Is it better to heat a house with gas or electricity? Heating a private house: gas or electricity? Two unobvious bonuses of autonomous gasification

Residents of apartments very rarely wonder where the hot water and heating in the house come from, and if any problems arise, they are solved Management company or housing department. But when you move into your own home, you have to solve heating issues yourself. And the sooner you think about it, the better. It is worth deciding on a suitable heating system at the design stage of your home.

For advice, we turned to the specialists of the Siberian Comfort Systems company and compared the two most popular heating systems: gas and electric. We took into account the cost of equipment, operating costs, and so on.

Cost of heating equipment

Approximate estimate from the company for a house with an area of ​​100 meters 2:

Electric boiler and water heater
21 760
Accessories for radiators 5 600
Materials for heating installation 11 000
Electric boiler 9 kW 9 110
Circulation pump 3 000
Water heater 80 l 7 500
Total materials: 57 970
Heating system installation 28 000
Double-circuit gas boiler
Aluminum radiator (64 sections, 340 rubles each) 21 760
Accessories for radiators 5 600
Materials for installation of heating, boiler room 10 000
Gas double-circuit boiler 11 kW + chimney 28 100
Total materials: 65 460
Installation of heating system, boiler room 30 000

The average cost of equipment for an electric boiler and a double-circuit gas boiler does not differ significantly and is approximately 58-65 thousand rubles. The cost of installation work will be about 28-30 thousand rubles.

What is more profitable to use? Gas or electricity?

It is almost impossible to accurately calculate fuel consumption in monetary terms, since the boiler never operates at full power, this is due to the fact that the boiler maintains the required temperature in the room; accordingly, this is influenced by many factors from the thickness of the walls, the type of insulation in the house and the set temperature.

Let's try to roughly compare heating costs in the cold month:

  • For electric boiler (9 kW) and water heater (1.5 kW) At 50% load of the electric boiler and water heater, the electricity consumption will be 6 kW/hour (with the cost of electricity per 1 kW – 2.34 rubles), i.e. the average payment for electricity in the cold month will be:

    6 kW/hour x 2.34 RUR/kWh x 24 hours x 30 days = 10,108 rubles

  • For a double-circuit gas boiler (11 kW) At 50% load of a gas boiler, the consumption of natural gas per hour will be 1.15 m3/hour (at a cost of 1 m3 = 4.56 rubles), i.e. the maximum payment for gas in the cold month will be:

    1.15 m3/hour x 4.56 rub./m3 x 24 hours x 30 days = 3,775 rubles

But when choosing gas heating, you must also take into account the costs associated with its connection and use:

Additional costs for gas connection:

  • the cost of connecting to a gas pipe (or insert) is from 0 to 150,000 rubles. This amount is determined by the owner of the gas pipeline.
  • design work– from 3,000 to 4,500 rubles.
  • the cost of constructing a gas pipeline with materials - the amount depends on the number of meters of pipe from the outlet on the site to the entry into the house (underground or above-ground gas pipeline) - from 25,000 rubles.
  • fire inspector certificate – from 1,500 rubles (for organizations with a special license)
  • contract for servicing in-house gas equipment, technical and servicing of a gas boiler - from 3,000 rubles per year (a contract for servicing VDGO is signed with an organization that has the status of a gas distribution organization, a contract for servicing a gas boiler is signed with any organization that has good service specialists).

Total for gas heating additional costs will amount to from 32,500 rubles

Conclusion: It turns out that when using a gas boiler, you will spend 60% less on heating and hot water every month! Undoubtedly natural gas– this is the most economical fuel, even taking into account the costs of connecting and using gas, which will pay off after 1-2 heating seasons. The main thing is to take into account all the requirements for gas boiler houses in advance, choose the optimal boiler power and professionally install the equipment.

The specialists of the Siberian Comfort Systems company will help you with this; they will help you choose the appropriate gas or electric equipment for heating a private home and perform professional installation.

Siberian Comfort Systems Company

Elena 7569

Today we will talk about the pros and cons of electric heating systems, and you will see that this is often the best choice.

How does electric heating work?

Depending on the design solutions, there are two types autonomous system heating with electricity – water heating and convector.

In the first case, the system includes the use of a coolant, which, in heated form, enters the heated premises through standard wiring (batteries, heated floor pipes), and, of course, a boiler must operate that heats the liquid due to the electricity consumed. Such heating is effective due to the greater thermal inertia of water.

In the case of convector (direct) heating, radiators (convectors) are placed in each heating room, which can operate either separately or as part of a common controlled system. Arranging such heating does not require a lot of effort and materials: you simply hang a radiator on the wall and connect it to an electrical outlet to turn it on. Simplicity and low cost of installation are the advantages of this type of heating.

Pros and cons of electric heating systems

Experts note that in comparison with a gas boiler with water heating, which requires a main gas supply (and this is not available everywhere), electric heating for private homes is more preferable.

Firstly, this system does not require large initial costs: preparing a project, laying pipes, arranging a chimney and installing various sensors to ensure safety. Secondly, it is easy to use. Thirdly, heating with electricity is safer, more environmentally friendly and durable.

However, it also has its drawbacks: high energy consumption and a higher cost of consumed resources (although it is not as high as is commonly believed - we will talk about this later). The dependence of the heating system on the voltage in the electrical network is also significant - in the event of power outages, especially in rural areas, this can be fraught with problems in winter.

In addition, the power consumption is high: it is estimated that approximately 1 kW of energy is needed to heat 10 m2 of area. For example, to heat private house with an area of ​​150 m2, it is necessary to ensure a consumption of 15 kW, and this is in addition to other household electricity costs. Such facilities may simply not exist in your area.

To reduce the impact of these shortcomings, owners of private houses are recommended to carry out the highest quality insulation and install multi-tariff meters that allow more rational consumption of electricity depending on the time of day.

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We count expenses

Let's assume that the heating season lasts 5 months with cold and warm days, so for the calculation unit for a house with an area of ​​150 m2 we will take half the maximum value (7.5 kW). The cost of gas and electricity will be considered approximately equal to 4.0 rubles. for 1 m3 and 3.80 rubles. for 1 kW (these are estimated tariffs at the end of 2013 for the private sector in the Moscow region).

In a year it is required to produce 150 x 7.5 x 24 = 27,000 kW of electricity for heating. In this case, the costs will be 27,000 x 3.8 = 102,600 rubles. per season.

In the case of a gas boiler with a power of 24 kW (for example, Baxi Luna-3 Comfort 240 Fi) and a maximum productivity of 2.84 m3/h. for heating a private house, 1 m3 of gas provides 8.45 kW of heat. We correct this calculation taking into account the boiler efficiency of 90%: 8.45 x 0.9 = 7.61 kW. And we find that for the same period, gas consumption will be 27,000/7.61=3,548 m3, the cost will be 3,548 x 4=14,192 rubles.

The difference is certainly impressive. But let's take a 15-year perspective and remember what costs arise when installing gas heating in a house: connecting to the main gas network - approximately 700,000 rubles; The average annual maintenance contract is approximately 8,000 rubles. per year, and in 15 years 120,000 rubles will be accumulated; You will also need to replace the boiler, which will most likely fail - another 50,000 rubles. The total is 878,000 rubles. additional costs for a gas heating system, not taking into account little things in the form of partial repairs, a decrease in boiler efficiency due to scale formed, and so on.

So we calculate: over 15 years, the owner of an electric heating system will spend 1,539,000 rubles, and the owner of the same house with gas heating will fork out 1,090,880 rubles. That is, we see that the myths about a tenfold difference in cost are unfounded; it is only 1.5 times.

Therefore, if you do not have the opportunity to connect to the main gas supply in the coming years, buy an electric boiler with peace of mind and install water heating. It will not only serve you reliably for years, but will also help you save on operating costs, even if you later connect to the gas pipeline and simply change the boiler.

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The answer to the question of which heating to choose for a private home – gas or electric – is not always clear and depends on many factors. In this article, we will consider the advantages and disadvantages of these types of heating, based on personal experience. In my private house, I initially installed electric heating, simply because there was no possibility of connecting to gas. Four years later, gas was installed along the street, I redid the heating system and connected the gas. I did not consider heating with solid or liquid fuel, since such heating is quite inconvenient to operate and requires a lot of time to devote to maintenance. If there is no opportunity or desire to devote a lot of time to servicing the heating system, and, as they say, “turn it on and forget it,” only occasionally observe the work, then the best options are gas or electric heating.

Choosing a method of heating water for use and kitchen stove

When planning heating, you must immediately foresee how the heating will be carried out hot water and what kind of stove it will be, gas or electric. The answer seems obvious and logical. If the heating is gas, then water heating can be provided from a double-circuit heating boiler, and a gas stove can be installed. But this is not always the case the right decision. For example, after talking with other home owners, I found out that if you constantly heat water for use with a special double-circuit gas boiler, then the boiler will not work for a long time. Already, after about a year, problems begin with the boiler; it has to be repaired, descaled, heat exchangers changed, etc. And after about 2-3 years the boiler becomes unusable. Gas boilers especially often fail if the water quality in the system is not ideal. Replacing a boiler is quite an expensive undertaking; moreover, if the boiler “stops” during severe frosts, then there is a possibility that the heating system will defrost if the boiler is not promptly replaced. Therefore, it makes sense to heat water for use using an electric storage water heater. In this case, the heating boiler will work with the same volume of water in the system, without the constant passage of water from the water supply system, which significantly increases the service life of the heating boiler. Installing a gas stove, in the presence of gas heating, is also not always the optimal solution. Firstly, an electric kitchen stove is safer than a gas stove, since an open fire is not used, this is especially true if there are small children living in the house. Secondly, installing a gas stove can be difficult due to the need to connect gas pipe to the kitchen. Therefore, given the fact that modern electric cookers have a fairly high efficiency, you can consider installing an electric cooker, even if there is a gas connection.

Electric heating

Connecting electric heating does not require special permission. But it is necessary that technical conditions, sufficient power has been allocated. As a rule, at the moment, electric grid companies allocate up to 15 kW without any problems. Which will be quite enough for the needs of consumption and electric heating of the house, up to approximately 150 m². If necessary, you can request more power, but it will cost more and will be allocated if technically possible. Also, if you plan to connect electric heating, it is best to make a three-phase connection at home. About the benefits three-phase connection, you can read in this.

In most cases, the initial cost of connecting electric heating will be significantly lower than the cost of connecting gas heating. So the cost of an electric boiler is an order of magnitude less than the cost of a gas boiler. To connect an electric boiler, you may need to redo the electrical connection at home, replace the input cable, increase the power circuit breakers, lay a separate cable from input panel, to the electric boiler. But even if you have to redo something, the cost electrical connection, will be cheaper than a gas connection.

The advantages of electric heating include the fact that electric boilers are smaller in size compared to gas boilers. For example, one of the most efficient, an electrode-type electric boiler, is one of the smallest heating boilers, and practically does not take up space, but fits into the pipe of the heating system. Electric cable connecting to the boiler is much easier than running a gas pipe. Also, an electric boiler does not require connecting a chimney pipe, which greatly simplifies the choice of location for installing the boiler.

The most serious disadvantage of electric heating is the significantly high payments for electricity spent on heating. This disadvantage, as a rule, covers all the advantages of electric heating.

Gas heating

The main disadvantage of gas heating is the high cost of gas connection. If there is no gas pipe running along your street, then the cost of supplying gas from neighboring streets can be simply enormous. The fact is that the gas supply organization is not obliged to supply a gas pipe to your house for free, even if there is gas on the neighboring street. Unlike gas supply, the energy supply organization is required to provide an electric line to your home if your home is located less than 300 meters in the city or 500 meters in the countryside from existing line power transmission, and for this you will pay only 550 rubles. A gas supply organization can install a gas pipe for free only if your street is included in the gasification plan. It is impossible to influence when your street will be included in the gasification plan or whether it will be included at all. And it is quite expensive to pull a gas pipe along the street at your own expense, even if you share with your neighbors, especially if the distance to the existing gas network is significant. That's why land plots, for the construction of a house, with gas pipes laid along the street, is much more expensive than non-gasified plots. But even if the pipe runs along your street, connecting a gas pipe to a heating boiler will be quite expensive. The specific cost can be obtained from the gas supply organization. For me personally, running a pipe from an underground pipe (the pipe was laid along the street for free) to the boiler room, with registration of projects (external and internal gas supply), in 2014 cost approximately 45,000 rubles.

To install a gas boiler, it is best to allocate a separate room. It should be well ventilated. It is necessary to provide the possibility of supplying a gas pipe and a chimney pipe to the boiler installation site. If the boiler is volatile, then it is necessary to connect an electrical outlet. The boiler's power supply must be connected through an electrical voltage stabilizer. To eliminate the impact of power surges in the network on the boiler electronics. The energy dependence of the boiler can be reduced by using a UPS (source uninterruptible power supply), which can ensure the operation of the boiler even after a power outage. Modern gas boilers are quite small in size. Lately It is preferable to install wall-mounted gas boilers. They are installed on the wall; if the network has flammable material, then a non-flammable paronite gasket is first attached to the wall. The chimney pipe of such boilers is simply routed through the wall and does not require the installation of an additional pipe to raise the smoke emission above the roof. The cost of a gas boiler depends on the type, power, brand and can be several times higher than the cost of an electric boiler. Gas boilers Also, as a rule, more often than electrical ones, they fail.

But despite the high cost and disadvantages, gas heating is the most economical, due to the low cost of gas compared to electricity. For example, I will give the costs of electric and gas heating. Costs are approximate, based on personal experience heating a private house of 130 m².

As can be seen from the table, the costs of electric heating are much higher than those of gas heating. Even if you have to replace your gas boiler this season, the cost of gas will still be significantly less than the cost of electricity.

Unfortunately, owners of private houses do not always have the technical ability to connect gas, so they have to choose more expensive electric heating. If initially, when building a house, you already plan to install electric heating, then special attention pay attention to effective insulation of the house. It will make sense to spend more money on the use of insulation and energy-efficient windows, but in the future save on utility bills.

There are ongoing debates online about what is the best way to heat country house? We have made a series of articles in which we impartially compared popular heating methods with autonomous gas heating.

Today we will compare liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) from an autonomous gas holder with the most convenient, but also the most expensive type of fuel - electricity. How much electricity will be burned in winter and how much does it cost to refill a gas tank?

Calculate yourself

Approximately 1 kW is needed to heat 10 square meters. m (with ceilings up to 3 m). Additionally: a reserve of 15-20% for the preparation of hot water. On average, heating equipment is active 10 hours a day. The heating season in the central European part of Russia lasts 7-8 months a year. In summer, the heating boiler works to heat water and maintain a minimum temperature of +8°C in the house.

(according to ForumHouse)

The entire article in 1 table


Electricity efficiency

Experts and ordinary users are unanimous in their opinion: electricity is the most efficient energy carrier. The efficiency of electric heaters is 99.9%, and they reach this figure instantly.

Electricity has no competitors in terms of automation and comfort. There are networks on every street or they can be stretched to the desired area without any problems. Connect, install a heating system (usually it’s inexpensive) and use it right away. No highways, approvals or millions of investments.

Calculate yourself

To obtain thermal energy of 1 kW/hour, approximately 1 kW/hour of electricity is consumed. That is, to heat a house of 100 square meters. m requires 10 kW/hour.

Electricity is everywhere. It does not require any hassle of maintenance. The heating turns on literally with a click. There is a pole with wires - consider there is a heating system. But this also works in the opposite direction.

  1. No pole (fallen, broken wires, accident at a substation, severe frost effect) - no heating. Imagine what it’s like to be left in freezing temperatures of minus 20°C, not only without light and TV, but also without heating and hot water.
  2. There is also a problem of lack of power in suburban power grids. Often, it is simply impossible to squeeze the required 15-20 kW out of a dacha ancient transformer. You may have uninterrupted power supply, but the power is limited heating system will simply be missed. And you won’t strengthen the network yourself: what is there initially will be.
  3. Add in all the devices that will load the network, especially in winter, and the efficiency of electricity is no longer so pleasing. There is no autonomy with electricity. This is both a plus and a minus: easy connection, but total dependence on the energy source.

You can increase efficiency by installing modern heating element or electrode boilers, heated floors, and infrared wall heaters. And, of course, insulate the house.

How effective is autonomous gas for heating compared to electricity? The efficiency of gas heaters is slightly less than electric ones - 97%. Plus, they don’t reach full capacity right away. But in fact, acceleration takes a few seconds at startup, and then gas heating is almost as good as electric heating.

Calculate yourself

To obtain thermal energy of 1 kW/hour, approximately 0.1 kg of liquefied gas is consumed.

Gas fuel can be supplied to your heating boiler in two ways: through the main line (if there is one) or from an autonomous gas holder. If we talk about autonomous gasification, then in terms of efficiency this heating method is in no way different from main gas and has the same advantages.

Compared to electricity, liquefied gas has the most important advantage - autonomy. After installing a gas tank on the site, you are protected from power failures, voltage surges, low power and frost-related problems.

Gas is supplied uninterruptedly in the required quantity. A gas holder is not afraid of severe frosts: a good device stably evaporates gas at minus 20, 30 and even 40°C. That is, in cold weather and during force majeure, autonomous gas heating is more efficient and reliable than electricity.


Electric heating cost

Any homeowner will tell you: electricity is the most expensive heat available. A large house is heated with electricity, with tears in their eyes, when there is simply no other choice. They are trying to use favorable night rates and heat with wood or pellets during the day.

Judge for yourself: in December 2018, the cost of kWh in the Moscow region is 5.29 rubles. By the way, tariffs for your region can be easily found on the map.

At this rate for a house of 100 sq. m will cost approximately 15 thousand rubles per month. 10 kW is consumed per hour at 5.29 rubles, per day (based on 10 working hours of heating) - 529 rubles. In 30 days you will earn 15,870 rubles.

If you want to reduce heating costs by 3 times, discuss the installation of liquefied gas with an engineer.

If you use heating in a house with an electric stove and only at night, at reduced rates, then the amount will be approximately half as much - 5-7 thousand rubles. And this is payment only for heating, excluding electrical appliances.

In the village ( rural settlement, not a dacha association) the tariffs are much lower (1.4-1.5 rubles per kW/hour), but there it wouldn’t even occur to anyone to “heat” with electricity - the entire pension will “burn out”.

How much does it cost to refill a gas tank?

The first expense, also known as an investment, when choosing autonomous gas heating is the installation of an underground gas tank, from where the fuel will flow into the heating system.

Installing a gas tank on a site costs from 200 to 700 thousand rubles. Then you fill up with fuel once every six months or a year + call specialists to inspect the tank in spring and autumn.

The cost of periodically refilling a gas tank depends on the volume of heated premises, the insulation of the house and the tariffs of your supplier. If you count monthly, you get quite reasonable money.

Here are calculations for LPG consumption for heating houses of different sizes. Please note that we are calculating at a high winter price: 21 rubles per liter of liquefied gas. In spring, the cost of a liter of LPG is 12-14 rubles.

Calculate yourself

Tariffs 2018. Moscow region

House size, sq. m LPG Expenses per month, rubles LPG Cost for 12 months, rubles* Electricity Expenses per month, rubles. Regular rate. We heat for 10 hours Electricity Cost for 12 months, rubles*. Regular rate. We heat for 10 hours Night tariff Expenses per month, rubles. We heat for 8 hours Night tariff Cost for 12 months, rubles. We heat for 8 hours
100 4 075 48 900 12 696 152 352 5 400 64 800
150 5 512 66 150 23 805 285 660 8 100 97 200
300-350 11 025 132 300 47 670 571 320 16 200 194 400
450 14 166 170 000 71 415 856 980 24 300 291 600

*Calculations were provided by Ilya Pechenin, head of the autonomous gasification department at Termo Life.

Easy to connect

Connecting electricity couldn't be easier. With one caveat: the local electrical grid must “pull” your heating system. If it doesn’t “pull”, it’s bad; installing another network is as difficult as installing main gas. Then it’s better to immediately take a closer look at gas.

Carrying out autonomous gas is a little more difficult. The installation team will dig a pit 10 meters from the house and install a concrete foundation. A gas holder will be placed on it using a manipulator and the container will be secured with anchors. After filling with soil, only the carpet cover will remain on the surface.

98% of installations are completed within 8 hours. Separately, specialists will connect gas to the heating system in the house. Further, as in the case of electricity, liquefied gas is supplied to the heating element without human intervention.


Electricity is safe with careful use and timely replacement of wiring. As for the threat environment, the environmental friendliness of electricity is a myth, since electricity is generated using “dirty” fuel at thermal power plants and nuclear power plants.

LPG scares uninformed users - there will be a gas tank on my site, and it will explode! These fears are unfounded. Multi-stage protection of a gas tank dug into the ground. Autonomous gas is completely environmentally friendly. You can bury a gas holder on the site and plant a vegetable garden above it.


Electricity transmission is interrupted due to network failures, frosts, and hooliganism. Managing organization massively shuts off electricity for a period of preventive and repair work. In November you can be left without heat for two days. Or the power may be cut off due to other people's non-payments.

A high-quality gas tank always works and stably evaporates gas in temperatures down to minus 40°C. The gas can only run out while it is there - you are always warm.

Let's sum it up

In a word, gas is gas. Either mainline or liquefied. Cheap, reliable, safe. And most importantly - completely autonomously, which Russian conditions never hurts.

Electricity is simple, convenient and efficient, but all the advantages are negated by the high cost: it’s like lighting a stove with banknotes.

In the long term, autonomous gasification is more profitable than electricity, with almost the same efficiency and much greater independence.

Two unobvious bonuses of autonomous gasification

    The gas holder can power an electric generator and allows you to create a completely autonomous energy supply.

    Liquefied gas can be purchased in the “low season” (summer) much cheaper than in winter.

When we're talking about about the construction or purchase of housing, everyone asks the question: Which heating is better in a private house, gas or electric? If we compare the cost, gas is much cheaper than electricity, but the costs of installing, connecting and maintaining a gas heating system are several times higher than electric heating. Let's try to figure out what is better in practice and analyze the advantages and disadvantages different systems space heating.

What is more profitable to operate: gas or electricity?

Disadvantages of central gas heating

  1. If the building is not connected to a central heating system, then the costs of the work are so high that not everyone will be able to bear them.
  2. The gas is highly explosive and can cause significant harm if safety precautions and operating instructions are not followed.
  3. If the house is rarely used in winter, then installing a gas heating system is not cost-effective, since it takes a very long time to warm up.

Disadvantages of using liquefied gas

The use of liquefied gas in cylinders is not always convenient because:

  • the more powerful the gas equipment, the more cylinders will be needed for its operation;
  • empty cylinders must be changed or refilled frequently;
  • at sub-zero temperature gas is not completely produced;
  • cylinders filled with gas are a source of increased danger.

A gas tank has much fewer disadvantages: high cost and the need for excavation work for its installation.

Electric heating cost

We will assume that the room needs to be heated five months a year. Heating an average-sized house will require about 27,000 kW of electricity. Thus, heating a house with electricity will cost about 63,000 rubles, if the cost of electricity per 1 kW is 2.34 rubles.

The cost of heating through a central gas supply system

To heat a house of average size with a gas boiler with a power of 24 kW and a productivity of 2.84 m³/h, you will need 3.548 m³ of gas. This means that the cost of gas heating per year, at a tariff of 4.5 rubles, will be 14,192 rubles.

Cost when using a gas tank

At a price of 17 rubles per liter of liquefied gas, one refill of a gas tank with a volume of 4850 liters will cost 70 thousand rubles. According to statistics, for heating one square meter per year you will need 459 rubles. This means that for a private house with an area of ​​80 m2 you will need 36,720 rubles.