What are ready to go for the sake of your loved one. What are you ready for your favorite? In contrast to in love

Each person has his ideas about love. On the topic of love argue and philosophy. But if you say briefly, love is primarily a strong and sincere desire for happiness to your beloved person. IN of real love There can be no place to be caught, complaints.

A loving person is ready for all for the sake of happiness of his beloved and does not expect anything in return. Above true love is not powerful, nor circumstances nor the quality of relationships with a loved one.

Love is selfless and does not require reciprocity. If we really love, then continue to love even after we were thrown or rejected. But not everyone is capable of such selfless and disinterested love. As a rule, the higher the spiritual and spiritual development of a person, the more the ability to love the ability to love.

All of the above refers to love, but not to love, which many people are accustomed to confuse with love. Sometimes a person seems to be that he loves when he in fact he is just in love.

Let's deal with

Many judge their ability to love the strength of emotions that are experiencing to the object of love. In fact, the glow of passions is not yet to show love. Stormy emotions, right up to loss of self-control, are often characterized in love, than love. A loved man for a while completely falls under the power of feelings and loses the ability to objectively evaluate what is happening, and then when his mind again acquires power over the feelings, can sharply cool down to the object of love or disappointed in it.

In contrast to in love

Unlike in love, love can not be accompanied by a fading of the heart and trembling in the whole body. Feelings loving man Calm, but deep, and the mind is able to objectively assess both the advantages and disadvantages of their beloved. But even realizing that the beloved person is imperfect and far from the ideal, we do not cease to love him less - this is one of the most important differences in love from love!

Love is very multifaceted, so it will not in any case be reduced to the wish peculiar to all of us to be near your beloved person. The strength and quality of love can be assessed in several criteria.

Here they are:

* The first criterion is the place of your loved one in the hierarchy of values. No matter how a man does not swear in love, but if he, with much greater pleasure he spends his free time in the company of friends on fishing than with his beloved woman, it is unlikely that his feelings are strong and deep.
* The second criterion is ready to give. Very often, love relationships begin with beautifully, but do not stand collisions with difficulties and disintegrate. And all because the partners crave from their relationship as much pleasure and pleasure as possible, but instead are not ready to sacrifice anything. If a man tells a woman that she loves her, but at the same time he does not want to marry her because she has a child from the previous marriage, then the attitude of this man to this woman is purely consumer - he wants to enjoy communication with her, But at the same time does not want to sacrifice his life comfort to help her raise her child.
* Third criterion - emotional ratio of relationship. Not in vain say that true love is only happy. A loving person is experiencing from communication with the object of love only positive emotions - joy, happiness, spiritual heat, while the emotions of loved are often overwhelmed with jealousy, resentment and complaints. In short, the more in the soul of a man of love - the more positive emotions he is experiencing!

Manifestations of love

The two main manifestations of love are the ability to sacrifice and forgive the ability. If you want to understand, you love or not, think about it: what are you willing to sacrifice for your loved one and that you are willing to forgive him. And the more your willingness to the victim and forgiveness will be - the stronger and truly your love!

Adults and psychologically mature people It is peculiar to understanding the fact that love is manifested not so much in emotions and beautiful words as in behavior and actions. He loves not the one who swear in love and knows how to speak beautiful compliments, and the one who cares, feces, protects, sacrifices, gives, forgives.

One of the most basic manifestations of love is an experienced for the well-being of a loved one and the willingness to take personal participation in solving his life problems. A loving person will never quit in trouble, will never break the relationship from the considerations of personal convenience, well-being and comfort.

The boundaries of the ability to love are determined by the boundaries of a person's personality who experiences this feeling. A person can love another person just as much as he is generally capable of love. And I mean not love for someone specific person. And love in the global sense of this word is the love of peace, love for people, the love of everything alive. If your partner is used to living, experiencing dissatisfaction with himself, the world and people, then he never will never be able to love you truly. Not a gift ancient Roman poet and philosopher Ovidi in his famous composition "Science of Love" advised: "If you want to learn how your beloved will treat you, see how he belongs to the surrounding people."

As far as a multifaceted personality of a person is so multifaceted and diverse manifestations of love. In two different people love, despite the presence of the main general damnwill always manifest in different ways. One will love silently, not particularly scattering with love confessions, but will give himself a partner. The other is ready to tell the whole world about his feelings, write a poem and devote her to her beloved person - and it is also beautiful. But with all this, it is impossible to forget !!! That although the external manifestations of love are different, as they largely depend on the nature and temperament of a loving person. But the inner essence of love is one - the desire to see your loved one and the willingness to go for any sacrifices!

by Notes of wild mistress

Who does not need to care for a loved one?! But not like that weird questionBut it's no secret that there are people ready to give, but there are those who want to only receive all the goods from life. And what do you feel about? Complete the proposed test, and you will receive an answer to this question.

Dough Questions:

1. Your favorite corporate party at work. You can come with your companion, but optionally. Will you go with him?

A) of course - 5 points

C) I will go, if you call - 1 point

C) no, let him go one - 3 points

2. How would you like to celebrate the anniversary of your dating?

A) I dream of a fun party - 5 points

C) about a romantic evening - 1 point

C) I would like something original - 3 points

3. Most of all you fear that your loved one ...

A) gets sick - 1 point

C) cease you to appreciate - 1 point

C) ceases to interest you - 5 points

4. On your mobile, your favorite is configured ...

A) a special melody - 1 point

C) overall melody - 3 points

C) vibrating shifts - 5 points

5. If you have one car for two, who will ride it?

A) he, to work and on his affairs - 1 point

C) he will carry me - 5 points

C) I, of course - 3 points

6. Close person Gave you a thing that you did not like, and asks you to wear it. Did you give up his request?

A) Never - 5 points

C) Nadnu, because it is more important for me to like him - 1 point

C) I will wear it only at home, since he likes so much - 3 points

7. You offered a free triumph for a holiday per person. Will you go?

A) of course - 5 points

C) no, better refuse, and we will go on vacation with your beloved - 1 point

C) I will ask his opinions and do the way he says - 3 points

8. You have money, but on one thing, you buy ...

A) men's watches for him - 1 point

C) fashion handbag for yourself - 5 points

C) good camera for you with him - 3 points

9. The maximum victim to which you are capable of ...

A) to endure his friend's house, which you do not like - 1 point

C) make a complicated and time consuming dish for dinner, which you yourself do not like - 3 points

C) to give him in dispute - 5 points

10. Did you stay the last piece of delicious cake to whom will it come?

A) who will have time, he will eat - 3 points

C) heave him - 1 point

C) Of course, I am 5 points.

Test results:

10 - 19 points

In any situation, you proceed, above all, from the interests of the partner. If you yourself are so calmer and more comfortable, then nothing to worry about. And if you feel that you are suppressed and abused by your fasciance that you give much more than you get instead, it is not necessary to put up with it.

20 - 29 points

It is impossible to say that one of you gives more than it gets. In your relationship everything is wonderful "balanced". Everyone knows that his desires will not be ignored, but does not require too large victims from a partner. And where your opinions diverge. You know how to negotiate.

30 - 39 points

It is important for you that the person who is near you was ready for everything for you. You do not always require full return and yourself are not always ready for it. More often only when he deserved it.

40 - 50 points

Basically, your relationship is arranged under you. You prefer to receive, rather than give. If you have such a man next to you, then you are just lucky. But still do not forget about his needs. No matter how he loved you, but the game in the same gate will definitely be bored.

Psychology of Love Ilyin Evgeny Pavlovich

Test "What are you ready for your favorite?"

There are people for whom the main thing in love is given, not to take. And what do you feel about? Complete the proposed test, and you will receive an answer to this question.

Questions test

1. Your favorite corporate party at work. You can come with your companion, but optionally. Will you go with him?

a) of course. - five

b) I will go if I call. - one

c) No, let him go. - 3.

2. How would you like to celebrate the anniversary of your dating?

a) I dream of a fun party. - five

b) I dream of a romantic evening. - one

c) I would like something original. - 3.

3. Most of all you fear that your loved one ...

a) gets sick. - one

b) cease to appreciate you. - one

c) cease to interest you. - five

4. On your mobile, your favorite is configured ...

a) a special melody. - one

b) shared melody - 3

c) vibrating alert - 5

5. If you have one car for two, who will ride it?

a) he, to work and on his affairs. - one

b) He will carry me. - five

c) I, of course. - 3.

6. A close man gave you a thing that you didn't like, and asks you to dress it, will you give way to his request?

a) Never. - five

b) Nadovu, because it is more important for me to like him. - one

c) I will wear it only at home, since he likes so much. - 3.

7. You offered a free triumph for a holiday per person. Will you go?

a) of course. - five

b) No, I'll give up better, and we will go on vacation with your loved one. - one

c) I will ask his opinions and do the way he says. - 3.

8. You have money, but on one thing, you buy ...

a) Men's watches for him. - one

b) Fashionable handbag for yourself. - five

c) a good camera for you with him. - 3.

9. The maximum victim to which you are capable of ...

a) To endure his friend's homes that you do not like. - one

b) Prepare a complicated and laborious dish for dinner, which you yourself do not like. - 3.

c) to give him in the dispute. - five

10. Did you stay the last piece of delicious cake to whom will it come?

a) who will have time, he will eat. - 3.

b) heave him. - one

c) Of course, I am. - five

Test results

10-19 points. In any situation, you proceed primarily from the interests of the partner. If you yourself are so calmer and more comfortable, then nothing to worry about. And if you feel that you are suppressed and abused by your fasciance that you give much more than you get instead, it is not necessary to put up with it.

20-29 points. It is impossible to say that one of you gives more than it gets. In your relationship, everything is remarkablely balanced. Everyone knows that his desires will not be ignored, but does not require too large victims from a partner. And where your opinions diverge, you know how to negotiate.

30-39 points. It is important for you that the person who is near you was ready for everything for you. You do not always require full return and yourself are not always ready for it. More often only when he deserved it.

40-50 points. Mostly your relationship is under you. You prefer to receive, rather than give. If you have such a man next to you, then you are just lucky. But still do not forget about his needs. No matter how he loved you, but the game in the same gate will definitely be bored.

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Many of us had to abandon small to gain more. Especially if it was about a loved one. However, things exist, it would seem trivia, when we deprive themselves to be happy.

website will tell about what a wise man Will not go for the sake of a partner. And why he will not do this, learn at the end of the article.

The adoption of the appearance of a partner as it is, perhaps, the most obvious symptom of love. After all, we all fall love first into the image. If you like your reflection in the mirror, but at the same time you plan to change the wardrobe or start running in the morning to fit the idea of \u200b\u200byour favorite person, think: Does your man?

Both men and women sin with the fact that they love to compare their partners with former, parents, often with neighbors or colleagues. " Comparison - the death of joy ", "said Mark Twain. And scientists add that this is a direct path to depression, and not an object of comparison, but who is engaged in this, that is, your partner. Well, your condition, too, of course, will not be very good after all these "she earns more" or "Her borsch is tastier."

Temptation to remake a person under himself great, and often we take such attempts. Sometimes there is even benefit from this - for example, when we help your beloved person get rid of harmful habit . And if a partner against any trait of your character or your favorite classes?

It is important to figure it out: this is a minor trifle, which can not be taken into account for the sake of relationships, or the reflection of the inner nature, then without which your partner ceases to be itself. For example:

  • If your favorite person hinders your game on the drum in the next room on Sundays - it's worth thinking about the alternative place or time for music.
  • But if he is in principle against your hobby, even if you do it when it is not at home or at all in a music school, then it is necessary to reflect whether your relationship has a future.

It's no secret that distribution of household responsibilities for gender signs - remnants of the past. Modern men learned to cook tasty, and women are to deal with the dripping crane. Therefore, home affairs have long been a purely female or male work. And, it means, it is not necessary to take on yourself or demand from a partner to solve household problems on "sexual sign." Ideally, you need to strive to cope with life together: studies have shown that such couples have much higher satisfaction intimate life And in general, they are fine.

Healthy irony in relationships is cool, but the keyword here is "healthy". But to regularly make evil jokes that borders disrespect, not that. AND not it is worth thinking that it is just necessary to get used to it and not pay attention.Marriage researcher John Gottman and his group concluded that one of the main causes of divorces is the excessive sarcasticity of one of the partners.

Close people support us regardless of whether alone we are or paired. They too you need our attention, and the partner should not be this obstacle. The emotions that we get, communicating with friends or family members, differ from those that give us a partner. They are not better or worse, they are just others and need us to feel a full-fledged person.

The total bank account with a partner does not hurt, but also not to refuse to refuse. This is not a betrayal and not stiffness, but an effective way Exit yourself from the difficult situationFrom which no one is insured. This stability, feeling you will be less worried about trifles and give more time to your relationship.

The more we make actions that contradict our desires, the faster there are dissatisfaction with themselves. As a result, the state occurs "Everything is fine, but something is missing"because of which life becomes impexially gray.

Therefore, going once again in the hated forest you, instead of going to your favorite river, listen to yourself: is there any dull feeling inside you that your life lives anyone else?

To sacrifice the sake of relationship, of course, after all, their duration largely depends on the ability to compromise. But when you get up before choosing: go on a trip to Tibet, which you have dreamed of the last five years, or spend your holiday familiarly with your beloved person, because he wants so much - the question arises: what is more important - a dream or relationship? And the correct answer here is one: loving partners will not put each other before choosing the "I or Dream".

And finally. Any decision in a pair should not be deprived of the right to happiness neither you nor your soulam. After all unhappy person is not able to build healthy relationships, no matter how perfect is his partner.

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      • 16+Sexual relationships - love, sex, sex for women Sexual relationships are a means of establishing a connection with the opposite sex and at the same time it is a pleasant confirmation of this self-communication. The pleasure that we get from sex is able to bring not only pleasure and joy to partners, but also has enjoyable potential, however, along with this it can become very vulnerable, as it is in a peculiar way to deliver various problems to partners. It is with this today a lot of requests on the Internet - people regularly ask about sex and about sexual life in the hope of resolving their problems and learn more about sexual life. Our magazine is ready to help people seeking to saddle their sex life better, solve problems of this character and learn a lot of new and interesting about sex. Our 16+ heading contains all the most necessary information about sexual relations Between a man and a woman .. Here you can find answers to the most outstanding questions about sexual life, namely, you will read about various intimate councils and find out what mistakes are women in bed often make, we give many tips for long and passionate sex , tell about ...
      • Horoscope Love horoscope - for every year, day, month people have long since began to associate the events with how the stars are moving. Even the temperament of a person, his character and behavior with other people was explained by the way the stars were located at the time of the birth of a person. That is why a horoscope was created, the purpose of which was the most accurate determination of how astronomical bodies affect the person. Modern people And to date, we use the advice of astrologers that make up various forecasts. Women are much more likely to be fond of such predictions than male half of humanity, and given this fact, a new heading of horoscopes was created on our website. And since the beautiful floor is most worried about love and relationship, we made the greatest emphasis on a love horoscope, from which you can find out what awaits you love Front At a certain period of your life. With the help of such a horoscope, you can not only plan some events, but even a new look at the old friend, whom you first just did not notice - such horoscopes are often a good assistant in creating love relationships and strong families. In addition to love horoscope In our heading, you will also find other useful articles in which various horoscopes are described in detail, namely, this is a business horoscope, with which you can determine what awaits you career stairs And learn how to behave in the service in a certain ...
      • Tests Tests online - in one place about relations and feelings, life and love in lately Online tests are rapidly gaining popularity, and it is natural, because each person always wants to know the answers to the most important questions of his life and the life of their loved ones and friends. Especially, the tests are most relevant among girls, in fact, for which we created an interesting heading with various online tests, Pass which is not only interesting, but also informative. Passing the test and answering honestly on all the questions asked, you can see the reliable result of the test passed, in which all the answers to your questions will be described. In our magazine you can find many exciting tests online for free on absolutely different subjects, passing that you will learn answers to numerous exciting questions and you can make self conclusions or think about the problem you are interested in. All this helps not only learn more about themselves, but also to send to the right direction of those who do not know how to behave among those around others or cannot communicate with the opposite sex ... In the tests of our magazine, you will also be able to understand whether you will bring up children and really Does your chosen one love you, you will learn who do men consider and whether you are able to real women's friendship, and maybe you are interested in how good you know your favorite spouse ...