The weighted average interest rate on loans provided to credit organizations by non-financial organizations in rubles. Financial sector: report of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation for the past year


In the Russian financial sector, despite the presence of a significant number of non-bank financial institutions, there was still a significant dominance of the assets of credit institutions, according to the report of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation for 2017, published on the regulator’s website the other day.

At the end of 2017, the ratio of banking sector assets to GDP was more than 90%, while the ratio of assets of other major financial market participants to GDP in total slightly exceeded 10%. In 2017, the population and business, as before, preferred comprehensive banking services. Nevertheless, the demand for the services of non-credit financial institutions has increased.

Credit organizations

In 2017, the banking sector operated in conditions of a gradual recovery of economic activity: a number of industries grew at a faster pace, real wages, there are signs of a revival in demand. The situation in the banking sector has also stabilized. The capital reserve was assessed as sufficient for further expansion of lending and development of the banking business.

The financial performance of the banking sector was favorably affected by the gradual reduction of the key rate and funding costs. Overall, the quality of the loan portfolio has stabilized. During the year, overdue loans changed slightly and remained at a consistently low level. At the same time, adequate reserves were created for bad loans.

The dynamics of reserves was influenced additional formation of reserves for possible losses on problem assets for banking groups whose parent organizations are undergoing the procedure financial recovery using funds from the Banking Sector Consolidation Fund.

license reviews

The relative performance of the banking sector was to a certain extent influenced by the dynamics of the ruble exchange rate, and the revocation of licenses of a number of credit institutions also had an impact. Therefore, in order to more accurately reflect the actual dynamics of the main indicators of the banking sector, this section provides data excluding the influence of the exchange rate by credit institutions, effective as of January 1, 2018 (including banks reorganized during the year).

the population trusts

A positive characteristic of 2017 was the continued influx of household savings into banks, which indicated the preservation of public confidence in banks. Assets of the banking sector in 2017 increased by 9.0%, to 85.2 trillion rubles (in 2016 - an increase of 3.4%). Due to a less significant increase in assets in nominal terms compared to GDP dynamics, the ratio of banking sector assets to GDP over the year changed from 92.9 to 92.6%.

The volume of total assets of systemically important credit institutions (SICI) in 2017 increased by 10.6%, to 55.3 trillion rubles, including due to the inclusion of PJSC "CREDIT BANK OF MOSCOW" in their list (excluding this credit institution, the volume total assets for 2017 increased by 6.8%).

Structure of credit institutions' liabilities. Banking sector funding remained balanced in 2017. At the same time, household deposits took first place in terms of their importance as a source of funding: their share in bank liabilities exceeded the share of enterprise funds (30.5 and 29.2%, respectively, as of January 1, 2018). The volume of deposits of individuals2 in 2017 increased by 10.7% (in 2016 - by 11.8%), to 26.0 trillion rubles.

The share of Sberbank PJSC in the household deposit market in 2017 decreased slightly - from 46.6 to 46.1%. The total volume of deposits and funds of organizations in accounts for 2017 increased by 4.8%; their volume as of January 1, 2018 amounted to 24.8 trillion rubles. The share of the foreign exchange component decreased in 2017 for deposits of individuals from 23.7 to 20.6%, for deposits and funds in the accounts of organizations - from 40.5 to 36.7%.

Volume of deposits and funds of organizations in accounts in NWKO in 2017 increased by 5.6%, to 17.7 trillion rubles, and the volume of deposits of individuals increased by 11.6%, to 16.9 trillion rubles. Against the backdrop of a structural liquidity surplus, borrowings by credit institutions from the Bank of Russia decreased significantly (by 25.7%).

The decrease in the share of these funds in banks' liabilities from 3.4 to 2.4% indicates that banks mainly used market sources of funding. The volume of funds placed on deposits in banks by the Federal Treasury tripled in 2017, and their share in the liabilities of the banking sector increased from 0.4 to 1.2%.

Smooth reduction of the key rate Bank of Russia contributed to the fact that the weighted average interest rate for ruble deposits of non-financial organizations for a period of more than 1 year decreased from 9.0% per annum in January to 7.5% per annum in December 2017, for ruble deposits of individuals - from 7.8 to 6.4% per annum, respectively. Liabilities of the banking sector in foreign currency in 2017 decreased by 7.1%, and their share in the total liabilities of the banking sector - to 21.8% (as of January 1, 2017 - 26.5%). Structure of assets of credit institutions. The total volume of loans to non-financial organizations and individuals in 2017 increased by 6.2% (in 2016 it decreased by 0.8%), to 42.4 trillion rubles. The volume of such loans from SZKO increased by 8.7%, to 31.4 trillion rubles. The debt on loans and other placed funds provided to non-financial organizations in the banking sector as a whole in 2017 increased by 3.7% (in 2016 - a decrease of 1.8%), to 30.2 trillion rubles.

The share of these loans in banking sector assets in 2017 decreased from 37.6 to 35.4%. In 2017, the SME lending market showed signs of recovery for the first time since 2014. The total volume of SME loans issued in 2017 increased significantly (+15.4%)

Volume of debt bank loans SMEs increased by 1.3% and as of January 1, 2018 amounted to 4.2 trillion rubles. This growth rate is due to a noticeable reduction in the portfolio of 3 The volume of loans issued to SMEs is given for the banking sector as a whole, without excluding the impact of currency revaluation and banks with revoked licenses.

enterprise loans

By species economic activity greatest specific gravity accounted for loans to manufacturing enterprises (as of January 1, 2018 - 26.2% of the corporate loan portfolio; as of January 1, 2017 - 21.9%)5. The share of loans to wholesale and retail in 2017 decreased from 15.5 to 7.3%. Dynamics of corporate lending various types activities in 2017 were multidirectional. Loans to agricultural and forestry enterprises increased by 9.2% over the year. Loans to enterprises engaged in mining (by 24.4%) and operations with real estate, rental and provision of services (by 27.3%) increased significantly.

At the same time, debt on loans provided construction organizations, decreased by 3.8%, wholesale and retail trade organizations - by 3.6%. The share of foreign currency loans in the total volume of loans to non-financial organizations in 2017 decreased from 32.2 to 29.7%, which was due to the growth of ruble lending against the background of a decrease in the volume of loans in foreign currency, as well as the strengthening of the ruble. The share of the foreign exchange component decreased for loans to organizations of all types of economic activity, except for organizations involved in the production and distribution of electricity, gas and water. The largest decrease in this share was observed among enterprises engaged in mining (from 46.4 to 39.9%). However, they remained with the highest proportion of foreign currency debt, given their significant foreign exchange earnings. Debt on loans to individuals in 2017 increased by 13.2% (in 2016 - by 2.5%), in the banking sector as a whole - to 12.2 trillion rubles. The retail lending segment accounts for 14.3% of banking sector assets as of January 1, 2018.

The state of the economy of the Russian Federation

Volume of debt on mortgage housing loans in 2017 increased by 15.7% (in 2016 - by 12.1%), to 5.2 trillion rubles, which was facilitated by government subsidies of the interest rate on these loans. In mortgage lending, loans in rubles still predominated - 99.2%. In total, in 2017, about 1.1 million mortgage housing loans worth more than 2 trillion rubles were provided (in 2016 - 856 thousand such loans). The weighted average interest rate on ruble loans to non-financial organizations for a period of over 1 year in December 2017 was 9.4% per annum, which is 3.1 percentage points lower than in January of the same year.

For ruble loans to individuals of the same maturity, the rate decreased from 16.2% per annum in January to 12.9% per annum in December. The weighted average interest rate on ruble mortgage housing loans decreased from 11.8% per annum in January to 9.8% per annum in December.

Briefcase securities in 2017 increased by 9.7% (in 2016 - by 4.4%), to 12.3 trillion rubles, and its share in the assets of the banking sector changed slightly and amounted to 14.5%. The main share (81%) in this portfolio was still occupied by investments in debt instruments. The volume of equity securities increased by 41.8%, and their share in the securities portfolio increased from 3.1 to 3.9%. SZKO securities portfolio for reporting period grew by 13.5%, to 7.3 trillion rubles. In the absence of liquidity problems for banks, the volume of claims of credit institutions to the Bank of Russia (for deposits and correspondent accounts) in 2017 increased by 67.6% (in 2016 - by 24.2%), to 4.2 trillion rubles; the share of these claims in banking sector assets increased from 3.2 to 5.0%.

Assets of credit institutions in foreign currency(in dollar equivalent) in 2017 decreased by 9.0%, and their share in total assets - to 22.3% (as of January 1, 2017 - 27.8%). Requirements and obligations for interbank loans. The total portfolio of interbank loans provided in 2017 increased by 10.0% (in 2016 - by 15.1%), to 9.8 trillion rubles; their share in the assets of the banking sector remained virtually unchanged over the year and amounted to 11.5%. Interbank loans provided to resident banks increased by 14.8%, and interbank loans provided to non-resident banks decreased by 7.7%.

The volume of attracted interbank loans increased by 10.5% (in 2016 - by 30.6%), to 9.3 trillion rubles, and their share in the liabilities of the banking sector increased slightly - to 10.9%; Interbank loans attracted from non-resident banks decreased by 21.1% over the year. I.2. Financial sector Annual report of the Bank of Russia for 2017 65 At the end of 2017, the Russian banking sector remained a net creditor in transactions with non-resident banks: the volume of net claims on non-residents in the interbank lending market amounted to 0.8 trillion rubles (a year earlier - 0.7 trillion rubles).

bank income

Financial results and capital of the banking sector in 2017. In 2017, operating credit institutions received a net profit of 789.7 billion rubles (2016 - 929.7 billion rubles). The reduction was due to a significant net additional formation of reserves for possible losses, which increased in 2017 compared to 2016 by 768.7 billion rubles, or by 38.7%. The main volume of additional formation was accounted for by a number of large banks undergoing the financial rehabilitation procedure, including with the participation of the Bank of Russia.

The most significant article in the formation financial result banks remained net interest income, its share in profit formation factors amounted to 64.2% (in 2016 - 66.5%). In 2017, net interest income decreased by 2.3%, to 2.6 trillion rubles. The ratio to gross interest income of banks increased from 40.9% as of January 1, 2017 to 44.8% as of January 1, 2018 due to an accelerated decrease in gross interest income. Net interest income on transactions with individuals for the year increased by 65.0 billion rubles, or 17.5%.

Once returning to the office from one of the court hearings, in which the judge, with her decision on a consumer dispute, managed to “cut” my penalty at 9!! (“At 9!!!, Karl!”) times, I immediately began to look for arguments for appealing against such an application of Art. 333 Civil Code of the Russian Federation. Is there any defense against such actions by a judge? Does it make sense to appeal this decision?

And this is what I had to face.

Plenum of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation in the Resolution dated March 24, 2016. No. 17 “On the application by courts of certain provisions of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation on liability for violation of obligations” indicated: “Evidence of the validity of the amount of the penalty can serve, in particular, data on the average amount of payment for short-term loans to replenish working capital issued by credit institutions to persons engaged in business activities, or payments on short-term loans issued to individuals at the location of the creditor during the period of violation of the obligation, as well as on inflation rates for the corresponding period.”

After reading this paragraph several times, I still did not understand how to apply this construction. How to prevent a reduction in penalties based on this norm? And how can these innovations be explained to the court? Where can I find data on average sizes?

Almost any person, seeing these formulations, will simply close this Resolution and return to the standard appeal arguments. But that was not the case. I suggest we figure it out together.

Option "A". “The average fee for short-term loans to replenish working capital issued by credit institutions to persons engaged in entrepreneurial activities.”

Option "B". “The average fee for short-term loans issued to individuals at the location of the lender during the period of violation of the obligation.”

First of all, let's simplify these constructions. In the first case we're talking about about lending legal entities, in the second – individuals, i.e. consumer lending.

The average fee for short-term loans refers to the interest rate on the corresponding loans.

Where can I get this bet? Many experts suggest using “Weighted average interest rates on loans provided by credit institutions to individuals in rubles” and “Weighted average interest rates on loans provided by credit institutions to non-financial organizations in rubles” for small and medium-sized businesses as a guideline for calculating the maximum minimum penalty. Such information is posted on the website of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation in the “Statistical Bulletin of the Bank of Russia” - clause 4.3.2. and clause 4.3.5.

It seems to me that this position is untenable. The Bank of Russia publishes information for Russia as a whole, but we need to take into account “the location of the creditor during the period of violation of the obligation,” i.e. specific subject of the Russian Federation.

Explanations, or rather recommendations, on this issue was able to provide scientific advisory advice to Arbitration Court Chelyabinsk region(adopted at the meeting on May 24, 2013). According to these recommendations, at least three certificates from credit institutions providing lending to small and medium-sized businesses in the place where the debtor operates must be provided as evidence of the proportionality of the penalty.

Thus, you can apply to any bank to request a certificate. As a guide, you can use the list of the hundred largest creditors (banks); of course, you should start from the first positions of the list.

The following question arises: “How much is a short-term loan?” And there is no single answer to this question. For example, the same PJSC Sberbank of Russia considers a loan for a period of 12 months to be such. and a loan for a period of 48 months. PJSC VTB Bank indicates the provision of short-term loans cash for up to 1 year. In theory, short-term loans are those issued for a period of no more than a year. However, more specific information can be obtained from the relevant bank branch.

Option "B". “Data on inflation rates for the corresponding period.” Inflation data is published on the Rosstat website. For example, the inflation rate in Russia in 2015 amounted to 12.91%. To calculate for a specific period, you can use inflation calculators.

Once we have figured out the interest rate, the fun math begins. It is necessary to calculate the amount of the penalty using one of the rate options and compare the resulting figure with the figure obtained with the usual calculation. If the second amount does not exceed the first, then the penalty stated in the claim is subject to recovery in full.

The procedure is certainly complex. And it is obvious that applying the rules in this form is extremely difficult. However, the end justifies the means.

Average bank interest rates on personal deposits. persons in rubles for the application of Article 395 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation

Print Calculator according to Article 395 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation Federal District: All Central Northwestern Southern North Caucasian Volga Ural Siberian Far Eastern Crimean

Information from the Bank of Russia

Information on average bank interest rates on deposits of individuals for the purposes of applying Art. 395 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation (by federal districts)

ruble, % per annumfrom 01.08.2016 the key rate of the Bank of Russia is indicated

Federal District

Application start date

Central Northwestern Southern North Caucasian Privolzhsky Ural Siberian Far Eastern Crimean
US dollar, % per annum

Federal District

Application start date

Central Northwestern Southern North Caucasian Privolzhsky Ural Siberian Far Eastern Crimean
euro, % per annum

Federal District

Application start date

Central Northwestern Southern North Caucasian Privolzhsky Ural Siberian Far Eastern Crimean
Source: official website of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation

Here is information from the Central Bank of the Russian Federation on average bank interest rates on deposits of individuals in rubles, US dollars and euros for the purposes of applying Art. 395 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation for the following federal districts: Central, Northwestern, Southern, North Caucasian, Volga, Ural, Siberian, Far Eastern.

Average bank interest rate on deposits of individuals in the Central federal district in rubles, in US dollars, in euros - Average bank interest rate on deposits of individuals in the Northwestern Federal District in rubles, in US dollars, in euros - Average bank interest rate on deposits of individuals in the Southern Federal District in rubles, in US dollars, in euros - Average bank interest rate on deposits of individuals in the North Caucasus Federal District in rubles, in US dollars, in euros - Average bank interest rate on deposits of individuals in the Volga Federal District in rubles, in US dollars, in euro - Average bank interest rate on deposits of individuals in the Ural Federal District in rubles, in US dollars, in euros - Average bank interest rate on deposits of individuals in the Siberian Federal District in rubles, in US dollars, in euros - Average bank interest rate on deposits of individuals in the Far Eastern Federal District in rubles, in US dollars, in euros - Average bank interest rate on deposits of individuals in the Crimean Federal District in rubles, in US dollars, in euros

See also: Online calculator for calculating interest under the new rules of Art. 395 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation Article 395 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation (as amended) Federal Law dated 03/08/2015 N 42-FZ, art. in force from 06/01/2015)

What is the weighted average interest rate on loans?

The loan portfolios of individual commercial financial organizations, as well as the overall loan portfolio of the Russian financial system, always consist of a certain number of loan agreements various types. These can be issued long-term or short-term loans, working loans, investment loans and others.

Interest rates for different loan products can also vary markedly. To obtain accurate information about the real value of the loan portfolio of one credit institution or all commercial banks in Russia, financiers began to use the concept of a weighted average interest rate.

What is the financial term weighted average interest rate?

The financial term “weighted average interest rate” can be interpreted slightly differently:

  • At the level of one credit organization, any commercial bank in Russia, the weighted average interest rate on loans issued or received can be called the weighted average cost of all loans issued or taken by a specific company. This indicator may be required by the management of a financial institution to analyze its activities;
  • At the level banking system, financial market Russian Federation The weighted average lending rate is an indicator of the cost of loans issued and received by all commercial banks in the country. This indicator is most interesting to the Central Bank of Russia as a criterion for assessing the progress of a unified monetary policy in the state, an indicator of the success of banking activities in the country as a whole.

Why do financiers calculate the weighted average interest rate on loans?

As a rule, commercial financial organizations in our country constantly try to regulate their own liquidity, regularly attracting additional resources from outside or placing excess available resources outside the bank. In this case, the resources of commercial banks can be called:

  • Their starting capital;
  • Real cash balances in bank accounts of current or current type, owned by individuals and/or legal entities;
  • Deposit agreements various organizations;
  • Bank deposits of the population;
  • Interbank and other loans.

When a commercial financial organization is excessively liquid, it may well be interested in issuing interbank loans to other less liquid structures. However, subject to a lack of liquidity, commercial banks, on the contrary, are ready to actively attract resources in the interbank credit market.

The cost of various interbank loans (their interest rates) are directly dependent on the balance of supply and demand for money in the market. In turn, interest rates on interbank lending transactions can affect the cost of loans for private clients, as well as the profitability of specific financial institutions.

That is why the Central Bank of Russia regularly tries to monitor and regulate the volume of credit transactions in the interbank credit market, as well as adjust interest rates on interbank loans.

By regularly calculating the weighted average interest rate relating to interbank lending transactions, the Central Bank of Russia has an excellent opportunity to promptly and adequately respond to any changes in liquidity in the country's banking system, as well as to the cost of government resources.

How is the weighted average lending interest rate determined?

To calculate the weighted average interest rate on loans, a standard formula is used. Calculations are usually carried out on the basis of debt balances for each financial institution.

The formula for calculating the weighted average interest rate on loans may look like this:

ATP=(∑(Loan balances*loan interest rates))/(∑(total loan debt)

The Central Bank constantly carefully monitors any changes in the weighted average interest rate on loans in order to have the most important information that allows it to assess the value of the total loan portfolio of the country's banking system.

It is important to understand that the weighted average interest rate on loans describes the cost of absolutely all credit resources in the state. It is this indicator that can be used as the main criterion for the efficiency of the country’s entire financial system.

Pages - Monetary Statistics

Official exchange rates of the national currencies of the EAEU member states in relation to the Russian ruble, US dollar and euro. For Belarus - additionally weighted average rates for the period.
​ At the end of the period Q1 2011-Q1 2017​​ ​​​2005-2016
​ Averages for the quarter and year ​Q1 2011-Q1 2017​​ ​​2005-2016
​ Monthly averages ​​M1 2008-​M5​ 2017
​Index of the real effective exchange rate of the national currency Q1 2011-Q1 2017​​ 2010-2016​
Monetary aggregates and monetary base ​Q1 2009-Q1 2017 ​-
Monetary aggregates M0 and M2 ​Q1 2011-Q1​ 2017 2005-2016​
National (central) bank rates Q1 2010-Q1 2017​​ ​2005-2016

​Weighted average interest rates on loans issued to individuals and legal entities in national currency

​ - in national currency Q1 2010-Q4 2016​​
- in foreign currency Q1 2010-Q4 2016​​​​
​Weighted average interest rates on housing loans Q1 2010-Q4 2016​​
​Debt on loans granted to individuals
​ - by type of currency ​Q1 2010-Q4 2016​ ​2010-2016​
​ - for housing loans Q1 2010-Q4 2016​ 2010-2016​
​Volume of loans provided to individuals
​ - by type of currency ​​Q1 2010 - Q4 2016 ​2010-2016​
​ - for housing loans Q1 2010-Q4 2016​​ 2010-2016​​
Debt on loans granted to legal entities
​ - by type of currency ​Q1 2010-Q4 2016​​ 2010-2016​​
​Q1 2010-Q4 2016​ 2010-2016​​​
Volume of loans provided to legal entities
​ - by type of currency ​​Q1 2010-Q4 2016​ ​​2010-2016
​ - by type of economic activity ​​Q1 2010-Q4 2016​ ​2010-2016​​
​Overdue on loans granted to legal entities
​ - by type of currency ​Q1 2010-Q4 2016​ 2010-2016​
​ - by type of economic activity ​​​Q1 2010-Q4 2016​ ​2010-2016​​​​​
Debt on loans provided to small and medium-sized businesses ​Q1 2010-Q4 2016 2010-2016
​Volume of loans provided to small and medium-sized businesses Q1 2010-Q4 2016​​ ​2010-2016​
Deposits of individuals ​​Q1 2010-Q4 2016 ​2010-2016

How to determine the average interest rate 🚩 weighted average interest rate is 🚩 Credit products

There are several types of interest rates. Depending on the term, you can distinguish annual, monthly, quarterly interest rates. Most often it is said about the annual rate or percentage per annum. Other indicators are used extremely rarely, most often in order to hide the real annual interest rate on the loan.

Depending on the property of the interest rate to change over time, a distinction is made between fixed and floating rates. The fixed rate is specified in the contract; it is stable and does not change under the influence of any external factors. It cannot be reviewed by either side.

Unlike its counterpart, the floating rate can be periodically revised based on fluctuations in any indicators. For example, some banks increase deposit rates when the account reaches a certain amount. Another example is metal deposits. In this case, money is invested in precious metals, and the return on the deposit depends on changes in their prices on world markets.

Depending on the time of payment of interest on the loan, a decursive and anticipatory rate is distinguished. The latter is paid at the time the loan is issued, i.e. advanced by the borrower, practically never occurs in practice.

There is also a distinction between nominal and real interest rates. The real interest rate, unlike the nominal interest rate, does not include inflation.

From the participants' perspective banking market A distinction is made between discount interest (refinancing rate), bank interest (loan and deposit rates), and interbank interest rate.

Refinancing rate is the most important economic indicator, which reflects the percentage at which the Central Bank lends to banks. With its help, the Central Bank regulates the volume of money supply, the level of inflation, the balance of payments, and the exchange rate in the country.

Bank interest is the most common form of loan interest in Russia. The loan interest is based on the base rate, the premium for the risk of non-repayment of the debt and a fee for assessing creditworthiness.

Deposit rates are always several percentage points lower than lending rates. The difference between them is called “interest margin”, it forms bank profit.

The interbank interest rate operates in the interbank lending market. They are quite volatile and dependent on market conditions.

The refinancing rate of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation in Russia is 8.25%. Bank rates on loans and deposits depend on it. Banks, as a rule, attract deposits at a rate slightly lower than the refinancing rate, and loans at an interest rate exceeding it.

During 2013 average rate on deposits has been steadily declining. According to estimates by the Central Bank of the Russian Federation, in December 2013 it amounted to 6.2% per annum (for a period of up to a year, excluding demand rates), having decreased by almost 1% by the beginning of the year.

The average annual loan rate is much higher. At the end of 2013 it was 23.5%.

The tables provide data on weighted average interest rates and the structure of loans in rubles, US dollars and euros provided by credit institutions (not including the State Development Corporation VEB.RF) and non-bank credit institutions carrying out deposit and credit operations (hereinafter referred to as credit institutions) , individuals and non-financial organizations (excluding individual entrepreneurs) both residents and non-residents. The information in the tables is presented by type of borrower in terms of the terms for which loans were provided in the reporting month.

The share of loans (in percent) provided in the reporting month to individuals (including car loans) / non-financial organizations (including small and medium-sized businesses), calculated as the ratio of the volume of loans provided by credit organizations to individuals / non-financial organizations for each term to the corresponding total volume of loans provided in the reporting month.

Source of information on loans to individuals is the reporting of credit institutions in form 0409128 “Data on weighted average interest rates on loans provided by a credit institution to individuals”, according to loans to non-financial organizations - reporting of credit institutions in form 0409303 “Information on loans provided to legal entities”, established by the Bank of Russia Directive No. 4927-U dated October 8, 2018 “On the list, forms, procedure for compiling and submitting reporting forms of credit institutions to the Central Bank of the Russian Federation.”

When calculating the weighted average interest rates for loans to individuals and non-financial organizations The following credit transactions are excluded:

  • interest-free operations for placing funds;
  • operations to provide funds to affiliated persons (individuals and legal entities subject to reporting in reporting form 0409051 “List of Affiliated Persons”), as well as other persons whose activities are controlled by a credit institution or whose activities are significantly influenced by a credit institution, and (or) persons that control or have a significant influence on the activities of a credit organization (in accordance with the criteria established by Article 64.1 of the Federal Law “On the Central Bank of the Russian Federation (Bank of Russia)”). In this case, the status of the borrower is determined as of the date of conclusion of the loan agreement (last additional agreement);
  • loans provided at a floating interest rate, varying depending on external price indicators (key rate of the Bank of Russia, LIBOR rate, stock indices, consumer prices and other indicators).

loans to individuals Loans provided at non-market interest rates (rates above the maximum or below the minimum threshold) identified by the filtering procedure are also excluded:

Threshold level Interest Rate Values
in rubles in US dollars and euros
Loans to individuals max 5 * 3 *
min Key rate of the Bank of Russia as of the reporting date / 1 (for loans for up to 1 month); Key rate of the Bank of Russia as of the reporting date / 1,5 (for loans for all terms, except for terms up to 1 month). / 4,5
Car loans max 4 * 3 * tax base rate for funds in foreign currency (determined by clause 1 of article 214.2, part 2 Tax Code Russian Federation)

Based on the weighted average interest rates for loans to non-financial organizations Loan agreements are also excluded:

  • for which the interest rate and volume values ​​are simultaneously recognized as atypical when applying the Tukey method;
  • concluded at non-market interest rates (rates above the maximum or below the minimum threshold level), identified by the filtering procedure:
Threshold level Interest Rate Values
in rubles in US dollars and euros
Loans to non-financial organizations / loans to large enterprises max 4 * Key rate of the Bank of Russia as of the reporting date 2 * tax base rate for funds in foreign currency (determined by clause 1 of article 214.2, part 2 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation)
min Key rate of the Bank of Russia as of the reporting date / 4 tax base rate for funds in foreign currency (determined by clause 1 of article 214.2, part 2 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation) / 9
Loans to small and medium-sized businesses max 5 * Key rate of the Bank of Russia as of the reporting date 3 * tax base rate for funds in foreign currency (determined by clause 1 of article 214.2, part 2 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation)
min Key rate of the Bank of Russia as of the reporting date / 5 tax base rate for funds in foreign currency (determined by clause 1 of article 214.2, part 2 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation) / 9

Weighted average interest rates on loans provided to individuals/non-financial organizations - weighted average interest rates on an annual basis, calculated based on the annual interest rates established in loan agreements, and the volume of loans provided and extended in the reporting month.

The weighted average interest rate on loans is calculated using the formula:

P1, P2, ... Pn - nominal interest rate on nth deal, established in the contract;

V1, V2, ... Vn - loan amount under the agreement ( additional agreement) on the nth deal.

Car loans - loans provided for the purchase vehicles and secured by a pledge of these vehicles.

Small and medium-sized businesses determined in accordance with the Federal Law of July 24, 2007 No. 209-FZ “On the development of small and medium-sized businesses in the Russian Federation” according to the unified register of small and medium-sized businesses of the Federal Tax Service.


The values ​​of weighted average interest rates and the corresponding turnover for transactions of less than three credit institutions for each placement period are not calculated.

Subsection “Information on deposits of individuals and non-financial organizations in rubles, US dollars and euros”

The tables provide data on weighted average interest rates and the structure of deposits attracted by credit institutions (not including the State Development Corporation "VEB.RF") and non-bank credit institutions carrying out deposit and credit operations (hereinafter referred to as credit institutions) of individuals and non-financial organizations (starting with data for January 2016 - excluding individual entrepreneurs) in rubles, US dollars and euros. The information in the tables is presented in terms of the periods for which funds were raised in the reporting month.

The share of deposits (in percent) for each term attracted in the reporting month is calculated as the ratio of the volume of deposits attracted by credit institutions from individuals / non-financial organizations for each term to the corresponding total volume of deposits attracted in the reporting month.

The source of information is the reporting of credit institutions in form 0409129 “Data on weighted average interest rates on deposits attracted by a credit institution”, established by Bank of Russia Directive No. 4927-U dated October 8, 2018 “On the list, forms, procedure for compiling and submitting reporting forms of credit institutions to the Central Bank of the Russian Federation."

When calculating the weighted average interest rates on deposits of individuals and non-financial organizations, the following transactions are excluded:

  • deposits attracted at a floating interest rate, varying depending on external price indicators (key rate of the Bank of Russia, LIBOR rate, stock indices, consumer price index, and so on);
  • interest-free operations to raise funds;
  • deposits of affiliated entities (legal entities and individuals subject to reporting in reporting form 0409051 “List of Affiliated Entities”), as well as other entities whose activities are controlled by a credit institution or whose activities are significantly influenced by a credit institution, and (or) persons who control or have a significant influence on the activities of a credit organization (in accordance with the criteria established by Article 64.1 of the Federal Law “On the Central Bank of the Russian Federation (Bank of Russia)”). In this case, the status of the depositor is determined on the date of conclusion of the deposit agreement;
  • guarantee deposits;
  • subordinated deposits;
  • structural (synthetic) deposits, deposits that combine elements of a bank deposit agreement and a derivative financial instrument.

The calculation of weighted average interest rates on deposits of individuals and non-financial organizations also excludes deposits attracted at non-market interest rates (rates above the maximum or below the minimum threshold level) identified by the filtering procedure:

Threshold level Interest Rate Values
in rubles in US dollars and euros
Deposits of individuals max 1 * 1 * tax base rate for funds in foreign currency (determined by clause 1 of article 214.2, part 2 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation)
2 * 2 * tax base rate for funds in foreign currency (determined by clause 1 of article 214.2, part 2 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation)
min Key rate of the Bank of Russia as of the reporting date / 3,7 tax base rate for funds in foreign currency (determined by clause 1 of article 214.2, part 2 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation) / 90
Deposits of non-financial organizations max 1 * Key rate of the Bank of Russia as of the reporting date (for deposits for up to 1 month) 0,3 * tax base rate for funds in foreign currency (determined by clause 1 of article 214.2, part 2 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation)
3 * Key rate of the Bank of Russia as of the reporting date (for deposits for all terms except for up to 1 month) 0,5 * tax base rate for funds in foreign currency (determined by clause 1 of article 214.2, part 2 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation)
min Key rate of the Bank of Russia as of the reporting date / 3,7 (for deposits for all terms, except up to 1 month) tax base rate for funds in foreign currency (determined by clause 1 of article 214.2, part 2 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation) / 90

Weighted average interest rates on deposits of individuals / non-financial organizations - weighted average interest rates on an annualized basis, calculated based on the annual interest rates established in deposit agreements (deposit agreements) and the volume of deposits attracted and extended in the reporting month.

The weighted average interest rate on deposits is calculated using the formula:

Pav = (V1 x P1 + V2 x P2 + ... + Vn x Pn) : (V1 + V2 + ... + Vn),

V1, V2, ... Vn - the amount of the contribution (deposit), according to the agreement (additional agreement) for the nth transaction;

P1, P2, ... Pn is the nominal interest rate for the nth transaction, established in the agreement.

Scroll 30 largest banks of the Russian Federation published in the Bulletin of the Bank of Russia, the electronic version of which is posted on the official website of the Bank of Russia.

The values ​​of indicators of weighted average interest rates and the corresponding turnover for transactions of less than three credit institutions for each period of attraction are not calculated.

Until 2019, a source of information on loans provided to individuals and non-financial organizations. was the reporting of credit institutions (with the exception of the state corporation “Bank for Development and Foreign Economic Affairs (Vnesheconombank)” and non-bank credit institutions) in form 0409128 “Data on weighted average interest rates on loans provided by a credit institution.” Starting with reporting for January 2019, non-bank credit organizations carrying out deposit and credit operations submit reports in form 0409128.

You need to find out the average fee for short-term loans to replenish working capital for the period from August 03/08/2016) to 06/02/2017. (necessary to reduce contractual penalties).


Related materials:

The rationale for this position is given below in the materials of System Lawyer .

“Question 13. When can the court reduce the penalty and how can the creditor object to this

“In order for a penalty to be collected in excess of losses, this must be explicitly stated in the contract.”

When the debtor is an entrepreneur, the court can reduce the penalty only if the defendant declares this (clause 1 of the resolution of the Plenum of the Supreme Arbitration Court of the Russian Federation dated December 22, 2011 No. 81 (hereinafter referred to as Resolution No. 81), determination of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation dated June 23, 2015 No. 78-KG15- 11).

When the debtor is not an entrepreneur, the court has the right to reduce the penalty even without the debtor’s application. Such rules are valid from the moment the amendments to part one of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation come into force - June 1, 2015.*

The basis for reducing the penalty in relation to the debtor-entrepreneur may be not only disproportion to the consequences of the violation, but also evidence that the creditor can receive an unreasonable tax benefit when collecting a penalty in the amount stipulated by the contract (clause 2 of Article 333 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation).

A creditor who does not agree with the debtor’s application to reduce the penalty may present arguments about its proportionality, as well as evidence of what consequences such violations have for him. You can draw the court’s attention to the average indicators for the market - changes in loan rates or prices for certain types of goods in the corresponding period, fluctuations in exchange rates, etc. This follows from the explanations of the Plenum of the Supreme Arbitration Court of the Russian Federation (clause 1 of Resolution No. 81).”

  1. Article.
  2. Article.

Speaking about the reduction criteria, we should not forget clause 2 of the resolution of the Plenum of the Supreme Arbitration Court of the Russian Federation dated December 22, 2011 No. 81 “On some issues of application of Article 333 Civil Code Russian Federation" (hereinafter referred to as Resolution of the Plenum of the Supreme Arbitration Court No. 81), which is valid even after the adoption of Resolution of the Plenum of the Supreme Arbitration Court No. 7. Consequently, the explanations set out in it are relevant.

The guidelines specified in the Resolution of the Plenum of the Supreme Arbitration Court No. 81 in the form of a double discount rate of the Bank of Russia, as well as the average fee for short-term loans to replenish working capital, are the most common and are quite often used by the courts. Paragraph has always been of interest. 3 clause 2 of the Resolution of the Plenum of the Supreme Arbitration Court No. 81, which states that reducing the penalty below the one-time discount rate of the Bank of Russia on the basis of a corresponding application from the defendant is allowed only in extraordinary cases.*

The percentage of cases in which the courts applied an exceptional measure - a reduction “below the bottom” - in the total mass of positive judicial practice to reduce penalties is small. As an example of the presence of an extraordinary circumstance, one can cite the defendant’s argument in a specific case that the collection of a penalty in the declared amount will lead to disruption of the activities of the city-forming enterprise. In this case, the government contract provided for a penalty in the amount of 1/300 of the refinancing rate, which in itself is less than a one-time refinancing rate. However, the court considered that the defendant had proven the existence of an extraordinary case, and reduced the penalty from 45.9 million to 5 million rubles. (decision of the Moscow Court of Justice dated September 7, 2016 in case No. A40-125333/16-14-1093).

Mainly in judicial practice a reduction below the one-time refinancing rate is applied in the presence of circumstances specified in Art. 404 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation (decrees of the Federal Antimonopoly Service of the North-Western District dated June 30, 2014 in case No. A56-36259/2013, AS of the West Siberian District dated May 27, 2015 in case No. A45-16912/2014, 9AAS dated June 15, 2015 in case No. A40 -161345/14).

Thus, supplementing Art. 333 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, paragraph 2, the legislator obviously pursued the goal of introducing a limitation on the discretion of courts that reduced established by the agreement penalty for no apparent reason. Despite the reduction in the total number of judicial acts in which the amount of the contractual penalty is reduced, the statement that the goal of reducing the arbitrary decision-making on such a reduction has been achieved will be premature, since the essence of the criteria used remains fundamentally the same. In order to avoid an arbitrary reduction of the penalty, the law or subsequent clarifications of the higher courts must establish unambiguous grounds for the reduction that are not subject to ambiguous interpretation.”

Nominal interest rates on non-financial loans

organizations and individuals in rubles (% per annum)

In June 2012, by decision of the Board of Directors of the Bank of Russia, interest rates on currency swap transactions were reduced (to 6.5% for the ruble part of transactions and to 0% for the foreign currency part of transactions). The revision of interest rates on currency swap transactions helped maintain money market rates during periods of growing tension in the market within the Bank of Russia interest rate corridor.

Changes in the liquidity state of the banking sector had a significant impact on the dynamics of short-term interest rates on the money market. The accumulation at the end of 2011 of a significant amount of funds in correspondent and deposit accounts of credit institutions (due to the seasonal increase in budget expenditures in December), as well as the increase by the end of the year in the debt of credit institutions on medium-term refinancing operations led in January - February 2012 to a noticeable increase in the level of banking liquidity. As a result, during this period, short-term interbank market rates were close to the fixed rate on deposit operations of the Bank of Russia, which forms the lower limit of the interest rate corridor.

In the context of a subsequent decrease in the level of liquidity of the banking sector (mainly due to the absorption of funds through the budget channel), by the end of March there was an increase in the demand of credit institutions for refinancing and an increase in money market rates to levels close to the minimum rate for short-term auctions of the Bank of Russia for the provision of funds funds to credit institutions. Thus, the average MIACR rate on overnight interbank loans in rubles was 5.3% per annum in April (4.4% in February 2012).

In May - June, the average level of short-term interest rates on the money market was 5.8% per annum. The increase in rates was caused by the continued withdrawal of funds from the banking sector as a result of the action of autonomous factors in the formation of liquidity, as well as increased tension in external financial markets. At the same time, in the context of the continued segmentation of the Russian interbank market and the uneven distribution of collateral between its participants, banks in some cases intensified the use of short-term refinancing operations at fixed rates, which determine the upper limit of the Bank of Russia interest rate corridor.

In July and August 2012, as the situation in the financial markets stabilized and the Bank of Russia more actively used refinancing operations for a period of 1 week, the average value of the overnight MIACR rate decreased to 5.6 and 5.3% per annum, respectively. After the Bank of Russia made a decision to increase rates, the average level of money market rates increased and in September amounted to 5.5% per annum.

In 2012 the situation at Russian market interbank loans (IBC) remained stable. The average monthly spread between the rate on loans to banks with a speculative credit rating MIACR-B and the rate on loans to banks with a high credit rating MIACR-IG on overnight ruble interbank loans in January - September 2012 did not exceed 45 basis points. The share of overdue debt on ruble interbank loans placed with resident credit institutions in January - September 2012 was no more than 0.5%.

During 2012, interest rates on loans to non-financial organizations fluctuated around the level established by the end of 2011. In September 2012, the weighted average interest rate on ruble loans to non-financial organizations for a period of up to 1 year was 8.9% per annum, for a period over 1 year - 10.7% per annum. By long-term loans for individuals during 2012, the prevailing trend was towards increasing interest rates; for short-term loans, rates decreased slightly. The weighted average interest rates on ruble loans to individuals for a period of up to 1 year and for a period of over 1 year in September 2012 amounted to 24.7 and 19.6% per annum, respectively.

In the first and third quarters of 2012, non-price conditions for bank lending for the main categories of borrowers changed differently. In the consumer lending segment, banks increased the maximum loan term and volume. There was also some relaxation of the requirements for financial situation borrower and loan collateral. In the segment of lending to non-financial organizations, banks pursued a more cautious policy, tightening requirements for the financial position of borrowers - legal entities, especially large corporate borrowers. The maximum term and volume of the loan almost did not increase, and in some periods they decreased.