Ergoferon instructions for use for children. Ergoferon for children is an antiviral and immunomodulatory agent

On pharmacy shelves you can now find many drugs against viral diseases intended for different age groups. For example: Viferon, Ergoferon, Aflubin, Anaferon, Groprinosin and others. Each such medicine is aimed at a specific spectrum of viruses, has its own pros and cons, as well as age restrictions. Among the variety presented in the pharmacy, you should choose not the most famous, but the most suitable for your family.

From the article you will learn in what cases and how to take Ergoferon for the treatment and prevention of diseases, as well as what side effects he has.

Ergoferon - description

This drug is used as an antiviral and antihistamine, and it also has immunomodulatory and anti-inflammatory properties. The active ingredients in it are antibodies to:

  • human interferon-γ;
  • histamine;

It also contains, as auxiliary components: microcrystalline cellulose, magnesium stearate and lactose monohydrate.

The product is produced in the form of absorbable tablets of 20 pieces.

Indications for use of Ergoferon

It is used as one of the drugs from the medicinal complex for treatment in childhood bacterial infections such as pneumonia, yersiniosis and others. Most often, Ergoferon is used for the prevention and treatment of the following diseases:

  • ARVI;
  • bacterial complications after a viral infection;
  • influenza groups A and B.
  • herpes infection;
  • enteroviral and meningococcal meningitis;
  • acute intestinal infections caused by various microorganisms (adenovirus, rotavirus, enterovirus, etc.);
  • encephalitis resulting from a tick bite.

How to give Ergoferon to children?

The duration of use and dosage of Ergoferon tablets for children are prescribed by a doctor, who takes into account the health condition and weight of your child. The instructions for the drug contain the following recommendations for use:

  • for treatment: when the first signs of illness appear, take 1 tablet every half hour during the first 2 hours, and then 3 more tablets every 7 hours. IN next days dissolve 1 tablet 3 times a day.
  • for prevention: 1-2 tablets per day.

Ergoferon infant from 6 months and children under 3 years old can only be taken as prescribed by a pediatrician, and the tablet must be dissolved in 1 tablespoon warm water. It is recommended not to combine the drug with food.

Ergoferon - contraindications

It should not be used in patients who have the following diseases:

  • congenital galactosemia or lactose deficiency (due to the presence of lactose);
  • glucose malabsorption syndrome;
  • intolerance or sensitivity to any of the components of the drug.

Ergoferon has no particular side effects, except for the individual reaction of the body in the above cases.

Ergoferon for children can be used in combination with other drugs in the form of suppositories, suspensions, tablets, which have an antiviral effect and treat the symptoms of the disease.

In case of an overdose of the drug Ergoferon, various disorders of the digestive system (dyspeptic symptoms) are possible, which occur due to the fillers included in the medicine.

It should be kept in a dark place at a temperature no higher than +24°C. The drug will be valid for 3 years.

Before using antiviral drugs, in particular Ergoferon, for the prevention and treatment of children, it is necessary to consult a doctor and not use the recommendations of friends, since each body, and especially children, reacts differently.

When a viral infection breaks into a family, parents are ready to take upon themselves all the suffering of the sick child. It is painful to watch how your own child can hardly bear high temperature, aches throughout the body, headache, and in case of defeat gastrointestinal tract also vomiting, diarrhea, abdominal cramps... In this situation, you want the medications to act with lightning speed, thoroughly and without side effects. But this, unfortunately, rarely happens.

Ideally, relatives dream that the baby will not get sick at all. But how to protect it during the very first visits? kindergarten, when all the surrounding microflora rushes “to the new guy”? Or how to avoid infection during an ARVI outbreak? The answer is very clear: we need to stimulate own strength baby in the fight against microorganisms. However, during periods of increased risk of infection, it is not enough rational nutrition, hardening and sports. It is advisable to support the immune system from the inside.

Pharmaceutical companies produce several safe drugs that activate immune cells. Today we will talk about one of them.

The homeopathic remedy is available in only two forms - tablets and oral solution. There are no other types of it (suppositories, syrups, nasal drops). Moreover, in the case of Ergoferon, the opposite principle of using the drug in children applies: very young children are prescribed not liquid medicine, but tablets. How to give Ergoferon tablets to such a child? You just need to completely dissolve it in water (compote, juice).


Both forms of the drug contain microdoses (6 mg in 1 tablet or 1.2 mg in 1 ml) of antibodies to γ-interferon, histamine and CD4 (a carbohydrate-protein complex built into the membranes of the body’s immune cells). And if you look at it, it turns out that the active ingredients of Ergoferon are designed to suppress resistance and cause symptoms similar to the disease that has already overtaken! But this is the main view of homeopathy: “like is eradicated by like.”

In the tablet form, additional substances that act as stabilizers and preservatives are lactose monohydrate, magnesium stearate and microcrystalline cellulose. To improve taste quality and prolongation of the shelf life of the liquid form are included in the preparation citric acid, maltitol, potassium sorbate, glycerol.

After numerous experimental studies, the combined effect of antibodies contained in both dosage forms has been proven:

  • stimulation of the production of your own interferon;
  • activation of immune cells in the blood and peripheral tissues;
  • acceleration of the synthesis of antiviral antibodies;
  • decreased tone of smooth muscle elements of internal organs;
  • decreased permeability of blood vessels;
  • suppression of allergic reactions.

Consequently, the drug has an immunostimulating, antiviral, antiallergic and anti-inflammatory effect.

  • The pharmacy package contains 1, 2 or 5 tablets of tablet Ergoferon. Each palette contains 20 tablets (white, round, with a line dividing them in half).
  • The solution is available in only one dosage - 100 ml in a medical glass bottle. For ease of use, its lid is equipped with a dropper. The contents of the bottle are clear (or almost clear) liquid.


A homeopathic remedy on its own is used only for prevention, and only viral infections(except HIV).

For treatment, it is used in combination with other etiotropic, pathogenetic and symptomatic drugs. The use of Ergoferon is indicated for:

  • influenza and parainfluenza;
  • herpes;
  • tick-borne encephalitis;
  • hemorrhagic fever;
  • adeno-, corona-, rota-, entero-, RS virus infections;
  • bacterial infection as a prevention of viral complications.

At what age is it allowed to take Ergoferon?

The tablet form is approved for use from the age of six months, the solution is prescribed from the age of three. This is due to the fact that in 1 ml of liquid medicine contains 2 times more active ingredients than 1 tablet. And for 1 dose, 5 ml is taken.

For the youngest, it is allowed to crush the tablet between large spoons and dissolve the resulting powder in a small amount of any liquid. The prepared medicine can be given to the child from a spoon or an ordinary syringe without a needle: this way it is more likely that the medicine will reach its intended destination.


The drug is absolutely contraindicated in children with individual intolerance to at least one of the components of the drug.

Relative contraindications are related to the content of excipients:

  • with lactose in tablets, you must be careful in case of malabsorption syndrome (impaired absorption in the intestinal tube) of galactose and glucose, congenital galactosemia or lactase deficiency;
  • Maltitol liquid dosage form is not safe for diabetics.

From side effects the instructions only indicate individual intolerance to the compounds included in Ergoferon.

Instructions for use and dosage

  • First, a shock dose of Ergoferon is prescribed: within 2 hours, you need to take 4 single doses, consisting of 1 tablet or 5 ml (1 tsp) of liquid medicine.
  • Then, by the end of the day, you should drink 3 more single doses, evenly distributing them over time.
  • The next day and until noticeable recovery, the drug is taken 3 times a day, 1 single dose.

It is recommended to hold the tablet or solution in the mouth for a while and then swallow. This is due to the high absorption capacity of the oral mucosa. Naturally, taking the medicine should not be combined with eating food. How should Ergoferon be taken by children who cannot hold something in their mouth for a long time? They are allowed to immediately swallow the solution prepared from the tablet.

For the successful use of Ergoferon, treatment must begin in the prodromal period of the disease, i.e., when the first symptoms appear in the child. If a course of therapy is started at the height of the disease, the effect of the drug will not be as noticeable.

To prevent a viral infection, 1-2 tablets or 1-2 tsp are enough. homeopathic remedy per day. The course can last up to six months. The timing of prophylactic use of Ergoferon is determined by the pediatrician.


Microdoses of active ingredients cannot cause an overdose. The only thing that can lead to transient dyspeptic disorders is an overdose of auxiliary compounds. Nausea is a common symptom; vomiting and diarrhea are rare. Treatment of overdose in children comes down to symptomatic therapy.

Interaction with other drugs

In the experimental groups, no interactions with other drugs were observed. And even if it did occur, it was so insignificant that it did not manifest itself clinically. That is why Ergoferon is calmly introduced into the complex therapeutic measures together with other drugs.


Ergoferon has no analogues, but there are antiviral medications, including for children, with a similar effect, and some of them are even cheaper.

  • Viferon– available in the form of rectal suppositories, active against viruses, prescribed from infancy.

  • – like Ergoferon, it is used for preventive purposes, up to three years old contraindicated.
  • Tamiflu– available in powder (for infants and small children) and in tablets (approved from 12 years of age).
  • - a medicine recognized by many pediatricians, used after one year of age.
  • Amiksin– prescribed for preventive purposes and in complex treatment of diseases, rarely taken (after 5 days on the sixth), indicated for children from 7 years of age.

  • – has a more powerful antiviral effect, therefore it is used for AIDS; use is prohibited without consulting a doctor.
  • Bronchomunal– prescribed to frequently ill children from 6 months of age, effective against acute respiratory viral infections.

  • – produced in combination with vitamin C, approved for infants.
  • Ingavirin– prevents bacterial superinfection, indicated for children from 7 years of age.
  • Arbidol– less effective than other relatives, but also cheaper, prescribed from 3 years.
  • Anaferon– has an antiviral and immunomodulatory effect. The question of “which is better: or Ergoferon” for children under six months old disappears on its own: the first is allowed for them, the second is not yet.

Thank you

The site provides background information for informational purposes only. Diagnosis and treatment of diseases must be carried out under the supervision of a specialist. All drugs have contraindications. Consultation with a specialist is required!

Ergoferon represents homeopathic medicine With anti-inflammatory And immunomodulatory action. The product is effective against various viruses by activating nonspecific immunity. Used for the treatment and prevention of acute respiratory diseases (influenza, parainfluenza, adenovirus, coronavirus infection, colds, etc.), herpes infections (labial, genital, herpes zoster, chickenpox, ophthalmic herpes, infectious mononucleosis), viral intestinal infections (rotavirus , enterovirus, coronavirus, adenovirus infections, etc.), enterovirus and meningococcal meningitis, tick-borne encephalitis, hemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome. In addition, Ergoferon is used to prevent bacterial complications in various viral infections.

Release forms, varieties and composition

Currently, Ergoferon is available in two dosage forms:
  • Dissolving tablets for oral administration;
  • Oral solution.
Regarding the types of the drug, there is currently a widespread opinion at the household level that there are two types of Ergoferon - children's And adult. However, this is not true.

The fact is that both tablets and Ergoferon solution are approved for use by children from the age of six months. Therefore both data dosage forms The drug can be considered "children's". In practice, they often ask specifically for “children’s” Ergoferon, meaning a low-dose dosage form intended for use exclusively in children. However, both the solution and Ergoferon tablets are available in a single dosage, and they can be given to babies from 6 months, as a result of which, obviously, there is no specialized “children’s” form and dosage of the drug. The only form and dosage of Ergoferon solution and tablets is suitable for both adults and children, and therefore is both an “adult” and a “children’s” version of the drug.

Ergoferon lozenges have a flat-cylindrical shape, are scored and chamfered, and are painted white or almost white. On the side with the mark there is the inscription "MATERIA MEDICA", and on the other side - "EGROFERON". Tablets are available in packs of 20, 40 and 100 pieces.

Ergoferon oral solution is a clear, colorless or almost colorless liquid. The solution is available in 100 ml bottles.
Both solution and Ergoferon tablets contain the same active substances:

  • Antibodies to interferon gamma, affinity purified – 0.12 g per 100 ml of solution or 0.006 g per tablet;
  • Antibodies to histamine, affinity purified – 0.12 g per 100 ml of solution or 0.006 g per tablet;
  • Affinity purified antibodies to CD4 - 0.12 g per 100 ml of solution or 0.006 g per tablet.
These active substances are antibodies obtained using biotechnological methods to substances (to histamine, to interferon gamma) and cells (to CD4), which support the inflammatory reaction in all organs and tissues of the human body. Once antibodies are obtained, impurities are removed from their bulk using biotechnological methods, resulting in them becoming affinity purified.

Active substances are introduced into Ergoferon tablets and solution in homeopathic (ultra-small) dosages, therefore the indication of the content of active components (0.12 g per 100 ml of solution and 0.006 g per tablet) is conditional. So, 0.006 g of active substances per tablet means the following. First, the prepared solution of affinity-purified antibodies in different test tubes is diluted with a water-alcohol mixture to homeopathic concentrations of 10012, 10030, 100200 times. Next, dilutions from each test tube are applied to lactose, completely saturating it. And ready-made lactose powders, impregnated with three different dilutions of three types of antibodies, are introduced as active components into tablets. In a solution for oral administration, active substances, diluted to homeopathic concentrations, are introduced in the form of a mixture. That is, three solutions of each antibody diluted to homeopathic concentrations are mixed and then added to the prepared Ergoferon solution.

Ergoferon tablets contain the following substances as auxiliary components:

  • Microcrystalline cellulose;
  • Lactose monohydrate;
  • Magnesium stearate.
Ergoferon solution contains the following substances as auxiliary components:
  • Glycerol;
  • Anhydrous citric acid;
  • Maltitol;
  • Potassium sorbate;
  • Purified water (deionized and distilled).

Therapeutic effect

Ergoferon has antiviral, immunomodulatory, anti-inflammatory and antihistamine effects. The antiviral effect is to ensure effective elimination and suppression of the activity of viruses in the body, which leads to the cure of viral infections. The anti-inflammatory effect is to suppress inflammation in various organs and tissues, which ensures the cure of chronic sluggish inflammatory diseases. The antihistamine effect is to suppress the activity of histamine, which causes swelling, redness, dysfunction and pain in the inflamed area. Accordingly, suppression of histamine activity helps to reduce pain, swelling, redness and normalize the functioning of the inflamed organ or tissue. The immunomodulatory effect is to provide a more intense response of the immune system aimed at destroying pathogenic microbes that have entered the body.

The active components of the drug have a single mechanism of action, which consists in intensifying the functioning of the CD4 receptor, interferon receptors and histamine receptors located on the cells of various organs and systems. Due to the intensification of the functioning of these receptors, biologically active substances such as interferon gamma, histamine, as well as immune cells cause a more powerful and pronounced reaction of the immune system in response to the appearance of pathogenic microorganisms in the body - infectious agents. Accordingly, due to this, a more complete and rapid destruction of pathogenic microorganisms (especially viruses) and recovery from infectious diseases occur.

Thus, it has been experimentally shown that Ergoferon causes the following effects on the immune system:

  • Antibodies to interferon gamma cause an increase in the production of interferons gamma, alpha and beta, as well as interleukins 2, 4 and 10. In addition, antibodies improve the interaction of various cells with the produced interferon and normalize the ratio of cytokines (interleukins, interferons, etc.). Also, antibodies to interferon gamma increase the number of molecules of the major histocompatibility complex on the surface of immune cells, activate monocytes and natural killer cells (NK cells). All these effects activate natural antiviral immunity, due to which the immune system successfully destroys viruses. And due to the destruction of viruses, any viral infections are easier, recovery occurs faster, and the risk of complications is reduced.
  • Antibodies to the CD4 receptor increase its activity, which causes an increase in the functional activity of CD4 lymphocytes (lymphocytes belonging to the CD4 cluster), and also normalizes the ratio of various populations of immune system cells (such as CD3, CD4, CD8, CD16, CD20). All these effects increase the efficiency of the immune system, due to which recovery from infectious diseases occurs faster, and the body’s overall resistance to various pathologies increases.
  • Antibodies to histamine reduce the activation of histamine receptors in various tissues and organs under the influence of histamine. As a result, the tone and tension of the smooth muscles of the bronchi decreases, and the permeability of capillaries decreases, due to which the duration and severity of rhinorrhea (snot), swelling of the nasal mucosa, coughing and sneezing is reduced. In addition, the severity of allergic reactions accompanying infectious diseases is reduced.
Due to its therapeutic effects, Ergoferon is effective in the treatment and prevention of a wide range of different viral infections (for example, influenza, parainfluenza, ARVI, adenovirus, coronavirus infections, intestinal infections, herpetic infections, tick-borne encephalitis, etc.). In addition, Ergoferon increases the effectiveness of the treatment of bacterial infections if used in combination with antibiotics.

The use of Ergoferon before and after vaccinations increases the effectiveness of vaccination, and also ensures the prevention of ARVI and influenza during periods of development of post-vaccination immunity.

Indications for use

Ergoferon tablets and solution are indicated for use in the same following cases:
  • Prevention and treatment of influenza A and B;
  • Prevention and treatment of acute respiratory viral infections (ARVI) caused by a variety of viruses, such as adenovirus, coronavirus, respiratory syncytial virus, parainfluenza virus;
  • Prevention and treatment of infections caused by various types herpes virus (labial and genital herpes, ophthalmic herpes, herpes zoster, chicken pox, infectious mononucleosis);
  • Prevention and treatment of acute intestinal infections caused by various viruses, such as calicivirus, adenovirus, coronavirus, rotavirus, enterovirus;
  • Prevention and treatment of meningitis caused by enteroviruses or meningococci;
  • Prevention and treatment of tick-borne encephalitis and hemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome;
  • As part of complex therapy for various bacterial infections, such as pseudotuberculosis, whooping cough, yersiniosis, pneumonia (including those caused by atypical pathogenic microbes Mycoplasma pneumoniae, Chlamydia pneumoniae, Legionella spp.);
  • Prevention of bacterial complications in various viral infections;
  • Prevention of superinfections (re-infection with an infection against the background of incomplete recovery from the previous infectious disease).

Instructions for use

Instructions for use of Ergoferon tablets

Tablets can be given to children from the age of six months.

The tablets should not be taken with meals, but preferably half an hour before or after meals. At one time, take one tablet, which should be kept in the mouth under the tongue, dissolving until completely dissolved. You should not swallow the tablet whole without dissolving it.

For small children aged six months to three years, it is recommended to dissolve the tablet in a small amount (teaspoon) of cooled boiled water and give it as a solution.

For any disease in which the use of Ergoferon is indicated, you should start using the drug as early as possible - when the first signs of infection appear, without waiting full development the entire set of clinical symptoms. The drug is used for various diseases according to the same following scheme: in the first two hours, the tablets are dissolved every half hour (5 tablets in total), then for the remaining time of the current day, another 3 tablets are taken at equal intervals. That is, on the first day a total of 8 tablets are taken. Then, from the second day until the end of treatment, take one tablet three times a day at regular intervals. Ergoferon is taken until complete recovery, that is, the duration of the course of therapy is determined individually, depending on the speed of recovery. Continuous treatment with the drug is allowed for 8 weeks.

Ergoferon is taken one tablet 1 – 2 times a day at regular intervals. The duration of prophylactic administration is determined individually and ranges from one to six months. This means that for prevention, Ergoferon can be taken without interruption for 1 to 6 months.

Taking Ergoferon for both prevention and treatment can be combined with the use of any other antiviral and symptomatic medications.

Instructions for use of Ergoferon solution

The solution is intended for adults and children over three years of age.

The solution should not be taken during meals, but optimally half an hour before or after a meal. At one time, take one teaspoon of solution (which corresponds to 5 ml). The Ergoferon solution should not be swallowed immediately, but it is recommended to first hold it in the mouth for 10 to 30 seconds to ensure maximum expression of the therapeutic effect of the drug. In principle, the solution can be swallowed immediately without holding it in the mouth for 10–30 seconds, but in this case the severity of the therapeutic effect will not be maximum.

When the use of Ergoferon is indicated, the solution is taken according to the same regimen. So, on the first day of administration, in the first two hours you should take a teaspoon (5 ml) of solution every half hour (5 spoons in total), and for the remainder of the current day you should drink Ergoferon three more times, a teaspoon (5 ml) every other day. equal periods of time. That is, on the first day of treatment, a total of 8 teaspoons of Ergoferon solution are taken. From the second day of treatment, the drug is taken one teaspoon (5 ml) three times a day at regular intervals. The solution is taken until the symptoms of the disease completely disappear, but not longer than eight weeks. That is, the duration of the course of using Ergoferon for the treatment of various infections is determined individually based on the speed of recovery, and can range from 1 to 8 weeks.

It should be remembered that taking Ergoferon for the treatment of various diseases should be started as early as possible, from the first signs of infection. In other words, there is no need to wait for the full deployment clinical picture infection, or you can start taking Ergoferon as soon as the first signs of a developing disease appear.

For the prevention of various viral infections Ergoferon solution should be taken one teaspoon (5 ml) 1 – 2 times a day for 1 – 6 months.

If necessary, Ergoferon solution can be used in combination with any other antiviral or symptomatic medications.

How to take Ergoferon for prevention?

For the prevention of any diseases for which the use of Ergoferon is indicated, it is recommended to take the drug one tablet or one teaspoon (5 ml) of solution 1 - 2 times a day for 1 - 6 months, without breaks.

Use during pregnancy and breastfeeding

The effect of Ergoferon solution and tablets on the course of pregnancy and the condition of the fetus has not been studied for obvious ethical reasons. Therefore, it is currently not known for sure whether the drug Ergoferon has a negative effect on the fetus and the course of pregnancy. However, theoretically, the drug should not adversely affect the fetus and the course of pregnancy. Taking this into account, the drug in any form (solution and tablets) is not recommended for use during pregnancy and breastfeeding, so as not to encounter any (albeit very unlikely) negative consequences for the fetus.

If there is still a need to use Ergoferon by a pregnant or lactating woman, then it should be taken only if the expected benefit to the mother outweighs all the risks to the fetus. The risk/benefit ratio should be determined by the attending physician.

Special instructions

Ergoferon solution contains maltitol in an amount of 0.09 grain units(XE) per one teaspoon (5 ml). And although the processing of maltitol in the amount of 0.09 XE requires a small amount of insulin (less than for the processing of 0.09 XE of sucrose), nevertheless, this circumstance should be known and taken into account by people suffering from diabetes when taking Ergoferon solution.

Impact on the ability to operate machinery

Ergoferon tablets and solution do not affect the ability to control mechanisms, since they do not have any effect on the central nervous system. Therefore, while using Ergoferon in one or another dosage form (tablets, solution), you can engage in any type of activity that requires a high speed of reactions and concentration.


In case of an accidental overdose of Ergoferon tablets or solution, symptoms of dyspepsia (nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, etc.) may develop due to the excipients included in the drug. In case of overdose, symptomatic medications should be used to eliminate the manifestations of dyspepsia (for diarrhea - Loperamide, for nausea and vomiting - Cerucal).

Interaction with other drugs

Ergoferon tablets and solution do not significantly interact with other drugs. This means that both tablets and Ergoferon solution can be used in combination with any other drugs.

Ergoferon for children

General provisions

Ergoferon tablets in Russia are approved for use in children from the age of six months, and in Belarus - only from the age of six. Ergoferon solution is approved for use in Russia for children from the age of three years, and in Belarus - from the age of six years. More stringent restrictions on the use of the drug for children in the Republic of Belarus are due to the peculiarities of the legislation, which allows the use of any homeopathic medicines for children only from the age of six.

Ergoferon is widely used both in Russia and in other countries former USSR for the treatment of various colds, respiratory and intestinal infections in children. However, doctors do not have a consensus on the advisability of widespread use of Ergoferon in children. Thus, a number of doctors believe that this drug should not be used frequently to treat viral infections, since it activates the production of interferons from the outside, as a result of which, in subsequent diseases, the body itself does not begin the synthesis of interferons, waiting for stimulation “from the outside.” And interferons are necessary to destroy viruses and cure infectious diseases. As a result, a viral infection that develops after a previous one, during which interferons were used, takes longer and is more severe.

Instructions for use of Ergoferon for children

Children under three years of age should be given Ergoferon only in tablet form. From the age of three, Ergoferon can be given to children both in the form of tablets and as a solution.

For children under three years of age, the tablet should not be given whole, but should first be dissolved in a teaspoon of boiled and cooled water. For children over three years of age, the tablet is given in its entirety. The solution is also given to children over three years of age in whole, undiluted form.

It is optimal to give both the solution and Ergoferon tablets half an hour before or after meals. However, if for some reason this is impossible, then Ergoferon can be given in any form (both tablets and solution) at any time, just not during meals.

The tablet should be kept under the tongue, slowly dissolving until it is completely dissolved. The solution or tablet dissolved in water should also not be swallowed immediately, but must first be held in the mouth for 10 to 30 seconds to ensure maximum therapeutic effectiveness. Before giving a child a tablet, dissolved tablet or solution, it is necessary to explain to him that he needs to hold the liquid in his mouth and dissolve the tablet, and not swallow it whole.

For the treatment of various infections, for which the use of Ergoferon is indicated, tablets and solution are used according to the same scheme. On the first day of treatment, in the first two hours, the child is given one tablet or one teaspoon (5 ml) of solution every half hour. That is, during the first two hours of treatment, the child is given five tablets or five teaspoons of Ergoferon with an interval of half an hour between doses. Further, during the remaining time of the first day of treatment, the drug is given one tablet or one teaspoon of solution three more times at equal intervals. In total, on the first day of therapy, the child is given eight tablets or eight spoons of Ergoferon solution. From the second day, the drug is given one tablet or one teaspoon of solution three times a day at regular intervals. Treatment is continued until complete recovery, but not longer than 8 weeks.

For the prevention of various viral infections Ergoferon is given to children one tablet or one teaspoon of solution 1 - 2 times a day for 1 - 6 months, without breaks.

When taking Ergoferon for both prevention and treatment, you can additionally include any other antiviral or symptomatic drugs in the treatment regimen.

Side effects

As side effects, both solution and Ergoferon tablets can only provoke allergic reactions or intolerance reactions to any component of the drug. If a person experiences an allergic reaction or any other manifestations of intolerance, they should immediately stop taking Ergoferon and consult a doctor.

Contraindications for use

Ergoferon tablets are contraindicated for use only in children under six months of age and if a person has individual hypersensitivity or allergic reactions to any component.

Ergoferon solution is contraindicated for use if a person has the following diseases or conditions:

  • Age under 3 years;
  • Individual increased sensitivity or allergic reactions to any components of the drug;
  • Fructose intolerance.
In addition, both Ergoferon solution and tablets should be used with caution by people suffering from diabetes mellitus, since both dosage forms contain small amounts of sugars.


On the domestic pharmaceutical market, the drug Ergoferon has analogue drugs only in terms of therapeutic action, and has no analogues in terms of active substance. That is, medications that would contain the same active ingredients, like Ergoferon, does not exist on the pharmaceutical market of the countries of the former USSR. But there are analogues of Ergoferon for therapeutic action. This means that Ergoferon analogues are drugs that contain different active substances, but have similar therapeutic effects.

So, the following drugs are analogues of Ergoferon in terms of therapeutic effect:

  • Alpizarin tablets;
  • Amizon tablets;
  • Amiksin tablets;
  • Tilaxin tablets;
  • Tiloram tablets;
  • Tiloron capsules and tablets;
  • Triazavirin capsules;
  • Engystol absorbable tablets;
  • Echinacea tablets, granules, drops, lozenges.

Ergoferon - cheaper analogues

The following analogue drugs are cheaper than Ergoferon:
  • Alpizarin – 170 – 260 rubles for 20 tablets;
  • Anaferon and Anaferon for children – 180 – 230 rubles for 20 tablets;
  • Arpeflu – 100 – 180 rubles for 20 tablets;
  • Hyporamine – 140 – 180 rubles for 20 tablets;
  • Yodantipyrine – 180 – 220 rubles for 20 tablets;
  • Oksolin ointment – ​​40 – 70 rubles per tube;
  • Echinacea – 50 – 150 rubles.


Approximately 2/3 of the reviews about Ergoferon are positive, which is due to a noticeable effect in the treatment of acute respiratory viral infections. Unfortunately, there are practically no reviews about the treatment of other viral diseases with Ergoferon, they are literally isolated, so it is not possible to obtain any objective picture in this case.

Thus, reviews of the use of Ergoferon for respiratory viral infections indicate that the drug accelerates recovery and alleviates the course of the disease if taken strictly according to the recommended regimen. Many indicate that the cold went away literally within 2 - 3 days, and was much milder than usual. While taking Ergoferon, elevated body temperature normalizes already on days 2–3, and catarrhal symptoms (snot, cough) are minimal. The effect of Ergoferon is especially noticeable if you start taking it at the first signs of the disease. In these cases, sometimes the drug helped prevent the development of the disease altogether.

There are relatively few negative reviews about Ergoferon, and they are mainly due to a general mistrust of all antiviral drugs. So, in such reviews it is often indicated that the drug seems to have helped with ARVI, but at the same time one does not want to take this medicine, since this will lead to the fact that the immune system will stop fighting viruses on its own without external coercion. Thus, despite the positive effect obtained from taking the drug, people leave negative feedback about it, because they believe that, in principle, such drugs are harmful, as if dampening the body’s own immune system.

In addition, there are a number of negative reviews due to the ineffectiveness of Ergoferon in specific case. There is also a small number of negative reviews due to the fact that Ergoferon caused diarrhea as a side effect, although it was effective for the treatment of ARVI.

Ergoferon for children - reviews

Most of the reviews on the use of Ergoferon for children are positive (about 85%). It should be noted that all reviews of the use of Ergoferon relate to the treatment and prevention of various acute respiratory viral infections in children. There are no reviews on the use of the drug for children for other indications.

Reviews indicate that the drug accelerates recovery and significantly alleviates the course of respiratory disease in children of all ages. Parents indicate that against the background of the use of Ergoferon elevated temperature subsides quickly, catarrhal symptoms (snot, cough) bother the child little, and general weakness and body aches are practically not felt by the child, as a result of which he remains quite active and not capricious even against the background of ARVI.

In addition, parents separately note the ease of use of Ergoferon and the ability to give it to children starting from the age of six months. The tablets have no taste, and therefore children easily agree to take them, which is very important for parents, as it allows treatment to be carried out without spending additional effort on persuading the child to take the medicine.

Parents also note the harmlessness and higher effectiveness of Ergoferon compared to other antiviral drugs that they used previously, such as Anaferon, Arbidol and Viferon.

Many parents indicate in their reviews that after using Ergoferon for the treatment of ARVI, they continued to give the drug for 1 to 2 months for prevention. This preventative treatment turned out to be very effective, since children attended preschool institutions or schools and did not get sick for a long period of time (at least three weeks).

Some reviews indicate that the drug was ineffective in the treatment of acute respiratory viral infections, but was effective as a prophylactic agent, thanks to which the child went to school calmly or kindergarten, and didn’t get sick.

Negative reviews about the use of Ergoferon for children are few and are due either to the ineffectiveness of the drug in this particular case, or to the fundamentally negative attitude of parents towards antiviral drugs, regardless of the therapeutic effect obtained.

Ergoferon is an effective antiviral, antihistamine and anti-inflammatory drug that is widely used in immunomodulatory therapy. The drug is widely used in the treatment and prevention of influenza A and B viruses and acute respiratory infections. Instructions for use of Ergoferon indicate that the drug is also effective in the treatment of acute intestinal viral infections, meningitis and encephalitis. The medication is also prescribed in the complex therapy of various bacterial infections.

The components of the drug regulate the functional activity of the CD4 receptor, histamine production, lymphocyte activity and have a pronounced immunotropic effect. Ergoferon includes:

  • antibodies to interferon gamma;
  • antibodies to histamine;
  • antibodies to CD4

As a result of exposure to the drug:

  • immunity increases;
  • vascular permeability decreases;
  • bronchial tone decreases;
  • cough, rhinorrhea, and swelling of the nasal mucosa are eliminated.

Ergoferon effectively suppresses the release of histamine from the individual cell, reduces the severity of concomitant infection, and prevents allergic reaction. The drug enhances the body's antiviral activity and is intended for the prevention and treatment of influenza A and B, as well as ARVI during epidemics.

It is recommended to start taking Ergoferon at the first signs of colds and flu in order to speed up recovery and avoid complications of the disease. The action of the drug is aimed at quickly treating viral infections. Positive result therapeutic therapy Ergoferon is achieved through a single mechanism of action of all its components. The antibodies included in the drug stimulate metabolic processes in the body and act at the cellular level, enhancing the functioning of the immune system.

The drug has wide range indications. According to the instructions for use of Ergoferon, this drug is prescribed for the prevention and treatment of diseases such as:

The drug is available in the form of lozenges and is available without a prescription. Reviews of Ergoferon indicate that the drug is very easily tolerated by the body and rarely causes side effects.

Since Ergoferon is a new generation medicine, this medicine is non-toxic and absolutely safe to use. Sick people taking the drug note the high effectiveness of the drug, a significant improvement in well-being after taking it and the rapid elimination of symptoms of the disease. Ergoferon is an absolutely safe medicine and is widely used in the treatment of children from 6 months.

The lozenge is intended for oral use. It should be kept in the mouth, without swallowing, until completely dissolved. The drug should not be used with food.

To prevent viral infectious diseases, take 1-2 tablets per day. The prophylactic course can last quite a long time - from one to five months.

For the treatment of influenza and ARVI, take one tablet every two hours on the first day of the disease. On the second day of illness, the drug is divided into three doses per day. From the second day you need to take 1 tablet 3 times a day.

Children from 6 months need to dissolve the tablet in one tablespoon boiled water room temperature. It is important to begin treatment at the first symptoms of colds and flu. The drug can be combined with the use of other antiviral medications.

Ergoferon does not have any effect on psychomotor reactions and does not affect the control of transport and various complex/dangerous mechanisms. Also, no incompatibility with other drugs has been reported.

Ergoferon can be taken for the prevention of influenza for a very long period. To prevent a viral infection, you need to dissolve one tablet once a day.

In pediatric practice, this drug has established itself as a highly effective means for the prevention and treatment of influenza A and B, as well as ARVI. Since the medication belongs to the antiviral group, its main effect is aimed at eliminating the symptoms of various viral infections. According to the instructions for use, Ergoferon can be given to children from six months.

The main components of the drug are absolutely safe and cannot have any effect negative influence on the child's body. The antihistamines included in the drug can significantly alleviate a child’s condition with flu and colds, relieve nasal congestion, actively fight the virus and prevent the development of concomitant infections and complications.

Ergoferon should be used in the treatment of children only as prescribed by a doctor! To treat a child, one tablet is dissolved in boiled water cooled to room temperature (1 tablespoon). You can take the medicine regardless of meals.

Like any medicine, Ergoferon has its own limitations for use. The drug is not prescribed for individual intolerance and poor absorption of glucose in the intestine. Main contraindications for use:

  • lactase deficiency;
  • children up to 6 months of age.

Side effects

The drug is very well tolerated by the body, and its side effects are minimized. When using the drug, individual sensitivity to the components may occur.

Ergoferon and swine flu (H1N1)

The first symptoms of swine flu appeared in people in 2009. Until this time, the virus only affected pigs. Today, the disease poses a huge threat and has spread widely throughout the world. Main feature H1N1 influenza - its deep penetration into the lungs and bronchi, which causes severe pneumonia.

You should know that pandemic flu develops quickly - no more than 4 days pass after infection. The first symptoms that appear are a dry cough, fever (sometimes up to 40C degrees), and sore throat. The disease is accompanied by weakness and chills, pain in the chest. Often a dry cough can turn into a wet one. There is a sore throat.

The main treatment for swine flu comes down to specific therapy, which also includes antiviral agents. This is why a doctor may prescribe Ergoferon for swine flu. The dosage of the drug is prescribed by the doctor. To eliminate the undulating course of swine flu, Ergoferon should be taken at the first signs of the disease. The drug effectively mitigates the manifestations of the disease and is used in complex treatment. The doctor also prescribes additional medications.

During pregnancy, taking any medication can have an extremely negative impact on the development of the unborn child. Treatment with Ergoferon during pregnancy has not been studied in pregnant women. However, it is not recommended to prescribe the drug according to the instructions for use of Ergoferon.

The use of the drug in the treatment of influenza and colds should only be prescribed by a doctor who will correctly evaluate everything possible risks for the fetus and benefits for the expectant mother. It is also not recommended to take the drug during lactation. If necessary, it is necessary to abandon the use of Ergoferon in the treatment of the disease.

Average cost

The price of Ergoferon can vary within different limits. The average cost of a drug is 350 – 360 rubles.


All drugs similar to Ergoferon have antiviral and antihistamine properties. Medicines in this group effectively fight the virus and activate the body's immune defense. During epidemics of influenza and acute respiratory viral infections, a doctor may prescribe cheap analogues Ergoferon. The most affordable means are:

  • Viferon;
  • Anaferon;
  • Oscillococcinum.

However, a change in medication must be indicated by your doctor. Kagocel has a therapeutic effect similar to Ergoferon. The drug is recognized as an allergenic, therefore its use is prohibited during pregnancy and breastfeeding. Also, Kagocel is not used in the treatment of children. Taking the drug is indicated only from the age of sixteen. Price – 220 rubles.

Kagocel effectively suppresses the activity of viruses and relieves intoxication of the body during illness. This medicine eliminates symptoms such as runny nose, fever, cough, and nasal congestion. The list of analogues of Kagocel includes the following drugs: Amizon, Remantadine, Arbidol. All these drugs are aimed at combating influenza and ARVI viruses. Doctors recommend taking it in the first hours of the disease to eliminate symptoms and prevent the development of infection.

Anaferon is another analogue of Ergoferon. The drug has antiviral and anti-inflammatory effects and prevents the development of concomitant infections. Anaferon can be used in the treatment of children. Price – 152 rubles.

Viferon is an absolutely safe antiviral drug and can be prescribed in the treatment of young children. During pregnancy, the drug should be taken with extreme caution and only on the recommendation of a doctor. It is a powerful immunostimulant. Price – 178 rubles.

Oscillococcinum is an effective antiviral and anti-inflammatory homeopathic drug that is diluted in water. Indicated for influenza A and B, as well as for ARVI. Price – 220 rubles.

Features of the drug

Ergoferon is highly effective medicine, which must be taken already in the first hours of the disease. Reviews from doctors about Ergoferon indicate a positive therapeutic result. The drug blocks the reproduction and further life of most known viruses and bacteria. This drug prevents the fusion of a healthy cell and a pathogenic organism. As a result, the development of influenza and ARVI, as well as intestinal and herpes infections, is inhibited.

Since the drug is new on the pharmaceutical market and belongs to the third generation, its side effects and contraindications are kept to a minimum. This feature of the drug allows it to be used in pediatric practice - the drug can be taken by children from six months. Ergoferon does not cause allergic reactions, nausea, or stool disorders. Its use is absolutely safe.

The manufacturer of this drug is the Russian pharmaceutical company Materia Medica Holding. Ergoferon tablets are intended for systemic use in the treatment of colds and flu. The drug is very effective in preventing infections during seasonal epidemics. Doctors recommend taking one tablet of Ergoferon per day during periods of widespread colds.

The spectrum of activity of the drug is very wide. This allows the drug to be used for many infections. The high effectiveness of the drug has been proven clinically and experimentally more than once. The drug perfectly fights coronavirus, influenza A and B, and is indicated as a complex therapy for swine and bird flu. In the treatment of herpes infections of various etiologies, the active components of the drug act on the affected cells and prevent further development of the disease.

The drug is recommended by doctors for the treatment of pneumonia, pseudotuberculosis, and whooping cough. It is especially important to use the drug Ergoferon in the post-vaccination period - at the moment of formation of immunity after vaccination.

Antibodies that are part of the drug reduce the severity of the infectious process and allergic reaction. The drug affects the synthesis of adhesion molecules and the synthesis of leukocytes, releases histamine and increases the antiviral activity of healthy cells.