An essay on the topic of my impressions. Claude Monet "Impression"

Summer is one of the most favorite times of the year for most people. Schoolchildren, definitely all of them, love summer because they don’t have to go to school, sit in class and do homework. Summer is also my favorite time of the year, because it’s warm, the sun is shining, and the day is much longer than the night. In summer, most interesting, exciting and fun things happen. You can walk until late and no one will scold you or tell you that you have to get up early for school.

The most vivid impression of this summer for me was a trip to the sea. For the first time in my life I saw the sea in reality and up close. From school they distributed

My parents bought me vacation packages too. Moreover, almost our entire class went. It was very fun and exciting.

When we arrived, we were taken to the seashore, it was something unique. I will never forget this view. A large beach with so many people that there is nowhere to walk, and then the sea. At first it is light blue, and then, further and further, it becomes darker and bluer, and there is no end in sight. Only a large horizon line that separated the sea and sky. And if the sky were the same color, then they would merge into one whole. At that moment I regretted that I was not an artist and did not draw. This is a sight that definitely needs to be captured. I

I took a photo, but it’s not at all what’s in the photo.

Then we went to get settled into our rooms, have dinner, find out the schedule and the like. And in the evening we were taken for a walk. This is another beauty. The whole city just lights up like a Christmas tree. Everywhere there is music, laughter, delighted screams and multi-colored light that reaches the sky. There are various animals and birds around with which you can take pictures. Many people of different nationalities. It's something magical.

The trip was wonderful, I had a very good rest, swam in the sea, saw a lot of interesting and exciting things. But the most striking moment for me will always be the view of the sea and the tourist town at night.

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Essays on topics:

  1. For all schoolchildren, without exception, summer is their favorite time. And this is not even because it is warm in the summer, but because...
  2. I really love summer time. It's vacation time and I have a lot of free time. But I love summer not only...

My parents really like to relax and visit warm countries. We often traveled around our country by train and visited different big cities. But last summer my family went on vacation to India.

Summer holiday

My parents planned our trip for a long time and studied a lot of different materials about India. Mom told me before leaving:

  • India is a tropical country and it is very hot there.
  • It's rainy season there now and an umbrella is needed.
  • You only need to take light clothing.
  • Hats, summer sandals and flip-flops are a must.

I was really looking forward to the day of departure and was worried. I was wondering what another country looks like.

Flying an airplane

We arrived at the airport. It was a warm summer day and a cool breeze was blowing. Clouds were gathering in the sky.

When I approached the airport window. I saw airplanes for the first time. They looked like huge white birds with giant wings. There were a lot of planes. I looked at each and compared them:

  • Some looked like bees.
  • Others resembled bright butterflies.
  • Very small red planes resembled beetles.
  • Our plane looked like a seagull.

Finally, we boarded the plane and began to wait for departure. As soon as the plane took off into the sky, my city from above became visible in a completely different way. The houses seemed very tiny, and the paths and rivers remained only blue threads on the dark ground. Clouds hung directly over the city and partially covered the ground. They looked like pieces of cotton wool and seemed weightless. Our plane easily flew past huge clouds and small clouds and rose higher and higher.

In India we visited a zoo with wild animals. It was a funny and bright excursion. We fed the animals bread, vegetables and fruits. When I approached the elephant's enclosure, I didn't see the elephant right away. The elephant was so huge that it was difficult to see it up close. His legs stood like 4 trunks of a giant tree. To see the whole animal, I had to step back, and then I saw its large ears and trunk, like a beach umbrella. An elephant's eyes are small compared to its huge body. The elephant stood and did not move, slowly chewing the grass. We gave the elephant bananas and rice bread.

Essay on personal impressions

Guys! Today in class you will have to write an essay.

Let's remember that a school essay is a type of independent creative work in which one sets out one's own thoughts, experiences, and judgments related to a certain topic.

An essay differs from an exposition in that in an exposition the writer retells the text of a work or an excerpt from it, but in an essay he creates (creates) his own text.

Essays come in different types. You have already tried to write essays on a free topic and essays on a picture. Today we will learn to talk about our personal impressions.

Many writers often create their works based on what they themselves once experienced. They describe in their books what they saw personally and what made a strong impression on them.

In literary studies, such works are called diary notes, letters, memoirs, memoirs.

Perhaps someday you will try to write memoirs, but first, try interestingly telling your comrades or friends about one of the memorable events from your life.

In a situation where you just met with friends, this question does not arise. In a friendly conversation, chatting merrily, laughing and interrupting each other, you talk about yourself and find out how your friend is doing. At the same time, you do not have to struggle to select words and expressions, or wonder whether you have constructed your sentences correctly. (These are the features of conversational style!)

You have already guessed that you can only talk about your experiences in friendly letters, because business letters require completely different topics for correspondence.


How to write an essay on personal impressions

What to write about?

Write a letter to your friend or comrade about one of your successful evenings or days. This could be a story about any event that made an impression on you and was memorable to you. Describe an evening spent with family or friends, a celebration at school or a club, an excursion or an interesting game with friends.

Believe me, you can tell an interesting story about even the most ordinary event. For example, the hero of V. Dragunsky’s story “My Sister Ksenia” - a boy whose name is Denis Korablev - talks about how he took part in bathing his newborn sister:

“And in the evening we began to bathe her.<…>And Ksenka had such a face that she was the best at diving and plunging—dad’s flattery worked. But when they began to bathe her, she looked like, look, good people, look: her own father and mother are about to drown her daughter, and she searched with her heel and found the bottom, leaned on it and only then calmed down a little, her face became a little more even, not so unhappy , and she allowed herself to be watered, but still had doubts, what if dad let her choke... And then I slipped under my mother’s elbow in time and gave Ksenka my finger and, apparently, I guessed right, did what was necessary, she grabbed my finger and completely calmed down. The girl grabbed my finger so tightly and desperately, just like a drowning person clutching at a straw.

And I felt sorry for her because she was holding on to me, holding on with all her might with her sparrow-like fingers, and from these fingers it was clear that she trusted me alone with her precious life and that, frankly, all this bathing was for her torment, and horror, and risk, and threat, and you have to save yourself: hold on to the finger of your older, strong and brave brother. And when I realized all this, when I finally understood how difficult and scary it was for her, poor thing, I immediately began to love her.”

What style should you write in?

Depending on the purpose of the statement, we speak and write differently.

Your essay will be written in an artistic style. However, remember that very often writers include elements of a conversational style in their works in order to convey the peculiarities of the speech of the characters in the book. You can follow the example of writers and include in your story remarks (statements) from the participants in the story about which you will write to a friend. But do not forget that the use of rude, colloquial vocabulary is unacceptable in either artistic or colloquial style!

Test yourself!

How to start an essay-letter?

The landscape created by Levitan is full of light. The picture is dominated by warm, light, cheerful tones. Levitan's painting is a celebration of colors, the magnificent rejoicing of autumn that has come into its own. The landscape does not evoke sad thoughts about the coming winter. The artist gives us the happiness of seeing autumn on the canvas in all its splendor, in the golden glow of a clear sunny day.

Looking at the painting “Golden Autumn”, we are imbued with a deep feeling of love for our native nature

III. Drawing up an essay plan. In a strong class, we can invite students to independently create a plan for their essay, and then we will find out what difficulties arose. We can also give students in the weaker class the opportunity to try their hand at drawing up an essay plan on their own, and then we will organize a parallel check and joint drawing up of a general plan using the proposals that will come from fifth-graders. One of the plan options might look something like this. I. I. I. Levitan is a wonderful landscape artist.II. Painting by I. I. Levitan “Golden Autumn”. 1. General plan of the picture. 2. Trees in Levitan’s painting: birches in the foreground, aspens, birch at the bend of the river, willows, a golden grove. 3. Autumn river. Sky. 4. Background of the picture: winter fields, meadows, trees, houses.

5. Color of the picture.

III. The impression that the painting “Golden Autumn” leaves. Artist's skill.

IV. Lexical work.

1. In the workshop artist (general interpretation of the meanings of special words).

Color- the relationship of colors in a painting by tone, color saturation.

*Contrast(in a painting) - a sharp contrast in the brightness (illumination) of an object or its color compared to the surrounding background.

Warm colors (shades) – yellow and red colors.

Cool colors (shades) - green, blue, purple, gray.

Selection of lexical material.

1) Recording and spelling analysis of word combinations that were used during the oral description of the picture (interdictation).

Sample list of phrases.

Trees drenched in gold, clean and transparent air, autumn decoration, gentle banks, winter fields, unremarkable landscape, amazing poetic image, admire the artist’s art, warm gold of foliage, browned grass, panorama of winter fields, festive glow, burning in the sun, quietly rejoice, golden piles of fallen leaves, heaps of red leaves, autumn withering, a festival of colors, lush rejoicing, splendor, the golden radiance of a clear sunny day.

2) Analysis of ready-made lexical material (reading and repeated discussion of poetic lines selected at home, exercise 598 (2)).

D. z.: write an essay based on the painting by I. I. Levitan “Golden Autumn”.

: Stage I– 5-7 min., Stage II– 15 min., Stage III– 10 min., Stage IV– 12-15 min.

Lesson 103.

Subject. Word formation of nouns (§ 40).

Lesson objectives: 1) consolidate information about the main ways of forming nouns;

2) consolidate the ability to conduct word-formation, morphemic and etymological analysis of nouns using reference literature (word-formation dictionary, dictionary of the meaning of morphemes and etymological dictionary).

I. Consolidating the idea of ​​ways and means of forming nouns(Ex. 600, 601, 603).

In the process of working with these exercises, important skills are improved:

Ability to conduct morphemic analysis of nouns;

Ability to create word-formation pairs and word-formation chains;

Ability to use reference literature during word-formation and morphemic analysis.

II. Practicing the ability to conduct an etymological analysis of nouns using an etymological dictionary (exercise 602).

III. Consolidating the idea of ​​the typical models by which nouns are constructed(Ex. 605).

Educational game. You can play the game “Who is bigger?” The teacher offers a certain time to work with each model, after which it becomes clear who remembered more nouns of a certain structure. Thus, several winners are identified (in accordance with the number of models proposed for work). In a weak class, you can organize a competition in rows.

Reference material.

∩judging – judging, stressing, tormenting, illuminating, braking, tormenting, forgiving, turning, circling, walking, spinning, driving, moving, burning, burning, weaving, creating, storing, etc.

∩hood – childhood, kingdom, flight, brotherhood, magic, kinship, unity, slavery, etc.

∩ maiden - reaper, maiden, sister, queen, thing, water, lioness, she-wolf, tigress, particle, etc.

∩teller□ – builder, teacher, driver, saboteur, destroyer, lover, avenger, tormentor, thinker, connoisseur, ruler, preserver, numerator, divider, etc.

∩ik□ – table, cog, bolt, brother, pencil, key, rug, robe, tail, ray, ball, knife, yard, siskins, etc.

∩ushka – girl, willow, grandfather, little head, little pole, little bread, little girl, winter girl, little room, etc.

∩onka – birch, laponka, kitty, etc.

IV. Training in the ability to use the necessary suffix to form nouns(Ex. 606, 607).

V. D. z.: 1) exercise 599 (spelling minimum);

Approximate lesson time distribution: Stage I– 12-15 min., Stage II–5-7 min., Stage III– 7-10 min., Stage IV– 7-10 min., Stage V– 2 min.

Lesson 104.

Subject. Word formation of adjectives (§ 41).

The purpose of the lesson is consolidate information about the main ways of forming adjectives and develop the ability to conduct their word-formation analysis.