Orange essential oil Sweet application. Orange essential oil: useful properties, application for face and hair

The orange tree gives us three types of essential oils at once. Neroli oil - get from flowers, Petitgrin - from leaves. From the zest of the solar fetus by the method of cold spin, the orange essential oil is produced, the use of which is most widely. In perfumery, cosmetology, folk medicine, aromatherapy and even cooking this oil is indispensable.

From citrus, this oil inherited a yellow-orange color, a pleasant expressed saturated smell and a property to fight depression and attach vitality (However, it is not one thing - possesses similar properties).

Citrus Aromatherapy

This smell is poeticly called the scent of the sun. It is believed that he brings inspiration, helps a person to be more susceptible to all positive. In the period of autumn and spring depresses, stock orange oil - the use of it in aroma lamps will make it possible to remove stress and fill vital energy. The invigorating smell increases performance and raise the mood.

Insomnia and the feeling of anxiety will leave, assure fans of aromatherapy, if they fill the aroma of the orange oil. By the way, the orange essential oil is an excellent freshener. It neutralizes unpleasant odors And disinfect air.

Restore the strength and raise the vigor of the spirit will help a relaxing bath with orange oil - 5-6 drops will be quite enough. For a better effect, you can pre-stir oil in milk or honey and only then add a fragrant mixture to hot or warm water.

How to treat oil orange?

The citrus smell will help get rid of headaches, muscle tensions. Women will bring relief during painful menstruation. In addition, orange essential oil is a good antiseptic. With sharp viral respiratory diseases, upper infections respiratory tract You can make inhalation with orange butter. On 200 ml of water, there is enough pair of drops. Raise citrus steam need 5-7 minutes.

When herpes, burns, dermatitis and eczema, the outer use of orange oil will help improve the condition of the skin. Orange oil and under periodontal oil, stomatitis and other gum diseases. Rinse the cavity of the mouth with warm water with a drop of orange oil (on a glass). You can make a row on inflamed gums, mixing orange oil with basic florals in the same proportions.

Take the essential oil of orange and inside. It helps with poisoning and constipation. Normalizes work gastrointestinal tract, participates in the removal of slags from the body. It has a good diuretic and choleretic action. It is accepted to reduce swelling.

Applied orange essential oil and the problems of the cardiovascular system. This essential oil contributes to a soft reduction in pressure from hypertensive, "keeps" level.

Before drinking orange oil for treatment, it is better to consult a doctor. For the prevention, it is sometimes possible to drip it into tea or orange juice ("I drink orange juice with orange butter," - it sounds a bit strange, but why not?). Dropped on a glass, but no more than two drops per day.

About Beauty with Orange Aroma

For skin.Orange oil good assistant if the skin is too dry, peeling. Including this concerns the delicate skin of the lips. Orange oil stimulates blood flow to leather, and therefore reinforces skin regeneration.

Oil use as in pure formAnd to enrich the cream or tonic (5 drops per 10 grams of the cosmetics) will make the skin more elastic, reduce the number of wrinkles. In addition, such products make skin color even, help get rid of acne and make expanded pores less visible.

Against cellulite.In combating cellulite, very often call on the aid of essential oils. Try add to anti-cellulite cream a few drops of orange oil. Or make anti-cellulite massage oil, mixing aromamasla with basic vegetable unrefined oil. Along with citrus good anti-cellulite oils are considered.

Here is one of the numerous recipes that spoke very well on the net: on a teaspoon of orange oil and plus three spoons of children's cosmetic oil. When applying and massage, the skin from citrus oil can tolerate cheeper - this is normal.

For hair.Orange oil, eliminates dry skin, strengthens hair. It can be used in different ways. The simplest thing is to make a comb (better from a natural tree) a few drops of oil carefully, not hurrying, combing hair. You can add orange oil in shampoos and balms - a couple of drops for one application.

Essential oil Hair orange is suitable for frequent use - Up to three times a week. Provided that there is no allergies.

Choose carefully stored by the rules

Essential oil produce both sweet and bitter varieties of oranges. The latter has a thinner and noble fragrance. The best orange essential oil is made from Guinean and Spanish fruits. But even it is quite a budget option in comparison with other aromamaslas. Along with, citrus oils are the most democratic costs - 70-150 rubles per 10 ml. This is due to the availability of raw materials. But even cheaper product is already an order of magnitude lower in quality.

Please note that it is necessary to properly store an orange essential oil, the properties of which are quickly lost, if you keep it in air and with light. This oil is instantly oxidized, so the place is in the refrigerator. And be sure to make sure that the bottle is always tightly closed.

Caution will not hurt

Before using the essential oil, be sure to study the dosage and make sure you have no allergies. Note that if you or the members of your family have individual citrus intolerance - such an oil is not suitable for sure. With caution, it is necessary to use this oil to pregnant women and those who suffer from gallstone disease, epilepsy and hypotension.

Another caution is the essential oil of the orange phototoxic. It is impossible to go out in the sun, if you put it on the skin, you need to wait at least an hour.

The article tell about orange oil - its useful properties and use in cosmetology. You will learn how with the help of an orange essential oil to defeat stretch marks and cellulite, eliminate acne and improve the condition of the skin and hair. We will tell if it is possible to use orange oil with pregnant women, what constraints in its application exist, and what feedback received a natural agent.

Chemical composition of orange oil

The saturated composition determines beneficial features Orange essential oil. Its base is D-Limonen. This powerful hydrocarbon is effectively fighting with free radicals, stabilizing work blood system, Looking Blood and strengthening small capillaries.

The second important element chemical composition Orange oil is Mir Sens. He impedes development intestinal infections And strengthens immunity.

In addition, the natural product contains:

  • ethyl, amyl and phenylethyl alcohols - help prevent inflammatory processes;
  • vitamin A - improves metabolism and rejuvenates cells;
  • phytoncides - render an antiseptic effect;
  • vitamin C - improves the work of the immune system;
  • vitamins of group B - favorably affect the nervous system.

Types of orange oil

The greatest value is the oil obtained from orange peel collected in Spain and New Guinea. In terms of work, there are not only fruits, but also leaves (of which petigreine oil), as well as buds (neroli oil).

Get oil in the process of spinning of sweet and bitter orange varieties, so the final product differs in aroma and taste. A more refined aroma has an oil from a bitter orange (orange). Sweet citrus oil has a warm yellow color and a sweet scent.

Sweet orange oil is considered a magnificent antidepressant that helps improve mood. If you need to remove stress, it eliminates emotional stress and unfortunate fears of bitter orange oil.

Application of orange oil

Orange essential oil soothes, has an anti-inflammatory, regenerating, antiseptic, immunostimulating and relaxing effect on the body.

When taking inside it reduces pain and removes spasms, including during menstruation, eliminates neurological disorders, headaches, muscle cramps. Helps quickly restore the body after illness. Rinse with orange oil is treated with teeth and gums (stomatitis, periodontal), cold, bronchitis.

With high exercise, orange oil removes overvoltage. Doctors advise to take his athletes and those who work for a long time at the computer to relax the muscles of the eyes and maintain visual sharpness.

Improves the essential oil of orange and the operation of the gastrointestinal tract:

  • restores the microflora of the stomach;
  • stimulates intestinal peristalsis;
  • displays slags;
  • prevents the suction of harmful substances;
  • increases appetite;
  • prevents the formation of stones in the bustling bubble;
  • eliminates constipation;
  • facilitates the state after poisoning.

Orange oil doctors include complex therapy in the treatment and prevention of cardiovascular diseases for purifying blood and pressure normalization.

Widely use oil not only in medicine, but also in cosmetology.

For face

Orange oil is useful for any skin type. It stimulates the production of collagen, returning the skin elasticity, elasticity and healthy color.

In addition, the essential refillament of the orange:

  • inhibits aging and early fading of the skin;
  • displays toxins;
  • softens and moisturizes dry skin;
  • relaxes muscles and reduces mimic wrinkles;
  • tones and pulls the contour of the face;
  • helps to update cells;
  • brightens pigment stains and levels skin tone;
  • strengthens the vessels and prevents the appearance of the capillary mesh;
  • he treats herpes.

Nutrient Mask Recipe with Face Orange Oil


  1. Orange oil - 3 drops.
  2. Avocado oil - 8 ml.

How to cook:Mix orange and avocado oils before receiving homogeneous mass.

How to use: Apply a mask on the face with light massaging movements, avoiding sections around the eyes. Leave for 20 minutes. Rock warm water.

Result:Mask perfectly nourishes and restores the skin of the face, increasing its elasticity and reducing the amount of wrinkles.

For hair

The tool helps:

  • moisturize the skin and reduce the amount of dandruff;
  • stop hair loss;
  • put the hair strength, make them silky and smooth;
  • stimulate hair growth and increase their volume.

Recipe strengthening orange mask with lemon for hair


  1. Orange essential oil - 5 drops.
  2. Sunflower oil - 2 tbsp.
  3. Lemon juice - 1 tsp.
  4. Cognac - 1 tsp.

How to cook: In heated to 37 degrees, add orange squeeze, lemon juice and alcohol. Stir until uniformity.

How to use: Wrap the composition in the skin of the head with light massage movements, and then distribute along the entire length. Put the polyethylene cap, and cover the head with a towel from above. After 35 minutes, rinse with warm water, wash your head shampoo and give hair to dry in a natural way (without drying with a hairdryer).

Result:Mask well strengthens hair bulbs, reduces hair loss and restores brittle strands.

If there is no time for making masks for hair, then we regularly comb your hair with a comb, mixing it in a small amount of orange oil, or add plant Product In the shampoo (for 10 gr. 3 drops of oil).

From cellulite

The orange essential oil helps to normalize the water-lipid balance for the successful combating overweight and obesity. Its anti-cellulite properties have proven themselves well, in which blood circulation is increased, the acceleration of lymphotok, mitigation of the epidermis.

Recipe Masks with Orange Oil and Cellulite Grapefruit


  1. Forest oil - 50 ml.
  2. Jojoba oil - 50 ml.
  3. Cypress oil - 10 drops.
  4. Grapefruit juice - 8 drops.
  5. Cedar oil - 7 drops.
  6. Orange oil - 5 drops.
  7. Lyme and lemon juice - 5 drops.

How to cook:Mix all the ingredients to homogeneity.

How to use:Apply to problem areas and for 10 minutes massaging them with a rigid washcloth. Wash the remedy. Take a contrast shower.

Result: The mask improves blood circulation and the circulation of nutrients, aligning the skin surface. Well suited for cellulite prophylaxis.

From stretch marks

Orange oil is an effective means to eliminate stretch marks.

Flight a few tablespoons with massage movements to the emerging stria for 15 minutes a day, and after a few weeks you will notice the result - stretch marks will become paler and less.

To prevent stretch marks, take orange baths.

From acne

Stabilize the work of the sebaceous glands, to narrow and clean the pores - all this is forces by the essential oil of orange.

It is not randomly used as an effective anti-inflammatory agent for problem skin, which helps pull the pus and dirt from the pores and prevent the appearance of acne, black dots or comedones.

High regenerating properties quickly eliminate traces remaining from acne.

A pleasant aroma, a favorable effect on the skin and high relaxing properties make orange oil indispensable when conducting spa procedures.


During the intake of the bath with orange oil, not only the skin gets nutrients. Penetrating through the pores into the lymphatic system, the tool normalizes the work of the heart and blood vessels, reduces the pressure, soothes the muscles and removes spasms.

Orange hot or cool bath with 3-5 drops of oil relaxes, eliminates stress and helps to stand up to viral epidemics. In addition, oil blends the skin, so it is useful to add it to water useful people with pigment stains and freckles.


Massage with oil is prescribed with inflammation of muscle tissues, osteochondrosis, respiratory disorders and blood circulation, diseases of the nervous system, cellulite.

In 10 ml of the basic cream, 1-2 drops of oil are added (to combat "orange crust" - 5 drops), then actively rubbed into sore joints or chest skin.


The popular cosmetic procedure is wraps. They can be ordered in spa salons or spend at home to calm the nerves and at the same time cheer up.

For wrapping 10 drops of orange oil, dissolved in water to then moisten the sheet in the mixture. Then the sheets tightly turn around the body for 3 minutes.

Aromatherapy with Orange Oil

Aromatherapy and inhalation with orange oil are recommended during periods of intense mental and physical activity. Evaporation, penetrating along with breathing in the brain, stimulate performance and improve attention, so orange aromatherapy is ideal during the period of passing exams.

In addition, aromatherapy using orange essential oil:

  • eliminates nervous excitement;
  • improves sleep quality and prevents insomnia;
  • enhances immunity and prevents the spread of viral infections.

To achieve effect, fill the oil in the aromalamp at the rate of 8 drops by 15 square meters premises. Session Repeat no more often three times a day, observing the duration of 10-15 minutes. Do not apply deodorants and perfume on the body so that their fragrance does not interfere with citrus ether.

Pregnant Orange butter

Orange essential oil during pregnancy eliminates sleep disorders, relaxes and restores sincere equilibrium, reduces the number of stretch marks.

You can use the tool in the following ways:

  • add to the bath for relaxation, skin nutrition and enhance immunity (procedure time not more than 10 minutes);
  • making foot baths - to remove fatigue, eliminate edema and prevent varicose veins;
  • fill in the aroma diamond (no more than 4 drops by 15 sq.m.) and make inhalation during seasonal flu epidemics;
  • carry out massage procedures for preventing stretch marks;
  • apply compresses on the forehead to reduce headaches and migraine.

Allergy to orange oil

Both the citrus itself and the oil made from it can cause an allergic reaction.

Therefore, before using the tool, test it, pinning a few drops on the elbow fold. If after 30 minutes you will not see redness and do not feel strong burning or tingling on the skin, you can safely use the product.

Contraindications and restrictions

During pregnancy, an orange essential oil cannot be taken inside and used in pure form, and consultation with a observing doctor is required to be applied to the skin and conducting massages, wraps and other spa procedures.

As orange oil reduces arterial pressure, Baths with him doctors do not advise to make hypotonized.

It is necessary to carry out procedures with orange oil before bedtime or in days when the output is not scheduled. Under the action of ultraviolet, the essential oil will produce toxins, which will lead to skin burns.

Orange oil - reviews

Anastasia, 28 years

From all citrus oils, orange I like most. I buy from bitter fruits. I tried from sweet, but still, stopped on the bitter. Introduce the oil with a combat on the hair for a thickness and volume, once a week I take a bath to remove the accumulated fatigue, and I still do home wrapping - it's so simple, and the skin after it is velvety and moisturized.

Alexandra, 32 years old

Who would have thought that such a product like orange oil would help me quickly heal stretching after training. Advocked, by the way, a sports doctor. It was surprised that after several times the pain began to merge, the tumor slept noticeably, and I was able to get up on my leg. I recommend all athletes, because, they say, the baths with this oil also muscles relax perfectly.

Elena, 42 years

Orange oil helped a teenage daughter completely eliminate acne. I am glad that we took advantage of the people in time, before it developed a complex of inferiority. In its pure form, it was not decided to apply it, but in antibacterial lotions that were previously helped before, added. The effect is very satisfied!

What to remember

  1. Essential oil is used to treat cardiovascular diseases, pathologies of the musculoskeletal system, the oral cavity, during failures in the work of the nervous system.
  2. In cosmetology with orange oil, massage, aromatherapy and wrapping are carried out. It is recommended to add to the bath and use to restore hair, face and body skin.
  3. In addition to allergies to oranges, there are a number of restrictions on the use of oil. The main thing is - you can not apply orange oil on the skin before reaching the sunlight.

Orange essential oil is considered one of the most pleasant, sweet, solar and fragrant. Agree that this smell simply can not get bored! Recalling this bright orange color of the fruit, immediately wants sun, summer and recreation. And in general, such a fruit fragrance immediately causes a storm of emotions, his mood raises and remains forever in memory. It is good that today people have the opportunity to acquire essential oils, the concentrate of which is very high, which means that all year round can be enjoyed by citrus notes. Let's figure it out when it is necessary to use an orange essential oil, and how to use it.

Chemical composition

For those who are important to the chemical composition of the oil, it is important to know what is fully sophisticated esters. More than 90% of the EMA make up hydrocarbons that are extremely important in general for each fragrant liquid. Also, here include:

  • limonen;
  • citral;
  • deanal;
  • aldehydes;
  • ester.

It makes no sense to list absolutely every component, since the names are very long and for someone incomprehensible. But it is worth noting that all components of the chemical composition are important, since there would be no other without one.

How to produce orange ether?

This oil is considered the most common and affordable. So, the EMA is mined with the help of fresh fruit zest, extruding absolutely all to the droplet. A pleasant oil, obtained from the peel and fruit of orange, can be used almost everywhere. Remember that lemon, mandarin or lime is no longer the flavors that will be required. And if you mix all citruses together, it will be more like a mixture than what can be called pure orange oil. By the method of cold spin, a pleasant oil with summer notes appears on the light, a little sweet, tart, but very tasty. By the way, you can squeeze it with both hands and with the help of a special car.

Beneficial features

Due to its incredible composition, orange essential oil is full of stunning medical properties.

  1. This is a unique antidepressant. You just have to teach pleasant citrus notes, as it immediately rises, and it does not work out to be sad. For many, EMA reminds the emergence of a new year, since it is in this period that all the citrus are styled, and the house is very sweet and incredible smell of fruit.
  2. This is the best relaxant. Orange essential oil is known for its soothing property, which none of them does not possess. It is enough to breathe it a little, as you will immediately begin to a dream, the muscles are relaxing, a pleasant fatigue appears for the whole day, weakness by body. Even massage traces prefer it, since during the session it is precisely it helps to relax a person as much as possible.
  3. This is a good body tone. If you breathe with oil a few minutes in the morning, then you can charge your body with energy, cheered up and get rid of the sleepy state after a restless night. Ema perfectly tones and gives strength.
  4. This is an assistant. Note that almost every medicine with vitamin C. What is the oil of the same vitamin? It turns out that with the help of it can be very cool to increase its own immunity, to monitor the work of the heart. And also, this can also include the stimulation of the work of the gastrointestinal tract.
  5. This is a good weight loss. Here is another important property of orange essential oil. The fact is that it helps in weight loss, who has nothing in order with the figure. Folding the body with a few drops of orange oil. You simultaneously nourish the skin, run the process of active blood circulation, saturate the skin with the necessary vitamins and helps to be dissolved with fats. In combination with sports, correct nutrition and massage - it will just work perfectly.

Essential oil Orange for hair

It acts as a universal agent that can be used on the hair. The main thing is that you have no allergies that, by the way, it happens not as often as it seems. For those who have not very good hair growth, who has weak bulbs who constantly fall out - it is recommended to use the essential oil of an orange. It can be purchased in any pharmacy or in a cosmetic store. Be careful to shops that do not sell natural oils. We are now talking about natural composition, and not about chemistry. We advise and recommend the online store of natural cosmetics and ingredients for its manufacture Spivak.

So, the use of the EMA on the hair is as follows.

  1. Aromaradstone. Take a conventional wooden comb. The main thing is that the bristles are natural. Add it literally 2-3 drops of oil and neat movements, very smoothly move from the root of the hair to the tips. Try to comb so that the strands are not damaged. Such a procedure saturates the hair with the necessary vitamins, strengthens them, gives healthy appearance.
  2. Enrichment by vitamins. Adding an oil drip into a shampoo when washing the hair, you just make the procedure better. Hair immediately begin to saturate useful substances. Applying balm, you will secure the result and see that Ema really works. After you wash your hair, rub the scalp skin well, heal it.
  3. Relax. Another good way that will certainly not be superfluous for hair is a relaxing massage. Several droplets of essential orange oil distribute their hair with their hands, let me absorb in 10-15 minutes. And then - neatly rub into the skin and in the roots of the hair, everything remained in your hands. Pores will begin to breathe and expand, you even want to sleep - and this is an absolutely normal reaction of the body. Wash the hair with shampoo after the therapeutic procedure is made.

Face Ether

Em Orange is considered one of the most careful funds if you apply it to the face. The fact is that the citrus is full of important elements that actively support the tone protect the skin from the strong effect of the sun's rays, as well as ensure the moisturizing the entire face. With the use of essential oil you can cook stunning masks. The use of oil on the skin of the face is:

  • slowing the aging process, smoothing wrinkles;
  • maximum strengthening of blood vessels, reinforced blood circulation;
  • the skin is well protected from external influences;
  • skin saturation sufficient number moisture;
  • reduction of dryness and maximum moisturizing;
  • uniformity of skin tone, removal of pigment spots;
  • removal of ugly gloss on face;
  • treatment of acne disease, removal of acne and guns.

The best recipes of masks, which include orange oil.

  1. Take 2 teaspoons of ordinary olive oil, add 5-6 drops of orange to it. This liquid is well mixed and with a tampon or a cotton disk applied to the face. The mask is great for those girls who have very dry and peeling skin that cannot be any creams.
  2. Take the banana, disintegrate neatly the pulp and add 6-7 drops of orange essential oil to the resulting Cashitz. The mask is great for those who are for 40. Namazav's face, wait for about 15 minutes. With the help of a banana and oil begin to smooth out wrinkles.
  3. A drop of an emma is added in 1 confused yolk. The resulting mixture is applied to the face in order to increase the skin tone. Try not to overdo the mask, as it is recommended for use only once a week.
  4. Take 2 large ripe red strawberries, frow them to the fork, add a little cream. This cassea is pouring 4-5 drops of orange essential oil. Such an unusual mixture helps girls to feed the skin of the face and maintain her healthy look.

How to get rid of cellulite?

For those who keep themselves in shape, watches their figure and actively fights against excess weight - It is recommended to use the essential oil of an orange. It will not be superfluous to add it to anti-cellulite creams, shower gels, scrubs and all kinds of lotions. The most important thing is to apply oil on the problem zone and rub the skin well. Now in stores are full of special accessories for the shower, which already has this ingredient to fight against. Carefully read what is written on the turnover of each product. Also, you can cook the body scrub on your own. You will need:

  • 2 tablespoons of sea salt;
  • 2 tablespoons finely disturbed orange zest.;
  • 1 tablespoon of ground oatmeal;
  • 1 teaspoon of white clean clay;
  • a teaspoon of sugar;
  • almond or olive oil, about 1.5% tablespoons;
  • orange essential oil - 7-8 drops.

Everything needs to mix well and put in a dark jar so that the liquid has 7 days. As soon as everything is ready, you can safely use a delicious scrub in the shower, lubricating all the problem areas of the skin, thoroughly rubbing it. The result will not make yourself wait.

Application during pregnancy

Perhaps this is the only allowed oil, which is highly recommended for girls in the position. First, it exciting swelling. Secondly, the abdominal pain becomes not so pulling and cutting. And thirdly, the oil helps to keep track of the body, preventing the appearance. Be sure to ask your gynecologist if you can use orange butter or not. In 85% of cases, the doctor permits to apply the tool. Memo for future mothers:

  1. use the oil very carefully, its overdose can harm health;
  2. fully smearing yourself with oil in the literal sense of the word - do not need, make a better pleasant warm bath for legs with the addition of 1-2 drops;
  3. if at home there is a humidifier of air, then you can add 2 drops of oil to it to breathe tasty citrus air, but follow the time;
  4. best use the essential oil of orange after the first trimester, it is better to progress and on early timing do not add it to the bathroom;
  5. some future mothers can be strong allergy on essential citrus oil, so be sure to talk with your doctor to not harm the baby's health;
  6. since the essential oil has a very large concentration, but it is necessary to neatly inhale, not greedy breaths, but measured, not in a hurry.


Here, of course, there is contraindications. But in contrast to other oils, orange is considered the most reliable. So, the most basic contraindication is allergic to citrus. Just be careful if you have cholelithiasis. In most cases, people suffering from this should not use the ether. In the period of breastfeeding, be extremely neat to use the tool, and during pregnancy, be sure to warn the doctor that we use oil. It is best not to apply a liquid into open areas of the skin, especially when you are going to the street. And one more rule - it is forbidden to get to the applied site sun rays, Better to wait for complete absorption.

Aromatherapy with EMA

This is one of the most popular funds that is actively used in. For example, inhalation with orange oil or relaxing massages - what, sometimes, just need to every organism. During strong mental and physical it is simply necessary. After evaporated, the fluid penetrates along with the air into the brain, which, in turn, begins to stimulate work and increase attention. That is why, by the way, many students during the session and the testing prefer to eat many oranges and inhale this pleasant fragrance. Moreover, now, what benefits are aromatherapy with orange oil:

  1. relaxed body condition, voltage removal;
  2. improving sleep, preventing constant insomnia;
  3. maximum increase in immunity, no viruses and infections in the body.

Try on your own experience. Purchase a special aroma, pour 7-8 drops of orange oil into it. Remember that, the more your room, the more it should be droplets, as the fragrance should penetrate into each corner. As soon as the lamp is lit, inhale its smell, do not mix it with others. In such a room, it is forbidden to use deodorant or spirits, do not interrupt the fragrance. This is kinda, like cleansing the room. You yourself will be surprised that your mood will raise, it will want to smile, even if the weather is very cloudy. Such unusual aromatherapy at home should be done 3 times a day, but no more. The same applies to the massage. Ask your master that while working with your body he lit an aromalamp. The smell penetrates into the open pores, the skin begins to breathe and saturated with a tasty aroma, and at the same time with oxygen.

Need to remember that AMA:

  1. He serves an excellent assistant to those who have cardiovascular diseases. Also, the oil actively acts if there are problems with nervous system.
  2. Very effective spasm disposal and wonderful antiseptic. With a bad mood, the oil helps to shoot stress and performs in the form of a good antidepressant.
  3. Best toolTo reduce the temperature, if it is not amenable to tablets and other medicines.
  4. Unique tool when you have a very strong desire to lose weight and look at 100%. Why not add a little drops in a hot bath with foam, so that all the body not only delicious smelled, but also "sat down" with nutrients? Do not be afraid to plunge into the bath, because it is good for face, hair, body and even for nails.

Orange essential oil is the most real collection of vitamins, which is so necessary for each person. Moreover, it does not matter - you are a man or a woman. In any case, the oil is intended for all. It is said that if you breathe during aromatherapy for 15 minutes, it will replace you with as many as 3 oranges eaten, from which, by the way, will definitely begin allergic reaction. Carefully watch your health, for the state of your own body. Apply this product carefully, not too often, but not once every six months. Try so that in your use the means was found golden middle - and then you will definitely be a happy and healthy person.

Orange oil is obtained by distillation or cold spin from the peel of two types of oranges - this is a Chinese sweet and bitter orange, or a beans. Bitter orange has a thinner aroma, in connection with which it was widely used in perfumery. Bitter orange is a supplier for even two types of ether - non-orange colors get neroli, and from his leaves - Petitgrin.

Neroli - color of bitter orange, one of the most valuable and expensive oils. The high cost is related to the method of production - to obtain 1 kg. Oils need to recycle 850 kg. Fresh, hand-collected colors. Color collectors work according to special rules - Collect flowers in dense fabric, Early in the morning, in a warm and sunny day.

Sweet orange oil is most common, but in general, the bitter orange is similar to it by properties.

Essential oil is produced in the USA, Morocco, Brazil and Mediterranean. It has a pleasant citrus fragrance and yellow-orange color. Despite the fact that due to the simplicity and low cost of production, it is extremely rare, it will not hurt to know which properties make it possible to recognize a quality product:

  • the real ether must be packed in a dark glass bubble;
  • if you get on a napkin or sheet of paper, the oil is evaporated, without leaving fat traces.

Some firms from the United States and Brazil combine the production of ether and orange juice - the flow of pulp in raw materials for essential oil does not most effect on his quality.

How to prepare orange oil yourself:

The composition of the essential oil of orange includes:

  • D-Limonen (90%) - natural flavoring, powerful antioxidant, disinfectant and leather skin;
  • phytoncides - thanks to them, has excellent antiseptic properties;
  • vitamin A - activates exchange processes, rejuvenates skin cells, contributes to smoothing wrinkles, improves the state of nails and hair;
  • vitamin C - strengthens immunity;
  • vitamins of group B - improve memory, activate the metabolism, is responsible for the production of serotonin, which provides good mood, appetite and strong sleep.

Pros and cons


  • extensive area of \u200b\u200bapplication (medicine, cosmetology, aromatherapy and even cooking)
  • availability and low price in comparison with other essential oils, which is explained by the low production cost;
  • suitable for all skin types;
  • pleasant, no one irritating the smell.


  • it is not recommended for use in individual intolerance or allergies on citrus;
  • as in the case of other ethers, it is important to accurately comply with the dosage, otherwise you can get a burn;
  • when used inside, be prepared for an increase in appetite.

Basic properties:

  • moisturizes, tones and cleans;
  • stimulates the current of lymphs, reduces tumors and swelling;
  • eliminates cellulite and stretch marks;
  • improves the condition and nails, promotes the growth of new cells and prevents the appearance of small wrinkles;
  • eliminates dandruff;
  • struggling with bleeding and inflammation of the gums, stomatitis;
  • enhances immunity;
  • removes fatigue, improves mood, helps to relax.

Orange properties:

Application in cosmetology

From acne.

Like all citrus oils, orange - an excellent fighter with skin inflammation, black dots and advanced pores, acne, as well as scars and stains remaining after them.

Do not use the oil pure form - dilute it with basic (jojoba oil, grape bones, wheat germs, etc.). With severe skin lesions, it is possible to point clean oil to inflamed acne with a cotton wand, avoiding entering the skin so as not to get a burn.

Recipe number 1. At 20-30 gr. Bases dissolve 5-7 drops of orange. Store the resulting mixture in the refrigerator and apply on the skin several times a day. To strengthen the properties of orange oil, you can mix it with any of the following: lavender, rosemary, lemon, mint, bergamot, cloves or eucalyptus, but not exceeding a total concentration of 7 drops, otherwise you risk getting a burn. Knowing the main characteristics of the ethers, you can give a mixture new properties - so, mixing orange, rose and ylang-ylang, you will get a means about wrinkles.

Recipe number 2. Antiseptic mask with white clay. Mix lemon juice with white clay and 3-5 cap. Orange oil, apply a mixture on a face for 20 minutes, rinse with warm water. Experimenting with clay of different types, you can create masks for different types Skin: A yellow clay mask is suitable for oily skin, with green clay - for problem skin, with red clay - for dry and sensitive skin, with pink clay - for mature and fading skin and wrinkles.

From dry skin. Orange oil for face - just a find! Its properties are such that with regular use, dry skin is softened, the complexion is improved, and the growth of wrinkles is stopped by stimulating collagen.

Recipe number 1. Oil mask. To a mixture of jojoba, nut and avocado (10 ml.) Add orange, rose and geranium (2 drops). Apply on the face, leave for 30 minutes, wash warm water.

Recipe number 2. Banana mask. To make a mask, break the flesh of the middle banana, add 5 drops of orange ether into it and immediately apply on the face. Such a mask is good for mature skin - it contributes to the smoothing of small wrinkles.

From hair loss.
The use of orange oil for hair in any case will have a positive effect on their condition - the dandruff will disappear, the hair will exhibit a gentle citrus fragrance, and with the problem of falling out, orange hair oil can be a real rescue.

Recipe number 1. "Orange combing." The essential oil of orange for hair can be used the simplest way. Apply it on a comb (preferably, a comb with rare and long teeth) and extend the hair as usual, I do not miss any strands.

Recipe number 2. Orange oil for hair with rapid oil. Mix 3 tbsp. with esters of pine, orange, and chamomile (2 drops). Apply on your hair, leave for 30-40 minutes. (not longer, so as not to get a burn), then rinse the head with ordinary shampoo. Make a mask once a week for two months.

From stretch marks. Thanks to its properties, deep into the skin, remove the swelling and contribute to the development of new cells, orange ether if it does not eliminate the stretching completely, it will definitely allow them to make them practically imperceptible and prevent the emergence of new stretch marks - it is only necessary to show patience and perseverance.

Recipe number 1. Massage mixture from stretch marks. To 100 ml. Jojoba oil add 10 drops of orange, rosemary, lemon and jasmine, as well as 20 drops of lavender. Mix the mixture, place in the closed container and send to the dark place for a day. Make a massage with this mixture of stretch marks several times a week for 3 months. This mixture can be used for wrapping.

Recipe number 2. Orange scrub from stretch marks. 100 g. Coffee fine grinding with boiling water to the condition of thick cashee, let it be broken for 15 minutes, then add 1 tbsp. Olive oil and 8 drops of orange and mix. Slip the scrub from stretch marks into the skin several times a week for 10 minutes. The contrasting souls during the washed of the scrub will strengthen the effect against stretch marks.

From cellulite. Cellulite oil - a proven recipe that has received excellent reviews as a result of use at home, but do not forget that the struggle should be conducted on all fronts, so proper nutrition And physical exertion - mandatory!

Cellulite oil use:

Recipe number 1.
Anti-cellulite wrapping. Mix 2 tbsp. Honey and 5 drops of orange oil, apply on the skin and massage 5 minutes, then blame the food film, and from above - warm plaid and lie 20 minutes. Do not exceed the set of wrapping time, otherwise you risk getting a burn!

Recipe number 2. Anti-cellulite bath. Mix 5 drops of orange oil with a handful of sea salt and dissolve the mixture in the bathroom with warm water. Do not heated the water above 40% - in hot water, essential oils lose their properties. The bath is accepted for 15-20 minutes. After some time, the "tingling" will begin in problem areas - it means that the mixture began to act.

For a better effect, alternate anti-cellulite baths and wraps so as not to get a burn.

Do not add orange ether into purchased cosmetics - the interaction of natural and chemical components can adversely affect your skin!

For nails. Application oil for nails can be used different ways - Baths, compresses, rubbing. They strengthen the nail platinum, prevent the stratification of the nails, whiten, eliminate the lone of nails, remove.

Recipe number 1. Baths to strengthen nails. Mix 2-3 drops of orange with a teaspoon of a base or emulsifier (honey, salt, milk), spread warm water to lower your hands in the bath for 10-15 minutes.

Recipe number 2. The easiest way to strengthen nails is rubbing a mixture of the base and 2-3 drops of an orange in a nail plate and the skin near the nails until it absorbs.

Emotional effect

  • powerful antidepressant;
  • aphrodisiac, has to communicate and enhances charm;
  • balancing emotions;
  • improves performance;

You can experience the impact of a fragrant orange on the mental state both specially breathing air in the flavored room and during all cosmetic and therapeutic procedures at home with its use.


Properties of compatibility (complementarity) with other ether you can use when drafting mixtures for aroma lamps and aromatic baths.

Ether both sweet and bitter orange combined well with cypress, jasmine, cinnamon, coriander, Ladan, Lavender, muscat walnut, geranium, rosewood, roses, as well as with relatives - Neroli and Petitgrin.


Application for aroma: 3-5 drops.

  • Bath Application: 5 drops on 2 tbsp. emulsifier (sea salt, milk, honey);
  • Application for massage: 5-7 drops for 20-30 grams. vehicle (in recipes with basic oil, clay, etc.);
  • Application in the sauna and bath: 5-7 drops apply on the doors and walls;
  • Application for inhalation: 1-3 drops per 1 liter. water (with angina, bronchitis and viral diseases)
  • Rinse application: 1 drop on a glass of water (for the prevention of periodontal and stomatitis)
  • Application for cooking: 3 drops on a glass of juice (to improve digestion, stimulation of metabolism)
  • Application for cooking cream for cakes: 4 drops per 1 kg. cream (natural flavoring)
The antiseptic properties of the orange can be used in another way - add a few drops into the water to wash the floors. We guarantee that the delicious solar fragrance and the joy of "natural" cleaning will soon be out of your home all chemicals.


1. Before use, you need to make a test for individual intolerance - Mix 1 drop of orange oil with a half teaspoon base and apply to the elbow fold. If after 12 hours on the skin it will not arise - you can safely use. If you pour - you can get a burn.

2. Contraindications for using orange ether are pregnancy, epilepsy, hypotension, photosensitivity.

3. Do not apply to the skin before entering the sun, otherwise you risk getting a burn.

Orange essential oil at home.

Orange oil with all properties of the purchase is not at all difficult at home - for this you need a peel of several oranges and any vegetable oil.

1. Rinse orange crusts with boiling water.

2. Finely cut and frighten your crusts well.

3. Fallulate them in the jar and quarrels once again so that the fluid is separated.

4. Pour vegetable oil so that it is completely covered with a crust.

5. Leave for 3 days in a dark place (if you used dry crusts, extend the period to 1-2 weeks)

6. Put into the pan and warm on a water bath for 30 minutes.

7. Strain through the gauze and learn crusts - vitamins remained in them.

8. Ready! Boil the bottles and deposit into a dark place.

Today, orange oil is most often used in home cosmetology, traditional medicine, perfumery, cooking, as well as aromatherapy. It turns out the ether of the peel not only sweet, but also bitter fruits. Orange oil occurs in the form of an orange orange liquid or yellow shade, has a pronounced characteristic aroma. The oil obtained from the bitter orange has a more viscous consistency and has a rich color (bright orange or dark brown). It will be fed up fresh and slightly bitter smell, which is inherent in an easy, almost imperceptible shade of citrus.

Properties of orange oil

The scope of use of essential orange oil is quite wide, as it has a mass of useful properties:

  • antiseptic;
  • deodorizing;
  • bactericidal;
  • tonic;
  • it is an effective natural antidepressant.
Orange oil has a property to awaken appetite, thanks to which the symptoms of anorexia are recommended for use during the treatment. For many centuries, this tool is actively used in perfumery. It is added to perfume, lotions, creams, deodorants, as well as cologne.

Dosage orange oil

Using orange butter, like any other ether, it is necessary to fully carefully observe the correct dosage, otherwise there is a serious harm to apply their own health.

Orange oil can be used in the following dosages:

  1. For the preparation of aromatic baths, 5 carteons of clean ether are taken, but no more.
  2. To obtain cosmetic nutrients, it is necessary to use on 20 g of bases (cream or lotion) 5 drops of ether.
  3. For the preparation of smoking mixtures to be used in therapeutic purposes, 2-5 droplets of ether takes (the oil volume is determined with the area of \u200b\u200bthe room).
  4. Orange oil can be used as an additional active element in shampoos. Such a means is ideal for the care of the dry hair type and the treatment of dandruff. In this case, 4-5 ether droplets are taken on 20 g of raw materials.
  5. For massage, it will be enough to take 8 droplets of the ether into 30 g of any cosmetic tool, which will add oil.
  6. For the bath or sauna, you will need 8-9 drops of orange oil.
  7. Orange oil can be used to rub joints to remove pain - by 20 g bases are taken about 7-8 droplets of ether.

How to use orange oil?

Orange oil helps when bleeding gums - it is recommended to use as compresses. A row with orange and vegetable oil is superimposed on the gum (the components are taken in equal proportions). Also, orange ether can be added to a variety of medicinal productsdesigned to combat different species dermatitis.

Also, orange oil will help improve eyesight and benefits for people who have for a long time to work at the computer. Due to the permanent load on the eyes, orange oil quickly removes the voltage from the accommodative muscle.

Adding fresh orange juice to a glass of fresh orange juice 1 drop of ether, in the spring period you can get rid of hypovitaminosis, and with the offensive of summer, this drink will provide a quick and uniform tan.

This tool has a pronounced pacifying effect, therefore it helps to quickly get rid of the seizures of insomnia, which was triggered by a strong nervous overvoltage. Orange oil can be applied in the fight against stress, as well as emotional exhaustion.

Scientists were able to determine another unique property, which possesses orange oil - it helps to reduce the indicators of harmful cholesterol in the blood.

The regular intake of orange oil contributes to the improvement of the process of assimilation by the vitamin C by the body, therefore, it is reduced to a minimum of the likelihood of developing various infections. This tool is recommended to use during the treatment of a cold accompanied by high temperatures And bronchitis.

The ether helps to put the functioning of the intestine, so it is appointed for the treatment of diarrhea and constipation, especially if severe stress has been transferred.

This tool benefits and in case of violations in the operation of the circulatory system, during edema, obesity. Orange oil helps to improve the process of forming collagen fibers that are necessary for the proper creation of muscle tissue. That is why this remedy is recommended to be used with rickets and strong pain in the muscles.

Orange oil is popular among girls, as it helps to quickly get rid of pronounced signs of cellulite. It contributes to strengthening the elasticity of the epidermis, the process of withdrawal from the body of toxins is accelerated.
This tool is useful to use dry skin holders, especially if there are pronounced signs of peeling. Under the condition of its continuous use, the formation of new wrinkles is prevented, the process of cell recovery is accelerated. Also, orange oil quickly cleanses the skin and removes pigment spots, freckles.

Orange oil is considered a universal means for carrying out aromatherapy procedure, as it can be combined with any other types of essential oils - for example, carnations, chamomile, jasmine, juniper, lavender, coriander, cypress, etc.

This tool has a positive effect on human bioenergy and during massage. Orange oil helps to quickly restore emotional equilibrium, severe diseases and stress are significantly endured.

For hair care

With the help of orange oil, it is possible to eliminate the increased dryness of the scalp, cure dandruff and the effective strengthening of the hair is performed. It is possible to use this tool with a variety of ways.

You can take a couple of droplets of ether and apply a combat on the surface, after which it is thoroughly combing curls so that the remedy is evenly distributed over the entire length. This type of oil is allowed to use 3 times a week, but only if an allergic reaction is not caused.

The benefit brings a mask with the addition of orange oil:

  1. It is necessary to mix 6-7 ether drops with 2 tbsp. l. Coconut oil (can be replaced by almond, olive, sesame).
  2. The oil base is first warmed in the water bath, then the air orange is added.
  3. The resulting composition is applied to wet hair, then a plastic bag is put on top, a warm towel.
  4. The mixture is left on the curls for 50-60 minutes, then the head is washed using shampoo.
You can use hair balm that does not require flushing:
  • 1 tbsp. l. crushed flax seeds, 1 tsp. Coconut oil, 3-4 droplets of orange essential oil.
  • First, flax seeds are crushed until the powder is obtained. Then it is poured 100 g of water (hot) and it is left to appease until the liquid is completely cooled. Then the mixture is filtered.
  • Coconut and orange oil is added to the resulting decoction, all components are well mixed.
  • The finished balm is applied to the pre-washed and wet strands - in the palms, a small amount of means is trimmed and is evenly distributed over the entire length of the curls.

It is not worth using too much a balsam, since as a result, the hair will look fat and dirty. This cosmetic means is very simple to prepare, but if it is regularly used, it is easy to get rid of the problems of the split tips and strengthen the hair. After a monthly course, the strands become silky and soft to the touch, returned natural shine and is much facilitated by the installation process.

For face skin care

Orange oil is ideal for owner of dry face skin. It can also be used to care for lips. This tool contributes to stimulating the flow of the inflow to the skin of blood, therefore, there is an improvement in the recovery of tissue cells.

To care for dry skin, you can independently cook nutritious cream:

  • It is necessary to take 2-4 droplets of orange oil and 2-2.5 hours l. Oil basics.
  • A little base oil is applied to the palm and orange is added.
  • On the pre-cleaned skin of the face, the area of \u200b\u200bthe neckline and the neck is applied the resulting composition and is distributed by soft movements.
  • The cream is literally driven into the skin in the eye area with light patches of the pads of the pillow.
To care for problem skin, you can use the following mask:
  1. To prepare this composition you will need to take 1 tbsp. l. Blue clay powder, 2 tbsp. l. Fresh orange juice, 1 egg white2 drops of orange oil.
  2. Powder clay is diluted with fresh citrus juice. The whisk is whipped by protein, and all components are mixed.
  3. The resulting composition is applied to the pre-cleaned skin of the face and is left for about 12-16 minutes, then it is washed off.
  4. At the end of the cosmetic procedure, any nutritious cream is applied.
For aging skin, it is recommended to use a simple cooking mask:
  1. Takes? Ripe banana pulp, 3-5 drops of orange oil.
  2. The banana is triggered to obtain a casual mass, then the ester of orange oil is introduced.
  3. The resulting composition is applied to clean skin and is left for 25-32 minutes, then washed off with warm water.

If this mask is used regularly, it is smoothed out the nasolabial folds, wrinkles in the area around the eyes, the skin pulls up and becomes softer.

Against cellulite

To quickly get rid of ugly signs of cellulite, it is recommended to use a relaxing bath. In warm water, a couple of orange ester is dissolved, other citrus oils can be added, which increases the benefits of the procedure. You need to take a bath for about 15-18 minutes - you just need to lie down in warm water, enjoying a pleasant aroma, then gently flush the skin without using soap to remove oil residues.

Orange oil helps maintain beauty, youth and health. It is enough just to regularly use it as an additional means for a cream or lotion or add to the water while taking a bath and positive result Will not wait long for a long time.

For more information about what properties is orange oil and how to apply it, see this video: