Slicing vegetables. Slicing cabbage into checkers Possible forms of slicing white cabbage

Culinary art begins not with heat treatment, but with bringing products to an even higher temperature. initial stage in an acceptable condition. This is especially true for vegetables that need to be washed, peeled and chopped before use, and today we will tell you how to properly cut cabbage. In this article, we will look not only at cutting methods and tools, but also at what type of chopping is best for different types of cabbage and for different dishes.

The master of French cuisine of the 18th century, Marie-Antoine Carême, argued that correctly carried out pre-treatment of the product is half the success of culinary success.

The Japanese are still confident that the main secret of a successful dish is hidden in three “pillars”: preliminary, cold and heat treatment. And if even the first two stages are violated, sometimes it can be extremely difficult to correct the dish.

What determines the methods, types and forms of slicing cabbage?

Pre-processing and cold processing means washing, peeling, cutting and slicing foods, including vegetables. These points in cooking are very important, because the size and shape of the cut white cabbage and cabbage vegetables have a strong influence on their own taste after heat treatment. That's why different types dishes and methods of preparing them require various options grinding.

For example, for winter salads and pickles, it is best to cut cabbage into large pieces along the stalk into 4-6 large slices. This allows you to preserve the juice inside the vegetable as much as possible.

The same cutting method is chosen for boiling cabbage and preparing cabbage schnitzels, but in this case it is more of a culinary necessity, because the dish must have a certain shape.

The shape of cabbage cutting also depends on the method of heat treatment. So, for example, for a fresh salad it would be better to chop the cabbage as thinly as possible. This way the texture of the snack will be very tender and pleasant, and the taste of the salad will become more pronounced due to the active release of juice. But for borscht, the cabbage straws should be thicker.

When cutting vegetables, you should also not miss such a moment as the cooking time of the dish, because the larger the product is cut, the longer it will cook, fry, or stew.

For the same reason, when chopping, you should not allow variations in the shape and size of cabbage for one dish, since during the cooking process smaller pieces will become boiled, while other, larger pieces threaten to be undercooked. In this case, both the taste and texture of the dish will be uneven.

Let's take a closer look different methods and cabbage cutting shapes.

How to cut cabbage into checkers yourself

Checker cutting of cabbage is nothing more than ordinary cutting into squares or, as it is also called, cubes. This type of chopping is ideal for stews, some soups, Korean salads and winter preparations.

How to cut cabbage into checkers?

First you need to choose the right knife. Since cabbage is a fairly large vegetable, a knife should be chosen with a fairly long, well-sharpened, wide and durable blade. Ideally, for more convenient cutting, the tip of the knife should rest against the board. This will make the knife more stable and reduce the strain on your hand.

The second cutting option is applicable for small heads of young cabbage:

  1. Cut the forks into 1-3 cm circles.
  2. Then we cut each circle into strips with a width equal to the thickness of the piece.
  3. Well, all that remains is to cut the cabbage crosswise into squares as evenly as possible, and the beautiful checkerboard cutting is ready.

With this cutting you can prepare soups, stews, and pickled salads. But our video cheat sheet will tell you how to make such cubes by hand.

Step-by-step video lesson from our chef

How to properly cut cabbage with your own hands

Shredding is fine, thin slicing of vegetables using a knife or special means: vegetable cutter, shredder. But no matter how thinly and very quickly various kitchen gadgets help us cut cabbage, many housewives still prefer to do it the old fashioned way and cut cabbage with a knife rather than shredding it with an electric appliance.

What's better than cutting it yourself?

  • Firstly, according to William Pokhlebkin, a master of Soviet cooking, for sourdough and stewing, shredding cabbage into thin strips using a shredder is not worth it, because this way the vegetable loses too much of its valuable and aromatic juice, which does not have the best effect on both the taste of the dish and the its color.
  • When using electrical gadgets, it is not always possible to track the uniformity of cutting. If the main part of the cabbage turns out to be thin strips, then some pieces may slip through quite large in size.
  • Most often, such devices are used to chop large quantities of cabbage for sourdough, but such thin straws are not the best best choice for pickling.
  • The shredder produces straws of the same thickness, but for different dishes, depending on the time and method of cooking, different cuts are required.

How to properly chop cabbage with your own hands?

  1. We cut off the stalk, and disassemble the slices themselves (layer them) into thinner parts, as it will be more convenient for you to cut.
  2. Now we take one layered part and place it on cutting board and press with the bent fingers of one hand so that it becomes even, and at the same time use our fingers as clamps for the cutting line.
  3. We rest the knife with its tip against the board and, moving up and down, we shred, retreating with the fingers of the fixing hand to the required distance, that is, along the required thickness of the straw.

The second cutting option is suitable for large heads of cabbage

  1. Cut the fork into 2 equal parts along the stalk.
  2. Turn one half over and cut the half into two parts across the stalk.
  3. Take the top part of the cabbage, which is without the stalk, and place it flat on a cutting board.
  4. Using the upper phalanges of your fingers to fix the cut line, chop the cabbage into strips of the required thickness using chopping movements.

Detailed video lesson from the chef

How to properly chop cabbage with a vegetable cutter and a special knife

Today, more and more home cooks are resorting to the use of aids to cut cabbage faster and easier. Among the numerous devices most popular have vegetable cutters or, as they are also called, shredders.

They look like Korean salad graters, but with a flat attachment with 1, 2 or 3 blades installed in a herringbone or wedge pattern.

The grinding process here is very simple:

  1. We cut the washed and dried forks, cleared of the top leaves, into quarters, if the head of cabbage is small, then in half, and if it is very large, then cut each quarter in half.
  2. Next, we chop the cabbage simply, like on a grater. We hold the shredder with one hand and rub the cabbage against the blades with the other, but while maintaining safety!

Video: how to shred cabbage using a vegetable cutter

We must not forget that the blades of the vegetable cutter are very sharp and your fingers should be kept away from them. Or use a special holder.

Special knife

Another option for mechanical slicing of cabbage is a special knife that looks like a cheese grater, but with two flat blades. The principle of shredding here is almost identical to the previous one, with the only difference that now you need to hold a whole forkful of cabbage and cut the straws with a knife.

This method is less effective than shredding with a vegetable cutter, but it is safer and has its fans.

Potato peeler

This cutting method can be considered innovative. The method of slicing cabbage is quite effective, but the strips are very thin and can only be used for salads, or for quick stewing as a filling for pies or children's dishes.

How to Shred Cabbage in a Food Processor

This is very convenient if there is a need to chop a large volume of cabbage, for example, for fermentation, then to save effort and time you can use a food processor.

These multifunctional units vary in configuration. Some shredding models use voluminous bowls with an attachment in the form of a round disk with flat, thin and very sharp knives.

The disk rotates in a horizontal plane at high speed, and vegetables falling on it, in particular cabbage, are very quickly cut into even strips under slight pressure.

Other models use truncated cone-shaped attachments also with flat knives. Here the knives rotate in a vertical plane.

However, the principle of operation is the same as in other models:

Cabbage is loaded through a special hole, cut into small pieces that will freely pass through the window.

Actively moving knives chop vegetables very quickly and evenly.

The cut remains very smooth, like a blade, the cutting looks neat and the juice does not ooze excessively from the cuts, remaining inside the vegetable and preserving its taste.

Unusual shredding of cabbage with a blender

Today we associate a blender with a mini-processor, but less powerful. In addition to submersible attachments, many models also come with vegetable cutters with large bowls and different attachments. The shredder is an integral part of such a set.

The principle of chopping cabbage in a blender is similar to shredding in a food processor. In the video presented you can watch this entire process.

The straws are smooth and of medium thickness, and this chopping method is ideal for borscht.

How to quickly chop cabbage in a meat grinder

Modern technology is increasingly striving for multifunctionality, and even such an indispensable kitchen appliance as an electric meat grinder now has even greater capabilities thanks to drum or cone attachments for cutting vegetables. Some models are equipped with several shredding discs or drums for preparing straws of different thicknesses.

Shredding cabbage with such a gadget is much easier, and the principle of operation is very simple:

  • We install and fix the loading part of the vegetable cutter on the electric motor block.
  • We insert the drum attachment with the grater-shredder.

  • Cut the cabbage into oblong pieces to fit the loading window.
  • Turn on the power to the meat grinder.
  • We lower the pre-prepared pieces of cabbage into the loading tray and use a pusher to feed the vegetable under slight pressure onto the rotating drum.

Proper cutting of white cabbage for pickling

Sauerkraut is a real art. And here it is important not only the correct salting and sourdough technology, but also the cutting of cabbage. As you know, white cabbage is cut into strips for fermentation, but you need to know which straw is ideal for proper fermentation.

  • If the straw is too thin, namely less than two millimeters, then the cabbage will ferment very quickly, before the end of the fermentation process. Such cabbage will be very sour, even pungent, absolutely not crispy and unappetizingly soft and flabby.
  • If the straw is very thick, more than six or more millimeters, then the cabbage will not have time to ripen and the salad will turn out tasteless and watery.
  • If you cut cabbage with a poorly sharpened blade, then all the juice will be released from the vegetable and as a result the cabbage will turn out tasteless and whitish, without a beautiful amber color.

Ideally, cabbage for pickling should be cut with a knife so that the desired thickness of the straw can be precisely adjusted. The cutting should be uniform, and the straws should not be very long, about 3 cm, and average thickness of 4-5 mm.

In this article you will learn in detail the entire process of properly cutting cabbage for fermentation.

How to properly cut cabbage for stewing

In some video recipes you can see how to vegetable stew with cabbage or for the traditional Slavic bigus, the cabbage is cut into thin strips. However, under no circumstances should you shred cabbage for stewing on a shredder so thinly.

Such cutting deprives the vegetable of up to 55% of its juice, the lack of which must be replaced with water during the heat treatment process. As a result, the treat is not so aromatic and tasty, and this does not have the best effect on the appearance and benefits of the dish.

To stew cabbage, it is best to choose the method of manual cutting into checkers (2x2 cm) or rather thick straws (0.5-1 cm).

How to cut cabbage for homemade borscht

Burgundy cabbage soup, or simply borscht, is one of the most beloved first dishes in our country. There are many recipes for preparing this traditional soup of Slavic cuisine, but the method of cutting cabbage remains unchanged.

It is customary to cut the white cabbage borscht into strips, but the thickness of the strips should be average, 3-5 mm, since it should be boiled in the broth for 20 minutes, and during this time very thin pieces will simply boil down into a rag. Therefore, it is best to chop it manually with a knife, not trusting either a vegetable grater or electric gadgets.

If you still prefer checkered pieces to straws, then in this case it is better to take young cabbage and you should not make the squares too large, no more than 2 cm. The same cutting will be ideal for vitamin-rich fresh vegetable soups and cabbage soup.

How to properly cut Chinese cabbage for salad

Chinese cabbage is a popular staple in traditional Asian and classic fresh salads. Its popularity among people is not only due to its pleasant taste and texture, but also due to its enormous benefits, in particular its high content of vitamin C. That is why Chinese cabbage is often used in fresh, because vitamin C is destroyed during heat treatment.

This vegetable is very juicy, tender, crispy, something between lettuce leaves and young white cabbage. Most recipes call for cutting Chinese cabbage into thin strips or cubes. Straws can be made using various shredders: manual and electric.

Well, since we prepare salads, as a rule, in small quantities, it is more rational to cut this type of cabbage manually with a sharp knife:

  1. Remove the top spoiled leaves and wash the vegetable in cool water.
  2. Shake off any drops of water from the fork and start slicing.
  3. Using a sharp, fairly large knife, cut off the lower part of the cabbage with dense parts and a small stalk.
  4. Then turn the fork cut side down and cut the cabbage in half lengthwise.

Place half of the cabbage flat on the board and, holding it with one hand, cut it:

  • Along the entire length into fairly wide strips 2-3 cm thick, then cut the cabbage crosswise into small cubes or checkers.
  • If you want to get straws, then chop half the head of cabbage crosswise into thin strips (0.3-1 cm).

Detailed article on slicing Chinese cabbage can be read on our website.

Well, as always step by step video guidance from our chef.

How to cut Chinese cabbage Pak Choi

Many people mistakenly confuse Chinese cabbage with Chinese cabbage. However, the Chinese variety looks completely different and even tastes strikingly different, having a very pronounced and bright “character”.

That is why this variety of cabbage is also called mustard cabbage, and sometimes petiole cabbage, thanks to the long legs - petioles, which are most often used for salad, because the leaves of such cabbage are quite coarse.

Small leaves are cut very simply:

  1. Cut off the ends of the petioles.
  2. Having collected the leaves in a bunch, cut them into 1.5-2 cm pieces, starting from the petioles.

For large, tougher leaves, slicing this cabbage has its own rules.

  • Place the washed and dried cabbage bunches on a cutting board and cut off the lower dense parts by 1-4 cm from the petioles.

  • Then, using a knife, cut each petiole into two parts from the beginning to the leaf itself. If the petioles are very wide, then they can be cut lengthwise into three or four parts.

  • Then we fold the sheet in half and cut it into two equal parts, so that as a result one sheet is divided into 3 pieces: leaf and two semi-petiolate.

How to cut cauliflower at home

Cauliflower and broccoli differ from all other types of cabbage in their inflorescences. These varieties are very healthy and are often used in dietary nutrition.

Soups, purees are prepared from cauliflower and broccoli, they are stewed, fried and pickled.

They are very simple to prepare, just as they are to cut. They do not need to be chopped, but simply cut along the stems into inflorescences of the required size.

Large “flowers” ​​are also suitable for cooking and pickling. But for stewing and frying, it is better to make the slices a little smaller. If the inflorescences are quite large, then they can simply be cut into 2-3-4 parts.

Slicing seaweed for homemade salads

Kelp or seaweed in stores it is sold in the form of salads, usually in the form of long, rather thin (5-7 mm) strips. However, in its original form these are very wide and very long leaves (1-13 m).

Laminaria is often used to make dried salads. After soaking, the leaves become large and wide.

They should be cut like this:

  • If necessary, cut the leaves widthwise into 2-3 parts, then put them in a stack, and then roll them into a roll.

  • Now everything is simple, put the roll on the board and cut it crosswise into thin rings, which after unwinding will become strips.
  • If the cabbage seems very long to you, then it can be cut into shorter segments by folding it into an even bunch.

Now you know how to properly chop cabbage with your own hands for any culinary purpose. But if you decide to use auxiliary equipment for shredding cabbage, then first make a test cut and study the quality of the straw so that your dish is perfect.

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Vegetable dishes

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There are 15 presentations in total

Cabbage (genus Brassica) is a genus of plants in the family Brassicaceae Brassicas (Cruciferous), which also includes such well-known plants as cabbage, mustard, turnip, rapeseed and rutabaga.
Archaeological excavations indicate that people began to use cabbage since the Stone and Bronze Ages.
Leaf cabbage is wild species, the ancestor of all cabbages, native to the Mediterranean regions of Western Europe and North Africa. Grown mainly as fodder crop and as an ornamental plant.
Garden cabbage is divided into varieties, which in turn are divided into varieties.
Varieties of garden cabbage Brassica oleracea:
. capitata: cabbage. Alba white and rubra red-headed, acuta spiky cabbage. White cabbage is the most popular variety, but taste qualities and she is inferior in tenderness to her green relatives. When red cabbage is cooked, it turns blue and can color the rest of the ingredients. Pointed cabbage is an “older” variety of cabbage; it has much in common with white cabbage, but unlike it, it is seasonal and is sold only in the spring.
. capitata sabauda: Headed Savoy cabbage. It has a more delicate taste than its cabbage counterparts, and it is also not as tough.
. cauliflora: broccoli (cabbage). Broccoli began to be grown in southern Italy more than 2,000 years ago. It can be green, white and purple. In broccoli, you can eat not only the florets, but also the tender stems, which can, for example, be fried.
. gongylodes: kohlrabi (turnip cabbage). May be white, light green or purple. The French Wikipedia says about it: its shape is similar to the Soviet Sputnik. :)
. italica: Romanesco. She comes from the outskirts of Rome. It is similar in color to broccoli and compactness to cauliflower, but has pyramidal inflorescences. Its taste is delicate and slightly sweet.
. alboglabra: Chinese broccoli (Chinese cabbage or Kai-Lan). Its homeland is the south of China, this cabbage is widely used in Chinese and Vietnamese cuisine. Unlike traditional broccoli, this kaputa is eaten with fox and flowers.
. gemmifera: Brussels sprouts. It can be stored in the refrigerator for no more than a week; it can also be frozen after blanching.
. botrytis: color. The name comes, not only in Russian, from the shape of cabbage in the form of a flower, but this is not entirely correct, since in cauliflower we eat not the inflorescences, like broccoli, but the buds, which was unknown earlier, when cabbage was already called cauliflower.
. sabellica: Kale (Grunkol). Has green or purple lacy leaves. They are grown for food and for decorative purposes, but the leaves of this cabbage can also be used as human food.
. viridis: collards. American kale, very popular in the southern United States.
. costata: Portuguese. It has long curly leaves and a very strong aroma.
. medullosa: moellier. Used for animal feed.
. palmifolia: palm. It's called that because it grows in the shape of a small palm tree. You can eat the leaves of this cabbage and make juice and syrups from it.
. ramosa: perennial.
Cabbage pe-tsaï(Beijing) and pak choi(bok choy) refers to turnips, not cabbage.

White and red cabbage (for them the initial preparation technique is identical).
It is better to store this cabbage at a temperature of +8 - +10 degrees for 4-5 days maximum.
- Cut off the outer part of the stalk at the root with a large knife.

If there are damaged leaves, remove them.
- Cut the cabbage into 4 pieces vertically.

- Cut off the bottom triangles of each quarter to remove the remaining stalk and thick leaf bases.

- Use your hands to slightly separate the quartered leaves, but not completely, this will make washing easier.

- Place the cabbage quarters in a large container of water with a little vinegar. Leave the cabbage in the liquid for 20 minutes (vegetables and fruits are washed in vinegar water for disinfection that is harmless to our body, in order to wash off residual pesticides, etc. With this washing, red cabbage will change color less during heat treatment).
- Rinse the cabbage under running water. You can then put the cabbage in the refrigerator if you need it later. The best storage temperature for such cabbage is +6 - +8 degrees.

Slicing in the form of julienne (in French cuisine, julienne is thinly sliced ​​vegetables):
-Thinly slice the cabbage into quarters.

- Place the julienne in a bowl, sprinkle with salt and leave for 30 minutes to allow excess liquid to come out of the cabbage.
- Strain the water before adding spices (do not add salt). You can also blanch the julienne before seasoning.

Savoy cabbage.
- Cut off the peel at the root.
- Remove damaged and too green hard leaves.
- Level the stalk.

- Separate each sheet, maintaining their integrity.

- Cut off the central vein of each leaf with a knife.

- Gently wash all the leaves and let them drain. The leaves can be put aside in the cold at a temperature of +6 - +8 degrees.

Peasant-style slicing.

- Cut the cabbage leaves into slices 1 cm wide maximum.

- Turn the slices over and cut into 1cm squares.

Brussels sprouts.
- Remove yellow and wilted leaves.
- Cut off the end of the stalk and a couple of lower leaves of each cabbage with a small knife, so that the cabbage does not fall apart into separate leaves.
- Lightly cut the bottom of each cabbage with a cross to make subsequent cooking easier (this will allow the cabbage to cook or roast faster and more evenly).
- Place the cabbage in a bowl of water and add a little vinegar.
- Leave for 10 minutes, then rinse.

- Separate the leaves and the hard part of the stalk using a knife.
- Divide into small bouquets. Save the stems for possible later use.
- Slightly cut a cross on each stem to make later preparation easier.
- The trimmings can be used to make purees, for example.

- Dip the broccoli in water and vinegar for a few minutes, rinse and let the water drain.

- Cut off green leaves.
- Divide the cabbage into inflorescences (very small ones can be used to decorate soup, larger ones for salads, large ones for boiling and steaming).
- Trim the unnecessary stem from the inflorescences.
- Lightly cut the cross at the base.
- Place the cabbage in water with vinegar for a few minutes, rinse, and let the water drain.

Slicing cabbage vegetables

Let's talk about how to cut cabbage correctly..

Medium-sized heads of cabbage should be cut in half, and large ones into four parts.
Then, each part of the head of cabbage needs to be cut into slices. The width of the resulting segments will subsequently determine the length of the shredded cabbage shavings, so it should be 6-8 cm. At the same time, as we remember, you need to shred the cabbage, that is, you need to cut the leaf across the leaf veins.
An exception is the shredder for making sauerkraut according to the Provençal recipe. In this case, the width of the share should be 4-5 cm, and in the future they are not chopped, but cut into square slices.Next, we chop the shares, as already mentioned with a sharp knife, into strips that are more reminiscent of shavings. Their width is great value, since if it is more than 3 mm, the fermentation will proceed slowly, but if, on the contrary, the chips are made very thin - less than 1 mm - the cabbage will sour too quickly, as a result of which it will become flabby and tasteless.

Types of cutting cabbage: strips, chopping, cubes or checkers, slices

Straw Cabbage cut in this way is used to prepare cabbage soup. A head of cabbage is cut in half. Each half is cut into several pieces 4 cm wide and each piece is chopped into strips. The size of the straw is the same as when cutting potatoes
Chopping This cutting is used for preparing fillings and minced meats. The cabbage is cut in half, the stalk is cut out. Each half is cut into several parts and chopped into strips, and then chopped.
Cubes (checkers) This cutting method is used for making soups, stews and stews. The cabbage is cut in half, each half into strips 1-1.5 cm wide and then crosswise to make squares.

This is how small heads of cabbage are cut. This cut is used for stewing, boiling and frying (pre-boiled). The cabbage is cut in half and each half radially into 4 parts.

Kochany Brussels sprouts used entirely.

Cauliflower divided into inflorescences. If the inflorescences are large, you can cut them in half.

Calories: Not specified
Cooking time: Not specified

Even the most ordinary cabbage can be extraordinary if prepared correctly. Korean pickled cabbage with turmeric is not only a tasty and unusual dish, but also very budget-friendly.

This appetizer can be served not only every day, but also on a holiday table. Turmeric gives cabbage an unusual yellow color, making the dish bright. By the way, it turns out just as bright and tasty.

This cabbage can be prepared a few days before the holiday and you will save time on the day of the celebration. The ease of preparation and affordability of this dish makes me very happy and I cook it quite often. You can serve cabbage with meat or as an addition to mashed potatoes, buckwheat or pasta.

Korean cabbage - homemade recipe.


- cabbage - 0.5 heads;
- carrots - 1-2 pcs.;
- garlic - 3-4 cloves;
- turmeric - 1-2 tsp;
- hot pepper ground - to taste.

For the marinade:

- water - 0.5 l.;
- sugar - 2 tbsp;
- salt - 2 tbsp;
- black peppercorns - 5-6 pcs.;
- vinegar - 50 g;
- vegetable oil- 50 ml.

How to cook with photos step by step

We cut the cabbage into squares, about 2x2 cm. You can cut the cabbage into large pieces or just shred it, as you like.

Place the cabbage in a bowl in which it will be cooked and add turmeric.

Peel the carrots and grate them using a Korean carrot grater. If you don’t have such a grater, grate the carrots using a regular grater or cut them thinly with a knife.

Add grated carrots to the bowl with the cabbage. Peel the garlic, cut into thin slices and add to the cabbage.

Preparing marinade for cabbage in Korean style. Combine all the ingredients for the marinade in a saucepan and place over medium heat. Boil and pour the hot marinade over the cabbage.

Cover with a lid and when it cools down put it in the refrigerator for a day or at least overnight. The longer the cabbage sits in the refrigerator, the more pronounced its flavor will be.

After a day it turns out so bright and delicious cabbage in Korean.

The cabbage turns out really very tasty and beautiful. This appetizer will decorate your table thanks to its bright color.

By the way, it can be served with

How to chop cabbage for pickling, beautifully for borscht, for stewing? Shredded cabbage looks much more beautiful when salted, stewed or in borscht. Therefore the question is how to chop cabbage and how to chop it well- not idle. Particularly important for shredding. It must be perfectly sharpened, without flaws or rust. The handle of a regular knife should be comfortable and not slippery. Must read for cutting at home. By the way, you can chop cabbage on an old-style wooden grater, or use other modern devices (devices, life hacks) for shredding. Read, watch and choose the most convenient way to cut cabbage.

How to chop cabbage with a special knife, on a shredder, in a food processor for pickling or for borscht?

How to properly shred (cut) cabbage with a knife into strips and how to chop cabbage for pickling by hand. To shred cabbage without waste, take a special hand knife for slicing cabbage, as shown in the video clip.

How to use a cabbage shredder video instruction

How to finely shred cabbage on a shredder grater - video

The next device (device) is called cabbage shredder. Its price is low and it won’t take up any space in the kitchen.

Cabbage shredding technique. Before you start shredding the cabbage, prepare the head of cabbage. Start with a small head of cabbage. Remove the top cabbage leaves; it is better to cut off the dirt. Cut the cabbage head into two or four pieces depending on size. We chop the cabbage parts across the leaves into strips of 6-7 cm. When cutting this way sauerkraut it turns out more juicy.

Next, the pieces are chopped with a knife into narrower strips of no more than 4 mm. How to shred (chop, crumble) cabbage with a shredder for pickling? Just pass the chopped cabbage parts through it. Cabbage with flabby leaves is suitable for borscht or stewing. Shred this cabbage with a knife into small cubes or strips of arbitrary size for decoration (be careful not to cut your fingers). We suggest reading others useful tips for home. Watch the video how to use a regular knife to chop cabbage.

How to thinly and longly chop (cut with a regular knife) cabbage for pickling video

How to quickly chop cabbage in a food processor video

How to chop cabbage for pickling with a vegetable cutter (vegetable peeler)