Skinny little girls. The most beautiful body parts of a skinny girl

It is very rare to hear from a girl that she would like to gain weight; most often you hear about constant diets and extra pounds. And how disappointing it can be when at 25 you look 20, have a slim and toned body, and people around you are constantly telling you: “Oh, you’re so skinny, you need to eat!”

And how do you explain to others that it’s not you who exhausted yourself so much with diets, but your body constitution is such, and nothing can be done about it, that’s why, when everything suits you anyway. But it turns out that very thin girls also sometimes have a hard time, because such a figure is often difficult to call feminine and harmonious.

In order to hide excessive thinness, there are some tricks and unspoken rules, following which you will always look sophisticated and elegant.

For some reason, there is an opinion among girls that in order to hide excessive thinness, two extremes are necessary. One of them is buying clothes several sizes larger, but think about how funny thin arms look against the background of large sleeves of a sweater or thin legs in a huge skirt.

Another opinion is to buy things that completely hug your figure. There are, of course, things that will favorably emphasize your figure, but you need to make sure that this is not unnecessary, because you don’t really want to show off excessive thinness for everyone to see.

So, is it possible to choose fashionable clothes for very thin girls without showing off the angular curves of your figure? Thin hands, legs, hips, I want to add volume to the figure where they are so lacking, but this is absolutely unrealistic if you are wrapped in robes or covered with fabrics. To help you in this difficult task, we have prepared for you five recommendations for creating the perfect style.

How to choose?

Rule No. 1. Striped

Girls of absolutely all body types should know this simple geometric trick. It has long been a known fact that vertical clothing forces the gaze to slide from bottom to top, so the figure visually lengthens and narrows, adding a few more kilograms to excessive thinness.

But the horizontal stripe visually adds volume, and the wider the stripe, the more the figure expands. This, of course, does not mean that you need to turn into a striped suitcase, but, for example, a combination of a striped top and light trousers will definitely give your figure the missing volume.

Rule No. 2. Volumetric

As we have already said, narrow and tight clothes remain for the owner of curvaceous figures, and we need to choose clothes so that they hide excessive thinness, and do not emphasize it, like, for example, all sorts of turtlenecks and tight dresses.

We can say that you are lucky, thin girls can easily experiment with voluminous models, for example, with flowing blouses and skirts; fashionable loose-fitting ones that go well with trousers and shorts are suitable.

And if you are also tall, long dresses and dresses can fit perfectly. But, in order not to turn into a shapeless bag or an inflatable ball, it is better to dilute your outfit with a thin strap that will successfully emphasize the waistline, making the image both airy and graceful.

Rule No. 3. Ruffles and frills

What specific models should very thin girls not wear? This is especially true for dresses that are lately have become so popular, I want to follow the latest fashion trends, but this is not acceptable everywhere.

For example, models with sharp and deep necklines are absolutely not recommended for thin girls; you should also pay attention to the legs; if they are like two thin sticks, then it is better to avoid mini-length, because it will only emphasize the angularity of the figure.

And here are dresses with a variety of ruffles, frills and voluminous decor. Those that have a sun-flared or tulip style are better suited; they will visually add smooth curves where, theoretically, every woman should have them.

Rule No. 4. Proper shoes and accessories

It’s not always about clothes alone; you need to approach such important points as shoes and related accessories wisely. Recently, bulky shoes have come into fashion, which is accompanied by thick high heels or a weighty wedge heel.

But, regardless of height, such models will have to be abandoned, because they will visually emphasize the excessive thinness of the legs. It is better to choose elegant models, preferably with stiletto heels, and you should not abuse the height, 3-5 centimeters is enough.

As for various decorations, here too fashion is not on our side now. Such fashionable large earrings and beads will have to be left aside; in any case, you should not allow yourself to wear such clothes often. But elegant models, such as thin chains with a pendant, a pearl necklace, drop earrings - all this will look very harmonious on thin girls.

Rule No. 5. We follow the principle of multi-layering

An ordinary plain dress and shoes are not always interesting, but you're lucky, slim figure allows you to experiment a lot, for example, combining clothes of different textures and colors, creating the most unusual combinations that are inaccessible to the owner of curvy figures.

For example, a voluminous dress, which is decorated with a belt at the waist and a knitted cardigan thrown on top, looks very interesting. You can wear a voluminous colorful blouse under a sheath dress, and a plaid shirt is perfect over a plain T-shirt.

What can you say in addition?

So, what other things should thin girls wear, and which ones would it be better to avoid? We must not forget that thin individuals often have very thin necks and protruding collarbones; they can be covered with a simple scarf or handkerchief; choose a blouse that is decorated with a bright frill or collar.

Small breasts are a common occurrence in thin girls; to hide this detail, you can take a closer look at blouses with a lush frill or flounces in this area; jackets that can be decorated with various draperies and patterns on the chest are also suitable.

By the way, you will have to give up too-tight trousers; trousers and skinny jeans can also emphasize the excessive slenderness of your legs. It is best to choose models such as knee flares or hip flares, which perfectly emphasize the hips, but hide “boyish” curves.

We must not forget about the color scheme; it is better to abandon the universal black color, and turn your attention to light colors, which also visually add volume in the necessary places. As for fabrics, for example, in summer soft and air models. But the main rule must always be observed: clothes must be selected in size, only then will they look appropriate and harmonious.

1st place

For more than 150 years, the thinnest woman in the world has been considered Lucia Zarate, who lived in San Carlos. She reached her maximum weight by the age of twenty. By this time he weighed 6 kilograms with a height of 55 centimeters. Thanks to her petite build, Lucia made a spectacular career in the American circus, where she performed in freak shows. Her life was cut short in 1890, at the age of 29. She died of hypothermia, along with other passengers, becoming a prisoner of a train stuck in the mountains.

2nd place

Among those living today, our compatriot, a resident of Chelyabinsk region Natalya Zhultaeva. Having experienced severe stress after breaking up with her boyfriend, the girl stopped eating and eventually became anorexic. Having lost 30 kilograms, Natalya, with a height of 68 centimeters, weighs only 21 kilograms.

3rd place

One of the thinnest women in the world is an American Lizzie Velazquez. Having a height of 157 centimeters, the girl weighs 28 kilograms. Lizzie was born weighing less than 1 kilogram, and doctors predicted that she would short life. But the girl grew up and entered university. Lizzie leads a normal life. The only thing that causes her some inconvenience is the need to eat high-calorie food every quarter of an hour. Lizzie does not suffer from anorexia. Doctors have not yet found out the reasons for her extreme thinness.

4th place

The French woman weighed only 28 kilograms Isabel Caro, who died of anorexia at age 28. From the age of 13, Isabelle suffered from severe depression because of her mother, who was so attached to her that she did not even let her go outside. Gradually, Isabel began to limit herself in food, trying to remain a little girl. Caro described her life in the book “The Little Girl Who Didn’t Want to Get Fat.” In 2003, 3 years before her death, Isabelle posed for a photo shoot dedicated to the fight against anorexia.

5th place

Until recently, the smallest weight in the world (25 kilograms) was Valeria Levitina, a Russian native, taken by her parents to Chicago as a child. Since all the women in the family were overweight, Valeria’s mother constantly limited her food intake. Then, having won the Miss Chicago competition, Valeria decided to connect her life with the modeling business and began to follow a strict diet. As a result, by the age of 24, she began to weigh 38 kilograms and was 172 centimeters tall. And I couldn’t gain weight again. In 2013, Valeria died of anorexia at the age of 39.

6th place

Twins from England Katie And Maria Campbell, started “improving” their body at the age of 11. They did not want to gain weight with age, and deliberately reduced their food intake to the possible minimum. Currently, the sisters weigh 38 kilograms. They acquired anorexia, and with it a lot of health problems and an unattractive appearance.

7th place

Model Anna Reston died of anorexia in 2006, weighing 40 kilograms. After winning beauty pageants, the girl had enormous success as a model. But in 2004 in China she was called overweight, and she decided to achieve an ideal figure at all costs. A diet that included only apples and tomatoes led her to a sad ending for 2 years.

8th place

Mannequin Twiggy, with a height of 169 centimeters, weighed only 40 kilograms. Oddly enough, she was admired, and many women dreamed of having 80-50-80 proportions like a modeling star. It is believed that it was Twiggy who became the trendsetter for anorexia.

9th place

According to the Guinness Book of Records, the owner of the narrowest waist in the world is Katie Jang. This woman has been wearing a corset since she was 28, almost never taking it off. As a result, her waist reached 38 centimeters. Although Katya is now over 70, she does not intend to give up her habits.

10th place

And finally, let's say a few words about Ione Spangerberg which is called alive hourglass. In addition to her very small weight (only 40 kilograms), Jonah has one of the narrowest waists in the world. Its volume is 50 centimeters. Jonah is quite healthy. She works as a fashion model and has a family. The reason for the low weight remains a mystery, both for the girl herself and for the doctors.

In contact there is a group - “40 kilograms”. The girls in it strive for this weight and create their own idea of ​​beauty. What kind of thin body parts do they find attractive and do men like this? Voting is for boys. Girls can test themselves for fatness.

1. - gap between legs

The dream of not only every anorexic woman, but also every first chubby woman is the cherished distance between her legs. Some of my friends call it "wheel alignment", others - "slingshot". In some girls it is pronounced, in others it is very pronounced, but there are also those girls for whom it is naturally very difficult to achieve perfection - no matter how thin they become, the coveted hole does not appear. Is it necessary? What do you say, boys?

2. - protruding collarbone

A fetish from the era of “heroin chic,” when a skinny Kate Moss was on magazine covers. The protruding collarbone symbolizes trepidation and defenselessness, aristocracy and grace. True, other, not so flattering features often appear along with it - for example, protruding ribs. But here, whoever likes what. Do you like it?

3. - sunken cheeks and prominent cheekbones

Example: Angelina Jolie. The girls believe that the more the cheeks “sink”, the better. A fan of this feature is the wife of a London billionaire and eccentric blonde, Kristina Sysoeva, widely known in narrow circles. To achieve such beauty, she not only constantly goes on diets, but also had some of her teeth removed. Not in vain?

4. - narrow back and prominent ribs

It’s hard to disagree with the fact that an actress playing, for example, Juliet, should have a thin and fragile back. A wide, fleshy back with ridges on the sides is more suitable for peasant women with many children and other typical heroines. Therefore, our “40 kilograms” fight fiercely for protruding shoulder blades, a spine tearing through the skin and other signs of a ballerina. What will the men say?

5. - flat stomach

I think no one will argue here at all. A flat stomach is a fetish for all times. The only person I remember who thought differently was Quentin Tarantino’s heroine from pulp fiction, babbling about pie. In any case, a flat stomach, symbolizing that the lady is definitely not pregnant, really attracts men. Remember the 2000s craze for bare, pierced belly buttons? Same thing.

6. - pronounced waist

It would seem that there is nothing to argue about here, but I will try anyway. There is nothing wrong with a thin waist in itself. The bad stuff starts when they try to hypertrophy it. For example, they don’t get out of a corset for several years, or they remove their ribs, as Vika Vicious did, whom I have been observing for many years. There are rumors that Odessa Barbie had the same operation. Was it not in vain that they tortured themselves for the sake of men?

7. - protruding pelvic bones

A piquant mound of bone on low-waisted jeans - what could be sexier? At least that's what many people think
Do you like it?

Do you think these signs of thinness are beautiful? All or just some? What do you say?

By chance this morning I looked into the community... I don’t remember what it’s called, but something like “Skinny”, or “Lose Weight Together”, etc. And there is a photo album, like their internal competition “Best Girls of 2014.” And in the photo album, I want to say, there are wonderful photographs in which the participants of this self-proclaimed competition capture various interesting areas of their body. Well, I think I started the morning well, I looked in well. The most best girls Russia!
“Now I’ll recharge my spirits,” I thought, looking around at my colleagues, and lowered my hand under the table, somewhere in the area of ​​my fly. After all, I expected to see something like this:

And I saw this:

He quickly returned his hand to work surface table.
Thought about it.

I understand that thin legs are wonderful... or not wonderful... in fact, I, of course, do not understand anything and do not understand female beauty, and therefore, due to my naivety, bound by ignorance, I have always believed that thin legs are terrible. But I understand that I was mistaken. Well, it’s just... after that, I learned from the comments that I’m a virgin to whom no one gives. These people are certainly completely right. With LJ posts I sublimate my hidden desires. I dream of blowing off steam on a female, but I’m blowing it off in blogs. To each his own. Plus, here are the comments on the photos: true alphas sincerely admire a pair of these divine legs. And I have no reason not to trust the taste of these people. There is only one nuance - these legs, of course, I get it... but the only question that arises is: why the fuck? The fuck could get up, but the fuck gets up! What a wonderful phraseology!
What's beautiful about two matches? Why lose so much weight if it is absolutely obvious that the girl in the photo above looks clearly better than the skeleton with these two legs?
Well, this is so, a stupid question, of course, I understand. A question dictated to me by my own envy - I should never touch such legs, this graceful doe... what else can I do but be indignant?
Here are some more graceful fallow deer boasting about their successes:

And at this point, still out of the same ignorance, another question arises in me, filling with blood:
What's so funny when a girl has no belly at all? Those. Why is an ordinary, standard stomach worse than a sunken something, by resting your hand on which you can feel each vertebrae individually?
Such bodies are unpleasant even to the touch. They are hard, bony, there is nothing to hold on to, and in general, when you get to know each other very closely, it feels like... well, how can I say... this is how to fuck Schwarzenegger in calf muscle... I think something like this. Everything is hard, angular... darkness! The protruding ribs are completely fucked up, they take me as if to the action of the movie “Hellraiser”!
Maybe there are fans of such girls, they are very economical and practical? Well, for example, after a working day, you can put the small change that has accumulated during the day into such sunken bellies.
Here’s a very interesting case: in the photo below you will see a showdown between two females in their natural habitat. Here is the divine nymph posting a photo:

Well, the comments filled with admiration can be seen under the photo. But suddenly, a person appears who considers this body terrible. And a terrible battle and persecution begins.

They use the worst insults a woman can hear, such as “Puffy.” Well, you saw it in the screenshot.
The skeletons are just mocking the unfortunate... they call her a fat pig, a crumpet that won’t come out of the refrigerator. And to confirm their words, they even publish photos of the unfortunate fat woman:

In principle, this turned out to be the only photo in the album that depicted something needed, and not a Lego constructor upholstered in human skin.

I won’t post anything else due to the same length of photos. In general, it seems to me that such bodies are of interest mainly to sexual perverts. And it seems so to me for one simple reason: first of all, when looking at such a body, my imagination draws something like an over-aged, withered old woman. The second thing I remember is Lenin in the mausoleum. The third thing is soybeans. The fourth thing is the Jews.
Many phantasms storm my brain at such a moment. But only one fantasy hides shyly in a corner and does not show itself... the only thing I cannot associate with in this case is sex.

PS/ Comrade in the comments fluffypett whispered for perversions: it’s not for nothing that owners of thin bodies have always been called examples of “Teenage figure”, “childish figure”, due to their similarity with children in the absence of pronounced classical sexual characteristics (elastic, wide butt, breasts, etc.). On this basis, there is a strong opinion in psychology that love for such women is sure sign latent pedophilia. Very similar to reality. So I recommend treating such lovers with the utmost caution, and not leaving your children alone with them;)