Complete NLP course. NLP

Bob Bodenhamer, Michael Hall

The User’s Manual for the Brain: The Complete Manual For Neuro-Linguistic Programming Practitioner Certification

Michael Hall, Bob Bodenhamer

The User's Manual for the Brain: Mastering Systemic NLP

Translation rights were obtained through an agreement with Crown House Publishing Ltd. (UK) with the participation of the Alexander Korzhenevsky Agency (Russia).

All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form without the written permission of the copyright holders.

© Crown House Publishing Limited 2005

© Bob G. Bodenhamer & L. Michael Hall, 2005

© Translation into Russian: S. Komarov, 2002

© Translation into Russian: N. Mironov, 2003

© AST Publishing House LLC, 2015


The book you are holding in your hands is the result of my six years of experience teaching a Neuro-Linguistic Programming course at Gaston College in Dallas, North Carolina. Undoubtedly, when an author writes a book, he uses various sources and information received from many people. I would like to give credit to everyone who contributed to this book, but I can probably name only those whose influence was particularly significant.

● My late mother, May Bodenhamer, who constantly encouraged my learning.

● My father, Glen Bodenhamer, who inspired me to work hard.

● Creators of NLP: Richard Bandler and John Grinder.

● My fellow instructors: Gene Rooney, Ted James and Wyatt Woodsmall.

● My students at Gaston College, whose influence, especially in the early years, inspired me to continue to create the comprehensive textbook on NLP that this book became.

● Dr. John Merritt, Associate Dean of Academic Affairs at Gaston College, for honoring me with the opportunity to teach in his department and for his continued support.

● His talented secretary, Sandy Hamilton, who works tirelessly to help everyone who teaches in the department.

● L. Michael Hall, Ph.D., for his invaluable contributions to this book and the honor of working with him on many projects.

● Peter Young, who worked tirelessly to help me improve the manuscript.

● Martin Roberts, Ph.D., and the staff at Crown House Publishing, who have contributed so much to the development of NLP by publishing the work of various authors.

● My niece, Mandy Collette, who brought life and youth into our home.

● Finally, and most importantly, I would like to thank my wife Linda, whose constant support and inspiration throughout our 34 years of marriage allowed me to pursue my dreams.

To all these and many other people I say “thank you.”

Bob G. Bodenhamer

August 1999

How to use this tutorial

To ensure you get the most out of your study neurolinguistic programming and this book, we advise you to do the following.

1. Keep a notebook and devote it to your thoughts, guesses, training and exercises. Motor activity in progress letters will consolidate the material you have studied through kinesthetics and help you assimilate knowledge on a subconscious level. In the future, you may find it useful to revisit your notes, guesses, ideas, and practice exercises.

2. Don't cheat when you move on to exercises, thought experiments, and laboratory work. Stop. Do the exercise. Involve your friends in your training. Some exercises require up to five people, although most exercises can be done by two people.

3. Create your own index for textbook. This will strengthen your knowledge of NLP and its components, and will also allow you to better navigate the material in the book.

4. We framed key statements And definitions. If you wish, you can purchase transparencies for use in lectures. This will allow the NLP trainer to align the sessions with these guidelines.

Introduction. History of “magic” in neurolinguistics

NLP is a position and methodology that gives rise to a range of methods.

Richard Bandler

Neurolinguistic programming (NLP) is a relatively new discipline, which arose only in the mid-1970s. NLP is based on a large body of trustworthy knowledge. NLP originates in several areas of knowledge, united by two of its creators - Richard Bandler and John Grinder.

This happened while Dr. Grinder was a professor of linguistics at the University of California, Santa Cruz. Bandler was a student at this university and studied mathematics and computer science. Dr. Grinder had already published several books on the branch of linguistics known as transformational grammar.

Richard Bandler has shown extraordinary ability to identify and clearly describe patterns in a wide variety of processes. This talent manifested itself most clearly in the description of human communication. Richard took great pleasure in studying, analyzing, and modeling communication processes in psychotherapy. Then he began to actively study the techniques of Gestalt therapy. He was able to identify, describe and independently test models of this psychotherapeutic approach.

The results of this work impressed those around him, and his success in solving complex problems directed Richard's talent to study and then model the work techniques of other outstanding specialists. With the support of John Grinder, Bandler had the opportunity to model the techniques of Virginia Satir, the world's most famous family therapist. Richard quickly identified the "seven patterns" Virginia was using. When she and John began using them, they discovered that they could model her psychotherapy techniques and get the same results.

How computer programmer Richard knew that in order to program the simplest “consciousness” (an on-off computer), one had to break down behavior into its components and provide the system with clear and unambiguous signals. To this simple metaphor John added his extensive knowledge of transformational grammar. From transformational grammar they borrowed the concepts of deep and surface structures that transform meaning/knowledge in the human brain. So they began to build their model of “programming” people.

Bob G. Bodenhamer, D. Min, L. Michael Hall, Ph. D.

The User’s Manual for the Brain: The Complete Manual for Neuro-Linguistic Programming Practitioner Certification

Translation rights were obtained through an agreement with Crown House Publishing Ltd. (UK) with the assistance of the Alexander Korzhenevsky Agency (Russia).

All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form without the written permission of the copyright holders.

© 1999 by Bob G. Bodenhamer, L. Michael Hall

© Komarov S., translation into Russian, 2002

© AST Publishing House LLC, 2016


The book you are holding in your hands is the result of my six years of experience teaching a Neuro-Linguistic Programming course at Gaston College in Dallas, North Carolina. Undoubtedly, when an author writes a book, he uses various sources and information received from many people. I would like to give credit to everyone who contributed to this book, but I can probably name only those whose influence was particularly significant.

● My late mother, May Bodenhamer, who constantly encouraged my learning.

● My father, Glen Bodenhamer, who inspired me to work hard.

● Creators of NLP: Richard Bandler and John Grinder.

● My fellow instructors: Gene Rooney, Ted James and Wyatt Woodsmall.

● My students at Gaston College, whose influence, especially in the early years, inspired me to continue to create the comprehensive textbook on NLP that this book became.

● Dr. John Merritt, Associate Dean of Academic Affairs at Gaston College, for honoring me with the opportunity to teach in his department and for his continued support.

● His talented secretary, Sandy Hamilton, who works tirelessly to help everyone who teaches in the department.

● L. Michael Hall, Ph.D., for his invaluable contributions to this book and the honor of working with him on many projects.

● Peter Young, who worked tirelessly to help me improve the manuscript.

● Martin Roberts, Ph.D., and the staff at Crown House Publishing, who have contributed so much to the development of NLP by publishing the work of various authors.

● My niece, Mandy Collette, who brought life and youth into our home.

● Finally, and most importantly, I would like to thank my wife Linda, whose constant support and inspiration throughout our 34 years of marriage allowed me to pursue my dreams.

To all these and many other people I say “thank you.”

Bob G. Bodenhamer

August 1999

How to use this tutorial

To ensure you get the most out of your study neurolinguistic programming and this book, we advise you to do the following.

1. Keep a notebook and devote it to your thoughts, guesses, training and exercises. Motor activity in progress letters will consolidate the material you have studied through kinesthetics and help you assimilate knowledge on a subconscious level. In the future, you may find it useful to revisit your notes, guesses, ideas, and practice exercises.

2. Don't cheat when you get to the exercises, thought experiments, and labs. Stop. Do the exercise. Involve your friends in your training. Some exercises require up to five people, although most exercises can be done by two people.

3. Create your own index for textbook. This will strengthen your knowledge of NLP and its components, and will also allow you to better navigate the material in the book.

4. We framed key statements And definitions. If you wish, you can purchase transparencies for use in lectures. This will allow the NLP trainer to align the sessions with these guidelines.

Introduction. History of “magic” in neurolinguistics

NLP is a position and methodology that gives rise to a range of methods.

Richard Bandler

Neurolinguistic programming (NLP) is a relatively new discipline, which arose only in the mid-1970s. NLP is based on a large body of trustworthy knowledge. NLP originates in several areas of knowledge, united by two of its creators - Richard Bandler and John Grinder.

This happened while Dr. Grinder was a professor of linguistics at the University of California, Santa Cruz. Bandler was a student at this university and studied mathematics and computer science. Dr. Grinder had already published several books on the branch of linguistics known as transformational grammar.

Richard Bandler has shown extraordinary ability to identify and clearly describe patterns in a wide variety of processes. This talent manifested itself most clearly in the description of human communication. Richard took great pleasure in studying, analyzing, and modeling communication processes in psychotherapy. Then he began to actively study the techniques of Gestalt therapy. He was able to identify, describe and independently test models of this psychotherapeutic approach.

The results of this work impressed those around him, and his success in solving complex problems directed Richard's talent to study and then model the work techniques of other outstanding specialists. With the support of John Grinder, Bandler had the opportunity to model the techniques of Virginia Satir, the world's most famous family therapist. Richard quickly identified the "seven patterns" Virginia was using. When she and John began using them, they discovered that they could model her psychotherapy techniques and get the same results.

As a computer programmer, Richard knew that in order to program the simplest “consciousness” (an on-off computer), one had to break down behavior into its components and provide clear and unambiguous signals to the system. To this simple metaphor John added his extensive knowledge of transformational grammar. From transformational grammar they borrowed the concepts of deep and surface structures that transform meaning/knowledge in the human brain. So they began to build their model of “programming” people.

Later, world-renowned anthropologist Gregory Bateson introduced Bandler and Grinder to Milton Erickson, MD. Erickson developed a model of communication that is known as “Ericksonian hypnosis.” In 1958, the American Medical Association recognized that hypnosis is beneficial remedy during surgical operations. When Bandler and Grinder modeled Erickson's work, they found that they could get the same effect. Many of today's NLP techniques are based on techniques that Erickson used.

From this experience and their exploration of unifying factors and principles, Bandler and Grinder developed their first model of communication, reflecting a theoretical understanding of how we are “programmed” through languages ​​(sensory and linguistic) to have regular and systematic actions, reactions, psychosomatic effects, etc. This model also determined the ways of using the components of subjective experience for psychological (mental-emotional) changes in human behavior.

Since then, NLP has come a long way in its development. The model has expanded to include data from other disciplines: cybernetics (communications in complex systems, both mechanical and living), philosophy, cognitive psychology, studies of the “unconscious” and neuroscience. Today, there are NLP institutes all over the world, and many authors are applying NLP in areas related to medicine and health, psychotherapy and psychological well-being, business, education, sports, law, Christian religion, etc.

Learning the Mastery

NLP mainly focuses on learning skill. In the book Neurolinguistic Programming (Dilts et al., 1983), the authors called NLP “the study of the structure of subjective experience.” Subjective experience, which is the focus of most NLP theorists, popularizers and teachers, includes most perfect aspects human experience - high level creativity, mastery, giftedness, etc. Robert Dilts, one of the creators of NLP, studied this topic in particular depth, writing a number of books and a large number of journal articles under the general title “Strategies of Geniuses.”

Michael Hall - entrepreneur living in the Rocky Mountains of Colorado (USA). After many years of private psychotherapeutic practice, he was engaged in education and training: first, communication training (assertiveness, negotiations, relationships), then NLP.

In the late 80's he studied Neuro-Linguistic Programming with one of the founders, Richard Bandler, and became a Master Practitioner and Trainer of NLP. On behalf of Bandler, he wrote materials for trainings, which were subsequently published in the form of the book “Time of Change.”

A prolific writer, he has written and published more than two dozen books, including such bestsellers as The Spirit of NLP, Taming of Dragons, Meta-States, Lines of Mind, How to Spot a Person, The Structure of Excellence, Frame games”, etc.

Books (8)

77 Best NLP Techniques

The book by one of the founders and modern masters of NLP, Michael Hall, offers 77 of the best neuro-linguistic programming techniques for achieving excellence, mastery, and genius in all areas of human experience.

If you want to achieve revolutionary changes in the way you think, feel, behave and communicate, you will find in this book a wide variety of methods that will allow you to create real magic.

Games played by business sharks. Game models of successful business

In the business world, reluctance to learn is considered a manager's mortal sin. And even the most labor-intensive training can be turned into an interesting and fruitful activity if you use techniques role playing games, which have long been used by psychologists to relieve consciousness, resolve conflict situations and improving the psychological climate in the team.

Business games for people doing business have become a real necessity today. They help to renew the view of the situation, teach systemic vision, strengthen motivation, and promote the search for extraordinary solutions to problems.

Games that skinny people play. Get slim and healthy

To become slim, fit and energetic, it turns out that it is enough to discard the old ones and set new frames (frames) for your consciousness.

The author of the book, the developer of a popular field of practical psychology in the West - neurolinguistic programming (NLP), describes key frames and frame games associated with controlling our weight. Considering them, he reveals the causes of such a complex symptom as “excess weight.”

The magic of communication

The book is devoted to the most interesting and complex problems of the structure and meaning of language in the Metamodel paradigm - the most valuable thing that the practice of neurolinguistic programming can be proud of.

Dr. Hall demonstrates how to radically change and improve our lives by consciously using the magic of communication using NLP - how to learn to influence the mind-body system and use the creative potential of the brain to achieve positive life results.

Modeling a perfect personality. Editing fate

Dr. Hall continues to introduce you to the secrets of the miracles that neuro-linguistic programming is capable of. You are holding in your hands the second, revised edition of a book dedicated to a new section of NLP - neurosemantics. His description is accessible and understandable, and will certainly make you want to try this advanced meta-state model and apply it in your daily life.

Are you interested in NLP? Do you want to learn how to “control your brain”? Then you will like this book!

NLP training. Increasing the power of your abilities

The book by the leading modern specialist in the field of NLP Michael Hall will teach you how to manage your thinking and emotions, you will gain access to control higher order: managing your own consciousness at all its levels. It will enrich you by allowing you to achieve true excellence - to use your personal genius.

You will be able to apply the newly discovered abilities in your professional career and business, in relationships with people in any circumstances and situations, to maintain health and optimal physical and psychological shape.

At my command, at my will

Systemic NLP: psychotechnics of success.

Our consciousness has a unique ability to reason about itself, create higher logical levels and, with their help, structure life experience and attitude towards the environment.

Dr. Hall will introduce you to the psychotechnology of drawing up correct, environmentally friendly strategy models, and the most interesting thing is that everyone can join them, because every person by nature has a personal computer that will calculate for you your special path to success, health and prosperity!

The NLP Way

The NLP way. Mode of action, meaning and criteria for mastering NLP.

This completely revised edition of The NLP Way distills the essence of Richard Bandler's brilliant NLP Master training. It also includes important additions from the work of other instructors such as Eric Robbie, Wyatt Woodsmall, Tad James, Christina Hall, and the late Will McDonald. Offering in-depth insight into the true genius of the co-developer of Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP), the book also includes examples of mastery of NLP neuroscience and developmental work related to dexterity patterns (word manipulation).

Methodically covering areas such as programming, linguistics and neuroscience, this book is ideal for anyone who wants to deepen their understanding of NLP to a state-of-the-art level or needs a fresh and engaging presentation of the subject.

Is it possible to influence human behavior? Is it possible to do this in such a way that he himself does not notice it, so that he thinks that this is his own decision? Practitioners and NLP Masters are confident that this is quite possible. If you learn the necessary techniques, you can even influence a person’s worldview, and not just his actions. The book "The Complete NLP Course" by Michael Hall and Bob Bodenhamer provides information that can be applied to absolutely any area of ​​life.

The book is well structured, making a large amount of material easier to comprehend. Many NLP methods are described here with detailed explanation applications. After each chapter there are questions to help you remember what you read, and exercises to practice your knowledge in practice.

With the help of this book you can see all the possibilities of the human psyche. And although many do not consider NLP a serious science, if you pay attention to how it affects people, it is worth taking a closer look at it and taking it more seriously. There is material here that allows you not only to influence others, but also to conduct analysis, engage in introspection and even self-hypnosis.

The book gives you the opportunity to learn how to influence people, and this can be for the benefit of another person. In addition, with its help you learn to see when they are trying to influence you, which is also very useful. The book is suitable for everyone: those who are simply curious, and those who have been involved in NLP for some time. It will help a beginner reach the level of NLP Practitioner and Master.

The work belongs to the Psychology genre. It was published in 1999 by PRIME-EVROZNAK publishing house. The book is part of the series "Psychology. Higher Course". On our website you can download the book "The Complete NLP Course" in fb2, rtf, epub, pdf, txt format or read online. The book's rating is 4 out of 5. Here, before reading, you can also turn to reviews from readers who are already familiar with the book and find out their opinion. In our partner's online store you can buy and read the book in paper version.