France geographical location of the country briefly. France

France is a country in Central and Western Europe, surpassing all other states in this area in its territorial scale.

Geographical location

Geographically, France is approximately equal to one of the largest states of the United States of America - California, and even surpasses it.

The borders of France in the west extend all the way to the Atlantic Ocean; in the east, France faces the territories of Germany and partly Switzerland; in the north the country shares its borders with Belgium and Luxembourg; in the southwest and southeast France touches Spain and Italy, respectively.

Also in the north-west, France is separated from the territory of Great Britain by a natural water barrier - the Strait English Channel.

Thus, in total, not counting its former colonies, France legally borders 6 European states, not counting Great Britain, which is located on the western side of the English Channel.

The territory of France is divided into main - "Metropolis" and subordinate clause - "overseas colonies". Overseas territories were historically assigned to France as a result of its colonialist policy of conquest, which reached its apogee in the 18th century.

The main territory of the French state consists of 22 administrative regions and 96 departments.

The following regions are distinguished: Pas de Calais, Picardy, Lorraine, Alsace, Franche-Comté, Ile-de-France, Normandy, Loire, Loire Valley, Brittany, Champagne, Burgundy, Poitou-Charente, Limousin, Auvergne, Aquitaine, Center - Pyrenees, Languedoc, Provence, Corsica, Cote d'Azur, Savoie.

Natural complexes of France

If we talk about the natural complexes of France, we can highlight their great diversity. The plains cover the largest area of ​​the country, approximately 70% of all France.

There are mountain ranges - the Alps, Pyrenees, Massif Central, Vosges, Ardennes and Jura Mountains. The French Alps are famous for the fact that it is in their mountain ranges that the highest point of Western Europe is located - the peak Mont Blanc, having an altitude of 4808 m above sea level.

France's water supply is sufficient. Basically, most of the large French rivers, such as the Loire, Rhone, Seine, Garon, originate high in the mountains and then descend to the plains. The largest river is Loire, which has a length of 1012 km and originates from the Massif Central mountain range and ends, flowing into the Atlantic Ocean.

Flora and fauna

Forests cover about 30% of the territory of all France. The predominant tree species are birches, oaks and conifers (mainly pine). There are also many scattered wetland complexes throughout the country.

Forests and wetlands are the main habitat for fauna such as the Iberian ibex, stork, Corsican deer, wolf, brown bear, swamp otter, chamois, beaver, vulture.

Climatic conditions

The climate of France can be defined as temperate. The winter time of day is mostly warm with temperatures not dropping beyond -8 -10 degrees Celsius, although lower temperatures are possible in mountainous areas.

The Atlantic Ocean has a great influence on the climate of the western territories of France. High humidity, strong gusty winds, heavy rainfall - these are the features of this part of France.

With how many countries? This question is not as idle as it seems. This country is large, approximately equal in area to Ukraine. And who are her neighbors? And where, strictly speaking, is a state like France located? To say that in Western Europe would be correct. But this answer is incomplete. After all, France still has so-called overseas territories, which previously were nothing more than colonies. And if you take into account these countries and islands, then the number of neighbors will increase.

The answer to the question of who France borders with depends on whether we take into account the maritime cordons of this power or only the land ones. Indeed, in the first case, Great Britain is included in the number of neighbors. Paris and London are connected by an underground road and railway tunnel across the English Channel. And this already allows us to call France and its old rival Great Britain close neighbors. Who else does this country border with? Read about this in our article.

Geographical location

In terms of territory, France is the largest state in Western Europe. Its area is 551.5 thousand square meters. km. France is usually divided into the “central part”, the one that is located in the Old World, that is, in Western Europe, and the “overseas territories”. The first includes a large one lying near the coast of the country in the Mediterranean Sea. But even without taking into account its and overseas territories, mainland “central” (or “old”) France still leads in area among Western European states. Its territory on the continent is 545,630 square kilometers. A quick glance at the map gives us an idea that France is bordered by three countries: Germany and Italy on the east side, and Spain on the southwest. But this opinion is wrong.

Consider the "dwarfs"!

Next to giant countries such as Germany and Spain (which are not much smaller than France in territory), there are also very small states. This is primarily Switzerland. Unlike France, it is not a member of the European Union; it maintains its own currency. But Switzerland is a member of the Schengen Agreement. In the northeast, in close proximity to France, is Belgium. This country is part of the EU, the Schengen Agreement, and the distribution area monetary unit Euro. In the east, France borders Germany. But squeezed between them is one dwarf state - Luxembourg. Not far from the Franco-Italian border there is another principality of miniature size - Monaco. The Principality is an enclave because it is surrounded on all sides by France. However, Monaco has its own private access to the sea. In the southwest, another “dwarf” is wedged between France and Spain. This is Andorra. The Principality is interesting in that its co-rulers are equally (according to the medieval treaty of paréage) the Republic of France and the King of Spain. Andorra is not part of the Schengen area. Therefore, to come to this Pyrenees principality, which has no airports, theoretically you need a multiple-entry visa.

Who does France border on the European continent?

Let's summarize. So, land borders make France a neighbor of seven European countries. These are Belgium, Germany, Luxembourg, Italy, Monaco on the eastern side and Spain and Andorra on the southwestern side. If we take into account maritime cordons, then Great Britain also falls into this list. It is separated from France by the English Channel, the smallest width of which (between Calais and Dover) is only thirty-two kilometers.

The longest border is with Spain. It runs through the Pyrenees from the Mediterranean Sea to the Bay of Biscay of the Atlantic Ocean. The length of this border is 623 kilometers. The border with Belgium is only 3 km shorter. This is followed by Switzerland (573), Italy (488), Germany (451 kilometers). The length of cordons with dwarf countries is small due to the miniature nature of the latter. Among the small but independent principalities, Luxembourg has the longest border with France - 73 kilometers. And the list is completed by Andorra (60 km) and Monaco (only a little over four kilometers).

Sea frontiers

From the west, France is washed by the Atlantic Ocean. Consequently, the state has no close neighbors on the other side of the world. We have already found out who France borders on in the north. On the other side of the English Channel lies the United Kingdom of Great Britain. In the Mediterranean Sea, French Corsica is closely adjacent to Sardinia, which is located to the south. This island belongs to Italy. However, France also has land borders with this Apennine state. If you add up all the maritime cordons of the republic, you get a fairly respectable figure - five and a half thousand kilometers.

Overseas territories

France for a long time was a metropolis and owned colonies. Now these territories are called differently. But nevertheless, they significantly expand the list of countries with which France borders. Some of these territories are departments, meaning their residents are considered full French citizens. These are: Guadeloupe, Mayotte, Martinique Reunion and Guiana.

There are also overseas communities. As a rule, they are located on islands. These are French Polynesia, and Miquelon, Wallis and Futuna. The territories owned by the Republic also include New Caledonia, an administrative-territorial entity with a special status.

The island of Saint Helena is owned by Great Britain. But the place of Napoleon's exile and the valley in which the emperor is buried belongs to France. The Republic also staked out Adelie Land in Antarctica. But this is contrary to UN rules, and claims to this territory are considered unfounded.

States bordering France "overseas"

Based on the above, the list of neighbors of a European state has expanded. Even if we do not take into account the islands and Terre Adélie, the length of the land borders increases significantly. The longest is the cordon with Brazil - 730 kilometers. Suriname, which is adjacent to it in the west, has a common border with it of 510 km. The shortest cordon in the overseas territories is on the island of Saint Martin. Its length is a little over ten kilometers. But this border divides a tiny piece of land into two halves. Southern part- Sint Maarten is part of the Netherlands Antilles.

France is the largest country in Western Europe. Its area is 551.5 square meters. km, and the population is 66 million people. France is in an advantageous economic and geographical position, as it borders many developed countries and also has access to the Atlantic Ocean.

Geographical location of France

France is located in Western Europe and shares mainland borders with five European Union countries, as well as Switzerland. France is connected to Great Britain via the Channel Tunnel. The coasts of the state are washed by the Atlantic Ocean on the western side (Bay of Biscay, English Channel) and the Mediterranean Sea on the eastern side.

Rice. 1. France on the world map.

The countries of the European Union with which France borders are Belgium, Germany, Luxembourg, Italy, Spain.

The country's topography is very diverse. In the west and north, flat and hilly plains predominate (the Garonne Lowland, the Paris Basin), in the center and east there are mountains of medium height (Vageses, partly the Jura, the French Massif Central), and in the southeast the Alpine ridges rise. It is in this area that the highest mountain in Western Europe, Mont Blanc, is located. Its height is 4807 meters.

Rice. 2. Mont Blanc.

There are many rivers in the western part. The largest is the Loire River, which flows into the Bay of Biscay. Also considered large are the Rhône and Saône, which flow into the Mediterranean Sea, and the Seine, which flows into the English Channel.

Economic and geographical position of France

France's EGP is determined by its location. Most of the country is located in a flat area with a temperate climate in the main part and subtropical in the south. Great value have water resources. There are more than 500 hydroelectric power stations throughout the country, which collectively produce about 20 thousand megawatts of energy.

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The country also has 59 nuclear power plants, which produce 80% of the country's electricity.

There are many types of minerals in France. First of all, there are deposits of uranium and iron ores. Also available small stocks oil, gas, coal, potassium salts, bauxite.

A big plus for the state’s EGP is access to the main European sea routes, such as the English Channel, the Atlantic, and the Mediterranean.

Rice. 3. English Channel.

France is one of the ten economically developed countries, giving way to China, the USA, Germany, Great Britain, and Japan. The main industries are mechanical engineering, including automobile manufacturing and shipbuilding. The country is very well developed railway transport. Thanks to modern trains and railways the capital of France, Paris, is connected to almost all cities of the country and neighboring countries by a network of railways.

What have we learned?

France is the largest country in Western Europe. It has borders with many European countries. The highest mountain is Mont Blanc, and the largest river is the Loire. France has access to the Atlantic Ocean and the Mediterranean Sea through which the main European trade routes pass.

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France is the most big country Western Europe. From north to south and from west to
east France stretches for almost 1000 km after Russia it is the largest
European country. In terms of area (551 thousand sq. km, including Corsica), it is more than
twice the size of both the UK and Germany. The capital of France is the city
Paris. France includes the island of Corsica and several other smaller
islands in the Mediterranean Sea and the Baltic Gulf.
France includes: overseas departments - Guadeloupe, Martinique,
Guiana, Reunion, Saint-Pierre and Miquelon; overseas territories - Novaya Islands
Caledonia, French Polynesia and others. French overseas territories
spread over four continents, washed by four oceans. Any
an overseas territory may secede from France after
the majority of the population will express such a wish.
France has possessions in America, Africa and Oceania. Their total area is 127 thousand.
sq. km, and the population is about 1.5 million people.
France occupies the extreme western part of the European continent. It can be called
an Atlantic and Mediterranean country, a Rhineland and Pyrenean country. On
in the northeast the country borders with Belgium, Luxembourg and Germany, in the east
– with Germany, Switzerland and Italy, in the southeast – with Monaco, in the south – with
Spain and Andorra. The country's maritime borders are longer than
land. The sea border stretches for 3120 km, divided into three stripes:
the Mediterranean coastline, the Atlantic coastline with the Bay of Biscay and
shores of the English Channel in the North Sea. In the north, France is separated from England
the narrow straits of the English Channel and Pas de Calais, in the west it is washed by waters
The Bay of Biscay is the Atlantic Ocean, and in the south – the Mediterranean Sea. Many
sections of the coast, especially in Brittany and Provence, are heavily indented and have
There are many bays convenient for mooring ships. /cm. rice. 2/
Most - almost a quarter of the land border lies along the ridge
The Pyrenees on the border with Spain, in the southeast the border with Italy and Switzerland
goes through the Alps and Jura. As a result, the French themselves call their country “Hexagone” -
"hexagon". This name, on the one hand, creates the impression of it as
about a single whole, and on the other hand, it implies extraordinary diversity.
The river serves as the French-West German border for a considerable length.
Rhine, only in the north the lowlands of France imperceptibly merge with
lowlands of Belgium.
Convenience of sea and land connections, position at the crossroads of international
ways have long strengthened the economic position of France, contributed to
development of its economy, growth of trade and cultural relations with other

The bowels of the earth are poor in minerals - oil and gas, copper and chromium, nickel and
France is forced to import lead from abroad. High level of development
energy, but there is little of its own fuel, and it has to import more than 1/2
energy resources. The country produces only 1 million tons of oil. The main one
some have to be imported, and mainly from the countries of the Middle East.
Large reserves of bauxite in the south of the country and cheap hydroelectric power served
incentive for the development of the aluminum industry. Bauxite mining France
ranks second among European countries. The most important mines are located
near Marseille - near Brignoles. Industrial and household industries are growing rapidly
usage natural gas, and the country doesn’t have enough of its own gas, and
France buys it from the Netherlands and Algeria.
Due to competition from oil, gas and imports of quality coal and coke from the US and
Germany's own coal production in France is declining. Main mining areas
coal - Northern region and Lorraine; Coal is also mined in the eastern
parts of the Massif Central. By production iron ore France ranks first
place in capitalist Europe, 5th in the world.
France is one of the most economically developed countries and
ranks fourth in the list of the richest countries in the world.

Geographical location France has almost always played into its hands in history. Thanks to its position, the country actively developed and became one of the most powerful powers in the world. But there was a time when it was extremely difficult to retain the conquered territories. Probably the most difficult period in the history of the war for one's territories was the Hundred Years' War. France and England could not divide the land between themselves for more than a century. As a result, France still won this war.

Features of the geographical location

No one will argue that the geographical location is very favorable. Firstly, the country is located in the center of Western Europe. Secondly, the country is located at an equal distance from the equator and the poles. Even in ancient times, the geographical location made the country a crossroads of trade routes. And even in the modern mobile world, the country is trying not to lose this status.

Borders of France

Once upon a time, in order to conquer a convenient geographical position, the state fought with England. Today it shares common borders with Great Britain and tries to be friends. The border runs along the English Channel and Pas de Calais. This is the only sea border. Although, they say that the British and the French still do not like each other. But so much time has passed! France also has borders with Belgium, Luxembourg, Germany, Italy, Switzerland, Spain, Monaco and Andorra. Most boundaries are natural, that is, created by nature. For example, the Alps separate the country from Switzerland and Italy, and the Pyrenees from Spain.

Unique reliefs of France

The northern and western regions are located on plains and low mountains. The geographical location simply obliges us to have mountains (after all, this is where the world-famous ski resorts). Medium-high mountains are located in the east of the country and in its center. But in the west are the majestic Pyrenees, which are echoed in the southeast by the Alps. Mont Blanc is the highest point in the country, and at the same time in all of Europe.

The largest rivers

The largest and most important rivers are the Seine and Rhone, Loire and Garonne. Also in the east, part of the Rhine flow is important for the life of the country. The Seine begins in the mountains and flows into the English Channel. The Laura has its origins in the Massif Central and carries waters to the Atlantic Ocean. By the way, it is considered the most picturesque river in the country.

Loire Valley in France

The geographical location of this country makes it not only strong and prosperous economically and socially. It is also the reason why millions of tourists come to admire the natural beauty every year. Based on materials from the site - guide to France

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