Tomatoes are the most productive varieties for the year. The best varieties of tomatoes

Every gardener-vegetable grower who grows tomatoes on his plot has long known which varieties are most successful for his region, the quality of the land and summer weather; Based on our own experience, we have decided on our preferred varieties, which produce a bountiful and tasty harvest, and the plants are less sick. But the thirst for natural science and the desire to improve something pushes gardeners to experiment. Therefore, many people closely monitor seed breeders and annually plant several new varieties of tomatoes in their beds “for testing”.

Based on the results of the previous year 2015, based on the experiences and reviews of vegetable growers, a small rating can be compiled.

The best tomato varieties for 2016

- Golden Raspberry Miracle- developed by the company "Gardens of Russia" - a series of several hybrid varieties of tomatoes. Distinctive feature was their productivity, which really impressed many gardeners. The series includes several varieties, united by the crimson color of the tomato pulp.

- Mazarin- a hybrid variety of the agricultural company "Aelita" - according to the reviews of many amateur vegetable growers in the middle zone, it was included in the list " the best varieties tomatoes for 2015". Belongs to the early ones. The bush is determinate, grows in height up to 130 cm, powerful, weakly leafy. The fruits are pink-red in color, weigh up to 200 g, have good commercial qualities. Demonstrates high resistance to tomato diseases. Tasty, productive , unpretentious and long-bearing - this is how summer residents characterize Mazarin.

- Orange strawberry- a variety of yellow-fruited tomatoes produced by the agricultural company "Our Garden", which for the second year in a row has been included in the best for regions with cold and short summers. These are early ripening tomatoes. Compact, indeterminate bush. The fruits are round, large, weighing from 250 to 500 g, and are distinguished by their fleshiness and sweetish taste. Can be planted in greenhouses and beds under open air. Productivity is high.

- Kangaroo heart– an excellent, proven variety of medium ripening that does not leave anyone indifferent. You can buy it from collectors (for example, from Redko Valentina), since it is rare. It is distinguished by its large-fruited size: fruits from 400 to 1000 g. They note excellent taste: the pulp is sweet, there are almost no seeds, and it is dark red in color. The bush is tall.

- Wonder of the earth- another variety of tomatoes pink color and great taste. Produced by the agricultural company "Siberian Garden". Medium early variety. The bush is indeterminate. It is distinguished by its huge fruits, which sometimes weigh more than a kilogram. It is described in more detail in a separate material “Gardener and Ogorodnik”.

Do you want to become the happy owner of a treasured bag of your favorite variety as quickly as possible? "SiO" recommends an excellent place where you can buy tomato seeds - the Royal Garden online store.

What new varieties of tomatoes are offered by agricultural firms for 2016?

The annual release of new varieties has become traditional for many companies. Among the new products, there are both completely new varieties and improved ones that are familiar and popular. If you are deciding which tomatoes to plant in your dacha in 2016, consider these new items.

- Moscow delicacy creamy– a hybrid variety of yellow-fruited tomatoes. Interesting for its elongated plum-shaped fruits with increased content Sahara. It is early ripening and, as breeders report, fantastically productive. The bush is indeterminate, about 150 cm high.

- Taste of childhood– a mid-season tomato variety bred by the agricultural company "Aelita", intended for open beds and film greenhouses. The plant is determinate, with an average height of 70 cm. The manufacturer promises a yield of up to 11 kg per square meter, when planting 4 - 5 bushes in such an area. A universal variety, round fruits weighing 150–200 g.

- Fully full– mid-early standard indeterminate variety. One of the most productive in the Aelita company line. The expected yield is up to 13 kg per square meter, when planting 3 - 4 plants. The fruits are of medium weight - 100 g, round in shape, aromatic, with high taste characteristics. The variety is universally used and is suitable for growing in middle lane in greenhouses, and in the southern regions - in the open air.

- Giant Novikova– new tomato seeds 2016 from the agricultural company “Siberian Garden”. Tomatoes of Siberian selection are characterized by increased resistance to sudden summer cold snaps. This variety itself is not new, but was first bred for regions with cool summers. It is distinguished by very large red tomatoes, each weighing on average about 600 g. The pulp is sugary, sweet with a slight sourness, and aromatic. The plant is tall - up to 2 m, indeterminate. Ripening period is average.

- Three kids- an interesting new product from Aelita, offering a mixture of the three best early ripening varieties with small fruits. The bushes are determinate, low - up to 60 cm. Tomatoes are of three colors: red, yellow and orange. They have a sweet taste; universal purpose.

- Japanese truffle black– tomatoes with exotic dark brown flesh are offered by the Aelita company. The bush is indeterminate, tall - up to 2 m. The fruits, in addition to their interesting color and ribbed shape, have an excellent taste. The sweetness of tomatoes increases during storage. The ripening period is average. The weight of the fruits is 100 - 150 g. They are dense and ripen well. The purpose of the variety is universal.

- lady fingermid-early variety GL SEEDS company. It has good productivity. The bush is determinate, up to 1 m high. The fruits have an interesting elongated shape with a small “spout” at the bottom. The average fruit weight is 130 – 140 g. A universal variety with wonderful taste.

- Amber Heart– a new hybrid early yellow-fruited variety of Siberian selection “Siberian Garden”. The fruits are tasty, high in carotene, weighing on average 150 g, heart-shaped. Bush up to 110 cm high.

Preliminarily, it is difficult to name the best varieties of tomatoes for 2016 for a greenhouse, but, based on some descriptions, these can be called:

- Raspberry wine– a new hybrid variety bred by the agricultural company “Gardens of Russia” – is positioned as a variety balanced in all characteristics: taste qualities, yield and disease resistance. A special “highlight” is the color of the pulp of these tomatoes – raspberry-red. The manufacturer offers a whole series of varieties with fruits of this color. Based on the success of last year's collection, we can expect this one to be successful as well.

It’s quite safe to buy new items, and all seeds in general, not only in online stores, but also from so-called collectors, for example, in the ecoseed store of A. A. Voronina ( you can choose quite interesting varieties that will even Not new tomato varieties for 2016, but tried and tested. Moreover, such collectors often offer seeds of rare varieties or unusual ones, for example, two-color, green or even white! Many of which may become new and better tomato varieties just for you in 2016.

The transition from summer heat to autumn cold happened unexpectedly, as always, and now it’s already mid-September. I would like to extend the season and the tomatoes are still hanging on the bushes, but I know that this won’t last long and we can sum up the results of this season.

I'll start with open ground tomatoes.

The struggle for the harvest in our middle zone is always not easy, and this year was no exception.
The weather was a roller coaster from the heat in May to the cold of 8-10 degrees at the end of June. But that’s what the weather is for, and that’s what we are gardeners for, to try to smooth out its surprises and take a bonus from it in the form of a harvest as payment for all our labors.
Therefore, my annual techniques, such as obligatory, allowed me to obtain a harvest worthy of our area from the main part of the varieties.

Varieties such as

« Margot», « Alina», « Gift of the Volga region», « Golden Fleece», « Trust»

As always, the variety “” did not disappoint

Varieties grown in a greenhouse

In greenhouses the situation is, of course, different, that’s why they are greenhouses, it’s not in vain that we spend money and time on their construction. But even here there are some nuances that must be followed so that the costs are not in vain.

The main thing is that this is no longer protection from the cold, but rather protection from the heat. There must be effective and timely ventilation. They help me a lot personally « » , and for summer residents they are simply a salvation. After all, the whole point is that even in the middle of summer in warm weather, the greenhouse must be closed at night and opened in the morning, which requires constant presence.

Another subtlety is the selection of varieties, it depends on the design and height of the greenhouse. The higher the greenhouse, the taller varieties can be planted.
Most gardeners have standard arched greenhouses with a ridge height of 2.2 meters and 1 meter at the edge.

Therefore, medium-growing determinate varieties, such as

All of them showed a decent harvest this year.

And in the middle or at a high greenhouse it is of course better to plant indeterminate tall varieties. They are much easier to form, and they have greater yield and variety of fruits.

I was pleased with such varieties as

“Glow”, “Melon of the North”, “Yellow Marble”, “Barbos”, “Brandy Pink”, “Orange”, “Negro”.


“Goldilocks”, “Crimson Cascade”, “Black Bunch” and of course the favorite “Black Cherry”.

In general, despite some shortcomings, I am pleased with the season. A lot of tomatoes with fruits have been collected different characteristics, more than one bowl was eaten delicious salads, a lot of juice and sauces are cooked, canned whole and even frozen. Therefore, even in winter, our family will not be left without tomatoes on the table. And there is no doubt about the benefits of your tomatoes.

That's probably all, I'm writing a report, but my thoughts are already making plans for next year, but everything has its time.

Summing up the results of growing tomatoes in 2016 (Video)

Tomatoes– these are very tasty, juicy, nutritious and healthy vegetables, which can be grown in your own garden, dacha, even balcony.

Having good soil, fertilizers and best seeds, you can grow an excellent harvest. According to information from experienced vegetable growers, there are special statistics on tomato varieties that can be consulted. The best tomato varieties in 2016 were determined by breeders and seed producers.

When choosing seeds, pay attention to the following facts:

  • growing region;
  • recommendations for planting;
  • resistance to diseases and climatic conditions;
  • main characteristics of the fruit;
  • productivity and so on.

Taking into account the results of previous years, experienced vegetable growers and breeders compiled a rating of the best tomato varieties in 2016. The top list includes the following best varieties:

Determined based on the experience of previous seasons. The top list includes the best and most productive varieties that bring 100% harvest.

The best varieties of tomatoes in 2016, tips and trickshttps://site/wp-content/uploads/2016/03/2.jpghttps://site/wp-content/uploads/2016/03/2-150x150.jpg 2017-03-18T23:14:12+03:00 Dasha Samosudova Gardener growing, planting, seedsTomatoes are very tasty, juicy, nutritious and healthy vegetables that can be grown in your own garden, cottage, even balcony. The best tomato varieties for 2017 With good soil, fertilizer and the best seeds, you can grow a great crop. According to information from experienced vegetable growers, there are special statistics on tomato varieties that you can familiarize yourself with....Dasha Samosudova

Tomatoes were grown in a PC greenhouse in the Leningrad region. Sowing for seedlings from 13.02 to 14.03. The seeds 20.02. performed best of all, the worst ones - 13.14.03. - turned out to be very weak and late. The early children did not show themselves to be early; they began to knit later than the indeets, and at the same time they matured later. I won’t plant any more children in the greenhouse, there’s no point, they just take up space.

  1. Iceberg, child 1m, Semko, sowing 13.03. - not impressed
  2. Academician Sakharov (2 different), indet 2.5 m, seeded 13.02. (Nata42, AB*) - from AB, productive (2 trunks), knitted without gaps, red, good tomato taste, from Natasha - chokeberry re-variety, moderately productive (2 trunks), knitted without gaps but 2-3 tomatoes per bunch, very tasty, sweet, juicy, one of the favorites of the season.
  3. Appetizing 1.3 m SibSad sowing 13.03. - did not impress with the yield (2 trunks), it turned out late, the taste is average for black, but better than pink ones.
  4. Akmore Treasure, indet, Gusev, seeding 13.03. - productive (1 trunk), unusual fan clusters and shape of tomatoes, lemon-yellow cream with a long spout, a beautiful bush with drooping foliage. The tomatoes have an ordinary taste, shelf-stable, juicy, but with thick walls, probably good for preparations.
  5. Amber in Gold, indet, medium-sized yellow-pink cream, Gusev, sowing 13.03. - good yield (2 trunks), very beautiful tomatoes, good taste, but a little inferior to the Isis Candy and Blush varieties, they have gone into harvest.
  6. Dad, grows up to 2 m, sowed on February 20, it turned out early - very productive (3 trunks), quite tasty, fleshy and juicy pink hearts
  7. Berkeley Thai Dye, indet up to 2.5 m Rat Rap, seeded 13.02. - productive (2 stems), knitted with gaps in bad weather, beautiful, similar in appearance to Chocolate Stripes, but superior in taste, recognized as one of the best this year!!! I will always plant!
  8. Budenovka, seeding 14.03. - tall, half-det?, productive, pink hearts of good taste
  9. Bull's Heart, indet, planted with seedlings on 04/30. - productive (2 trunks), knitted without gaps, the higher the larger, pink hearts of average taste, fell ill early, was torn out
  10. Blush, indet, yellow striped fingers, Gusev, sowing 13.02. - productive (3 trunks), one of the first to ripen, knitted all the tassels and did not shed flowers, healthy, beautiful, delicious!!!
  11. Volgograd early ripening, children, sowing 20.02. - not early ripening, productive, tastes like canned food
  12. Demidov, SibSad, sowing 14.03. - not impressed
  13. Harvard Square, indet, Rat-rap, sowed 02.13., started knitting late, beautiful, very productive (2 trunks), liked the taste, sweet fruity and very beautiful tomatoes, healthy, ripens in September)
  14. Village Tonin (conditional name), indet 1.6 m, potato leaf, AB, sowing 20.02. - a beautiful and convenient bush with a potato leaf, quite productive (2 trunks), round, even pink tomatoes, larger on the upper clusters - a very tasty pink tomato - dense, juicy, sweet
  15. Heat, indet, Ira Maus, sowing 20.02., tied 02.06. - moderately productive (1 trunk), huge red hearts, quite tasty, fleshy
  16. The Riddle of Nature, indet, SibSad, sowing 02/20, ovary 05/30. - super productive (2 trunks), requires strong garter of bushes and brushes, knits without gaps, large bicolors, very tasty and beautiful
  17. Everett's Rusted Heart, 1.7m, Rat Rap, seeded 02/20. - low-yielding, medium-late, the taste is good, but somehow it didn’t impress, it fits very poorly, I didn’t like the consistency of the fruit
  18. Isis Candy cherry, Gusev, indet cherry, sowing 20.02. - productive (2 trunks), very tasty, early bicolor cherry blossoms, beautiful and juicy, sweet like candy, I will always plant them
  19. Doll F1, child, seeding 13.03. - tore it out, completely...
  20. Lebanese Omara 1.6 m, Rat-rap, seeded 13.02. - moderately productive (2 trunks), beautiful, large, red-pink tomatoes, taste usual for pink ones, cracks at the stem
  21. Mamin Sibiryak, indet, AB, sowing 20.02., ovary 01.06. - productive (3 trunks), early, delicious red cream fingers, good and convenient for harvesting, healthy, ripens until the end of September
  22. Marmalade Bulbs, Quail, sowing 20.02. - productive (2 trunks), I got a medium-late one, the taste is very, very decent, they ripen for a long time, the skin is dense
  23. Mikado Sibiriko, Quail, 1.8 m, sowing 20.02. - I really liked it! the yield is not inferior to Batyana (2 trunks), very similar in appearance, but the taste is better and the tomato itself is more pleasant in consistency - juicy and oily
  24. Michelle F1, child, seeding 13.03. - smooth, red tomatoes with good tomato taste, not an early hybrid, but a very worthy one
  25. Abundant Maslova, indet 2 m, sowing 20.02. - complete disappointment - a huge bush with a small amount of incomprehensible red cream tomatoes
  26. Orange from Russia, Maus, AB, 1.8 m sowing 20.02. - moderately productive (2 trunks), beautiful bicolor, healthy, but I liked the taste less than the Mystery of Nature
  27. Orange Russian 117, Gusev, seeding 13.02. - similar to the previous one, but turned out to be more productive (2 trunks) and the fruits were larger and yellower
  28. Striped Chocolate, Mouse, 1.7 m, sowing 20.02. - productive, handsome, excellent bush, led at four! trunk, pulled everything out, and the tomatoes were large in all the clusters, he holds the clusters with heavy fruits himself, the taste is not bad. Twin brother of Berkeley Tai Dai, the yield of Chocolate Stripes is slightly higher, but I did not like the wide bases of the stalks with a stem and was inferior in taste.
  29. Purple Russian, indet, Maus, seeding 13.03. - turned out late, moderately productive (2 trunks), excellent taste, sweet and juicy
  30. Portuguese Dacosta, Maus, 1.8 m, sowing 13.03 - super tomato!, I liked everything - yield (2 stems), taste, consistency, appearance, taste, I will always plant!
  31. President II F1, indet, seeding 13.03. - very late, productive, beautiful bush and even calibrated tomatoes, excellent health of the bush. The consistency of the tomatoes is like store-bought plastic ones, they lie well, but the taste is amazing! - bright and sweet!
  32. Prince Borghese, Mouse, 1.6 m, seeded 20.02., started knitting 26.05.!!! - the earliest, tasty, very productive (3 trunks), good for enjoying the first tomatoes and preparing them (dried - magical!)
  33. Pink Leader, seeded 14.03. - my son changed the name to Pink Outsider, that says it all)))
  34. Lilac Lake, Julia Yu, sowing 20.02, ovary 01.06. - moderately productive (2 trunks), beautiful, even, purple tomatoes. Juicy, sweet, loved it
  35. Carbon, Maus, 1.6 m, sowing 20.02., ovary 01.06. - medium-yielding (2 trunks), did not impress with either taste or ripening time
  36. Harvest Guseva, 1 m, Gusev, sowing 13.02. - super-yielding child, monster 1.5 meters wide, do not remove the stepsons!, very tasty cocktail-sized tomatoes, good for preparation, but also taste - a thing, a classic of the tomato genre!
  37. Hospitable red, Quail, 1.6 m, sowing 20.02. - productive (2 trunks), beautiful, the highest rating from my husband in terms of taste - real tomato taste
  38. Black Heart, AB, 1.6 m, sowing 20.02. - productive (2 trunks), large black elongated hearts, perfectly holds heavy brushes on its own, the tomatoes are dense, lie well, do not lose their taste, the taste is a very good chokeberry
  39. Black Garnet, Rat-rap, seeded 20.02. - medium-late, the yield is below average, but I really liked the tomatoes themselves, purple fruits with green seed liquid, the color of the tomatoes is like a ripe pomegranate, the taste is very bright - sweet with a slight sourness, I liked it
  40. Black Master, Julia Yu, 1.8 m, seeded 13.03. - a very beautiful bush (1 trunk, I foolishly cut off a large stepchild, but it didn’t produce any more), tomatoes as in the picture, glossy, dark burgundy, I really liked the taste - sweet with some exotic note, aromatic - the highest rating this season !
  41. Black Tulsky, AB, 2 m, sowing 13.02. - barren (2 trunks), good in taste, but a little weak, especially if it’s overripe
  42. San Pedro Giant, indet, Rat-rap, seeded 13.02. - mid-late, never a giant, unproductive, didn’t like anything
  43. Fancy F1, seeded 14.03. - the only one of the children and hybrids that I really liked, strewn with large cream tomatoes, I highly recommend it for OG, the taste is ordinary tomato, preserved in own juice, and not only -!!!
  44. Shen Fas Akha, indet, Rat-rap, seeded 13.02. - productive, it turned out kind of a freak, but the taste is very, very good, sweet, juicy, just don’t let it overripe on the bush
  45. Chocolate Bunny, AB, 1.7 m, sowing 20.02. - super-yielding (2 trunks), early, beautiful, sweet, dense, good to eat first and for preparation, healthy, ripens until the end of September, I will always plant
CONCLUSION: I will try to do sowing from February 20 to 28, my March ones turned out to be very late, weak and lazy. I will never put children in a greenhouse again. I don't like hybrids. Of the 45 tested varieties, those that remain permanently (according to ratings) are Black Master, Berkeley Thai Dai, Hospitable Red, Resort Akademik Sakharov from Nata42, Dacosta Portuguese, Blush, Purple Russian, Isis Candy, Marmalade Bulbs, Mystery of Nature, Lilac Lake, Mikado Sibiriko, Mamin-Sibiryak, Black Garnet, Chocolate Bunny, Black Heart, Harvest Gusev, Orange Russian, Lebanese Omara, Village Tonin - seeds will be collected from these varieties.
* AB - seeds from Alena Voronina, ecotomato

February is the right time to select and purchase tomato seeds, which we will sow in March. I have been growing tomatoes in a greenhouse and in open ground for only 6 years, but I have already managed to create my own hit parade of tomato varieties.

The best varieties of tomatoes

There are varieties must have, which I always plant every year. I like them not only for their taste and unpretentiousness, but also for the way they look on the bush. I’ll paraphrase one bearded joke: “I don’t really like tomatoes... But the process itself...”. I love going into the greenhouse and admiring the tomato plantations. And I don’t hesitate to show off especially spectacular ones to my neighbors, and then post photos on the forum. It’s a shame to hide it - we all love it!

The following varieties are among the favorites also because they do not need to be fanatically cultivated and shaped. And they will always produce a harvest: small, large, and a lot, depending on the variety and what I grow them for - for salads, for preparations, or, the smallest and sweetest ones, so that “like seeds, they click.” .

Variety "Rocket" suitable for both open ground. The fruits are identical in shape and sweet. We love to eat them by the handful. Look good in blanks. The bush requires garter, despite the fact that the package says the opposite. This is because a lot of fruits grow, and the bush bends from the weight. Its height in open ground is about 40 cm, and can reach up to 60 cm. This is a mid-season variety; it does not need to be pinched.

Rice. 1. “Rocket” matures smoothly and is well stored in both technical and biological maturity.

Variety "Big Man" I got it from a neighbor. During a tour of her greenhouse, I really liked the way it looked on the bush. The neighbor said that she has been planting it for a long time, that it is unpretentious and always sets fruit, even if the ventilation regime in the greenhouse is not followed. Of course, I took one fruit for seeding. “Zdorovyak” can grow up to 100 cm in height, so it is better to grow it in a greenhouse, although it produces large tomatoes in open ground.

Rice. 2. There is almost no need to pin the “Big Man” wrist.

Rice. 3. It ripens in batches, gradually, which is very convenient.

Among the vigorous-growing tomatoes with large fruits, I highlighted variety "Red Giant". This amateur variety was bred by simple gardeners. Despite the fact that it grows a lot of leaves, it does not have to be pruned too often. The fruits on the lower tiers are the largest. If I had not been lazy and plucked out the inflorescences, leaving no more than 3-4 in the brush, the fruits would have been even larger. It is fleshy inside and contains few seeds.

Rice. 4. “Red Giant” in mid-July.

Rice. 5. You can take your own seeds, but the fruit must ripen on the bush and come from the second cluster from the bottom.

Rice. 6. The fruits are slightly ribbed, quite transportable, there is never a yellow-pink top from unbalanced care, as in pink-fruited varieties.

Rice. 7. Both from the side of the stalk and from reverse side always have a marketable appearance.

Rice. 8. The only drawback of the “Red Giant” is that the largest fruits require a garter.

However, almost all large-fruited tomatoes require additional tying of the brushes. Except my next favorite, "Bull's Heart". I also always grow it year after year, as my grandmother advised me. “He will never let you down!” - she said, and every year I am convinced of this. Even if I took my own seeds and not factory ones, “Bull’s Heart” invariably bears fruit and does not require pinching at all, although it is vigorous. Somehow I didn’t have enough space in the greenhouse, and one bush of “Bull’s Heart” grew outside without shelter. It grew to 1 m instead of 140-150 cm in the greenhouse, but still pleased me.

Rice. 9. The hands grow in such a way that they do not need to be additionally secured with a garter to prevent them from falling.

Rice. 10. There is one peculiarity of the “Bull’s Heart” - a predisposition to the formation of such gnarled fruits.

Therefore, if you see a bud or flower that is too large, feel free to cut it with scissors, it will still take a long time to ripen, even though it will be large, the skin will be hard and gray, you cannot take seeds from it.

Rice. 11. But the bulk of the “Bull’s Heart” fruits are very beautiful, tasty and fleshy. By the way, this variety comes in both orange and red.

Tall tomatoes for the greenhouse

I definitely plant the listed varieties, but there are also some that I just liked, and I periodically grow them in the greenhouse, but I have not become a fan of them. Of the indeterminates, I like the raceme varieties the most. Again, this is primarily because they look beautiful on the bush. There are only three varieties, and each has a special reason to grow it.

"Intuition F1"- a mid-season hybrid, but I would classify it as late-ripening. Not only does it reach harvest ripeness only by mid-August, but biological maturity also comes quite late. Some specimens of these tomatoes ripen even until the end of October. But, on the other hand, this is convenient because as a result, we have our own fresh tomatoes at home for a very long time. That's why I sow it in February.

Rice. 12. Photo from the end of July, but the fruits have not yet begun to ripen.

But "Intuition F1" very lightweight. This hybrid is great for freezing for future use. In winter, I make pizza and frittata with them, as they do not defrost like porridge, but retain their meatiness well when sliced.

Rice. 13. The fruits are all smooth and beautiful.

Rice. 14. In this form, I send “Intuition F1” to deep freeze.

"Scarlet Candles"- carpal variety, mid-season. They don’t have a special taste, but what a shape! Looks impressive in preparations with cucumbers. However, this is why I grow them. It’s nice to admire such a jar later in the winter.

Rice. 15. The length of “Scarlet Candles” is almost like pickling cucumbers.

Rice. 16. “Scarlet candles” look neat, they all have a characteristic “spout”.

"De barao" Quite late-ripening, I sow it earlier than the bulk of the tomatoes. I really like it in preparations, it does not crack and is very tasty, both fresh and pickled.

Rice. 17. "De Barao" is resistant to disease. I always plant it on the north side, tying it above the entrance to the greenhouse, because it is very tall, and the upper tier ripens even in the last ten days of August, despite the first cold nights.

Rice. 18. The fruits are beautiful, all as one.

I have tried a great variety of salad varieties, I still want to find the most delicious one. Of the tomatoes with unusual colors, I really like the taste " Malachite box" And "Black Prince". Both are tall and require pinching, gartering, and formation into 1-2 stems, but the effort is worth it, the fruits are magnificent. "Black Prince" - dark burgundy at full ripeness.

Rice. 19. “Malachite box” in biological maturity - green.

Rice. 20. All these “Malachite Box” tomatoes are already ripe, although they seem unripe in appearance.

Yellow giants are not inferior in taste, of them the most fleshy and tasty for me are "Truffle yellow"- unusual shape, "Persimmon"- indeed, the cut flesh is like the fruit of the same name, "Golden King" and sweet as a melon "Golden Bull". Less impressed "Heart of Gold" And "Altai yellow".
But it should be noted that keeping quality yellow tomatoes inferior to the red ones. From salad reds I grew "King of the Large", "Cardinal", "Canary", "Bear's Paw", "Mazarin", "Altai Red". What can I say about them - they are all equal, as if by selection. It tires them to constantly tug and tie them up. One good thing is that they are large.

Rice. 21. Everyone looks the same on the bush. This is Cardinal.

Rice. 22. “Cardinal” is well kept.

Rice. 23. "Canaries".

Rice. 24. In the foreground is “Mazarin”. It differs only in shape, in taste - like all other red-fruited ones.

Rice. 25. “Altai Reds”, however, can be praised for their friendly maturation.

I would especially like to mention pink-fruited tomatoes "Miracle of the Earth." If you are lucky with the summer and it is not very hot, then you can get a good harvest from this variety.

Rice. 26. “Miracle of the Earth” are also tall.

But, if there is not very good ventilation in the greenhouse, then this variety will give a characteristic light yellow border, I don’t like it, and I cut it off before use.

Rice. 27. “Miracle of the Earth” - on the right. They are the same size as the Red Giant on the left.

Separately, it should be said about tall cherry tomatoes, for example, “Chio-chio-san”, “Sweet Cherry F1” and others. Yes, many of them are sweet, they look elegant both in the greenhouse and in pickles, but many of them are thrown away and require careful care. No matter how much I refuse to plant them, I still “break down”, I really want to admire the brushes.

Rice. 28. “Red date” is, of course, delicious.

Rice. 29. “Goldilocks” also tastes good if you resist and don’t eat it half-ripe - and it can be eaten even half-ripe.

Tomatoes for open ground

Among the tomatoes for growing outside, I liked only five. Although all tomatoes for open ground can be grown in a greenhouse, if there is space. Just more efficient than a greenhouse occupy not only the width, but also the height, so it is customary to place low varieties on the street, under temporary shelter or without it at all.

Hybrid "King of the Market III F1" No wonder it got its name. I grow it under cover and without, depending on how much space remains in the greenhouse after the main plantings. It is considered early ripening, although I would not say so. I plant it with pleasure, because in any summer - both cloudy and hot - it produces a stable harvest. Most likely, this is because it is resistant to various diseases. In a greenhouse it grows slightly higher than in open ground. A garter is needed because the fruits, especially the lower ones, are very large.

Rice. 30. “Market King III F1” produces aligned fruits (in the red basket).

Rice. 31. “Apple tree of Russia” on a bush.

Rice. 32. “Apple Tree of Russia” stores well, including when frozen.

Rice. 33. “Buyan” is a long-known trouble-free variety for open ground.

Rice. 34. “Buyan” is good for pickling.

Rice. 35. I bought “Leningrad Chill” in economical packaging - 200 seeds in one. It lived up to its name, did not freeze during frosts, and grew well both in the greenhouse and outdoors.

Rice. 36. But the yellow-fruited variety “Wonder of the World” turned out to be the most cold-resistant for open ground. It sets an incredible amount of fruit.

I also tried from the low ones “Kremlin F1”, “Peach”, “Orange Sun”, “Darling”, “Tiger”, “Sanka”. Despite the hype, these varieties disappointed me.

And finally, dwarfs. These tomatoes are suitable for even the laziest or busiest gardeners. They do not require gartering, watering and, especially, pinching.

Rice. 37. Dwarfs only need to be mulched in mid-June and come to harvest in early August.