Treatment of trees and bushes in early spring. How to spray trees before winter: preparations and treatment tips

Fruits and berries can be grown independently in the central and southern zones of the country. But, these plants are often exposed to harmful insects and various diseases. It’s easy to save the plant; it’s enough to spray them with chemicals in the spring, and you need to pay attention to the recommendations of experienced gardeners.

In the supermarket and market you can find a lot of fruits. But their quality leaves much to be desired. This is due to the fact that in order to improve the growth of fruits, the productivity of trees, and, accordingly, to obtain greater benefits, producers feed the plants with fertilizers or chemicals. Therefore, it is better to grow fruits yourself and eat only healthy fresh fruits.

Processing times garden plants different for each region of the country. The first spraying should be carried out when the air temperature during the day does not drop below 5 degrees Celsius, and at night below 0 degrees. But this procedure does not have to end everything. It is necessary to spray the trees 3 more times: before the buds open, the flowers and the first fruits appear.

First spraying

  1. Dilute 2 kilograms of lime in 10 liters of water.
  2. Mix thoroughly.
  3. You can choose to add 1 kilogram of dry clay or 350 grams of copper sulfate to the resulting solution.
  4. Thoroughly mix all the contents again until a homogeneous mass appears.


An alternative folk remedy use acrylic whitewash, paint or lime paste. Their cost is slightly higher than the cost of preparing the solution yourself, but it is more effective and convenient to use.

Before the buds open

Repeated spraying should be done immediately before the buds open. It is, as it were, a consolidating result. If after the initial treatment the larvae still hatch, they can become a pathogen various diseases for trees and shrubs. To avoid this, repeat spraying is required. To do this you should:

  1. Finely grind the tobacco until it has a powdery consistency.
  2. Pour 200 grams of this substance into glass jar, volume 3 liters.
  3. Add garlic, onion peels, pine needles and chopped orange peels to the container in equal quantities.
  4. Heat the water to a temperature of 70 degrees and pour it over the entire contents of the jar.
  5. Close the jar tightly with a lid and place it in a dark and cool place for two weeks.

The spray product is ready. Before applying it to a tree trunk, you need to additionally dilute it with 10 liters of water and add 100 grams of tar soap shavings. It is necessary to spray the garden, distributing a thin but dense layer to each area. An alternative to this product are household chemicals such as Aktara or Calypso.

When the flowers appear

The third spraying is carried out strictly when the buds have already appeared on the tree, but they have not yet had time to bloom. The purpose of this process is to protect against the appearance of caterpillars, codling moths, and reduce the risk of spotting and scab. To do this you need:

  1. Dilute 70 grams of Carbofox in 10 liters of water at room temperature.
  2. Mix the components thoroughly until the active substance is completely dissolved.

During the appearance of the first fruits

  • copper oxychloride;
  • urea;
  • Bordeaux mixture.

All these drugs are biological and do not contain harmful toxic substances. It can be used as one of the listed drugs, or they can be combined with each other. But, when fruits are forming, there is no need to spray trees or shrubs for preventive purposes. This measure is necessary only when pests are identified.


Before you start spraying, you need to monitor the weather conditions, there must be an optimal level of humidity. If you carry out this procedure in humid weather, there is a high probability of a chemical burn on the leaves or fruits of the plant.


It is worth observing basic hygiene rules. The equipment used for spraying must be thoroughly washed and dried. You should work strictly in a mask, goggles and thick gloves to protect your skin, respiratory and vision organs from burns, and also to avoid poisoning with toxic substances. After finishing gardening work, you need to change into clean clothes, wash your hands thoroughly and wash your face with soap.

Description of spray products

In household stores or in departments for gardens and gardens, they sell an assortment of chemicals for processing plants. But, experienced gardeners recommend treating with the safest substance with minimum content toxic substances that serve important indicator for a fruit tree. Such agents include Bordeaux mixture, iron or copper sulfate, and urea.

Bordeaux liquid

Bordeaux mixture is one of the effective preparations used in the garden. It is used to treat fruit trees in the spring to prevent or destroy pests or diseases. It is difficult to confuse it with another remedy, since characteristic feature serves as a bright blue color.

Bordeaux mixture can be purchased ready-made at a gardening store. A 3% solution is suitable for spraying trees. You can prepare it yourself by mixing copper sulfate with lime.

Iron sulfate

Iron sulfate is most often used to save or treat various diseases in such fertile trees as apple, plum, pear or cherry. If we compare it with Bordeaux mixture, it is less effective. But, among other possible substances for preparing the solution, it is a rightful leader.

One more thing useful property iron sulfate – saturation of plant crops useful substances necessary for normal growth and improved yield. You can purchase the main component at a household store; 3% vitriol is suitable for gardening. Before use, it should be diluted with water, according to the instructions.

Copper sulfate

Copper sulfate is also actively used as a pest control agent. But, in fact, its effectiveness is not so high. You can achieve a good effect from its use only if you add an insecticide to the solution, or alternate spraying with it.

It is worth considering that both of these substances are very toxic and can cause poisoning and severe burns. Therefore, before starting work, you should take care of basic measures to protect your eyes, skin and respiratory organs. This substance should not be allowed to enter bodies of water or water containers. This is very dangerous; the ingress of water into the body can lead to severe poisoning of people or other living individuals with toxic substances.


The plant should not be oversaturated with copper sulfate. This can lead to his death or illness. The optimal dosage for preparing the solution is 100 grams of the substance per 10 liters of water.


One more thing strong remedy to protect trees and shrubs from all types of pests and the process of decay - urea. In addition, it saturates the fruit land with nitrogen, which stimulates its growth. Treatment with it is carried out strictly in the spring, when the trees are in a calm state.

To prepare a solution for spraying, you need to dilute 500 to 700 grams of urea in 10 liters of water and mix the contents thoroughly. To enhance the effectiveness, you can add 50 grams of copper sulfate to this remedy. Urea itself is not toxic. Therefore, you can work with it without serious protection.

In early spring, it is necessary to treat fruit trees to save them from diseases and pest damage. This procedure is simple and you get used to it. But, beginners may have problems. Gardeners recommend paying attention to three nuances: the order of spraying, the time and conditions for carrying out the work, and the correct calculation of the amount of solution. Caring for stone fruit and pome-bearing plants deserves attention.

Spraying order

Before processing the wood, it is necessary to remove the “unwrap” from it. winter protection. After this, you should inspect the tree or bush, removing all surface contamination from it. Only after this can you proceed to the spraying process. Starting from the crown and ending with the root zone, you need to spray the entire trunk and every branch, this is the only way to get a good effect from the treatment.

Time and conditions for carrying out work

It is better to protect the fruit plant from diseases in the spring. Plant species are more susceptible in the first half of the day, so you need to start working before lunch. Be sure to check the weather forecast the day before. The day should not be hot, but dry, without precipitation and strong wind. Only in this case will the active substance be quickly absorbed into the tree bark and begin to act almost immediately.

Correct calculation of the amount of solution

Before committing a crime, be sure to read the instructions included with each substance. The solution must be made in strict accordance with it. If the amount of the active substance is insufficient, the solution will not work; if the amount is excessive, it will cause harm to the plant crop. The standard correct calculation table looks like this.

Garden treatment in spring stone fruit trees

In the spring, it is necessary to carefully treat stone fruit plants from diseases and pests. It is recommended to do this before and after flowering. The safest solution is based on copper oxychloride at a concentration of 90%. To prepare the sprayer, you need to dissolve 40 grams of this substance in 10 liters of water. It can be used to prevent or treat diseases of both trees and bushes.

An alternative to this product is the ready-made sprayer “Skor”. It has a similar composition, so it is non-toxic and safe. To prepare the solution, dilute 3 grams of this substance in 10 liters of water at room temperature and mix the contents thoroughly. Trees can be treated with it strictly after flowering.

Pome care

Seed plant crops also deserve attention. They are more exposed to various pathogenic microorganisms, such as scab or rot. The savior in this case will be a 7% urea solution. Treatment should be carried out in the spring.

Garden tools

Any device that is convenient for the gardener to work with can be used as the main equipment for processing: garden sprayer, can or pump. Before and after use, it should be thoroughly rinsed and dried. Additional equipment that may be useful:

  • whitewash brush for processing individual areas or small bushes;
  • electric pump for maintaining a large garden plantation.

Each instrument must be kept perfectly clean. If dirt accumulates on it, then there is a high risk of developing an infection, which, together with the solution, will penetrate the bark of the fruit or berry area. To treat low-growing plants, you can create a sprayer yourself from plastic bottle any volume and liquid discharger.

Safety rules

Any work requires compliance with safety measures. When spraying trees, you should consider what the solution is made of, whether this substance is toxic and take the necessary measures to protect your eyes, respiratory organs, hair and skin. You need to study the instructions included with the component and prepare the solution in strict compliance with it.

Lovers of fresh berries or fruits in the spring need to take care of preparing the garden for the new season. The measure is spraying garden crops to prevent the appearance of pests and diseases. The main components for creating a solution can be used various drugs, but in all cases it is necessary to follow the instructions for creating the solution and safety rules.

In large garden farms to obtain big harvest For fruits and berries, trees are sprayed from 10 to 16 per season. Business owners are interested in producing fruits of the most beautiful, “commercial” quality, and the environmental friendliness of this method of agricultural technology is secondary.

But for summer residents it’s the other way around: they need an environmentally friendly harvest. Everyone has their own priorities. But besides us, there are still a lot of pests vying for the harvest.

Spraying of trees in spring in home gardens is carried out 4 times. That's enough main task don't miss the moment.

Pests and pathogens wake up and begin to fly in completely different terms. And in this matter, it is important not to miss the first signs. And they appear very early: at a temperature of +5 degrees. And in some latitudes this is the month of January!

What reduces the effectiveness of treating trees against pests and diseases

  • Precipitation
  • High humidity
  • Fog
  • Temperature changes

Spray the tree for the first time before the buds awaken

When to start spraying trees

No one will tell you the exact date. Firstly, the timing depends on the climate, and secondly, on the weather conditions this year. After all, winter can be harsh one year, and warm and with minimal precipitation the next.

Main landmark:

  • Dry sunny weather.
  • Plus temperature at night.

First spraying of trees in spring

Trees are treated for the first time by dormant buds or “bare” tree. It is important that the kidneys are still haven't started to swell. During this period, spores of fungal diseases scatter. The insects have not yet shown themselves.

The first spraying in spring is carried out from moniliosis, who especially loves stone fruits (cherries, cherries, plums, peaches). It is easily recognized by the brown withered tips of the branches on the tree, as if the leaves had been burned. The disease is called monilial burn.

And on apple trees and pears (pome crops) they begin to actively reproduce scab spores. Source of the disease: wilted fruits, leaves left on the tree in the fall. The spores of this disease live under the bark and in fallen leaves.

Preparations for the first spraying of trees

You need to spray with ONE of these drugs!

  • Bordeaux mixture 3%
  • Pharma Iodine (suitable for organic farming)
  • Abiga Peak
  • Oksikhom
  • Chorus (works at +5 degrees, and at more high temperature decomposes quickly)
  • Iron sulfate
  • Nitrafen
  • Carbamide (urea) in a large dose: 700 g per 10 liters of water + 50 g of copper sulfate.

Green cone

How to spray trees using a green cone

The second treatment of the garden is carried out during the period when the buds have already swollen and burst, but the leaves have not yet begun to bloom. The kidneys have cone-shaped.

This is a critical moment to combat apple blossom beetle(weevil). Apple and pear trees suffer greatly from it.

The flower beetle lays its larvae in an unopened bud, which turns brown and does not open. Insects feed on the juices of the buds; sometimes you can notice how the buds “cry”: droplets of juice are released on them.

Pest repellents:

  • Decis Profi
  • Spark
  • Inta-Vir
  • Fufanon
  • Kinmiks
  • Tanrek

A simple, very effective and safe remedy from apple blossom beetle: Place a film on the ground under the tree. Wrap a cloth around a long stick and tap it on the branches and shake the entire tree. The insects fold their legs and fall down onto the film. They need to be collected and destroyed.

Used for diseases:

  • Bordeaux mixture 1%
  • Oksikhom
  • Chorus (if the air temperature is not higher than +5).

During this period they hang hunting belts for a tree post, adhesive plates, pheromone traps for catching adult females of various pests.

Pink bud phase

Spraying trees in the pink bud phase

Spray BEFORE the buds open! At this moment already codling moth flies throughout the garden and lays its eggs on the leaves next to the flowers or directly in the flower. The larva penetrates the fruit and the result is wormy apples.

It is important to treat the entire crown, so you will need a good sprayer with a long hose. With high-quality and TIMELY spraying against the codling moth, there will be practically no carrion.

In the spring it is necessary several times.

Pest repellents:

  • Spark
  • Inta-Vir
  • Fitoverm (biological, effective at temperatures above 12 degrees)
  • Bitoxibacillin (also biological).
  • Decis Profi
  • Fufanon
  • Kinmiks
  • Tanrek

From diseases, if you did not have time to spray in the previous phase, use the same preparations as for the second spraying.

Important: Some medications can be mixed, read the packaging carefully. It doesn’t matter what to spray first: diseases or pests. 1-2 days should pass between treatments.

Rules for spraying trees in spring:

  • Spray for diseases for the first time.
  • The second is from pests.
  • The third is for pests and diseases, if not sprayed earlier.
  • Biological preparations should be used at temperatures of +12 degrees and above.
  • It makes sense to spray with chorus only at low temperatures (from 1 to 6 degrees Celsius).
  • Treat the entire crown and trunk from all sides.

The ovary has appeared - it’s time to spray the garden

Fourth tree treatment

The last time trees were sprayed was when fruits the size of peas will set. At this moment it begins the second wave of moliniosis, and the codling moth again operating at full strength. By the way, she flies at dusk and at night. Good way getting rid of it is compote bait.

Make apple compote and hang small buckets of compote on the tree. The codling moth will fly to the smell of an apple and thus it will be possible to collect adult individuals. Drugs for spraying are the same as for treatment 3.

Currants, blackberries, gooseberries sprayed from .

It is important to deal not only with the treatment of trees, but also with the prevention of their ailments, namely, treatment against pests and diseases. These events have their own characteristics, and only if they are observed, owners will be able to get a rich harvest.

How to spray trees correctly

First of all, you need to choose the right time to spray trees. Morning is considered the best sunny day until the air warms up. It is advisable that there is no wind at this time.

Treating trees against pests and diseases is an important process for obtaining a rich harvest.

For your information! The prepared solution is used entirely; it should not be left until the next treatment.

The gardener must follow safety precautions: hands are protected with rubber gloves, the face is covered with a gauze bandage or a respirator, protective glasses are on the eyes, and the hair is covered with a hat. All this is done to ensure that toxic substances do not affect the body.

The spraying itself is carried out from top to bottom, starting from the top, ending with the shoots and the base of the tree trunk. It is also recommended to cultivate part of the land near the trunk.

A gardener should not neglect safety precautions

Pay attention! Experienced gardeners know that the lower the air humidity during processing, the less harm it will cause to the plant itself. There are exceptions if the instructions for the drug indicate that water is needed.

Technology for processing fruit trees and shrubs in spring

A certain technology must be followed when processing trees and shrubs. It consists of the following steps:

The next treatment, if necessary, is carried out already in April, when the plants are gaining growth and forming buds.

At the end of spring, diseases and pests are controlled again; if they are detected, the trees are sprayed and the procedure is periodically repeated until the end of flowering.

How to spray trees in the spring before they bloom

It is very important to know how to treat trees early spring. Before blooming, while the garden is dormant, this is the best time to spray, because the spring sap flow has not yet begun, and the plant is not able to absorb poisonous and toxic chemicals. This makes it possible to choose a drug from wide range:

  • Bordeaux mixture;
  • copper or iron sulfate;
  • urea;
  • complex insecticides;
  • DNOC;
  • nitrafen.

Preparations for spraying fruit trees

Each type of preparation for treatment is described below fruit trees.

For every ailment there is a suitable drug

Biological agents

The advantage of biological preparations is that they have a gentler effect on plants: they do not cause burns and do not accumulate in the soil and fruits. This means that they can be used in processing more often than chemicals.

But with all the advantages, there are also disadvantages: such substances act more slowly than any others, so the result will not be noticeable immediately.

Important! Biological agents act due to the living bacteria in the composition, so such drugs can only be used at a stable air temperature of 10 ° C and above.

The most effective of all drugs of this type are the following:

  • phytosporin-M acts on fungal and bacterial lesions, kills their viruses and spores;
  • pentaphage fights scab, bacterial cancer and leaf spot;
  • trichodermin - a remedy for fungus and rot, does not give side effects, can also be used after bud formation;
  • planriz saves from rot, rust and winged insects;
  • “Phytodoctor” fights late blight, bacterial cancer and fusarium;
  • Nemabact is effective in pest control, affecting both larvae and adults;
  • mikosan increases the immunity of trees (replacing fertilizing), protects against viral, fungal and bacterial diseases;
  • guapsin fights earwigs, aphids and flies, feeds garden culture nitrogen, which is in the composition;
  • “Healthy Garden” saves you from late blight and insects that attack the leaves of fruit trees;
  • Riverm is the fastest-acting of biological preparations, gives an effect within 30 minutes, and fights fungal diseases well.

Biological agents act due to microorganisms in the composition

Chemical methods

Chemicals are even more effective method control of pests and diseases of fruit trees.

The best fungicides for fruit trees

Fungicides give a quick effect after application, which lasts for a long time.

Important! Trees cannot be sprayed with the same product for a long time, because insects quickly develop resistance to pesticides.

There are two types of fungicides:

  • systemic, which prevent the proliferation of viruses and bacteria;
  • contact, which directly fight diseases and protect against them.

Of all the possible compositions, several of the most effective ones are distinguished:

  • Bordeaux mixture acts on fungus, therefore protects against scab, rot and rust;
  • abiga-pik effectively fights rosporiasis, monoliasis and curliness;
  • iron sulfate acts on mosses and lichens, eliminates cancer and chlorosis;
  • Vectra is a fungicide that protects against scab and powdery mildew (analogue - colloidal sulfur).

The benefits of iron sulfate for trees

Pay attention! Iron sulfate is used for all types of garden trees.

Iron sulfate is the most harmless drug

When to spray iron sulfate on fruit trees

This composition is used only before the buds bloom on the trees. It is advisable that the weather outside is cloudy with sufficient humidity. But at the same time, wind and rain should be avoided so that the iron sulfate remains on the plant, having time to have an effect.

How to dilute iron sulfate for treating trees

Iron sulfate helps with many diseases and pests. Depending on what exactly he has to fight, the required dosage is calculated:

  • for whitewashing or after pruning, a solution containing 10% ferrous sulfate is made;
  • to combat fungal diseases and insects, half a kilogram of the substance must be diluted per 10 liters of water;
  • mosses and lichens on trunks can be sprayed with a 30% solution;
  • To process grapes in the spring, a weak 0.1% solution of ferrous sulfate is taken every week.

For your information! The substance itself can be purchased at a hardware store. For garden plot 3% iron sulfate works well.

Copper sulfate solution

Copper sulfate is an aggressive and toxic substance, so this treatment can be performed only once a year in early spring. At the same time, copper sulfate effectively copes with curliness, coccomycosis, scab and moniliasis.

Bordeaux liquid

This name hides a solution of copper sulfate and lime in equal proportions. This composition is usually used for autumn garden treatment. It should be borne in mind that copper is poisonous to humans and animals, so you should follow safety precautions:

  • do not allow the composition to come into contact with the skin and mucous membranes, in water bodies or on animal fur;
  • do not use in combination with alkali-containing drugs;
  • copper, accumulating in the soil, becomes a herbicide;
  • the use of Bordeaux mixture leads to phytotoxicity.

Ready-made Bordeaux mixture is sold in specialized stores.

Urea or carbamide

Urea gives a good effect when used in the spring during sap flow. It will help get rid of aphids, leaf rollers, flower beetles and other pests. In autumn, the soil under the trunk is treated with urea to destroy pest larvae.

Preparation N 30

Preparation N 30 combines well with other pesticides

Folk remedies

If the disease on the plant was detected at an early stage, then you can try folk remedies:

  • from spider mite an infusion of onion peels will help cope;
  • caterpillars, aphids, powdery mildew can remove an infusion of garlic or a solution of ash and laundry soap;
  • as a preventative measure, you can treat crops with a salt solution (at the rate of 150 g of salt per 10 liters of water);
  • Potassium chloride in liquid form will rid the garden of aphids and caterpillars.

Any disease of fruit trees on the site is easier to cure with initial stage. But even if they are completely healthy, every gardener spring period must not only feed the plants, but also carry out preventive treatment against pests and diseases. This will allow you to get a rich and high-quality harvest.

Treating your garden against pests and diseases in the fall is extremely important.

There are several reasons for this:

  • Autumn garden treatment is a good preventive procedure, reducing the number of overwintering pathogens;
  • autumn warmth and humid air stimulate the proliferation of microbes and bacteria. at this time they penetrate the sap flow system and are spread throughout the tree;
  • It is recommended to carry out autumn garden treatment at the beginning of leaf fall, and during this period the main work has already been completed, the gardener has more free time;
  • there is still a lot of time before the fruits ripen and can be applied more concentrated and effective mixtures;
  • special attention should be paid to the treatment of young trees. Their immune system has not yet strengthened and untreated trees may not survive until spring;
  • autumn treatment with increased concentrations of drugs destroys most of the insects that have settled in for the winter.

Processing times

Optimal timing of autumn processing can be considered beginning of leaf fall.

At this time, the leaves have already turned yellow, but still remain on the tree and are convenient to process. Even high concentrations of solutions will not harm the tree - there is no longer any need for leaves.

The soil under the trees is not yet covered with fallen leaves and it also needs to be treated with a prepared pesticide. Thus, we will destroy pests that have gone to the soil for the winter and are waiting for insulation from the leaves.

Preparing the tree

Starting in mid-autumn, trees begin to prepare for winter. The winter hardiness of trees can be increased by adding phosphorus and.

The bases of skeletal branches and the tree trunk are cleaned of dead bark and pests hidden in its cracks. At the same time, the trunks and bases of the branches are covered with a protective layer of garden whitewash. The trunks of young trees are tied with roofing felt, covering material or nylon tights.

How to spray fruit trees?

To spray the garden in autumn you can use:

  • iron sulfate;
  • carbamide or urea;
  • drug 30B;
  • diesel fuel;
  • bishal;
  • soap-copper emulsion.

Iron sulfate

Iron sulfate

Trees are treated with a solution of ferrous sulfate either before the beginning of the growing season, or with the beginning of leaf fall. Dissolved in water, this powder helps fight diseases of pome and stone fruit trees, and berry bushes. The effect of iron sulfate is detrimental to moniliosis, spotting, and scab.

To treat the garden, use a 5-7 percent solution of the substance. To prepare the working fluid you need:

  • 500-700 g of powder is dissolved in small quantity warm water;
  • after complete dissolution, the volume of liquid is adjusted to 10 l;
  • the strained mixture is poured into a sprayer;
  • set up a very fine spray;
  • Evenly cover the leaves and branches with the solution; it is not scary if some of the liquid gets on the ground. It also needs to be sprayed.

Copper sulfate

Copper sulfate

Copper sulfate of wasps or copper sulfate is a recognized fungicide that helps in the fight against spotting, rot, scab, coccomycosis, and lichens.

The working solution of copper sulfate for garden treatment should have a 3-5% concentration. It is prepared in the same way as iron sulfate, only 300-500 g of powder is taken for the same amount of water. Prepare and use in the same way.

Urea or carbamide

The use of urea or urea for autumn garden treatment includes treatment of trees and the soil underneath. The timing of such treatment is the beginning of leaf fall. A strong urea solution can burn out all wintering forms of pests and diseases.


Procedure for processing trees:

  • 700 g of urea or carbamide is dissolved in 10 liters of water;
  • process unfallen leaves and tree trunks;
  • The tree trunk circle is treated with the same product.

It is necessary to use such a liquid for autumn garden treatment as late as possible. nitrogen, a loading dose of which is contained in the solution, can cause the growth of new shoots. In spring add nitrogen fertilizers trees treated with urea will not be required.

Preparation 30v

Insecto-acaricidal “Preparation 30B” destroys wintering pests in the garden and on berry bushes: scale insects, whiteflies, leaf rollers, aphids, mites, moths.

Preparation 30B

The drug disrupts the air and water balance of insects, leading to their death. Pests cannot adapt to the action of the drug; it can be used annually. The advantages of the product include environmental safety, high efficiency, excellent adhesion, can be used all season from spring to autumn. The drug has a contact effect, it must be applied without leaving untreated areas.

The drug is very easy to dilute. It is simply dissolved in water and used within the next 2 hours after dilution.

Treatments are carried out at outdoor temperatures above +4°C.

The concentration of the solution for treating trees and shrubs is 3-4%.

The protective effect of the drug lasts from 5 to 10 days. After treatment, you can harvest the crop after 20 days.

Diesel fuel or diesel fuel (DF)

Diesel oil is an oily liquid. After treating the tree with such a liquid, an oil film forms on the surface of the bark, destroying pests by clogging their breathing holes.

Diesel fuel, being a result of oil refining, is not considered environmentally friendly pure substance, and therefore it is dangerous to use it in the spring. It is best to use this product in the fall; by the time of harvest, it will completely disintegrate and will not remain in the ripened fruits.

Successful recipes for using diesel fuel:

  • 1 part of iron sulfate is dissolved in 10 parts of water;
  • add 10 parts of lime milk of 10% concentration;
  • 20 parts of diesel fuel are added to the resulting mixture;
  • the resulting mixture is used to treat plantings after leaf fall.

Another successful recipe:

  • 5 parts clay are dissolved in 5 parts water;
  • 20 parts of diesel fuel are added to the resulting mixture;
  • The resulting emulsion is used to treat the plantings.

Another solution effective in pest control:

  • grind 1 part of laundry soap;
  • the shavings are dissolved in 9 parts of water;
  • 10 parts of diesel fuel are added to the resulting solution;
  • We treat the garden with the resulting emulsion.

When using diesel fuel, you need to remember that the density of it and water is very different, and you won’t be able to get a complete solution. When water and diesel fuel are mixed, an emulsion is formed, which very quickly separates into two fractions. Keeping this in mind, when working with such a mixture, you need to periodically shake the solution.

Bordeaux liquid

Bordeaux mixture

Bordeaux mixture is a mixture of copper sulfate and lime in a 1:1 ratio. This mixture destroys foci of diseases (moniliosis, spotting, rot and fungal diseases, scab), and also destroys wintering forms of insects.

To prepare Bordeaux mixture you will need lime, copper sulfate, water, any non-metallic utensils and litmus paper:

  • in a non-metallic container in small quantities hot water dilute 1 kg of copper sulfate and bring to 50 l;
  • in another container, quench 1 kg of quicklime and dilute the solution to 50 liters, filter;
  • immediately before use, both solutions are combined - a solution of copper sulfate is added to the lime milk (not vice versa).
  • the resulting mixture is checked with litmus paper - the reaction of the solution should be neutral;
  • for better adhesion of the solution, add 100 g of sugar or 5 cups of paste per 100 liters of liquid;
  • The finished mixture can be purchased at a garden store.

Bordeaux mixture should be used in warm, dry, windless weather. Up to 10 liters are used per tree.


Bishofit (Bishal)

Autumn and early spring treatment of fruit trees can be carried out using the drug Bishal. This is a solution natural remedy bischofite It contains almost all the microelements necessary for plants.

Depending on the concentration, this solution can be used to treat trees before buds open or before leaf fall, it can be used to treat the garden by green leaf, and it can be used to soak seeds.

Autumn treatment of the garden with a bishali solution will destroy pests preparing for winter, bacterial, viral and fungal infections.

For autumn treatment, bishal is diluted in a ratio of 1:10.

Bishal, like urea, burns out all the infection that remains in the crevices of the bark, but unlike urea it contains many essential microelements.

The advantages of bishali include the absence of a waiting period after processing the garden.

Soap-copper emulsion

Another product for autumn garden treatment is soap-copper emulsion. The recipe for making it is very simple:

  • 10 g of copper sulfate is dissolved in 0.5 liters of water;
  • 100 g of planed laundry soap are diluted separately in warm water;
  • a soap solution is added to the solution of copper sulfate, the volume of the mixture is adjusted to 10 l;
  • if the water is hard (flakes appear in the solution), you can add 50 g of soda ash.

If there is a high number of overwintering pests or severe infection, the doses of soap and copper sulfate are increased by 2-3 times.

A healthy garden is a joy for a gardener. But so that trees are not afraid of diseases and dangerous insects, they need to be sprayed on time. The first work in the garden begins in March. Treating trees in the spring allows you to destroy diseases and pests, as well as prevent their occurrence, because it is at this time that many insects awaken and diseases become more active.

In spring, fruit trees, like berry trees, are treated several times. This is usually done in early spring, before the flowers appear and after flowering. You can get “lost” in all these manipulations, especially if you have never practiced gardening. Below is detailed table, where it is indicated when, why and with what to treat trees in the spring.

Period Job Medicines (optional)
Early spring Whitewash
  • lime solution
  • ready-made compositions for whitewashing fruit trees
Preventive spraying against pests that overwinter on trees
  • diesel fuel
Before the buds open Spraying against fungal diseases
  • Bordeaux mixture
  • copper sulfate
  • iron sulfate
  • urea
Prevention against pest larvae
  • karbofos
  • broad spectrum insecticides
During flowering Spraying to increase immunity against fungi
  • Bordeaux mixture
  • copper sulfate
Treatment for ticks and weevils
  • anabasine
  • karbofos
After flowering Prevention from rot
  • broad-spectrum combination drugs
Spraying against pests

As you can see, there is a lot of work on processing trees in the spring. But they are necessary to maintain immunity and the general health of garden crops.

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The first activities in the garden take place in March, before the buds begin to bloom on the trees. It is necessary to remove the insulation, clean the area, and carry out sanitary pruning. At the same time, the treatment of trees against pests in the spring begins. Insects, depending on the species, can settle on trees at different times of the year, so you cannot spray them once a year in the hope of not encountering them again. Prevention and additional work will be required throughout the warm season, but are used in different cases different methods struggle.

Whitewashing trees with lime helps protect them from various pests that can settle and live in the bark. Before whitewashing, the bark must be cleaned, and then whitewashed. In this way, insect habitats can be destroyed and insects can be prevented from re-establishing themselves in the bark.


Whitewashing trees also protects the trunk from sunburn on hot days.

Before buds bloom on the trees, it is necessary to take measures to combat the larvae, which become active during this period. From them you can use effective insecticides with a wide spectrum of action: “Karbofos”, “Aktellik”, “Decis Profi”, “Prokleym”, as well as “Bordeaux mixture”, “Urea”.

Around the time the buds appear, or when they appear en masse on the tree, crops are often subject to massive attack by the codling moth. Caterpillars are especially dangerous for apple trees! So before flowering it is necessary to carry out work to destroy them. For this you can use the drugs “Fitoverm”, “Atom”, “Zolon”, “Ivango”, “Sirocco”, “Decis”, “Alatar”, “Iskra M”, “Binom”, “Lepidotsid”, “Ditox” or "Bordeaux mixture", "Urea".


Gardeners consider spraying with diesel fuel in early spring to be effective. It covers surfaces with a thin film, blocking the access of oxygen to pests.

During the flowering period of trees, ticks wake up. So at this time it will not hurt to protect fruit trees, as well as berry trees, from the influence of dangerous insects. If this moment is missed, then mites will settle on every tree and this will inevitably affect the harvest. Actellik, Bi-58 New, Bona Forte, Karate, and Fitoverm are often used against ticks.

After flowering, the trees are carefully inspected for pests. If any are noticed, re-treatment is carried out; if not, then all subsequent work can be postponed until the summer.

Even one disease, if left untreated, can lead to complete destruction of the garden. Trees are able to fight fungi and viruses for a long time, but if they are not helped, sooner or later the disease will win. So, treating fruit trees against diseases in the spring begins even before the buds open.

  • Pome crops are treated before buds break from black cancer, scab, actracnose and cytosporosis.
  • Stone fruit trees can be sprayed against clasterosporiosis, moniliosis, coccomycosis and cytosporosis.

For both stone fruit and pome trees, fungicides such as “Horus” and “Skor” are used before bud break. You can also use “Iron sulfate”, “Copper sulfate”, “Bordeaux mixture”.

In order not to carry out treatment against pests and diseases separately, you can mix the products in one container and spray the trees with the resulting composition. However, this is only possible if the drugs are compatible! So before buying, you should consult the seller - you can interfere with them or not.

Before flowering, and sometimes during, spraying is carried out against scab and spots, coccomycosis, moniliosis, and clasterosporiasis. Despite the fact that most of these diseases have already been treated, they are necessary again to increase plant resistance. You can use the following drugs for this: “Strobi”, “Skor”, “Horus”, “Raek”, “Fitolavin”, “Bordeaux mixture”, “Poliram DF”.

When the flowers fall off and ovaries appear in their place, you will need to make another one, final processing from putrefactive diseases. Here we can recommend “Alirin-B”, “Diskor”, “Topaz”, “Gamair”, “Glyokladin”, “Fitolavin” or “Urea”. This concludes the spring treatment of trees against pests and diseases. But this does not mean that the work in the garden is completely finished. In summer, it is worth closely monitoring crops in order to protect them from summer diseases and insects in time.

Some drugs are used more often in the garden than others. They are highly effective and help very well against both pests and diseases. Every novice gardener must know about these preparations and use them if the need arises. Among such drugs are Bordeaux mixture, urea, copper and iron sulfate.

Bordeaux mixture is one of the most famous and common products used for trees. It consists of copper sulfate and lime. Its color is always blue, so it is difficult to confuse it with anything. A 3% solution is used for treatment.

Bordeaux mixture is considered a strong fungicide. It can cope with fungal diseases, spots and is effective against pests due to the fact that it contains lime. It is suitable for processing any fruit and berry crops.

Iron sulfate is the second most popular drug. It is most often used when processing plums, pears, cherries, and apple trees. Mainly it allows you to get rid of all sorts of diseases that are already on the tree or can only affect it.

Iron sulfate is not only protective agent. During use, it also saturates the crops with iron, which is necessary for many fruits and berries for normal development and fruiting.

When using iron sulfate to treat trees in the spring, you need to know that this product is used exclusively before the buds on the trees bloom! A 3% solution is used - this will be more than enough for an adult culture.

Treating trees with copper sulfate

Copper sulfate is similar in action to Bordeaux mixture, but it does not help well against pests. In order for the drug to be of greater benefit, some kind of broad-spectrum insecticide is usually added to it. If there is no such product on sale, you can simply alternate treatment with copper sulfate and spraying with insecticides - this will also be effective.

Copper sulfate itself copes with curliness, coccomycosis, moniliosis, phyllosticosis, clasterospora, scab and other diseases. It is not only possible, but even recommended to process apple, pear and plum trees first.

But copper sulfate also has one big drawback - toxicity. When working with it, protective suits and gloves are used. It is important to prevent it from getting into a pond, fountain, or tank of water from which animals, people, and fish drink. The working solution is prepared from 100 g of copper sulfate and 10 liters of water. Stronger concentrations can be dangerous for trees.

Treating trees with urea

Urea or urea is a powerful remedy against the extermination of a wide variety of pests on fruit and berry trees. Also, this remedy can protect trees from putrefactive diseases. Treatment of trees in the spring involves using a solution prepared from 500-700 g of urea per 10 liters of water.

Treating trees with urea helps fight insects and also saturates plants with nitrogen, activating the process of awakening and growth.

Gardeners often mix urea with copper sulfate. On average, for 600 g of urea, take 50 g of copper sulfate and a bucket of warm water. This mixture allows you to get rid of pests and diseases on the tree, and also slows down its development for 1-2 weeks. This method is often used for those crops that flower during return frosts. If the treatment is carried out in time, flowering will occur after return frosts and the buds will not freeze.

The drug is not dangerous, at least for humans, so serious protective measures are not required if the urea does not interfere with anything. The treatment agent is prepared immediately before the procedure! A concentrated solution is used only in early spring, and after flowering - a weak solution, because the abundance of urea can leave burns on the leaves.