Ammonia for home flowers dosage. Ammonia - use in the garden for feeding and protection from pests

Some medications can be easily found in almost any medicine cabinet. They are actively used in everyday life or in certain critical situations. But at the same time, few people know that many of these funds can be useful not only for treatment, but also in completely other areas. So ordinary ammonia will help eliminate insects and pests, it will restore softness to the heels, whiten the laundry, and clean suede shoes. This substance is also often used by gardeners. The topic of our conversation today will be the use of ammonia in the garden in the fight for the harvest, as well as feeding plants with ammonia.

Ammonia- application for plants

Is it possible to water plants with ammonia? This question may well be spinning in the mind of the reader of this article. So, ammonia in its chemical structure is nothing more than an ammonia tincture, in other words, a nitrogenous compartment. So when caring for plants, ammonia can become an excellent source of nitrogen. Of course, in a diluted form...

Most of the crops growing in summer cottage, signal a lack of this substance by paleness and yellowing of the leaves. This is easily explained - in the absence of nitrogen, chlorophyll cannot form.

To prepare the simplest ammonia fertilizer, you need to dissolve three tablespoons of ammonia in ten liters (a bucket) of water. Water the plants with the resulting solution right to the roots.

Ammonia solution is a very easily available form of nitrogen for a variety of plants. And, as you know, all cultures without exception need this element. That is why it is worth using ammonia not only for severe symptoms of its deficiency, but for periodic feeding of plants that especially need nitrogen. These include lilies and clematis, etc.

Ammonia in the fight for crops to protect against pests

An ammonia solution will not only feed your plants personal plot, it will also help prevent the attacks of many pests and cope with them.

So, to combat aphids, you can dissolve fifty liters of water in one bucket of water. Add a little grated laundry soap to the container and mix well. Use the resulting spray solution.

You can also prevent mole cricket aggression by using ammonia. Dilute ten milliliters of this substance in a bucket of water. Pour half a liter of this solution into each hole when planning to plant. This measure will have an excellent preventive effect.

To get rid of carrot and onion flies, dilute five milliliters of ammonia in one bucket of water. Use the resulting solution to water the plants.

Onions and garlic in your beds may suffer from attacks from the secretive proboscis. To avoid such attacks or prevent them, dilute twenty-five milliliters of ammonia in one bucket of water. Use the resulting solution to water the beds once a week.

Ammonia will also help protect tomatoes from wireworms. Dilute ten milliliters of ammonia in a bucket of water. Pour half a liter of the resulting solution into each hole when planting tomatoes.

How else is ammonia useful for plants?

Ammonia will be an excellent find for those gardeners who grow seedlings. If you are using containers that have already been used, be sure to treat them thoroughly to decontaminate them. So, an excellent disinfectant effect will be achieved by using a mixture of eight parts water and one part ammonia. Add a couple of drops of dishwashing liquid to this solution. Just wash the containers with the resulting product and then dry them.

Ammonia will help speed up the ripening of the crop. To achieve this effect you need to mix two hundred and fifty milliliters of freshly squeezed apple juice, one hundred grams of baby shampoo, as well as one hundred grams of ammonia. Dilute the resulting mixture with ninety liters of warm water. Use the prepared solution for spraying plants: tomatoes, zucchini and other vegetables.

There is evidence that ammonia will help prevent birds from damaging berries. Dilute a tablespoon of this product in four liters of water. Mix a tablespoon of baby shampoo into the solution. Spray with this product after every rain. But before eating such fruits, do not forget to wash them.

Ammonia - use for indoor plants

A weak solution of ammonia will help saturate indoor plants with the nitrogen they need. For three liters of water, use a little less than a tablespoon of ammonia. Apply the resulting solution to water the roots.

If your indoor plants are affected by aphids, take them out to the balcony and spray them with a solution of three liters of water, fifteen milliliters of ammonia and a few drops of shampoo.

Keep in mind that it is not recommended to carry out such treatment indoors!

Additional information

Although ammonia in the garden is quite useful, we should not forget that it is quite aggressive. chemical substance, and its vapors are poisonous. That is why solutions of this substance are not recommended for use indoors. If you need to treat indoor plants, take them out onto the balcony. And when preparing medicinal solutions for your pets, do not inhale ammonia.

Traditional treatment ammonia

Ammonia has quite wide range applications. So experts traditional medicine It is recommended to use it for the treatment and prevention of many pathological conditions.

To prepare a healing mixture from ammonia, you need to mix a tablespoon with a liter of water. Stir well until dissolved. In a separate container, combine eighty to one hundred milliliters of ten percent ammonia with ten milliliters of camphor alcohol. Shake well and mix both prepared solutions; as a result, white flakes will form. Cover the container with a lid and shake until the flakes disappear. The finished mixture can be stored for one year, no more.

If you are concerned, warm the mixture by dipping it in warm water. Moisten the sore spot with it and wrap it with a warm scarf. Leave it overnight. In the same way, the mixture can be used to treat joint diseases.

To treat otitis, traditional medicine experts advise moistening a cotton swab with the mixture. Squeeze it a little and place it in the ear canal. Also lubricate the skin near the ear with the medicine. Wrap yourself in a warm scarf and go to bed.

To treat joint pain, traditional medicine experts advise preparing a tablespoon of ammonia and three tablespoons of water. Knead the dough from this solution and any flour, form a flat cake, roll it out and apply to the problem area. Wrap yourself in a warm scarf on top.

There is evidence that ammonia can contribute to treatment. To prepare the healing remedy, heat one hundred milliliters of warm milk, mix with two or three drops of ammonia. Mix well and drink ten minutes before a meal or twenty minutes after it. The duration of such therapy can be one month.

Ammonia will also help patients suffering from. Combine half a glass of hot milk with three drops of ammonia. Take at intervals of two hours seven times a day.

Patients with bunions should chop five large leaves bay leaf. Pour them into one hundred milliliters of ammonia, seal tightly and leave for one week. After preparing the medicine, prepare a warm foot bath by adding one tablespoon of regular soda to the water. Wipe your feet dry and lubricate the bones on your feet with the resulting tincture. Let the skin dry, then draw an iodine grid on the problem areas and put on warm socks. The duration of such therapy is two months.

There is evidence that medicine with ammonia can be used to treat radiculitis. Combine half a liter of ammonia with two handfuls of crushed thuja fruits. Infuse the medicine in a fairly dark place for one week. Strain the finished tincture and use it for rubbing.

Patients with gout are advised to chop twenty ripe chestnuts. Fill them with half a liter of ammonia and send them to a fairly dark place for a month. Combine the strained medicine with four bottles of iodine. Use the mixture to lubricate the affected areas. Carry out this procedure immediately before a night's rest, and do not forget to warm yourself.

Ammonia can be an excellent medicine for treating bedsores. To do this, combine fifty milliliters of this substance with one hundred grams of glycerin. Use the prepared solution to lubricate bedsores. After the product has dried, sprinkle the affected area with baby powder.

If you are concerned toothache, mix three milliliters of ammonia with four tablespoons of lemon juice. Soak a cotton swab with this mixture and apply it to the affected tooth.

Traditional medicine experts say that ammonia can be a good medicine for treating fungal diseases. Dilute a tablespoon of this substance in two hundred milliliters of cool water. Soak a piece of cotton cloth in the liquid and wrap it around your foot. Put plastic and a sock on top. Carry out this procedure before going to bed. Complete five to seven sessions of this treatment in total.

There is evidence that ammonia is a simple and effective medicine from sweaty feet. To achieve the desired therapeutic effect, you just need to prepare baths with it. Dissolve a teaspoon of ammonia in a liter of water. Carry out the procedure for ten to fifteen minutes, then let your feet dry completely.

Ammonia is amazing useful substance, which can be useful in farming, gardening, and medicine. However, before using it for therapeutic purposes in the preparation of traditional medicine, be sure to consult your doctor.

» Medicines

Nitrogen for plants is the most basic element in the diet. In order for any plants - indoors, gardening, even cereals in the fields - to actively grow, flutter, increase their green mass, actively bloom and bear fruit - they need nitrogen. The most accessible form for nitrogen absorption is ammonia or ammonium nitrate NH4CL. We will talk further about its use in the garden and vegetable garden.

Ammonia is an ammonia solution in which nitrogen is in the form of ammonium nitrate compound - NH4CL. In the surrounding nature, nitrogen is most often found in the form of such chemical forms as amide NH2+, ammonia NH3, ammonium NH4+, nitrite NO2-, nitrate NO3-, which, as a result of the natural cycle in nature, pass from one form to another under the influence of bacteria and microorganisms.

As you know, plants very quickly absorb nitrates in any quantity, but they do not really like nitrogen in the form of ammonia. Or rather, nitrogen in this form is not able to accumulate in plant tissues, that is, when feeding fruits, vegetables, and flowers with ammonia, you can not be afraid of oversaturation with ammonia.

In order to organic fertilizers Having finally saturated the plants with the nitrogen they need, the process of decomposition of organic matter (manure, droppings) with the help of microorganisms must go through. Ammonia is converted into forms available for absorption by plants directly, without the participation of any external microorganisms.

Ammonia is the same ammonia solution

Benefits for the garden

So, nitrogen is the main source of nutrition for plant organisms. A bright green lush crown, an abundance of flowers and then fruits, active vegetative development - all this depends on the nitrogen content in the soil, since plants are able to take it only from the soil (in the air up to 78% of nitrogen is in a form inaccessible to plants). The condition of your pets will indicate a lack of nitrogen:

  • yellowing, pallor of the lower leaves on seedlings and adult plants;
  • thin, weak stem and small leaves;
  • growth retardation, lack of flowers;
  • weak immunity – reduced resistance to frost.

A lack of nitrogen during development will lead to significant yield loss.

In this case, immediate feeding of plants with nitrogen is required. In order not to oversaturate them with saltpeter, which they accumulate in their fruits and tissues, it is best to add ammonia to the soil (feeding recipes will be given below).

Besides, the pungent smell of the product repels many pests and insects, and treatment with ammonia is an excellent means of combating them.

Ammonia solution as fertilizer

Nightshade crops - potatoes, eggplants, as well as peppers, cabbage, pumpkin and zucchini - need a high nitrogen content in the soil for active development and fruiting. Among fruit and berry crops, raspberries, blackberries, cherries and plums respond very well to fertilizing with ammonia. They need to be processed several times during the beginning of the growing season, the formation of buds and flowering.

Dahlias, roses, peonies, clematis, violets, zinnias and nasturtiums will delight you with luxurious blooms - these flowers simply love fertilizing with nitrogen in the form of an ammonia solution.

Cucumbers, tomatoes, carrots, beets, corn, garlic, currant and gooseberry bushes, apple trees and annual flowers are content with the average nitrogen content in the soils.

Pears, radishes, onions and bulbous flowers consume nitrogen in moderation.. But legumes do not need additional fertilizing at all - they are able to absorb nitrogen from the air and accumulate it on root nodules, enriching the soil for other plants.

A universal solution of nitrogenous fertilizing for any vegetable and fruit crops - dilute 50 ml of ammonia in 4 liters of water. If a weak solution is needed, dilute 1 tablespoon of the product in 10 liters of water, a strong solution (maximum permissible) - 1 teaspoon per 1 liter of water.

How to fertilize

Fruit trees, bushes, and perennial flowers are watered with a universal solution 2-3 times per season. Tomatoes are fed once a week, starting with minimal doses and gradually increasing the concentration. At the beginning of the formation of the ovaries, add a solution of 2 tbsp under the cucumbers. spoons/10 liters of water.

To obtain lush green arrows on onions, water the culture with a concentrated solution (1 tsp/1 liter of water). But to get good harvest large onions and garlic, water them with a weak solution of the product once a week.

As a preventive measure, all vegetables, berry bushes, fruit trees and flowers are watered at the root once every 7-10 days with a weak solution of ammonia - 1 tablespoon per 1 bucket of water. Gradually the dose can be increased if the plants need it.

Fertilizing with ammonia has a very beneficial effect on seedlings of tomatoes, peppers and cabbage, which are produced 2 weeks after picking. When planting in open ground Half a liter of the mixture (10 ml/10 l of water) is poured into each hole - this also serves as feeding and works well against mole crickets.

Pest Control

The pungent smell of ammonia affects many pests, even in concentrations that are imperceptible to humans. It is successfully used against insects such as:

  • ants;
  • mole cricket;
  • wireworm;
  • aphids, midges on indoor plants;
  • onion and carrot flies.

To do this, prepare a soap solution: rub 100-200 g of laundry soap on a fine grater, dissolve in 1 liter hot water, and then gradually, stirring thoroughly, add 50 ml of 25% ammonia to 10 liters of ordinary water. The resulting solution is immediately sprayed on tree fruits, leaves, cabbage, tomatoes, cucumbers - in a word, all crops that need treatment. This will not only repel pests, wasps and beetles, but will also be a good foliar fertilizer for plants.

Soap is added to the solution so that the solution sticks to the leaves better, and before eating, you just need to wash the fruit thoroughly with running water.

To get rid of flies and ants, you can water the beds with a weak solution (preventive fertilizing will have a complex effect).

Security measures

The pungent odor of ammonia and its vapor, if basic protective measures are not followed, can be dangerous:

  • sudden inhalation can cause respiratory arrest, so it is better to mix solutions in well-ventilated areas;
  • in people suffering from hypertension, it can cause a sharp increase in blood pressure;
  • ammonia - medicinal product and under no circumstances should it be mixed with chlorine-containing substances;
  • To avoid burns, be careful not to get the product on the skin and mucous membranes.

When used correctly, following proportions and rules, ammonia will become your indispensable assistant and friend for plants. They will certainly thank you healthy appearance and a rich harvest.

Ammonia- This aqueous solution ammonia, a substance with a strong and very pungent odor. In everyday life, it is usually used to induce vomiting or to revive an unconscious person. Ammonia has not only medical, but also economic use: It is added to water for washing glass and to remove dirt from jewelry. But experienced gardeners use ammonia for completely different purposes. We will tell you why plants are watered with ammonia in our article.

Ammonia as a fertilizer

Ammonia is a source of nitrogen in a form easily absorbed by plants. It is especially well received by garden plants such as onions, garlic, cucumbers, pumpkin, zucchini, potatoes, peppers, eggplants, rhubarb, cabbage and tomatoes. Of the trees and shrubs, plums, cherries, raspberries, currants, gooseberries, strawberries and blackberries respond gratefully to fertilization with ammonia. Fertilizing the soil with ammonia promotes more luxuriant flowering of lilies, hydrangeas, peonies, roses, dahlias, geraniums and clematis.

How to dilute ammonia for irrigation? Add three tablespoons of ammonia to 10 liters of water and pour the solution under the root to better growth bushes tomatoes once or twice a season. cucumbers water with a solution of 3 tablespoons of ammonia in 10 liters of water regularly: once every 10 days.

Watering the beds with a solution of 1 tablespoon of ammonia in a bucket of water onions promotes the rapid and lush growth of its greenery, and if you want to get large and juicy onion heads, then water the beds with this solution once a week.

Watering garlic ammonia to increase yield is carried out twice a season. To prepare the fertilizer, a tablespoon of the drug is diluted in 10 liters of water.

To speed up the ripening of the crop due to impending frosts, you need to spray the unripe fruits with the following composition: 250 ml of apple cider vinegar, one bottle of ammonia and 100 ml of baby shampoo are diluted in 90 liters of water.

Ammonia for pests

Treating the beds with ammonia will help you get rid of harmful insects such as aphids, carrot flies, secretive proboscis, ants, wireworms, mole crickets, slugs and house flies. To prepare an insecticidal solution for aphids, you need to pour 50 g of ammonia into a bucket of water, add a few tablespoons of liquid soap, mix the composition well and immediately spray the plants with it on the leaves.

carrot fly repelled from the beds by treating the crops and the soil underneath them with a solution of 5 ml of ammonia in a bucket of water.

To combat wireworm a stronger solution is needed: 10 ml of alcohol is mixed with 10 liters of water, after which half a liter of solution is poured under each plant.

To get rid of secretive proboscis, you will need to dissolve 25 ml of ammonia in 10 liters of water. The plants are treated with this composition and the soil in the garden is sprayed. Garlic and onions are treated with a solution of ammonia from the secretive proboscis every week at the beginning of summer.

From weevil on strawberries, the beds are treated every week, starting in summer, with a solution of 25 ml of ammonia in 5 liters of water.

Remove from cabbage and tomato plots mole cricket it is possible by treating them at the beginning of the season 1-2 times with the same solution as for the secretive proboscis.

An excellent remedy for ants is a solution of 100 ml of ammonia in 1 liter of water, which must be poured into the anthill, and the plants inhabited by ants are sprayed over the leaves of the cooled boiled water with 8 ml of aqueous ammonia diluted in it.

Flower growers who cannot get rid of small flower midges on indoor plants will be helped by a solution of 1-2 ml of ammonia in 5 liters of boiled water, sprayed on the plants and the surface of the substrate in pots.

Starting a garden means starting to live differently from most people you know. The gardener's calendar provides many dates that do not correspond to standard human concepts.

A separate paragraph appears on loosening, fertilizing, awakening plants, and preparing the soil. But a particularly important point for all amateur gardeners and experienced summer residents is the application of fertilizers.

Here you will not only need to know when to add substances to the soil with and without plants. It is important to select the right component. After all, any fertilizer can harm and ruin the harvest.

Ammonia is a familiar remedy for wounds with antiseptic and wound-healing properties. The same medical raw materials help gardeners strengthen and heal seedlings and adult plants.

Characteristics of ammonia alcohol as a fertilizer

Aqueous ammonia is a medical preparation with a rather strong pungent odor. This is not to say that it is in every home. A novice gardener will not immediately understand how the medicine will help garden plot. Ammonia tincture is sold in concentrated form.

Is a nitrogenous substance ( chemical compound). The smell is unpleasant for humans, but for flowers and other green “inhabitants” of the garden, the composition of ammonia will be beneficial:

  • absorption occurs directly;
  • contains required quantity useful components;
  • bacteria and harmful microorganisms cannot stand the smell of caustic liquid;
  • the soil is quickly replenished with nitrogen;
  • prevention can be carried out when there is a lack of soil saturation.

The importance of liquid or dry ammonia is that by replenishing the soil with microelements, the plant is able to carry out photosynthesis. Without sufficient quantity Without nitrogen, the plant not only develops poorly, but also dies.

The density of aqueous ammonia is 82% nitrogen. This figure indicates its usefulness even in severely damaged soil (without the presence of microelements for plant life).

Need to know! In most cases, people think that the planted flower, vegetable or bush gets enough nitrogen from the air. This opinion is wrong. The roots are in the ground, not in the air. Plants receive moisture from the ground through their roots. The conclusion suggests itself: vital substances are absorbed only from the earth.

The beneficial qualities and properties of ammonia are useful if you experience:

  • a tree previously characterized as frost-resistant loses its resistance to frost;
  • growth has stopped abruptly or there is a noticeable inhibition;
  • the stems have become more brittle and lose their richness;
  • the leaves have become underdeveloped. They began to turn yellow, pallor appeared on the lower parts of the plates;
  • untimely shedding, premature withering of buds and buds occurs;
  • flowering has stopped or decreased.

All of these phenomena can occur only for two reasons: a lack of nitrogen or pests in the soil. You can check and treat the “garden ward” using ammonia.

The benefits and harms of fertilizer

Ammonia as a fertilizer copes well with its mission. At the same time, mole crickets, midges, aphids and wireworms, carrot flies and ant colonies, as well as secretive proboscideans cannot tolerate the causticity of ammonia and leave the place of deployment.

The benefits and effectiveness of using ammonia in gardening have been proven for decades. Ammonia is no less necessary in gardening than in medicine.

But even here you will need to know the contraindications, side effects and the danger of overdose when preparing ammonia liquid for feeding.

There is a kind of treatment of a living organism that can die due to the wrong approach to therapy.

Important! A large number of chemical nitrogen products are offered in agricultural stores for fertilizing and feeding, and preventing pests. The positive thing is that there is no odor. But the impact and results are 5 times worse. Than from the use of ammonia.

It is more profitable to use ammonia for plants: the price is significantly lower than that of the chemicals offered. Plus, chemical nitrogen substances leave a residue in garden plants harmful salts: nitrates and nitrites.

Read also: Application of Tiovit Jet fungicide for plants: description, composition of the drug, processing features

These elements have a negative effect on the human body. If fertilizing is done with ammonia, then nitrates do not accumulate in the fruits.

But besides the positive aspects, there are also negative nuances:

Pros of useDisadvantages of fertilizing with ammonia
Rapid absorption of ammonia by plantsIf plants are fertilized with ammonia, do not allow it to come into contact with the fruits. They will be unusable. After fertilization and prevention with alcohol, vegetables and fruits are washed several times under running water.
Does not harm the development and vitamin composition of vegetables and fruits
In case of overdose, it is enough to rinse the fruits well 3-5 timesStrong bad smell
Long term actionTreat the area and fruits with extreme care. Follow precautions. Avoid contact with eyes, mucous membranes and skin

Efficiency of using the substance for plants

You can judge whether ammonia is useful or effective at the beginning of the gardening season. Summer residents go to pharmacies and agricultural stores to purchase ammonia. Moreover, purchases are made in bulk.

Home gardeners also use ammonia. Houseplants They react well to it and absorb it.

The effect is no worse than with vegetable and fruit plants. The liquid is recommended by experienced gardeners for beginning gardeners.

For which plants is ammonia contraindicated?

Ammonia is useful and necessary for plants. But there are a number of rules for using and preparing the solution. The green mass lives different period. They are divided into perennials and annuals.

The cycle is connected only by flowering, the ability to bear fruit. The development, growth and duration of indoor plants is not related to pollination. Therefore, it is necessary to feed regularly.

Vegetable crops require pollination by insects; fertilizing will be required regularly, but in small or medium quantities. Hence the need to treat the soil with ammonia frequently, medium or lightly.

Nitrogen lovers include:

  • vegetables: peppers and cabbage, potatoes and rhubarb, pumpkin and eggplant, zucchini;
  • for flowering, ammonia will be required for flowers: peonies and dahlias, clematis and other perennial bulbous flowers;
  • fruits: blackberries and raspberries, strawberries and plums, cherries.

Ammonia is especially good for seedlings. Suitable for literally everyone during the growing period at home or in greenhouses.

But there is a list of plants that require ammonia only in weak solutions.

Benefits in the presence of pests:

  • apple tree, currant, gooseberry;
  • annual flowers and corn;
  • garlic, beets and tomatoes with cucumbers.

For these plants, only an average amount of mixing proportions will be required.

General rules for use as fertilizer

Ammonia solution can be used both pharmaceutical (10%) and technical (25%). The most common is the first liquid option. The price is attractive and breeding is less troublesome.

Read also: Features of using Krizal fertilizer for cut flowers

The second version of ammonia is applicable for pharmaceutical companies and for agriculture. Sales are carried out exclusively in specialized stores: reagents or fertilizers.

To prepare the necessary “medicinal” mixture, smaller doses will be required. And the introduction of ammonia into the soil is observed in accordance with the general rules.

In order for ammonia to be beneficial in the country house or garden, it is recommended to follow the recommendations and rules:

  • for spraying, it is better to use a watering can with large holes;
  • The solution must not be stored before use. It is allowed to use only fresh, only cooked;
  • all manipulations where the proportions are met (especially when it comes to feeding strawberries) are carried out with ammonia in cloudy weather. Preferably in the evening or early in the morning. The sun promotes burns after treatment.

Always follow the dosage when dissolving ammonia. Depends on the name of the crop that is treated with ammonia. Medicinal watering is done on moist soil.

This means that shortly before processing it is necessary to water the crop. This procedure prevents burns.

Since ammonia is a toxic substance, the safest method of watering is at the root. This method will help avoid damage to leaves, flowers and stems.

Instructions for preparing the solution

Ammonia has 2 sales options: 10% and 25%. It's better to use a pharmacy. It is less harmful, preparation is simple and convenient. A standard bottle contains 40 ml of liquid.

Opening the lid, a strong unpleasant smell hits your nose. So keep the bottle away. The instructions for use do not have specific instructions for use as a fertilizer.

Selection of dosage

A 25% ammonia solution is diluted in a smaller amount than 10%. The calculation is based on 1 liter of water. In case of severe nitrogen starvation, dissolve 1 tbsp. l. for vegetable fruits, water only under the roots. The solution is made into 10 liters. add 3 tbsp. l. Stir well.

The dosage increases if you plan to water flower crops and bulbous vegetables with ammonia. For 10 liters you will need 25 ml. For garden crops - 50 ml for the same amount of water as the previous option.

The concentration of aqueous ammonia, the density of which is 25%, is significantly reduced for foliar feeding of flowers or for seedlings: 1 l = 1 tsp. ammonia.

When using a standard 4 liter liquid, 1 bottle will be required. Indoor plants are sprayed with a weak solution of alcohol.

Security measures

Ammonium ammonia or ammonia is a poisonous means of combating problems in the garden. It is beneficial for plants, but people should follow safety rules. The pungent odor of ammonia contributes to the appearance of burns on mucous membranes when inhaled and poisoning.

When preparing a mixture of ammonia, the summer resident must wear a respirator and rubber gloves (thick household gloves or 2 pairs of medical ones). Pour and mix carefully to avoid contact with skin, hair or mucous membranes.

Signs of poisoning appear quickly: nausea, vomiting, burning and itching of the mucous membranes. During the treatment of soil or plants, you can also get poisoned and cause damage to your health. All actions are carried out wearing gloves and a face mask.

How to use it to feed plants?

The popularity of ammonia is growing every year. Starting with raising seedlings. Some experienced gardeners use it year-round in greenhouses. Compliance with the recipe is an important part, but manipulation is not the last thing.

Cucumbers and tomatoes

For growing tomatoes and cucumbers, ammonia is useful from the moment of planting and growing seedlings. It is a fungal prevention and promotes rapid development.

It is a proven fact that the susceptibility of vegetable crops decreases if fertilizing with ammonia is carried out at the seedling stage. So tomatoes and cucumbers are less susceptible to infection with powdery and false powdery mildew. Plants will suffer 5 times less from late blight.

Summer residents believe that by fertilizing cucumbers and tomatoes with ammonia, the appearance of barren flowers is reduced. The ovaries increase, growth activity doubles.

With a lack of nitrogen, plants not only lose fresh look, becoming pale and yellowish, but also stop blooming and bearing fruit. In such cases, gardeners use ammonia for seedlings. It not only serves as a fertilizer for plants, but also protects them from diseases and insects. The use of ammonia for seedlings has a positive effect.

Ammonia for seedlings - application

Just as bread is the main food product for humans, so for seedlings it is considered the best fertilizer. The peculiarity of its use for seedlings is that there is never too much of it. This means that plants always need ammonia; they cannot be overfed with ammonia. Treating seedlings with ammonia is effective against many garden pests.

So, it protects strawberry seedlings from weevils. The product is merciless to currant bushes and trees. The advantage of its use is its all-season nature - it can be used at any period of plant development. The most important thing in this process is to prepare the correct concentration of the product. Its effect directly depends on the accuracy of the dosage.

How to dilute ammonia for seedlings?

Depending on what garden culture The product is calculated and for what purposes it is used, a consistency is prepared from alcohol and water. When feeding seedlings with ammonia, their proportions per 10 liters of water are:

  • 1 tbsp. l. 25% ammonia is the maximum dosage for “first aid” to plants with a clear lack of nitrogen;
  • 3 tbsp. l. 25% ammonia – for fruit and vegetable crops;
  • 50 ml – for spraying garden crops;
  • 25 ml – for watering flowers and bulbous plants;
  • 1 tsp. – for seedlings and foliar feeding flower crops.

How to feed seedlings with ammonia?

Feeding seedlings with ammonia is especially necessary for crops such as rhubarb and eggplant. It is necessary for squash vegetable crops. By feeding with ammonia, dahlias, peonies, clematis, roses, violets, and zinnias will bloom. The product has a beneficial effect on the yield of berry crops. Cucumbers, tomatoes, beets, garlic, carrots, corn, currants, gooseberries and apple trees are less in need of nitrogen. Therefore, they rarely need to be fed.

For these purposes, a weak solution is prepared. When growing onions, the proportions of the concentrate are determined based on the purpose of its use. So, to feed the onion bed 3 tbsp. l. ammonia is diluted in 10 liters of water. To grow onions per feather, its dosage is reduced to a volume of 1 tsp. Water volume – 10 l. In order to develop the onion head, fertilizing is done every week. A weak solution of ammonia is used.

How to water seedlings with ammonia?

When stepsons appear on tomatoes, the seedlings are watered with ammonia in order to feed them. When using a 10% solution of ammonia for seedlings, its proportions with water should be in the ratio of 2 tbsp. l. for 10 liters. If 25% ammonia is available, then the dosage will be based on 1 tbsp. l. for 10 liters of water. Watering tomatoes must be done at the root of the crop.

The prepared concentrate is distributed approximately one liter per bush. The watering procedure affects the vegetable crop in the most fruitful way. The tomato leaves turn green, the bushes bloom and begin to bear fruit. Ammonia promotes surprisingly rapid growth of tomatoes. The main thing is not to overdo it with watering. 2-3 procedures at the beginning of the tomato growing season are enough. Cucumbers and cabbage grow well thanks to watering the concentrate. Water them only 2 times on wet soil.

How to spray seedlings with ammonia?

It is advisable to spray seedlings with ammonia at least 5 times during the season: in April (when the seedlings have not yet been transferred to the garden), at the time of their “relocation” to open ground, at the time of flowering, during the fruiting period and after harvesting the first harvest . The procedure should be carried out in clear, calm weather (when there is no rain or wind). You can spray plants in the evening, at sunset.

Ammonia for seedlings against pests

Ammonia effectively protects plants from many types of pests. Ammonia is often used against aphids on seedlings. He is also merciless to:

  • weevil;
  • Drosophila;
  • bear;
  • to a secretive hunter on a bow.

To protect plants from weevils, you should water them with the prepared concentrate every week at the root. The ratio of ammonia and water should be 50 ml per bucket. The procedure must be carried out until the weevils are completely destroyed. For other pests, smaller doses of ammonia are sufficient. Watering is mainly used to control garden insects. To protect crops from aphids, spraying is necessary.

Due to its versatility, ammonia can be used for most plants. It is effective not only for plant growth and increasing their productivity, but also for protection against harmful insects. This affordable product is used in minimal doses and is therefore harmless to plants. It is useful not only to water them with ammonia diluted in water, but also to spray them with this solution.