Russian prisons are places where it is better not to go. The most terrible prison in Russia The contingent of this prison is the most terrible murderers who deprived

In the city of Sol-Iletsk, which is located in the Orenburg region on the border with Kazakhstan, there is a special prison, which is popularly called the “Black Dolphin”. This maximum security colony was created for the most dangerous criminals who received life sentences for their crimes. This post will introduce you in more detail to the prison from which it is simply impossible to escape.

The colony owes its unofficial name to a sculpture that was made and installed at the entrance by the prisoners themselves.

Currently, about 700 prisoners are serving sentences here, including terrorists, cannibals and serial killers.

On average, there are deaths for every convicted person, since in total about 3,500 people died at the hands of these criminals.

All prisoners were sentenced to life imprisonment. This is Vladimir Nikolaev, who killed a man in a drunken brawl, then chopped up his body and ate it.

Prisoners are under constant video surveillance. Convicts leave their cells only in handcuffs, which are fastened tightly behind their backs.

There are individual cages inside the individual chambers. by 5 square meters two people huddle.

Cameras are checked every 15 minutes.

The camera does not see the courtyard, but only the sky. The walking yard is closed, you can only walk forward and backward in it.

Cells are often searched to identify the possible presence of prohibited items.

Food is carried to the cells.

The main food is soup with bread.

All convicts wear one black uniform with three white stripes.

There have never been any prisoner escapes in this prison.

Evsyukov was placed in a model prison

Yesterday, former Major Evsyukov arrived at his final destination. From reliable sources, "MK" learned that he was taken to FBU IK-6 of the Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia in the Orenburg region. This means that the first people who met him were... dolphins. Which he most likely did not see, because they had to put a canvas bag over his head.

Evsyukov was sent to the prison on the evening of July 5th. He was taken to the railway station in a closed car (paddy wagon), and then transferred to a special carriage. Evsyukov was accompanied by 4 guards. By train from Moscow to Sol-Iletsk (it is in this city that the largest prison with the strictest rules for death row prisoners, called “Black Dolphin”) is located, it takes about a day and a half. So he arrived at the correctional facility early in the morning of July 7th. It got its name because of the sculptures installed in front of the service entrance. Dolphins here stand in pools where there are stones instead of water. According to rumors, the sculptures were made by one of the craftsmen-convicts sentenced to death.

Be that as it may, this prison today is one of the most terrible places in Russia. About 700 convicts are serving their sentences here, including cannibals, rapists, serial killers (among the local guests are former employee"YUKOS" Alexey Pichugin and the Arkhangelsk maniac who killed 10 women, Sergei Shipilov). It is impossible to escape from the prison because the walls are two meters thick and all the prisoners' cells are located above the first floor to avoid undermining. As the FSIN in the Orenburg region assures, in their memory there was not a single escape. By the way, it is for this reason that the prison is considered exemplary. But in recent years a lot has changed here. Convicts, for example, were allowed to engage in labor activities - sewing. A prayer room also appeared here; in the cells, instead of buckets, there were toilets, washbasins with hot water. And now they are placed in cells taking into account psychological compatibility (this has reduced the percentage of suicides and murders).

However, some things here will remain unchanged, probably forever. For example, there is a tradition of throwing a canvas bag over the head as soon as the foot of a life-prisoner touches the Sol-Iletsk soil. Now, however, the bag is often replaced with a special bandage. For your information, this is done, among other things, for security reasons - in case the relatives of the innocent victims decide to take revenge (and this is easy to do with a sniper rifle, since the yard is visible from the windows of nearby houses). Another tradition is for life-sentenced prisoners to sleep with their heads towards the door, without covering their faces, and in bright light. Their cells are sterilely clean (they put things in order themselves from morning to evening); lying down or even sitting on the bed during the day is prohibited.

From January to May 2010, we received 8 complaints from convicts in the Black Dolphin,” says Yuri Koltsov, head of the prisoner support center. - All of them are unofficial (letters from this forlorn place do not reach us by regular mail), they were given by relatives who were on a date. Mostly those convicted of murder complained. They were not satisfied with the food, the poor treatment of the guards, or the pressure from the administration. This is a standard set of grievances for any correctional institution. The lawyers from the Black Dolphin did not give us letters because they rarely go there (lifers no longer need lawyers). In general, in such prisons there is such strict control and discipline that any connection with outside world torn. For example, in ordinary colonies, convicts manage not only to make calls on their mobile phones, but also to send emails, including with complaints, to all possible authorities.

In the near future, the regime in the “Black Dolphin” will probably become even tougher. At least within the framework of the reform of the penal system, the idea was voiced to completely deprive “lifers” of visits with family and friends, reading newspapers, etc. Psychologists and scientists are against such draconian measures and are confident that in this case the number of suicides will increase significantly. But what is already known for sure is that all cameras here will be equipped with a video surveillance system in the coming months. So follow Evsyukov online around the clock.

Evsyukov’s Kazan lawyer, Airat Khikmatullin, said that the defense recently received a copy of the decision of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation on the cassation appeals of Evsyukov and his lawyers. “We are currently studying the ruling in order to determine further actions, including whether we will be in the supervisory authority and the Strasbourg court,” Khikmatullin said. On February 19, 2010, the Moscow City Court sentenced Evsyukov to life imprisonment for the fact that on the night of April 27, 2009, out of hooligan motives, he started shooting in one of the Moscow stores. Then two people died, more than two dozen people were recognized as victims. In June Supreme Court The Russian Federation recognized the verdict as legal, and it entered into force.

If you believe they are evil, heartless, or simply mentally ill, then you are still part of a society that is both repulsed and attracted to the lives and minds of serial killers.

Who are they and what motivates them ?

Below are the most terrifying serial killers of the 20th century.

25. David Berkowitz

Known as the Son of Sam or the .44 killer, David Berkowitz carried out a killing spree in the summer of 1976. Using a .44 Bulldog revolver, he killed 6 people and wounded 7 more. Berkowitz also sent a number of letters to the police and the press recounting his further murders for the purpose of teasing.

He terrorized New Yorkers for almost a year. He was finally captured in August 1977. Berkowitz confessed to all of the murders and was sentenced to 25 years in prison for each of them.

24. Edmund Kemper

Edmund Kemper is American serial killer and a necrophiliac who carried out a series of brutal serial killings in California in the 1970s. At the age of 15, he killed his grandparents, and later killed and dismembered six hitchhiking women in the Santa Cruz area.

The most brutal prisons in the world

He later killed his mother and one of her friends and surrendered to police a few days later. In November 1973, he was found guilty of 8 murders. He asked for the death penalty, but instead received life without parole.

List of serial killers

23. Larry Bittaker and Roy Norris

These two American serial killers worked together to kill five young women in California in 1979. They lured victims into their van drove off to secluded places and then both raped and tortured the unfortunates using a number of instruments.

In 1981, the maniacs were charged with murder, kidnapping and rape. Bittaker was sentenced to death and remains on death row to this day. Norris, however, was spared in exchange for testifying against his accomplice. He was sentenced to 45 years in prison.

22. Ian Brady and Myra Hindley

These men killed five children between 1963 and 1965 in Greater Manchester, England. Their victims were between 10 and 17 years old. Before being brutally killed, the unfortunates were subjected to sexual violence.

Three of the dead were found in graves dug on Saddleworth Moor, the body of the last victim was found in Brady's house. The whereabouts of the fourth child, Keith Bennett, are still unknown.

Both Brady and Hindley were later sentenced to life imprisonment. Hindley died in prison in 2002. Brady has since been moved to maximum security Ashworth Hospital, where he remains to this day, periodically going on hunger strikes.

21. Kenneth Bianchi and Angelo Buono

Between late 1977 and early 1978, cousins ​​Kenneth and Angelo held California at bay by kidnapping, raping and murdering 10 girls ranging in age from 12 to 28. Each of their victims ended their lives in the mountains above Los Angeles, where they were strangled.

Bianchi tried to plead his innocence, citing insanity, but it was later determined that the documents confirming his mental illness were fake. He pleaded guilty and began testifying against Buono.

Both were sentenced to life imprisonment. Buono died of a heart attack in his cell in 2002.

20. Dennis Rader

Dennis Rader killed 10 people in Sedgwick County, Kansas, between 1974 and 1991. Obsessed with popularity, Rader sent teasing letters to the police, signing "SPU", which stood for "Bondage, torture, murder."

The most luxurious prisons in the world

The raider stalked his victims before invading their homes, tying them up and torturing them. After disappearing in 1988, Rader reappeared in 2005, sending a floppy disk to funds mass media, which helped expose him. He was arrested and charged with the murders, to which he immediately confessed.

He is serving 10 life sentences with the earliest possible release date being February 26, 2180.

19. Donald Henry Gaskins

In 1969, Gaskins began killing hitchhikers he picked up while driving around the southern United States, torturing and mutilating his victims. He claimed to have killed between 80 and 90 people.

He was arrested in 1975 when a well-known crime boss confessed to police that he witnessed Gaskinson murder two young men. He was found guilty of killing 8 people and sentenced to death, however, the sentence was later commuted to life imprisonment without the possibility of parole.

Remarkably, Gaskins continued to commit murder while in a maximum security prison, killing a fellow inmate. He is the only person to kill an inmate on death row.

Famous serial killers

18. Peter Manuel

The American-born Scottish serial killer is known to have killed 9 people in southern Scotland between 1956 and 1958. Suspected of killing 18 people.

Police were unable to prove his guilt until it was confirmed that some of the notes Manuel had used to pay for drinks in Glasgow pubs belonged to one of his victims.

He confessed to his crime in front of his mother while at the police station where he was being held. In July 1958, Manuel was hanged for his crimes in Glasgow's Barlinnie Prison. He was one of the last prisoners in Scotland to be hanged before the country abolished the death penalty.

17. John George Haigh

This man was an English serial killer from the 1940s. He was convicted of killing 6 people, although he claimed to have killed 9. John was a professional swindler, meeting rich people and making them believe that he was a successful businessman.

He lured his victims to an abandoned warehouse, where he shot them. After that, he dissolved their bodies in sulfuric acid, then forged documents in order to get his hands on all their property and savings.

He was identified from human remains, and the police managed to collect enough evidence to convict Haig. In 1949 he was sentenced to death and hanged at Wandsworth Prison.

16. Fred & Rose West

Between 1967 and 1987, Fred West and his wife Rose tortured, raped and murdered at least 10 young women and girls, most at their home at 25 Cromwell Street, Gloucester, which was later described as a house of horrors.

The pair were finally apprehended and charged with the murders in 1994 after police obtained a search warrant. They discovered human bones buried in the garden and hidden under the floorboards.

Arrested in court, Fred hanged himself in his prison cell before he was convicted. In 1995, Rose was jailed for life after being convicted of 10 murders.

Their home on Cromwell Street was demolished in 1996 to discourage souvenir hunters.

15. Arthur Shawcross

Known as the "Genesee River Killer," Shawcross committed his first murder in 1972, raping and brutalizing a 10-year-old boy he lured into a wooded area in Watertown, New York.

10 Most Incredible Prison Escapes

He then raped and killed an 8-year-old girl, for which he was captured and charged with manslaughter. After serving 14 years in prison, in 1988 he was released and brutally kills 12 prostitutes aged 22 to 59 years.

In the end, he was caught in the act of his latest crime. He confessed to all 12 murders and was sentenced to 250 years in prison, but died in prison of a heart attack in 2008.

14. Peter Sutcliffe

Peter William Sutcliffe is a British serial killer known as the Yorkshire Ripper. In 1981, Sutcliffe was convicted of the murders of 13 women and the attempted murders of seven others.

He killed prostitutes in Leeds and Bradford, creating a climate of fear throughout northern England. While arrested in 1981 for driving a car with false license plates, The police began to interrogate him regarding these murders, and he confessed.

At his trial, he pleaded not guilty to insanity murder, but self-defense was also rejected by the jury. He was sentenced to life imprisonment, and to this day he remains in the Broadmoor Maximum Security Mental Hospital.

13. Richard Ramirez

Ricardo Ramirez Leyva Muñoz was an American serial killer who worshiped Satan and terrorized Los Angeles in 1984-1985. Nicknamed the "Night Stalker", Ramirez would break into the homes of his victims. shot, stabbed, maimed, raped and killed.

He did not select his victims according to any special parameters; they ranged from a 9-year-old girl to an elderly married couple in his 60s. Ramirez was known for drawing pentagrams on the walls of his victims' homes.

He was captured in 1985 and sentenced to life imprisonment. He was on death row in a California prison for 23 years, and Ramirez died in June 2013.

12. Jeffrey Dahmer

Known as the "Milwaukee Cannibal", Jeffrey Dahmer was an American serial killer who raped, murdered and dismembered 17 men and boys between 1978 and 1991. He was also a necrophiliac and ate his last victims, cooking them into a meal in his backyard.

Dahmer was caught after his potential victims were able to overcome him and contacted the police. In 1992, Dahmer was found guilty of 15 murders and was sentenced to 15 life sentences.

However, just two years into his time in a Colombian correctional facility, he was beaten to death by a fellow inmate.

Serial killers of the world

11. Dennis Nilsen

The British equivalent of Jeffrey Dahmer, Dennis Nilsen was a homosexual killer who murdered 15 gay men in his London home between 1978 and 1983.

He kept the bodies of his victims for some time, then the decomposing remains were burned or flushed down the toilet. This helped catch him when human flesh was discovered in his sewer.

Nielsen was convicted in 1983 of six counts of murder and two counts of attempted murder. The sentence is life imprisonment. He is still serving his sentence in Yorkshire, England, with no chance of parole.

10. Ted Bundy

This is one of the most famous murderers of the 20th century. He kidnapped, raped and killed young women and girls in the 1970s. Bundy usually approached his victims at public places, took them to secluded corners, raped and killed.

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He beheaded at least 12 victims, and He kept the severed heads in his apartment as trophies. He was detained by the police several times, but twice he managed to escape. He was accused of multiple murders and sentenced to death. Bundy was executed by electric chair in 1989.

9. Charles Ng and Leonard Lake

Chinese-American serial killer Charles Ng is believed to have raped, tortured and murdered 11-25 people along with his accomplice Leonard Lake at the latter's ranch in Calaveras County, California.

They filmed themselves raping and torturing their victims. Their crimes came to light in 1985 after Lake committed suicide when he learned that Ng had been caught shoplifting from a hardware store.

Police searched Lake's ranch and found human remains there. Ng was identified as Lake's accomplice in the crimes, but he tried to evade charges by fleeing to Canada. After a lengthy extradition to the United States, he stood trial in 1998 and was found guilty of 12 murders.

Ng is currently on death row at San Quentin State Prison.

The most terrible serial killers

8. John Wayne Gacy

Gacy raped and murdered 33 teenagers and young adults between 1972 and 1978 in Chicago, Illinois. He lured the victim to his home, promising money or work, then strangled him with a tourniquet. He buried 26 people in his yard, He disposed of the bodies of the following killed by throwing them into the Des Plaines River.

Convicted of 33 murders, Gacy was sentenced to death. He spent 14 years on death row before being given a lethal injection on May 10, 1994.

7. Andrei Chikatilo

Andrei Chikatilo was a Soviet serial killer, nicknamed the "Rostov butcher." Between 1978 and 1990, he raped and killed at least 52 people, including women and children.

Suspecting Chikatilo of the murders, the police conducted surveillance of him, the results of which provided sufficient grounds for his arrest. He confessed to a total of 56 murders, and in April 1992 was convicted of committing 53 of them.

Relatives of the victims demanded his release from custody to commit lynching. Chikatilo was sentenced to death and executed in February 1994.

6. Tommy Lynn Sells

Claiming to have killed at least 70 people, Tommy Lynn Sales was considered one of the most dangerous criminals in the United States. He was convicted of several brutal murders between 1985 and 1999. His victims also included a 13-year-old girl, whom he stabbed 16 times.

They managed to capture him after The maniac's 10-year-old victim, whom he left to die, was able to crawl out and warn her neighbors. She gave a detailed description of the criminal, which ultimately contributed to his arrest.

Sals was sentenced to death. To this day he is on death row in a maximum security prison in Livingston, Texas.

5. Gary Ridgway

One of the most prolific serial killers, Gary Ridgway was arrested in 2001 for 4 murders, although he admitted to committing at least 70 murders of women in Washington State in the 1980s and 1990s.

10 crimes of the century

He avoided the death penalty by telling police in detail about the murders and leading authorities to the burial sites. He threw five women into the Green River, for which he was nicknamed the “Green River Killer” in the press. He was found guilty of 49 murders and sentenced to life in prison without parole.

4. Pedro Rodrigues Filho

Filho is a Brazilian serial killer arrested in 1973 and convicted in 2003 of murdering at least 71 people. Sentenced to 128 years in prison.

He committed his first murder at the age of 14. He went after local drug dealers who killed his girlfriend while he was in prison for a series of thefts. At the age of 18, he already had 10 murders to his name.

While in prison, he killed his father, who was also serving time for murder. While in prison he killed 47 prisoners. Initially sentenced to 30 years in prison, Pedro increased his sentence with his own hands, since against the backdrop of constant murders, his sentence was increased to 400 years in prison.

3. Daniel Camargo Barbosa

The man was a Colombian serial killer who is believed to have raped and murdered more than 150 young girls in Colombia and Ecuador in the 1970s and 1980s. He's calm confessed to killing 71 girls in Ecuador after escaping from a Colombian prison.

He led police to the site where he collected the bodies of the victims. After raping the girls, he killed them with a machete. Barbosa was convicted in 1989 and sentenced to 16 years in prison, the maximum sentence in Ecuador. In November 1994, he was killed in prison by the cousin of one of the dead girls.

Harold Shipman was an English doctor, as well as the most prolific serial killer in human history, who has been proven to have 250 kills.

As a professional, he was respected in his circle, however, colleagues and local residents began to express concerns about the high mortality rate in the area, as well as the large number of signed cremation forms for elderly women.

Some of the bodies were later exhumed and examination of the corpses revealed the presence of diamorphine. Later it was established that Shipman deliberately administered lethal doses of the drug to large numbers of patients.

He then forged documents under the will, thereby inheriting large sums of money. He also falsified cremation documents to completely cover his tracks. The judge sentenced him to 15 life sentences without parole.

In January 2004, Shipman hanged himself in his cell at Wakefield Prison.

1. Pedro Alonso Lopez

Lopez is a Colombian serial killer accused of raping and killing more than 300 girls in South America. He was believed to have preyed on young and vulnerable teenage girls in Peru. He lured them to secluded places, raped them, and then killed them, most often by suffocation.

Lopez was arrested when another attempt to kidnap a girl failed and he was caught by market workers. He confessed to killing more than 300 people.

The police only believed him when, after a flash flood, they discovered a mass grave of many of his victims. In the end, 53 bodies were found. Incarcerated in 1980, he spent just 18 years in prison before being released from an Ecuadorian prison and deported to Colombia, where he was arrested again in 2002 and sentenced to life in prison.

One of the best universities in Europe and the world recently accepted as a student the most sinister killer of our time - Norwegian Anders Breivik, who in one terrible day, July 22, 2011, cold-bloodedly and methodically took the lives of 77 people in Oslo and in a youth camp on the island of Utøya.

A far-right terrorist and Muslim hater straight from prison will study political science, including democracy, human rights and respect for minorities, at the University of Oslo. Among his students are those who survived Utøya, as well as many who lost friends or family there.

“I understand that this is a very sensitive moment,” commented Rector Ole Petter Ottersen.

Breivik tried to destroy the system. We must remain true to it."

Agree, this attitude towards one of the most dangerous criminals in the world is shocking. And not only us Russians, but also the Europeans themselves. In most countries, prison systems are still aimed at punishment, but in Norway they are aimed at “rehabilitating” those who have “stumbled” in life and must return to society as a renewed, clean person.

Take the sentences, for example - in this country they do not impose life sentences even on the most soulless killers, like Breivik. He received a 21-year sentence, which can be extended. They say that he will most likely remain behind bars for the rest of his life, but can this be considered a truly severe punishment?

Let's take a look at his prison everyday life.

In general, the liberal prison system in Norway still works - according to statistics, only 20% of local criminals become repeat offenders, while in Russia and the USA - from 40 to 60%. But this is the first time this country has encountered such a criminal as Breivik.

He has an individual “rehabilitation” program, and if he follows it successfully, then technically, despite the unprecedented scale of the crime, sooner or later he must be returned to society - those are the rules! In any case, they cannot deny him this right and promise that he will remain in prison for life.

The most expensive criminal


This is the main place of detention for the Norwegian murderer. The prison is located in an idyllic green suburb half an hour's drive from the capital. Along the way there are the green lawns of an elite golf club and a confectionery factory where Christmas pies are baked.

Breivik has an entire wing with three rooms, including one for fitness. He can walk alone in a 20x20 meter yard, for now without the right to meet or communicate with other prisoners. It must be said that this is a “selected” people - 124 of the worst criminals, from rapists to murderers.

However, the prison guards are not armed, “on extreme case"They only have clubs. But prisoners freely use sharp and dangerous tools, from kitchen utensils to saws and hammers. Scary? In fact, in the entire history of the prison, there has only been one case in which one inmate stabbed another.

True, Breivik is deprived of all these “benefits”, at least for now. Prison authorities immediately indicated that they would reintroduce him into society “slowly and carefully.” Over time, the rehabilitation program involves "socialization" with other prisoners and giving him a "job." In addition, in addition to studying, Breivik, like other convicts, will be able to vote and even go home for a short time - but this is only after 7 years behind bars.

Breivik is also the most expensive prisoner in Norway: his detention in Ila prison costs 7.9 million kroner per year ($1.4 million). This is 6.7 million crowns more than the average spent on a “regular” prisoner!


And this correctional facility on the island of Bastoy, 75 km from Oslo, is called a luxury prison. It has one of the most liberal regimes, and Breivik himself has repeatedly petitioned to be transferred here.

In 2013, a journalist from the British newspaper Guardian visited this prison and wrote an enthusiastic article. For the criminals who are placed here, the only “inconvenience” is the restriction of freedom, and basically one can only “dream” about such a life.

Everything around is more reminiscent of a separate community than a prison: its own church, school, library, beautiful nature, farming. The cells have televisions, computers, showers and toilets. Prisoners can study if they wish by choosing various interesting programs. And most importantly, there is no traditional criminal subculture here for most prisons.

The prisoners have a job, and they are paid money, which is enough to buy not only food to their liking, but also bicycles. In their free time, they fish, swim, and sunbathe on the beach.

They can call family and friends. They can meet with loved ones and even indulge in the joys of love in specially designated rooms. By the way, we already gave you a photo tour of luxurious Norwegian prisons.

"Torture" conditions

But, imagine, Breivik considers such conditions “torture” and is suing the authorities, relying on the European Convention for the Protection of Human Rights. “Maybe he will always be a special prisoner with special restrictions. But he can’t sit in isolation forever! He wants to contact other prisoners. The longer he sits in solitary confinement, the higher the chance that he will suffer from it,” Breivik’s lawyers said in a petition in February 2015.

The main Norwegian terrorist is also dissatisfied with the ban on receiving and sending letters, saying that this violates the principle of freedom of speech. More than 220 letters were detained in December 2014 - authorities accused Breivik of trying to organize “a movement that would use extreme violence and terror” outside prison.

Breivik himself claims that he has become a “converted” democrat and wants to create political party, to promote their ideas without resorting to violence - namely the Norwegian Fascist Party and the Nordic League. He says he was inspired by the success of the Greek neo-Nazi party Golden Dawn, but chose "fascism" to avoid being labeled a "Nazi."

Breivik regularly wrote complaints and “ultimatums” to prison authorities and authorities. Among other things, he called his prison a “mini-Abu Ghraib” (if you remember, this is the former notorious prison that the Americans held in Iraq), threatened to go on a hunger strike until the PlayStation game console in his cell was updated to the latest model, and was offended by the guards who “deliberately stomp loudly” while he was shaving in order to have an “indirect psychological effect” on him, the unfortunate man.

What's the end result? Is it true that a bloody murderer, convinced of his ideas, will be able to be reborn in these humane conditions? better man? The rules are that no prisoner can be denied “rehabilitation.” This means that everyone, even Breivik, has the right to hope for freedom in the future.

By the way, the staff of Norwegian prisons themselves have not yet figured out what exactly inspires prisoners to reform. And in the case of Breivik, nothing can be predicted at all. When his current sentence expires, he will be over 50. In Ila prison they say thoughtfully: “As they get older, they sometimes become religious.”

Probably not scarier place for a person than a prison. Places where there are no relatives and friends, where there is no support and care. Only cold and gloomy walls with small windows, or even without them at all. Russian prisons can become a “home” for a long time for those who have stumbled and are forced to bear punishment.

"I'll serve time for other people's sins..."

No one in life is immune from wrongdoing. Everyone, in effect various reasons, may one day find himself on the other side of the bars. And if for some the word “Butyrka” is associated with a popular musical group, then others are familiar with this place firsthand.

Butyrskaya prison is one of the largest places of imprisonment in Moscow, which is located on Novoslobodskaya street near Butyrskaya outpost between residential buildings. The prison has been known since the end of the 18th century. Many famous people were its prisoners. For example, N. E. Bauman, F. E. Dzerzhinsky, V. V. Mayakovsky, E. Pugachev. One of the prison towers even bears the name of its “guest” - Pugachev. Strange sounds are sometimes heard from her basement. Maybe these are the cries of innocently punished souls? In a word, a terrible area.

The second place among the famous dungeons is occupied by the “Crosses”. The prison received its name because of the peculiarity of its structure. Criminals sentenced to solitary confinement end up here. At this stage, they plan to move the prison outside the city, and sell this building (and for a tidy sum!).

Next on the list of “famous Russian prisons” is Lefortovo Prison, a place characterized by cruelty and severity. The dungeon was founded back in the 19th century and was initially a “refuge” for petty thieves and robbers. The building has four floors, each with fifty cells. Lefortovo prison is shrouded in mystery and darkness. Until now, not a single journalist has been able to penetrate there. So no one knows what life is like there from the inside.

The most terrible prisons in Russia

It so happens that some instill fear and horror in prisoners more than others. The most terrible and cruel prison was nicknamed “Black Dolphin”, in the Orenburg region. In terms of the number of places, this is the largest colony, which in its entire history has not “lost” a single hostage. This prison is also called a place for death row, because people serve life sentences here. The prisoners of the “Black Dolphin” are rapists, cannibals and terrorists, at whose hands thousands of innocent people were killed.

During the day in prison they are forbidden to sit on their bunks, and they are always taken out for walks blindfolded. Convicts willy-nilly turn into obedient zombie robots. But even to such a life you can get used to it.

The second scary place for criminals is the “White Swan”, whose contingent consists of prisoners convicted of serving their sentences in this zone will completely dispel the myths about the distant nineties. More than one thief in law was broken here.

Women's prisons in Russia

IN Russian Federation Of the 739 existing colonies, 35 are female. In ten of them you can serve your sentence together with your child (Samara, Sverdlovsk region, Khabarovsk, Chelyabinsk, Vladimir, Moscow and Kemerovo regions).

Often women end up in prison while already pregnant. The birth of a baby does not affect the punishment in any way (only in some cases they can reduce the term). The life of such “mothers” looks a little better - the food is healthier, and the walks are longer, which is why many continue their pregnancy because of such indulgences. After giving birth, you are allowed to spend only a few hours a day with your children. Upon reaching the child three years old he is given either to an orphanage or to his closest relatives. If there are none, and orphanages are overcrowded, there is a possibility that Russian prisons will become “homes” for children.

Life goes on

Those people who go to prison for the first time always have the thought: “Well, that’s it! Life is over..." But this is far from true. Life behind bars does not end, but on the contrary, a new one begins. New rules, new society, new interests and activities.

Prisoners have their own daily routine, in which, in addition to work, there is also room for rest. Many Russian prisons are equipped with sports grounds, libraries, and recreation rooms where you can watch a documentary or film. There are also small churches in prisons, because it is never too late to repent.

If we talk about work, there is no easy work in prison. Prisoners mainly engage in steel casting, wood processing and sewing all sorts of necessary things. This way, time passes faster, and you can earn a penny.

The ways of the Lord are mysterious...

No one in this life is ever safe from anything. An exemplary and law-abiding citizen today can become a repeat offender tomorrow. Serving a sentence is re-education, rebirth, a new look at existence. And although the most brutal life-long prisons in Russia (like the “Black Dolphin” and “White Swan”) create melancholy and fear, it is important to remember that there is a completely different life there too.