Stages of real love in relationships and their characteristics. What is real love how to show love

For each person there is its own definition of this feeling. Someone is convinced that love is the ability to give life for an expensive person, in understanding him, this is a desire and desire to make a second half happy. There may be many such definitions, and, for sure, we are all right in their own way, investing our own in the notion of what real love is.

What is love with a spiritual and material point of view

Explanation of love in terms of biochemistry

Biochemists do not deny that love can be called one of the most complex feelings, and fully explain it using a scientific model, it is simply impossible. And yet, a number of research, helps to see what is happening with a person during this period.

Scientists consider this concept as an integrated process of imprinting, which is based on the interaction of psychological experience, the influence of hormones, genetic factors. As a result, everyone appears some internal guidelines operating at the subconscious level - they immediately define a suitable partner. Such an orientation matrix is \u200b\u200balso called a love card.

As you know, various biochemical incentives are able to activate a romantic reaction. According to scientists, pheromones can have a noticeable effect on this process. We are talking about the smells that arise with sexual imposition. It should be noted that in the sweat of men, there is a chemical substance that is called Androstenol - it is precisely it attracts certain women. In turn, the composition of women's vaginal secretion includes substances that are referred to as copulin. Some period ago, there were even control experiments that call men inhaling this substance! As a result, it turned out that copylues under the power to increase the sexual attractiveness of a woman.

When the recovery stage begins, phenylethylamine affects the brain, which is similar to amphetamines and other means exciting euphoria. This process carries people who actually act on them. And yet, it is important to note that it is gradually the impact of sometimes weakens, and then the search for a new partner can begin - in this way, a person seeks to survive the same euphoria.

Explanation of love in terms of spirituality

Of course, Christianity also has its own opinion on this. This word is characterized by various states, and which - depends on the world's worldview. Its purity of the heart is taken into account, a personal "life feat." First of all, from the point of view of spirituality, love is expressed in the ability to sacrifice, and learn sacrifice is very difficult. It is believed that such qualities as selfishness, pride, self-love, who closed the heart in the circle of care only about their good, their benefit, is opposed to this. If a person is not able to sacrifice for the other in great matters and everyday life, then love can not be a speech. In this case, striving for your own happiness, as a result, we do not achieve it, remaining alone - dissatisfaction will remain, even if we managed to know many earthly pleasures.

There is an opinion that a spiritual person has an acute intelligence, a developed feeling of aesthetics, extensive knowledge and wonderful education. However, according to Orthodoxy, without love in the heart, all these qualities are insignificant.

Definition of love in your own words, briefly and clear

If we talk briefly, and summarize all the arguments of biochemists and representatives of Orthodoxy, it can be said that real love is a desire to take care of another person and make it happy. At the same time, the desire is invariably to move into action.

What does love mean in human life

Many are convinced that only love is able to give the meaning of life, and, of course, it is almost impossible to argue with it. Often, throughout the life of a person, one way or another, love passes. First we feed this strong feeling for parents or caregivers, then to friends, then "first love" comes to a representative (representative) of the opposite sex, to children, homeland, to life, to nature, to God, to humanity and so on. At the same time, the sequence can be different, but no matter how it was, without love can not do. Someone believes that this gift helps to achieve in the life of vertices, but there are also such people who are convinced that because of him lost something important and necessary in their lives - everyone, of course, their own story and their own truth.

Whatever there, nor, but, without love, a person morally dies. If he had to grow in anger, he himself turns out to be embittered on all around him, as if wanted to take revenge on suffering. Do not carry in the heart of love, a person does not know the compassion and does not know what forgiveness is - as a result, he often feels emptiness, not even realizing to the end, where she came from.

Meanwhile, love gives us the opportunity to find in life all the benefits necessary for complete happiness - harmony, understanding, trust, respect, compassion. A person who loves and which loves, gets the most powerful stimulus for growth - spiritual, career, and so on. He learns to set clear goals and has the strength to achieve them. One day, many of us come to the conclusion that when love turns out to be in the first place, the rest of the values \u200b\u200band benefits also acquire their own places.

Why do we fall in love with some and ignore others

(Often more favorable and attractive partners)

Surely, you know the expression "compete on the same rake." It is often applied when some stories from personal life sound. Many men and women choose partners who are largely similar to their previous passions, and often do not even give themselves the report. Why is it going on?

You can call three reasons for such a phenomenon:

1) Ideal in the subconscious. From the young age, in the subconscious of many men, an image of an ideal partner appears. It can be formed under the influence of many factors - mothers, the heroine of the film, attractive and good neighbor and so on. Years will pass, and the man may not even remember why it is the thrill, for example, brunettes and girls with green eyes. Of course, the ideal consists of several characteristics that do not have to be "perfect" in the generally accepted concept. As soon as the young man still meets a girl who has at least some qualities idealized by him in the subconscious, he begins to experience strong feelings for it. Moreover, sometimes similar meetings are perceived by a man as a gift of fate, an amazing coincidence or a dream, which unexpectedly became a reality. In fact, such acquaintances have nothing to do with a miracle - this is the result of the subconscious search for the ideal partner.

2) Narcissism. Oddly enough, but narcissism also sometimes plays a role in finding an ideal partner. Probably, you have repeatedly heard how some guy talks about his beloved: "We are so similar!", "She has the same tastes in food, like me," we have the same sense of humor, we understand each other With a half pass, "" In her childhood, there were also problems with parents. " Considering yourself in something perfect or disadvantaged, we see these features in other people, considering them close to themselves in spirit. Since a person often loves himself, then this feeling he is ready to spread and in whom he sees his reflection in one degree or another.

3) EDIP complex. It is the opinion that almost every man carries the EDIP complex - it can be expressed quite clearly or weakly. What is meant? No matter how cool, if the boy grows with his mother, she involuntarily becomes the first woman to which he begins to experience strong feelings. Yes, they have certain differences from those feelings that later he will experience a peer, but they are still very strong, and impose a certain imprint. Many boys their mother seems "the most beautiful in the world", "smart" and so on. Subconsciously, this installation may remain. As a result, a young man will pay attention to girls who have some kind of similarity with his mother. It may be character trait, hair color, manner talking, business and much more.

The opposite situation may also be established. If a man had a hard relationship with her mother, and some moments from childhood he could not remember without shudder, then it is likely that he will look for a partner who will have as little as possible with his parent.

How to understand, you love a person or not

Consider signs of love that arose directly from a man to a woman.

Signs of real love

Sexual attraction

If you are experiencing a strong sexy craving for some individual, it is possible that this is not limited to this, and you are truly in love. Probably, many are known to the history when, after many years of marriage, the feelings of spouses will fade, and this leads to the fact that they stop "wanting" each other. If the attraction is, that is, a place and love - of course, the first can be without a second, however, the love of a man to a woman without sexy traction is rare.

Soul contact

As we mentioned, a sexual desire can be one of the signs of love, but a much more serious indicator is a tendency to spiritual contact with a person. You want to be in society a certain girl, know what her own is the opinion on this or that account. It can manifest itself both in real meetings and with virtual communication, phone calls. If you are experiencing a need to communicate with a particular girl, it clearly indicates that it is not indifferent to you.

Inner space

Many men try to limit their inner space with certain frameworks, strive for some freedom. If someone begins to encroach on the borders erected, the man reacts quite painfully and sharply, however, if you feel that you do not want to hide anything from this girl, but on the contrary, even want it to become the main part of your personal life, then Most likely, you fell in love.


One of the most pronounced signs of real love. If you feel that for your chosen, you can change the well-minded habits, forget about some long-time hobbies, then it says a lot - it means that you are ready to go to certain sacrifices, and in the empty place of this, of course, does not happen.

Pretty attitude

You can not care anything about what others will think about you, what the impression you make, what impact your some words and actions do. However, all this does not apply to a specific girlfriend. Its an opinion is important to you, you do not want to offend her, and it hurts you to realize that you could have been offended by your own action. Of course, if the peace of mind and balance of a certain woman is important, then this is a sign of your love for her.


When we love, they involuntarily strive to improve life and care for your beloved in all plans. It can be expressed in the trifles (the desire to bring coffee to bed) and in more global appearances (buy winter boots). A man who loving a woman partly relates to her as his own child - for him the concern for her, including material.

Symptoms of manifestation of love

If you love a woman, it is determined by some "symptoms". You often think about it, scroll into your dialogue in your head, dream of a meeting, you want to know about it, as much as possible, strive to often go to her society, want to do something pleasant for her.

Sometimes, it is very difficult to distinguish these two feelings, since the external manifestations are very similar. And yet, there are also important differences. So, love can flare up after the first meeting, while for the development of real love it takes a certain time. As a result, love can last completely for a long time (a maximum of 3 years), while real love over the years is only strengthened and not subject to time.

It is worth recognizing that love, like love, cause a desire to possess the object of their feelings, communicate with him. However, we note that the in love, first of all, it eager to get pleasure and pleasure from contact with a close person, while a loving person, nevertheless, is more aimed at becoming the source of happiness for a beloved man, even if he is not ready that - Loom to give instead. Simply put, love usually seeks to get, and love is to give. That is why love can be called quite ordinary things, but not all people are able to love sincerely. If you are capable of self-sacrifice for your halves, then a sense of love is definitely familiar to you.

The people in love idealizes the partner, and when it turns out that he is not as perfect, as it was assumed, it begins to annoy and repel. Loving everything happens differently - he initially sees all the negative aspects of the object of love, and accepts them.

If a person loves, he does not require recoil. Not reciprocal is unable to awaken in it hatred, malice and other negative feelings. If reciprocity fails to achieve a person in love, he begins to experience a gamma of negative feelings to the chosen one.

What is the difference between love from affection

It happens that people no longer have any love to each other, begin to "look" on other possible partners, but at the same time they do not part. They explain their union simply - they love each other, but now they have a difficult period. Of course, it happens that, but most often the fact is that love has long gone to the place of affection. How to determine?

To begin with, let's try to formulate these terms. Love can be called an unconditional feeling for the person, which excludes pronounced negative emotions and motivations. Loving emphasis sincerely wishes happiness to his chosen one. In turn, attachment is called a conditional feeling towards the neighbor, which is fully familiar and negative emotions: the fear of losses, dependence, aggravated jealousy, demanding.

Many psychologists have their own way to determine - like a person, or is inflicted. So, we propose to use this method. Imagine that you with your partner broke up for quite some time, and today simply remember that time you were together. What memories pop up first thing, what emotions are you feeling from the presence of this person in your life first? Joy or dissatisfaction with something dissatisfaction with something?

How else can you distinguish real love from affection? It was noted that the face in love is rather active, and his main goal is to give a loved one, take care of his happiness, even if he brings discomfort itself. In turn, attachment may be accompanied by aggression and an exacerbid sense of property.

How to recognize you like a girl

According to several very clear grounds, you can easily determine which emotions are the girl, whether she loves you.

She takes about you

It can be expressed as in trifles and more serious manifestations. It is important for it to make you warm so that you are not hungry and the like. She is ready to care for you when you are sick and so on. You can also mention and care for your psychological peace. She tries once again not to upset you with unpleasant news or not "load" you with your problems.

She strive to spend time with you

The girl with enthusiasm responds to your suggestions to meet, and can even cancel some plans if they had before your invitation. Also, it periodically initiates a date. If you live together, she tries more often with you next, even if you are busy with some kind of business and cannot now pay attention to her. In general, it is important for her as often as possible to attend nearby with you.


It shows interest in your life, to your thoughts, to your routine of the day. Simply speaking, she wants to know how much you can about you - that you love you do not like how you like to spend time, what do you think about this or that reason and so on.


Sometimes, jealousy is one of the signs that the girl in love with you. She is not all the same with whom you communicate and spend time, she wants to be the only girl to which you treat seriously. Although, of course, in this situation we can talk about the girl - draft.


She is ready to go to certain sacrifices for you. It can be some concessions, changing your habits, changing the circle of communication, moving to another city and much more. For you, she is ready to sacrifice, and considers it quite natural.


A girl who is experiencing love feelings for his chosen one wants to please and surprise him. As you know, it can be done using gifts and surprises, and a loving girl will be happy to use this method - she does not feel sorry to spend time on making a certain surprise or a certain amount of money to please you with some interesting gift.


The girl who loves, seeks to be in a partner with a partner everything is good if you are in a quarrel, it is upsetting it, and it takes the initiative to reconcile. Even if you are wrong, she is trying to understand you, call the conversation. If there is no serious love from the side of the girl, it is unlikely that it will take the first step to reconciliation.


When a girl does not experience strong love to the partner, or her feelings begin to fade, she disappears the need for tactile contact - it does not seek how often you can hug you, kiss, touch you. Moreover, sometimes it can be removed if such signs are initiated by you. The girl in love, of course, reacts to the touch of his beloved, and herself tries to touch him more often.

What is "love"? Love - 💏 is a chemical reaction, a mental impulse, the desire to be "as behind a stone wall", and maybe a habit or affection?

In psychology there is no single definition of love. After all, each person can interpret the definition of this feeling in its own way - this is a certain installation that sets the behavioral model of the partner's relationship to the world or the object of love.

Love is the stupidity committed together.

Napoleon I Bonaparte

Love: Definition from the point of view of psychology

There are three completely controversial interpretations of the concept of "love":
  1. Love is a state of love - Disorders, akin to the neurosis, when attention weakens, vigilance is lost, the person becomes "detached from this world."
    Love is an internal drugWhen the brain allocates hormones of pleasure, dopamine, feeling and serenity.
    Love is a painless habit, the need of a person feel beloved, give these wonderful emotions to others, be happy and satisfied.

Psychologists argue that real love is similar to the love of the child, the figure of a clean soul, self-dedication to the end, care and renunciation, it is impossible to understand your head, only felt by the heart.

Love is an objective concept, for one to love - give gifts for another - sympathize and empathize, and for the third - give life without delay. Take and explain in words this feeling is sometimes very difficult.

What stages of love exist?

In total, there are 7 stages that love passes, they may not arise from everyone, but have a place to be:
  1. Love - a short period when the beloved are immersed in the state of Euphoria, just notice all the good, do not see each other's negative sides, but everything quickly ends when people begin to live together or plan a wedding, faced with household turmoils;
    Satiation - Lovers begin to "evaluate their love" differently, the joint existence begins, which can lead to parting or cohesion;
    Disgust - This test for lovers, they become egoists, reciprocate disappears, without this stage it is impossible to step over to another world, the true awareness of love;
    Humility - Lovers begin to adequately look at each other, take their half as a separate personality, with all the vices and disadvantages, begins the period of self-improvement, improvement and mutual understanding;
    Service - read completely dive into the world of bliss, the personification of wisdom and piousness, support each other in any endeavors;
    friendship - adopting each other as a loved one, lovers pay more time to their half, learn themselves to re-establish new fullness of the relationship;
    Love - Partners have passed a long way, learned to appreciate and love truly, now they perceive each other as a whole, without mercantile installations and cunning tricks!

Want to make a commemorative gift to your beloved husband / guy? Give him a book "" - he will be delighted with such a gift, believe me!

It is especially important to realize the fact that love does not ask anything - this feeling gives heat, spiritual harmony and pleasure. If there is a blind love dependence, then it needs to get rid of it, no matter how difficult it would be difficult!

Such feelings make a partner be all the time with the chosen one, jealous, forgive even in the most difficult cases that ultimately lead to the destruction of the person and even fatal death.

What do they say about the definition of the word "love" famous psychologists?

Sternberg: results combination of love components

Sternberg believed that this feeling could carry an objective load in three semantic components: an attraction, passion and responsibility in front of them and the second half.

The ideal love is the one in which all these components merge together, feelings become strong and igniting!

What does it speak about the definition of love E. Fromm?

He considers a short-sighted feeling that appears at the moments of great joy, the motivation of feelings may be fear of loneliness, in rare manifestations - sadism.

Love by E. Fromma is similar to a commercial deal, love is to take and give a full, reveal, dedicate your secrets and put into your innermost world of love and experiences. To be strong, not to let the feelings on a sidel, control the process, no matter how paradoxically sounded it.

A brave and durable feelings come to the place of the first rapid surges of emotions, which help to keep the raft of love afloat, and not allow him to break up the cliffs of enmity, hatred, permanent quarrels and scandals.

A.V. Petrovsky argues differently

He describes love like external manifestations of feelings available to observe each. The way that the appearance of an appearance is changing in the appearance of a sense of attachment to another, rejects from its former life and begins to make insane actions. Love is due to intimate attractions, it implies sincerity and openness in front of each other.

If there is a place to be a lie, then this is not love, and the shameless operation of someone else's trust, fraudulent actions, sometimes thoughts. Feelings should be replaced by actions, but at the same time indicate the same thing. If I love, it means that it is manifested in all respects.

Video: Psychologists of modernity about what "love" is

Psychologist Natalia Thick

Love like a chemical reaction

Lovers like to be together, the development of different hormones is launched, which lead to insane acts, euphoria, insomnia, loss of appetite, changing reality around.

Love drives crazyThe brain begins to produce in excess dopamine, the state of satisfaction appears. A person comes thoughtless actions, sometimes it is not able to assess the adequate result.

These "aggressive" hormones do not live for a long time, the phase of madness is rapidly ends, and love goes into another metamorphosis - affection, understanding, trust, cohesion, and so on.

The desire to fall in love - this is not yet love. But fear fell in love - this is already love.
Etienne Rei.

Hormone of love - oxytocin, plays a key role in the psychology of behavior of lovers, as they say, if you feel good, then I feel great! Love is a complete return of yourself instead of the truth of the feelings of another.

Such a chemical element helps to build relationships, connects the binds of love love, friends, helps curb the true feeling inside. Such a change in the psychology of behavior changes life for the better, causes a sense of confidence in others. Such a method can treat the state of neurosis in patients.

What is the first love?

Are these bright memories or lesson for life? Many argue that first love is doomed to failure. Parents do not betray to such hobbies of their children, adults often sigh with the memories of the first love, sometimes considering it the most true and sinless.

The first relationship between a man and a woman can be both negative and positive! The most important thing is to endure the right lesson with this situation, do not focus on the bad, go ahead and build new lucky relationships, without turning around.

Psychologists say this:

  1. The first love is the first personality relationship of female and male, which is based on contact actions from each other, the first emotions are actively manifested - a sense of love, hatred, anger, jealousy, resentment;
  2. the in love remains himself with his experiences, trying to take an adequate decision, what to do next, sometimes the first experiences are so strong that they do not allow in love to step over this period of life and go further to new relationships;
  3. in the first love there are only feelings, all definitions of statuses go to the background (material benefits, machine, real estate and other);
  4. lovers cannot accept the circumstances of Cell, sometimes do not cope with the wave of surgery experiences;
  5. the meaning of the first love is to learn how to manage emotions, contact with the opposite sex, create your behavior system to ensure the successful completion of the following relationships.

We always believe that our first love is the last, and our last love is the first.
George John White Melville

First love is able to form persistent ideas about the feeling of love in the future. It is very important to make a positive emotional experience from this situation, and not spoil your personal life with painful memories.

The illusion often arises that if you return the first love, the youth will return with it, but you need to live real, and not the past, because only here you can change something in your life, to become truly happy and successful.

What myths about love "erase" knowledge of psychology

Love at first glance - is it true?

Love from the second, third ... look can be bright, saturated, inspired and the only one. Psychologists often consider such situations when a person believes that this is his real half, and then meets the other, and the world turns over again.

The object of love is one for all years and all the centuries!

The first love seems the only one, but comes the second, and feelings are ignited again ... In the world, 25% of suicides occurs due to the fact that many rivals compete for the favor of "one love". So for whom is it the only one in fact?
In a truly loving heart or jealousy, love kills, or love kills jealousy.
Fedor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky

Each person has a second half, most importantly, see it in the crowd of numerous passersby and do not miss, in order not to disrupt the contract on eternal and happy love.

It is impossible to live in a world where love is missing when the second half is completely indifferent to you, because the time will come when this love appears, and one of the partners will remain "overboard", in the sea tears and sad illusions.

Options to meet the second half no less than a million may have to change the place of residence, a circle of communication, work, study, but the choice will be made, and the probability of successful is quite high.

Is there eternal love?

Psychologists do not make high-profile statements on this matter, and the thought of the beloved can live a long period, but the foundations of family life are able to change these ideas. The higher the need for love, the sharper this problem is set.

Most often, love is interpreted as respect, trust, understanding of each other, often a person falls in love several times, because he was not lucky to find his ideal. In fact, not everything is so simple, you need to go ahead, do not stop on imaginary fantasies and erroneous ideals.

It's hard to reason under the action of a hormone of love, but to conclude and live on you just owe!

Is it possible to get married without love?

There is always love in creating a marriage, but it is worth noting that the passions of passions also cannot guarantee strong relationships and a successful union. So where to look for a gold half? How to become happy without love?

Yes, marriage without feelings is sadBut on the other hand, as the French Bellarder Begbeder noted, that love lives three years, and after confidence contact, the relationship that will keep a pair together, or lead to parting.

Problems on the field of love may arise due to the fact that everyone in its own way treats this feeling. In psychology, there is no one rightful decision, how to identify love, there is a lot of its varieties.

Perhaps today you will love the second half as a brother / sister, a friend, and tomorrow will come that igniting feeling that will allow creating a strong and happy family for many years. Love will die as a divine feeling, a bright transformation of life that is crazy.

Love is joy, understanding each other without words, mutual satisfactionIn this case, we can talk about strong further bings of the family, and the birth of children will become the magical cohesion of this marriage.

"Missedy" love

If relations between people arise against the background of the inner emptiness, or the replacement of one partner to others, they can be called dependent, and most often doomed to the sad existence.

This is a serious psychological problem, not everyone can withstand such responsibility, there is no free choice in such relationships, most often such personalities remain lonely and unhappy for life.

Do not be afraid smart. When love comes - brains are disconnected.
Elena Lykova

"Feelings are the elements of anyone not subject to action!"
In such a field, treason may occur, distrust, suffering, meanness and the destruction of such a wonderful feeling as love.

You need to learn to love and be happy without any conditions like a mother loves a child, she immersed in this condition with his head and does not put any criteria for choosing.

If the emptiness is in the soul, then you need to understand yourself, why it happened, and not fill it with someone on the basis of rapid actions. While a person does not love himself, will take with all the shortcomings and contradictions, it is unlikely that someone will do it for him.

And love is still there!

It is a limitless and inspiring feeling helps to fight many difficulties, solve serious tasks, create comfort and comfort of a family nest, give birth to children, take care of others and so on.

Love is not chosen, she comes once and forever! And so consider not only psychologists. What do you think about such a feeling like love?

Photo: Wavebreak Media Ltd /

Why do people often take advantage of a simple carnal desire or a desire to avoid loneliness? It seems to me because they do not know how to read True Love signals. And not yet able to send these signals themselves. Imagine this can and need to learn.

Someone can say that all this is nonsense, and if there is no love, you will not show it any signals. That's it. But we will not touch this severe case. Because the manifestation of artificial care and a laid sympathy, the planned game of feelings and sex in the Camasture have nothing to do with the actual signals of love.

The signals of true love each of us knows how to read unmistakably, because they are not from the mind, not from the desire to conquer sympathy or show themselves, but from a disinterested aspiration to protect, make his life more beautiful, the best and more pleasant. We have already come across such disinterested returns. This is the love of mother to a child who loves this creature is not because it behaves around and does not pateu. And because it simply exists in this world. Get such love - the dream of every person. Most often we are trying to this. RECEIVE. And we do not think about the fact that an important condition of true love is and our ability to experience this feeling towards someone. Feeling without conditions and no parameters.

In order to be capable of disinterested love, it is not enough to get a farewell and successful partner. It is necessary to become a personality of a certain level of development. The most important property of this personality is the ability GIVE AWAY. In order to give something, you need to have it, develop in yourself, grow, comprehend, realize. And this is already art. And some people it is not immediately given. Sometimes by a variety of samples and errors and thousands of disappointments. There is, however, exceptions: someone is lucky and he manifests the ability to disinterested true love immediately.

It is not so difficult for you to understand. The most important thing in the signals of true love is the direction. It is always directed against himself, but on the object and in the name of the object. She spontaneous and disinterested because it comes from the heart.

Something grandfather Sigmund Freud With his teaching about the unconscious and any human behavior, hopelessly simplified the concept of love. However, his teaching turned out to be such a living thing that we still check it in the practice of our relationship and take into armament in the manifestation of feelings. The clash of the "principle of pleasure" and the "principle of reality", the unconscious and conscious, "want" and "it is impossible" leads, according to Freud, to neurosis and problems of relationships. The psychologist attributed a love affection for sexual attraction, libido, which has one goal - sexual proximity and sexual satisfaction. "The love is based on his own and now the same animal, what kind of imaginary ages she was," wrote Z. Freud.

However, such a narrowness of ideas inevitably leads to another problem - neurosis from a lack of spiritual proximity, generality and unity.

It turned out that a person feels more unhappy not from lack of sex, but from dissatisfaction of the need for need, significance and intimacy. Each of us as a social being cannot live without intimacy with other people, free to your address. Anyone, even negative. When they are indifferent to us, we suffer. And in every way we are trying to compensate for the lack of attention. Everyone in its own way. Someone with the help of sexual victories, someone in finding material bonuses. In close relationship, we also introduce a note of materiality, choosing a partner does not like it, but according to certain parameters: we want that it was provided, he had an education, a certain increase, appearance, income, etc.

The cunning issue of love

We ask ourselves the question: "What do I like it?" And we find well-defined material answers: "He is a smart, kind, chistoproten, honest, intelligent, is formed, etc." And they ourselves do not suspect that at this moment we sign the sentence of yours. Because in case of incomprehension with the listed set of qualities, it is inevitably waiting for disappointment. The whole price list is the indicator of our claims and the testimony of our mercantility, that is, the focus of our love solely on itself. It is we are important to all these qualities, and we are pleased that finally found them in someone in order to satisfy their ambitions and needs in the presence of such a person. He satisfies our vanity, our material need for security, status, presence near, etc.

Favoring, we try to keep it in every way near yourself. And they strip the beautiful game "What a wonderful couple" or "how we love each other." And diligently perform the role, proving each other and others that we love and loved. Such "love" should be advisable to wait, to put forward an ultimatum, demonstratively to show feelings and wait for a response landing. It is just necessary for this. role signals. What kind?

Everyone has their own love signals:

the words;
coffee in bed;
scratching heels in the morning;
Oral sex in the evenings, etc. etc.

Variations countless. And we all know about them. We have seen it many times in the movies, read about it in books. We are stored in the brain of thousands of models tested by someone. And invent your own evidence of love.

And it is beautiful, even if borrowed from fiction. Perfect if there is a signal of true love. Imagine the signals alone and the same!

Only the message is radically opposite. Hear your head, where the present, and where artificial. How to distinguish them? And you try.

If we are talking about role-playing love, we try with all the might:

Prove your feeling.
Hold a partner in the tone of interest.
Do not disappoint.
Provoke to return.
Make to experience the feeling of guilt, loss fear.
Surprise and hit.
Show your dependence on it "I will die without you!" Thereby tieting it.
Fill out all his life (always nearby, control and total participation).
Change, make it better, re-educate.
Sacrifice the sake of it (sophisticated type of emotional slavery).
Increase the bar to make it become better to grow.
Being a whole, proving the impossibility of the existence of apart.

Signal of true love will be:

Manifestation of attention to the partner.
Sensitivity to his condition and desire to help.
The desire to show him how it is important for us.
Recognition of its value.
Caring for him, not about yourself.
Wish cheer, console, make you believe in yourself, support.
Tolerance, adoption as it is, help in the manifestation of best qualities.
Satisfaction, modesty and non-duty (lack of requirements and conditions).
Awareness of yourself, regardless of the partner. Independence, self-sufficiency, independence, self-confidence.

The main question we must ask yourself to find true love and learn to recognize its real signals should sound not this way: "Where to find and partner who will love me really, without conditions?" Or "How to get love?" BUT like this: "As far as I am capable of true love?" Or "Can I give?" The question of which should be a partner moves to second place. Sometimes a person feeds the illusion all his life and his love, thinking that love is a number of requirements, dissolving in the other and sacrificing.

Any victim is a territory of dependence. "The one who feels dependent, sooner or later begins to hate the partner, since he cannot live in accordance with his own beliefs, nor belong to the partner openly and sincerely," wrote the Swiss psychologist Marc Lusher. - The one who internally did not become independent and independent, he remains non-free. He lives in an internal prison that kills all love. "

True love is far from demand. This mature need to give just like that, without requiring anything in return. This is "the joy of generosity," as said Osho.

If you do not go into poetry from the very beginning, then, and love, and love is chemistry. The difference is only in the duration of the reaction, in its strength and the hormonal set that all this controls. Love between a man and a woman, between the parent and the child, love and compassion for someone, aesthetic pleasure - love in relation to animate or no object - these are all some different sets. It is always hormonally caused phenomena. Psychological (social) phenomenon is, for example, the accompanying love of responsibility, if it is, consciously selected loyalty, with congenital polygamy, for example, and the habit is a two-way phenomenon if we are about habit - attachment is hormonal, if the habit is - Fear of loss, then this is also the psychological problems in addition. The attachment give some hormones, tenderness - others, passion - third.

The reasons for the occurrence of love on the one hand are prosaic, because they are explained naturally scientifically, on the other hand, it is amazing, because it is not a chemistry that caused psychology, but a psychology that causes this chemistry. Who did not come across the fact that at first did not cause a hormonal reaction, and therefore a person's love - being away from us, thanks to the relationship of perception, mind, any qualities of personality, managed to press the right levers in you and provoke a chemical reaction? Behind which everything went - I went and the earth sailed out of under the feet, you found yourself in it / her and live great feelings!

Any reciprocity is a reaction. It causes either chemistry - immediately, or chemistry later, provoked by psychology. It is love, and not love burns and is intensified for years on long hormonal firewood, which should be poured by psychological ignition, supporting the relationship of comfort, mutual satisfaction, reliability, affection and the feeling of inner freedom at the same time. And there is mutual love from love at the time of the emergence of the very mutual satisfaction and affection, hormonal and psychological relationship.

These are causes. But here is the manifestation of people that love that love is always - poetically romantic, beautiful, worthy of chanting, they inhale meaning in life, life in stone, give birth to great things and change fate all over the world.

Nada split originally body and mind. Body is chemical and biological processes excitation, fear (fast emission of adrenaline) anger and any emotions is the whole body. Actual love is all the same mind and voluntary service to another person or sacrifice. Yes, a person always tries to well in a certain system that it would be easy to Everything is replied. But the world is complicated. In general, people are divided into those who are a slave of the body and those who are trying to control it. Love herself teaches a man that there is something more than own self. Yes, the body and love it is, of course, too. A certain pretext from God to teach a person of real love and that there is something more.

Happy holiday you, my dear,
I congratulate this.
Storm Passion Presentation
On February 23.

I wish forces for a man
Let him burn with the desire of the eyes
Let the baur of feelings of beautiful
Using us rather.

My defender, my lover,
With twenty-third congratulations,
On this holiday, the day is February,
I wish you joy
If we are with you
More likely to see, meet,
I promise that the desire
All yours will come!

In the color of love color now
The leaf of the calendar
Congratulations, Horny Macho,
From February 23.

Send you love and ferventness
Adoration and passion
I wish you, my dear,
Life-the villain has succeeded.

My friend is heartfelt, my lover,
I want to congratulate you
Be on the day of the defender happy,
You have to whisper
Good luck, happiness, my good,
Come to me more often
Strive forward and listen to heart
Road faithful find!

With twenty-third, my dear man,
My lover, the defender is reliable,
Although we live with you not together,
But together well, we are easy
I wish you a patience,
Long, kindness and wealth,
Know that you are the best for me,
I give all myself without a rest!

With you I want to be day and night,
And before you not to resist.
You are my hero, you are my lover,
And what else can I say.

I congratulate me on the day of the defender
Nalu rose to us wines.
And until morning, I will stay with you,
Although you are not a wife.

C Day Defender of the Fatherland,
My favorite man
My favorite, my distant,
My handsome man light!

Be healthy - healthy better
Acused clouds
Happy be happy simple
Wearing, look at the stars!

On the day of Russian men
I remember about you,
You appeared not in vain
Suddenly in my fate.

You are almost my husband,
What do not say
So with the holiday you,
He came, see!

Today is an important day and bright,
Though outside the window is still winter.
Will be a dream cherished
Your, I will help myself.

You are brave, passionate, smart very,
In the defender, frayed day,
I wish you in day and night,
Love and rainbow lights.

Happy defender to congratulate
Tiger ardent, my spesh.
Wish health
I want a flame in the body.

Will always be desire
For romance, love.
Let the desire come true
Hidden yours.

Happy holiday, my passionate is the most
Congratulations from me.
Demonstrate talents
More often amazing me.

To the field of your battle
There was only a bed.
So that always ready was powerful
You with my mog.

My dear, desirable my man,
Although on this day you will be with my wife,
You are my defender golden, loved,
You fulfill all my dreams.

And I wish you a male day
Health, joy, good,
I love you very, adore,
And I look forward to you!

My dear, I congratulate you on February 23! I wish to always feel strong and alime, as the wind is free and volveva! Let nothing be able to break you, and luck will be on your side!

You are the object of my dreams!
Crazy about beauty
and woven your
How lucky with you!

You do not look around
Do not care what people will say
I wish you happiness with you,
We will definitely together!

I wish you more strength
So that crazy life loved
And the light of loved ones,
Congratulations on February 23!

Congratulations, ardent tiger,
From February 23,
From your hot looks
I sometimes go crazy.

In the holiday of all men I wish
So that strong remains
And I am a beauty,
As before, admired.

Flame passion let not go out,
Absorbs us with you
Fantastic man
Sweet sin crazy my.

You are a real man
And the defender is my shiny,
Your powerful back
Like a reliable wall.

My gentle man, passionate,
Congratulations on the day beautiful,
From the twenty-third of February.
I wish my strong strength!

My favorite, very passionate
Happy holiday you beautiful
In the twenty-third of February
I will not forget about you!

Volitional always solutions
Live without shade so that doubt
Firmly know what you want
True to embody dreams.

Moods with horses
And love us without discord
Let the fire always burns
Tellish will let the words!

Congratulations, Forky Macho,
The most passionate of men
Protect me from boredom
You can only one.

On the day you wish you
Caressing to fire
To drive in blood in blood.

Sexy, my passionate man,
For me, you're loved, hero!
Let any in life top
Reply to you, dear!

Let luck, perseverance and work
Help to fulfill dreams!
Let the river go to you float
So that you are and successful you!

The main holiday of all men is approaching - the Day of Defender of the Fatherland February 23. As always before the holidays, cool SMS greetings from February 23 to men, friends, brothers, beloved, husbands, fathers, grandfathers, classmates are very much in demand. Congratulations on February 23 with humor will give a lot of pleasure to loved men.

One of the most beloved Russian holidays is approaching - the Day of Defender of the Fatherland February 23. Now it makes no sense to dig in the story and remember that the event happened much, many years ago on this day, now on February 23 - this is a feast loved by all people, which by default has become a holiday not only those who relate to the armed forces, but And the day of all men. By the way, in recent times on February 23, it became a day off (this year, alas, the holiday falls on Saturday, so that the legal additional weekend will have to wait a bit).

While overlooking the overseas day of all lovers on February 14, women, girls, girls, grannies, weepingly congratulate our favorite men - friends, beloved, colleagues, the fathers of brothers, grandfathers, great-grandfathers, classmates and in general of all male people. Half Half of Hifind Schlock Favorite Men Humorous and Serious Sms-Congratulations and E-Cards in Prose and Verses, gives dear or just lovely gifts, secretly hoping that colleagues and friends, brothers and beloved in debt will not stay and give off the full on March 8, Which is also not far off.

Piter .tv congratulates all men from February 23 and shares the options for fun and serious congratulations on February 23 to colleagues and all other men, because humor is always fine!.

Men's affairs are different,

Both amourous and rolling.

We wish only victories

And on the roads the desired color.

So that the heart flutterly glowed

Love always to warm.

Well, for completeness of the picture,

So that in the wallet is all the rank by rank.

I wish you success, I wish good luck,

Easy to relax and work with the return.

So that the joy in the fate of your more often met,

So that everything went out and everything turned out.

I wish you optimism

Love and magnetism,

Health and wealth,

Do not part with a dream

Moving to be active

Tightened, sports,

You are the best of me!

You congratulate you today

We wish you sincerely:

Happy days and gentle affection,

Princess is a pretty fairy tale

Victory difficult in the fight -

Let everyone get to you!

Men favorite congratulations

And on this day you wish you

Always be in the life of the helm,

Solve brilliantly all tasks

And in a situation of any

Don't lose one's luck

And live in harmony with you!

Men congratulate warm words.

Us balusa always and cheering

In life you go next to us

We always substitute shoulder.

We are gratitude to all of you express

Health for you for many years,

Love and prosperity Wish!

Twenty-third came

All men it squirmed -

All glasses poured,

And today celebrate.

Nothing here is not bad

I will say a simple word -

You, men, relax,

And do not know the problems!

People have long inhabited land

Always man was a defender of the kind.

We congratulate you from all the people.

Fatherland reliably defend

Delivered the country to you rightfully.

We sincerely want to wish you

Health, happiness, honors and glory!

Congratulations, brother, you!

What to wish a man?

Tempty everyone knows

Stay in time

And in love with decent!

So that your dreams come true,

And seemed a fairy tale life!

We wish you, men real,

Be in the life of the captain of the ship

Forward at the rate faithful looking

And the feats are always ready to be,

In all cases useful to take part,

The depression is also devotion to love.

We wish you, health, happiness!

We congratulate and say:

Defender - no problem noble

And let the wonderful qualities of men

It will also be added romanticism,

After all, women are sensitive to words,

Let, remaining strong, your identity

Loving will be able, happiness to you!

Do not think about the bad thing!

My colleague is expensive

Not sad on this day!

You are a man - do not forget

Leader in life be,

Let all the best come,

And always luck awaits!

Affairs of successful, successful solutions and to joy more pleasant reasons, long-awaited victories and accomplishments, bright life, love and beautiful ideas, achieving the goal of the dream of fulfilling, meetings in the circle of the closest people and friends and in all beginners - lucky!

Happy Male Wishes Day

happy birthday and happy at night

happy "You can all" and on the day "Everyone, as you want,"

happy "I will surprise you this night,"

happy "Will be a beer, football, pies",

happy real men, men.

I congratulate you from the heart

At home, in the service, on the road, in the resort,

in the cinema, fishing, in a cafe, at work,

in sports and bar, visiting, in the store,

at the cottage, in bed, on the highway in the car,

in the office, in traffic jams, online on the Internet,

on the street, in the city, in general in the world

be the best, be the first, and everyone's time -

here is what I want to wish!

Hunting to tie with learning

From boredom all zaches?

Cool attraction Try ...

A year in kirzachas!

Learn friend in the "five"

The army knows how to wait!

How many years in a row

Love girls soldiers!

Strong, bold and brave,

You're a dream girl each!

I love your shipment!

Be as a soldier, always in the ranks!

And do you earn a lot !!!

Although you did not serve in the infantry,

You didn't go on a tank,

But you are a combat in work ...

And in a drink, and in a gulyan!

You are not like a brave soldier,

Do not distinguish a grenade from a grenade!

But for me you are a knight and a hero,

And it means that this holiday is exactly yours !!!

My dear man!

I want to congratulate you

Without you, I my native,

It is very difficult to imagine life!

Sabe let be hurried,

And you are not at all in the uniform

We need each other so much

In this turmoil!

For you always hold

Without you, I have little life

I'm so proud of you,

How the soldiers are general !!!

In love you are bold as in battle,

No wonder I give you ...

You already eagle almost

Congratulations Read:


In the courtyard frost and clouds,

*** stands just in case

And in your pocket no ruble

If in the morning you forgot that you drank and with whom you were,

This greeting SMS for my best defender. I am so glad that there is such a person next to me, and I can always trust, and that I don't need to fear something, because you will always protect me and strengthen all the troubles

Served together we are a lot

friends, our union is beautiful!

We firmly soldered the army,

do not break the sacred bonds!

I'm with this holiday male

february, congratulations!

Be in life on horseback, Likhim,

well, in the shower, be an angel, I wish!

My favorite and gentle man, I congratulate you on February 23, I want to wish you as much as possible the goals and executed plans, let them rise another step on the stairs of success, be always a lucky and loved ones and others.

Peaceful life and peace
Let always be with you
Infinite luck
Combat mood.

Well, while, the man is important,
From February 23,
Congratulations and wish
Tone save always!

Per day I wish for power
Be hardy always.
Conquer on the bed is hot
Captivity hot take me.

Dear, from February 23 you! As a true defender of the Fatherland, a real courageous and strong man, I wish you with honor, zeal to battle and enormous dignity to fulfill your marital debt.

My husband, you are the main hero,
My friend, the defender is strong mine!
Let them fight with a heart
Love faithful, without end!

You are a support, the shoulder is reliable,
Everyone decide is easy and boldly.
I know the impossible will come true
If you took, my husband, for business.

On the day of the defender, let him all be
How did you, favorite,
Let all the joys of the IMG multiplied
It does not go luck by.

The only one, my beloved husband. Congratulations on February 23, I want to say that you constantly feel your reliable protection against problems, worries and loneliness. I wish you the health of the Bogatyr and brilliant victories on all yours, but only peaceful, fronts.

I prepared a gift
And later I hand it
It will be very, very sweet,
I tell you exactly.

My man, cute, passionate,
From February 23.
Without magical kisses
I can not live and the day.

From February 23, my dear lover. You have a bold, brave, strong, fearless, be so in any situation of life. I also wish you to always be on horseback, keeping for the tail good luck, be able to ask a good track of any opponent. Stay with my hero, a defender and a noble man.

At least we meet infrequently
But today on this day,
I will tell you, my dear,
Wait for you at all too lazy
Happy Defender, my sweet,
My lover is dear
I believe, soon the day will come,
And you will only be mine!

Pretty my intercession! Near you does not threaten me. You defend me from loneliness, boredom, despondency and longing. I wish you in all situations to feel a real man, and I will try to provide you with a decent company. From February 23, love!

Husband Favorite, Happy Your Day -
Happy Country Defender!
For enemies, you always dangerous,
For the family - the selection of the wall!

From February 23, my husband is my dear, dear,
I am happy everyone in the world when you are with me,
You are my defender and Knight, you are my lover and friend,
I wish you happiness and good luck, my spouse.

Let burn in your heart
Valor always fire.
Excites as before
Your gentle palm.

Since I'm near, Defender, with you,
We must always be a blue sky.
Let him never eclipse clouds
So that life was light, endless, easy!

You will protect me with your love,
Without you, a cute husband, I do not want to live and the day,
Your word in the family - I will take place and the law,
Be always bold, and beautiful, and strong!

Congratulations, my husband, with your holiday - the Day of True Men. I wish you to always be full of strength and energy, so that both your family and your homeland could sleep peacefully.

In the February day you, my husband,
I hurry to congratulate
I want to wish happiness
And add a kiss.

Smart, kind, most honest,
Strong, bold, interesting -
Husband, all this about you,
Happiness are you in my fate!

Be healthy and successful
I love you very much
And I will tell you honestly
Our meetings are really looking forward to!

What a pity you are not nearby,
That hug you are not me
What a wife kisses first,
Congratulates you on the holiday of you.

Cute, from February 23! I wish to be not just a loved husband, not an ordinary defender of the Fatherland, but a hero who is conquered by any difficulties! And let your masculinity, strength and success will make you a happy person!

My husband, I will say in your holiday,
And not in words, believe me, those bowl -
Instant each round,
What spent with you together.

My defender, loved husband,
Accept, my native, congratulations.
February at least a month of winter strumbs
I wish you the summer of summer.

So be healthy, businesslike.
So that every day was happy.
Whether I always support and protect,
And I will be faithful and reliable rear.

Congratulations to the best man, my true hero, the most magnificent handsome, a bold man, that is, from February 23! Stunning you fun today and hard health for life!

So comes to the end of February.

An unusual gift will be a book with a unique content released by a small circulation or in an interesting genre. Such a gift will be difficult to leave without admiration.
For smoking men, handmade ashtray, good tobacco grade or cigar sets, lighters are selected.

Practice gifts in the original execution from the jokes store. But the main thing is not to overdo it, because the psychology and understanding of things a woman is deeply different from the worldview of a man.

Whatever your gift for February 23, do not forget to sincerely congratulate your favorite men in the words, regardless of their profession. Wisure real male strength, masculinity, resourcefulness and self-confidence in any life situation and good health.

For those who have a whole world on their shoulders
Keeps not one for a thousand years
Congratulations I write from February 23
And you send your bright hello!

Let in February 23
With ease of dreams come true!
I wish you -
Let everything turn out!

Men give peace, love, warmth and safety,
With your favorite men, all women get more beautiful!
Always the country is calm - she has power,
And this is the power of this every man!

From February 23
Congratulations to all friends!
And let the holiday be not in vain:
Jokes, laughter, happiness, peace and goodness!

I wish you love,
+23 - Weather heat,
So that it looks 23,
He lived, not driving turns!

Today I congratulate you,
Pretty gift
Sound on the radio I will add
Lang in bed and you call you!

Civil or military,
But you are not in vain with the end!
Today is a feast of awesome
From February 23. Imagine a gift to open
And the pleasure is anticipating,
And there is lotion or socks,
And you burn from longing!

Let not happen
More darisy dear
What you need for you!
Happy February 23!

Congratulations on the twenty-third,
True you man!
Happiness, joy, longevity
Let them surround you!
Be healthy wish
And hold on with a flaw -
And then I promise
Will in life all a beam!

Today is your holiday, men,
We wish you, not bothering
Health, money, two cars,
With your beloved sleep and eat nothing! You are a man awesome,
Your character is so good
He really unusual
After all, you won't get kind

February 23, the day of protection,
And we congratulate you men,
Be stronger as lions,
After all, you are a support, and we need so much.

You wish you defenders
To force for the strength!
To be happiness with you,
So that in affairs is always lucky!

Let your holiday are not so good
As the female eighth of March.
But in congratulations not lie,
And the love that is pleasant.

Happy Defender you congratulate you!
In this glorious, special hour -
We wish with great respect
So that only only on you.

We wish to be always loved
We wish to be irresistible!
Let your days are easy to
We wish you happiness, men!

Today is a male holiday,
Today is a man's day!
We congratulate you
The defender is our native!
Let strength, vigor, courage -
There will always be with you!

In February 23, I wish you,
Be happy and beautiful
Wonderful and cute!
I love you any
Stay you and you!

I congratulate on twenty-third of February
Men, defenders of the native land.
And sleeps calmly Russian land
While such brands will defend her!

Men! Happy holiday I want to congratulate
All those who are worthwhile and by whom Gorda.
After all, you are our support and hope!
So be with us you are kind
And patient, as before!

Let your relatives respect you, love wives,
And admire the courage of the sons!
Men's happiness you wish and good luck,
Health strong for long year!

On the day of this man
To congratulate you, (name), I want.
And wish to be happy
So that was healthy and loved!
Was persistent and invincible
In a difficult life fight.

The twenty-third of February - a wonderful day,
Taking advantage of the moment congratulations!
Strong, bold to be every day,
I wish a real guy!

Favorite, with the 23rd I have a hurry to congratulate me,
You are the best of men, and I appreciate you.
I want you to be happy and why do you love!
What was everything perfectly, you are stored an angel!

Favorite, Happy holiday you -
From the twenty-third of February!
In my eyes - you are a real general,
After all, even without arms I won me!

Strong always, reliable,
Rus-Earth believes in you.
I know - you can believe in you.
From the twenty-third of February!

Russia has centuries and in now
And the sacraments are trembling before it.
After all, there are Alyoshi, Ilya and Dobryni,
God for themselves health and faithful friends!

Happy Defender is fray
Forces more, less wars!
No warmer in the world of thought,
What's with you, as behind the wall!

Let our homeland become
In continuous flow of days
Stronger, richer and more
Under reliable protection of your!

Congratulations, you (name) from February 23.
Success, joy in work,
Good luck, you, in the men's hunt!
Yacht, you, gorgeous cottage
And a lot of Zlata, you, in addition.

Twenty third of February -
Holiday courage, good.
We shout always cheers!
Congratulates the defortion:
Happiness, joy, warm!

Personal people, delete,
Have fun, dance and sing!
You deserve it right
Men to all - honor and glory!

Not caught by the title nor
Army do not forget friendship.
And drink as served men
In the glory of the birthplace and Russian weapons.

February 23 - not a red calendar day,
Not red, know, no weekend,
Not red, no, he is golden.
And the holiday, we know, big!

Defender, day today is your right!
After all, you are on guarding the homeland.
You are the country shield, you brave warrior!
And from the enemy of your loved ones.

Strength and courage, honor and courage
You are our joy, and our recovery!
Defender of the Fatherland, Friend or Brother
Let your life be full awards.

The strongest, kind, brave,
The offender "put" one "left".
I'm behind you as a wall,
I'm not afraid of frost and heat!

You are not just a man, you warrior,
Praise today is worthy:
On the defense of the depreciation will go out.
Per hour dashing, from trouble will not die

Let a peaceful sky above his head
In the corner, let the rifle dust.
Defender of the Fatherland, to the fight any
Let your heart are ready!

The defender you could not be
But the man is obliged to be.
Wife and mother love to love
With family and peace tightly connected.

Holiday Men comes
And sincerely we wish you
Good luck, luck, heat,
Favorite, one, forever!

Expensive defenders i congratulate
With a wonderful men's holiday.
I wish you strong health
Be protecting and supporting
For your female expensive.

Congratulate on February 23,
My general, run to love you,
Today you can hand out orders
And I am ready to give you!

Holiday of courage and power
The feeling of pride for you.
Our strong men
We save and love you.

Be always bold and strong,
Be always kind and nice!
You are always our hope,
You are our defender of Russia!

February 23 - Wonderful holiday!
You, men, congratulate us doubly more pleasant.
You are beautiful, elegant, courageous and slim
Stay, dear, you are the same wonderful!

From February 23, you congratulate you.
I wish you a lot of joy, love and success.
Let health be strong and accompanies luck.
And let the soul, never pay from the resentment!

In our country, many people under the phrase "True Love" understand the so-called "beautiful" love between a man and a woman: courtship in a candidate and bakery period, dates, full of romance and walks under the moon, gifts the second half and new impressions of the relationship. It is believed that all of the above is the guarantee of happiness in the family until the end of days. Everything changes, just look at the statistics of divorces. The period of dreams and walks under the moon is replaced by ordinary days. The first family quarrels appear, the spouses begin to notice the shortcomings in the partner, and passion as if there were no passion. What is happening? It was at such moments when the blind passion leaves, a much stronger feeling should remain - love. Many unfamiliar and incomprehensible is a feeling when everything that the heart requires is, so that the lover was good. So what is love? Is it there between a man and a woman?

Love is…?

Each person understands this word in his own way. It is difficult to describe what love is. You can talk about it a lot and long. The manifestations of this feeling can be a lot, and therefore it is characteristic of everyone. For example, love between a man and a woman , to the Fatherland, to God, to the lesson, to life and the world. This is one of the most beautiful feelings on earth, but at times and it can lead to the consequences of a negative nature. Everything, of course, depends only on how to worry about it.

Many philosophers tried to describe love, but the explanation of this phenomenon still remains difficult. The feeling appears suddenly when you do not expect it. It is emerging as if from a small coal and over time, especially if love is mutual, flared up in a real fire. Unable to plan, prevent, program or simulate love. It can only be felt with all my heart.

Incredibly strongly love between a man and a woman. Then this is the attitude to a partner, in which your half becomes much more important than you yourself, and the whole world as a whole. Not just emotions change, the perception of the surrounding reality changes. Through love, people learn a lot of new things, realize life in other colors.

1 stage - sympathy

There are several types of love, and the most "harmless" of them is sympathy. We show sympathy for people to whom we are experiencing love and which we like.

2 Stage - Gentle Love

The next stage is love after sympathy. This is a much stronger kind of love. Relationship between a man and a woman often begin after mutual love. This kind of more often and brighter is manifested between adolescents, and it can arise both to the One year old and more adult people, for example, to popular actors, artists, artists, teachers, etc. Often, love goes to the next stage - in strong love.

It happens that love, in particular, if it manifests itself to the person of older or younger age (for example, to the artist, that is, such love is "inaccessible"), ends sadly. She captures all thoughts, does not allow to take suspended solutions and make clear conclusions, incredibly developing rapidly, suppressing the voice of the mind. Love is a feeling when thinking about one particular person is not allowed to live quietly, the human brain is all the time is only engaged in reflexion over good memories of the narrowed / narrowed and his / her idealization. At such moments, a person loses any meaning in life without a loved one. Against the background of such sensations, poems, songs, are written books and absolutely unthinkable actions are performed.

At the older age, love will grow rapidly into the passion under the influence of hormones and various situations: strong experiences, a resort novel or any events that coincided with sweaty fantasies.

3 Stage - Stormy Passion

The most important stage of love between a man and a woman is a passion. Quite often, with such relationships on the background, disinterested love. And sex between a man and a woman becomes the main driving force. It is very deep, beyond anyone's feeling. This is a game that flashes all the stronger before the appearance of routine, boredom and ordinaryness. Such relationships are based solely on the sexual attractiveness of the partner, the insane attachment and delivering physical pleasure. There are no cases when such enthusiasm became painful for one of the partners and surrendered into an incredibly severe phenomenon - mania.

In ordinary people, passion is the temporary stage of love. If you turn to statistics, it will show that it lasts this feeling on average from 5 months to 3 years. If you ever heard the expression "Love lives three years," then this statement refers to the opinion of the scientific community that the third year of the relations of hormones in the brain allocated less and, accordingly, they calm the feelings. However, in itself, such a phenomenon is a fire, hunger, which is not quenched, delight and lust.

4 Stage - Romantic Love

A wonderful stage of relationship is romantic love, when the foundation of great love is laid. This is a stage when people get pleasure from their feelings and emotions from each other. Usually, it is precisely with such a development of relationships a reproductive function. Now everyday life prevails over the feeling of romance and passion. It is at this moment that most of the "pink" glasses are broken, and partners begin to notice disadvantages. However, there are pairs in which the above-mentioned elements of relations accompany their family all life. It can be concluded that the love is romantic - this is the final stage before delicate love in the family.

5 Stage - "True" love

Family love is a feeling that develops between people who want to always be together. This is absolutely normal love between a man and a woman exists when they become one and are ready to take all joys and sorrow partner. After all, to love truly - this means to take a person fully and live his life.

Signs of "true" feeling

When two people truly experience their love to each other, they will overcome all obstacles and difficulties only to be together. Their relationship is accompanied by a constant struggle for their feelings, in spite of the gossip, nor on other people's species. Love settles where the understanding and mutual support reigns.

This feeling cannot be not mutual. Such sensations like lust, attraction in sexual terms, passion is only a desire to fully enjoy someone dictated by your own egoism.

In any circumstances, a really close person will always be near to support and say comfort words. He will cover the back in the most difficult moments in life. No matter how difficult and hard, you can always find peaceful forces to help a person you love.

A woman who is in search of true love will never be exchanged for "one-day" relationship with a person in which is not sure. She does not need to prove anything to relatives or familiar, nor anyone.

We become better, prettier and more attractive next to our beloved. But you can not sacrifice something or do anything that disagrees with personal interests. Of course, no one will argue that building building is hard work, but he should not become a burden.

How to show love?

There are literary sources about the "Language of Love", which argue that all people imagine their manifestations absolutely differently. Some like tactile touch. A certain part of people tries to spend a little more time together, and there are also such a mandatory mark of attention - gifts.

In addition, both sexes interpret love in their own way. First, men and women represent the love itself in different ways. Secondly, the ideas about the manifestations of this feeling in relationships. Very often, these differences become an irresistible barrier in relationships.

Each person strives for this sublime feeling and eager for him. For men, love is an absolute unity, addition of each other, whose obligatory part is respect and confidence. It is impossible to show love for a person who do not trust and which you just do not respect. Those who have more "male" type of thinking (the vast majority of men) are waiting for the love of trust and respect. Those who are the owners of the "female" type (the predominant part of women), also crave both respect, and confidence, but their expectations are inextricably associated with the actions that are aimed at manifesting these feelings.

Men also love when they hug them, but moderately. At the same time, girls expect that the expressions of feelings will be regular and not limited to them. The lady, which presents a bouquet of flowers to the representative of a strong half of humanity, will never reach the same effect (after all, men have a completely different perception of love and appreciation), like a man, giving flowers to a woman. You should not express a noble feeling as you like. Show it as nice to your partner.