Why do you dream about sea storm waves? Storm interpretation of the dream book

A sea storm is a phenomenon that is both terrible and beautiful. But getting into the epicenter of a disaster is a disaster, so it’s good to watch this spectacle only from the sidelines or in a dream. Why do you dream of big waves in a storm, how to avoid troubles and not miss luck, dream books will tell you. But first, analyze your dream.

Miller's interpretations

Miller's dream book explains in different ways why big waves in a storm are dreamed of. Interpretations of a dream are based on its content:

  • I dreamed of a raging one, but clear water– to make a decision that will bring success;
  • muddy waves, with sand and silt - you may make a mistake;
  • see the tsunami cover the city clean water– you will come to prosperity the hard way;
  • drowning in a dream during a storm means big troubles and problems.

Observing the elements is a sign of prospects

According to the Modern Dream Book, if you dreamed that you were standing on the shore watching a storm at sea, then this speaks of future prospects. However, you should not count on fate to hand you happiness on a silver platter; you will have to work hard to achieve your goals.

Seeing yourself in a dream admiring a hurricane at sea from a high cliff means conquering career “heights,” but in a not entirely honest way. To get the desired place, you will go over your head. And if you saw a thunderstorm and large waves in a storm at sea from an airplane, then serious trials await you.

Twelve points under the keel, or “Rampant” emotions

Pastor Loff’s dream book will tell you why you have a dream in which you see yourself in the middle of a raging ocean. A surge of emotions awaits you. They can lead to quarrels and conflicts. Especially if the roaring ocean in your sleep overturned your boat.

Did you dream that a storm caught you in the ocean at night? Remember if you were scared, suggests the Lunar Dream Book: you were overcome by horror - your own incontinence will lead you to a dead end; you were not afraid in a dream, but helped the crew keep the ship afloat - recognition awaits you, which you will achieve on your own.

Storm like art: Change is coming

Large waves drawn in a storm are a sign that it’s time to think about your future. Tsvetkov’s dream book prophesies changes, and the details will tell whether they are good or bad.

Seeing people in a picture in a dream who are not trying to fight the waves is a sign of changes for the worse. Luck will turn away from you, and troubles will become your “companions.” But if the ship’s crew, depicted on the canvas, fiercely resists the waves, the success awaiting you will be tremendous.

Dream interpretation storm at sea

A storm is a fascinating and at the same time frightening spectacle that not every person gets to see in real time. But it is difficult to find an individual who would not be familiar with such a concept and would not watch about it on TV.

It happens that in a dream we can also see big waves. Why do you dream about such a symbol? According to the dream book, what does a storm mean in dreams?

I dreamed of a strong storm

Firstly, this dream can reflect the internal state of the sleeping person at the moment.

Secondly, such a dream means that dramatic changes will soon come in the dreamer’s life.

A storm personifying the dreamer’s inner state

The following opinion is shared by literally all psychologists who are involved in the interpretation of dreams.

If you saw a storm at sea in a dream

A person who dreams of a raging sea, big waves, strong wind is at the mercy of the emotions overwhelming him. You spend a lot of time on grievances, negativity, and doubts. It is these feelings that prevent you from moving on and achieving your goal.

Such a dream, according to the interpreter, says, put things in order in your soul, cope with your inner demons, otherwise happiness and good luck will not shine for you.

What changes does a dream about a storm promise according to the dream book?

Interpreters view such a symbol ambiguously; each source has its own well-founded point of view.

Below are some of the most commonly used dream interpreters.

Miller's Dream Book

  • According to Miller, if in a dream you are on the open sea, there are big waves around you, and the elements are raging, then you risk getting into an unpleasant situation in real life.
  • In addition, sailing on a ship in a stormy sea means that things will be very bad for you in the near future. For those people who are engaged in business, this, according to Miller’s dream book, is an extremely negative dream.

Modern dream book

If you were on a ship

  • Why do you dream about a storm? You will have to confront public opinion and defend your point of view. Be patient, as this is the only chance not only to save your reputation, but also to achieve prosperity.
  • The elements are raging on the sea, river or ocean, and at that moment you are at the very epicenter on a small ship? Enter into a dubious and dangerous enterprise, only your family and friends can help you out.

Interpreter for the whole family

Your involvement in bad weather in a dream

Sailing not just through waves and wind, but also through flashes of lightning - you will face serious losses that will be associated with your business.

If you hear about a raging storm through the media, you will become an unwitting witness to a huge scandal. In this case, you will need to accept one of the sides.

To see in a dream huge waves, a ship that will try to sail through a storm, and at the same time rejoice at the grief of the people there - you are an envious person who in reality takes pleasure in the grief of others. The dream book also interprets such a dream as an inability to rejoice in someone else’s happiness, an inadequate perception of the environment.

Floating down the river on your own during a disaster without getting hurt at all means you are a morally strong person who can navigate any situation and find the optimal way out.

I didn’t dream about the storm itself and high waves, but only the news that it was approaching - in real life, expect unpleasant news.

Watching a storm that fascinates with its beauty - expect trials that will befall you. You must persistently overcome them in order to reach a qualitatively better standard of living.

Why do you dream about a storm? Such a dream can both reflect the storm occurring in the soul of its owner and predict future events. The interpretation of a dream can be found out by turning to ancient and modern dream books. Of course, for this it is necessary to remember in great detail the events that took place in the night's dreams. So, should a person who sees a storm in a dream be afraid or rejoice?

Why do you dream about a storm: Freud's dream book

How does the famous psychologist interpret such a dream in his guide to the world of dreams? Why do you dream of a storm if you rely on Freud’s opinion? A person who sees a storm in a dream should pay close attention to his emotional state. It is possible that his life is poisoned by all sorts of fears and phobias, which only a specialist will help him cope with.

Freud also connects a dream in which a storm appears with the dreamer’s relationships with representatives of the opposite sex. It is likely that the person is tired of his partner and is thinking about breaking up with him. If this thought has been gnawing at you for a long time, it is possible that you should do just that.

Storm Power

Why do you dream of a storm if it is accompanied by a thunderstorm? The owner of such a dream must exercise maximum caution, especially in the financial sphere. It is possible that concluding an unfavorable contract will result in significant financial losses for him.

What do night dreams portend, in which a calm sea instantly transforms into a raging abyss? Such a plot can be regarded as a prediction of the future. In real life, the dreamer will suddenly find himself drawn into a whirlpool of events over which he will not be able to significantly influence.

Why dream of a storm if it is weak? Such a dream promises a streak of troubles, but it will not last long. If the owner of the dream is able to mobilize all his strength, he will be able to overcome difficult days without significant losses. Whereas ignoring problems will result in the opposite result.

Watch from the side

Obviously, a person who sees a storm in a dream does not always find himself in the center of events. Should anyone who watches the storm from the sidelines in their night dreams be afraid? Such a dream promises problems that can affect various areas of life. Armed with patience and wisdom, the dreamer will easily resolve them.

Why dream of a storm at sea if a person sees people dear to him in the center of events? Such night dreams can predict a breakdown in relationships, and a long separation from loved ones or friends is possible. You should also fear for the health of those who find themselves victims of a storm in a dream. It is likely that soon one of the participants in the events will become seriously ill. This is especially true in the case when in his night dreams the dreamer tries to help this person, but he cannot be saved.

What does it mean if during a storm the dreamer is on the shore, watching the foaming waves? In real life, such a person should beware of conflicts with household members; family quarrels can have dire consequences. To see in your night dreams how waves carry stones means that in reality you will encounter empty talk and gossip.


Why dream of a storm on a ship if the owner of the dream himself is on board? Such a dream warns that a person will soon become a participant in social unrest. First of all, this concerns those whose professional activity associated with politics, as well as people with an active lifestyle.

If the dreamer is among the victims of a shipwreck caused by a storm, in real life he will be drawn into dubious matters against his will. The outcome of such projects can be tragic. If in a dream he watches how other passengers of a sinking ship die, he should also be careful in making decisions in reality. It is possible that a mistake made by the dreamer will negatively affect the lives of his relatives and friends.

Why do you dream of a strong storm that overtakes the owner of the dream on the open sea? Such night dreams may indicate that a person is too indifferent to his health. It is possible that in the near future he will have to face a serious illness and spend a lot of money on treatment.

Various stories

People often dream of hearing about the approaching storm on the radio or watching events unfold on TV. In reality, a person who sees such a dream will have to witness someone else’s conflict. It is likely that he will not be able to maintain neutrality and will be forced to take the side of one of the disputants. If someone warns the dreamer about an impending storm, in real life he will receive news that will upset him.

The waves in which a person swims in a dream during a storm at sea predict an interesting acquaintance in reality. Lonely people who have such a dream will soon find their other half. It is bad if the dreamer in his night dreams experiences joy at the sight of the wavering sea. In reality, he is unable to overcome the feeling of envy, which forces him to rejoice in other people's misfortunes.

Summing up

Why do you dream about a storm? To understand this, you need to remember how the end of the dream turned out. If the storm did not cause harm to a person or his loved ones in his night dreams, in real life he will successfully overcome all problems. If someone dies in a dream, you should mentally prepare for the onset of a difficult period that will not end soon.

Freud's Dream Book

The storm you are caught in in a dream- symbolizes fears and phobias that you cannot get rid of on your own.

If you're caught in a storm- your relationship with your partner needs, at a minimum, correction; maybe you should think about breaking up with him.

Dream Interpretation of Dmitry and Nadezhda Zima

Seeing a storm in a dream- a sign that some events can cause you a whole storm of emotions.

If the waves in your dream look scary or threaten you in some way- the dream suggests that you should control your feelings, otherwise negative emotions can greatly harm your affairs.

Dream book for the whole family

Seeing a storm in a dream- to losses.

If you see a storm in your dream- then this is a warning that difficult trials will fall on your lot.

If in a dream you see that you are caught in a storm and are trying to escape- then in reality you will have to fight a serious illness.

If in a dream you watch a storm from the side and see how people die- this indicates a serious illness of one of your loved ones.

If in a dream you see that someone died during a storm- then the life of one of your loved ones may end tragically.

Seeing a storm in a dream from Wednesday to Thursday- your success will be fragile, the time of disappointment will soon come.

If you dream of a storm from Thursday to Friday- then this promises you sad news that you will receive from afar.

If you see a storm in a dream from Friday to Saturday- then this portends you a serious quarrel with a friend.

Storm damages your home- big troubles await you and none of your friends will support you.

Come to the seashore after a storm- troubles and misfortunes will pass you by.

Seeing a ship at sea during a storm- It’s fair to fear trouble.

See how a storm begins after a ship with valuable cargo goes out to sea- Trouble may begin. Your subconscious is trying to warn you that you should more carefully control the development of events related to the course of your financial affairs.

If you dream that you are caught in a storm- it means you are not satisfied with your life, you are overwhelmed by desires and passions that in reality do not find a way out.

If you see in a dream that someone is caught in a storm- this indicates that this person is in a difficult situation and needs help.

If in a dream you see yourself being overwhelmed by a wave or drowning- this warns you of the danger you are exposed to.

If in a dream you managed to escape the storm- in reality you will be able to avoid great misfortune.

If you dream of a storm from Monday to Tuesday- this means you need to be prepared for any surprise.

If you see a storm in a dream from Wednesday to Thursday- you should not commit rash acts, otherwise the consequences will be very difficult for you.

If you saw a storm in a dream from Saturday to Sunday- this is a sign that your career is in danger and you will need to make a lot of effort and patience to correct the situation.

Dream book for a bitch

Storm- unforeseen difficulties in business activities.

Modern combined dream book

Hearing the sound of an approaching storm in a dream- foreshadowing chronic illness, unfavorable progress of affairs and separation from friends.

If the storm ends- the consequences of sleep will not be so severe.

The newest dream book of G. Ivanov

Storm- after an explanation, make peace with your ill-wisher, and you will have friendly relations.

Complete dream book of the New Era

Storm- a reflection of catastrophic changes.

Dream interpretation of birthday people in May, June, July, August

Storm- to a temporary deterioration in your life.

Dream interpretation of birthday people of September, October, December

Storm- to check on work.

Dream interpretation of birthday people of January, February, March, April

Storm- to ailment associated with pressure.

Women's dream book

In a dream, being caught in a strong storm- a harbinger of losses and failures in business.

Dream Interpretation of Denise Lynn

Storm- may indicate internal conflict. It can also symbolize that the sky above your head is clearing.

Dream Book of the Wanderer

Storm- strong, difficult emotional experiences, shocks; misfortune.

Esoteric dream book

See the storm from the outside- social events that will not affect you personally unless a wave hits you on the shore.
Open the tap and dream about flowing running water.

Wash your face three times with the words “Where water flows, sleep goes.”

Throw a pinch of salt into a glass of water and say: “As this salt melts, my sleep will go away and will not bring harm.”

Turn your bed linen inside out.

Don't tell anyone bad dream before lunch.

Write it down on paper and burn this sheet.

If you dreamed of a storm at sea, then pay attention to your internal state - it is quite possible that you are extremely tired or excited, dream books say. If this definition not about you, and you feel great, then be prepared for changes that will not be slow to come into your life. The details that appeared to you in your dream will tell you everything about why you dream about a storm.

Miller's Predictions

Miller's dream book, explaining why one dreams of a storm at sea, is inclined to believe that this means losses and troubles. Do you dream that you are drowning in a raging sea? Be careful, this dream means a serious illness, accident or injury.

Caught in a Storm at Sea: From Internal Struggle to Real Confrontation

Getting caught in a strong storm at sea in a dream is a sign of rapidly developing events around you, suggests Eastern dream book. Did you dream that your ship was capsized by a strong wind and you were carried away by the stormy sea far from the ship and from the shore? This plot is explained in dream books as hitches and delays in business created by your enemies.

Why dream that you calmed the stormy depths of the sea with one glance? Such a fantastic plot in a dream is a reflection of a steely character. You are clearly destined for victory, and nothing can stop you on the way to it.

Conquering stormy waves is a sign of struggle, both internal and real.

Do you see yourself in a dream as a surfer, conquering the waves during a storm at sea? Listen to your own feelings; perhaps you are tired of “grazing the rear” and are striving to become a leader.

Going out to sea under sail in stormy weather in a dream is a sign of contradictions. You do not agree with the state of affairs and circumstances that have developed in life at this stage and intend to fight them, no matter what.

But this is why you dream of flying up on stormy waves on a small raft and then falling down, according to Longo’s dream book: you are not determined with your positions. Priorities are also not set, and this hinders you.

Observe from the side, or Conflict: participant or observer?

What does it mean to see a sea storm from the shore? You will witness a “storm” that has broken out in the team. Did you dream that large sea boulders were hitting the shore, bringing splashes to you? You will also be involved in this conflict, warns the Lunar Dream Book.

And if you dreamed that you were standing at a great distance from a raging body of water, for example, on a rock, and large undulating ridges could not reach you, then this is a symbol that you will be able to withstand all attacks against you.

How did you feel looking at the seething elements?

If you dreamed of a storm at sea, then be sure to take into account your emotions in the dream. The way you reacted to the elements you saw can change the interpretation of the dream, dream books assure. So, you felt it.