Flu in pregnant women in the second. Questions

Flu - acute high-flowagious disease transmitted by air-droplet and caused by viruses of types A, B and C. Influenza is characterized by increasing temperature, symptoms of intoxication and inflammation of the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract.

For influenza viruses The genetic lability is characteristic - the constant and progressive variability of their structure (that is, the structure of genes is changed, which are contained in influenza viruses), which explains the emergence of new species, to which the population has no immunity. The influenza type virus is the greatest variability. Virus type B is characterized by smaller variability. The type of virus with antigenic variability is not detected.

In recent months, pregnancy and pregnant women are less resistant to infections, and therefore more prone to disease influenza. The sensitivity and susceptibility of pregnant women in infectious diseases is raised, severe and complicated forms are more often registered. influenza during pregnancy. Under the influence of the influenza infection, the body resistance is sharply reduced, the functions of endocrine and immune systems are disturbed, which contributes to the activation of chronic diseases (exacerbation of tonsillitis, pyelonephritis, etc.) during pregnancy and after delivery.

Symptoms of influenza

Characteristic feature of the acute period influenza during pregnancy is the severity of intoxication with poorly pronounced symptoms. The incubation period of the disease is short - from several hours to 1-2 days. In the overwhelming majority of patients, there is an acute start of flu, accompanied by a rapid increase in temperature to high. Most heat (up to 39-40 ° C) is observed in the first two days of the disease, then it is rapidly reduced.

The duration of the fevering period usually does not exceed 2-4 days. In some patients, 1-2 days after the temperature drops, it will again be raised by 1-2 days (the second wave of influenza). By the end of the first day, a picture of the disease is already deployed, a distinctive feature which is the predominance of general inxication phenomena (head, muscular pain, characteristic of the feeling of lobs in the muscles), the most constant early symptom Influenza during pregnancy It is redness and dryness of the ozoom mucosa, nasal congestion (mucous allocations appear on the 2-3rd day of the disease). It is also characteristic of the granularity of the oz - the presence of small lymphatic follicles protruding the surface of the mucous membrane, which are held and after decreasing the temperature, until the 7-8th day of the disease. Back wall The pharynx is also red, dry, not rarely with the presence of large grain. Simultaneously with the increase in temperature, headache, dizziness, pain when moving the eyes, abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting (more often single), sleep disorders - almost constant symptoms of the first day of the influenza disease. The patient has a characteristic influenza appearance: Outlook, re: kaya pallor, sometimes bright cheek painting; cyanosis (bluish shade) of the nasolabial triangle and lips.

The pathogenic effect of the virus is primarily due to its biological properties: preferably lesions of the mucous membrane, lining airwaysand toxicity. The virus penetrates through the respiratory tract, settles on the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract, especially the trachea, and begins to distinguish toxins (a kind of poisons), which with a blood current are spread throughout the body. Penetrating through the placenta, damaging it, the virus with blood flow penetrates the fetal circulatory system.

Influenza during pregnancy

IN I trimester pregnancy (up to 12 weeks) when intensively bookmark internal organs Child, the influence of the virus can adversely affect the formation of fetal systems and organs. The risk of malformations and even the intrauterine death of the fetus appears. There is information that the virus Influenza during pregnancy more affects the neural fabrics of the embryo, causing vices for the development of the central nervous system.

On more late time pregnancy flu Everything is also able to cause fetal infection, lead to adverse the course of pregnancy and create a threat to the abortion of pregnancy, but less than in the first trimester.

Damage to the placenta can lead to the development of blood circulation deficiency in the placenta. More often this violation is to treat. In these cases, pregnancy may end up with a timely childbirth viable child. However, it is possible a little, intrauterine fetal growth delay. As a result, the child is born with a small mass.

Study of adaptation of newborns and children early ageIntroduced by intrauterine influenza virus showed that 60% of them had deviations in development. Many children have lary teething, endocrine disorders, skin-allergic diseases, ARS during newborn period, pneumonia on the background viral infection.

Diagnosis of influenza

Bow diagnosis of influenzathey put on the basis of characteristic clinical signs, but in case of difficulty making a diagnosis, the nature of the disease can be clarified using additional research methods.

Currently to confirm diagnosis of influenza In medical facilities, the method of fluorescent (luminous) antibodies is used to detect the viral antibody in an infected material (for the study, the doctor takes smears from the nose or zoom).

If the flu has been moved in the first half of pregnancy, it is recommended to make the so-called "triple test" in the deadlines of 16-20 weeks of pregnancy - on alpha-fetoprotein (AFP), chorionic gonadotropin of man (HCG) and estriol (must be handed over three hormones, since On two or one to assess the risk of pathologies is often impossible). These analyzes suggest the presence of fetal defects. However, it is necessary to remember that the results of this test are approximate and, when identifying deviations, a number of studies are carried out, as well as consulting genetics. Along with the triple test after recovery, an ultrasound study is carried out. Depending on the results of the "triple" test and ultrasound, you can either calm down or survey on.

Further examination includes a procedure amniocense. With amniocentsis, they take a sample of spindlewater waters and examine it for the presence of pathologies in a child. Although the procedure is carried out very quickly, almost painlessly, under the control of the ultrasound, about 1-2% of cases there is a threat of miscarriage or premature birth.

If the flu has been moved in the second half of pregnancy, then an ultrasound examination is also required to clarify the state of the fetus, dopplerography is a study of blood flow in the fetal vessels, placenta, umbilical cord, cardiotokography - exploitation of the heart activities of the fetus.

Dictionary Terminos

Bronchitis - Inflammation of the bronchi.

Intoxication- The elevation of the body formed in it itself or received from the outside toxic substances.

Contantagiosity - Infectiousness.

Pandemic - an epidemic characterized by the spread of an infectious disease into the territory of the entire country, the territory of neighboring states, sometimes many countries of the world (for example, cholera, influenza).

Pyelonephritis - Bacterial inflammation of the urinary part of one or both kidneys. Tonnsillitis - inflammation of almonds.

Tracheitis - Inflammation of the mucous membrane of the trachea.

Epidemic - the spread of any human infectious disease, significantly exceeding the level of the usual (sporadic) morbidity in this area.

Flu treatment during pregnancy

Flu treatment during pregnancy held at home. The patient provides bedding. Rooms are carried out (preferably every hour), its regular wet cleaning, personal dishes with a patient with flu must be rinsed with boiling water.

With a pregnant influenzashould be provided balanced diet, diet should be full and rich Vitamins. It is desirable to the predominance of milk-coal-water meals with restriction of the content of the cook salt (fermented dairy products are recommended). In the absence of edema, abundant drinking (mole, compote, fruit juices, etc.) is recommended. It is necessary to remove toxins from the body.

At high temperature (above 38 ° C) and pronounced pain syndrome (headache, muscular pain), paracetamol is recommended. However, it should not be abused by antipyretic drugs - it is impossible to use them more often than once every 4-6 hours, limiting the number of receptions per day to 4 times. It should be remembered that the fever contributes to the rapid death of the influenza virus.

For rinsing the throat, it is recommended to use a solution of furaciline. In the pharmacy, you can purchase a ready solution and dissolve it at the rate of 1: 1 (half a compound of the solution on a half-water water) or to make a solution yourself, at the rate of 4 pills of furaziline per 800 ml of water. Tablets must be pouring boiling water and wait for their complete dissolution.

We also use a rinse with food soda -1 teaspoon on a glass of water.

During the cold, you can use vasoconducting drops. When coughing, an expectorant medicine is prescribed, containing thermopsis or altea root, prescribed on a tablespoon 4 times a day.

There is an erroneous opinion that antibiotics help from all diseases, and the drug is "stronger", the better. It is impossible to use antibacterial products yourself! Application antibiotics with influenza In general, irrationally, since antibacterial drugs do not act on viruses, which are located in the core of the cells, - antibiotics cannot "get" the virus. At the same time, the use of antibacterial agents leads to the formation of anti-biotico-resistant microorganisms and is accompanied by a large number of unwanted side Effects. Antibiotics are prescribed only by the doctor, and they are necessary only with such bacterial complications of influenza, like bronchitis, pneumonia, sinusitis, encephalitis, otitis.

During flu treatment during pregnancy The use of immuno-modulating drugs must be discussed with the attending physician in each concrete caseBecause the issue of their use remains a controversial.

Hospitalization pregnant flu In the hospital is carried out with severe diseases of the disease:

  • in the presence of complications (pneumonia, damage to the nervous system, etc.);
  • in the presence of aggravated concomitant diseases (chronic pneumonia, chronic tonsillitis, pyelonephritis, cardiovascular diseases, etc.);
  • in the absence of ability to provide at home good care and the necessary sanitary regime.
  • infusion of chamomile (1 tablespoon pour a glass of boiling water, boil 10 minutes, then the resulting solution to strain and rinse the throat);
  • infusion of calendula (a way to prepare the infusion as for chamomile);
  • infusion of the Medicinal Sage (1 tablespoon of crushed leaves brew 1 cup of boiling water, insist 30 minutes, mortar strain and rinse the throat);
  • siberian eldrelosine (3-4 tablespoons of flowers pour boiling water, boil on low heat for 10-15 minutes, then strain and rinse the throat).


It is known that many diseases are easier to warn than to cure. During the ORZ epidemic, and any other disease, try to take all possible measures to reduce the danger of getting sick. This is especially true for the first three months of pregnancy. For example, limit trips to public transport during the cold season (since the greatest probability to get infected precisely in places of large cluster of the people). Before entering crowded places, especially during epidemic periods, lubricate the nose with oxoline ointment.

To increase the resistance of the body, and consequently, lowering susceptibility to viral infections, the reception of multivitamine complexes for pregnant women is recommended.

In the event that someone from your home sick influenza, Try to limit contact with it, put on a gauze mask, change it every 2 hours, carefully observe personal hygiene measures.

Medications for pregnancy

  • Use drugs only by appointment or after consulting a doctor.
  • If your attending physician has appointed you a drug, then before his reception, you will definitely ask about the possible undesirable consequences for the fetus. Feel free to ask such questions!
  • It is impossible to independently use unknown or unfamiliar medications. Absolutely not necessarily the drug recommended by the media as the best and fastest way to get rid of all signs of the disease will allow to achieve cure. It is best to consult a doctor who can provide you with qualified help.
  • Be careful if you read the instructions for the drug (this is an informational accompanying leaflet lying in the package medical drug) - It may contain information about whether this drug is allowed to take during pregnancy.

Grafs from influenza

Vaccination is the main way to prevent influenza. Conduct it in medical facilities at will during epidemics. Modern vaccinations contain inactivated (killed) influenza virus, therefore it is believed that it is safe for both the mother and for the child. However, if your term of your pregnancy is less than 14 weeks, then you should not be vaccinated from flu! Also none influenza vaccination It does not guarantee that you definitely do not get sick with this disease, since the flu vaccine has a high effectiveness against viruses, antigenibinally similar to those used to obtain this vaccine, but does not act on other type viruses.

The composition of the vaccine changes every year in order to ensure maximum protection against the virus, depending on WHO forecasts (what type of virus will be circulated next season). The high variability of influenza viruses does not allow for full protection, although the appearance in the new season varieties that differ significantly different from their predecessors is not frequent. Thus, it still remains a small, but unpleasant opportunity to transfer flu, often in an erased form, so there will be no increase in immunity. And this is hardening, and a healthy lifestyle, and proper nutrition, and physical activity.

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As a rule, despite all the precautions used, to which all future mothers are trying to resort to to manage, not to dye directly during pregnancy, it is extremely rare for all nine months of tooling crumbs Woman will not get sick and never. However, do not hurry to immediately fall into a panic, if you already feel that somewhere in the throat, I stopped, and from the nose I simply flows. After all, there is a huge chance that all this is a banal, which will not represent the special slightest danger to your future baby. However, somewhat worse, if you have a viral disease, which is called influenza.

So, the flu (from the Latin Grippe) is an acute infectious disease in respiratory tract caused by various influenza viruses. This disease is included in the group called acute respiratory (or). In addition, this disease can occasionally spread in the form of powerful epidemics or pandemics.

Causes of this disease

Such a disease as influenza provokes a strictly defined virus, which is called Myxovirus Influenzae in medical science. So simply, the feet of foot, of course, do not get infected with the flu, and, for example, if anyone coughed you, then it is quite likely that, directly from the previously infected person, this infection can penetrate the body of a previously healthy person. This process is customary to be called air-dropleted by infection. And after a rather short period of time, the person who was recently coughed was completely able to feel broken, and then frankly sick. This happens, because the virus is capable of unusually promptly multiply in its body and, accordingly, to deal with blood flow by almost all parts of his body, creating intoxication (or poisoning the entire body).

The virus is able to destroy the mucous membrane, lining the respiratory tract, thereby damping the organism of the mechanisms that perform their protective functions. But this in turn can cause the most different negative consequencesBy the way, they are among which and such complications as sharp pneumonia, sharp or chronic bronchitis, otitis, or sinusitis. This virus has an extremely negative impact on the human cardiovascular system. So inflammatory disease in the muscles of the heart, which can sometimes develop as a complication of influenza, can provoke even cardiac insufficiency in the body. For pregnant women, the flu can be dangerous precisely by its caused complications, and the most terrible of them is, of course, or that even worse than the threat.

In addition, the body of a pregnant woman, and so weakened flu, can threaten a bacterial infection - it may be staphylococcus, and hemophilic, and even pneumococcal infections. During this disease, forgotten chronic diseases can often be sharpened: such as bronchial asthma or chronic bronchitis, as well as floating outward metabolic disorders (these are gastrointestinal problems of type gastritis and others). They can remind themselves at this time about itself and kidney diseases, or even cardiovascular diseases.

Basic symptoms of influenza

So, for flu is most characteristic sharply in combination with the strongest chills, as well as with the scob in the joints and even with the light, sometimes nausea can appear and even vomiting. And all this together - the real evidence of the strongest intoxication of the whole organism. Further on the second or third day, the dry, and, and a strong unpleasant throat, can also be joined to the number of primary ailments. With such a disease like the flu body temperature, the human body usually rises quite highly, almost up to 40 degrees, and with its periodic even a small fall, the sick person sweats extremely much. Such a state can sometimes last up to seven days. And to all other things directly on the lips in the patient, the flu may also arise.

This viral disease in some of the pregnant women can be accompanied, and sometimes even. And, in fact, as in any other ordinary person, in pregnant women after the transferred influenza can remain asthenia syndrome - and this is an increased fatigue, and constant fatigue, and general weakness and even defeat, and ailment. In addition, all other things are characteristic of both pregnant women with influenza patients with influenza, so for example, harsh emotional disorders. A pregnant woman in such a situation can be like a sufficiently light form of depression, so actually more serious violations of its usual behavior. Future mommy becomes even more irritable, it can be disturbed when you get a strong noise in the ears in the morning and even dizziness, it often may not tolerate bright light, as well as a loud conversation, or even a working TV.

How are flu treated during pregnancy?

So, as the treatment of flu directly in pregnant women has a number of their own characteristics. And, of course, such treatment will definitely be necessary to assign only a qualified doctor to whom actually and should be applied literally immediately as soon as you felt bad. It is necessary to know that many of the usual anti-happier funds, for pregnant women simply contraindicated. For example, aspirin, some drugs that help against cough, as well as vesseloring, and certain antiviral drugs are completely prohibited during pregnancy. In the treatment of influenza, pregnant women doctors try to make an emphasis on folk or at least homeopathic medicinal products. Showing flu also as much as possible drinking. After all, the fluid produced by the body will help you flush such a dangerous and unpleasant virus.

It will be better to drink anything with a look that contains vitamin C - it may be hot tea is desirable with raspberries or at least with lemon and honey. It is perfectly suitable in such a situation of fruits, or just a decoction from Rosehip. The only antipyretic, which recommended pregnant women is, of course, paracetamol. If you are worried about a strong cough, the doctor will be able to assign you certain or those specific antitussive drugs that were allowed to use during pregnancy. It will be unusually useful in such a situation, there will be ordinary steam inhalations, and it is desirable with the influence of herbs such as calendula, chamomile, mint, eucalyptus, hunting, pine buds, a richness, and others. Any of antibiotics in the disease of the woman with the flu is usually not prescribed.

What could be the consequences of such a disease during pregnancy?

As it would neither wanted to say otherwise, but the consequences of influenza suffered during pregnancy will be able to be the most different and sometimes dangerous, and none of the doctors with 100% absolute confidence can tell you, will affect or not this disease on the development of your child will affect . It is worth it now only to note that the flu is most dangerous on the most early timing Pregnancy, usually up to 12 weeks. After all, it is precisely this period when all the most important organs and fabrics of your future kid are laid, in fact, that is why it is so important that the pregnancy begins on this period as favorable.

And in subsequent periods of pregnancy, the child will only grow and then the influenza disease is unlikely to affect the structure of its organs or tissues. If such a flu disease was still able to negatively affect the development of the future child in the womb, then, most often, no matter how regrettable it sounds, such a pregnancy can be interrupted. If after the transferred influenza, the pregnancy next proceeds absolutely smoothly and without the slightest complications, which officially prove normal indicators In the results of the tests and ultrasound research (it is ultrasound, it shows whether everything remained in order with your baby, and with the placenta), then you have nothing to worry about, and with your future baby everything is fine.

Surveys for infreational influenza

However, it definitely exists a small one, but everything is the possibility of infection of the future child in particular with too much flowing of such a disease as influenza (often this disease that occurs with complications). And, of course, check whether everything with your future baby is in order, the so-called "Triple Test" among doctors can help. These are analyzes for AFP, for the presence of estriol and hCG. And of course, these three hormones are for the analyzes - it is simply necessary, since the risks of the occurrence of pathological changes will often be unrealistic to correctly evaluate only two or in general one of them. It is necessary, however, to say that even with such a deep study, the test results are often unreliable, because they depend on much the number of factors. Although the results of the "triple" test that a woman has relocated several times, can claim much reliability, and can really show whether you can calm down or, on the contrary, you will have to continue the surveys.

But the subsequent surveys will not cost without the procedure of the so-called amniocente. With this study, the sample of arrogant water is taken. And exploring this fluid, the presence of various pathologies for the future child is checked. However, in this case, to great unfortunately, none of the doctors will give you 100% guarantees of whether some deviations will be absent or present. In this case, this procedure may also be incredibly dangerous, although it should be absolutely painless and fast enough, and even under the control of the ultrasound. But the threat of miscarriage or in the later deadlines of premature births will exist in about one or two percent of cases after this procedure. Actually, this is why everything should be thought out as much as possible and weighing, and before you agree to such an unsafe study.

Basic measures for the prevention of influenza in pregnant women

As we have already noted the likelihood of infected with a viral disease in pregnant women is definitely higher in comparison with other people, since general immunity in women in position is often weakened. Doctors also argue that the epidemics of such a disease as flu can be easily predicted, because such usually arise in a strictly defined period of time (this is autumn, or spring). Actually, that is why modern doctors strongly advise before such an epidemic simply make flu vaccination. Today it is believed that such a vaccination is absolutely safe for the future baby, since all modern vaccinations contain only inactivated (or killed) influenza viruses. But the exception is only those women who have a period of pregnancy will not exceed fourteen weeks - and they should not be unambiguously done. In addition, it is guaranteed that a particular person will not be able to get sick with this disease, none of the influenza vaccinations will not be able. The real opportunity to get sick with such a virus, let both in a lighter form, still will exist. And this is the best reason or rather the most best reason increase your immunity with hardening, or healthy image life, with the help of proper, balanced nutrition, and moderate physical activity.

But for the prevention of this disease, many doctors strongly advise periodically lubricate the mucous membrane of the nose with oxoline ointment. Moreover, it is necessary to do this immediately before entering the place of the accumulation of a large number of people. In the evening, immediately before bedtime, it will be possible to rinse the mouth with a tincture of eucalyptus leaves or calendula flowers, which can simply wash off all malicious microbes that could accumulate there for a whole day.

In the height of the cold epidemics, the question "How to treat flu during pregnancy?" It is very relevant for future mothers.

What if you got sick with flu?

What medicines can be used?

If you have noticed the symptoms of a cold - it is necessary to consult a doctor, because it is important to understand what you got sick: it may be a banal ORVI during pregnancy or flu.

Depending on the diagnosis, treatment tactics may vary greatly.

How to treat flu during pregnancy?

  1. Try to use More fluid.

Influenza viruses do not like acidified abundant drink, so boil yourself compotes from dried fruits, brew a rose rose in the thermos, make infusions from frozen berries: raspberries, currants, cranberries, lingers.

  1. Use accessible to treatment folk remedies, such as the:
  • consumption of garlic in food;
  • rinse the throat with infusion: Sal Soda-iodine;
  • brew herbs: chamomile, calendula and use them for rinsing.
  1. Do not knock the temperature below 38.5.

The temperature shows that the body actively struggles with the virus and he should not interfere. The temperature of up to 38.5 does not need to be reduced, precisely against the background of this temperature, the viruses are destroyed.

  1. The doctor is better to call the house.

When influenza, call the doctor to the house, in order to do not pick up another infection when visiting the clinic.

  1. Everything chemicals To facilitate the symptoms of cold and flu should be used only After consulting a doctor.

Make the main emphasis on drugs allowed for reception to children from birth or from one year. So you will be sure that these drugs have passed a qualitative test and will not harm the child within you.

  1. Observe hygienic measures.

Bed regime, separate towel, separate dishes and possible gauze bandage for you. Wet cleaning apartment, ventilation. All these measures will allow to exclude infection with flu of all your loved ones, which means that the flu virus will not circulate inside the apartment.

Each of us gets to get sick. Experience many numerical epidemics showed that this acute infectious disease may be caused by the most different influenza viruses, including poorly studied.

And according to the classification, the flu refers to the group of ARVI (sharp respiratory viral infections). From time to time, the flu applies to the world in the form of powerful epidemics, mowing all - old and small, and including the most vulnerable part of the population - pregnant women.

Why do we have fun

Sometimes we are mistakenly called the flu usual cold, which we managed to pick up, shocked legs. But if I happened to sit next to the infected influenza man, and he coughed in our presence, - the infection may well penetrate the body. That is, we have become infected with air-droplet with influenza. After a while we feel weakened, and later - frankly sick. What's happening? The virus is rapidly multiplied in the body of a sick person, spread over all parts of the body, poisoning every one.

The virus can hit the mucous membrane, which protects our respiratory tract. And this can end with pneumonia, bronchitis, otitis, sinusitis. In addition, may suffer cardiovascular vascular system man, for example, it is possible to develop heart failure.

Flu during pregnancy is very dangerous disease . The most serious complication after the transferred influenza is premature childbirth or that the worst thing is the threat of miscarriage. But this is not all influenza goats that threaten the future mother. Staphylococcus, hemophilic and pneumococcal infections are not excluded.

In addition to trouble that will bring these infections, chronic diseases of the woman can be acted against them: bronchial asthma, bronchitis, problems with metabolism, kidney or heart disease.

During the flu epidemic, a pregnant woman should be on guard. The flu immediately declares itself high temperatures, chills, fragile in the joints. Even the lights, nausea and vomiting may appear. All this is signs of organism poisoning. If you immediately do not cause a doctor or "ambulance", the flu will give a dry cough, a runny nose and a throat.

It continues to hold high temperatures, it can reach a 40-degree mark. Such a condition woman will experience at least a week. Even if everything cost without tragic consequences, a pregnant woman will feel bad for a long time: to experience weak, fast fatigue and overall malaise.

For women, a depressive state is characteristic of this time, a change in the usual behavior manner. She becomes irritable, she is worried about dizziness and noise in the ears, barely tolerate bright light and any conversations around.

In most cases, a pregnant woman gets rid of influenza at home. Of course, with strict observance of certain rules, and above all, a strict bed mode, a daily wet cleaning and hourly ventilation of the room where it is located. And such a trifle: the dishes that the patient enjoys is mandatory rinsed with boiling water.

  • Food

It should be full and rational, with a predominance of fruits and vegetables, equal milk products. If a woman does not suffer from edema, it shows abundant drinking in the form of compotes, horses, juices. All this will help you quickly save the body from toxins.

  • Temperature

If the body temperature does not fall below 38 degrees, and the woman complains about head and muscular pain, the doctor will recommend taking the antipyretic agent - paracetamol, but it is possible to take a medicine after 4 to 6 hours, a total of no more than four times a day.

  • Treatment of Horla

The throat will quickly cease to hurt when rinking it with a solution of furaticiline in warm water (1: 1). If there are only pills of furacin in the house, you can independently make a solid for rinsing (4 tablets dissolve in 800 ml of boiling water and cool).

A good remedy for the treatment of the throat is the food soda (1 h. Spoon) dissolved in a glass of water.

  • Rubble

In the treatment of a cold, not to do without vasodilative drops. Not all of them are suitable for pregnant women, so you need to choose, consulting your doctor.

  • Cough

While the cough did not become exhausting, you need to start drinking an expectorant mixture, which the doctor was discharged. This tool usually contains the root of Altea or the thermopcis it needs to be taken daily four times on one tablespoon.

A pregnant woman should know that it cannot be independently assigned to himself antibacterial agents, especially since there is no benefit from the treatment of flu. In the rarest cases, with a bacterial complication (pneumonia, sinusitis, encephalitis, otitis) can write an antibiotic.

In addition, the future mothers need to remember that it is impossible without a council with a specialist to take little-known drugs, even if the media represents them as the most efficient and safe, capable of effectively healing from influenza.

Home treatment usually eliminates a pregnant woman from influenza. And only a severe form of illness can cause hospitalization.

How do you feel after the disease?

Of course, transfer flu is not the best prospect for the future mother. And even if the treatment helped, and the woman feels great, the doctor often sends it to research, which will determine how Mother's disease has suffered.

In the first half of pregnancy, a triple test for hormones is usually carried out. He will answer the question: is there any defects in the development of the child? It is also possible to consult a genetics doctor.

In the second half of pregnancy, the woman passes through the re-ultrasound, special equipment explores the heart activities of the fetus and blood flow in the placenta.

As you know, not to do long and unfailing treatment, any disease must be warned. Especially when it comes to influenza. As soon as the flu epidemic begins, a pregnant woman should do everything to avoid danger. This applies to women in the first three months of pregnancy.

In winter, you need to use public transport as much as possible. During the epidemic, do not leave the house, without lubricating the nose with oxoline ointment. And most importantly, to pay special attention Reception of special multivitamin complexes that strengthen the body resistance to viral infections.

If someone from family members got sick, - future mom Should immediately wear a gauze mask and change it as often as possible.

Vaccination of pregnant women is a voluntary business, spend them in clinics when the flu epidemic begins. There are ladies who have persistent prejudice to such as prevention. In this case, you should talk with your doctor who will convince that this vaccination is equally safe for the mother, and for the child. But vaccination is carried out only if the term of pregnancy is less than 14 weeks.

Phytotherapy will help to cope with the flu

Folk recipes well support medical anti-influenza methods. Pregnant women can be confident some of them.

  • Rinse throat with chamomile. You can cook it very quickly: a tablespoon of dry flowers brew boiling water, on a small fire to boil 10 minutes, strain, cool.
  • The infusion of calendula is preparing just like a chamomile. Also very useful for rinsing the throat.
  • Sage tea. The tablespoon of dry leaves is brewed with a glass of boiling water, half an hour insisters. Then to strain infusion, and you can use.
  • Infusion of elder. Several spoons of dry flowers boil a quarter of an hour on a weak heat in a glass of water. Strain, cool, and then periodically rinse the throat.

For reference: the word "influenza" came to our tongue from France. And the French borrowed it from latin language: "INFLURE" - that is, "invade". therefore for a long time Influenza called influenza everywhere, and later, again in France, renamed it to "Grippe", which means "grab".

With the onset of pregnancy, the female organism is so physiologically arranged, the immune system is subjected to suppression, simple words - Immunity is suppressed. It is necessary that the maternal organism does not perceive - a fertilized egg (zygota, embryo) as an alien organism. In essence, the embryo is an object consisting of a foreign protein.

With the beginning of pregnancy and during its current, the risk of colds in the form of influenza, ARVI or ORZ - increases. Therefore, future mothers are not recommended to attend lively places and use urban transport.

  • Cold Na
  • Rubber - as a sign of pregnancy
  • How does a cold affect the fetus?
  • Symptoms of colds in pregnant women
  • Flu during pregnancy
  • What to treat a cold? What can and what can not?
  • Medicinal preparations for the treatment of colds in pregnant women
  • How can I shoot down the temperature?
    • Paracetamol
    • Analgin
  • Recommendations in the treatment of cold during pregnancy (ARVI, flu)

Cold as a sign of pregnancy

The cold during pregnancy can be the very first symptom of an interesting position. Immediately after conception, the concentration of two hormones - estrogen and progesterone rises sharply. In the early period of pregnancy, it becomes a reason for a moderate increase in temperature, its oscillations from normal to subfebrile (37.5 ° C) - chills.

A woman may not suspic what is pregnant, but hormonal changes are already allowed to know. As well as increased temperature From the first days of pregnancy appear:

  • lubrication in the body;
  • general weakness;
  • drowsiness and fast fatigue;
  • lethargy and drought;
  • rubber (rhinitis).

These "colds" signs may arise on the background of normal temperatures, even before the delay of menstruation, under the action of a "hormonal burst". In the initial periods of the cold may be pregnancy.

In any case, it is necessary to remember that the temperature is up to 38 ° C - does not require radical treatment, it is impossible to knock it down by paracetamol or any other antipyretic means.

Rubber in pregnancy

Such a ball like a runny nose can be a manifestation of different diseases, optionally colds. For example:

  • ORVI;
  • rinosinusitis;
  • allergic rhinitis;
  • vasomotor rhinitis;
  • pregnant rhinitis;
  • 3 trimester - common sweeping syndrome.

In the third trimester, the body is preparing for childbirth ,. In this case, the swelling of the nasal mucosa and the congestion is the manifestation of edema syndrome.

"Hormonal rhinitis" or a runny nose of pregnant women can accompany the woman all 280 days before childbirth. And treatment does not require. Allergic runny nose and vasomotor rhinitis (in pregnant women it has more vivid manifestations than before conception) against the background of temperatures up to 37.2 - 37.5 ° C can be perceived by a woman as a cold symptoms, but essentially they are not.

Cold in early pregnancy It may not be a symptom of the disease. Therefore, the differential diagnosis should be carried out by the doctor and cannot be treated independently, taking antipyretic drugs undesirable. The doctor will focus not only on complaints of the laid nose and an increase in temperature, but also on the results of analyzes, local manifestations.

Acute respiratory viral infections during pregnancy have similar signs, but an infectious damaging agent (virus) can be any of this large group: respiratory-syntial infection, paragripp, rhinoviruses, adenoviruses, roviruses, influenza viruses and others.

How does the cold affect the fetus during pregnancy?

Unfortunately, it is impossible to answer this question, it depends on:

  • women's health status before pregnancy;
  • from the term when a woman fell ill with a cold (1 trimester of pregnancy - the most favorable, susceptible and thinner);
  • the presence of aggressive somatic diseases.

There is no doubt that the fruit suffers from the colds of the mother in pregnancy:

  • he has oxygen starvation (hypoxia);
  • the risk of congenital defects is not excluded;
  • the cold may complicate the threat of abortion;
  • secondary infections can join.

Symptoms of colds during pregnancy

True colds during pregnancy is also manifested as in the "Dobanent" organism. Among the symptoms of ARVI during pregnancy:

  • runny nose;
  • acute throat pain;
  • sneeze;
  • headaches and pain in the eyeballs;
  • break, weakness, dizziness;
  • articular and muscle pain, lubrication in the body;
  • liquid chair;
  • temperature increase;
  • increased lymph nodes.

Influenza during pregnancy

The flu during pregnancy, in contrast to rinovius, adenovirus infection has more pronounced symptoms of intoxication (high temperature, muscle pain, lubrication in joints, sharp fatigue). They prevail over catarrhal phenomena. For influenza, a sharp beginning is characterized by a full well-being. Pregnant can clearly answer the question when she fell ill with an accuracy of minutes.

The flu is dangerous by the development of severe forms of the disease, the addition of bacterial infection. Therefore, the treatment of influenza in pregnant women should occur in the hospital.

What to treat cold during pregnancy?

In the first place in the treatment is the compliance with the mode: you need to get enough sleep, limit physical exercise, very carefully applies to itself and to changes in a state. Because during the disease there should be no factors for which additional expenses Forces. All symptoms of intoxication during ORVI are removed with abundant drink. Cold for pregnancy with a temperature of more than 38.5 ° C requires the appointment of antipyretic agents.

In such a state, when the nose is incorporated so that breathing is difficult and pregnant can not sleep because of this - nasal decochy (vasoconstrictor drugs) are prescribed. In most cases, they are safe, but if they are taken episodically: during the day no more than 3-4 times short course. During pregnancy, due to increased blood circulation in the blood flow, the drug is received more than in a non-remote organism and systemic manifestations can be observed - an increase in blood pressure, angiosphazms. The placenta vessel spasms leads to a violation of the blood supply to the fetus and hypoxia, an increase in the heart rate at the kid.

Medications from colds during pregnancy

Practice shows that during pregnancy, women often prescribe treatment with antiviral drugs. But it is proved that they "work" only with flu. With the rest of the ARVI, they do not have the evidence base and their reception at best is useless.

The effect of preparations for ORVI during pregnancy:

  • Viferon Candles with a cold is prescribed quite often, but they are ineffective. This is a group of interferon, an analogue of Viferon - Baferon. As an aid for the treatment of ARVI during pregnancy, it is possible to use, but not as the main one.
  • So it is not reliably known how they affect the fruit. Research in this area is extremely small.
  • Herbs and dietary supplements are extremely recommended. There is a generally accepted principle that is not thoroughly studied - not to apply.
  • Vitamins - preparations, helping the body to deal with the disease. They are needed. But if already appointed antiviral tools And other medicines their reception is better to postpone until the main treatment is completed. Several drug plasma drugs can interact and have an effect other than expected.
  • It used to be believed that Vitamin C helps to recover and reduce the time of illness. Studies were conducted in which it was proved that globally vitamin C does not affect the course of ARVI. For prevention, this biologically active vitamin is also not worth taken. For this purpose, a large dosage is used - 1 gram. In this high concentration, vitamin penetrates the placenta and theoretically can influence the child. What will be this influence - not studied.
  • Antibiotics - antimicrobial drugs - in the debut of colds (influenza and ARVI) are not prescribed, since they do not act on the virus. Treatment with antibiotics at the beginning of a viral infection does not prevent the development of bacterial infection in the subsequent. If bacterial infection develops against the background of taking antibiotics, it will have to change tablets to another group of drugs. Miricorganisms produced resistance - they become insensitive to the medicine. Therefore, the treatment with any antibiotics appoints only a doctor on the fact of the presence of a bacterial infection.

What to shoot down a high temperature during pregnancy?

High temperature during pregnancy is one of the most adverse factors affecting the fruit. Animal experiments have shown that the high temperature in 1 trimester can cause malformations of development. The damaging effect of temperature begins when the temperature rises more than 1.5 degrees and is saved at least 8 hours.


In order to reduce the temperature during pregnancy, you can take preparations that can be baby and do not wait for it to decrease yourself.

At the beginning of pregnancy, the temperature can be 37.2 - 37.5 ° C - it does not require treatment normally and treatment. But if the temperature is 38.5 ° C - this temperature must be configured.

The safest and most studied drug from the group of antipyretic medicinal preparations - Paracetamol. It can be taken with pains of any localization (head, throat,). However, it is inherent, as well as all medicines, side effect. That is, an adverse effect on the mother and in high concentrations is on the fruit. Paracetamol hepatotoxic - it can affect the liver. During pregnancy, during a cold, a drug in a dose of up to 2 grams can be used, as a last resort - to 4. In 3 trimester, paracetamol is recommended to receive at a dose of no more than 1 gram and in monotherapy (not in combination with other drugs, such as caffeine, vasoconducting).


The side effects of Analgin are found very rare, despite this, they are very significant: agrunulocytosis, the risk of developing nephroblastomes (Williams tumors) and leukemia in a child increases. During pregnancy, at a cold, metamizole (analgin) cannot be taken, its use in 3 trimester is especially dangerous. The use of analgin is associated with the development of agranulocytosis in a newborn. Combined sodium metamizole preparations - also not to accept.

Agranulocytosis is a sharp decrease in blood cells and monocytes in the blood, the child's body immediately becomes affordable to bacterial, fungal infections, since there are no cells in the blood capable of opposing diseases.

Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs for the treatment of colds in pregnant women in 3 trimester

Diclofenac, Ketanal, Ketarol, Ibuprofen - according to the testimony and with permission of the doctor can be used in 2 trimester of pregnancy. In the third trimester, only paracetamol is allowed to use.

Risks for the baby when taking the NSAID in 3 trimester:

  • Premature closure of arterial duct, which leads to pulmonary hypertension. It is very difficult to treat.
  • The use of the NSAIDs may adjust the date of delivery - initiates the rejection of pregnancy.
  • Increased blood loss in childbirth, as the chopping function is reduced by the mother.
  • Formation of diaphragmal hernia.
  • Delay of the intrauterine development of the fetus.
  • Reducing the number of accumulating waters.
  • When taking the NSAID directly before childbirth - at the end of the term - the risk of necrotic enterocolitis in the newborn.
  • Cerebrovascular hemorrhage in a child

The preparation of choice to reduce the temperature during a cold during pregnancy - paracetamol. It is impossible to take analgin and its combinations with other active ingredients. Avoid for treatment in 3 trimester of any non-steroidal anti-inflammatory diseases (after). Before and it is not advisable to take any painkillers and antipyretic drugs.

Preventment of colds during pregnancy

Via preventive Mer You can prevent colds (influenza and ORVI). During pregnancy, there is very undesirable to attend mass events: theaters, exhibitions, concerts especially in the period of colds (in autumn, in winter). Need to avoid public transport. These unpaid actions are recommended to use and when planning pregnancy, when spouses make an attempt to get pregnant.

It is necessary to treat themselves with great precaution and watch the flu surrounding during the epidemic, in order to notice and isolate and isolate to be excluded, or immediately eliminate contact with a sick family member.

If someone got sick at home, and there is no possibility to send the sick to relatives, for example, a husband or child - it is necessary to "move" the patient to a separate room, to provide separate dishes and regular ventilation of the rooms. If the house has a portable Ufo lamp for home use - be sure to "quartz" the premises.

If there are children preschool age, it is advisable to interrupt the visit to the child kindergarten, developing classes, etc. Children at this age are often sick, they are in contact with peers, exchange microflora and ill. The kid can easily pass, but for a pregnant mother infection can be quite serious.

A gauze bandage practically does not help a healthy person not to get sick. But if there is no other output, it can be used, while changing every 2 hours, wash and stroke. If the house has a family member who has witnessed - wearing masks need to be all and healthy and sick.

During the epidemic, it is undesirable to attend a female consultation doctor. If you have the opportunity to agree with my doctor for a certain time - do it. So you reduce the risk to get infected with flu while waiting for a queue. By order, the reception of pregnant women occurs on certain days when only healthy pregnant women come to the reception (as in the children's clinic - day healthy child). This may be the right any day appointed by the LCD administration.

If the pregnant has proclaimed randomly with a sick person - on the street, in the elevator, then coming home you need to wash your hands with soap and rinse the nose with a salt solution, rinse the throat. So you will reduce the risk of getting sick. The virus, falling on the mucous membrane, is simply simply on the surface and then penetrates the cells. If coming home, you will make washing the mucous membranes, then the chances of developing colds are reduced. The throat can be ringed with brine or chamomile decoction. Do not apply for rinsing soda, it dries mucous. It can be used when there is a raid on the almonds and it is necessary to break it. It is undesirable to add iodine. It will penetrate the high concentration into the blood through the mucous membrane, and is dangerous for the fetus.

Before entering the street, you can apply to the oxaline ointment ointment and ointment of Viferon, it will not have an antiviral action, but will become a mechanical barrier to penetrate the virus. Upon returning home the nose must be rinsed again.

To strengthen the immune system, a pregnant woman can take Vitamin D as agreed with the doctor. It is possible to fill in its lack using fatty varieties of fish and eggs.

What if pregnant fell ill orvi or influenza?

When the cold symptoms appear in 1-3 trimesters of pregnancy, stay at home and observe the bed mode. With a doctor from a female consultation or Feldsher, please contact the phone and get advice in the telephone mode. Without permission, do not accept independent treatments. Maximum that you can independently - abundant hot drink in the form of a broth from homemade chicken, tea with fresh or frozen raspberries or currant (no need to be confused with jam, in which after cooking useful substances minimum). You can drink warm milk with honey, if there is no allergies for beekeeping products ,.

The fluid that falls when drinking tea into common blood flow - reduces general intoxication and effect on the fruit, due to gain. Fitomymbastors - chamomile tinctures, ginseng, licorice is extremely harmful for the fetus, so they are preparing for alcohol.

Folk remedies for the treatment of colds during pregnancy

Healers recommend in the acute period to use the natural immunomodulator - horseradish. The root is rubbed on a small grater, mixed in proportion 1: 1 with sugar, and insist 12 hours in the refrigerator. Take 1 teaspoon per hour.

Chicken broth from homemade chicken with the addition of dill, pepper, large amounts of Luke has a miraculous effect: reduces cold symptoms and acts on cellular immunity. The tool gives strength, delivers a feeling of comfort and satisfaction, reinforces the outflow of mucus from the nasopharynx and bronchi, stimulates the restoration of damaged cells, restores the function of the wildlothery's faceted epithelium. The broth from the concentrates listed effects does not possess.

Excellent antimicrobial agent -. The root is crushed, 2 teaspoons are poured with boiling water and insist 10-20 minutes. You can add a slicer to drink.

Bactericidal properties possesses. It contains phytoncides with antiviral action and vitamins. It can be taken in food, or inhale its fragrance.