical turning point during the Great Patriotic War. When the Germans were forced to retreat and go on the defensive. There was no more initiative on their part. This success also inspired the countries of the anti-Hitler coalition and accelerated the opening of a second front in Europe.

2. Make a synchronic table “The radical turning point during the Great Patriotic War and the Second World War.”

DateSoviet-German frontNorth Africa and Asia
July 17, 1942 – February 2, 1943Battle of Stalingrad. Fights were fought for every house in the city. November 19, 1942 The Red Army launched a counteroffensive. The counter-offensive was commanded by G.K. Zhukov and A.M. Vasilevsky. A Nazi group of 330 thousand people was surrounded. Hitler's favorite Field Marshal Paulus was captured.Autumn 1942 in North Africa fighting near El Alamein. The German-Italian offensive on Egypt was stopped, and the German army of E. Rommel was defeated. Summer of 1942, the Americans defeated the Japanese fleet near the island. Midway. November 1942 Anglo-American troops led by D. Eisenhower landed in Morocco and Algeria.
Early 1943Breaking the blockade of Leningrad. The beginning of a radical fracture. General offensive of the Red Army. Development by the German command of the “Citadel” plan, a plan for the capture of Kursk.At the beginning of May 1943, British and US troops surrounded a large group of German-Italian troops in Tunisia and forced them to capitulate. Japan lost the battle for the island. Guadalcanal.
July 5, 1943 – August 23, 1943Battle of Kursk. The enemy was unable to break through to Kursk. On July 12, 1943, the largest tank battle of the war took place - the Battle of Prokhorovka, which served as a turning point during the Battle of Kursk. On August 5, Oryol and Belgorod were liberated. On the same day, the first victorious fireworks display in Moscow during the war years.The Allies landed on the island in July 1943. Sicily. The liberation of Italy began. Mussolini is arrested.
Autumn 1943The Red Army managed to cross the Dnieper. On September 23, 1943, the first regional center of the BSSR, Komarin, was liberated. On September 25, Smolensk was liberated. November 6 – Kyiv.On September 8, 1943, the new Italian government signed a truce with the Anglo-American command. Declares war on Germany. On September 12, Mussolini was released and heads the puppet republic of Salo in northern Italy.

3. Give examples of the heroism of Soviet soldiers on the fronts of the Great Patriotic War. What were the origins of the heroism and courage of the Soviet people during the war?

Examples of the heroism of Soviet soldiers. During the defense of Stalingrad, Ya.F.’s unit distinguished itself. Pavlov, who for a long time conducted defense in an ordinary residential building. This house was left in ruins after the war; it is a monument to the feat of these people and is called Pavlov's House. In February 1943, 19-year-old private A.M. Sailors accomplished a feat, closing the embrasure of an enemy machine-gun bunker with his body. Pilot A.P. distinguished himself in the battles on the Kursk Bulge. Maresyev, who was shot down in one of the winter battles, suffered severe frostbite and lost both legs, but learned to walk and fly again using prosthetics. B. Polevoy wrote a book about him, “The Tale of a Real Man.” The origins of the heroism and courage of the Soviet people were a single goal - to save their homeland from the fascist invaders.

4. Was there a relationship between the actions of the Red Army and the Allied troops during World War II? Give the facts.

There was a relationship between the actions of the Red Army and the Allied troops. Representatives of the USSR, Great Britain and the USA coordinated their actions to successfully fight against fascism. For example, when the Battle of Stalingrad was going on, the Japanese were defeated near Fr. Midway and the landing of Anglo-American troops in Morocco and Algeria. And the landing of allied troops in Sicily and the beginning of the liberation of Italy took place during the period when the Battle of Kursk was going on, which completed a radical turning point in the course of the war.

5. Where and when did the first conference during the Second World War take place with the participation of leaders of state W. Churchill, I.V. Stalin and F.D. Roosevelt? What issues were discussed there? Was there unity among state leaders on all issues?

On November 28 – December 1, 1943, a conference was held in Tehran, the first during the Second World War, with the participation of Churchill, Stalin and Roosevelt. It discussed the opening of the Second Front in Western Europe, a discussion of the problems of the post-war world order, agreed on the creation of a world peacekeeping organization after the war, the problem of the post-war status of Germany, the Polish question, and outlined ways of post-war cooperation between these states.

There was not unity on all issues. The most heated discussions were on the German question. Churchill and Roosevelt advocated the division of Germany, but did not agree on how to divide the territory of the state. The Polish question also caused a lot of controversy. Stalin was able to achieve a decision to move the Polish eastern border to the “Curzon Line”, and the western border to the river. Oder.

Answer to questions about the historical document pp. 175 – 176.

What disagreements were there between Stalin and Churchill on the issue of opening a second front in Europe?

Churchill argued that the first priority was to liberate Italy, followed by landing troops in southern France, thereby opening a second front. Stalin believed that it was necessary to land allied troops on the territory of Northern or Northwestern France as quickly as possible.

In the second half of 1942, with the completion of the transfer of the economy to a military footing, it became possible to create certain command reserves. In the fall of 1942, Headquarters developed counteroffensive plan, which was planned to be carried out by the forces of the Stalingrad, Don and Southwestern fronts with the support of aviation, tanks and artillery. Its result was supposed to be the encirclement and destruction of the entire group of fascist troops fortified in the Stalingrad area.

On November 19-20, after strong artillery preparation, a counter-offensive of Soviet troops began, which by November 23 ended with the encirclement of 22 fascist divisions numbering 330 thousand people. An attempt by the German command in December to break the encirclement ring with a joint strike by a group of troops under the command of Manstein and the encircled army Field Marshal Paulus ended with the defeat of Manstein's troops. Paulus's armies did not accept Soviet offers of surrender. At the end of January 1943, the operation to eliminate the encircled troops was completed, and their remnants (91 thousand soldiers, officers, generals) and Paulus himself surrendered. On February 2, 1943, the historical battle on the Volga ended victoriously.

This was an unprecedented defeat for the Nazis, who lost a huge army and powerful military equipment. Battle of Stalingrad showed the increased combat power of the Red Army and its military equipment, the talent of Soviet commanders N. N. Voronov, N. F. Vatutin, A. I. Eremenko, R. Ya. Malinovsky, K. K. Rokossovsky, V. I. Chuikov and etc.

The victory turned out to be possible as a result of the heroic, selfless work of the Soviet rear, which managed to reorganize its work and provide the front with everything necessary for victory.

Historical significance of the Battle of Stalingrad is that it marked the beginning of a radical change in the course of the Great Patriotic War and the entire Second World War. The defeat of the German armies on the Volga forced their closest allies - Turkey and Japan - to refuse to enter the war against the USSR.

Simultaneously with the Stalingrad operation, Soviet troops launched an offensive in Leningrad, Volkhov, Central and Western fronts, in the region of the North Caucasus, Don, Voronezh. In the winter of 1942/43, in certain sectors of the front, the enemy was driven back to a distance of up to 700 km, many cities and towns in the Moscow region, Kursk, Voronezh, Rostov and other regions were liberated, economic connections between the central and southern industrial regions were restored, and the blockade of Leningrad was broken.

Trying to take revenge for the defeat on the Volga and raise the sharply shaken prestige of Germany, the fascist command developed a plan for the summer offensive of 1943. Its goal was to level the front line by defeating parts of the Voronezh and Central Front and further advance into the interior of the country and capture Moscow. The Germans chose the Kursk salient as the main base for military operations, wedged into the location of fascist troops between Belgorod - Kursk - Orel along the Prokhorovka - Sumy - Rylsk - Sevsk - Popyri line. The strike was supposed to be delivered between Belgorod and Orel in the direction of Kursk.

The absence of a second front, which the Allies did not open in 1943, gave the Nazis the opportunity, using armies transferred from the West, to concentrate 232 divisions in the Eastern direction, i.e. more than before the start of the war. More than 50 divisions were concentrated in the Kursk area, supported by powerful Tiger and Panther tanks and Ferdinand armored self-propelled guns, which were supposed to carry out a breakthrough using armor and fire. The Soviet command decided to organize a defense in depth, exhaust the main enemy forces and then launch a counteroffensive. On July 5, 1943, the enemy's summer offensive began, which was successfully repulsed. On July 12, the troops of the Western and Bryansk fronts launched a counteroffensive. The scale of this battle is evidenced by the fact that in some areas up to 1,500 tanks fought, not counting other equipment. On August 5, Oryol and Belgorod were liberated, and on August 23, Kharkov. August 30 - Taganrog. In August - September, fascist groups were defeated near Smolensk, Novorossiysk, and in the Donbass. In the battles near Novorossiysk, especially on “Malaya Zemlya”, and then for the liberation of Kerch, the 18th Airborne Army fought, the head of the political department of which was L. I. Brezhnev, who went through the entire war in the ranks of the active army. It started at the end of September crossing of the Dnieper, where the Germans created "impregnable great eastern rampart", which included a number of powerful engineering structures, which, however, could not withstand the rapid breakthrough of our troops. The troops of the Central, Voronezh, Steppe, South-Eastern and Southern Fronts successfully conducted offensive operations, clearing left-bank Ukraine. On November 6, 1943, Kyiv was liberated. Partisan detachments and the help of the population of temporarily occupied areas played a major role in the success of the summer-autumn offensive of our troops.

Battle of Kursk- one of the most important stages on the path to the victory of the USSR over Nazi Germany. As a result of the victory of the Soviet troops near Kursk, a radical turning point occurred in the course of both the Patriotic War and the entire World War, which manifested itself in a change in the balance of forces in favor of the USSR, as a result of the heroic activities of the Soviet Army, the labor achievements of the rear, the feat of everything Soviet people. A radical change occurred both in the work of the Soviet rear and during military operations. The country's industry ensured the Soviet Army's complete superiority in military equipment, weapons, equipment, and ammunition. The Battle of Kursk demonstrated the complete advantage of the Soviet Army and its equipment, showing that a radical turning point had occurred in the war, as a result of which the German army was deprived of the opportunity to advance. After the Battle of Kursk, the Soviet Army continued its strategic offensive along the entire front, liberating two-thirds of the territory previously captured by the enemy. The expulsion of the invaders from our Motherland has begun. The significance of this period is associated with the growth of international authority Soviet state, with a change in the position of Germany’s allies and the further collapse of the fascist bloc.

At the end of October 1943, a meeting was convened in Moscow Conference of the Foreign Ministers of the USSR, USA and Great Britain, which discussed issues related to the further strengthening of the anti-Hitler coalition and post-war security measures. The Allies agreed on the need to create an international body to maintain peace after the war - the United Nations. From November 28 to December 4, 1943, the conference heads of government of the USSR, USA and Great Britain in Tehran, where an agreement was reached on the final defeat of Nazi Germany. On May 1, 1944, it was decided to open a second front by landing troops in France across the English Channel. The heads of government signed a declaration to punish war criminals for the atrocities they committed.

Began at the end of 1942 with the start of the counter-offensive Soviet army- after winning Battle of Stalingrad. The incredible feat of Soviet soldiers (at the cost of the lives of more than 1.2 million soldiers) turned the entire tide World War II. The Stalingrad hell is reflected in hundreds literary works, musical works, theater, cinema, television, computer games.

February 2, 1943 General's Tank Army Paulus was completely destroyed, the remaining Wehrmacht divisions, the 8th Italian Gariboldi Army, the 2nd Hungarian Army, the 3rd and 4th Romanian Armies and the 369th Croatian Regiment were defeated in Stalingrad cauldron and scattered. It's hard to describe the hysteria Hitler, who realized that the Soviet Union is by no means a “colossus with feet of clay” (as he himself said before), but blitzkrieg « Barbarossa“not only went to hell, but the entire course of the war began to threaten defeat.

At this time, all of Europe froze, monitoring the progress of hostilities on the Eastern Front. How German generals, and the allies of the USSR in anti-Hitler coalition were aware that the most important battles of the world war at that moment took place on the territory of the Soviet Union.

On August 23, Kharkov was liberated and the battle for the Dnieper. On September 22, Soviet troops began to cross the Dnieper, and during the subsequent Korsun-Shevchenko operation surrounded and defeated German troops. Started in October Kyiv offensive operation and on November 6, the capital of the Ukrainian SSR was liberated from the Nazi invaders.

Immediately after the Kursk Bulge, an operation was undertaken to liberation of Donbass. Donbass operation began on August 13, 1943 by troops of the southern front, which the day before expelled the Nazis from Kuban, Rostov-on-Don and Taganrog. The most fierce battles took place in the area of ​​the villages of Kuibyshevo-Marinovka-Snezhnoye. The fascists occupied the commanding heights known as Saur-Mogila. During repeated assaults, the height changed hands several times, until on August 31, Soviet soldiers finally occupied it and the Germans retreated. During the entire Donbass operation (especially in breaking through the defense Mius-front, up to 800 thousand people died, although this data has not been verified. After the war, a memorial complex was built on Saur-Mogila, which, unfortunately, was destroyed during the fighting in August 2014, when the height also passed several times into the hands of the Ukrainian military and the army of the Donetsk Republic. On September 5, the 4th Ukrainian Front liberated the important industrial center of Artemovsk, and on September 8 - Stalino (Donetsk). By September 22, 1943, the Nazis were driven out to Zaporozhye, and the operation to liberate Donbass was completed.

On November 28, 1943, the Tehran Conference, which brought together the leaders of the USSR governments ( Stalin), Great Britain (Churchill) and the USA (Roosevelt). During the meeting, the heads of state finally decided to open Second Front. Let us recall that the Germans began bombing London back in September 1940, and the Japanese began on December 7, 1941 during attack on Pearl Harbor destroyed more than half of the American Pacific fleet and killed two and a half thousand US citizens. During the conference, agents Hitler they tried to organize a terrorist attack and eliminate the leaders of the USSR, USA and England, fortunately, but unsuccessfully. Based on this event, in 1980 Mosfilm filmed Tehran-43.

By the end of 1942, the turning point in the Great Patriotic War gradually moved into a new stage - the offensive of the Soviet army against Nazi Germany and its allies. The Soviets played no small role in this turning point. partisans. Guerrilla movement was carried out with the support of the Soviet government. Intelligence and sabotage activities Soviet citizens behind enemy lines in the occupied territories produced no less an effect than the actions of Denis Davydov’s partisans in

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Lesson type: combined.

Target: show the course of military operations on the Soviet-German front in the summer of 1942 - autumn of 1943, the heroism and courage of Soviet soldiers.


  • Educational: students’ acquisition of knowledge about the main events of the radical turning point during the Great Patriotic War and the Second World War, the place and role of the USSR in these events; formation in students of a holistic understanding of the Great Patriotic War, the fate of the peoples of the USSR, the main stages, most important events and major figures of national history.
  • Educational: education of students in the spirit of patriotism, respect for their Fatherland, in accordance with the ideas of mutual understanding, tolerance and peace between people and nations, in the spirit of democratic values ​​of modern society.
  • Developmental: development of students’ ability to analyze information contained in various sources about events and phenomena of the past and present, guided by the principle of historicism, in their dynamics, interconnection and interdependence.


  • Cards:
  • a) The Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945.
  • b) Counter-offensive of the Red Army at Stalingrad.
  • Multimedia presentation
  • Handouts
  • Important dates to remember


I. Survey

1. German attack on Soviet Union, the reasons for the failures of the Red Army in the first months of the war.
2. Battle for Moscow, her historical significance.

II. Learning new material


1. The Battle of Stalingrad and the Battle of the Caucasus.

a) Plans of the German command for the summer-autumn of 1942 (slide 1).
b) Summer offensive of German troops: students are shown footage of a documentary film
c) Battle for the Caucasus.
d) Defense of Stalingrad: footage from the film is shown (slide 2).
e) Preparation of a counter-offensive by Soviet troops, encirclement and defeat of Nazi troops at Stalingrad. The beginning of a radical change in the course of the war: footage from the film is shown (slide 3, 4).

2. Battle of Kursk.

a) Plans of the warring parties for the summer of 1943. Correlation of forces.
b) The beginning of the Battle of Kursk. Operation “Citadel” and its failure (slide 5, 6).
c) Counter-offensive of the Soviet army. Tank battle near Prokhorovka. Defeat of the German armies: footage from the film is shown (slide 7).
d) The general offensive of the Soviet troops, the completion of a radical turning point in the course of the war.

Abstract body text

1. Battle of Stalingrad

By the beginning of the summer of 1942, Germany maintained a military-strategic advantage over the USSR. Nevertheless, Stalin insisted on a series of major offensive operations in order to achieve a turning point in the war. The Soviet command made a mistake in assessing the strategic plans of the Wehrmacht, assuming that its main forces would concentrate on the Moscow direction. Meanwhile, the Wehrmacht planned to strike in the south-eastern direction, then to the Caucasus, to the oil-bearing regions of Baku.
Obeying the directives of the Headquarters, Soviet troops in May 1942 went on the offensive in the Crimea and near Kharkov. It ended in heavy defeat. In July, Sevastopol fell and the Donbass and important agricultural areas of Ukraine and southern Russia were occupied. The enemy reached the North Caucasus, trying to seize rich oil fields, and at the same time launched an attack on Stalingrad with the aim of cutting off one of the key transport arteries of the USSR. From the first days of September, fierce street battles broke out in Stalingrad.
The transfer of German troops to Stalingrad limited the possibilities of developing their offensive in the Caucasian direction. By the end of September 1942, their offensive stopped, and all further attempts to enter Transcaucasia ended in failure.
Near Stalingrad, where the 6th Army of General Paulus and the Tank Army of General Hoth were bogged down in bloody battles, the Soviet command was preparing a counteroffensive, which began on November 19, 1942 and ended on February 2, 1943 with the surrender of the German group of Paulus’s troops. The offensive also developed successfully in the southern direction, where it was possible to expel the enemy from the North Caucasus and most of the Donbass.
Thus, the Battle of Stalingrad marked the beginning of a radical change in the course of the Great Patriotic War and the entire Second World War. The strategic initiative passed to the Red Army.

2. Battle of Kursk

In preparation for the summer campaign of 1943, Nazi strategists concentrated their attention on the Kursk Bulge. This was the name of the protrusion of the front line facing the West. It was here that Hitler intended to take revenge for the defeat at Stalingrad. Two powerful tank wedges were supposed to break through the defenses of the Soviet troops at the base of the ledge, surround them and create a threat to Moscow.
The headquarters of the Supreme High Command, having received timely information from intelligence about the planned offensive, was well prepared for defense and response actions. When the Wehrmacht attacked the Kursk Bulge on July 5, 1943, the Red Army managed to withstand it, and on July 12, 1943, Soviet troops launched a strategic offensive. It quickly unfolded along a front of 2 thousand kilometers. In August 1943, Oryol, Belgorod, and Kharkov were liberated, and in September, Smolensk. At the same time, the crossing of the Dnieper began; in November, Soviet troops entered Kyiv, and by the end of the year they advanced far to the west.
The Battle of Kursk and the subsequent offensive of the Soviet troops completed a radical turning point in the Great Patriotic War.

Key dates to remember:

1. July-August 1942 - defeats of the Red Army near Kharkov and in the Crimea, the entry of German troops into the Caucasus and the Volga.
2. September-November 1942, defense of Stalingrad, battles in the Caucasus direction.
3. November 19, 1942, the beginning of the counteroffensive of Soviet troops near Stalingrad.
4. February 2, 1943, the liquidation of the German military group near Stalingrad, the beginning of a radical turning point during the Great Patriotic War.
5. July-August 1943 Battle of Kursk, strategic offensive of Soviet troops, completion of a radical turning point during the Great Patriotic War.

III. Consolidation

To reinforce new material, students are given cards with test tasks and asked the following questions:

  • What historical significance did the Battle of Stalingrad have?
  • Show on the map the directions of the main attacks of German troops on the Kursk ledge and the counter-offensive of Soviet troops.

Test tasks

1. The Battle of Stalingrad has begun

a) in December 1941
b) in August 1942
c) in February 1943

2. The completion of a radical change in the Great Patriotic War is associated with

a) Battle of Kursk
b) Battle of Stalingrad
c) the battle of Moscow

3. The largest tank battle in the Great Patriotic War took place during the battle

a) Kursk
b) Moscow
c) Stalingrad

4. The Battle of Stalingrad marked the beginning of a radical change in the course of the Great Patriotic War, since

a) already in the spring of 1943 the Second Front was opened
b) Nazi Germany suffered its first major defeat
c) the strategic initiative passed into the hands of the Red Army
At the end of the lesson, a general summary of the lesson is summed up and grades are given. The slides are recorded on a CD and are attached to this lesson.