Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation. Scenario material for the Day of Russian Parliamentarism

In our country they started quite recently. New holiday owes its appearance to the amendments made to the legislative act “On the days of military glory and memorable dates of Russia”, on the 27th of June 2012. The purpose of the newly-minted holiday is to attract the interest of Russians to the work of the Federal Assembly of Russia and legislative regional administrative structures.

The historical headwaters of parliamentarism

The historical core of parliamentarism was laid in 1906 due to the founding of the newest totalitarian administrative body of the lower house - the State Duma of the Russian Empire. The highest level of power was naturally the State Council. The State Duma was formed as a result of the 1905 revolution by Nicholas II. The work of this body included the formulation and approval of government hypotheses, as well as the analysis and division budget revenues and expenses.

A look at the modern parliamentarian

At present, the Russian parliamentary body also consists of two chambers:
Federation Council
State Duma.

The general name of the above structures is the Federal Assembly Russian Federation. The current parliament in Russia has existed for only 20 years. This suggests that government activities are still very young and must constantly evolve. The main goal of a Russian parliamentarian is to win the trust of the entire population of the country. The instruments for achieving the intended goal are both chambers of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation.

Functions of the Federal Assembly of Russia

Domestic parliamentarism is called upon not only to propose, approve, approve certain legislative acts, regulations and other important documents. To improve the quality of life of Russians, the parliamentary structure exercises control over the lawful actions of the courts and law enforcement agencies. An important role Federal Assembly plays in the distribution and consolidation of Russian budget funds. The main prerogative here is the adoption, abolition, increase, or reduction of taxes, fines, and duties.

Parliamentarian and the masses

In people's lives, the rules, priorities, principles, and obligations established by laws play an important role. Therefore, taking part in building an independent strong state is the civic duty of any Russian. This opportunity is provided for by the right to select candidates for parliamentary bodies, regional authorities. The degree of development of not only a particular region, but also Russia as a whole depends on the choice of each of us.

Many features of the life of an ordinary citizen depend on the actions of the government. The opportunities provided to people depend on how competently and correctly the authorities act. Employees of the domestic parliament not only have responsibilities, but also their own holiday, which is celebrated on April 27. This day is not only an occasion to congratulate government workers, but also a good reason to attract the attention of the population to the activities legislative structures Russian Federation.

History of the holiday

If we talk about parliament on a global scale, then the prototypes of this government body appeared in ancient times. In the settlements of ancient European civilizations: Roman and Greek, there were popular assemblies. As the economy, politics and other areas developed government activities, the need for a collective solution to emerging social issues increased even more. Thus, in later periods, meetings and gatherings appeared and successfully functioned in the cities of European countries (Spain, Great Britain, etc.).

Today's holiday was established by Vladimir Putin in 2012. The date of celebration was chosen due to the fact that it was on this day that she started working State Duma, created by Emperor Nicholas II. It was he who became the creator of the first democratic institution in the history of the country, creating a parliament of two parts - the State Duma and the State Council.

The revolution of 1905 led to the emergence of this body. At first only wealthy people could get into it, but in society this caused negative reaction, which led to changes to the rules. To date, the State Duma has come a long way in development and received its own celebration, the purpose of which is to draw the attention of the population to the importance of the work of parliament. The holiday is only a few years old, but we can confidently say that it will remain in demand as long as the Federal Assembly exists in its current form.

Goals and objectives:

1. Instilling in students patriotism, respect for their native country, the small Motherland of its history.

2. Popularization of democratic principles and parliamentarism.

3. Implementation of socialization of schoolchildren.

Progress of the event

Leading :



Scenario “Day of Russian Parliamentarism”

Goals and objectives:

1. Instilling in students patriotism, respect for their native country, the small Motherland of its history.

2. Popularization of democratic principles and parliamentarism.

3. Implementation of socialization of schoolchildren.

Progress of the event


In our country, in different periods history, there were representative authorities with their own specific functions. Today, such bodies have been created and operate at both the federal and regional levels. Today's event is dedicated to the Day of Russian Parliamentarism.

Video “Parliamentary style”

Glorious chosen ones of the people,
Worthy sons of the Motherland,
Strict parliamentary codes,
There is a guarantor of the country's peace!

It’s up to you to set the budget, make laws,
You - Russia - to keep Mother,
May it be great and free
Our Russian Parliamentarism!

Russian Parliament, what do we know about it?
That we have a White House somewhere in Moscow?
And the Russian Duma is already more than a hundred years old,
There is an answer to every question there.

This Duma came to us from ancient times,
She stepped from the Novgorod Veche,
In our age, where parliament has become indispensable,
And we must bow before him.


PARLIAMENTARISM - a system of political organization of the state, in which the functions of the legislative and executive powers are clearly delineated with a privileged position of parliament. This year marks the 113th anniversary of parliamentary reform in Russia. It is not difficult to calculate that the events discussed here date back to 1905.


In October 1905 appeared new document(manifesto "On improvement public order"), in which the foundations of a new constitutional form of governance of Russia were outlined:


The Day of Russian Parliamentarism was establishedJune 27 2012, when changes were made to the Federal Law “On Days of Military Glory and Memorable Dates of Russia.” The establishment of a new holiday is intended to help attract the attention of the population to the activities of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation and legislative authorities in the regions.


The date of celebration was chosenApril 27 . On this day in 1906, the State Duma of the Russian Empire began its work - the first democratic institution in the history of the country. The State Duma became the lower house of parliament, the upper house of which was the State Council.



The emergence of a representative body was the result of the 1905 revolution. After these eventsNicholas II established the State Duma.


With the Bolsheviks coming to power in 1917, the political system changed radically. Parliamentarism has gone into oblivion. A different type of popular representation developed - the Soviets. There was a principle of separation of powers.


And yet, the sprouts of parliamentarism and political democracy made their way during the process of democratization of the Soviet system that began at the turn of the 80s and 90s of the 20th century. After the collapse of the USSR, the formation of new stage Russian statehood.


Legal basis new Russia enshrined in the Constitution of the Russian Federation. The Constitution of the Russian Federation, adopted by popular vote on December 12, 1993, approved a new political system and new bodies of legislative, executive and judicial power. From this moment we can talk about the formal and actual revival of the Russian Parliament.

I am the Constitution of the Russian Federation!

The great country is the basic Law.

Peace and harmony and unity of the nation,

My royal throne is surrounded!

I - to my Russian people,

United by a common destiny,

I bear rights, guarantees, freedoms,

And I determine the state system.

I consider the person to be the highest value,

Dignity and equality and honor

I am ready to defend forever!

And I have faithful helpers with me...

Federation Council one
And the State Duma is different,
There are two chambers, but the function is given
United - so that our dear Rus' may live.

They make laws here
For the citizen and his freedom.
Parliamentarians are always loyal
The Fatherland, and there is no other concern.

Parliament is an attribute of the state,
In which there are prescribed regulations;
All people are waiting for correct laws,
After all, it is because of them that we are elected there.

People's sovereignty in this
And the democracy of a huge country,
Leading everyone with a series of victories
To destiny for each of us...



Currently, the constitutionally enshrined principle of separation of powers operates in the political system of the Russian Federation.


Now, in modern Russia every six years, citizens over 18 years of age go freely to polling stations and participate in elections.

When you turn 18, you can already take part in the elections.

For peaceful labor, for ripe ears

For a bright childhood in the country

And the Motherland will become stronger!

The strength of the fatherland is in your hands,

The hope of youth is in them

Russia is famous for its unity

All my voters,

Make way for our youth

You have been given the right to continue

And, having increased Russian glory,

Live in Russia of the future!

You are a citizen of the Russian Federation!

You have been given broad rights.

You are a representative of the greatest nation

And a patriot of his native country!

Take advantage of your rights to live for glory!

Don't be afraid to take responsibility

For life, study. You are rightfully proud

What does the Motherland believe in you!


Our state pins its hopes for further improvement of life, first of all, on young, energetic, intelligent, honest and decent people.


Russia is a great state, with great history. Be worthy citizens of your state. Thank you all, good luck, success!


2 . What event led to the establishment of the State Duma of the Russian Empire?(revolution of 1905)

3. When were the first modern elections to the State Duma held?(December 12, 1993 on the day of the popular vote on the Constitution).

4. When was the holiday established - the Day of Russian Parliamentarism? ( June 27, 2012)

5. Which branch? state power refers to the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation?

a) to the executive b) to the constituent

c) to the judicial d) to the legislative (representative)

6. Does Russian legislation provide for the direct participation of citizens in resolving government issues?

a) no b) yes, in the form of elections of deputies c) yes, in the form of a referendum.

7. What date is the birthday of parliamentarism celebrated in Russia?

8. When were the last presidential elections in the Russian Federation held?

9. When and how was the current Constitution of the Russian Federation adopted? (The Constitution of the Russian Federation was adopted on December 12, 1993 by referendum.)

Parliamentarism Day, the youngest holiday in the Russian Federation, was established on June 27, 2012, when changes were made to the Federal Law “On Days of Military Glory and Memorable Dates in Russia.” The date of celebration, April 27, was chosen due to the fact that on this day in 1906, the State Duma of the Russian Empire, the first democratic institution in the history of the country, began its work.

The State Duma became the lower house of parliament, the upper house of which was the State Council. After the events of the 1905 revolution, Nicholas II was forced to establish the State Duma as “a special legislative advisory institution, which is provided with the preliminary development and discussion of legislative proposals,” as well as “a list of state revenues and expenses” (read – budget issues). And today the Russian parliament - the Federal Assembly - consists of two chambers: the State Duma and the Federation Council. The first elections to the modern parliament were held on the day of the popular vote on the Constitution, that is, December 12, 1993. It was thought that the establishment of a new holiday would help attract the attention of the population to the activities of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation and legislative authorities in the regions.

Today we have every right to assert that our country has created a state system that meets almost all modern criteria of parliamentarism. It includes: bodies of representative power at all levels, from the bicameral Federal Assembly, consisting of the Federation Council and the State Duma, to regional parliaments and municipal councils; associated executive power, independent judiciary, free funds mass media, various institutions civil society. All this as a whole is, without exaggeration, an achievement of a historical nature, one might say, our national heritage, which should be preserved and developed.

Russian democracy is a young democracy, developing, and the parliamentary system of Russia is not a frozen form of government, but a living socio-political fabric, sensitive to social and economic changes. That is why the problem of increasing the efficiency of legislative bodies at all levels, as the main representatives of the interests of Russian society, remains very relevant.

It is noteworthy that last year alone, the State Duma received more than 1,570 bills, of which about 400 became laws. Experts note a constant increase in the activity of the deputy faction of the United Russia party. She introduces the overwhelming number of bills and also dominates in the number of passed laws initiated by her. In the sixth convocation the performance " United Russia“4 times exceeded the effectiveness of other parliamentary factions.

It is generally accepted that the development of parliamentarism is impossible without strengthening citizens' trust in government institutions. If this trust is reduced or lost, then democracy ceases to exist as such. It is precisely towards strengthening such trust and taking new fundamental steps that the country’s ongoing political reform. That's why great value has been adopted in 2012 new law about parties, the number of which has increased many times. They represent a wide political spectrum. Communists, social democrats and liberals, nationalists and environmentalists, women's rights defenders and Cossacks, motorists and pensioners, athletes and entrepreneurs, monarchists and anarchists, scientists and gardeners created their own (often not just one, but several) parties... the positive side This process is the growth of civic activity, which, hopefully, will be complemented by the growth of the political culture of many socially active groups of the population. Due to the fact that the party system in the country is in a stage of transit and is constantly evolving, the mentioned law was passed in March current year urgent changes have been made.

Another fundamentally important political event of the last period was the creation of the All-Russian Popular Front movement, the leader of which was Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin. The framework of this supra-party movement makes it possible to unite the multifaceted interests of citizens into a single whole and thereby set a common coordinated vector for the movement of our society.

Another very important innovation in our political life is a return to the mixed system of elections to the State Duma. This is a logical consequence of the dynamic development of civil society in the country. The emergence of a large number of public, non-profit, charitable, and volunteer organizations has formed a significant, new stratum for our society public figures. They do not always “fit” into the existing party framework, and therefore into the rules by which election campaigns were conducted. Meanwhile, this significant intellectual force may well become an important reserve for the growth of the national political, economic and cultural elite. Already today, members of the ONF are taking an active part in the formation of the State Duma, regional parliaments, and municipal councils. Single-member constituencies are a field for their entry into political life and at the same time a new stage in the development of civil society in Russia, the next step in the further development of the entire political system.

The procedure for forming the Federation Council has also undergone serious changes. The purpose of the changes is to ensure the maximum possible, in accordance with the norms of the current Constitution, participation of citizens of the region in deciding the issue of their representatives in the upper house of parliament. Today, only one of the deputies delegated there by the majority of deputies of the regional parliament will be able to represent the legislative body of the region in the Federation Council. In other words, these were people who had gone through regional elections and were known to voters.

Moreover, voters in the regions had the opportunity to know at the very early stage of the election campaign who the potential head of the region, in agreement with the regional parliament, would send to the upper house if elected. It is noteworthy that now members of the House of Representatives of the country’s highest legislative body are elected for the entire term of office of the head and parliament of the region, which gives stability to the Federation Council, necessary for the implementation of a number of tasks entrusted to it by the Constitution essential functions, which could be seen from the example of the events around Crimea, the decision to send a group of Russian Military Space Forces to Syria.

It is very important that the practice of electing governors has returned to our political life. Its temporary abolition at the beginning of the century was caused by serious reasons. When Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin was first elected President of Russia, the country, according to many experts and politicians, was on the verge of collapse. Nowadays, many threats have been pushed aside, the situation within the country and in the international arena has noticeably strengthened, political culture has grown, and civil society has strengthened. Election is needed not only by residents of a particular region, but also by the heads of regions themselves. It forced them to listen more sensitively to public opinion and promptly respond to people’s requests. Electivity increases the authority and weight of the governor's post, allows the head of the region to receive a significant number of supporters during the elections, thereby increasing his weight and authority at the federal level.

Both the country's governance system as a whole and parliamentarism as a system of democracy cannot function successfully without the development and implementation of measures to strengthen the interaction of federal and regional legislative bodies. The connecting link between them was the Council of Legislators at the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation - an advisory body that has no analogues in other countries, even in those where the history of a democratic system goes back many decades. Its creation strengthened the constructive dialogue between the chambers of the federal parliament and regional legislative assemblies.

Of course, parliamentarism as a principle and form of political life does not end at the borders of a particular state. It is implemented in bilateral and multilateral parliamentary relations, international organizations, influences them and, in turn, is affected by them. In this regard, it is difficult to overestimate the importance that the participation of our parliament in the activities of the Interparliamentary Assembly of Member States of the Commonwealth of Independent States has for Russian parliamentarism, its enrichment and development, in the development legislative framework for the functioning of the Customs Union and in general - in the process of harmonization of legislation of the CIS countries.

Summarizing the above, we can safely say that in a short period of time, a large-scale political reform has been carried out in our country, aimed at further developing and improving the democratic political system.

The upcoming parliamentary and presidential elections will be the next stage of this difficult work. Perhaps life and future political practice will force us to improve something, reconsider something, but this is one of the immutable laws of the functioning of democratic political systems. There is no place for stagnation, for solutions found once and for all. Thus, serious legislative work will continue in terms of raising the level of municipal government that is closest to the people, their daily needs and demands.

It is impossible not to take into account the international situation, which has a direct impact on the internal situation, in which the development of Russian parliamentarism takes place. Essentially, today war has been declared against Russia. The war is merciless and cruel. And although enemy tanks do not rumble along our roads and the streets of our cities, and the sky is not torn by the roar of flying combat aircraft, this should not mislead anyone. Our country is named in Washington's doctrinal documents among the main threats to its national security, along with the terrorist group "Islamic State" and Ebola. What the West is now doing against Russia is new form a war called network-centric, with the widespread use of organizational weapons, subversive information and psychological operations, preparation for the deployment on our territory of enemy sabotage and terrorist groups represented not only by special forces of the North Atlantic Alliance, but also by jihadist militants.

One of the elements of this war is the rabid criticism of our national leader Vladimir Putin, supported by opposition forces in Russia itself. This can't even be called criticism. This is indiscriminate criticism, behind which one can see one goal - the complete destruction of our country. It has nothing to do with constructive criticism addressed to him, which is appropriate and even mandatory, benefiting the development of Russia.

Our response should be the upcoming elections to parliaments of all levels and municipal bodies of representative power in September. Who we elect, who will receive a deputy mandate for the next few years, how competent the newly elected will be, the ability to defend the moral and ideological values ​​of their people, their country, will largely determine which path Russia will take, and with it and our republic as an integral part of the Russian Federation, will we be able to withstand difficult trials.

On April 7, Russian President Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin, during a meeting with participants of the media forum of the All-Russian Popular Front, spoke about the Russia of his dreams. “It must be independent, powerful, effective, modern, and forward-looking,” he noted. And he added that he sees Russia as a country “where it is comfortable, pleasant and prestigious to live.” So let's build our country together.

For the seventh year now, April 27 has been celebrated in Russia as a national holiday - “Russian Parliamentarism Day”. True, the people on these days, for some reason, neither rejoice, nor rejoice, nor celebrate!

The seventh anniversary is not an anniversary, but an excursion into history will not be out of place. The reference literature describes the following fact: “ Interestingly, it was initially proposed to celebrate the holiday of Russian parliamentarism on the day the Supreme Council of Russia began its work, which opened its first meeting on March 18, 1990. However, the idea was later revised taking into account historians’ comments that Russian parliamentarism is much older.”

The modern parliament really resembles the times of the Russian Empire, with one caveat. If under the autocracy it was initially conceived as an advisory institution under the monarch with the right to express the interests of representatives of “large owners of real estate, large payers of industrial and housing taxes, as well as peasants, under special conditions,” then in post-Soviet Russia it also turned into an “incubator” these same “large owners”. In fact, the interests of the people are no longer the priority of his work. The connection between the supreme ruler and the people is interrupted; there is no support of state power on the people. As before, the “Orthodox tsar, sensitive to the needs,” is a hostage to an insane, inhuman system built according to Western patterns. Thanks to this “woe to parliamentarism,” the Russian state is losing its economic sovereignty and sliding into the abyss of social chaos.

What is remarkable about the year 2019? The holiday was celebrated on Holy Week and coincided with Holy Saturday Orthodox calendar. This is the Day of the Savior’s descent into Hell, His victory and triumph, the liberation of human souls from the bonds of the “prince of darkness.” A very symbolic coincidence, it seems! In addition, many parallels can be drawn with the history of Russia a hundred years ago... In any case, there is a logical connection in the sequence of events during the Russian Empire 1906 -go; 1914 -go; 1917 -th years obvious, direct and immediate.

Let's return, however, to historical facts. We will use TASS reports as a source of information.


On April 27, Russia annually celebrates a memorable date - the Day of Russian Parliamentarism. The holiday was established on June 27, 2012, when Russian President Vladimir Putin amended the federal law “On days of military glory and memorable dates of Russia” dated March 13, 1995.

The memorable date is intended to “promote the popularization of the activities of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation, as well as the legislative bodies of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.” For the first time, official events on the Day of Russian Parliamentarism took place in 2013. On this day, lectures and exhibitions are organized on the history of Russian elected institutions, and parliamentary lessons are held in schools.

History of the Russian Parliament

April 27 ( May 10th New Year) 1906 the grand opening of the first Russian parliament - the State Duma - took place Russian Empire. From 1906 to 1917, the State Duma was elected four times: in 1906, 1907 (twice) and in 1912. Twice it was dissolved ahead of schedule by decision of the emperor - in 1906 and 1907. The total number of deputies was different years from 442 to 524 people. The chamber was responsible for the adoption of laws and approval of the state budget. The last meeting of the Duma in the history of Imperial Russia took place the day before February Revolution February 25, 1917. The powers of the deputies were terminated by the Provisional Government on October 6, 1917.

After the overthrow of the monarchy in 1917, the Provisional Government attempted to create a new parliament. In November 1917, elections to the Constituent Assembly were held in Russia. But already on January 6, 1918 it was dissolved by the Bolsheviks. After the October Revolution of 1917, the supreme body of state power of the Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic (RSFSR) was the All-Russian Congress of Soviets. In 1936, it was replaced by a bicameral Supreme Council, consisting of the Council of the Union and the Council of Nationalities.


By the way, it would be worth mentioning that the Stalinist Constitution of 1936 was considered by many international experts, not without reason, to be the highest achievement in the history of mankind and the development of democracy, as a direct form of democracy. Yes, but we’re not talking about Soviet power!

We are talking about the achievements of Russian “parliamentarism” in the field of state building, the formation of civic consciousness in society, the political system in the interests of the people and the creation of a social state. As was provided for in the Constitution of the Russian Federation of 1993, when parliamentarism was revived.

The people's disappointment in parliamentarism is easy to understand if we compare the published data on the declarations of deputies with the rising prices of basic food products, essential goods, children's goods, medicines, rising utility bills, taxes, fines, etc. How to estimate the income of deputies of legislative assemblies for the poor population of the regions in several billion rubles indicated in their declarations for 2018? How can one justify the transfer of this capital abroad? How to explain the ineffectiveness of Presidential Decrees and legislative measures to return capital, deoffshorize the economy, and fight corruption? Well, certainly not in the interests of the state or the interests of the people!

It cannot be said that the Parliament is not fighting corruption, rather the opposite. In 2006, the UN Convention of October 31, 2003 was ratified, according to which state parties undertake the obligations: “to establish measures and systems requiring public officials to submit declarations of non-official activities, occupations, investments, assets and significant gifts or benefits in connection with which a conflict of interest may arise.”

Since 2008, Russia has launched an unprecedented campaign of all branches of legislative and executive power to combat corruption, entire packages of legislative measures and Presidential Decrees “On Combating Corruption” have been adopted, commissions, committees have been created, public chambers, social movements, public councils V law enforcement agencies and the People's Front. But, as modern “Westerners” and the fathers of liberal reforms say, “civil society institutions are still not enough to fight corruption in the country” /A. Kudrin/.


From January 1, 2013 Russian officials report not only on income, but also on expenses, including expenses of wives (husbands) and children. Acquisition transactions are subject to verification land plot, real estate, vehicle, securities, shares, if the transaction amount exceeds total income over the past three years. The sources of funds at the expense of which transactions were concluded are also required to be declared. On August 19, 2013, a ban on officials having accounts in foreign banks came into force. Failure to comply with the above requirements is subject to administrative punishment, up to and including dismissal with the wording “due to loss of confidence.” Civil servants, according to the law, do not have the right to engage in commercial or entrepreneurial activities.

On November 4, 2015, a law came into force that provides for the possibility of early deprivation of the mandates of parliamentarians if they or members of their families do not submit income declarations on time. Previously, there was no liability for failure to submit or late submission of declarations in the legislation.

The first anti-corruption laws in the Russian Federation

For the first time, the requirement to provide information about income and property in relation to civil servants in Russia was introduced in 1995. According to Art. 12 federal law dated July 31, 1995 "On the basics civil service In the Russian Federation, civil servants were required to provide relevant data to the tax authorities. However, all this information received the status of official secret, and was verified only by the tax service.

Checks of declarations

About 1.6 million government employees file income declarations annually. The information received is verified by the Administration of the President of the Russian Federation and the Anti-Corruption Department. In 2016, according to the head of the department, Oleg Plokhy, about 70 thousand corruption-related crimes were identified (in 2015 - 32 thousand). Gross violations were recognized in 16 thousand cases (in 2015 - 18 thousand) - this is how many officials at various levels were brought to disciplinary liability for failure to comply with anti-corruption restrictions and prohibitions. In total, about 400 people were dismissed in Russia in 2016 with the wording “for loss of trust”, 177 of them based on the results of inspections of declarations (in 2015 - 800 people). In addition, the materials of 1 thousand inspections revealed facts that required the involvement of law enforcement officers. 680 criminal cases were initiated.

It is paradoxical that deputies, when filling out declarations, naively believe their incomes are legal, not contradicting either the essence of the Constitution of the Russian Federation or adopted Convention UN, no morals, no ethics! They consider the deputy mandate as an “indulgence”, as a “shield and sword” in the protection of private property and corporate interests. You just need to integrate into the system, integrate and take advantage of the opportunities - this is the main motive and liberal principle of the formation of the legislative branch.

The Parliamentary Commission for Monitoring the Reliability of Information on Income and Property, which was headed by deputy Natalya Poklonskaya until the end of 2018, did not last long and was disbanded. This decision was made by Parliament, as follows from official statements, for the purpose of systematization and optimization. However, the socio-political background of this internal decision, the so-called. "party in power" is well known to society.

The fight has become planned and is an indicator of accountability. More often, the victims of this struggle are small shopkeepers and “entrepreneurs”, teachers, educators, doctors and other people from the sphere of trade and services, i.e. ordinary citizens who do not have parliamentary or corporate immunity. And also those who do not fit in, or interfere with the system, or pose a threat to someone’s interests. The fight against corruption “on a grand scale” is taking place within the system, without changing its political and anti-people essence. Moreover, the system’s fight against “corrupt officials” becomes a political instrument, an integral part of the election campaign and political technology for managing political processes. The realities are such that in a liberal system of law “corruption” is an inevitable and integral part of “parliamentarism”. There are known cases when deputy mandates become the subject of “purchase and sale”, and political parties do not disdain such a source of income.

When a high-profile arrest of another criminal suddenly occurs in Russia, what is striking is not the scale of the thefts, but the duration of this action in time and space, their well-known nature. Organized criminal communities “under the roof” of the authorities have been operating for years, clearing entire territories of non-systemic people. The moral damage caused to society and the state is not commensurate with the stolen goods. Criminal, in such cases, is not only the action, but also the inaction of the authorities. The trust of citizens is the main resource of the state, therefore crimes of this nature should be qualified by the Code as treason.

As historical experience shows, the liberal dreams of the Russian people about “parliamentarism” are far from reality. It’s time to finally admit with regret that parliamentarism is our delusion, and not best product"development" of Western society. Adopting this experience is disastrous for the state, for justice and legality; this is not our path to development and personal freedom.

“Parliamentarism” is based on human antagonisms and the struggle for power, which serves the interests, not of its own people, nor of society, but of financial-oligarchic groups. This form of political power is antisocial, antisocial in nature in the worldview of the Russian person; it works towards disunity and the atomization of society. It does not correspond to the constitutional identity of Russian civilization, which, with its historical way of life and cultural code, is oriented towards collectivism, conciliarity, and sacrifice in the name of a common cause. This is the imperative for the development of civil society, and Russia, as a sovereign and independent state.

IN modern world PARLIAMENTARISM is a leaky screen of the “Western model of democracy”, behind which hides a totalitarian sect and the interests of national oligarchic capital integrated into the world one.

This is why bitter tears well up on the Days of Celebrations among the Russian people: “What did they fight for?!”

P. S . May 10 N.S. ( April 27, old style.), 2019 can probably also be counted as a memorable date - the day of Russian parliamentarism.